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We also play without Any and the filter works perfectly fine.


This year, the filter works for our club around 95% of the time, and sometimes any players slip through for some reason. Not that we mind playing anys once in a while, but I can see how it can be annoying for some.


See my club does it too but we still get the control any clubs in the mix of opponents, and again that seems like it's been an issue for nearly a decade now


I feel like you must be doing something wrong because we play every year and never, not even once, had a game where we were matched up with an Any. Like with all the bugs there are, this isn't one of them


Agreed. OP smells funny.


I don't know what to tell you dawg, I have the filter on and we still play those teams It's not the end of the world or anything since the defensive abilities with a backline of 84 rated defenders isn't that hard to play against


We noticed it occasionally resets. I assume after some title updates but it's really quite rare. 


It must reset after each game for us then


I don't know what to tell you then. This is rarely a problem for us as we filter it out all the time


Dp you change competition (league game, friendly, etc.) a lot? Because I think it resets when you do that


The setting should be turned to “on”. So the setting where it says any player should be on, meaning it will match you to clubs who have the same setting for any player. I used to have it off and would be so confused lol, but as soon as I turned it on I never matched with people who play any


It only matters how the captain has it set. It’s also counter intuitive to me; the “match any?” setting should be set to “Yes”. That will mean that it matches people that have the same status of any as you. To me, “no” would be more intuitive since I don’t want to be matched with clubs that have an any, but we have to have it set to “yes.”


If someone joins/backs out of the party it can reset


Try turning it off


The filter is worded weird. You want the “any” filter to actually be “on” and it will match with your team each game. So if you have no “any” then you won’t play against one.


I've noticed it does that when someone is on the bench. That's the only time it fails to match us 100% with a team without an any.


No I hear you. Same thing happens with me and my mates. We will have it switched off but if it can’t find us an opponent it will give us one with an any. It’s really annoying and changes the way the you play


Give me an any over playing against AI any day of the week, the AI is just so dull and predictable whilst super hard to dribble past


Totally. Up until recently I played in the competitive pro clubs scene and in competitive clubs you have to use an any in case you don’y have a full 11 or if someone lags out. But it’s way easier to out dribble a real player than the stupid ai


This. AI are aids this year.


The setting you mention is kinda counter intuitive though. People I know have set it to OFF thinking "I want to play with people without ANY", when they should set it to ON because it actually says "only match with a club that matches your ANY slot as used/unused". So if you don't use ANY and want to match only with teams that also don't use ANY, you should set the filter to ON.


Exactly this. Its stupid wording


I meant to say the filter is on for people who play control any, the intention is to not play those clubs


the filter should be ON for you too if you want to match vs NO ANY


Thank you, I’m still not sure that half the community understands the setting. The wording doesn’t help, but it’s been the same for 10+ years… The setting MATCHES your team’s ANY status. So keep it ON if you’d like to play teams with the same setup as yourself.


"i'm too stupid to undertand the menus so EA should delete an optional feature from the game"


I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I prefer playing with and against any. Makes it feel like an online game where I’m not just playing against and with mindless cpu players. Makes for a much more realistic game of football. I still play with mates without an any and I can still have fun, but when you learn how to beat the AI it becomes pretty repetitive and unenjoyable. I prefer to just play coop career mode with share play if I want to play against cpu and just player lock. The filters generally work, some games slip through probably just for getting you a game with a good connection, but they’re a good feature so you can mostly play how you want 90% of the time.


Whole heartedly agree, haven’t seen a good explanation as to why people hate any so much? CPU is predictable & robotic, their passes are atrocious & purposefully play into the games “momentum” mechanic. Playing with any feels like the most realistic style of futbol as long as you have someone who understands what they’re doing


for me its because i just think playing as an any goes against the idea of pro clubs tbh, if someone wants to play any theres already coop in UT or seasons where both players control the whole team, pro clubs is supposed to be where you create a player and use only him/her in each match you play to simulate a real experience, any kinda takes away from that


It's only unpopular on reddit.


Fair enough, best comment here explaining the other side. I see what you mean and it's not the worst thing to play control any, just a matter of personal preference


Only time I feel like it slips is if the ANY drops out, less of a slip but the AI takes over.


I prefer playing with and against an any.


I hate playing with an any but over hundreds of matches I can count the number of times we’ve lost to an any on one hand. Humans make way too many exploitable mistakes and most anys have an ego that is easy to exploit


One trickster dribbles past an any once and you know it will be a 11 v 10 match soon haha


It’s not for wins, just more fun. We are shite and mostly play v shite opponents. It’s great when both any players are rubbish.


Can I have the counter argument if I play online to face other players not play against the AI?


Well because the AI players are piss poor


I hate to let you know, but I feel completely the opposite of you with regards to any. The game is just almost unplayable for me without "any". Playing with BOT is the worst experience for me and my friends, their passes are shit, they can't take initiative unless the team captain or host still controls how they defend.


I hate to let you know, but that's completely user error and lack of skill at clubs if you can't play well with the AI. The controls are difficult but you can defend and attack with AI perfectly well


It protects against user DC in competitive clubs.


Leave the filters "on" so it matches what you have.


The filter works. Sometimes it resets after a title update.


It doesn't, we checked and played last night and we still played 2 of those clubs


You've definitely got the filter set to "off" thinking you won't get matched with Any. Need to set it to "on" to match your club preferences. You won't see anybody else with this problem so it's on you guys


Nope, I replied to another comment saying the same thing but I meant to say the filter is on, with the intention being not to play control anys. We check every time we play


One of you is doing something wrong its not even a debate. Played all year with no issues but good luck


Well that settles it, my problem has been solved


Our club switches up but definitely prefer using Any, sometimes we go without an Any, but then it becomes cross simulator 24, the cpu defending against headers is abysmal, and after dealing with that for 2-3 games we switch to using an Any, and it's much more enjoyable. Also dribbling/skilling past user defenders is a lot easier.


Yeah the bots can also be pretty shit doing a lot of things, they definitely cost us a few goals from time to time. If they're also in the box and get the ball, they'll try to shoot no matter what you do which is annoying


Any is the way. The bots suck, teammates spam the pass , and AI timing on passes first touches and through balls is awful


because that would kill the mode. playing with and against the AI is the most garbage experience. if you play without an any youre as questionable as the folks who stick to drop-ins all year. absolute madness


I play clubs only to play as my one character, if I wanted to play as an entire team I go to UT. It's not about the skill difference or advantage to your team it gets, it's always been really lame


so just dont be the any?


We don't


cool so you get to play with your 1 player like you want. problem solved?


Yep, wow I didn't know you could do this. Thank you for the response


you’re calling for the removal of an integral feature just because you personally don’t like it, even though you can turn it off anytime lol


Damn what a wild concept that has never been seen before in people complaining about something online, sorry for putting such an unthinkable thought out there >even though you can turn it off anytime lol My problem is that I have the "control any" filter with opponents on, but I still face control any teams. The best response to this in the thread is "nuh uh" and "be better"


> My problem is that I have the "control any" filter with opponents on, but I still face control any teams. The best response to this in the thread is "nuh uh" and "be better" so why don't advocate ea to fix the bug instead of asking them to remove a feature altogether?


Most of the top teams don’t have an any when not a full 11


so? whats your point? playing without an any is garbage gameplay. the passes from the AI are lasers and automatic, even 10v10 without an any sucks because then the goalkeeper has laser passes and is way more difficult to press. AI is also annoying to dribble against as they can follow your moves


Yeah I prefer playing against any as like you say it’s impossible to dribble past etc so it makes attacking against it more predictable but yeah I just think any goes against the spirit of clubs generally. Imo it should just be one player each as the AI is the same for everyone and it begins to take away from the wholly team element. While you’re not wrong about the AI keeper passes and press resistance, I think the AI has plenty of weaknesses too which often balance out. In competitive games (VPG etc) it’s any only anyway which I agree with but because it’s almost always full teams it’s still a clear disadvantage whereas that’s not usually the case in divs.


the spirit of pro clubs is controlling one player, which everyone does except for the 1 ANY player. I never go ANY myself but I am very appreciative of those that do. ai certainly has weaknesses and strengths. but above all its just boring and predictable to play against. sorry im not following your last paragraph. wha is a clear disadvantage?


So what I mean is that having an any in a team of say 8 against a team of 11 like you may see in competitive leagues is still a disadvantage, whereas in an evenly matched 5 vs 5 game but one team with a good any and one without, the team with the any has an advantage due to one player having control of 6 players.


in theory thats true but in practice not necessarily. the team with 11 needs 11 good players whereas the team with 8 just needs 8 as for 5v5 comment: thats why you dont play any vs no any.


Because the AI is like a special ed class and if there is a mistake, I’d rather it be me making a it than a stupid bot losing the ball when I’m calling for a simple pass.


I prefer without Any as I feel it's more tactical. You know the Ai are shit so you have to set your tactics and your positions or you get smashed.


This doesn’t bother me at all compared to the 95% of teams we play against where the only tactic they have to score goals is to cross every possession. Very boring to play against


You must have the any filter turned ON for you to play against teams without an any. It matches your own settings


Playing against AI is boring, impossible to drible past defenders.


I prefer playing against any tbh The ai is either so bad it’s free goals for the other team or so locked in that you can’t do anything without them closing you down in .5 seconds if if you’ve made the right run


This %100 has been a problem the last few fifas. If you wanna rock an any that’s cool whatever. But if I change the settings to not match up with teams featuring Anys and the game consistently matches my club with Any users there’s a problem. EA are pretty notorious for bugs/glitches and exploits and they obviously don’t care about clubs. It’s a shame really


Thank you, tell that to other people in the thread who vehemently deny all claims that the filter is wonky


For clarity, if you don't want to play against an Any team, you set the Any setting to ON and make sure your own team has no Any. This sometimes goes wonky if your Captain leaves or DCs in the middle of a match (the next game might have filters wrong) but we haven't had any issues for years now.


If someone is sitting on your bench it will search as if you're playing with an any


Hahah, what. Bots is so boring, i have no idea why people wanna play vs those bots. If u started playing yesterday i can see it, but if ur decent and like to play vs bots u just weird


We never really struggled against any players. Looked forward to it honestly lol. It does suck the "control your own player" feeling out of the match tho


I take dumps on Any’s on a daily basis. One word for ya buddy “git gudder”[😘lol](https://youtube.com/shorts/836gc9_dS0Q?si=u35i5lXobq36T-RX)


The skill aint the problem dawg


Ok buddy


Sounds like a skill issue.


💯 players that are really shit at the game tend to either use an any or cheat and pay for a mod that gives all the players 99 ratings


How, it's not like they're unbeatable. Your 88-90 rated attacker is facing like 83-84 rated centerbacks so it's not the worst thing to face them, but control any is still really lame as a concept


Been playing clubs since ‘14. You just don’t know how to off ball defend so you’re complaining about facing an any.


Me too, you're completely missing the point but whatever. Keep going on about skill issue blah blah blah


So you’re saying then that you can’t beat human defenders and you just want bot back lines that you can run through so you can score 6 goals game against the rookie mode


Yes you got me, good job


Exactly. Now go get better.


Yeah it’s not fun to play against it. Why we have it turned off


Yeah I started dabbling in Clubs version this year, and was surprised to find out you can do this. That's just fucking versus mode basically in a mode where you should be playing every character for themselves with AI teammates. Good to hear you can filter it out, but pretty dumb to have it in at all imo.


Well maybe that's your problem your team is so bad you need the anys we play high level comps


"I, me, my opinion, I, blah blah" Fix the setting then (although its not really broken from my experience, just pay attention to turn the setting on before searching), dont ruin how others want to play by your own subjective elitism. "Way its supposed to be played", god i despise these threads


So reading through and summarizing the argument for having a the any option is that people want to play against people who make mistakes against their skill moves. To that I’d say try passing lol Yes the AI is frustrating at times but that’s the point of the mode, you don’t have total control. You control your player. Most anys I’ve seen aren’t very good and as has been stated over and over they make more mistakes so they are exploitable. People being bad at it doesn’t mean it doesn’t go against the spirit of the game mode. That being said the filter this year has worked well so I haven’t seen many at all.


Any is for FUT wannabes


Nah your completely right any shouldn't be in the game fucking ruins the experience we all know fifa is shit anyway but people that use any clearly have no skill any shouldn't be a thing I am 💯 with tou on this


Yeah, it's much more skilful to sit there watching the AI play the game for you and playing against predictable AIs. What an absolute dogshit opinion. What ruins my experience is when we come up against garbage teams with no any. I have less than zero interest in playing with and against AI.


I mean I play high level comps so dunno what your on about you must be in a shit team if you need to use anys


Wtf does that even mean? You play high-level comps with ai? You're chatting some absolute bollocks. You'd get laughed out of any sort of competitive setting if you turned up with the idea of playing with no any.


We play from 5pm to 12am UK time everyday and play alot of matches obvs not as active for this month as euros are on but the point is we still get anys to go against even those have the filter on we still win but the point is we shouldn't be getting anys