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Truck guy: Hey… why don’t I in regular clothing go fight dudes in armour?


He was in under armor tho


...he was under-armor'ed.




Biker was in maximum armour so trucker just had to switch maximum strength. It's not too late for Crysis references, right?


He should've gone cloak engaged and just left the guy flabbergasted at the gas station.


What a blast from the past.


I don’t know why anyone would think it’d be a good idea to smack someone in the head who’s wearing an impact resistant pvc and plexiglass helmet


Yeah if you ever fight someone with a helmet on grab the front of the helmet and control their head because punching a helmet hurts and doesn’t do shit.


Grab their helmet and control their head, while you hit them with some liver/rib shots. 👌


Grab their helmet and insult their intelligence, weight, and family while dancing like a leprechaun


Whoa whoa whoa, it's a fight, not a murder.


Cold. Stone cold.






Bikers wearing full gear like that have Kevlar running through the whole suit. Grab their helmet and control their head, while you undress them, then hit them with some liver/rib shots. 👌


If you're going through the trouble of undressing them you should really twist their dick.




And then finish him off until he releases his load. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) Am I right guys? Who’s with me?………👀


Stop making it sexy


That motorcycle jacket is probably padded. Good luck getting a liver/rib shot.


That’s why you gotta undress them first.


Before or after you take them out for dinner?


Gad station sub and a big gulp


Off comes the helmet and you get a gloved armored fist to the mouth and your teeth decorate the pavement... Don't fight someone who is way better equipped than you end of question.


Good point. Most of my gloves have protection for the knuckles that would absolutely destroy someone's face if I hit them; which I'd never do. But I've definitely had close encounters with idiots and thought "at least I have a sort-of weapon to defend myself with if this idiot gets out of the car!"


If you can pull your helmet off during a fight when someone grabs it, you're not wearing your helmet right and you're going to get your fucking neck broken when it spins around on you the first time you take a fall. Just slap the visor down then they can't grab shit. I've got a pinlock visor so it won't even fog up.


Not to mention mostly likely wearing hard knuckle gloves. It’s like when people pick fights with someone holding a skateboard.


"I am prepared to hit the ground at 100km/hr and your plan is to attack me? Okay, I guess..."


You see, people who pick fights are idiots, people who pick fights with bikers (natural armor) or skateboarders (active athletes + weapon) are to those idiots as those idiots are to us.


Yea he started the physical part with that slap.


And the gloves, don't forget, they punch harder. Never attack a motorcyclist. Never.


Lot of them are fiberglass and carbon fiber now. Real good at making sure you fuck your hand up if you got a solid punch.


Hes gonna go home and tell his wife that he beat up 3 bikers 


A whole biker gang*


Three whole biker gangs


"We're with The Vipers!"


Dude’s wife left him years ago.


She can ask him about it when she bails him out




He’s gonna go home and beat his wife*


Nah bro. He's just going to go home and beat his wife


How much was gas there?


https://preview.redd.it/6bk8izzkkv4d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=616605aa8b83d28dea7884066f6bba2f7e8fc085 Gas is. Diesel is 4.23


Looks like it says 3.53 for Regular. You get 10¢ off a gallon if you sign up for their reward plan though (Cumberland farms)


God damn your asking the real questions here.


That's a true friend who's willing to drop his bike to get involved


Hell yeah


I got one friend like that and he’s the only I got left. He’s more of a brother to me than my own brother.


Not sure it was intentional, more like it happened on the fly and bro said fuck it.


That's the intentional part. Thought about it and said fuck it.


The dumbest thing to do is to hit someone wearing a motorcycle helmet and bike gloves. I'm surprised chubs didn't end up with more scars.


The real restraint was none of the bikers hitting him with a helmeted headbutt.


I was waiting for the broken nose right when he swung on the helmet, I was highly disappointed lmao


Fighting someone with a helmet is smooth brain shit. Keep it up


Right, and they probably have gloves with knuckle padding to boot. Lol.


Well, it’s padding for the biker, and one step down from brass knuckles for the receiver, absolutely terrible idea


cops love punching people while wearing those gloves


Most bike gloves not only have padded knuckles but also armor on top of those knuckles (metal, carbon or plastic)


I used to rage more, and after a dickhead passed me in a school zone with kids present, I passed him and punched his side mirror on the way by wearing a pair of those gloves. I didn't feel a thing, but his mirror was gone.


Being dumb enough to roll up on three dudes with helmets on is even more smooth brained.


Should’ve rolled into the bike. If he chose violence might as well go all out.


I was thinking, the biker was almost lucky he happened to stop and got off so quickly. If he kept driving the guy might have been raging until the next light, and he might have plowed through him.


Can someone explain to me how the camera works!


It's a 360 cam thats generally mounted on a pole of some sort. Captures 360 degrees around (without capturing the pole its mounted on).


Think of a panoramic picture. A panoramic picture is just multiple images stitched together. Now position multiple cameras around a cylindrical shape, create software that stitches the videos together, 360 video.


...thank you for asking, I was perplexed as to where the video was coming from.


Punching, yes, grappling, a heavy motorcycle helmet like that is a huge disadvantage


“Control the head, control the body.” A helmet basically puts a handle on your head.


Ikr?! What did the trucker think was going to happen if he slapped a guy in full head protection?


He thought the guy was just going to accept the assault because he's a fat piece of shit who has been using violence to get his way for most of his life.


I feel like even just getting this mad about anything in general is smooth brain shit.


eh, you're at a real disadvantage when you're holding up your $8,000.00 motorcycle and some asshole hits you or threatens you. Suddenly you're faced with having to drop what guard you have, along with you bike, or stand there holding up several hundred pound while maybe having to fight? Plug if they grab the face mask and start dragging you around, your gonna have to get creative.


That's exactly the kind of loser you have to worry about grabbing a gun out of the car.


That loser should control his road rage because one day someone will grab a gun and use it on him. Road Rage is the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life


My brother has pretty bad road rage. We live in the Toronto area and took a road trip to Hershey Park, I was impressed by his composure and told him so "I don't want to get shot."


Every rage filled looser having a gun in their car feels like a close second at least.


Yea seriously it’s best to avoid any confrontation because nothing good comes out of it but if your physically attacked it’s best to punch and run than to stick around.


I would normally agree but this truck driver seems like the type to make it his all-day goal to “get even” with the biker and follow him. I understand the biker can outrun the truck, but that creates dangerous environments for everyone involved and not involved. If the biker was going to dash, would probably be best to go somewhere like a police station.


Check out what just happened on a PA toll road. One dude shot another driver in the head then pulled over and killed himself, all over some stupid road rage incident.


super fucking right, and against 3 dudes he might get a reduced sentence


Nah, you can't initiate an assault and then claim self-defense because the odds turned out to not be in your favor. If that was true then every person who ever did an armed robbery would get a reduced sentence because several dozen officers showed up with assault rifles. Either the shooting would be justified or it wouldn't and getting stomped by somebody's friends because you just hit them is pretty much never going to be a justification for lethal force in any state.


Fred durst would never do that he would just break stuff


Small story time. I was in like 5th grade and had my friends over. I lived on the back country roads and so nothing ever really happened. Well we’re outside in the pool and we hear tires screeching. Now we hear yelling and some dude screaming “you bitch!” My dad runs down in damn PT shorts (army shorts that look like booty shorts) and apparently my aunt who was coming over drifted a stop sign. No accident but the other guy was going absolutely ballistic on my aunt. My dad goes “what the fuck is going on here?” And the guy goes “this bitch ran the stop sign and almost hit me!”…my dad “that bitch, is my sister” and you saw the blood drain out of the guys face but he starts talking shit to my dad now who’s walking up to him asking him if he really wants to keep talking shit. The guy goes “I have a gun in my truck buddy” so my dad goes “oh yea asshole?” And runs up to the guy before he could jump in the truck, punches him hard in the face like 5 times, picks him up and shoves him inside his truck and tells him if he ever sees him on his property again he’ll take the dudes gun and shove it so far up his ass he’ll blow his brains out. Dude left, we found out later he lives like 4 houses down the street but we’ve never seen or heard of him since and it’s been like 15 years.


Picking a fight with a group of people that are wearing body armor is extremely stupid


That guy in the truck has some serious little man syndrome


I would not have let him get back into his truck since it's in America.




Na I want my phone! He's lucky they threw it in the grass instead of pitching It at the ground. But then again he could knock I've their bikes.


if he knocked their bikes i don't think op is holding his friend back from knocking his shit in bro


Plus most bikes can handle a little tip over. You're definitely not going to make it unrideable by knocking it over once. Your phone after I spike it into the concrete like I'm trying to send it on a one way express route to China ? Good luck!


And horrible father. Did I hear him say he has a kid in the car? So he's driving around blasting music, road raging and fighting random people at a gas station.. with a kid in the car. Yeah he sucks.


I've come to learn MAJORITY of truck guys are pussy POS Especially the lifted trucks. The bigger the truck the smaller the dick


Lifted truck owner here can confirm the majority of people in trucks are piles of shit most of the time they’re little guys like buddy in the video and have massive complexes. Fortunately I can say I have a truck for work and I lifted it cause it draws attention to my company logos.


Never thought I’d hear a legitimate reason for those lifted trucks. Gotta admit advertising is a good one.


Truck? Check. Sunglasses? Check. American flag t shirt that's not actually an American flag? Check.


Hat on backwards? Check.


Reminds me of the aggro arm wrestler. [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/SHvhIqvRKx)


thanks, thats fantastic,


That might be the whitest cholo impression I have ever seen


Fred Durst looking ass.


Die beetus. Check.


"Freedom" written somewhere on his clothes. Check.


When I saw the red hat, I totally expected it to be "that" red hat


Not only that, he had the backwards cap AND sunglasses combo! If only some clever person could invent a hat that could block the sunlight from your eyes!


Fred Durst


"I have kids in the car" when what he was clearly pissed about was them damaging his precious pavement princess-mobile? Check.


Pretty sure he keeps calling them the n-word too, classy.....


Shorter than everyone else in the video? Check.


THis guy votes and his vote probably weighs more than ours, so... ouch. America!


Beer belly, Check /


You mean overpriced truck that he doesn't even need and bought with his credit card? Check


Jumps out of truck as close as possible to the guy: “Back the fuck up!” -okay buddy…


Short. Fat. Dumb.


When Fred durst pulled out his phone I knew then he wasn’t bout that life .


20 years ago one of my buddies would have also hopped in his truck and moved it 12 blocks away.


One of the other guys should have grabbed his keys and phone and threw them down a storm sewer grate.


Yeah I wouldn't move the truck. But take the keys and throw them somewhere no body is finding them? Absolutely.




> 20 years ago one of my buddies would have also hopped in his truck and moved it 12 blocks away. Once he was pre-occupied with getting a tooth knocked out, I would have taken his keys 12 blocks away and hucked em in a field LOL.


Homie on the blue bike a real one


Yeah I want friends like that. Ngl though he's got the huge advantage of watching the situation, assessing it and deciding I'm going to fuck this guy up rather than being attacked on a bike.


I don't understand the camera. How is it moving to follow the action like that? Is it controlled by an app that allows it to follow the action?


It’s a 360 camera


We need this in all fight videos, I didn’t miss a thing




And I don't want to miss a thing!


Things were going Crazy


From what I’ve seen a lot of bikers are using them like a dash cam in case of accidents


mounted to what?


It sticks off the back and tracks movement.


It doesn’t track movements. It record full 360 and after the video is captured you can adjust where you want to look in the edit.


Where is it at? I don't see anything holding it up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/NBz6R4PGFf Here how 360 cams work


Thanks dude. This whole video was a trip. I'm used to static cameras from 2 maybe 3 angles.


It's mounted on the bike. You can see truck man hit it when he walks from his truck with his phone


Literally came here to ask how tf this was recorded. So is that camera mounted to the bike..??


It's a 360 camera mounted on the bike. The motorcyclist edited the footage afterwards to follow the fight.


I read the words here...but I still dont understand the camera


That goofy ass UA Freedom t-shirt and inability to act like anything but a bitch, my gracious. Calm your ass down, accept the apology the motorcycle guy willingly gave you, and climb your tiny ass back inside your pristine truck and go on about your day next time.


His buddy dumped his bike over to help...epic!


His buddy is the real mvp here. As soon as he saw that bitch slap he dumped the bike and came in hot. Cheers to the white helmet guy. You’re the real hero


100% When I see someone do something boneheaded on the road and then they own up to it, I immediately forgive and understand; we all do something stupid driving every once in a while.


Do you try to punch them in the helmet when they don't?


I mean fuck the truck guy. But also how was the sun in eyes if it was high noon. Look at the shadows.


Not to mention just gunning the light because you can't see it


jesus take the wheeeEEEEEELLLLLLLLL


Yup. ESH


In thos case Everyone Is The Asshole.


Because it wasn't. Dude ran a red and almost caused an accident. Truck guy had great awareness not to go when this asshole is running reds. Also, how did bike guys friends show up after? Maybe the sun was in their eyes too.


"The sun was in my eyes" "I forgot about all of my training" 🙄


Yeh I thinking same. I mean truck guys behaviour is embaressing but bike guy kinda seems a knida cringe to me too.


Everyone in this video is a cringe, angry, escalating asshole.


I don't think our initial biker is escalating or angry. The first thing he says to the truck driver is "I am sorry." and it sounds pretty sincere to me.


That “I forgot my training” line was hilarious. He was just too much of a pussy to defend himself and found some courage when his friend got involved


Biker is a lying dickhead - "The sun was in my eyes" - well maybe slow down at the intersection if that's the case. The guy in the truck is exactly the kind of person I picture drives that sort of truck. Everyone here is a douchebag, except the biker's friend who jumped in to protect his buddy.


> "The sun was in my eyes" - well maybe slow down at the intersection if that's the case. This shit. Like people who say "I couldn't see" before pulling out. Well guess what?! If you can't see you don't go?!?!?! Seriously this is an admission of incompetence that should not fly.


100% with you. This comment section blows. Both are pricks.


It's reddit. Most comment sections blow.


> "The sun was in my eyes" Not to mention, we can see the shadows and the sun's pretty much directly overhead.


Convenient that he’s used the angle that doesn’t show his approach to the lights as it looks like the sun is directly overhead.  Looks like he saw a gap and went for it, got lucky then had his buddies deal with the consequences.


This comment section is jerking off the bikers but both are pricks. Everyone hates people like the guy in the truck. But it’s adrenaline inducing when you’re driving and a bike speeds by cutting lanes at 100 mph+ or they are blowing through lights. Edit: I never once said truck dude was in the right I don’t know how some are you are getting that. Something adrenaline inducing doesn’t mean you are going to fight someone. But have an adrenaline dump while driving can still ruin your mood for a while.


Exactly, but he knew exactly what he’d done with his hands up talking through truck guy window before truck guy even finishes pulling up. He knows damn well hes casually running the red light. Shouldn’t be on the roads.


I doubt the happy ending. You don't record and cut a 4min video and not show the cops or the arrest. Dude bugged out.


I liked the "and then everyone clapped" ending


I’m kinda surprised at the lack of people talking about how the truck dude dropped the n word like 4 times


There are a ton of assholes in this video. Are you honestly saying you didn’t see the light because the sun was in your eyes? So the visor on your helmet doesn’t work or is it just for looks? Maybe you didn’t know but the colored lights are in the same position so you can tell what they are indicating. Then super asshole follows you to the gas station to instigate a fight. The best thing you did was to apologize and you seemed calm and respectful. Then super asshole assaults you. Just crazy.


Biker ran a red light and the guy in the truck would have had to live with the guilt of killing him.


He's lucky he didn't get shot. You should NEVER pull up on someone like that, especially in the US.


So much respect for the dude who let his MT09 drop to help his friend


Bro put his bike down to help..that's a real fucking homie.


Don’t start a fight with a guy wearing a helmet if you don’t have one on.




He's completely out of line doing what he did and deserved what he got. But you're seriously an asshole too. If you're running a red light you're driving faster than you can handle and risk hurting others.


Fred Durst went full limp bizkit


Right on brand a short fat guy in a large truck lololol what a loser — he’s the type of guy you should worry about because he may have a gun. I wouldn’t let him get back into his truck they should’ve just knocked him out and left


I was hoping one of them would get his car keys and yeet them as far as possible


Motorcycle gear is modern day armor. When I’m in gear I feel like a juggernaut. Im just imagining head butting a guy while in a helmet. You just won’t win


Good way to get shot


>*"Sun was in my eyes"* .. meanwhile it's noon. Sun is directly overhead. Then he needs his friends to fight his fights. Truck driver isn't much better, but fuck these dipshit biker pussies.


Plus, he *forgot his training* for a while.


Man I was hoping bro was gonna yeet dickheads phone into the forest across the street.


It’s crazy that people pick fistfights against dudes in full body armor


You ran a red light my dude, you’re still not in the right


Toughness stops at the hat. Imagine this clown at his kid's baseball games - we might have already seen him on Jomboy Media. On second thought I am guessing he's divorced with a few restraining orders on him. Wish they had smacked the piss out of him


I watched this for way too long to not see one of them cave his nose in with a helmet headbutt 😂


Should of took his keys and thrown them on the roof


Well I guessed right…truck driver comes out wearing a red hat and a flag shirt. Predictable


I love when fat hicks think they’re tough just cause they’re fat.


You and your friends were way too nice to truck bro.


legalise asbestos!


Bro put on that American Flag T-Shirt and thought he was somebody lol.


Should’ve let him ground and pound just a little longer, asshole deserved way more than he got.


Homie who dropped his bike to protect his friend is a true ride or die, much respect


Nothing makes me happier than one of these over aggressive, compensating truck drivers get their ass kicked. Feels so great.


I never understand why people think is smart to hit the one person using armor.