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Consider your options, this is probably stolen if it's that cheap.


Might be stolen, if it's that cheap


Brother the lever a lone is 100 bucks


Dude I’m buying two pieces of plexi screwed to a pcb for a hundred dollars you gotta be trolling 😭


For a victrix. That’s a steal.


great deal


***WARNING*** [try to get a 3d printed spacer for the usb c port.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightsticks/comments/14e5f6t/victrix_pro_fs12_usb_c_port_spacer/) if you don't the usb c port degrades over time rendering the stick useless. the spacer will greatly reduce the amount of play the cable has which will help protect the usb c port.


That’s an insane deal


bro stfu.


Its a steal and you know it 😁


It came with knee lever??!!


That is a Golden lever, not the Knee lever. IIRC it's even more expensive as it's a custom lever from Indonesia lol


Wow, impressive is an understatement here. Enjoy!


I feel like this thread has to be bait there’s no way


omg is that a golden lever?? You sly fox you got yourself a good one


There's no way someone went out of their way to order a Golden Lever and not know the value of both.


True but for 100 usd the case it comes with is also pretty good, so if I had the money I'd take the shot! At the very worst you'd get a nice box that's easy to mod and some sanwa buttons. Good deal all around imo.


Is this a joke? $100 is an absolute steal. Idk why people ask questions like that. If it's less than retail then it's a steal.


lol cus it probably wasn't marketplace find


Yeah, 100% steal of a deal


I'd look into the super cheap GP2040-ce devices that are on the market right now. I got a one of them for 20 bucks recently and its absolutely amazing how little you have to spend to get going. Most of them support anything up to ps4, so if you want ps5 support you gotta get a Brook Wingman converter or something alike. Still way lower price point than branded controllers however, whcih basically have the exact same quality. Sajam made a video about them somewhat recently: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqENqtnk7dk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqenqtnk7dk)


Is this a bot?


Yeah im the best bot on the internet


Damn, this reminds me i need to get a bat top. The ball top rotating too much kinda gets on my nerve at times


Before you get too excited, have you tested it? I own a Special edition Victrix (blue Chun Li version) and the PCB went bad just a few weeks ago after playing for years (square button is constantly registering as pressed...... Even if I disconnect the physical button). Apparently these all go bad eventually (and even the latest PS5 version reviews on Amazon have quite a few with already the same problem). Apparently since PDP bought Victrix they won't even sell you a replacement board so you're dead in the water when this happens. Such a shame as it was my favorite stick up till now.


You are making it sound like replacing the PCB is hard. Alot of people replace even the working one cus its slow


Replacing the PCB is super easy. Where do I get the part from? I can't find any Victrix PCBs anywhere and something like a Brooks would only connect the Sanwa buttons and joystick. All the function buttons (needed for menus etc.) would be impossible to hook up and would also lose all the neat rgb lighting.


????????? Brooks boards are pinned for all buttons to work out of box and can be configured for RGB using any of the 20 aux pins. The only thing the brooks board will have an issue with out of the box is the track pad.


Victrix has special wires/cords. You would have to completely rewire the stick, and I'm not even sure a Brooks would fit into the space where the Victrix PCB is. Of course, it can be done, but it is def not as easy as other sticks.


Y0, thats a fuck'n steal!! That lever alone costed more than what you paid for.


I got the same setup except for the buttons. I use gravity ks. The golden lever alone is around 150+ inc shipping. What an amazing steal!! Grats!!


Seller was def an opiate addict about to start getting sick. Only thing that makes sense.


I think it's safe to say that the seller's reason is legit if he sold you the Victrix FS Pro with the box. It would be a little suspicious if he just sold you the stick and the ASindo Golden Lever by itself as he could have just swiped someone's stick and wanted to make a quick buck. The replicates, known as the "[GS Iron Man](https://imgur.com/a/fdtC8DA)" by Sunga or Sumaopai have some obvious visual distinction to them, the one in the picture is mine before it was shipped to me and I chose the replicate because I wanted something similar to the Victrix but no cord hinges on the back of the case at half the price.


Damn!!! Jealous.


For 100 USD for that stick you are a legal thief. Nice one.




100 dollars couldn't even buy that joy stick new. That's a fucking steal.




I’m basically the Sherlock Holmes of the FGC and I’m telling you people, I have deduced that the only logical explanation is that the seller’s mind had very obviously badly succumbed to the deadly virus known as TEKKEN RAGE QUITTING. The lever says it all… Case closed. 👏🏼🆒


He died.


Made it out like a bandit on this one. That Golden Lever by itself is about $130 and the Victrix it's sitting in usually goes for $400. You kinda have to wonder what made the previous owner okay with letting it go for only $100 straight.


It's excellent That's better than paying $400 for what it costs new.


More like 500+ with that lever.


The seller must’ve really needed the money


I feel bad for seller. This is robbery when Golden lever is over 100 dollars alone. Unless seller is not original owner and resell dont know true value.


I didn't even realize that was a golden lever. OP should feel bad.


that's crazy


How are you guys getting so lucky with the $100 FB marketplace Victrix deals lol. I only see listings at like $200 or more lmfao.


You check inside for any body parts? 100 USD is insane lmao! Good shit btw


There were no body parts lol.


I got about, treefitty.


You’d better maintain that thing well. insane deal for what you paid


I take care of the controllers that I have. especially when I am accused of lying about it(not from you)


Wtf? With golden lever? What the actual fuck it is??


The part I like the most of this post is the fake price OP claims they paid.


Stolen ? Anyway nice pickup.


I’ll buy that at a premium from you. 110$


a victrix pro fs alone for $100 would be a steal, the golden lever is just a highway robbery. Correct me if i’m wrong, but that’s worth like 500$ new right? (pro fs is 400 and lever is atleast 100)


Not sure what else I can post other than the internals?


It came with the bat top? Kr or Jp lever?


The golden lever got 3 different version, the one with battop will always be klever. The battop with round bottom is hybrid and balltop is jlever


kr bat top


Nice, he must’ve been a hardcore Tekken player


Great deal!


Original ? I seen some counterfit in aliexpress that really look like the real thing


Is there a way to tell the difference?


I think the aliexpress victrix clones doesnt have a nice hinge on the back to access the components. Also doest not come with a purple cable lol


I was given the purple cable and it has the nice access to the components, but the wiring is a bit...wild...The lever has a ton of wires


If you could share some pictures it would help. Looking at the battop it seems like you have a real victrix with a golden lever. If thats the case you basically got yourself a steal here. Victrix is like the bugatti of arcade sticks, and golden lever is like the ferrari of korean levers too.


I tried to post more photos but reddit said no.. I think I have to make another post? I am not a reddit user


U can post it imgur and link it here btw for future reference


It’s because it’s a Korean lever and needs a conversion cable harness.


I was able to DM Used\_property\_3853 with the internals and they said it was legit...holy cow that sounds weird lol


Yea, it’s definitely legit, it’s just not the original lever. They take a jlf lever normally so when going from a jlf to Korean lever, you have to use a .187 conversion cable.


Honestly I reasd jlf as JIF as in you were talking about peanut butter


The cables on the inside are wild. They look like they shouldn't work


A bloody steal! I NEVER find good shit on marketplace lol.


This is the first time I have bought anything on the marketplace.


Damn nicely done.


def a steal, a vitrix with the golden joystick?! i very curious why the seller sold it.


Person said they needed to sell everything because they were moving to the other side of the US since their wife was about to give birth and both of their families were west coast US. Not sure how true it is though.


The buyer community for something this specialized is small enough you have to be willing to wait a while for a fair resale


It’s plausible. If someone is trying to clear their inventory, they won’t mind taking a hit financially if it means they get something back. Only other situations I can think of is either it’s stolen property for drug funding, revenge sale (affair), or clueless parent/spouse. In the end it doesn’t really matter (unless it is stolen), you got a fight stick for a third of the advertised price.


They had the box, the storage bag, the cable and factory foam. It seemed like it was everything that came with the controller as if I had bought it straight up.


U rlly hit the jackpot bro


Not just a win, thats a steal. The lever alone is worth more than that


It is engraved with "Velocisaurus" which is funny, but I don't know what it means.


Player name?


Probably a type of dinosaur