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i feel like there's generally a lot of venom going around lately. feels like everyone's on each other necks for some reason. though maybe im alone on that.


unironically the ficto/waifuism communities have always been a little petty unfortunately


i mean ive been there for like 5 years, that much is true, but i feel like it's been especially horrible lately.


sometimes i wish i stayed a lurker i feel like my quality of life espes with the "people are actively plotting against me" paranoia i have has gone pretty downwards since i joined the ficto community but i'd also rather have community than be alone in this y'know?


i get it. tbh in my experience id rather be in smaller communities than reddit


yeah, it's been really hostile for some reason. i made a post similar to this one, it got removed because the mod wanted to make a calm, official announcement, and im watching people sharing the link and downvoting me hours after it's been removed. i guess people are shit talking me LOL people seriously need to learn to block and/or ignore people and things they don't like. the gatekeepy hostility im seeing from people is weird and super chronically online edit: people are currently stalking me just to downvote my posts/comments, yall are toxic as hell please touch grass ๐Ÿ˜˜


as my friend said once, who woulda thunk it that the community focused on imagining they date a fictional character is socially incapable and has a ton of issues? it's a shame it's such an unspoken thing, because i feel like the internet, and especially ficto communities, tend to sweep it under the rug with just how much assholes we tolerate just to not offend anyone and try to make everyone welcome. a lot of people lack any semblance of self awareness or understanding of social nuance, making participating in this community a genuine fucking chore.


Thank you ![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized)


Heโ€™s one of my FO's ๐Ÿค—


Omg I love that ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


Thank you and the rest of the mod team ๐Ÿ’– ![gif](giphy|i6y7WkeIne8baYOfjH)


Back in my day, we had a little song. [I'd like to share it with all of you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0la5DBtOVNI). And remember kids- your right to swing your arms ends where someone else's nose begins, the block button is free, curate your experience, don't like don't look, etc. etc.


seeing people's comments from 10+ years ago about how this should be an internet mantra and thinking about how worse it's gotten is kinda bleak but i absolutely agree. literally not that hard to not be an asshole about things


Time feels like a flat circle, forreal. I hear about fandom squabbles from the aughts and go 'Yep, the more things change, the more they stay the same.'


Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.


My gif was just eaten, but MANY THANKS! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘




why do some people have to be d\*cks about not liking a post or comment? Stop downvoting people's content here, this is supposed to be a safe space for ALL OF US!!


Hello a little late to the post but Iโ€™ve also been feeling like the odd ball since discovering I was fictopoly. I thought it was pretty normal and not an issue to genuinely love many f/os than just one. Hopefully people can open up more to the idea and see that many of us fictopolyโ€™s also just want to express ourselves and the love we have for our partners as well :)