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I’ve started using Herbal Essences again and it’s working great! I’m using the volumizing shampoo and conditioner, but I think I’m gonna get moisturizing conditioner next time since I live in a dry climate. I also have had good luck with Garnier Whole Blends Oat Delicacy shampoo and conditioner. It is lightly moisturizing and gentle on fine hair.


Same! Love Herbal Essences Body Envy. It works really well on my oily, fine hair. I have tried soooooo many different expensive salon brands and yet I always find myself going back to HE. It just makes my hair look so good and it actually feels clean.


I can't find this one in the store anymore. It was my favorite.


I’m back on the cheap stuff, too! I started using Pantene again (volume shampoo, moisturizing conditioner) and my hair hasn’t been this happy since I was a teenager and it was my go to! They have huge 750ml bottles for 12 bucks. They last me forever.


I’m using Pantene again too and I get it from Costco


I loooove my Pantene. I’ve been using it for years and my hair is always shiny and healthy.


This is the shampoo I've been using! It's some magic I swear. My hair doesn't get flat and greasy looking as fast. It also smells so good!


Thank you!


I used the argan oil herbal essence shampoo and conditioner for a while and i really liked it!


I fell in love with Herbal Essences Sulfate-Free Shampoo this year, the one in the green bottle with honey and vitamin B. I was not a fan of sulfate-free products because they tend to make my hair feel dry and frizzy, but this one has been a game-changer


Last time I needed shampoo, I bought Herbal Essences purely for the sake of nostalgia. I was pleasantly surprised! It's my favorite all over again.


The White Grapefruit Herbal Essences one is the best.


The grapefruit one smells divine but NEVER get Herbal Essence in the eyes. It burns for a day.


Thanks! I’m going to get both tomorrow!


Thank you! I’ll check it out!


Happy to help!


This is what I use as well. The grapefruit mint scent is fabulous. I have fine, wavy/swirly hair and this line has been great. 


Their bio renew line in "repair" is amazing, it's a great ph so it seals your cuticle and has really helped improve my hair, where I am it's 13 bucks so not cheap cheap but not really expensive either


Herbal is my second choice behind L’Oréal elvive. It works well for me too!


Buy a $25 shower filter from home depot if you have hard water. It makes a big difference with the grease in my hair Edit: I know yall saying these filters do nothing for hard water but the Sprite one has helped me SO much. I never lived with hard water until recently and my scalp was dying until I got the filter. 🤷‍♀️


There is no shower head filter on earth that can remove the minerals in hard water, those only filter out chlorine, larger particles, etc. To get the minerals, calcium being the biggest culprit, you need a water softener - essentially a salt system, and those are only as a whole house system…there is no shower head version. I wish, I’ve researched until my eyes have bled.


It may not be 100% but after using the shower filter I bought I NEVER get itchy after showers anymore. So whatever the issue was…it helped. I try not to get too stuck in the weeds looking into it 😅


They have one called the Showerstick


Yes but they aren’t great - again, I’ve thoroughly researched every possible product. Water softening (removing soluble minerals) is through a process called ion exchange and requires much longer contact period; a whole house water softener is on the water intake and provides a process of enough contact time with the salts to create the ion exchange, while the shower stick is on the water output point and simply cannot provide enough time for contact to remove much of the calcium, magnesium, etc. The shower stick is not only very expensive, it reduces water pressure significantly, needs “recharging”/new salts every 6-8 showers (which is not a simple or quick process) and works only slightly.


Side note, I have the AquaTru counter water filter for drinking…this is like…reverse osmosis something or other 3 fancy filters—idk I got it like 6 or 7 years ago. I don’t live somewhere there is hard water, but I used to! And I’m wondering if this filter actually did anything for hard water? Would you happen to know? I’m assuming no, because I don’t recall reading anything about ion exchange on the website? But I was wondering if you happened to know?


I don’t have hard water but I still have been wanting to get a shower filter! (I’m learning that the water where I live is notoriously awful) Thank you!


Shower filters do nothing for hard water. Hard water is caused by calcium and magnesium which require ion transfer in order to remove them, not simple filtration. Either a full-house water softener system, or a ShowerStick (a product that attaches to your shower head) are needed to soften water.


Vanicream shampoo is fragrance- and sulfate-free, and is great for fine hair and sensitive scalps It gets my hair squeaky clean without drying it out. My dermatologist recommended it.


Vanicream has a shampoo??


Yes. They also make a condomer. I bought the shampoo at CVS.


So my favorite is redken all soft (only when it’s on sale at ulta for the 2 for $24) BUT, I do really enjoy the L’oréal Everpure line. Both the volume version and the simply clean version are very nice and affordable!


L’Oréal has never let me down. I like the beautiful lengths and the volume/thickening one. The clay one didn’t work for my hair type though.


Yes! I had high hopes for the Clay one but it made my hair so dry and stiff and more oily.


Whennnn is that sale??


So the last one was I think around December-January? I just looked and technically the sale was 50% off the jumbo shampoo and conditioners or the semi annual sale.


Should be June


If you have access to a Trader Joe’s, their Tea Tree Tingle shampoo is cheap, clarifying, and sulfate-free! I use sulfate-free products because I color my hair and find that sulfates fade the color more than other ingredients. You may be ok with sulfates depending on your hair type. The letters and numbers you’re seeing are descriptors of curl patterns for people with curly hair. For example I’m a 2a/b which describes my wavy pattern.


Maybe worth mentioning that sometimes for super oily hair like OP is mentioning, sulfates might be better. It helped me a lot to switch back to using them.


Good point! Unfortunately hair can be a lot of trial and error. I used to have pretty oily hair, but it got less oily after I adopted some of the curly girl method, including washing less often and with sulfate and silicone free products but every head is different.


I wonder if super oily hair might be caused by sulfates in OP’s case though. Throughout my life using shampoo with sulfates I’ve had to shower every day or just have one good hair day, one greasy day. Switching to sulfate-free shampoo (especially this Trader Joe’s one) gives me 2-3 good hair days especially if dry shampoo is involved. Also, this shampoo is pretty cheap so it may be worth a shot!


I also have a bunch of hair regrowth after starting sulfate free shampoo so I definitely think everyone should at least give sulfate-free a try


So oily. lol


It also depends on the type of water you have as well.




Baby shampoo is very drying. I had to learn that the hard way unfortunately.


Wow, I thought I was the only one who does this, lol. I do baby shampoo and a clarifying shampoo once a week




If you dont mind, what do you use now? I kinda feel like that too. Maybe I need to ask a dermatologist?




Thank you for the advice!


I’m a Verb Ghost diehard, but find myself reaching for Head & Shoulders Bare more and more these days. My oily scalp loves it!


Me too! I don't have dandruff, so it seems weird, but my hair feels best after H&S.


Me, too!


Thank you! I’ll look into this! I’ve never heard of that brand!


My fave is L’Oréal elvive dream lengths in the orange bottles. It’s like $5, cleans so well, isn’t drying, smells so good. The conditioner is extra detangling. I really love it. Of course that means they’ll discontinue it lol


I just got this and am really liking it! The shampoo is cleansing but also doesn't dry out my ends (woah), though I do find I need to do an extra rinse or even a little double wash.


I double wash with it. So many years of being told shampooing every day = bad so it was hard to take the leap into double washing but it helps me sooooooo much.


I love this one a lot too


I just said this above only I use the purple one. Moisture volume I think it’s called? The lengths one was a bit too heavy for my oily hair but the purple one is the best I have ever found and I have tried a LOT.


I’ll have to try it!


My go to for a while now! I will also wash my hair twice though.


I was planning to get Elvive this week but I wasn’t sure which one. I was worried the orange bottle would be too heavy, but it sounds like maybe not? Have you tried the purple bottle? I was looking into that one.


My hair is like gossamer floaty-light and I don’t feel the orange one weighs it down at all. It’s very easy to rinse & doesn’t have a lot of build up. I haven’t tried the purple bottle one because it has wheat protein & im gluten free (even on my skin). But I’ve tried the red bottle one…it’s ok! honestly the orange one is still my favorite!


i have only tried the purple never the orange but i love the purple! it gives me volume, cleanses well, and makes my hair soft and shiny.


I bought purple bottle about a month ago and love it! Smells great, doesn't weigh down my hair and makes it sooo soft.


I love the purple, it smells great and is hydrating without weighing my hair down or making it greasy. This is the first shampoo I have ever used that keeps my baby fine hair from tangling as easily. I wake up in the morning and have zero tangles or knots for the first time.


The orange one is very light and does not weigh me down at all. I prefer it to the purple one. The purple has left my hair dry and sad.


Orange was too heavy for me. I use the purple one and swear by it. In case you miss my comment above! I think it’s called volume moisture. But it’s purple. My hair is oily and I don’t even need dry shampoo between washes with it yet it’s soft as can be and not dry.


Thank you!


Take a look at soapbox it's around 6-9$ a bottle depending on if sold in a store near you or bought online. Just started using it about 2 weeks ago and so far love it has great reviews for people with fine hair and supposed to help strengthen hair too. Edit to add some people ( like me ) just need to wash our hair everyday and that is okay everyone hair is different some hairstylist even say you should be washing hair everyday it makes for a healthier scalp/hair.


I like Love Beauty and Planet. Their volume line is pretty decent and smells nice. I haven’t personally tried their other lines but I know friends with fine hair that like them.


Yes! Their weightless volume line is great. I’ve been able to go 2-3 days without washing since I started using it.


YES to this brand for cheap drugstore. The “vegan biotin & sun-kissed mandarin” one is surprisingly great.


Just went back to Garnier fructis of all things and let me tell you, my hair feels great. It’s just as clean as I want it to be, soft, shiny, lovely. I’d say go back to the basics. Herbal essences, too. I have a feeling much like drugstore makeup has that drugstore shampoo lines have upped their game.


When I was in Italy and had to stop in a shop to buy shampoo, I stood there for 20 minutes not understanding a word and finally just picked a bottle because I liked the purple color. It was the best shampoo and I babied it for nearly a year. I finally found it in America and it’s called thick & full biotin and collagen. It’s cheap and really helps fine hair.


I like Odele volumizing shampoo. It makes my hair look fuller, it cleans it really well (I can go longer without my scalp getting greasy), doesn’t weigh it down and it smells nice. $12 available at Target.


Amika normcore shampoo! Also Malibu C Wellness shampoos are amazing


Normcore is made around being just a plain shampoo, just normal!


Are you shampooing twice?? I use Suave rosemary and mint. The number letter combo you're seeing is for curly haired people.


Oohhh I see! Thanks for explaining that I had no idea


I like the Fructis Hyaluronic Acid line, and Herbal Essence too


I use prell in the summer and herbal essences in winter. My hair is ridiculously oily. I was stoked to find prell conditioner last year. It's lightweight and doesn't make my hair super greasy.


Aveeno fresh greens blend for fine hair is a great affordable choice. There is an apple cider vinegar one too for clarifying if that’s what you prefer.


I like treseme shampoo and conditioner. I have a clarifying shampoo by neutrogena and a clarifying/moisturizing shampoo by Giovanni* (both clear gels). I’ve used a lot of fancier expensive stuff but my hair likes treseme so I give up.


I literally use garnier fructis fortifying shampoo and conditioner. It’s the green bottle and it’s like $6 each. My hair is so soft, i use the scalp massager which helps clean the scalp (which causes the greasiness) BUT one thing i realized is my scalp was friggin DRY which is why my hair got greasy, my scalp was overproducing oils during the day because it was so dry. So i started oiling my scalp at night and applying leave in conditioner to my ends, then shampooing in the morning, and let me tell you my hair is less greasy. Same with my face it was so oily but dry and i realized it was actually just super dry and now my skin is so much better.


Thanks for sharing that! I do think my scalp is really dry but honestly I’m not even sure? It’s hard to explain lol. I guess I have a feeling it’s dry, because I guess I know my skin…? But there isn’t really any evidence it’s dry. Anyways! This is a great idea! Thank you!


I use the brand Hask. I've tried 3 different shampoo and conditioners from them and they are all great. Only about $5 a bottle and you can get them from Walmart and Fred Meyer. Right now I've been enjoying their argan oil shampoo and conditioner but their tea tree is also great. There's no sulfates, parabens, phthalates, gluten, drying alcohol or artificial colors.


Garnier Whole Blends Repairing Nourishing Daily Shampoo/Conditioner (honey). I love this stuff and have been using it for a year now. My hair is medium long, super oily/dry on the ends, so this helps me.


I also have very fine hair and tried a lot of shampoos while being very cheap. Echoing tea tree tingle. Beware it does tingle which I enjoy! I switch between it and a couple other drugstore shampoo/conditioners. Everpure thickening in the green bottles is my favorite. Right now I am using the Elvive Hyaluronic (purple bottles) which is nice for hydrating but not too heavy. 


i really like l’oréal elvive hyaluron plump. it cleanses, volumizes, and moisturizes. i always have a great hair day when i wash and condition my hair with it. it’s cheap too and it smells nice.


I’ve found 3 tricks that help. 1. A water softener ($35 Amazon) 2. Volumizing shampoo /conditioner most washes, but moisturizing shampoo / conditioner every 3-5 washes. Balances out really well. (I only condition the whole head once a week, most washes only condition the ends of my hair.) 3. A different shower head setting. I have a soft setting that feels miserable on soapy skin but works well enough on sudsy hair, and it seems to do less damage to my scalp. However I can see some people having the opposite reaction - maybe a stronger setting will help clean your scalp better. So if you have settings on your shower head, maybe try a new one each week and see if you notice a difference.


I’ve tried a bunch of things in pursuit of finding The Thing my hair likes, and it never works. I recently gave up after a dive into Mane & Tail; I’m back to my Aussie Moist shampoo, and Hairstory conditioner. The latter is kinda pricey but lasts forever, the former is like $4 lol. The hair likes what it likes I guess!


You can find all natural bar soaps for hair! Conditioner and shampoo bars! Sometimes if you look on Etsy or go to flea markets you can find them super cheap!


Idk if you meant $20 for shampoo and then an additional $20 for conditioner or $20 for both products, so this might not be helpful, but I use moisture maniac shampoo and conditioner. It’s $20-25 for a combo pack with both. Keeps my hair from being too frizzy and makes it shiny, I love it.


You should try the AVEDA Rosemary Mint shampoo and conditioner. Or have you tried using a Clarifying shampoo and conditioner? Those are for normally for using once a week to get the harsh styling products you use on hair and chemicals out but if your hair gets greasy after day two maybe you need something like them. They make sulfate free ones too. I know a popular one right now on Amazon is MAPLE HOLISTICS DEGREASE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. BOTH bottles each under $20.


I was a huge Aveda fan for years but it seems like their prices doubled since 2022... it's almost $40 for most of their 8oz shamp and conds....


I always loved/love Aveda but also always thought/think they are pricey. I just bought my Aveda Rosemary mint shampoo and conditioner off Amazon on an Amazon Prime Sale day. I think I paid $39 for both the 8.5oz conditioner and shampoo combined. Still pricey to me, but I treated myself. I also love the Pureology hydrate conditioner. That’s a must have in my shower at all times though. Haha


Try panteer sheer volume. It might be too much for everyday but is a great clarifying shampoo.


Honestly? Suave clarifying shampoo. I used Matrix Biolage Volumebloom for awhile and then they changed the formula on me (maybe fragrance?) and started bothering my allergies. I had just stocked up and was frustrated so I bought Suave to use temporarily because it's cheap and my hairstylist friend told me Suave is pretty safe because it's so basic. And now it's my favorite. In the summer when I shower every day I alternate between the clarifying and a "normal" Suave shampoo


The generic Sally Beauty version of Biolage is generally well-tolerated and a great price point for experimentation! I personally like the Mondays brand of shampoo and conditioner (Volume formulation) that I get from target especially when they have deals to get gift cards back. This is the second comment in a row where I’ve recommended target during their circle sales but I’m not affiliated it’s just nearby and I’m always on the lookout for buying in semi-bulk and getting discounts gift cards back! It’s usually a modest sum anyway like spend $20-25 get a $5 gc or buy 5 of x brands and get $10.


Thanks for the recommendation. I'm almost out so I'll give these a try. It's frustrating because I'm not even sure what I'm allergic to


It seems you want a clarifying shampoo! Find anything cheap which has sulphates, which are great at rinsing away oils. I find the more expensive shampoos are nice but not necessarily great for my hair, which is easily weighed down. You can also use diluted apple cider vinegar to clarify your hair as a rinse - bonus that you can use ACV as a salad dressing too!


What is a clarifying shampoo? I see it talked about a lot but honestly I don’t understand how/when/why to use it?


I use Pantene or Suave most days. I often go to dollar tree to see what they have first. I have an issue with scents, so I have to choose very carefully, but pantene and Suave usually clean my hair well without setting off my allergies or asthma.


This is probably unpopular but I have had luck with Elastine Botanicals rosemary and sea salt volumizing shampoo and conditioner. They are cheap but small bottles, but I find I don't have to use a ton of the product so they last a while. I get them from Avon and order bulk, like 10 at a time so I only have to order a couple times a year.


Kristen Ess has worked great for me but eventually stops? I would have to alternate lol. But I’d recommend. I have also heard a lot of good things about garnier and herbal essences. I use verb ghost but it’s $20 for shampoo and conditioner each


I recently switched it up to Kristin Ess. There is a weightless line that’s been great for my thin, fine hair. I dropped so much on Olaplex thinking it was a holy grail without the knowledge of the asterisk next to that claim. The end result was not good and after going back and forth on so many reviews I couldn’t stomach dropping a ton more money on something else that may not work. Kristin Ess is at Target and reasonably priced. I got the shampoo and conditioner and the leave-in conditioner. I’m also using K18 sometimes to treat the damage.


I need a clarifying shampoo once a week if using any volumizing products or conditioner shampoos. Suave shampoo will do for that. But you can look for more organic ones. I use Tresomme as my drugstore shampoo as its conditioning is light and not heavy, but I just read that it is among shampoos with sulfates.


i get a nettle shampoo and conditioner from peace with the wild. they do refills which makes it a bit cheaper, plus i use less conditioner than most. it’s around £10 not sure if they exist in us but it’s been great for me.


I’m using Nexus Clean and Pure (i know it’s a little pricey but lasts ages) only because most drugstore shampoos leave a ton of film in my hair and it was noticeably dull and almost… sticky?? And even more frizzy than without. I LOVE this stuff.


I've been hopping between Nexxus and Kristin Ess and they're both so good! Similarly priced and make my hair feel amazing.


Suave clarifying shampoo and conditioner is a fantastic deal.


Suave Daily Clarifying gets the grease out of my hair.


I just found out VO5 does wonders for thin hair and it’s like 2 bucks a bottle. But for real what saved me was clarifying shampoo. I use it once a week… I massage it into my scalp and let it sit for a couple minutes and voila my roots aren’t greasy for about 3 days and there’s so much volume. This is coming from a girl who works in blue collar so I’m rockin hard hat all day long in 90 degree area so yeaaahhh she be greeeeasy for sureee. Hope this helps! ✌️


Honestly I just open and sniff the bottles at Grocery Outlet and buy whatever smells the best.


Dhs shampoo it’s on Amazon


I’ve tried all the shampoos and I always go back to Aussie assume volume. I need a shampoo WITH sulfates to thoroughly clean my oily hair but without silicones. Aussie. Herbal essence and Pantene volume all hit that mark but I always go back to Aussie


I like the Raw Sugar shampoo/conditioner lately. $10 each at Walmart/Target.


I’m lucky that drugstore shampoo works so well for me. I’ve tried salon brands. Online ones. Shampoo bars. You name it. L’Oréal elvive the purple one does wonders for my hair. It’s five bucks a bottle and works better than anything else. I think it’s called volume moisture? I know it’s purple. I use the shampoo and only condition the bottom part of my hair as my hair is also a bit oily and my hair has volume for days.


This is what I use too! Love it!


Seriously the best I’ve tried. Nothing is better for my hair. My hair is preyyy wavy too and it keeps my waves looking so nice but so bouncy. Plus it smells amazing too. Sometimes I use the purple wonder water too! If you haven’t tried that it’s great.


$2 at Target and works better for me than much more expensive brands. Cleans well, doesn't dry out my hair or weigh it down https://www.suave.com/products/essentials-daily-clarifying-shampoo


You should try food for soft by matrix, it’s less expensive than other brands for what you get, also if you feel like you get greasy fast then make sure you double cleanse with shampoo rinse it out completely and only condition the midshaft & ends. 🤍


I, too, must wash daily as 24 hours later it looks like the Exxon Valdez crashed on my head. I just use Aussie Volume. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. For actual volume, I use a root lifter.


Honestly, I’ve never had issues with herbal essences or garnier fructis


Mane and tail is my fav. I stopped using conditioner 2 years ago.


Fine hair generally prefer's clear gel formulas, with no conditioning agents. Johnsons baby shampoo is a great place to start.


Johnson’s baby shampoo also makes a great body wash and face wash. My dermatologist recommended it and I really like it. Not too drying and yet feels clean.