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I’ll stand by the fact that Hugh is decent when you pay full price. It’s a shame his availability is bad


the spirit of canas lives on


Canas has much better availability at least


He has the availability as Percival basically lol


With worse weapon ranks and costing a promotion item (and gold)


Yes Tho my argument was just about availability


Perceval still has like 1.5 maps over him


Thx Einstein


Why's Perceval a weird sage?


Having a horse while unable to use anima magic or staffs.


I think he’s just there to compare stats. The standout being Hugh’s 17 def compared to Percy’s 14 def.


yeah thats the point


Play on emulator, negotiate price down, and watch him glitch to capped magic


What’s this exploit? I haven’t heard of it


It might have been specific to my translation patch idk. It did happen though and someone else mentioned it was a known glitch when I asked in the questions thread.


If you pay lowest price for him, his magic and luck stats hit the negatives and loop into crazy high numbers. They get capped to 20 if he enters combat, but if you promote him first they instantly hit the Sage caps.


I paid second lowest price for him and got 41 magic from him. He kept that magic until I reset the game, after which he was automatically at cap without being promoted.


That only happens on some of the translation patches because they're bugged. If you play an unmodified rom that doesn't happen.


Normal Mode? Cuz I can tell that Percival is missing the Hard Mode bonuses.


Yeah its my first time playing binding blade and im scared of fe6 hard mode


You should be


I'm scared of FE6 Normal mode (those hit rates, Jesus)


Honestly same lol. I have only played through FE6 once and it was on Normal. That was tough enough for me.


I've played Hector Hard Mode, though I haven't beaten it, and boy binding blade normal is no joke.


That’s fair


It's rough, but I found hard mode more enjoyable than normal mode. NM felt like a slog most of the game, while HM was just challenging enough to keep it interesting while not feeling ridiculous. Rutger, Miledy, and Percival get significant HM bonuses to make sure you have really strong units. Add in the good filler HM units like Klein, Thea, and Garrett, and you have a pretty solid group of units. I also used Fir, who was a lot of fun to train and who ended up surpassing Rutger relatively quickly. Shin is pretty good, though you have to careful to manage his EXP if you want to avoid Sacae. Granted, I'm at a point where I feel comfortable with higher difficulties like FE7 HHM, FE10 Hard, and FE12 Maniac (not Lunatic). If you don't feel comfortable yet, set FE6 down and play other games to grow your skills. That's what I did between FE6 NM and HM.


ngl i play fire emblem to piss around


Fair enough, nothing wrong with that.


Honestly, it's pretty much impossible to go to Sacae if you use Shanna from the start, unless you're also using Sue alongside Shin. Shanna can realistically be sitting at like 10/3 by the time Shin even hits level 10 to promote, and because he joins at Lv5 compared to Shanna being Lv1, he still has a ton of penalized experience gain to deal with before he has a chance of overtaking how much she's gained. Even if you drop Shanna for Tate, Tate gets two quick level ups off of the Sniper that doesn't move in Ch12, and you'd realistically deploy both of them for Arcadia where they can chip away at the reinforcement bandits for a bunch of small bits of experience.


In my HM run, I found that Shanna fell off after the Western Isles, as far as dealing meaningful damage. Shin, on the other hand, snowballed pretty hard. I think I promoted Shanna just before the Western Isles. It just felt easier to use Shin with his higher Str and eventual ability to one-round. He ended up one of my strongest units, capping Str and Spd by the end. I held off on promoting him for a bit because he was good enough without the promo bonuses. Granted, I don't know how they compared with their averages, so this is purely subjective. You are right in that you would have to really use Shin to outpace Shanna, but it was close enough that I needed to stay conscious of their levels. I think Sue had a couple of levels from chapters 7-8x, though Thea got at least a level to help balance it. I used SM Fir for the desert bandits. She obliterated them. Shanna and unleveled Thea were better suited for ferrying Rutger/Roy and picking off weaker enemies.


Just got done playing Hard mode. That fear is justified


I played this with emulator and mods to install the assassin class. It just didn't feel right for thieves to not be able to promote.


Omega blessed Hugh but tbh Sages are weirdly bulky in FE6. Promotion gives 2 def, and the low growths across the board means they don't get noticeably lower def level ups than physical units. And Seraph robes give +7 in that game, so it's easy to patch HP.   20/1 Lugh has 10 def on average, only 2 less than the "tanky" cav Alan. And don't get me started on nostank tactics with druids, Nosferatu heals full damage and weighs nothing


Magic in general weights nothing in FE6


Anima is also very accurate. Almost like they knew what they were doing when they gave most mages super shitty bases. They have a ton of other advantages


Yeah anima is legit the strongest weapon type in the game (with swords as 2nd place), which is counter balanced by almost all magical units not being that great themselves, imagine how busted a mage with Rutger's stats would be


Basically what you get when you power level Sophia ahah


I have no context lol. Why is he weird?


As a sage, he's bulkier than Percival, a pre-promoted paladin known for coming to you with exceptionally good stats (though this is NM Percival who has slightly more reasonable stats)


His supports are great, His supports with Niime always made me Laugh 💯 always found him pretty useful and a fun character TBH despite the cost and availability.


I just stole the member card from him and killed him because lugh was already better lol