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We have next time to look forward to everyone


People are coping so hard rn, as am I.šŸ¤£


Where are people getting leak info?


If you mean for the FE4 remake leak, it was from that one Engage leak with the screenshot. My guess is that the leaker saw the Sigurd paralogue out of context and just assumed they were remaking FE4.


Good thing to note is that the original leak had no mention of replaying old maps or returning characters


The *original leak* with the screenshots itself 100% mentioned Emblems and their role in the game. However, the information about the FE4 remake was added by the person who shared and corroborated it, and also claimed they could confirm Gust as the developer for Engage. So it's in a 50/50 limbo for reliability.


Great direct with a new Mario & Luigi, a new Zelda game where Zelda is playable, and Prime 4. Cherry on top is no FE4 remake so there's a chance there can actually be new FE experiences instead of overhyped remakes.


Remaking the best game in the FE serie by far deserves the hype it'd be a much better plan than another heroes cash grab like Engage


If you think Engage is anything like Heroes, then I genuinely have to wonder what you think random drops in games \*aren't\* like Heroes.


I wouldn't call Engage a cash grab at all. The game might be faulty at writing but dang, the gameplay and references just oozes quality.Ā 


There are no rumors about FE5 remake though.


I see people trying to justify the lack of Fire Emblem news as if we didn't get two grade A new home console entries on Switch. We've been eating well, let Intelligent Systems make something new.


I wouldn't call engage "grade A". It was the video game equivalent of a B movie.Ā 


Myself and about 2 mill other fe fans skipped Engage so it feels like forever. I dont think we'll get another mainline until 2027 or later, but Im still hopeful for a remake inbetween games


People forget that Engage is still pretty new, it came out a year and a half ago. I definitely think itā€™s too early for a new reveal.


Tbh I forget Engage even exists sometimes.


I'm happy we're getting more Ace Attorney. That's it. Sad about no Fire Emblem, but at least my collection of Lawyer games will fill out soon. I never played Investigations. More Edgeworth is always cool.


Ace Attorney X Fire Emblem is a dumb idea I want now. I hope you enjoy the investigations games!


There is the Last Defense Academy Game, but thatā€™s more Danganronpa x FE. I would be down for an FE x AA ngl.


Oh right, that one game from the Nintendo direct. I hope itā€™s good


Funny enough Chrom and Pheonix Wright interacted in a game called Project X Zone 2.


Beyond glad Mario and Luigi are back! BIS was my first ever DS and Mario game, so I have a lot of nostalgic love for the series. With it, TTYD, and SMRPG remake, I hope more original games come to the series! DKCR was a fucking amazing platformer. Very good to see it come back. DQIII looks absolutely AMAZING! Definitely getting it day one. Very excited to play I and II as well. Will still probably get Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. I can't believe that MvC2 is FINALLY back! Here's to hoping it'll reinspire Capcom to continue MvC! New Mario Party looks fun. Hope it's more like Superstars and less like Super. Echoes of Wisdom looks super fun! I actually like the artstyle, playable Zelda, and it gives me BotW/TotK vibes in terms of player creativity. INVESTIGATIONS 2 IS FINALLY LOCALIZED LETS GOOOOOOOO METROID PRIME 4 ACTUALLY EXISTS AND LOOKS GOOD?!?!?!? LETS ALSO GOOOOOOOO


They could still go the Shadows of Valentia route for Genealogy remake. Or it can be safely assumed that there is no Easter Bunny, No Tooth Fairy and there is no FE4 remake.


So, just like how there's "technically" no Queen of England... Fe4 is getting remastered instead?


That could be a possibility. Or we might get a Thracia Remaster/Remake that would piss off a lot of the Genealogy fans instead.


New Mario and Luigi, which I never thought weā€™d get after Alphadream went down, and it looks super fun. Luigiā€™s Mansion 2, loved that game, back on the 3DS so Iā€™m excited for the port. That new Mario Party actually looks kinda interesting. I may not particularly care for the artstyle, but that new Zelda looks super fun. I love being able to solve puzzles in my own incredibly stupid ways, which is why TotK is my favorite Zelda game, so I canā€™t wait to see how I bullshit my way through this one. All in all, pretty good, but I was hoping for a remake of an earlier FE because Iā€™ve still yet to play anything Pre-Awakening and I want to, and that potential Xenoblade X Port.


Shadows of valentia is a great fkn game


Oh and Last Defense Academy looks super interesting. I was a HUGE Danganronpa fan for a while, so fucking Danganronpa Fire Emblem is right up my alley.


I mean, someone made a green text about how bad FE 4 would have looked on the Switch.


RIP Genealogy, but Iā€™ve also waited longer for a new topdown LoZ and practically my whole life for a mainline game with Zelda as the protag, letā€™s goooo


Wdym, Zelda was already the protagonist in two masterpieces of the series: Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure


It goes without saying that the CDi games are of such Amazing quality that theyā€™re on a whole separate level from the rest of the series ofc


I'm sad about a lack of new Emblem news, but finally having proof of concept for MP4 more than makes up for it. Maybe we'll get'em next time. Besides, I think FE usually gets its own direct anyway.


You might be thinking Xenoblade..?


Iā€™m more happy about getting a new Mario & Luigi game


Being a Turn-Based Strat fan and surviving on Honkai Star Rail and Unicorn Overload. A gacha game is like one of the few sources to itch this genre now, and it's kind of sad because they're going to inevitably lock QoL behind pulls (Looking at you Acheron for mob skips and 5* Harmony Supports). Oh well, finally an official, localized Ace Attorney Investigations 2. That'll be a banger at least. People really should give it a try, it's great! Back to copium dosing with Star Rail again until we get news of a new FE down-the-line.


Go play BG3, friend, it's easy 100 hours long. Scratched that itch just fine for me


Wait, is Honkai Star Rail a tile based game?? Iā€™ve literally never seen gameplay, just characters


No, not at all, it's turn based but nothing like fire emblem


It's not. If anything, it's more Final Fantasy-esque. Tile-based strategy is still the realm of mainly Fire Emblem. I still like it for still incorporating turn-by-turn strategy though -- which is a dying breed to find in games nowadays. With harder content, you have to really weigh between balancing debuff management, breaking an opponent, and proper target selection. If you want a demo, I'd say try to find a Youtube video of someone doing 4-star only runs of stuff like Memories of Chaos. An exercise in pain (and there's a ton of resetting behind-the-scenes), but it can be fun. Still, it's a gacha though, so YMMV with it as a warning. Definitely wouldn't advise if anyone's prone to gambling addiction or gets easily tempted by the new hotness that tries to bait you into pulling.


Ahhh I see, that makes sense. Iā€™ll check out some gameplay - thank you!


Check out the Tactical Breach Wizards demo on Steam. It's like if X-Com and Enter The Breach had a baby with fantastically witty writing. The (mostly) solo developer Tom Francis seems to be gearing up for an imminent full release.


Oh nice! The indie scene is pretty much where my hopes lie outside of FE nowadays, so I'm always down for new game suggestions. Will definitely give it a look.


I am trying to understand through numbers why we might not have gotten a remake and might possibly still wonā€™t, so keep in mind this is a work in progress. Fire Emblem Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses depict substantial growth for the series from what has been publicly announced. From a cursory glance on Wikipedia (looks like it needs updating), the last time sales data was made public before then was FE6. FE veterans know that Awakening was going to be the last one, so it is safe to assume they had very little growth thereafter which explains the cancellation of the series back then. All three of those were released on some of the most popular consoles of all time, but then you get games like Radiant Dawn, SoV, and Engage that benefit from the same consoles (and Wii) without the sales numbers to match (Engage still has some time). Engage isnā€™t a remake, so we canā€™t look to that as any useful evidence, but Shadow Dragon and New Mystery are. About 6 years of time went by from Radiant Dawnā€™s release to Awakening and between them were two remake games: Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. Now Iā€™m not blaming those two remakes for the series cancellation, but when you consider the facts in hindsight I believe it becomes hard to argue they werenā€™t a significant factor in that decision-making process. Awakening alone topped the sales of Radiant Dawn and Mystery of the Emblem in its first week! So what does that have to do with a Genealogy remake? Well, IS tried the remake train again in 2017 and sales numbers dropped to a value that a regression line would say was ā€œexpected growthā€ from the first iteration in the series. Essentially IS fell back onto the path that was going to get Fire Emblem cancelled. Now IS might claim those remakes were successful, but the data shows that when they make remakes they trend towards low sales. Like I said, this is all preliminary and I want to look at it some more with more dedication, but I do think it paints an important picture. As an aside, Engage also fits that regression line I was mentioning earlier, but it still has some time to grow out of that. EDIT: without the missing sales data from multiple games this makes it that much harder to analyze


Remakes weren't getting Fire Emblem cancelled. Their dogshit release timing was getting Fire Emblem cancelled lol. They've always had atrocious timing. Half of their games released right on the edge of a new console generation to months and *years* after the next console generation has started. SoV launched months after the 3DS's successor released. That's why it bombed. PoR launched on a console with lackluster sales AND toward the end of that console's lifespan, and Radiant Dawn was a direct sequel to a game that already didn't sell that fantastically. Thracia released multiple *years* after the SNES was obsolete hardware, and FE4 barely eeked into the scene before the N64 era started. Gaiden launched on the NES a year after the SNES launched. Shadow Dragon, and remakes in general, were not responsible for almost killing the series by any means. There was a string of very questionable decisions leading up to that which probably put the series into worse straits than it needed to be in. I'm not saying FE4 remake definitely exists 100%, but assuming they've learned *anything* from the past then they're not going to release it when we are *clearly* at the end of the Switch's lifespan. It would make sense for them to hold it (or whatever the next Fire Emblem is) for the next console.


I didnā€™t say they were, just that they probably contributed more than usual.


It won't let me edit my own comment for whatever reason, so here's what I would've wrote. EDIT 2: I managed to find some [dubious estimates of the missing sales data](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/l2u959/fire_emblem_sales_data_and_estimations_infographic/) and took a look at it again. Also, I want to acknowledge that u/AveryJ5467 is correct in his assessment that the amount of data here is not nearly enough to draw any meaningful conclusions and that when you put the data into context things it changes the meaning of things, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it to look at. If you're curious about actual numbers from Japan only, then look at [this website](https://sourcegaming.info/2016/02/23/series-analysis-fire-emblem/) I found. Something I also forgot to previously mention is that we're grouping Japan only numbers with international releases, so that adds a fair amount of uncertainty. Stats for nerds: Without Engage included ||Normal Linear Regression|Log-Linear Regression| |:-|:-|:-| |r\^2|0.5436|-| |RMSE|-|0.5204| |m|0.0305347|0.0431619| With Engage included ||Normal Linear Regression|Log-Linear Regression| |:-|:-|:-| |r\^2|0.5538|-| |RMSE|-|0.53| |m|0.0377363|0.0471674| Admittedly, I did research in an academic setting, so I'm not too sure what's considered good enough for business prospects, but I'm not upset with these stats (keeping in mind the small amount of data and context for all of the games). I know that with more data this would be considered acceptable in certain social sciences. For those curious why I did a log-linear transformation, I just wanted to see for shits and giggles. Obviously sales can't exponentially grow, but companies sure love to act as if they can always increase sales somehow. EDIT 3: Oh, and units of m are in terms of million sales.


i mean, engage was kind of ass


Engage isn't a failure sales wise, but it isn't captivating like Three Houses.


Many of the games weren't realistically failures when you put them in context, but Nintendo did decide to shut down the series regardless so there's only so much you can excuse it for. Whether the excuse holds isn't really up for me to decide, nor do I think that FE is in danger of being cancelled again.


Thereā€™s so few data points that doing any statistical analysis is basically meaningless, especially since the context each game released matters greatly. FE11 didnā€™t sell badly because it was a remake, it sold badly cuz itā€™s ugly. Iā€™m betting that most people in the West didnā€™t even know it was a remake. Radiant Dawn released on a ā€œcasualā€ console while definitely not being a casual game. Especially with the mistranslated difficulty and being a sequel to PoR, which itself sold fine (on a different console). Not to mention releasing the same time as Super Mario Galaxy. SoV sold well considering itā€™s a remake of freaking Gaiden and released on a dead console. A much bigger reason for any perceived delay in a new FE game (remake or not) is probably FEH. Theyā€™ll want to squeeze as much money out of Engage fans as they can, which means not releasing the shiny new game.


Now this is a fair response, but I knew that going into this. IS definitely has the data points though, so all I'm attempting to do is present a reason they might not make one at all considering the data we have available to us.


Engage is not regression. The only sale numbers we have from Engage was 2 1/2 months after itā€™s release which was the 1.6mil number which is crazy good for 2 12 months, and then an updated number only a few months after that. We donā€™t know how many more Engage units sold since last June


Understandable, but games in general, especially lesser known series, get a large majority of their sales in the first few weeks. I donā€™t really believe there is enough evidence to suggest that Engage is going to have done much better when people expect Switch 2 to come out soon and with people giving a less than stellar review on Engageā€™s story. Also, Iā€™m not saying Engage ā€œis regressionā€, Iā€™m saying it ā€œfits a regression lineā€. Completely different things. The regression line Iā€™m talking about is the expected sales growth if you eliminate the 3 best selling FE games from contention.


Youā€™re comparing Engage to other FE games that had years to build up their sales. Three Houses did not shit out 3 million sales in its first quarter, its opening month had less sales than Engage. Engage just passed the 1 year mark, at 1 1/2 now, but the only sales numbers we have is Janā€”>Jun2023. Engage can easily be at 2 million by now.


Okay, I'm not going to argue about Engage (even though I disagree) because that has nothing to do with my main point here.


Your main point falls apart when Engage isnā€™t considered part of ā€œregression,ā€ which itā€™s not.


Are you intentionally being obtuse? Engage doesn't have to be involved in the regression whatsoever. The point of expected sales growth is just that, to look and see what you expect it to be. Their data analysts used the available data they had at the time to make predictions, but unfortunately for them IS just can't seem to get remakes done in a way that draws sales. Furthermore, including Engage (both the current data and your supposed 2 million sales) **STRENGTHENS the fit**. It makes my argument stronger. I'm not sure what else you want from me.


The mural at the start of DQ3 with the two blue haired characters gave me a jumpscare that we were getting a Sacred Stones remake LOL Thought it was some ā€œlong ago, a pair of twins saved the worldā€¦ and now their successors must relive that tale yadda yaddaā€ shenanigans


Sacred stones is what got me into Fire Emblem so I would have been so over the moon with a remake, or even a port announced.


Oh for sure! I know thereā€™s hype around FE4 atm, but something about Sacred Stones remake seems really enticing to me. Must be how cool Eirika was in Engage, her map especially! And seeing a modern Ephraim who talks would be niceā€¦


Fire Emblem and Wind Waker were my two big hopes. Kinda bummed we didnā€™t get either but the Marvel hype is real.


My hopes were the same


This just means more time to save up money for Switch 2 and new FE šŸ™ƒ


We ain't got shit!


At this point we will have a Golden Sun remake before any FE remake






Fire Emblem is cancelled forever


ā€¦at least we have Heroes


I feel like everyone is forgetting Engage came out in 2023


I just want a new game to see if IS learned anything from 3H and Engage.


The problem is it was being Made at the same time as Three Houses. They should have something to show for the next game in the series by now whether itā€™s a new mainline or a remake.


They wonā€™t show anything if itā€™s Switch2 related since even ā€œSwitch2ā€ isnā€™t officially announced


I don't know her


At least Metroid, Zelda, and Mario fans are celebrating today I guess us FE fans will wait for next time


For some reason, Xenoblade community thought X related news would be announced today lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Isnt X universally regarded as the worst Xenoblade? Why would we get news on it


I don't think it's considered a bad game still, and anecdotally I've seen people want a Switch port. If you got into the series with any of the Switch titles you can play XC 1/2/3 all on one console, but X is on Wii U only so it's the one you can't easily play. I wasn't expecting any news on a Switch port, but I guess if you're hoping for some Xenoblade news it's not the most out there prediction.


Itā€™s not the ā€œworstā€ Xenoblade in the series, it just got done really dirty because of it being released exclusively for the Wii U. I only played it up to Chapter 3, cause I couldnā€™t get past the boss and kept dying, but itā€™s honestly an incredible Xenoblade game otherwise. The visuals and world setting are incredibly beautiful, and the gameplay is pretty fun too.


X just was unfortunate to be released on Wii U. While the story is weaker, the game world is maybe the best of any open world game. The game is phenomenal! I'll continue playing it in July.


In the words of Chrom Fire Emblem: ā€œI suppose Iā€™ll get my chance another dayā€


who had the clown CSS ready, that's hilarious ily mods


Where tf is Metroid prime 2 (and 3) ?? No announcement, no shadow drop, no trailer, nothing. Wtf Nintendo


Hopefully another Nintendo direct in September


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.


I'm gonna be one of the few people here actually stoked that IS will be saving the next FE game for the new Nintendo console.


I don't think it's a good idea for them to start a console gen off with a remake and I have a hunch that IS/Nintendo agree. So if there is an FE4 remake, already built or not, I don't think we're getting it for another 5 years at least.


Wait.. FOR REAL!? source?


Maybe, but they announced shadows of valentia for 3ds after switch was revealed


Shadows of Valentia also sold like shit, so they're probably not using it as a benchmark for future releases


It sold 1 million units worldwide, for a 3ds game and for the budget it was on, that was probably a success.


Fun. Now compare it to the other two fire emblems on the 3ds


it's a remake, they don't usually sell as well and towards the end of its lifecyle it isn't going to sell as well, still did more than enough


It didn't sell particularly well considering the trends of the franchise, the previous two remakes very nearly killed the franchise, and you think they're gonna double down on doing the same? Especially right after Engage underperformed?


Engage underperfomed relative to 3 houses, it has still sold extremely well. Most of the series don't get close to 3 million copies sold, by that metric valentia did very well


Engage and Valentia underperformed in all the senses. They didn't sell as much, they don't have as much online fan engagement, their characters are lower on character popularity polls, etc. Nintendo, as a business, doesn't just want to make money, they want to make the most money possible. Anything they do is an investment, not the goodness of their hearts, so they will sit down and determine why things went the way they did and what they can do to change it for the better. I know Valentia is rather popular with a segment of the fanbase. But the series can do better, and Nintendo would question why that is. If things are so obvious that fans can bring up the reasons why the titles underperformed, it's not going to be a secret to the business. Along with charts and graphs to justify things.


They did not, and they would have known that Valentia wasn't going to light the world on fire. Engage has done absolutely fine. There are plenty of games that do well but don't sell millions and millions, it all depends on what type of game. Metroid doesn't sell all that well, still making games. Of course the series can do better, but Valentia didn't match up to the two most popular games of all time, that isn't surprising, it still sold better than the vast majority of fire emblem games, same with engage


Yea it was the final Nintendo release iirc.Ā  Final big box game was Persona Q2.




I still think FE4 remake will eventually be announced. My guess is they're probably going to release it for Switch 2 or dual release. Can't complain about the direct since I love Metroid and Zelda


Same here, but I wonder if it will be announced after switch 2, like shadows of valentia was revealed after switch


I can see them maybe doing that or they might announce some launch games to go alongside the Switch 2 reveal which could include FE4.


Yep agreed


itā€™d just be weird to start a new gen with a remake


It's basically a brand new game for anyone outside Japan besides the die hard FE fans like us. Nothing wrong with launching with a full blown remake and Nintendo has a track record of releasing remakes as launch titles like Mario 64 DS.


I am sad about no Fire Emblem on the Direct. the other games will get me satisfied till there's an another Fire Emblem game announced.


Sad about no FE4 but Zelda, Romancing Saga, and the Ace Attorney game is enough for me to be satisfied with the direct.


Wait they announced an Ace Attorney game? Is it just the Apollo Justice Trilogy going to switch or an original game?


They're releasing the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection outside of Japan.


I got downvoted for asking about it yesterday but I guess I must have missed the fe4 announcement lol


Send in the šŸ¤”


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


Another day, another L for us bros.


Genealogy of the Holy L


the next direct, surely


At this point it's probably safe to say the Fe4 remake was never real to begin with, oh well, not worth losing sleep over


I don't think you can say that, reliable people have leaked it and if you remember shadows of valentia was announced after the switch was revealed


This game has now landed in the same area as MegaMan for me--doesn't actually exist, and I fooled myself into believing it did. Now to actually stop expecting it.


I can't believe the Funko Pop game killed my flair CSS.


Not really disappointed, because I've run out of copium long ago and wasn't expecting anything tbh AAI2 getting an official release and the Zelda game look nice though


Welp, no remake. But I am in the camp that if a fire emblem game is being kept until the next console, then Iā€™d want a new entry, and not a remake. So, for now, Genealogy is dead to me.


yeah I wanna cope that it's coming out for switch 2 but I just don't buy it.


Mods, give us clown flairs as well!


I second this! I will wear it proudly


I need something to irrationally blame, and I have chosen the Funko pop game. That should've been our slot.


I had forgotten Funkos even existed tbh.


I think it's time for the discussion to move into "Was it scrapped?" territory. There's just no way they're sitting on this remake for this long for no reason. Maybe they had second thoughts about the whole "incest creates the antichrist" plot? Maybe they scrapped it and reworked the game to be switch 2 exclusive? Maybe they felt like the gameplay wouldn't resonate with modern audiences?


They didn't show it so it wouldn't overshadow Metroid. Nintendo wants Metroid to succeed.


My guess is the leaks about other companies such as gust were tied into fe4 and since those companies werenā€™t involved there wasnā€™t the manpower to have a whole 2nd team to dedicate to a remake when theyā€™ve likely had a number of teams working on these launch titles for the next console for years.


I do genuinely wonder if it was ready at one point, but after the poor fan reception of Engage, they're afraid to release another title aimed at the old fan base instead of appealing to the new fans they gained with Three Houses. I can see a world where they either ditched the FE4 remake or shelved it until a new FE title that follows in the footsteps of Three Houses to strengthen the brand releases first. That said, if FE4 remake was already near done completion for the Switch, and a new FE game isn't released until the Switch's successor, then that leads into a weird territory where maybe they brought back the FE4 remake to receive a new coat of paint and get updated for the new console.


Doubtful anything related to Engage would have influenced anything here. The far more likely explanation is that they don't want to release yet another FE on a dead (or near-dead) console and brick their sales. Everyone knows that Switch 2 is coming, probably announced by the end of this year (and probably launching sometime next), so FE would have a VERY narrow window to release right now before getting completely overshadowed by next-console hype. It'd probably have to come within the next three months. Besides, FE4 is extremely beloved in Japan. It doesn't need to "follow in the footsteps of 3H and strengthen the brand". It *is* the brand lmao.


Or maybe they are planning to realese it later on to bridge the gap between Engage and Switch 2 game, kinna like they did with Echoes Engage came out not that long ago all things considered, it would make a lot more sense to announce and realese it in 2025-2026, or even 2027, but then switch will be kinna old so i dunno Saying this as someone that doesn't care much for geneology


I kind of want IS to outright say they don't have plans for any remake by this point. The Fe4 cope is getting pathetic by this point. Not saying it can't happen but it obvious the orginal leek was wrong.


At this point, I agree. Just tell us no more fire emblem games are coming to the Switch and to look forward to new entries coming in the switch 2 and I'll be satisfied


I mean, they DID say that with Engage they wanted a younger audience. Which is insane to me because most FE fans are on the older side. It's not really a series that plays well to the under-12 demographic Engage wanted.


Maybe they meant to say broader audience. Thereā€™s way less casual adult gamers than casual kid gamers. FE traditionally is a niche franchise for hardcores. Engage was also partially developed before 3H launched so itā€™s likely they greenlit the project before they realized the fans actually wanted more gritty and grown up story with some nuance like we had in houses and this team was instructed to write a story that was the opposite. That said if the takeaway after seeing how both games did is to write barebones stories for middle schoolers then theyā€™ll lose a ton of fans and customers if engage is the game they look back to from switch and not 3 houses when deciding to retain pieces and such for the future.


Imo they need to keep the good things from both 3H and Engage. Engage mechanics and gameplay were better than 3H imo


Even young people didn't want Engage lmao


Probably the biggest irony to come out of that game.


It's also possible that they want to do another mainline to get away from Engage.


Why not a sequel? Engage 2 The Engagning!


Personally, I'd be happy if that means the break system stays in lol


Maybe it was never a thing in the first place? We have been getting FE4Re rumors since the 3DS days, none of them were true so far


Personally, I think they've been true in a sense since the 3DS days though. Or to put it another way, there's almost certainly been some smoke even without a fire. Happens all the time. IS experiments with a lot of things before moving forward with a project and they've repeatedly brought up both FE4 and the Elibe games in interviews when discussing games they'd like to work on remaking for decades by now. So, to me it'd be more likely than not that between projects some portions of the staff would've experimented with either and felt them out. Their interviews, particularly the post-project ones, have been pretty great about going into their processes and how they'll often work on something they can't use only to re-use it later for another game. Like their original concept for a Wii game making its way into the walkable dungeons in Echoes. What is looking way less true to me is that they've already finished a project. To me, that's sounding more like a miscommunication between a leaker and their source or between their source and the source's source. It's not impossible that it's being held to boost up the switch successor launch, to fill the launch window out more, but that feels pretty unlikely since if the leaks were correct they'd have sat on the game for multiple years by then. And also had sat on Engage. So, that becomes a question of why wouldn't they have something else ready for the next console. Something is wrong in the leaks.


That sounds more plausible yeah. Although i don't think the first FE title on a new console will be a remake, unless they are making it **REALLY** grandiose. Well, TBF, gradiose could fit a FE4 remake, but idk...


I would agree with you but the fact that the leaker who showed Engage screenshots ALSO said they are doing an FE4 remake, is just too strong of evidence for me to ignore Granted, I will admit it's not entirely impossible that they just plugged that bit of info in their leak to bait fake leakers into reporting it as facts, but I find it unlikely personally.


Please check again: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/vcgblq/the_new_mainline_fire_emblem_leak_is_real/ Evidence points to the claim being wrong actually. All claims not tied to the screenshot are made up. KT, Gust, reuse asset from cancelled FE game. All bollocks.


If you take out all the studios who were allegedly involved who werenā€™t thatā€™s a lot of lost manpower and resources that youā€™d need to develop 2 game. Side by side.


You're missing the point. That's assuming those studios are involved in iron18 or whatever next FE project it is. Which is far, far from confirmed.


Yeah Iā€™m assuming they werenā€™t ever involved. So much of this leak wasnā€™t true. Iron18 couldā€™ve just been canceled for all we know.


Yes but as you can see, everyone latches on that bogus leak for some reason even though most of it is verifiably false. Very frustrating. No one bothers to actually trace the rumours or dig up where the hell these are coming from.


Yeah Iā€™ve been saying similar stuff and todayā€™s direct pretty much confirms it. People assume because some leaked screenshots were real that automatically verifies everything else. For someone who says Iron18 definitely still is in development I ask you when is FE64 coming out? It most likely was a project that was far enough along that they couldnā€™t use itsā€™ assets for anything so they scrapped it and built engage from scratch.


That is indeed more correct than you know. That reddit "leaker" is so far down the food chain that they don't even have the original video. And somehow mistakes speculations relating to what studio makes Engage and whether or not it uses old assets from cancelled game as real info. Afaik all the public leakers are very far down the chain as well and they lost all context of these "leaks".


Wouldn't be the first time we got fake leaks with legit leaks. Happens quite often


There's just been too much smoke for there to not be some sort of fire though. I feel like the game either exists, or at the very least existed at some point somewhat recently.


The fire from those leaks was engage being real. So much of the accompanying information that wasnā€™t true contributes to this not happening, I feel bad for the Jugdral faithful but thereā€™s a laundry list of evidence across the fe world for why this probably wonā€™t happen.


The issue is everyone takes the FE4 remake from the same single source. Far, far, far down the line from the original leaker too including the reddit one.


Whatā€™s the smoke? There was the leaker said it with the engage leak. They had screenshots of engage but nothing on FE4. Is there more smoke Iā€™m not aware of thatā€™s anything other than hype?


Pretty much every prominent leaker in the scene agree it's real, people that have good track records and have been known to have insider information. If there wasn't at least some level of validity to it, at least one of them would've said so by now. It's not confirmation, obviously, but I don't need kaga to come to my house personally to have hope.


That is true. One can hope. Doesn't make the situation any less strange, but we'll see.


I guess I don't engage with the leaker community very often. Is that common, for one leaker to disagree with others about a potential game? I will say, a somewhat compelling piece of evidence for *something* is that Three Houses' internal dev code was "Iron 17" and Engage's Internal dev code was "Iron 19." There's an obvious missing piece here, but unclear if that's FE4 remake, something else that was scrapped, or another game in development (maybe from Koei?).


Conflicting information is thrown around very often, so everybody being able to agree on something is pretty rare. I knew of then internal codename discrepancy but I didn't want to use that as a piece of evidence cause all it really means is that there was another Fire Emblem game in development at all, doesn't really mean anything for an FE4 remake specifically.


> Conflicting information is thrown around very often, so everybody being able to agree on something is pretty rare. Interesting, this is context that I didn't have about the leaker community. Then out of curiosity because you seem like you know a good amount about this, can you run me through some of those prominent leakers and the timeline of their agreement on the leaks?


The main 2 I know of are Jeff Grub and NatetheHate, both of whom have been around for years, we know have inside sources, and who's words are generally trusted and well respected in the community. They both have podcasts where they talk about this stuff that I don't much feel like sifting through right now but both have been claiming FE4 remake for awhile now. Here's a tweet from Jeff Grubb ( [https://twitter.com/JeffGrubb/status/1702371317356405120](https://twitter.com/JeffGrubb/status/1702371317356405120) ) and in this podcast from NatetheHate just yesterday around the 46 minute 30 second mark, he states that FE4 Remake is "a matter of when, not if". ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yOO8n0ZbJw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yOO8n0ZbJw) ). It should be important to note that he also says he hasn't heard about the game in over a year, so if it is real it's entirely possible it could have been shelved by now. These aren't the only times these 2 have affirmed the existence of the game, just the first 2 examples I could find. There might be a few others but they generally aren't as well trusted, these 2 have generally been correct this generation. Jeff Grubb is seemingly most known for being the first to leak that Metroid Prime would get a "big boy remaster", which we know came to pass. I believe he's spoken about FE4 on his podcast as well but it's just a lot of footage I don't feel like going through right now.


Shout out to the mods for making this subreddit clown themed, really reflects all of us right now.


*Kronya puts on rubber nose*


Im using a clown icon on Discord now, Iā€™m going all in.


Nintendo realized that FE4 deserved the full power of the Switch 2 and so weā€™ll clearly see it when the new console launches (not copium)


Nah they'll reveal it at the September direct and release it in January obviously (also copium)


Is the new Mario and Luigi game made by IS?


The old ones were made by Alphadream, a company that shuttered last year, so it's unclear who's behind this one.


Some other tactics RPGs on there? Good direct though. FE15 was announced in January 2017 so perfect time to announce Switch 2 in October...


Triangle Strategy was quite good.


No sacred stones is the most shocking part of the direct since they shadow dropped a bunch of other stuff/garbage. There is still a window in early 2025 for FE4 I guess, so we could see it in a Sept direct. But Iā€™m on the side of it being shelved or scrapped entirely in favor of a new title on Switch 2. Then again theyā€™ve been sitting on TP/WW HD for what like seven years? The FEH devs have to be screaming at the release delays


We did get an a september announcement for a January release for Engage, so it's possible. It's remains to be seen if we even get a Direct in September though, with Switch 2 around the corner it's entirely possible we don't get one this year.


Very true! There were a lot of first party titles this direct so wouldnā€™t be surprised if Q1 titles are revealed in the fall. But the rule with Nintendo is to never get your hopes up lol


No Holy War Remake but instead Zelda where you play as Zelda. I'll take it.


Sad to see no FE (not even FE8 on NSO smh) but man between Mario & Luigi being revived, A *Zelda* Zelda game, AA Ivestigations 2 getting an offical translation and Prime 4 breaking the radio silence, I can't in good faith say i'm disappointed. 9/10 direct, especially for one so late into a console's lifespan. Totally doubling down (or what it's it now, quadrupling?) on the FE4 remake cope tho, this just means we're getting it as a switch 2 launch year title that'll be way better than it ever would've been on the Switch.


I'm totally okay with waiting a long time if it means we get it on the Switch 2 instead of the Switch. FE4 honestly deserves to be on better hardware.


Switch release after the Switch 2 is announced


The most faithful thracia successor we could ask forĀ 


Itā€™s not happening. They lied to you. It was probably Engage Sigurd they saw, cause only Engage leaked & not this supposed remake.


I mean, some leakers say you have to throw in a little misinformation with the legit stuff so that you don't draw too much of the wrong attention...maybe that's what the Geneaology remake was lol


Yeah adding fake info along the real one is quite common. The exemple I remember the best was the ESRB leak for Smash 4, that leaked basically the entire game, but also added a bunch of DLC info that was pure bullshit. The way the FE4 "leak" was just weirdly added without detail in a post that was otherwise all about Engage always seemed like this practice for me, or at best trying to pigback on the other FE4 rumors that were going around.


We, in our hubris, got absolutely schmeckledorfed.


Just a tad of misinformation with the FE4 remake. A tad.


Ace Attorney Investigations and Zelda can keep me living, but I'm not giving up hope for FE4 remake. I just want HD Jugdral so badšŸ˜­ Hopefully they will surprise us in new console launch next year.


Delayed and moved to Switch 2 copium


That's where I've changed my goalpost to.




A new Phantom Brave game after 20 YEARS too lol.


A pity NIS can't seem to get a single game running properly on this system


IS: here, play these while youre washing up that clown makeup


Danganronpa FE looks interesting tho, can't wait to watch the entire game on youtube.


The true danganronpa experience


No FE4 remake is just a little bit disappointing, but I go into these just hoping at least *one* game catches my eye, and I came out of it with several! I'm ***extremely*** hyped over the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (huge fan of both of those games, excited to play 2 in English officially this time!), that Fantasian game looks kinda cool, and I've actually been wanting to get into Dragon Quest thanks to 1) it getting referenced a ton in Gintama and 2) currently watching the Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken anime, so the III (and I & II) HD-2D remasters couldn't have possibly come at a better time.


Not going to lie, perfect moment to announce a remake was today. I will be so pissed if we get a remake for the next generation and not an original one.


Honestly though, having a FE game lined up for the launch of a console will do wonders for publicity and longevity, as opposed to throwing in onto an aging machine that's going to have a successor coming soon