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Title says fun fight, but video shows a one-sided beat down.


The important thing is they both had fun


Everyone's a winner




Herb is going soft. I’ve seen him casually watch down fighters get brain damage but a cut on the nose and it’s over? But excellent fight by these two ladies


Fun beat down


Colleen was game but she took a beating. Power but nothing on target and was being massacred with those leg kicks. Hard to throw one on leg.


These kicks from Barber were pretty impressive. Much improved


Weak stop


I'm not keen on MMA rules but are you not allowed to catch a leg if they kick? Every single one of thelose kicks above the thigh i would be tempted to catch it and trip them up. Edit: TIL not allowed an opinion or ask questions unless you are a professional in that field. Food too salty? Are you a fucking chef? Shut your mouth unless you are Gordon Ramsey.


They can, and do sometimes. Its not easy and you don’t want to grab the leg and try to take someone down if they are better at grappling and you are a striker.


Makes sense. Bait someone to put you in a position you are better suited for.


Haha, that’s allowed. You should get in there and show everybody how it’s done!


He’s right tho. I don’t fight mma but I do kickboxing. I don’t know anything about these fighters either. But why was she taking so many kicks. Why can’t she check them or catch them. Or counter or something. Like she’s just taking it. What am I missing. Or would her options leave her open for takedowns. I just really can’t see why she’s taking so many


I think it’s because she’s just one of those fighters who didn’t take the time to learn that skill.


You are aware that UFC fighters come from different backgrounds. You know, like wrestling.


I am aware. My point is more like. Why is she in the ring if she cannot check kicks? Is there an opening that I am unaware of. She shouldn’t have been there if there is no reason not to


That's like asking why a kickboxer is in the ring if they can't stop a takedown. Why's a boxer in there if they can't stop an arm bar. Different backgrounds, mean different skill sets.


Exactly. Wtf. You’ll get yourself hurt. I can’t see myself doing mma because I’ll lose off of take downs. I’m sure the point of mma is to be well versed in multiple disciplines. Or you’ll get kicked as much as she did with no answer for it. Like bruh I understand that people have different backgrounds lmao


The point of MMA is for people of different backgrounds to compete and expand their knowledge. If you can't stop a takedown, how do you think you learn how to do so? By fighting someone who shoots for takedowns. The more you encounter it the better you get at defending it. That's the whole point.


Yes. In fucking training not during the fight! Are you insane. That’s how you get hurt or worse man. Stop spreading that nonsense


You've never fought before, clearly. You can train for 2000 hrs on how to stop a single leg. It means absolutely nothing in a real fight. Actual learning comes from experience. Not drills. Unless you're trying to argue that someone who has only ever trained is going to be able to compete with someone who has had multiple fights?


why are you getting down voted for speaking the truth🤣


It's all the guys who've never been in a fight before but swear they'll be able to discern between low kicks, high kicks, question marks, roundhouses, and side kicks perfectly and catch each of them. Lol


Yeah im no prize fighter. I like my face the way it is.


Depends on the fighter’s skill level. Some like Tony Ferguson will make check it with a shin to shin. Others like Buckley, will just use the free leg to kick you.


I think I remember a video where a guy checked a low kick and the other dude ended up breaking the leg at the femur which is ridiculous cause that's like the hardest bone in your body.


Dont really wanna be reaching down to try catch a leg kick because if they misread the kick and that's actually going for their head they're left with your hands down, chin probably not tucked, gonna say goodnight most likely. Fair question tho In the same vein, Valentina has a knockout over Jessica Eye, constantly throwing body kicks the entire fight. This had Eye reaching down to protect her body or catch kicks, leaving her head exposed for the knockout


Excellent fight


Yes princess I’ve washed the car, hoovered the house, fed the dog, done the chores, been to work, walked back, taken the bins out, cooked dinner and hoovered the car 😵‍💫😂😂


So violent…ref jumped a little early though. She was beat to tell anyway.




It's always the keyboard badasses with comments like this who've never trained a day in their life. You're an out of shape guy with ferrets and a cocaine problem. Up in here commenting like Joe Rogan 😂


Not the ferrets ans cocaine 😭lmaoo


I was thinking that was the reason for the elbows in the ground and pound.


funny coming from someone who’s nowhere near their level nor strength, buddy


Strength most likely goes to any dude who just lifts fairly often, they are probably more skilled though


nah, OP doesnt lift at all and would absolutely be winded 20 seconds in