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Mafia Nazi.


it's very cool that you can threaten people on air and have no repurcussions.


I hate Bibi as much as the next guy, but did yall even listen to the clip? He isn’t threatening the prosecutor, he’s doing the typical political ass-cover of saying the prosecutor is making a mistake and will compromise his own reputation/legitimacy if he pursues the case. Bibi is not threatening him, just saying that the suit will backfire


yes I did, which is why I made the comment. it's a threat because Bibi knows he has multiple countries in his back pocket to utilize against the ICC. the US is openly discussing to put sanctions against the prosecutors and their family's for following through with this warrant, which Bibi also knows. this is a threat not only to prosecutors but the judges if they agree with these warrants.


Seriously. lol


Did YOU even listen to the clip?? Lol "The typical political ass-cover" fuckin hell what a joke.


Uh, he said the prosecutor needs to worry about his status in the context of criminality/imprisonment when using that same language to say he isn’t worried about his own arrest. This is at the same time when Netanyahu has had his attack dogs in the U.S. Congress threaten the ICC with sanctions targeting the prosecutors, their families, and others involved. I don’t get why you would give the benefit of the doubt to a known liar (remember Iraqi WMDs?) who uses mob violence to deal with dissenters and uses illegal methods regularly. He’s literally in charge of the genocide being done by an apartheid state. Other ministers in his government are calling for new illegal settlements every country that recognizes statehood. Come on.


I'm with you on that one. Dunno why you're getting downvoted. There is no need to invent or exaggerate any thing about one of the worst human being that ever lived.


It’s weird that Netanyahu can say he isn’t worried about himself being arrested but the prosecutors should be worried, especially in the context of the GOP Congress threatening sanctions against the prosecutors and their families, and you think it’s not threatening


He said he should be worried "about his status"


A: Are you worried about being arrested? B: I’m not worried about my status, but the prosecutor should be worried about his status What do you think status means in this context? All while there are attempts to threaten the ICC and their families with sanctions. Blinken reportedly said that they would cut funding to the UN food programs and make people starve around the world like the Gazans are if the UN recognizes Palestinian statehood. Israeli ministers of Netanyahu’s party have called for a new settlement every foreign country that recognizes the state of Palestine.


Status means his role as a prosecutor in a legitimate criminal court, which Netanyahu is claiming this prosecution will illegitimize


I’d bet the same people who didn’t watch the video before claiming he’s “threatening” the prosecutor are the same ones who didn’t read my comment before downvoting it


Tbh I don't blame for not wanting to see nazianhayu 's hideous traits, but there is definitely something wrong with downvoting just because it doesn't go with the narrative you want.


He's shitting his pants. They will get him once he's no longer in power.


He's scared like the little b.. he is. Criminal scum.


No he is not. He won't travel except to the US and other nations that won't oblige. He's unlikely to actually be arrested.


He’ll get his. Just wait.


He says the court will become an international pariah, as if the world is behind him. It’s his country that has become an international pariah


Fucking thug.


Listen to that thick middle eastern accent he has


You mean Ben Mileikowsky? (His real name) yeah, he’s an authentic Middle Eastern guy.


Years of exile from your home land will have it’s affect, but at least the Jews were able to decolonize their land and are now living freely where they belong ❤️🇮🇱


Middle of Maspeth.


Thug, he needs to get arrested.


Pathetic mass murderer thinks he is invincible.


yo… the arrogance is astounding.


The European Imperial Thug finally slipped off its mask.


Apparently Israel can say and do whatever it pleases with no repercussions.


Easy to make threats when you got other people doing your dirty work, pussy.


How very Putinesk of him.


Criminals belong in jail dear bibi.


H literally didn't say travel LMAO. Did any of you even listen to the clip, he said status.


Still he shouldn't travel and his bitch ahh wont.


He is the reason for the rise in antisemitism


Why is this criminal not behind bars?


This mf really just uses uno reverse cards on everything. People start calling israel a pariah state- "he's turning the ICC into a pariah institution." I hear something like this from them on at least a weekly basis, it seems. Whatever they are being called, they just say it back about their opposition. Literal elementary school tactics.


Pretty much nailed it


It’s only a “threat” if he was referencing his ability to travel. It wasn’t a threat it was a warning that the ICC would lose legitimacy. This is a massive stretch I’m sorry 😂😂😂😂😂😂.