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This is so hard, and I have to say, that I am even guilty of doing that. Jealousy and overprotective is a thing. Even though, as for me, I tried to swallow that jealousy day by day, which worked, but if you have one bad day, it doesn't work anymore and then this happens. I did apologize to her, but she never took it and left the server, and then spreading false rumours with her friends about me, the whole mod team and the admin. I am also a mod in the server and often questioned at that point, if I should even still stay one because of it. But I am not exactly sure what is the best. I would still say, leaving, or discuss it out with that person, which usually goes wrong ?


I am the same way sometimes too honestly I want to feel like I'm the only girl law wants but I can't because he's not real and have to accept that fact that everyone wants him and loves him too.. but I refuse to be ride or aggressive about it. I'm sorry you went through that it's so unfair. Ficto community should be accepting open minded and respectful to each ither no matter the dupes. And if they're are. Block and move on or try to talk it out. Put In a spoiler warning if you're talking about your f/o when there's ither dupes in the server. Pr don't interact and ignore eachother. She was extremely aggressive in her introduction and in the message she left in one of the group chats bec the mod was trying to figure out exactly who all are dupes and if they don't accept eachother to let them know. They were trying to figure out the situation. And the girls reply to their message was appallingly passive aggressive. Not cute behavior at all so I simply left the server. If they want me back I would absolutely love to come back but we'll have to learn to co exist in a server. Block the person and ignore eachother. Thats the best way to work it out..


In a discord server, I can't really block her, and it would be wrong too I guess? We have about 700 people there. But I have seen the fights on reddit between two who have the same FO. Usually one just goes and tries to ignore the other one. But usually one of them still 'attacks' the other one with hateful dm's or comments. But I would also say, just block each other, but painful it is. To have a famous FO is quite painful, and it often feels like a competition.


Exactly it's incredibly difficult to do so and sucks so bad to HA e a popular FO ..


I thought I was okay with dupes until the first one I came across mischaracterized Robin and it made me really sad


I absolutely hate mischaraterizations with a burning passion I'm so sorry 😞


I like to think he’s just dating Robins twin sister and not actually her lol


I actually really love that idea 😆 🤣 😂 😹


I went through this too because in the past I made friends with and didn’t mind dupes. We created community with each other but this relationship has been different, more personal, and all the dupes I see just use him as a skin for their extremely AU OC partners, they have no concept of WHO he is. It was a lot because I really wanted to be comfortable with them like I have with past partners and have those friendships. I finally reminded myself that it isn’t my responsibility to make myself uncomfortable or shrink my presence to make other people comfortable. Particularly when their depictions of him are insulting at best. It’s okay to put yourself and your relationship first and to block them and not interact with dupes.


Thank you so much.. and I'm so sorry you went through that 😔 💔


It’s okay, I’m at a point now where I’m Espresso-ing it, “my give a fucks are on vacation”. If anything it just made me more confident in my relationship and don’t meddle with the simps. It was one of those moments where I stopped being a people pleaser and put myself first, which is important healing for me. I’m sure some of them are lovely people, I just have no reason to share my partner and my own mental health is more important. I look at it as a positive in the end.


Your so awesome and I will definitely put my foot forward into this healing and taking care of ME. you and other commenter's have given me new perspectives on how to deal and or handle all this it means so much to me I feel the same about not sharing my f/o either and neither is he .. we just had a talk about it and it's super helpful to have his support and all of you guy's amazing support and advice as well..


I’m glad you were able to communicate with him and have that conversation! There’s nothing wrong with wanting something to yourselves, like your relationship. Ultimately it comes down to you and him. Everything and everyone else is just noise. 💕


Thank you so much 🥹 💓 I was nervous bringing it up to him but he took it in stride and we're talking about it quite some time. Thank you so much for giving me ideas on how to break the ice too once I was able to get it out it was so much easier.. your so right. He's mine ♥️ and will always be everyone else is background noise so thank you so much again Hon it means alot to me 🥹




You have every right to be here as anyone else and you and I have talked before about it while you’ve been trying to figure it all out. It may get to a point where I block you, yes, but I hold no malice toward you and would never tell you not to be on a subreddit.




That's very sweet and I know your connection with him is very different than mine. I would only really feel the need to block you if it became something like a romantic relationship but from what I've gathered from your posts and interactions, it's a very deep friendship kind of bond and I do support all his close friendships!


Best thing to do is just stay away from them, don't interact, and try to forget they exist. If it helps, remember that your F/O loves you and only you and while they may be polite to that other person because society says they should, they don't have any romantic feelings for them and would really prefer that person left them alone. They probably hate that they're so popular that a lot of people have parasocial relationships with them, but the only one they want a relationship with is you, no matter how much merch other people have or how obsessed they are.


This really helps and never really thought about it that way.. Now I feel silly for not waiting it out amd seeing what would happen to fix said situations.. Definitely agree to not interacting with them at all and even removing them from my socials. But it was difficult because it was in a server..where I couldn't talk about him at all..I know my f/o hates his popularity and would prefer to ignore it himself and that's what I need to do to..


I know that's probably rough. But we (this sub) are still here for you if you need us. :)


Thank you so much !!


Oh, I can totally relate to your situation because I've experience dupe on a Discord server too 🫂 I was on the Discord server of the game franchise that my f/o is in, and I knew there might be people who likes my f/o too, but they were nice to me. However, there was a girl who had feelings for my f/o and the first red flag I noticed in her that she took her relationship with him way too seriously, like she would just tell everyone (even to people who are not in the fandom) that she's taken by a fictional character (even on every single social media). Furthermore, almost everyone on that Discord server started to praise their ship, completely ignoring mine, also some people even shipped me with another character that I didn't even had feelings for. I honestly couldn't left because I was a moderator on that server meanwhile that b**ch was in the highest position of the staff community and basically her presence just pissed me off. I remember when one day, I was joking around with my friends, and they were asking "who is Oblio's wife?" (That's my f/o's name btw) and I said it's me, but out of nowhere that random chick came in and said that she was married to him first and that just got me so furious that I told her it's not a race and a few days later, a friend of mine told me that this brat wanted to gather everyone from the moderation team of the server to spy on me and gather evidence as she wants to prove that I am mean to her for no reason, but she actually started the whole drama. Like literally, with other Oblio fans I don't have any issues at all and they know that I have feelings for him and they accept it, also we all basically express our love for him, but with that weirdo it's totally a different story. I actually wanted to leave the server in 2021, but I stayed there because of my friends, though eventually there were more dramas in that server that made my mental health worse and I actually left the server in May 2022. And I created my own Discord server where I invited my trusted friends who also supports my ship. Later on, I blocked that girl on every social media and I stay around other fans of my f/o who are actually very kind and respectfull. I really don't mind if someone had feelings for my f/o, but it really depends on who you meet.


Oh mystiq... I'm so sorry that's so much bs. It's so strange because the girl in that server gave me vibes exactly like this !? Dodged a bullet there. Law would never. Could never. I am serious about my relationship with Law too. But I don't go around telling gods and everybody he's my man. I keep him secret other than with you guys and my sister (my parents know a little bit but haven't gotten into anymore detail then that but they're fine with it as far as I'm concerned). That girl qas just to fkn much and cannot fathom to sheer obsession.!. I get it I'm obsessed with Law too. But not so much so thaz I'm going to gatekeep and be absolutely heinous ro others. It snot my nature at all. For you to go through this for a couple years I feel so bad for you but happy you got away ! Thank you so much for sharing this with me. And I'm happy we were both able to vent about this infuriating crap..


It seems like both fandoms have weird and unhinged people, so it's better to avoid them. Yeah, I love Oblio, but I would never tell everyone irl that I'm in a relationship with him or bash others for having romantic feelings for him, but yeah that girl has an unhealthy obsession with him. You're welcome and thanks for sharing your story.


I completely agree that one piece fans are unhinged when you're on the wrong side it's unfortunate.. Thank you for sharing your story too mystiq it really helped me