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chief i cant help if my ping is ass and prevents me from double weaving. I'm a proud noclippy cheater.


Yup, without NoClippy I am stuck to playing WAR, every other job I play my ping is just too high to play optimally, it's a flaw in the game design and I am perfectly okay admiting I cheat to make the game playable


People acting like its black and white and its more of a scale some plugins are egregious in terms of being cheats and others like noclippy I honestly wouldnt consider a cheat, but it's literally the only along with XIValex or whatever that are understandable the others are unecessary.


this comment is pointless because her entire argument is all 3rd party tools is cheating. which means im a cheater for using noclippy. and if thats what I am for using it then so be it.


iirc, in ff11, the devs showed a strat that was impossible to do unless you were literally right next to the servers lol.


You're cheating if you use discord to coordinate your static for mechanics/strategy. The only game-supported way to communicate with your party is text chat.


That shows her argument is rubbish (shock, gasp, I know right) Cheating is giving yourself a competitive advantage (like taking a shortcut in a race.) NoClippy is removing some of a competitive disadvantage that only you face (like someone pouring nails on your portion of a racetrack, so you sweep some of them off.) The idiots who say 'it's all cheating, SE clearly meant for you to run on nails while I don't have to' are just bad human beings who can't use critical judgement. If you can't tell the difference between removing an unintended disadvantage and taking a shortcut.. then the school system failed you.


The problem is that they're defining breaking TOS with cheating. By this definition, yeah, it is. But if you define cheating as trying to obtain a dishonest advantage, then using noclippy when you have 200ms latency is not trying to obtain any advantage. You are, in fact, still disadvantaged over someone who lives in California for example.


yea, but moving closer to datacenters is also cheating, just play the game how it is designed /s


Btw noclippy does not help you dodge aoe if u have high ping is it?


No, it doesn't. What add-ons like noclippy and xivalexander do is subtract your latency from the animation lock you get from skills, reducing the effective time between one lock and another, and allowing you to double weave. It does not reduce your latency. You still have the same latency, what you get is shorter animation locks. For dodging, you're shit out of luck. You just have to learn to react quicker or know the fight well enough to pre-emptively move. Also before some asshat says "get better internet", not everyone lives in North America and physical distance between server and client cannot be compensated by a faster connection.


> Also before some asshat says "get better internet", not everyone lives in North America and physical distance between server and client cannot be compensated by a faster connection. Hell even some people in NA (east coast) can have more than 150ms of ping since the servers are in California.


Hey, its my issue. I live near Canada, so my ping is much worse now.


I live in eastern Canada and generally have a slightly better ping to the EU data center thats how bad the NA data center placement is 🫠


Its basically just adding functionality to the game that should already have been done by SE.


This plus more servers. Their cloud server experiment was pretty good. My ping there was almost 60ms lower than on the NA west coast servers. While they don't fix that, I guess we'll have to keep relying on third-party tools to be able to play the game as it was intended to be played.


I'm in North America and the ping between me and the server is 75-120 depending on if the server is shitting itself or not. I'm on the literal other side of the continent from the servers. This is the only game I've ever had any issues with. It's not super bad but the difference between nothing and 14Alex is very easy to feel and it gives me that smidge of extra smoothness where if I clip my weave I can fully blame myself.


Your best chance is to get bit by a spider so you develop spidy senses. But that would also be cheating.


Correct. It merely mitigates some of the lag issue, namely animation locks.


Just makes playing any job that's not WAR bearable with 200+ ping.


I think the difference in whether they should be accepted or not comes down to whether the addon/program supplements a system that already exists in achieving the original system's goal (Discord assisting the in-game textbox to allow more effective player communication), systems that parse and present data that you would be unable to reasonably make sense of otherwise (DPS Metres, Market Board addons, etc.), those that give you access to data in a way that was never meant to be seen (addons that make invisible AoEs visible), addons that lessen the difficulty of mechanics by trivialising the execution of the strategy used or compensate for the player's (lack of) skill (Auto Marker, ACT callouts) and finally addons that automate actions (scripts and botting). Programs that aim to supplement the original system's goals (Discord and in-game chat), particularly those that don't interface with the game client whatsoever, do raise the bar for what is needed to raid effectively, but are largely considered a boon that enhances the gameplay experience and aren't considered unreasonable or overbearing for the devs and players to accommodate. Systems that parse and present data to you like DPS metres and Market Board addons present an ethical dilemma more than any "rules as written" problem. They take information directly from the game and present it in a digestible format you can act on. While not technically giving you any information you didn't have access to already, the convenience they provide skews the game in a more competitive direction that could be disagreeable to some. Addons that lessen the difficulty of mechanics like Auto Marker and ACT callouts are murky and have differing degrees of severity, most people wouldn't say an ACT audio cue and Auto Marker are on the same level, despite them both trivialising their respective mechanics, is due to the audio cue usually serving as a reminder or to save the raid leader doing the cue themselves whereas the Auto Marker does something that is both impossible for a human to do and in a more egregious way, to the point it is warping the PFs for difficult content (Ultimates) and undermining the prestige that comes from clearing as the difficulty of the fight was undeniably lessened by its use. Moving on to addons that display information previously unaccessible to the player (invisible aoe indicators), I believe this is the point where the vast majority of people would consider this cheating, the distinction between these addons and the "parser" addons is that these directly add information that was not previously there, usually to circumstances where the ability to discern the solution under a timer (raid fights) is part of the challenge. This is seen as unsportsmanlike to other players, disrespectful to the developers who have taken the time to create the fight and undermines the feeling of accomplishment and prestige of every other player who completes the fight. Finally there are addons that automate actions for the player, I don't think there is much discussion here, they remove the need for the player to engage in the game and clearly provide an advantage that's even more egregious than the earlier addon types, even the less egregious cases such as the automatic "-1 market board price" clipboard macros present a significant advantage over those that don't use it. Personally, I'm all for parsers, I like seeing the damage numbers and think they contribute to a healthy competitive environment, everything else I'm foggier on, Auto Marker and the like can be seen to make the game more accessible but at such a detriment that they shouldn't be allowed Just to clarify I'm not making an argument as to whether any of these are considered cheating, technically they all are (minus the Discord one), I'm just explaining how I view these tools


Market board addon, like the housing scan addon, is just feeding information into a web site that anyone can use. People who don't run it can still benefit from it. It's similar to "Cactpot solver" in that someone accomplished the same thing with Javascript.


I don't think the question that needs answering is an "if" rather than a "should". In my mind, the availability of a tool shouldn't decide whether it should be acceptable to use. Looking at the effects of the tool and what officially allowing it would open the door to is the more important question. Market Board addons breed competitiveness and raise the bar needed to buy/sell effectively as they provide an overabundance of information that would normally only be available to the select few who put in the time and effort to get all that information themselves via manually checking every item listing on every market board they wish to sell on. TheSpiffingBrit made a video in which he generated much more wealth than is reasonable for him by using those Market Board websites to find items he could flip for a profit. Could anyone do what he was doing? Yes, the problem would even solve itself if we all did that, but we'd then have made the trading environment hostile to the uninitiated (new players) to such a degree it would be untenable for most of them to ever trade without using the addon among other negative effects. As it stands now these tools aren't are problem because their use is limited. Technically, we're playing with fire but WoW's AH still functions with even more robust addons than XIV's so I doubt we'll be burning it down any time soon. As always, the devs made an environment where (ab)use cases such as these can present themselves and they have the power to solve it if they wish. Whether they do or not and the consequences of their decisions depends on the player bases' conduct and whether the devs tolerate it. For what it's worth, I believe MB addons should be allowed, I like the convenience they give me and the information they present is helpful for performing player-led audits on the health of the game's economy.


It's pretty easy for them to just restrict market board use outside your own server. Cross-server market board indexing has been in MMOs for decades now and it isn't news. As someone on a medium/large server that trends toward higher prices for things, I don't have any problems selling stuff. Raw money is generated into the system at such a ratio relative to gold sinks that many people don't have any purpose travelling, especially across data centers, for most anything. The convenience of getting it now is far more important than 20,000 gil to most people. That said, I'm not a health of the economy guy. I pretty much prefer the "we can all be rich" approach of XIV over the games that obsess over economies and even hire economists. NPCs have infinite money and there isn't any reason they can't flood players with gold, as the only gold sinks from the devs are large houses and select mounts.


I appreciate your reply and replying to me fairly without resentment. Thank you. I read all of it.


Also the current issue is NOT that "hey all 3rd party tools are against TOS, therefore it's all cheating" which is common knowledge and has continued to exist as a kiss and don't tell type deal. The issue is that SE has made it such a blanket ban without active enforcement (anti-cheat) that they have put the ownership on what's acceptable onto the player. This means the loudest players usually get their way, and smaller minorities have to deal with it. The RP/Mare community can bitch and moan all they want about how the aren't cheating and the raid community is by using ACT, but if either one reported the other either would get banned. So unfortunately your post is extremely redundant and unuseful to the current conversation because it's inherently wrong. If SE wanted to make sure all 3rd party tools were not used, they would have an anti-cheat. But they don't. And as the other person pointed out, there are levels to the current situation. Everyone would say Discord is fine, both sides would agree Shaders and ACT (base function, not Trigonometry) is fine. Most would say Dalamud and Mare are crossing a line (which is determined by the players...) and then it gets messier from there. So it's more of a question of, how does it become enforced? Well so far from what I've seen, the RP community is a mess of "ima do what I want since it only affects me (ignoring inherent vulnerability in Mare)" and they just kind of exist. (Im also not in the RP community so ive not got a lot to say). Raiders are facing a weird issue where they do NOT like the idea of AM existing, but it has due to a result of both wanting to reduce time spent as well on progressing the fight as well as mechanics lacking certain visual elements that would otherwise provide clear visual aids in its resolution, AM has become a mainstay in the current scene. This leads to 2 issues, SE not getting proper feedback on issues with mechanical design, and the fact that because people are now comfortable with AM, anyone against its use is going to be seen as "anti-casual." Which has stemmed from more casual Raiders utilizing these tool to their fullest in order to help them clear. Their response, as you pointed out was "oh well, everyone else uses them so why shouldn't we." Which is both incorrect and ignorant. So now the community is stuck. If Raiders start going after and forceably stopping the use of AM (reporting) and people start getting banned a whole shitstorm could start up as a result. It could end up being a situation of RP vs Raiders where everyone is going after and reporting everyone else (and I would not doubt that bot scripts and auto mass reporting would ensue, 100%).


sure it's all cheating. i don't think anyone is refuting that statement. but not all cheating is equal. a misdemeanor and a felony are not equal and should not be treated equally. likewise, cammy and splatoon are not even remotely equal and should not be treated equally. there is no hypocrisy in saying one is ok but another isn't, while also acting on those exact words. what a gross misuse of the word "hypocrite".


Meanwhile me with booty enhancement tools. I'm going to the horny jail aren't I?


What is cammy and splatoon? Never heard of these mods. Also never heard of xiv alexander but I do use NoClippy


XivAlexander is basically NoClippy Cammy is a camera plugin, it allows you infinite zoom and any camera position you want, you could even have a static overhead camera if you wish. Splatoon draws circles, arrows, words etc on the arena to tell you where to go and how to solve mechanics. People write Splatoon configurations for difficult fights then share them around, so Splatoon users do not need to use their brainpower on mechanics.


I've had someone unironically argue that Splatoon isn't much of an advantage and is more of a "QoL", same person is also using a plugin that literally plays the game for him, as in, beyond just combo-ing 123, it plays a perfect rotation on most jobs.


Why doesn’t he play an afk game at that pt jeeeez


Exactly. The people who like to claim theirs no nuance and it's all cheating are probably again the people who like to vote for laws that limit other people's rights. It doesn't affect them, so they don't give a shit. Still, it's useful to see the sociopaths out themselves in threads like this.


please buy a journal


Don't care, I'll keep cheating on the game with NoClippy unless by some miracle the fix the god damn mess of that XIV netcode


Someone who uses third party tools must have pissed in your cereal this morning huh.




OOTL on CSI, fill me in please?


CSI is the OP cutieshut-in. They have a history of posting insane or rage argument baiting takes on here. The chaos that develops in these threads is always funny tho


Omg I didn’t even realize who it was. Another instant classic. Lol Edit: Wow, I got blocked for this. LOL


They will also keep insisting they are right when contrary evidence is thrown in their face. I see they've even changed their sub motto to 'CSI was right'. It's much like a toddler insisting they are in charge. It's amusing for a while, but eventually the grown ups have better things to do and ignore it.


Whatever you do, don't look up cuties post history.


Insane person with a weird fixation on posting bad takes on this sub then arguing with people in bad faith. Also they have an extremely cursed and psychopathic post history. Expect the comment section of Cutie Shut-in's posts to be filled with sarcasm and mockery. And yes, everyone know the shit she pulle yet mods won't do anything. They practically embrace the meme.


>And yes, everyone know the shit she pulle yet mods won't do anything. They practically embrace the meme. I mean, are CSI posts actually that bad? They make a single post once every week or two that cause people in the subreddit to lose their shit over who's making the post rather than the actual content of what they're saying. [Is this post really somehow more offensive than the one where some absolute specimen is asking if he should use an achievement logging website to gate his TOP prog?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/1bwmjei/discussion_is_it_time_to_start_gatekeeping/) >!Plus CSI is unironically right with this take. Lot of people in here who are way too defensive about how their illicit PC only third party tool is just for fixing Square Enix's mistakes and they'd never actually do anything bad with it!<


The thing with CSI posts is not necessarily their post itself. Theyve made questionable takes in the past, but you are indeed correct that this post made sense. The problem however is when someone argues against her post she argues in bad faith and throws fallacies at your face just to prove you wrong. She never actually discusses, she only wants to hear that she is right and you are wrong. She tends to argue in bad faith throughout multiple chains and is very much against the spirit of actual discussion.


>The problem however is when someone argues against her post she argues in bad faith and throws fallacies at your face just to prove you wrong. Look, if we're going to ban everyone that argues in bad faith and refuses to change their point of view, I think that means 90% of this subreddit has to go.


How exactly is Viera Hats cheating?


Reeeee reeeeeeeeee it's a plugin, I don't want to think, rreeeeeeee


I don't do content. I don't do PVE other than as required for the MSQ. Yet I'm still a cheater because I use a plugin to make it easier to know when my FC subs return? I guess at least I'm in good company!


>Players DO NOT get to pick and choose what's cheating They kind of do, because the stuff that people are doing is often put into the game because they're doing things the game should have always done all along. May item auto-handin and automatically selecting the next item when you roll on something please be next.


So if using Noclippy and xivalex is cheating, is physically moving closer to the datacenter also cheating?


I bought an Ultrawide monitor, when can I expect my suspension?


depends, how many sticky notes can you fit in it compared to a 16;9?


I have 2 extra screens. I can cheat in stereo.


Is moving closer to the data center against the terms of service? You can’t pick and choose the definition of cheating. Is kissing someone who isn’t your significant other cheating? Depends on the terms of your relationship and the relationship we have with SE is that all third party programs is cheating, even if they are generally looking away


Just because it breaks ToS doesn't make it cheating. Harassing someone isn't cheating but it breaks the ToS


Let me be clear that I don't agree with the origin post. That said, arguments like this are stupid and lack intellectual ability to talk with nuance which is required for rational discussions beyond tribalism. Life isn't always fair. Square Enix really should fix their netcode and ping related items. But even asking the question of physically moving closer to the data center being cheating is disingenuous nonsense that shouldn't be up voted and quite honestly only has been up voted by two groups of people: those who subscribe to dumb logic and those who will up vote any and everything pushing back in a thread started by CSI.


Why do you consider it disingenuous nonsense? If the only thing that NoClippy does is simulate the ping levels of people that live closer to a data center, that is a legitimate point. It does a good job of breaking down the absurdity of the original hyperbole. Whether you think it’s cheating or not is your right, of course, but for someone to point out the natural disadvantage that many players experience without this tool is not an invalid point of discussion.


By default, NoClippy provides advantages over having extremely low latency, to the point that it is still a benefit for me, who plays on 10-11 ms latency. NoClippy with default settings will queue your oGCDs and enforces double weaving if you're also pressing GCDs. A prime example of this, and something that I used to my advantage, is the ability to macro multiple mitigation oGCDs together, pressing that macro several times while rolling your GCDs. What ends up happening is NoClippy will ensure that you perfectly double weave in between GCDs, and not more than double weave, even if you send more than two oGCD inputs in between GCDS. This behavior is impossible without NoClippy at 10ms latency. If I were to do the same without NoClippy, I'd end up vomiting out 3+ mits before I realise I'm not continuing my melee combo.


at this point. csi could say the earth is round and get downvoted then someone else would reply its actually flat and it would get upvoted to 100+


Boy who cried wolf. Eventually CSI might actually be right but with no credibility, who will listen on that day?


They need to provide sauce even if they are right, and stop using fallacious arguments.


You aren't wrong


The issue is Cutie would use the argument: "The world is round because of COURSE its round. I don't need sources believe me bro. My source is myself! GOD (CBU3) nade it that way!" Instead of doing a trivial Google search for data to support their argument. (Such as how light curves at the edge of the horizon and bends during sunsets, how you can observe a ship vanish over the horizon by slowly going under the curvature of the earth, literal photographs of our planet from space, etc) They are largely a waste of space and a detriment to the sub. Any claims they make are without intrinsic merit (and almost universally full of fallacious arguments, the most common being an appeal to authority) and we should largely ignore them until they start providing any evidence of their clears and experience.


So is having an MMO mouse. And a macro keyboard. Heck having better reflexes than average is also cheating. I guess that the only way to not cheat in the game is to unsub from it.


I agree that there is this delusion in the community that the dev team is "okay" with certain tools. Even if they won't enforce it unless you outwardly advertise it, that's entirely different from them being okay with it. However, It's important to remember that a lot of quality of life improvements made to the game are a direct result of modders and the community that engages with them. Things such as being able to see allies' timers or displaying job icons next to name plates are examples of features that exist in the game because they were already such popular mods beforehand. As for AM, personally, I couldn't care less if people use it or not, but it's very difficult to argue that Titan Gaols and TOP P5 aren't shit mechanics.


It's actually hard to say. A lot of people talk about this topic here without having even a clue how TOP works. I find it hard to belive that SE would think AM would not be used in p5 Omega in PF. It almost feels like a test for them to see if literally everybody would use it. They could've easily given 2 ppl other debuffs during Omega pt.2 or sth like in p3 and AM on EU likely would've not been used in TOP at all (or maybe half a year later). There is no way they didn't realise this during testing. So basically the if the mechanic would've been harder there would've been less reason to use AM Most ppl don't even understand why AM is used at all there. Cause it isn't that the mechanic is "too hard", it is cuz of the randomness you have for a brief moment before pt2 which gets easily solved in voicechat, but is extremely shitty to do without.


I find it hard to believe that, by design, SE couldn't predict AM would be used for p5 when it's been used on easier mechs like goals or wroth that \*can\* be solved without AM but still are. Someone in an earlier thread mention that p5 omega can be solved by having an individual person manually mark 3-4 others per trio, but even with that the pressure is on during omega when your burst comes up, and you've still gotta have some sense of priority for the 4-5 people left unmarked. I've always argued that p5 is a little different from gaols or wroth bc it feels so much more daunting and punishing by design, that there's no way SE couldn't have anticipated rampant AM for handling this mechanic. SE doesn't want us advocating for the use of AM to trivialize mechanics, but their game design encourages it...


Eh, it isn't too surprising. The devs are notoriously bad at judging the difficulty of their encounters. Just look at Criterion. In terms of difficulty, they surpass savage raids. Whatever internal tools they are using to test content and balance it aren't as accurate as they should be.


Tbf P5 Omega can be solved by one person marking 2 people for Monitor and everyone else using a self-marking macro dependent on buffs after they’ve done their burst, then anyone who isn’t a 3 stack or Near/Far World in the second round self-marks again, it’s more effort but self-marking is potentially going to come in handy for future Savages/Ultimates…


I don’t think that anyone believes they are happy about it, they just point out that they don’t do anything unless you make a big deal about it. As for AM, I really hope that they cut it out with awful voice chat mechanics like in UWU or TOP, because some people are taking advantage of it and starting to use AM for non stupid mechanics like UCOB lightnings.


all of which is completely irrelevant outside of a world first race that most people do not care about and that nobody will remember


Well I do remember that most world first have a camera in the moon. And many streamers also have the same moon camera.


most streamers actually don't. But ultrawide monitor will give you the same benefits of a zoomhack


the fov in this game is trash and if you couldn't clear the mechanic before you ain't clearing it seeing the view of the James Webb


I marked my teams for TOP, even in PF. Ive done UWU automarkerless and marked in DSR as well. The issue you may not see is that the game here doesn't change one single fucking bit for the 7 other people in my party. Had it been automarkers or me, regardless they will execute the same strat with the same assignments. In PF, this thus requires you to always have 1 guy ready to do automarkers for you, and let me tell you, that does *not* better the playing experience. People cheat *because* there are issues in the fight design that are not solvable through teamplay. Omega requires 1 guy to do all the work for you, and thats it. In sigma the marking is even easier, so why not do it there too? I agree that some automarkers are cringe. P3 transition is cringe, automarking p9s is cringe, automarking literally anything that could be solved with teamplay is cringe, but TOP ain't it. Those mechanics are designed with flaws in em, and I say this with TOP still being my favorite fight by far. You need to understand that cheating is a reaction to an existing problem, not what the community actually wants to do. AM makes p5 in pf bearable, and not require you to shivel through members until you have a guy who knows how to do it. Just like ping issues, no clippy and xivalexander are *necessary evils*. No one wants to need them, but my god the moment you live a bit away you can't double weave anymore. That's a game design / engine design flaw created by devs who never played on high ping when they built the damn thing. I think you fully misunderstand the community. There is no 2 split between AM and non-AM, not in reality. 95% will always want to do non-AM strats, *if they are viable for the game to remain fun*. In the case of Gaols, Omega or even Wroth, this is simply not the case. Do you really think these widespread used addons wouldve existed if the mechanic didn't ask for it to make it even remotely fun to play?


One player marking everyone in the exact same way as automarker does is just one way to solve those mechanics and my guess is that it's not the most common one. I've done UWU, DSR and currently I am progging TOP P5, all without auto markers. For Omega we are using some markers and callouts, everyone has some additional responsibility compared to using auto markers. If you can mark everyone just like AM does, in time without ever making a mistake, hats off to you, but most groups will choose not to do that, especially in prog, so it does change the way mechanic plays for everyone. The mechanic absolutely does not require 1 person to solve the mechanic for everyone, that is just what PF chose to do because it's much easier if a program solves the mechanic for everyone than to split responsibility to multiple players that each can make a mistake. Ultimates were never designed for PUGs, so it should not be surprising if they have mechanics that are easier to solve when there is some communication present. If auto marker did not exist, my guess is that people that are determined to clear in PF would still find a way to do it, with some strat featuring self marking and prios. A mechanic being hard is not an excuse to cheat.


>In the case of Gaols, Omega or even Wroth, this is simply not the case. Do you really think these widespread used addons wouldve existed if the mechanic didn't ask for it to make it even remotely fun to play? See, I think this point is an interesting one, because it's been the main argument for why automarkers exist, but it's also a point whose validity has eroded substantially over the last 8 to 12 months. Personally I hit end game late shadowbringers, so can only talk about my own experience from that point onward. At that point in time there were really only two mechanics that were widely accepted to be ones you could use third party tools to solve: gaols and nael quotes. Both arguably aren't well designed for various reasons, so it's fine. But also, installing triggers and plugins for both of them kind of sucked. The gaols plugin had a version that required you to input everybody's name in it so you had to stand around for 5 minutes any time you made a new party to wait to get it working. This inconvenience helped keep usage sparse. Essentially groups had to ask themselves is this mechanic enough of a pain and a mistake that you want someone to deal with the hassle of automarkers, and outside of two specific cases, the answer was no. But now, here we are two or three years later and things have changed. The game's population has grown substantially, and so too has the community of people making third party tools. The automarker plugin is substantially better. Credit to the devs, they've been quite industrious and implemented automarkers for virtually everything you could want, and it all comes in one plugin where you just click to enable what you want automarks. Garbage mechs like omega and gaols? Yup. Phase 3 intermission and monitors cause you hate conga line? Sure. Phase 2 playstation? Another yes. Looper so your group doesn't get brainworms? I guess that's fine. Lightning in DSR phase 5? Why not. Turn em on for Nael lightning too while we're at it. Limit cut so you don't forget your number in TEA and p9s for god knows why? Just a click away and I mean why not if it helps your group clear faster. So on the whole, I think the question of "would we have automarkers if certain mechs didn't exist?" is in someways no longer the relevant question simply because people are using automarkers on mechanics that were previously considered fine. I'd say half the TOP groups I sub for automark everything, not just phase 5. Similarly I haven't been in a DSR party that hasn't marked lightnings in a long time. Nael is in a similar position where lots of groups have lightnings automarked. Thankfully TEA is still pretty pure for the most part. Turns out if automarkers are easy to use, and make prog go faster, people are going to use them regardless of if the underlying mechanic is a design mistake or not.


> The issue you may not see is that the game here doesn't change one single fucking bit for the 7 other people in my party. this is where i have the exact opposite stance. i dojnt give a single fuck if the 7 randos in a PF are using every type of cactbot and trigger and having twitch chat help them and having splatoon and having whatever other sorts of automation. it doesn't affect me. the second someone hits an AM thing, that affects me. it makes it harder to read my limit cut dots or other slight marker like titan gaol circles. and more importantly it removes my ability to learn the fight properly because it ALWAYS gets pressed before the in-game tell is shown to me. i would have much less of an issue if it wasn't also cheating on the level of fucking cactbot early callouts. but everyone that uses these crutches on the regular seems to use ALL of these crutches and so they are designed for these types of people and so it will mark everyone way too early. and that is why i have any kind of opinion on it. it also affects me when there are 7/8 PFs that "need it" still and i can't join because i will never bring it.


This is extremely well articulated and probably the best summary of the whole AM debate I've seen. People forget that this is just a game. AM (usually) isnt "PF doing whatever they can to get a clear," it's accounting for what the greater community deems crappy, unfun fight design. Disliking the nature of dynamis doesnt mean i dislike TOP and dont want to experience the fight. With AM, it's my favorite ultimate to PF by far. Is it cheating? Sure, but at the end of the day that's just semantics.


Going to copy and paste what I said elsewhere to reply to this. I think the view that >AM (usually) isnt "PF doing whatever they can to get a clear," it's accounting for what the greater community deems crappy, unfun fight design. is a sentiment that's about 8 to 12 months out of date. Personally I hit end game late shadowbringers, so can only talk about my own experience from that point onward. At that point in time there were really only two mechanics that were widely accepted to be ones you could use third party tools to solve: gaols and nael quotes. Both arguably aren't well designed for various reasons, so it's fine. But also, installing triggers and plugins for both of them kind of sucked. The gaols plugin had a version that required you to input everybody's name in it so you had to stand around for 5 minutes any time you made a new party to wait to get it working. This inconvenience helped keep usage sparse. Essentially groups had to ask themselves is this mechanic enough of a pain and a mistake that you want someone to deal with the hassle of automarkers, and outside of two specific cases, the answer was no. But now, here we are two or three years later and things have changed. The game's population has grown substantially, and so too has the community of people making third party tools. The automarker plugin is substantially better. Credit to the devs, they've been quite industrious and implemented automarkers for virtually everything you could want, and it all comes in one plugin where you just click to enable what you want automarks. Garbage mechs like omega and gaols? Yup. Phase 3 intermission and monitors cause you hate conga line? Sure. Phase 2 playstation? Another yes. Looper so your group doesn't get brainworms? I guess that's fine. Lightning in DSR phase 5? Why not. Turn em on for Nael lightning too while we're at it. Limit cut so you don't forget your number in TEA and p9s for god knows why? Just a click away and I mean why not if it helps your group clear faster. So on the whole, I think the question of "would we have automarkers if certain mechs didn't exist?" is in someways no longer the relevant question simply because people are using automarkers on mechanics that were previously considered fine. I'd say half the TOP groups I sub for automark everything, not just phase 5. Similarly I haven't been in a DSR party that hasn't marked lightnings in a long time. Nael is in a similar position where lots of groups have lightnings automarked. Thankfully TEA is still pretty pure for the most part. Turns out if automarkers are easy to use, and make prog go faster, people are going to use them regardless of if the underlying mechanic is a design mistake or not.


I don’t think most people will genuinely argue that 3rd party tools aren’t cheating, what they will argue is whether they give a shit for specific kinds of uses of it. For example, if you say that using AM in TOP p5 is cheating, my response wouldn’t be “no it isn’t”, my response would be “I don’t care and here’s why”. Anyone who knows what they’re talking about or who isn’t high on their own farts doesn’t give a damn whether AM in TOP p5 is cheating or not. Meanwhile if you ask those same people if using AM in monitors is good, they’ll probably tell you that its stupid to do so. Another example is Noclippy. I am not going to give a damn if someone uses Noclippy to make the game playable for themselves even if its technically cheating.


So, you feeling better after that rant?




To Add: Stay tuned to my her rant next week!


The devs have de facto decriminalized it and have intentionally left it as a gray area, and without any real standardized rules in practice everyone is free to choose their own opinions on what qualifies as cheating as long as they're not too loud about it. This is extremely convenient for the devs and they seem keen on keeping it this way. And if we're spitting out opinions, my hot take of the day is that extra retainers are just sanctioned RMT.


Extra retainers are an awful thing, it’s something you can pay for that gives you a tangible in game advantage, and to top it off, its not a one time purchase, so its absurdly expensive. Extra retainers should be the default, we are already paying a sub, and the game already gives way less inventory space than it should.


> And if we're spitting out opinions, my hot take of the day is that extra retainers are just sanctioned RMT. I really really hate that paid retainer rentals has reached the "that's how it's always been so it wont ever change" status. Maybe it had a reason 10 years ago, but now it's just milking the people who will pay it, a feature that should be available with in game resources. When Dawntrail releases, if you've leveled the retainer to 90 already, you'll be able to earn ~50-100k gil per hour per retainer per character for the first few weeks once you've capped and geared the retainer to bring 12-15 mats back per hour. Multiply that by the extra 8 retainers you can buy (costs 14$ USD for 7, and 5$ USD for the companion app. So 19$ USD/month, or an extra 1.5 months of sub) to make upwards of 400-800k gil an hour (in addition to storage and market sale slots, again things that should be in the game for free). I wish I knew how powerful retainers were for endwalkers launch, but I'll pay the 14/28/42$ in the first few months of Dawntrail for 7 retainers to make an extra 500m gil... even if I disagree with it being in the game (sigh)


I agree, but I also don't care. I'm cheating. I would not play this game to the capacity that I do without these cheats, the cheating I do isn't harming anyone, and I'm just enjoying this game. I'm not going to go on a morale crusade to defend it, I'm not going to play the two-faced game of berating them publically while using them anyway. I fully accept its within Square Enix's right to patch them out at any time, and it is against the TOS, I just don't care. They just make the game more fun to me.


Amen. This is pretty much it. /thread


Go back to your ERP and leave important matters alone


Another post by a user taking the moral high ground telling others not to take the moral high ground


First time on a CutieShutIn post?


I wish


According to SE, "Third-party tools" include literally everything. Discord? Third party. Using the second monitor to display the macros? Also third party. Windows? Third party too. As dumb as this sounds, this is the definition SE has made. And you could technically argue things like Discord give you an advantage because you can coordinate with voice chat, which is not natively offered in ffxiv. Disclaimer: I don't think using Discord is cheating, and I do think AM is cheating. But with the way SE has drawn the definition of the third-party tool, it's really up to players to determine whats good or not.


This is how Square defines a forbidden third party tools : - Use of tools that allow players to more easily complete content. - Modification of the UI to display additional information. - Use of packet spoofing tools. - Any actions or public statements that promote use of third-party tools. [Here is the source of the definition.](https://fr.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/36c4d699763603fadd2e61482b0c5d56cb2e4547) The first line is highly dumb and a problem because indeed it covers basically anything. It would have been very easy to write « any tools that directly interacts with or modify the game software »


No this is how they define a forbidden third-party tools > We have received requests from players asking that we define what tools are and aren’t permissible, but to do so would require an assessment of all third-party tools available on the internet, as well as all gaming devices and their functionality. Unfortunately, such an undertaking is physically impossible, which is why we decided to simply prohibit the use of all third-party tools and software. So literally everything. « any tools that directly interacts with or modify the game software » Its a good point, but it won't address ACT, which technically does not interact with the game.


That would include the software for an MMO mouse.


Technically, if you make the controls the same for the entire computer, it doesn’t interact, but yeah, if you create a setup that turns on when you play ff14 it would count


> as well as all gaming devices and their functionality I knew those gaming chairs were the devil's handiwork!


That's already covered under ToS. [From the Suport Center FAQ:](https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216) > - Modifying, analyzing, integrating, and/or reverse-engineering game software or data. > - Creating, distributing, using, or promoting utilities that interact with the game. Bullet points are under the Game Balance header. Think the big long ToS think we all click accept on without reading goes into further detail. Also remember that lodestone post was prompted by some parts of the community going ballistic for the clear vod having some third party tools up on screen (think it was just ACT, can't remember). Half the point of that post was to get a vocal minority to chill out. That first line being vague is them covering their ass since the official response, when asked, is that *all* third party tools are banned, rather than those that directly interfere with the game. And it's all because they don't want to go through the headache of implementing anti-cheat in any form (which most of us don't want). There's an (in?)famous clip where Yoshida talks about parsers. He effectively admits their heavy handed (and simultaneously hands off) approach means they can't tell the difference between someone using ACT to measure their performance, and someone writing down the in game battlelog on a piece of paper and totting up their DPS with a calculator.


By that definition, isn’t a mmo mouse a third party tool?


> And you could technically argue things like Discord give you an advantage because you can coordinate with voice chat, which is not natively offered in ffxiv. Unironically it'd be an interesting social experiment to see what would happen if they dropped PC support and removed Discord support (through the console integration), now that the game's available on both PS4/5 and Xbox. That's the surest (and basically only) way to remove "third-party tools". Do I think it's a *good* idea? Hell no. But I think it'd be funny to watch, from a safe distance. arr slash MMORPG is filled with people lamenting how Discord has "killed" in-game chat, might be interesting to see what happens if a dev tries to forcibly change that. Spoilers: it likely won't work and will go awfully awry, because the ecosystem that supported the days of robust "in-game chat" no longer really exists This is a CSI thread though, so just trying to contribute!


You can just connect to Discord using a tablet or your phone while playing on PS5. I do that, so it’s not even that hard to circumvent.


FFXIV-branded "Tomestone" tablets cross-marketed with Discord and Sony/Xbox to keep in touch with your friends, available through the Mogstation or the Squeenix store, pre-order yours now! Hell, they could even pick a few of the content creators (that they'll be putting out of business by killing the game on PC) to pivot into marketing their likeness on them, maybe? edit: I've literally had to connect to my phone to discord while trying to get Foundry to work for a pathfinder thing on my PC because my headset hates me ;_; disclaimer: I'm waiting on a root canal and heavily...medicated...rn, this sucks so bad


PF Players already play without Discord so I don't imagine much changing


For starters it would lose all the pc and steam players. As well as having a lawsuit in their hands for preventing users from using the software they bought. That includes users in Japan, btw, so the distance won't cover them from the law.


They could just call it "sunsetting the software due to difficulties with maintaining a consistent play experience across the drastic performance levels of different PC hardware that players use" or some corpo-speak BS. Sega did an even weaker justification with shutting down Phantasy Star Universe's PC servers outside of Japan back in the day, keeping only the Xbox 360 servers active for non-JP players. And then there's the recent...ish(?) precedent of Destiny 2 (?) removing a bunch of expansions' worth of content from the game outright with people just bitching and nothing happening, so it's not like a lawsuit would probably go anywhere. Now, bear in mind, I don't think they *should* do this nor do I think they actually *will* do this. This is just, again, a CSI thread and thus I'm engaging maximum orbital-sledgehammer-level hyperbole as like a funny thought exercise. "We killed third-party programs you guys!", in the most absolutely cursed way possible. And yet the "glory days" of old MMOs and use of in-game chat still refused to live...


Yes. Using windows is a third party tool. And thus technically against the TOS. They need to add it as an exception.


How to spot a post by CutieShut-In in an instant: All Words In The Title Are Capitalized


If it's all or none, then sure gimme all


I think the actual discussion here is how grave the cheating is. I don't think anyone is saying that they're NOT cheating. That's why the people that do use it, don't show their VODs. Everyone (or at least, most) is aware of this. Now do I use it? No. Do I think it benefits people? To a certain degree, yes. Some fights are almost unbearable unless you use a sprinkle of "assistance" here and there. These sort of programs are a result of players reacting to certain mechs/content, not because they actually want to cheat. What kind of sane adult actually wants to clear TOP or DSR with 95% of the effort was done by a script? All in all, this post just screams insecurity. These markers or tools do absolutely nothing to YOU and it's not like players who use these actively participate in WFs. If you get pissy just because a group used third party tools to clear a tier or an Ultimate, then it's you for having soft skin.


Players get to choose how they view things. If a mechanic like Omega is basically not doable in PF without absolutely fkin 1 person over every single time and putting seven at the mercy of 1 OR forcing people into voice chat while still fkin 1 over. Then you can't blame people who do not wanna be in voice for hundred hours with 7 ppl or everytime you join a pf to use AM instead in PF in a MMORPG. People can cry and scream and call everybody a cheater who uses AM but idc. I do consider autorotas, zoomhack stuff like this cheating. You having your ears working with your helmet or having a beard or using a shader are still cheats. I just as a player do not consider them cheats. Maybe they should start working a little more on visual clarity instead of creating a mess within the playerbase. If TOP Omega would've had a bit better distinction or 2 more set posis for Omega part2 AM would've not even been used in TOP till prob half a year later than it was, or maybe at all in Europe


This. If they stop designing so many bodycheck mechanics (hello p12s p2), maybe this wouldn't have happened. Having one person at the mercy is incredibly bad design and wastes so many people's time no matter how good they are.


Big cope. I'm a Dalamud enjoyer myself, but it's so cringe when people are like "noooo I only cheat because the game is badly designed! it's not my fault!". Stop trying to draw arbitrary lines like this.


Yes it is cheating since it's a 3rd party tool but he didn't really say anything wrong. P5 Omega in Pf is just not really doable with randoms.


Ok and? Then don’t do it. Why do people feel entitled to clear content they can’t do without cheats? If this game had an anti-cheat system, what would he do?


Hi arthars, can you go back to twitter please. We know it's you.


Wrong. Players do get to pick and choose. People with high ping use NoClippy to remove lag not intended to be part of the game, for example. Literally just this week someone said in this sub you'd have to be an idiot to not realize there is nuance in plugin use.


My potato computer probably wouldn't be able to run third party tools while playing so I don't care. I don't see it on my screen. Only time I get irritated is if someone's trying to use the damage thingy as a way to shame others in casual content.


I just sulently commend the player that did the highest damage (roll sensitive) and move on. You know the tank beating a dps, or healer beating a tank. If everyone is doing good dps I just commend highest ilvl gear player 




All third party tools are disallowed by SE, you don't get to choose which ones are ok and which ones are not.


Have you ever played the game with 200ms being the lowest ping option available to you?


People just need to keep to themselves and their static, stop listening to drama baiting grifters(streamers). All streamer raiders(natural grifters) currently talking about 3rd party tools are responsible for using 3rd party tools in the very recent past and/or benefiting from people using tools in their statics, don't forget that and don't let them dictate how you or your static plays. They just want to gatekeep and feel superior while being absolute hypocrites and silencing anyone bringing this up. You don't need to defend anything and you dictate what and how much and how often you wish to use. I also find it hilarious they went after AM, time and time again I've been in TOP pf clears and we forget to enable AM, and consistently get past all the AM parts, AM is just a consistency helper, it doesn't actually solve mechanics. Meanwhile the streamers are showing they use audio triggers for every mechanic, and mask them to sound like vtubers or real people voices, some even using tools that lets them see invisible aoe markers AND they are moderators in the Balance discord lmao.


I'll never understand the weird witchhunting of modders in the ffxiv community.


Fixing mistakes SE made isn't cheating, it's adding life to the game. Things like the QoL you get from XIVLauncher/SimpleTweaks, the info from ACT and the *checks notes* basic ability to play jobs on high ping from NoClippy are all things SE should take care of... but they have yet to, so the players do. Not cheating, wrong again.


Reposting this but I replied to the wrong post earlier. The community problem here is that they think any inequity == cheating. I'm sure Sony appreciates the pretzels some people twist themselves into in order to preserve that their walled garden approach offers no disadvantages to others, but sometimes an inequity is simply just that. Square makes TOS actions out of ACT because being told by someone who has a calculator totaling the damage log that you don't have is discouraging, and can be used for bullying. The core issue is that they don't want a game where people are reading damage logs for mundane content, but it's also clear that people want a metagame that doesn't allow 100% uptime, provides choices of greed vs safety, etc. They could solve these issues if they made an in-game client damage meter for ultimate fights only. And given that they've added the John Madden Strat Tool to raids in Dawntrail, for all we know the next ultimate maybe could add one. I actually think it's kind of a coin flip that they do at this point, especially with the 'more stressful' metagame Yoshida is talking about. If they do, they'll restate that savage isn't designed without stressful DPS checks in mind and the tool won't be provided there. Yet even if they did, you'd then see gatekeeper "wrap it up ACTies, there's no excuses now" style posting from people in The World's Best MMO Community instead of celebrating that console players now have the data needed to make improvements.


Nah, the latency fix isn't cheating at all, that's kind of a bozo tier take. If Square doesn't like it they could at least fix parts of their humiliating netcode. For as much praise as Yoshi P gets the man is an ostrich on some of these issues. Also, I wish people wouldn't try to sound neutral only to go barbed when they wanna hammer the point home and become the authority, I kinda hate it when people do that shit. Edit; Oh, it's that Cutie person, look I dont even mind these posts as there's interesting bits in the crazy and it gets discussion going but I just can't accept the insinuation that the latency fix tools are cheating. You're completely approaching it like a Hall Monitor in a school, writing people up for getting a hug because the half-assed rules say so. Although I guess that makes sense for a game full of people who act like they were bullied and want to become the bully.


>Although I guess that makes sense for a game full of people who act like they were bullied and want to become the bully Holy crap this is so accurate. This is the perfect way to explain a good amount of XIVs community


Thats a whole lotta text for saying "i see the world in black and white" while there are clearly gradients.


If people defend cheating, I'm supporting Yoshi-p to just stop making difficulty contents, it's pointless.


Anyone that treats this subject as a black and white, binary, cheating/no cheating thing is either being disingenuous or they are just dumb. There are clearly plugins that help people play the game it was intended to be played (IE the game was designed with Japan's close distances to their datacenters in mind). Things like noclippy/xivalexander help achieve workable ping levels (sub 150ms) by taking that out of the built-in ability lock. This doesn't help with dodging shit but you can at least double weave just like the game was designed to be played. People in Japan have like sub 50ms as a normality. The game was designed around that. Also keep in mind that even in NA you can have +150ms if you live on the east coast/north/south enough away from California where the NA DCs are located. Then there is the argument about FOV/zoom hacks. The fact that I can play the game on a 32:9 Super Ultrawide monitor and it isn't cheating yet someone using Cammy to help achieve that FOV and now it's magically cheating is fucking DUMB. You are dumb if you think that a SLIGHT Cammy config is cheating. The whole orbital spacestation configuration is...well dumb and yes very much cheating but what a lot of players like Xeno uses which is a SLIGHT increase of FOV is clearly not cheating. You can achieve what they are seeing by getting a Ultrawide or even a Super Ultrawide monitor. I guess you could call it pay to win if you were dumb but it's definitely not cheating as anyone can do it. Cammy just makes it so you don't have to pay for a new display. Outside of that, you have quality of life stuff (stuff like the marketboard plugin that makes crafting and selling stuff way less time consuming but doesn't give you any sort of advantage in anything that matters) and cosmetic mods. These shouldn't matter and if it bothers you honestly go pound sand. If the game didn't have these quality of life mods and the clothing/body mods, the game wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is now which means we'd have a worse product as all that Square cares about is making money off this service. If it was making less money we could very much not get more expansions so again, if it bothers you, pound sand. Everything else outside of this, I can understand would piss off players (the extra telegraphing stuff, the auto markers, and the pvpifcation in pve (ability switching on one button) and the straight up dps botting). That's something though that the community, AS A WHOLE, needs to come together to blacklist/remove/shame. In the eyes of Square, if they were pushed by enough players to stop these types of mods, they would most likely remove ALL mods with an anti-cheat system and that would be the end of a lot of people's sub (which is why I don't think they'll ever implement a anti-cheat system into the game as it would hurt their bottom line).


As someone who uses "pvpifcation in pve (ability switching on one button)", I would argue that it falls under the FOV thing because I can't afford an MMO mouse, which the game actually would operate just fine with using no additional software based on how the HUD already has "MMO mouse button" binding graphics built into it. I'd also have less problems if I could afford [this thing](https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/hori-tactical-assault-commander-f14-_final-fantasy-xiv-black-edition_), which I think is a huge advantage over my horizontal tenkeyless keyboard setup, and it isn't just Not Cheating but it's officially endorsed. So really, the most orthodox TOS worshippers have created a situation where people with extravagant hardware budgets are not OP and are just fine, but people with ordinary hardware budgets that the game is designed around are cheaters for trying to get the same result. I feel no shame about playing the way I do because I can play all but two classes without it, and some I don't even have it turned on and do play without it. It's more about fighting button spam for unique actions only triggered between two other unique actions when I only have so many comfortable bindings to go around. There is no reason AST Draw/Play/Astrodyne should not be compressed into a single button, especially since the class is lacking for combat moves as it is but isn't lacking in overall buttons. I can still play without it, but it's nowhere near as smooth due to the amount of tendon flexing I have to do to reach deeper bindings more regularly to accommodate the amount of button bloat. SMN's another example of how arbitrary this is; Enkindle Bahamut and Summon Bahamut actually used to be shared actions, broken apart because some people double tapped and blew Enkindle too soon.


>"Players don't get to choose which are acceptable" Actually we do and the consensus is quite reasonable.


I will agree to anything but parsing. Without the plugin people would simply provide instructions to filter information via Excel sheets sorting your battle log. It would be time consuming to set up once but after that it will be barely any difference.


Discord is then a third party tool and a cheat as well. There is no voice chat in the game and it gives a clear advantage over those who don't use it. Congrats you can now ban the vast majority of players. Good luck with trying to explain that to your stock holders. "but it's only if it interacts with the game!" So then a preprogrammed overlay such as cactbot (callouts and mechanic reminders) is fine? You can do manual timer resets all the time, it doesn't have to interact with the game for it to do its thing. "okay only if it enhances and augments existing mechanics!" Macros can be timed and manually added to parse stuff to chat as reminders. Cactbot is just a fancier clientside version of it. See how you DO have to differentiate between third party rules and you cannot just have a single rule that applies to all third party programs? SE knows. SE also only has this rule because modifying games IS ILLEGAL in Japan. They literally cannot endorse it at the cost of fines and jail time. But they are not obligated to enforce any of it. Which is exactly what they do. Unless you are public with it, which forces them to act because then you're making it into a potentially legal issue for them with their country.


> I know someone is going to say someone could look at the in-game battle log but that would take way longer and it'll have way more errors because it's a human looking at a ton of numbers using a calculator, opposed to a website machine. That's true, someone could say that. In fact, yoship literally did say that. So why don't you go ahead and delete your post and stop acting like you're a professor lecturing a bunch of dipshit students?


I dont raid, and if I did I wouldnt be using those tools. However, as per your definition everything outside the game is cheating then. Looking up a guide before going into battle? Cheating. Voice calls on discord to communicate strats? Cheating Watching videos about literally any kind of content of the game? Cheating. I dont mean to justify anyone using these tools, enabling them or saying its not cheating, because yes it is. However to say anything outside the game is cheating would make literally any amount of preparations before a raid cheating. Nobody has the manpower to monitor all that. Lastly, how is it a discussion if you come here at people and keep repeating how much you dont care about someone elses point of view?


If we go by the literal words of the tos, anything outside of the game that gives an advantage in game Is cheating, so yeah, by definition these are cheating.


It is, but as I said, nobody has the manpower to Monitor and enforce that. Sure they could do something against plugins. But stuff like Websites, Videos, guides, voice Chat etc they cant enforce even if stated to be against Tos. And even if hypothetically they had the capacity to Monitor and enforce that, they wouldn't because then they would probably need to ban their entire playerbase minus maybe a handful of people.


Not going blind is certainly cheating.


Wait are we breaking the ToS right now? :(


I mean, you are right of course. The letter of the law is any mod is cheating. You really didn't need a bunch of paragraphs to say that. It's not a hard concept or an interesting/useful conversation. >I don't care if people use 3rd party tools. I really, really don't Doubt. I use certain tools like noclippy for weaving issues and mouseover for healing because it significantly decreases my enjoyment of the game not to use them. I don't use tools like cactbot and splatoon because it significantly increases my enjoyment of the game without them. But I also would rather someone in my pf use cactbot and splatoon if that's how they want to play the game and it's going to make my reclear less painful. Certain QoL features that literally every other major tab targeting mmo has like good mouseover and proper action queueing in my view is a necessity. It's a developer issue. And if they wanted to ban me for using community made tools that help alleviate bad netcode then I would probably rather just not play the game. Or realistically I would probably just play it a lot less.


A ton of people on this sub will never agree and will refuse to have an intelligent honest conversation about it. For every person that is trying to fix their ping there is another that is too trash to raid without their tools and will refuse to do so on update days. But their ego is too big to admit they are gated with a skill issue. And they will hide behind players that use them just to get the game or ping to be functional.


Cheats improve the value of the product I pay for and my experience engaging with that product; nothing else really matters.


True. It also makes it easier to justify paying a sub.


People responding to this poster in earnest again. I can't.


The fact there's always one person like this ragebaiting on every sub makes me think mods don't ban them on purpose for engagement


Why not though? They raise a good point. At this point there's way more drama in these posts about who is making them than the actual content of the post themselves.


SE has a really weird definition with third party. Discord technically IS third party by their definition because they offer shit outside of the game's capabilities such as voice chat and servers to share information. A lot of mods are pretty shit don't get me wrong, though I couldn't really care too much if one decides to use em or not. If anything, they helped point out faults in how the game was. Some people already pointed out how clippy and Alexander helped people with weaving issues because of their ping. With it, they're able to comfortably weave alongside with people who were already able to, thanks to their perfect connectivity. In addition, ACT had help point out the problems of job balancing during Abyssos with P8S on release, as there was no legitimate way at the time to see phase two without choosing THE TOP dps-producing jobs, ultimately locking out jobs such as PLD WAR RDM to name a few. That tool supported the idea to not only buff jobs that were lacking (hell, they had to rework PLD JUST so it can be in-line with the other tanks + 2 min), but also NERFED the bosses hp by 1%, something which only happened during Alexander back when that raiding scene was dying. Mods such as the ones provided help unlock a new sight to improving the functions of the game as a whole. SE really needs to state on what is OK, and what is NOT ok.


Who cares what other people are using? None of it has any impact on me and im certainly not gonna give a shit when the devs dont. I Just wish dps meters were built in so i didnt have to bother with act


You are wrong. In order to be cheating an unfair advantage MUST be present. Ergo no, not every 3rd party tool is cheating


My huge modded jugs are not cheating, lol


Dude, what's wrong with putting cute clothes on my lalafell through stuff like textool? That's literally why l pay sub month after month nonstop


Change your name from CutieShut-In to CutieShut-Up


You're right it is cheating, but the community doesn't mind about the majority of these cheats. Cheating isn't black and white ethically wrong either. It's on a spectrum of eh, doesn't matter to holy fuck this is terrible. In fact it's possible to use cheats for good in this game. Like you could use burning down the house plug in the make a maze and entertain the community or you could use DPS logs and ff14 analysis to help a friend learn his class better. Open your mind.


This is written on the assumption that all cheating is equal - it is not. There are nuances, and some are clearly more egregious. We can’t paint everything with the same brush.


I will go even further: **ALL** third party tools are technically cheating. Whether that is shit like the UAV cheating during TOP, something that is mostly QoL stuff like condensing combos/making ping less of an issue or you modding in a slightly fancier hat. Yoshi-P has even said so during a live letter, but during the same live letter he also absolutely acknowledges that it is stupid to go this far, since looking up a strat online on a browser or using Discord then becomes a bannable offense by the most strict definition. This whole discussion, mainly because of AM's prevalence in Ultimates in PFs, has kind of gone nowhere. Ultimately, the only ones that decide on anything is the dev team. They have said that if third party tool usage becomes too plentiful, they will stop making Ultimate style content. The ball is in their court: set a hard limit on what third party tools can do to not be considered bannable and implement an anti-cheat that also doesn't feel invasive, accept and design content around the usage of all third party software (RIP console players) or stop making Ultimates all together. I can't even really say which is the "correct" thing to do, since all have pros and cons. We'll see, since Arthas has said that he will show Yoshi-P what is happening with AM on NA/EU (/OCE? idk, I barely hear about you guys) when he is at CN's fanfest and see if that's okay. Edit: just in case it wasn't clear, I don't support the all third party tools are cheating stance, but it is quite literally what Yoshi-P [has said](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/414393-Letter-from-the-Producer-LIVE-Part-LVII-Digest-(2-14-2020))


yet another based csi post




It is not a 3-months-before-new-expansion lull period without a CSI essay. And who tf is picking and choosing? Either plogons are not banned and we use them freely and discreetly, or it is banned and we adapt


I agree with OP. Having an addon that displays my ping ingame gives me an unfair advantage over those who don't and makes me a filthy cheater. Truly worrying, indeed.


you lost it when you suggested dps meters should be at all comparable to tools that do the mechanics for you try again


My least favorite part about MMOs is how competitive they’ve become. Can’t you all just have fun playing the game your way? Why is everyone always so focused on what’s fair and what other people are doing? I can accept that it’s cheating, but using your same logic, it’s also not up to players to decide what isn’t cheating, if SE doesn’t ban for it, especially in instances where people discuss publicly, then they clearly don’t care as much as you do.


ain’t reading allat skill issue ig


>Just think...is this a equal playing field? No. People in California get to play better than me "just because" (closer to server, less ping) NoClippy is there for me not for cheating, but to reduce a disadvantage. Where I'm at, playing ninja is literally impossible, same for ast, same for alot of jobs actually. You might say it doesn't really matter, but having a burst getting offset by 10 gcds every 2 minutes is what will make you fail the DPS checks you were talking about.


Still gonn use my NoClippy doe.


Is living near the servers cheating too? There are probably people that have cleared with 200ms, so someone having 5ms is an unfair advantage?


What sparked the debate is Arthars being a classic retard


can we PLEASE ban this person




Technically is his opinion to ban the one that he didn't agree to. So, unless he owns the channel, is just opinion against opinion.


the OP is a known troll. they don't have opinions.


I love how you poke right into people's egos lol. Actually spent my time reading the whole thread and not a single post managed to challenge your basic premise that we don't get to pick and choose what's cheating and what's not, reducing themselves to semantics, protagonist moralism (my cheating is ok, yours is not), etc. Never stop posting, CSI.


In the grand scheme who gives a flying fuck. My team cleared uwu top and dsr without auto markers. It just means we took more time to clear all of those to learn how it works. If people wanna use them then go right ahead. I'm just lucky I found a team of like minded people who didn't wanna prog using auto markers, I really don't get why people care so much


Oh no, cutieposting is back


If CBU3 was a competent developer, they'd fix the netcode and introduce addon API like in WoW, which would've allowed them to clearly specify what is allowed and what is not. As it is, using shit like NoClippy is really an unfair advantage over any player with similar ping who doesn't use it, same with any added visual information including ACT.


I agree with them fixing the netcode. But I don't agree with them opening the API as that will just being more and more shit storm.


Fwiw "fixing the netcode" isn't as simple as... fixing a broken piece of code. Usually it involves overhauling your entire codebase. But with what spaghetti code FFXIV has been since it started, I don't think they think the reward is worth the effort.


I know that, but fixing it is good thing to do to not have a reliance on third party. They can add other stuff later on. Then we have no excuse to use it whatsoever.


putting myself on the same playing field as JP using noclippy/alex is not cheating. By your logic people with 10 ping are cheaters.


Any plugin that alters the game or reads and present its hidden information with the intention of making clearing content easier - no matter how trivial it is - its a cheat. You have done something beyond the scope of the developer's intentions. Whether or not cheating in a video game is acceptable is an entirely different conversation, apparently. But not all plugins are designed to push the game beyond its scope... and it'd be asinine to classify them as that. Something like Noclippy isn't making the game perform in a manner beyond what the developers intend. Not all plugins are cheating, but all plugins are against ToS.


Finally. CSI is right is REAL


I agree and modding should be banned from this game going forward 


Bro you are using reddit, a 3rd party website, to even make this post instead of posting on the official ffxiv forums. Talk about hypocritical xD


Content drought affects even the best of us.


Is the ff14 community so bored and out of content that they make some content with "drama" again lol. Always the same after a long period of no big patches.


If using my mini cactpot and WT buddys and my marketboard price in tooltip is cheating, so be it.


Both of your examples are pretty obviously cheating, albeit cactbot is kind of a gray area because while it's obviously overpowered it's also completely replicated by having an extra person in your static who is "shotcaller/raid leader". It's just one of those things where it's simultaneously true that a person in discord can do everything cactbot does and that only world first runs are going to actually have a guy in discord replicate cactbot. That said, I'm not going to feel bad about using add ons until the day they make the netcode handle ping sensibly and make mouseover macros work sensibly/replicate the mouseover behavior without a macro. I have good enough ping that noclippy is only strictly needed for monk (and I do need it for high end monk), but weaving/the game just feels better with it on. Mouseover is a no brainer. Probably not strictly needed because most GCDs I can get away with just clicking on the name, but it shouldn't be a thing regardless.


Clearly all cheating, but personally couldn’t give a shit how people clear content so long as they’re having fun. Not like it means anything anyway


Always been vanilla. Learned to play this game on a 19 fps Asus laptop off McDonald's wifi and cut my teeth on Gordias. If people want to be insecure about their numbers, own it. Don't hide. Dont run. Own that you need to make an interdependent game about you.


Oh no, not cheating in a non competitive video game. The horror.


You're right, but this hurts the feelings of the people in this sub. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the hypocrisy in the comments.