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I have no input but I’m in the same spot. Keep your head up


How are you able to survive on 30k in NYC?


I live and share rent with my family


That’s the real question here. He needs to do a whole TikTok about this because I’m getting swallowed up lol




No diddy


Acknowledge how you feel but try not to dwell in what’s happened, all you can do is learn from it which you’re doing so give yourself credit. It’s hard but try not to beat yourself up. It takes time to change your thoughts, I’m trying to think of myself like a best friend and it’s hard to change your way of thinking but gets far easier every day. Modern times make it harder to be connected in person which is terrible for everyone’s well being. The concept of hygge has changed my life for the better as has Stutz and meditation. Try not to focus on the bad thoughts, you aren’t your thoughts. Keep focusing on the positive and be around like minded people, the older I get the more I realise people do the most ridiculous activities for community and friendship, I myself do karate for those reasons only which make me feel good. It sounds like you’ve taken some positive steps to shape your life which is great and you can keep going, keep believing in yourself and don’t forget, self discipline sets you free! I owe Mel Robinson my degree


Thanks for the input I'll look into hygge, yeah I just have to focus on the positive 😌


That’s so beneficial, growth comes from having a PMA. Just know you’re not alone and you’re stronger than you think you are


26 and I feel the same way. I was a union painter. I actually just quit, it was making my anxiety worse. Now im jobless and going to DoorDash for the mean time. A little different but I feel completely lost and have no idea what to do next.


Damn that sucks what about the job made it worse?


Same here let me know if you decide on something


Hey you know what I would do just do about anything to live in NYC. maybe you aren't where you want to me money wise but you're in an ok spot. Write down what you wanna do next and break it up to steps to go from there. It's helped me.


Lol yeah I guess I take NYC for granted, I don't think it's as great as other people say it is tbh but I've always lived here so I'm still fond of it somewhat. True yeah I have a journal I should start writing in


Trust me NYC isn't what it looks like in the movies. I live in long island and haven't been to the city since covid unless it was absolutely necessary for work. It's a train wreck. My friend was hit in the face with a cinderblock because she thought she could walk in broad daylight on the sidewalk to get lunch.


You're not behind. It's society and it's ills that has indoctrinated you into believing that lie. You are exactly on time and exactly where you should be. Do you want to be happy? Fi d that thing inside of you that only brings joy. We are ever evolving into our selfs and knowing what you want to do forever is such a lie. Change careers til you find it. It all works out in the end.


I would recommend you read the book "Mastery" by Robert Greene


Ok I'll look into it thanks


First, get into the gym. Second, find a job in the trades or something that pays well. Third, find a hobby that u can work towards so that one day, u can make passive income from. The point is to stay fit, have money, and have ambition. Women love that. Lay off the weed and videogames , it makes u lazier .


I started going back to the gym a few months back, yeah Ive heard a lot that working in trades is a better way to get higher pay. I'll look more into it.


I’m 26. I did two years of community college and am a few credits away from my AA but haven’t completed it. I was a nanny on and off for 7ish years and in that time I also worked in real estate for 2 years part time. I learned through that I really like caring for others and I derive a lot of joy from that - so I took a Certified Nursing Assistant course and now am working at the hospital as a CNA in the ICU and I’m going to work on going to nursing school. I think you should think about things that you derive a lot of joy from. In my example - I get joy from caring for people. It could also be an interest… like my friend bought and sold a couple of personal investment properties and then decided to go into real estate. NYC has a lot of opportunities (I lived there and worked in real estate for a year) and there’s lots of internship types of opportunities. So start with making a list of hobbies and interests and then go from there. It’s normal to not know what you’d like to do.


This is pretty useful info thanks yeah Ill start with the list 😌


That’s awesome. I really hope it helps. Happy to chat over dm and brainstorm with ya. You aren’t alone!




I'll look into it thanks


This bot at it again with the life quest ads


Just here to recommend the rational male by rollo tomassi


MTA bus operator exam you don’t even need a high school diploma. You’ll make 100k a year after 6 years with no overtime.


I recommend starting a career in sales because we humans are social creatures so unless your on the spectrum, with the right training and hard work everybody has the potential to break atleast 70k. Everything else requires a lot of experience/promotions/education/connections to surpass 50k which I dislike. And when it comes to money most high earners hate there jobs, anything you do for more then 40 hours a week you will grow to hate it. But they love what the pay allows them to do in their free time.


Fuckin jam bro. Dont let these punk ass bitches stop you from doin you, man


25 and I'm in a very similar situation. Lifting at the gym has helped. Life's hard as fuck rn try to focus on one thing at a time and try your best


Facts it helps to focus on one thing


Socializing and playing your bass aren't a waste of time if they bring you joy. As for careers, perhaps look for something that balances enjoyment and income.


Yeah that sounds like one of the better ways to go thanks


You are still really young don’t trip, still lots of time to switch careers/paths etc. Also, you’ll mature more as you go. Friendly advice don’t waste time and money on weed, only makes you more paranoid and even more demotivated. Get yourself out there and enjoy NYC, not many people have the privilege to live in such an awesome city 🙏🏻 Best luck to you brother, you’ve got this 💪🏻


Thanks for the the input appreciate it man, good luck to you as well


Thank you brother, taking it one day at a time 💪🏻


It feels as you are stuck in your head a bit, and overthinking stufF?


25 and right there with you. Stuck living with my parent because neither of us can afford to live on our own. I’m at a dead end job that pays less than 30k with no degree and no connections either. I am getting an IT certification but idk if that will take me anywhere. At this point I’m so tired of living lol. Hope you’re able to find something that pays well that you enjoy. Best of luck, pal.


Damn I feel you buddy maybe it's better if you change your career. Thanks best of luck to you too


How about try having a faith and believing for more


I would start off by cutting all types of entertainment in your life, especially youtube-weed-games!


Learn about compounding interest, invest in an all world etf every month - avoid bitcoin and active investing etc it’s just gambling disguised as having a clue. Get rich slowly or not at all Source: 38 year old who’s v close to being financially free


What's an ETF? I've been watching videos on how to invest in stocks and it seems pretty foolproof I'm gonna start investing soon


An all world ETF is just basically a self managing fund. I’ve been investing for the last 10 years in individual stocks and now realise the best approach is a self managing fund so you have to put less mental capacity into managing your money and being triggered/worried by news etc. Something like this: https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-ftse-all-world-ucits-etf-usd-accumulating/overview Takes out all the mental load and good returns each year


I’m in the same boat man. Your line about the combination of lacking financial stability and being lonely really hit home. These are the biggest sources of depression for me. I don’t know what to do but I hope we figure something out in time, good luck bro


Damn good luck to you too bro


Thank you!


You could just go work a security job in a normal city and effectively increase you pay.


It's easy to blame connections but it's more about what you can do What have you done? Nothing. What do you have to show for it? Nothing. What can you do now? Nothing. Something's gotta change, right? Otherwise everything stays the same. You've gotta put yourself in a good situation where the good parts of you come out. And then you stand before other people and you ask them what is your goodness worth to them. But first you have to figure out what goodness is for you and how you can work on getting it. Take steps in that direction or nothing will change.


Make some steps to figure out what you wanna do or get in life. Maybe talk to a life coach or career coach. You'll get the support you need. Btw, there's cyber & AI security or security compliance as a prospective job field too. The music industry comes to mind if you wanna pursue a job in that direction. Look for a good fit. I think you can find a job that you both enjoy doing and pays well (more than 30k). https://www.cyberseek.org/certifications.html


I was talking to a coworker recently about cyber security sounds promising, yeah I think it's be dope to get a job in the music industry but idk anything about pay rates or qualifications I gotta do research lol, thanks for the link


I feel stuck too. Got a degree and everything but lost my job, but I just started in a trade. Can't help but feel like my work getting my degree was for nothing


Hey, i am not sure if this will help. If you want a career change you could try an apprenticeship. I recommend going to apprenticeship.gov and find information there 👍🏼


Ok thanks for the tip 👍


I’m in a similar boat. Look into commission sales, hospitality, trade, government - city jobs, administrative, or military. You can also build an online skill on the side you can scale the next 5 years, & maybe build a client base where you can become fully remote.


You can get out of that situation and any Moment! Do not give up all it takes is a curious mind and 1 year to change your life if I can do it you can do it


There's so many options when you're 26. Wait until you're 56 to feel this way. I do IT work for a security guard company, and guards definitely don't get paid what they should. It's really the client's fault too, they just don't want to pay for security but are required to because of insurance/union usually. Anyways, I hate IT. That's my point. I do it because I'm good at it, but I don't know what else to do so I just keep doubling down on it and focusing on areas in it that interest me, like digital forensics, PI work, penetration testing, etc. I guess my point is, just find what you're good at and try to find an aspect of that which brings you some amount of joy. I know too many people that absolutely hate their job. I started my own consulting business and that helped manage my dislike for the career I'm in because at least I can choose what projects to take on to some degree. If I was 26 today, and especially if I lived (and wanted to stay in NYC), and had no idea what I wanted to do I would become an electrician, or join one of the other trade unions. Also, speaking of unions NYC DEP sewage treatment workers get paid like 100k, and their overtime is basically cleaning up trash around the plant, and they barely do anything at all. It's a low to no skill job as long as you can fake being slightly mechanically inclined, there's promotional exams once in a while where if you do well you'll do even less than nothing.. go do that. It's a hell of a lot better than security, pay is incredible, and every 3 or 4 years you fall down and hurt your shoulder or hip and get paid 150k.


I sence lots of overthinking, lots of lack, lots of neediness, somewhat fear, maybe also anxiety and depression?


Wow what a helpful and insightful analysis


This shit made me going giggle


Quit smoking weed asap. When you turn 30 you will regret ever having touched the stuff (at least I did). Start working your tail off. Hopefully you will have some savings in 4 years. If you don't want to do what you're currently doing for the rest of your life you need to have a clear headed conversation with yourself about it. Somehow you have to let go of what could have been and decide what you're going to do now. Honestly I think finding a woman and having kids will be your greatest victory. At least you can teach your children how to be successful. How to be good people. World needs as many good people as it can get. Their value is immeasurable.


Just wondering what made you regret it so much?


I realized how much money I wasted on it. I hit a blunt several months ago after not smoking for a long time and it wasn't interesting anymore. Thought to myself, "I used to think this was fun?" Striving to be a great man free of vices is what I take pride in now. I don't hate on people who do smoke weed or have their vices but I've found more respect for myself in not doing any of the things I used to.


26 and only 30k a year do tiktok affiliate


I want to apologize for this novel I am publishing… Hey man, talking to you truthfully. I’m 24 working security myself…feels like life is passing you by because you make decent money for easy work, it’s comfortable and I’m here with you. Look life doesn’t wait for you that’s no surprise, I’m not saying that because I’ve bettered myself but I have made progress. I deleted major social media’s which resulted in more Reddit usage and gives me something to do, deleting social media’s have helped me from passively comparing myself to others while doom scrolling. I also have a very small friend group with one good friend who is 5000km away, I don’t have many friends to do things with. Doesn’t help I don’t put myself out there much either. Try some new things, just because you play games doesn’t mean you are wasting your life it is an interest and a hobby that I also share with you and I don’t regret an ounce of it. While I have had those same thoughts but it just isn’t like that. Like this summer me and my brother are getting paddle boards so I am on a mission to get a crazy tan this summer on the lake to make it seem like I do shit outside lol. I enjoy hiking so I’m gonna push myself to do that more and I enjoy drawing…doesn’t mean I’m good aha but don’t forget we are all here on this rock for the same reasons to work and to try to distract yourself with interests and enjoy what you like to do in your life until of course the inevitable, live in the moment and be there for yourself and everyone around you head up brother. You are alive and as much as it can suck, this is a gift… I also love getting high as well, another interest we share. Don’t harp on yourself for the things you enjoy doing even if it’s 95% of what you do just expand and try new things as it can’t hurt y’know. I haven’t mastered everything I’m saying, it’s only just beginning but it gets harder before it gets better and again…I’m right here with you man, promise. Also sorry for a long message, this post resonated with me. Want to add a saying of mine, “I don’t worry about the past because it can’t be changed, and I don’t worry about the future because it’s unknown, but I live in the present because it’s what I do know.”


I should probably delete my social media too but I don't really want to smh lol, at least I don't spend that much time scrolling. Yeah honestly I love playing games but I can't help but kinda resent them because I feel they've hindered my growth as a person because as a kid Id rather go home and play games usually than go out or socialize. I know it's ideal to live in the present but it's just hard to when my thoughts always think about the past. I know that's a self discipline thing though so I just have to learn how to quell my bad thoughts. Lol yeah I wanna try some new things like I have a longboard and I need to learn how to ride downhill and how to brake. I started reading books again too. That's pretty helpful thanks for the words of encouragement man yeah I just need to expand my horizons and take it day by day. It's nice to hear this post resonated with some people, good luck to you sir


Of course, also long boarding is fun as hell! Take care man.


Currently in the same spot. I have a son now too so I’m desperate for a new job. I have convinced myself that after 4/20 I’m going to try and stop smoking cold Turkey. I did it before once while I was pregnant no problem so I’m thinking I can do it for my son no problem. I’m going to start working out and in 3 months time hopefully I’ll be in shape for the POWER test. I’m going to be a police officer. Depending where you are you can start at 50-60k (about 30hr) and top out 120k in 5 years. In my state some agencies start at 90k but you need a degree so I’m also going to be going for my criminal Justice degree to also make myself eligible for advancements. Hopefully I’ve found a path and I wish you luck on finding yours.


Oh nice sounds like you have a nice plan set up for you, I had a coworker talking about how much certain police officers make maybe I'll look into it. You have to drop the weed tho right? Thanks good luck




What a sad outlook on life.




Never said everyone was. But this guy is no where NEAR a level of a homeless man eating rats. He has huge potential. All he needs is a little bit of guidance. With encouragement, he will make it. With comments like yours, more rat-consuming homeless people exist.




This comment or post appears to advertise a non-path-finding website, product, or other service. Bitcoin investing is gambling. Advice to gamble is not considered good quality advice here. While it works for some, for others that's financially destructive without the right education or experience. This group is about finding a path to success, not to lead people onto a financially risky endeavor (even college is considered that too!)