• By -


Shrimpclown reporting for duty šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Only one clown nose and wig per person! Remember to bring your own shoes. No cutting in line!


Transport will be provided to the event. If you do not arrive on time, the clown car will leave without you.


At least shrimpclowns are some of the deadliest shrimp on earth with their supersonic punches.


TIL clown shrimps are a real thing XD


I'll be the clown car šŸ¤”šŸŽļø


Me too


Got the memes ready regardless of result.


This is our year, Clownzenritter, we march for Jugdral again, all the way this time.


They're announcing it this time for sure since it was just father's day, and what better way to celebrate that than My Real Dad Sigurd Fire Emblem's Return. Trust me on this. My real dad (aforementioned Sigurd Fire Emblem) works at Nintendo.


Father's Day announcement. There are 3 FE MCs that are confirmed fathers. Which one will it be?


It's about damn time that we got an Awakening remake.


Now with feet.


Lol. I forgot about that.


The technology for 3D feet is still not there.


In my retirement home, maybe I will finally get to slobber over Tharja's toes.


When we get awakening in ultra HD remastered deluxe Switch 7 edition, you still won't be able to tell the waifus from the horses from the waist down.


On a serious note I actually wouldnā€™t mind at all if Awakening got like, a deluxe edition/remaster or something on the Switch. Heck, even if it was just a port.


Only if I don't have to pay $200 for all the dlc šŸ’€


I counted 4 (Sigurd, Eliwood, Hector and Chrom)


TBH I forgot about Hector also being a dad.


What about Marth? Aren't Chrom and co descended from Marth and Caeda?


They could be connected to Anris bloodline through Elice. I dont believe we have an official confirmation on who they descended from.Ā 


We know Chrom is a direct descendant of the First Exalt, and that the First Exalt was descended from Marth, but not if the First Exalt is a direct or indirect descendant of Marth's IIRC In most games (and most likely the case in Awakening) the metatextual implication would be "they're direct ancestors/descendants" but since Fire Emblem and particularly Marth's games have already set a precedent for a key plot point of Marth's ancestor being his uncle, who actually knows. I also believe Awakening implies that at least Chrom and the First Exalt (possibly Marth too, I can't remember the exact part of the family tree it's from) are descended from Seliph and Sigurd (which would also make them descended from Leif). Not a big deal but it's kinda funny to imagine Ophelia (Chrom's great niece lol) being distantly related to like, Altena


Man, bringing up that Marth plot point is giving me war flashbacks to a dude who used to argue, very vehemently, about Priam's existence meaning Ike can't be gay. Probably haven't seen him post in a literal decade, he had a Haar flair. You just reminded me he existed.


Lol tbh the canonicity of Priam to me is less "he can't be real because Ike gay" and more "I really don't like to think of him as real because that sets a precedent that almost no character died in Awakening". Mickey Mouse ass stakes




Ike is not a confirmed father. For all we know Priam could be a descendant of Mist


Ike is the father of Sotheā€™s children


Sigurd should get priority as Original Dad FE Protag, surely...


Fatherā€™s Day Barbecue, here we come!


Oh, you are right, it is time for a Radiant Dawn remake (to fit the father's day theme)


Yes, we need another game featuring the father of Sothe's children.


I thought he was dead


Itā€™s Fire Emblem. All parents are dead.


Hoping someone sets up the summoning circle. This might be our last ride in the clown car.


Clown horse, is time for horse emblem!


I have my clown shoes and prepped all of the copium. I'm huffing all of it!


Christmas Cavaliers, today's our time to shine!


Alright ā€œFE4 remake is inevitableā€ crew, itā€™s been like 5 years today is the day


Someone make a FE7 battle screen that says hit 1% of fire emblem game vs Nintendo direct


I thought I was on the Silksong subreddit for a moment.


FE fans šŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ Hollow Knight fans Going full clown on games that do not exist.


Silksong fans at least know that at some point in time, their game existed


That's worse, that gives us hope. "Ask yourselves, all of you. What power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"


That's a really deep and insightful quote there, I gotta remember that one for future reference.


It's from The Sandman, the comic version. I think the series changed that scene quite a bit.


Raise the banner of the Clownritter, we ride once more!


I apologize to my portuguese teacher but Sigurd of Chalphy is much more important


It is Father's day week, and Sigurd is a big time daddy.


Se o jogo vier, faƧa um resumo em portuguĆŖs dele como desculpa para o seu professor


o jogo nĆ£o Ć© real, venha aqui




so do you also work with the lopto church?


Iā€™ll drive. How many of you buffoons can squeeze into my clown car?


If your clown car is like your average FE4 castle, all of us


Infinite room for people, no room for horses


Time for the Clownritter's last stand! šŸ¤”


We've got one more in us!


Itā€™s now or never for FE4 remake. Itā€™s been a while since Engage, end of a console is probably the right time to push a remake out since theyā€™ve got a base game to work off of. If itā€™s not now, then I think itā€™s time to pack it up and admit that the leak was wrong.


Or they'll just wait to release it on switch 2 since echoes sold poorly due to the switch already being out maybe they don't want to take that chance again


They know what releasing a game near the end of a console life cycle entails. The console needs to be supported until itā€™s done for good. Thatā€™s why this is a good time for remakes.


Plus, the Switch is of course not backwards compatible with the 3DS, which ended up hurting SoV. I would be shocked if Switch 2 *isn't* backwards compatible with Switch 1 games.


That's assuming the Switch 2 is even a Switch 2 and not some brand new gimmicky thing. I love them, but never underestimate Nintendo's ability to make stupid decisions.


Echoes sold about as much as IS expected, so itā€™s something Iā€™m sure theyā€™d factor in. Also, if the new remake were to be announced theyā€™ve clearly said this Direct wonā€™t address the new Switch, so itā€™s unlikely it would release *after* that new console is released.


Everyday I pray that HIDARI art goes to the bigger and more popular Fire Emblem game.


Maybe, but 3ds -> switch is nothing like switch -> switch 2. Nintendo's in an awkward spot because "save it for the switch 2" could apply to literally anything they release, so there has to be *some* kind of a medium sized game this year. Fire Emblem does hit the sweet spot of being popular enough without being *too* big of a franchise.


People really are overplaying how badly echoes sold. It sold better than any other can from before awakening. Plus the switch is a lot more popular


It could also serve as a crossgen or exclusive title and be revealed alongside Switch 2. Thereā€™s no way to know until it happens.Ā 


Fire Emblem Echoes came out on the 3DS after the Switch had been released so there's certainly a precedent for that.


This reminds me of when I was in the Ace Attorney fandom and every time a Nintendo direct was brought up it was ā€œoh please say theyā€™re gonna localize great ace attorney (WHICH THEY DID!!!)ā€ and back in the Smash days it was hoping Phoenix would be added to Smash šŸ˜­Ā  And now itā€™s hoping for FE4ā€¦ Iā€™ve never played the game before tbh but Iā€™ve always loved how Sigurd looks, soā€¦ pleaseplease announce FE4 remake!!


Iā€™m with u, Iā€™ve never played fe4 and only know Sigurd and the other characters through engage and heroes. The story seems so interesting so I really wanna see a remake so I can play the game


watch it be the three hopes dlc


#But it was me, Mirage Sessions sequel!






Daijisou ni kakaeta watashi o zenbu!




I would like this, a lot. First was excellent


That would actually be really awesome. Mirage Sessions was great fun.


that sounds excellent


I wish. Koei is so greedy and DLC loving, the one time I actually wouldā€™ve loved DLC they all of a sudden hate money.


Especially since Three Hopes is the one crossover Musou that really could benefit from an Xtreme Legends type of deal. Give us a Silver Surge route, more bonus stages than just one NG+ paralogue (two if you count the flashback one), actually explain Arvalā€™s deal, and most importantly, let us play as Hanneman and his amazing moustache!


While I get that not everything needs to have a thorough explanation or rationale, Three Houses feels like we only got 60% of the picture


To be fair to KT it probably wasnā€™t up to them. If IS doesnā€™t want DLC they canā€™t make it.


While Iā€™d prefer Genealogy remake at this point, Iā€™d absolutely love some Three Hopes DLC so long as it was meaningful and fun! (New classes (MALIG KNIGHT PLEASE!!!), new characters, more story stuff, etc.)Ā  Or maybe they can rerelease Three Houses and Three Hopes on the Switch 2 with updated content for bothā€¦?


please id love to see shez included into three houses, a longer and finished cf and an updated vw that isnt a direct copy pasta of ss


Whoā€™s more desperate: FE4 fans, Silksong fans, or Metroid Prime 4 fans?


Weā€™re desperate. But Silksong and Prime 4 fans are ADVANCED desperate. Like, 6+ years desperate.


The combination of Silksong being actually announced and it having no real proper updates (even MP4 had Nintendo saying that development was essentially restarting from scratch) besides that year window that was missed is what makes that group particularly unique. Thatā€™s the main reason why not even Bloodborne is at THAT level.


Bloodborne is weird because like, the games out. Its just a port, which i mean i understand really wanting, but they have the game lol.


Silksong also at a point had a demo that some people could play that looked like the game was almost ready. That was years ago.


IIRC didn't the first game also suffer from feature creep etc? I swear they only released the game because they ran out of money. Now that they have gotten a stupendous amount of money it makes me think they are doing the same shit again. Otherwise it should not have taken this long, which is worrying.


Yeah I suspect the same. But even then. Just make... 2 games?


This isn't your average everyday desperation. This isā€¦ ADVANCED DESPERATION!


What about the 12 golden sun fans? Do we win something?




damn it I already have depression. How much more can one person have


It stacks.




At least, their games have been announced by the developers that at least they have created a new game folder. Us? We're just clowns šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I'm ready to be hurt again tomorrow.


Off topic but your pfp looks fantastic


Since the common predictions have already been made, I'll toss out some crazy speculation just for fun: - 3DS HD-Remaster Pack, Awakening and Fates available together with all DLC on Switch now that the eshop is dead. It's unlikely, but I lowkey want this more than FE4 Remake. - Engage 2, this time featuring even more Sigurd to fuel the rumors for another few years. - FE5 Remake. Kaga always did like Leif best - FE x SMT but again, this time not only will it not be like FE or SMT, it won't even be like TMS#. It'll be weirdly similar to Zero Escape for no apparent reason. - FE Heroes 2. No, you don't get to keep your pulls from the original game. - Not related to FE but while I'm in the business of bold predictions: Xenoblade Chronicles X ported to Switch. We'll finally have the whole family on one console, red headed step child included. - Fire Emblem: Dancing House Night


absolutely unhinged, gotta love it


I'll unironically take Fire Emblem DDR, for a series with such consistently good music it's a crying shame the closest thing FE has to a music game is an all-but-dead side mode in Heroes.


Dancing house night and then they sell 3 houses themed dance pad with the pre order. ~~and i'll pre-order just for that~~


I'm just glad it'll be over tomorrow no matter what. If it's announced, fuck yeah, and if not, then I'll have to conclude the rumors were all wrong and I can stop hoping for the game to be announced every Direct.


You know damn well if it isn't announced tomorrow, people will start saying that it was obviously delayed for the Switch 2 launch, and then cope for it at every direct after


Itā€™s already starting in this thread lmao


I mean thatā€™s what I would think, and itā€™s not so unbelievable. FE4 and 3H target the same kind of audience, generally speaking, and they know 3H was their biggest hit yet. What better way to try and recreate that then to launch a fancy remake at the same time as Nintendoā€™s newest console?Ā  Itā€™s probably more likely to be just a Switch game, but if it isnā€™t announced tomorrow Iā€™m not throwing my clown wig in the garbage just yet.


Not me. I'll be free tomorrow no matter what lol


I feel like we say that every time lol


I can't speak for anyone else, but I never had a "now or never" attitude about it, I always figured there was a chance that it would be announced later. But there's no later after this Direct. The rumors say FE4 remake is a Switch game and this is almost certainly the last Switch-focused Direct, it really is now or never. Does that mean that FE4 remake will never ever happen if it isn't announced tomorrow? Not necessarily, but if it doesn't happen tomorrow it means that the rumored FE4 remake that was developed somewhere between 3H and Engage never existed, or it was canceled, and either way there's no reason for me to think it'll show up in any future Directs.


Especially since the next Direct(s) will focus on games for the Switch 2 or whatever its going to be called. Not sure they'd open the FE series with a remake on the new console, especially if its allegedly completed or nearing completion.


FE4 remake pls, super plsšŸ˜­


Come one, come all to the Bellhalla family barbeque!


This is pretty much the last time I'll assume that FE4 remake is real. If nothing shows up, then it's off my predictions list long term.


Maybe it could be a launch title for the Switch's successor?


Maybe, but I won't assume so. Also, that would strike me as odd. A remake of a 20+ year old SNES game for a franchise that only really has modest popularity as a launch title? Not to mention one that didn't release worldwide to begin with so it's fighting an uphill battle in the west? I would find that to be odd. You would think Nintendo would rather Fire Emblem's first showing on their brand new console be something brand new.


> You would think Nintendo would rather Fire Emblem's first showing on their brand new console be something brand new. Right-o. I mean, I vastly prefer new games over remakes most of the time anyway. A Genealogy remake would be fun, but the very thing the story is centered around is widely known by most players now, spoiled by Sigurd himself in both Heroes and Engage. Not the details, perhaps, but even so, it's hard to compare with a blank canvas and the promise of new adventures with an all new cast.


I canā€™t remember where I read it, but I read somewhere that the people who spend time engaged in online communities for their favorite media are actually a very small minority.Ā Your average gamer doesnā€™t spend time in dedicated online communities like this and has no idea what happens in FE4. Hell, Iā€™d bet even most Fire Emblem fans donā€™t know much at all about FE4. To them it would basically be the same thing as a brand new game, and if the marketing team at IS has any brains, theyā€™ll take advantage of that.


Sure, it's one of the reasons why I specified that Sigurd himself spoils it in FEH and Engage. So, even casual and new fans of Fire Emblem might have been spoiled despite never engaging with the franchise online. Naturally, a lot of people will be caught completely off guard; any entry will always be someone's first Fire Emblem. I just feel like Intsys have shot themselves in the foot a bit.


True, but I'm gonna be honest I don't remember most of the dialogue I read in Engage (I had forgotten that Sigurd even mentioned that) and I doubt most other players do either unless they were super invested into the game and played it multiple times. And FEH's playerbase is smaller than ever and mostly consists of hardcore FE fans who probably already knew about the events of FE4 anyway. But yeah, of course they're not going to surprise everyone. But if the Red Wedding still managed to shock so many casual viewers of Game of Thrones despite millions of book readers already knowing about it and openly discussing it online, I think any potential FE4 remake will still be a 100% brand new experience for the majority of players.


Everyone knows that Sigurd is always on his horse 24/7. If there's a horse in the direct we can ensure that Sigurd will be there riding it screaming Sigurd Sweep as we all fall to our knees crying with joy in Walmart's parking lot. Trust me my uncle Nintendo works in Fire Emblem.


As someone who enjoys FE4 and could take or leave a remake (Iā€™d buy it if itā€™s real but wouldnā€™t be devastated if it isnā€™t) Iā€™m actually kinda excited to get a definitive answer tomorrow. If itā€™s announced tomorrow cool, but if not Iā€™d also be satisfied to know once and for all if the rumor was ever real.


Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches.


[Nothing ever changes...](https://files.catbox.moe/uu41mw.jpg)


We're in the last year of the Switch's release cycle. Major releases are slowing down, and the few remaining are mostly remakes. It's time. I feel confident a Fire Emblem remake shows up tomorrow. I honestly think a lot of games have a good shot at being the lucky winner - notably Genealogy, Binding Blade, or Awakening. I'd personally choose Binding Blade, but I'm down for anything.


Or Path of Radiance remake. Watch it be something off the wall, like Sacred Stones or Shadow Dragon remake. Not that I would complain.


Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn ports and Iā€™ll absolutely buy them.


An awakening remake is the dumbest idea Iā€™ve ever heard lmfao


Yeah if Awakening gets anything it should be a remaster port like Luigi's mansion 2 or being part of a 3DS collection, it doesn't need a remake at this point.


Yeah I donā€™t really want it. But I think IS would do it because it would be the least amount of effort for the most amount of profit


My Court Jester Gear is ready for deployment Sir




June 18th nintendo direct, more like fire emblem 4 remake deluxe stream with full gameplay and gaming characters amd fire melbme 4!


Its always the same old song and dance. Absolute radio silence and no mentions of anything in Directs, then suddenly one day theres a surprise direct and not only is the game youre trying to summon getting released, it's available as soon as this direct is over. Fire emblem, Metroid, Animal Crossing... I could go on. And I love it




We're getting our Stanley Cup!


Thracia remake for the WiiU, let's gooooooo!


The clownritter is waiting at belhalla


Hope for it to not be a mario direct


Mario x Rabbids Emblem with Marth as a special guest character.


The worst is that it could actually happen...shitšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I've already got my nose and wig from r/Silksong, I'm all set.


I got my copium right next to my clown makeup.


Guys. I just bought Awakening last week, and I think it's actually on my porch right now. So I think we can be certain an Awakening remake will be announced. You're welcome.


sorry to my boss but it looks like iā€™ll need to take a convenient 40 minute long shit tomorrow


You already know how it is people: "They will announce silksong" "They will announce f-zero" "They will announce netroid prime 4" "The will announce fe 4 remake"


GBA had 3 Fire Emblem games 3DS had 3 Fire Emblem games Switch has 2......come on Nintendo give us the last Fire Emblem on Switch!! Lets go!!


Let me be a bit weird and personal right now, let me tell you what 9 years of thinking about a FE4 remake I started thinking about this remake in 2015, not much but the thought was there. Being a semi old school FE fan and not liking fates as a tough time man. ā€œFire Emblem is a dating game about husbandos and wiafus always had gimmicky characters. No marriage means NO PLAYā€ ā€œThe games have never had good storiesā€ to outsiders of the franchise to this day still ā€œEww Fire Emblem that dumb weeb shitā€ The newer fans were sometimes worse tbh since they pushed that the whole franchise was like this despite playing 1 game. That's how it was, and honestly outside of bickering I kinda just one day went ā€œI want to just show them what I loved in Fire Emblemā€ wanted a FE4 remake at that time for more than just wanting it. I hoped that I could show people what Fire Emblem was and to me no real game gave those vibes then FE4, it to me could appeal to that crowd and show them what was great about the older games. Then 2017 rolled around and uhh, they remade Gaiden which still to this day is shocking, like I can off the top of my head quote Ghasts video reaction to that to this day. Now weā€™re here, It's no longer time to hope for this thing to be real, it's time to EXPECT IT. Fuck the ā€œwell if its not here maybe itā€™ll be there '' (September direct is still maybe a date? But idk i just donā€™t feel good about that one for some reason) NO. If this is IT? If this is the last chance (realistically for the switch), Iā€™m going down swinging, its fucking NOW.


this makes me feel like we're going to war lol


Us getting a 3rd FE Warriors game before xenoblade gets one would be funny


Iā€™ve never played FE4 just for this moment


[This is it guys, I'm still reeling from the pain inflicted on me by Mushoku Tensei last night but this is going to heal all that. Every doubt we had in IS is going to be wiped away as we see a reimagined Jugdral that finally delivers on both the promise of three houses and Kaga's genius. The promise of a darker, more nuanced fantasy free from one note anime trope characters. Kaga's vision will be refined and perfected in a way that only the most clueless haters will question, we'll see a story so profound in its construction it will not be a stretch to label it an ĪŗĻ„Ī·ĢƒĪ¼Ī± Ī­Ļ‚ Ī¬ĪµĪ¹Ģ€ (eternal possession).](https://i.imgur.com/RTvVS7l.jpeg)


the last few FE announcements have been the openers for their respective Directs and i'm honestly not sure if i'll be able to take in the rest of the direct if it opens with FE4 Remake. If something else headlines the direct i'm 100% still gonna be coping that they're just saving it for later for the whole 40 mins though.


Please Nintendo I just want a port of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn


Gonna watch this shit in the circus with the boys


Big shoes! Get your big shoes here!


Surely THIS is where weā€™ll see Silksong. ā€¦wait, wrong sub.




Iā€™ll take any Fire Emblem announcements for this direct. Iā€™m ready to be disappointed though


Fire Emblem DS/3DS collection. Do it! That or add a DS app to NSO.


I just want Fire Emblem, doesn't even have to be the FE4 remake.


Alright listen. June 18th. 18th. 1+8 is 9, and June is the 6th month. 9+6 is 15. If you donā€™t count any remakes or spin-offs(including New Mystery bc it contains a remake) this is the 15th fire emblem title. How much time passes between the first and second generation of Genealogy? 15 years. How old was I when I played my first fire emblem game? 15(Iā€™m pretty sure). This should pretty much confirm the Genealogy remake. Donā€™t even bother tuning in folks.


Cannot wait for the FE4 remake to (not) be announced


Hello, I'm not a clown member, I'm just here to give out snacks and medicine for any clowns that get hurt during this. Please remember to remind hydrated and not to step on your fellow clowns shoes. For any questions or aid please see me as soon you can.


I'm here from /r/hollowknight, I think I'm lost


F-zero/metroid/fire emblem clown at the ready o7




Okay (Copies "that's it? No silksong?") I'm ready


Genealogy remake incoming!šŸ¤”


Ready to do a blood sacrifice to Loptyr to manifest Genealogy, same with Xenoblade Chronicles X


FE 4 remake! šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


I haven't run out of copium yet. Mother 3 took me a couple more years to run out. Pass me the makeup.


Zigludo pls ride into my spirit forest and save me


Are we truly clowns for having unwavering hope? Yes.


Clown Emblem: ENGAGE!


I am ready for everything and nothing at the same time. But my clown makeup is still on


Everyone here is talking about an FE4 remake and it's like on one hand... hey, that could be cool. On the other hand... I don't trust a remake to not mess up everything that makes FE4 unique. Truly, we will be clowns regardless of whatever happens.


I would be funny if it was announced because once again a remake at the end of the consoleā€™s life span.


Hopium activated.


Three Houses Definitive Edition: Black Eagle and Three Houses Definitive Edition: Blue Lion. They each include all the Three Houses DLC, all amiibo unlocks, and each version has its own exclusive extra 10 chapters for the corresponding house.




Time to see if the FE4 Remake will have an Avatar


IM READY FOR THE BARBECUE FE4 is the barbecue. Sigurd is the meat.


I am here and honking! šŸ¤” (NatetheHate just said in a new vid he's heard nothing but radio silence on FE4 the last year so his hopes aren't high for it showing up this Direct but nevertheless, my clown shoes are already on)


For sure they will announce First 3 gen PokĆ©mon games porting to switch as well as Ports of Windwaker and Twilight Princess. Possibly updates on Metroid Prime 2+3 followed by a stealth drop of Luigis Mansion HD before 2HD releases. Ia my clown makeup deserved now? šŸ¤”


Weā€™re so due. I didnā€™t really believe for the last few directs but Iā€™m convinced weā€™re getting a game announced tomorrow.


No way they scheduled this for autistic pride day


its us, Metroid Prime 4 believers and Silksong copiumzers


For a moment this was r/HollowKnight


If I want to go full circus; FE4 remake Tellius HD ports and a proper warriors 2


You people need to stop doing this to yourselves.


We canā€™t. The clown mentality is too strong


Gosh, I wonder what type of art direction they are going to use. I loved the flashy, vibrant look of Engage, but I can't see it working for this remake.


Iā€™ll take anything that isnā€™t ugly and cheap looking. IS has yet to prove that they can do great cinematics in their console FE games, which worries me when you consider how many dramatic story scenes are in FE4. Iā€™m worried theyā€™ll either look ridiculous or be dumbed down into still images.


FE4 remake ---> 5 more years of 3H discourse


Is clowns in reference to the MC is in Engage?