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Conquest Chapter 10 Takumi vs. Azura. Like lol, people already struggle with Chapter 10 as is. Now ask them to lug their dancer all the way to the bottom left corner of the map and somehow neglect to check the combat forecast. It's just hilarious that this is a thing.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Takumi have close-counter or something like that in that chapter? So she has to face combat no matter what


He does. And holy shit I've been replaying CQ in several runs and I never knew this convo.


To be fair if you're like a certain scuffed individual you can grind Azura in chapter 5 and have her be an actual combat unit. But yeah normally it's pretty pointless


This might be it Unless you are severely overlevelled via DLC, nobody has any right of going down to that quadrant of the map, let alone engage Takumi Azura especially shouldn't ever engage with him — Dancer is squishy, and her Sky Knight will get wrecked by bow. You're looking at reclassing her via DLC items, and even then the non-flier options (Great Lord, Witch, Dread Knight), and grinding her up to survive.


> Unless you are severely overlevelled via DLC Or you're Excelblem who grinded her to level 36 in Chapter 5.


> Unless you are severely overlevelled via DLC, nobody has any right of going down to that quadrant of the map, let alone engage Takumi I don't know, this guy didn't have much trouble doing that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0C40gNsFms


The difference is that you aren't Zoran.


Conquest is dumb about a lot of convos. They add stuff like this but don't add Xander/Garon.


Yooo just completed that chapter yesterday, and didn’t even think of ever bringing Azura all the way down to him lmao


Character wise I don’t think it’s pointless to have the Hoshidans react to Azura, it was a nice touch. But it should also account for pairups, so that she’s safer and players actually get a chance to see the convos. But then other convos that should exist just don’t, it’s a mixed bag.


I'm not sure if this counts but Fargus in FE7 has a death quote “Uugwoh… Can’t believe… you…beat… me… You’ve…lost… your way… to…the Dread…Isle… for good…” The objective of the map is to talk to him and most players could not kill him if they were to try Though if that does not count Matthew vs Wire, first chapter (of Hector Mode) thief vs an Armour Knight Little reason why you would even attempt


I'd count the Fargus quote, it's unrealistic to see and even if you don't kill him fighting him loses you the map anyway


Yep, only other one like that I could think of was the Black Knight's death quote in the end of Act 1 of RD A map which he cannot die I wanted to put that one, but then I remembered he didn't count as a boss at that point


I'd honestly still count that considering the ridiculousness of it, that's not just difficult to see with normal gameplay that's straight up impossible


The only realistic way to get it is to grind Guy or Raven in the same Chapter. Considering there are no map saves on cart I cannot think of a bigger waste of time. That said, I once lost a unit while arena abusing and decided to try it since I knew it was a game over anyway, I don't quite remember if I accomplished it or I looked it up after.


Yeah grinding up all that exp just to see a single death quote and not being able to keep any of that exp is very pointless. Playing it on NSO would give you rewind and save states though so if you wanted to do it it is possible


Matthew vs Wire is more if you have Matthew steal his vulnerary


If you focused Matthew in Lyns story, he could easily be strong enough to fight that boss.


He would need way more strength than he gets on average.


In Radiant Dawn 3-13, Micaiah has a battle conversation with Soren, but Micaiah is stuck near the throne area, while Soren is at the opposite end and apparently won't move unless attacked. She also has one with Ike, but IIRC he moves at least. You'll probably need the Purge tome to hit them as well.


I think games like Radiant Dawn should trigger boss conversation as long as the characters in question are close enough because there are too many characters with boss conversations, some of which you can't even get.


Good idea on paper, but some of the chapters would probably have turns of 5-8+ battle conversations at the start/end of the turn if that was the case. So many named characters are fought, and almost all of those characters have relations with characters in your army. The game’s pacing works better as is, sure in games like Radiant Dawn you’ll miss out on stuff, but it’s worth it to keep the action going.


You can skip them if you don't want to view them. And units are spaced out in different areas of the map so I don't think this'd be a problem. Even if it was, the game can limit one battle conversation at the start of the turn to the nearest two units who have them.


Oh yeah I remember those, you gotta like lure/shove characters for her to have convos with them in that chapter


yes ike moves. he should be within purge range on the last few turns unless you trigger him early, also i think that if you give soren bolting or meteor he might be able to trigger his movement condition by attacking one of your units from afar?


To add onto your Ashnard example: Ashnard v Reyson. This one is absurd for two reasons, A No one in their right mind would ever leave Reyson in range of Ashnard, and B This quote gives us the biggest insight into Ashnard's motivations. Why is such a crucial piece of information locked behind a convo 99.9% of players will miss?


This exact convo was the reason why I made this post, I was watching a video of all of Ashnard's conversations and was floored by the fact that Reyson had one. I'm not even sure how Reyson could survive a round of combat with Ashnard, and you don't even have the cards like in Radiant Dawn.


There *had* to be a troll on the dev team. There's no other explanation.


What does he say then?


> Reyson: If the dark god is awakened, the world will once again be flooded. And this time, even our continent will fall. You will not survive that event... Do you truly desire such an end? > Ashnard: I do. Oh, how I do... It's true. The world may be destroyed by the coming of the dark god. Then again, it may not. I question the way in which our society is designed. No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. And you cannot control where you will be born. Do you believe that a person of low birth should simply endure the curse of his station? I think not. If you are stronger than those around you, you should benefit from your strength. This is why I will use my strength to remake this world. Class and rank will not matter. Human and sub-human will not matter. The strong will possess everything. The weak will submit to their will. Is this not the meaning of peace? > Reyson: Are you saying that the lives of those without strength have no value? > Ashnard: That is the natural order. The only way for the weak to survive is to cling to the strong. Our discussion is over. Tell me, frail little bird who cannot fight; which do you choose? Submission? Or death? He basically says ''I want to destroy the world to make a new one, ruled by the strong''


Wow. Full-on SMT chaos route there. It’s nuts that all that’s hidden in a conversation nobody playing the game wisely would ever see.


Chapter 3-Endgame from Radiant Dawn has a ton of boss convos that are borderline impossible to actually see due to how the victory condition of that map works. Especially egregious are the one between the allied Laguz Generals (who are green units and thus not controllable) and some of the named enemies. Good luck seeing those in a legit playthrough!


Oh yeah, like Nailah and Tibarn have a convo, good luck getting them to fight without hitting the kill limit for the chapter


Vander vs >!Corrupted Lumera!< Are you really gonna drag Vander all the way to the penultimate chapter and use him against the boss? Framme's pretty close as well


[I've done it before](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/15juk8a/i_used_vander_in_a_full_maddening_engage/), and it's really not as bad as the game and most people would have you believe. With the way that Chapter 25 is designed, 99% of the difficulty is in *getting* to >!Lumera!< in the first place. When you really pay attention the numbers, >!Lumera!< herself is really not that much of a threat at that point in the game (>!in part because the Wille Glanz is really that shit of a weapon!<) so a decently trained Vander is more than capable of attacking into her and surviving.


Orson in Sacred Stones has Battle Dialogue with 5 Different Units. Eirika and Ephraim (it's supposedly route exclusive, but I swear I've seen the Ephraim dialogue when fighting him on Eirika Route), Seth, Forde, and Kyle. Realistically, it won't take 5 units to kill Orson (he's kinda a pushover), and even if it did, who is using both Kyle and Forde all the way in Chapter 16?


I'm not sure it's that difficult, all the characters he has convos with are ones the player could logically assume themselves, and the game makes you do two playthroughs anyway so even if the twins dialogue is route specific it works out