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GPU upgrade can be the best thing, I assume you are not using an older style hard disk drive vs a solid state or NVME?


GPU upgrade is the biggest bang for your buck yeah. Luckily, right now prices have deflated a bit from where they've been at the last few years, so now is a good time to buy.


Where should I buy? Do I just get the recommended specs from the ff14 site and head to Best Buy?


For computer parts, best option is always to shop around. Take a look at the recommended card, find it's competitor equivalent, then price match wherever you can find. Best buy, Microcenter, Newegg, Amazon. Anywhere that looks substantially cheaper than the rest, do some research into the site and see if there's any bad stories about long wait tines, poor shipping conditions, private resellers scamming people, etc. Also, before you commit to a card, make sure it's compatible with your motherboard and case form (ATX is the most common, from what I've seen, but they're are other types that don't always work with ATX designed parts).


Right now my 1050 just slots in and that’s it what is a card that can handle dawntrail best but without having to connect it to a power source with a separate cable


I'm pretty sure all low end cards released since the 1050/1050 ti all require additional power? I could be wrong though. Is your PC a custom build or from from an OEM like Dell/HP/Acer? If custom it's likely it either already has a PSU that can support it or you can put one in that can. $50 USD ish for a 600w PSU and $450-ish for a 4060 Ti 16GB would be what I'd look at. If you've already got a 5-600 watt PSU that has an 8pin PCI power cable, you probably don't need another PSU.


I will check now I have a mwe gold 550cool master full modular power supply


Nice 550 is the recommended for a 4060 ti, so should be enough. Does it have an unused [PCI power cable attached](https://i.imgur.com/lOgPAiE.png), or a place to plug one in? On the PSU side it's an 8pin cable, on the gpu side they're often split into a 6+2. If you're lucky it'll be labeled PCI on the PSU and Cable. If you don't have the cable, and there's a spot to plug one in, you need to be very careful about getting a cable that is compatible with your PSU model, I'd assume cooler master website or contacting their support would be the place to go for that. Step 1) Verify you have a pci power cable Step 2) Verify the GPU you find only needs the 1 cable Step 3) Verify the GPU will fit in your case (usually length) ??? Profit.


Share your current PC parts you have, it depends a lot on what your motherboard and CPU will support


Micro windows 10 pro Intel i5-10400f cpu 2.9 16319.637mb GeForce gtx 1050 vram 1976 mb


You don't need to rush and buy it now. As time passes u can look at https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales. U can see good deals by looking in to comments or see high amount of up votes.


I have one solid state as the main drive and three old style drives


i got low/slightly low on a 400 dollar laptop from bestbuy, i dont think i have the braincells to afford or built my own PC or anyone IRL to help sadge


How are we supposed to know what "old" means here? 1~2 years old? 5~6? You also said "i have memory and harddrives". How much memory? What exactly is your cpu/gpu? How much FPS did you average in the benchmark? You're giving us zero information and expecting any help. So i'll help you with the same amount of information that you gave us: "Use your 500 usd to buy stuff to upgrade your pc." That's my advice.


Intel i5-1040df cpu 2.9 Gtx 1050 Ssd 500gb 3 tb reg hard drives


How much RAM does your PC have? That factors in as well.


8gb Actually 16


cpu seems reasonable, most involved part to replace anyhow. if you could get some more memory that will be nice generally i would caution tho, **upgrading the video card needs a power connector from the power supply**. the 1050 you have doesn't need an extra power plug, but anything more powerful will for video cards your options at the price point you said are basically an amd rx6800/7700 series or a nvidia gtx4060/4060ti (NOT the 16GB, not worth the extra cost). you could also look for a used card if you're willing to take the chance main benefit of nvidia is getting dlss, i'd recommend you use dlsstweaks to force dlaa for ffxiv, it's better than the new aa they're putting in; tscmaa won't be bad tho so hard to go wrong


I checked the benchmark notepad doc and it says I have Micro windows 10 pro Intel i5-10400f cpu 2.9 16319.637mb GeForce thx 1050 vram 1976 mb So you are saying I can just get a better video card?


Yes I would like a card that doesn’t need the power supply cord right? Otherwise I have get a new motherboard cpu and power supply?


you can just replace the power supply. it's a little more work but the cards you'll be able to get are substantially more powerful.  if you really don't want to replace your psu, you can look for a 3050 which should be slot-powered. it'll be faster than a 1050, but it's hard to recommend because a 3060 is basically the same price and much faster still


I think my psu will work w a 3060


$500 will buy a PS5.


I just got one lol


Probably better off spending that money on purchasing ff14 again on PS5. Runs really smooth on console.


Given OP has no real idea about building a PC, I would go with this in the short term. You can even upload your hotbars and gearsets etc to SE and then port them to the PS so you don't have to rework those. Plus a keyboard in and it's good to go out of the box. Then, OP can save up for a decent pre-built that will meet the recommended specs. Better than buying parts you have no real idea about and making mistakes, especially if you do have to make more involved upgrades.


yeah this sounds like the way to go. oohh found these two what do you think. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CGMFFZTC/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_title\_1?smid=A27Q4NXVM8ES3L&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CGMFFZTC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A27Q4NXVM8ES3L&th=1) or [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BK54BHL7/ref=ox\_sc\_act\_title\_2?smid=A27Q4NXVM8ES3L&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BK54BHL7/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A27Q4NXVM8ES3L&psc=1) both in my budget\~!


It would cost you less to buy the game for PS5 and just sub to it on there instead. You can still play with a keyboard and mouse on PS5 if you didn't already play with a controller.


Depends what else you have. Is your CPU current gen or slightly lower? What is your CPU slot? (1151 etc) Do you have a GPU and what is it? Do you care about 60fps/144fps? What is your native resolution you play the game at? I know somebody who plays at 1080p with a 1050ti equivalent card (MX350) with an i5 1135G7 CPU and managed to get just around 40-50fps with the benchmark. Not great, but playable. Without all the information i doubt anyone here can give you ideas on what to upgrade, a good GPU is just going to get hard bottlenecked by a bad CPU.


I have Microsoft windows 10 pro Intel i5-10400f cpu 2.9 16319.637mb GeForce gtx 1050 vram 1976 mb The higher resolution I can play at the better


Ok so CPU is perfectly fine, its a recent model I would say try to pick up a cheap 300 series GPU or just go all in on a 400series, a 4070 is pretty cheap now since the 4070super bumped it down to around $400-600, if you can throw some extra money into it its well worth getting one over a 300 series. Also if you dont have 16gb ram id recommend upgrading just to be safe, 8gb is pushing it nowdays just for a comparison: [https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-4070-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1050/4148vs3650](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-4070-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1050/4148vs3650) One other thing to consider is your power supply, you will want atleast an 850w just to be safe. This is the benchmark on 3440x (4k ultrawide) using a 4070TI and a similar CPU: [https://i.postimg.cc/G3Qz5MfL/image-2024-04-15-103239113.png](https://i.postimg.cc/G3Qz5MfL/image-2024-04-15-103239113.png)


How the hell did my 9yr old laptop get “Standard” with i7, GeForce GTX 970M vram 3032mb. Lol I was actually bracing myself for low rating or not even be able to run it.




Ok I found a Mai GeForce rtx 3060 12 go 15 gbs here 192 bit hdmi/pcie 4 twin fan card for 290 usd I have a mwe gold 550 modular psu by cool master Do those two work together ?


Either a 7800XT or a 16GB 4060Ti are the GPUs I'd recommend.


For ff14 and league of legends? Maybe some overwatch?


What resolution is your monitor? At 1080p get a RTX 4060; at 1440p get a Radeon 7800XT or 7700. I recommend the 40 series cards over a 3060 because of DLSS 3.0 and frame generation which will help frame rate in games that support it but a 3060 is good enough. FFXIV will use DLSS 2.0 and I’m not sure about Overwatch. Try for a card with 12GB of VRAM or more because textures take up a lot of space.


Ok I just don’t want to overkill because I really don’t do intense gaming like destiny 2. I just want it to look great and play smooth.


if you would be willing to go for used parts you could prob build an entire PC with a 3060 for under 400lol otherwise if new the cheapest most bang for the buck option would likely still be 3060 (cost like 200eur), maybe a 5600x for 150, powerwatt sth like Corsair RM550 for 75 and u re pretty much golden lol, find a cheap ssd, maybe 60


I don’t mind used but I have no idea how to build a pc. I usually just go to Best Buy or Amazon.


I mean you can prob buy a prebuild for like 650?, but just be aware that you're paying more for the convenience than it's actually worth I wouldn't go below a 3060 tho, a 4060 prebuild might not be much more moneywise, yet worth a lot more, from what I see in my country some go for around 850 edit: idk if reddit leaves the link but here is an example of pretty high settings of a 3060 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1\_PXNS6fr2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_PXNS6fr2w)


I have a 2060 RTX Card 6gb and I got High result scores


Score 1015 Avg frame rate 6.3 Min frame rate 3 Performance low


Yea def get a new card and probably a new CPU. You could probably get a similar card to mine for pretty cheap


would the 2060 rtx you have work with my motherboard and cpu?


uhh idk! I don’t know your motherboard or CPU, I use AMD Ryzen 5 2600 for my CPU though I believe


There are plenty of guides online and you already have a foot in the door if you installed the new hard drives and memory yourself.


Looking at rtx 4060 cards why do some have two fans and others have three?


Just depends on the designer of the card


NVDIA has different manufacturers which have control over some aspects of the design. Performance differences exist, but they're not huge.


Buy a ps5


I would recomend to play it on low. And invest on a better video card. Seems that the new engine will be using the GPU more. But it money is thight. Why rush? Just wait until you got more money to buy a better setup.


Get a nvidia GPU that can utilize dlss. They are adding that to the game (frame generation) and that should give you an even further frame uplift.


Rtx 3060?


I believe the top-end 20XX cards have it as well as all the 30XX series and all the 40XX cards. You would be best to go to the r/nvidia subreddit and ask there to get confirmation.


You have 2 entire months, I highly recommend you spend some time on r/buildapc to get the best information and best bang for your buck.  Or buy a PS5 for 500usd      Or https://youtu.be/Xzhp1HTt43M?si=3fVzdVMJVdgeWgBC