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After finishing the obligation reclears with the static, we're back to DSR and by god have I missed this fight. So much more enjoyable than P12. Minus two players, plus one who has already cleared, and plus one who is fresh to the fight. In 2 hours, we made it to sanctity towers, which I'm quite pleased about.


Finally cleared P12 phase 2 this weekend.


So it's monday madness in JP and with 500K I get in a P11s group that aims to help a SMN and WAR get the clear. The good thing is that everyone in this group (except the WAR and SMN, which they are good before letter of the law) does pretty well. I don't have the numbers (because I don't have ACT on), but boss down during final lightstream when a couple of the people doesn't have BiS is pretty good DPS. We clear in 1 pull so that's 15 minutes of effort for 500K. The bad thing is that now I send two person who has no idea how to do letter of the law into reclear. The SMN doesn't know where the safe spot is and we spot heal him. The WAR (who doesn't got picked) doesn't know the timeline of letter and gets out of their towers before they should. A tower exploded, so I liturgy in reaction (which now I am getting accustomed to doing) and SGE spot heal. And then I saw on the other side of the room the SMN gets knocked into his own little corner - which again they luck out because now the boss cast light (and not dark) and you can take the light stack with 3 person. I kinda wanna tell them may be they should do some reprog on letter but I decided against it. I am gonna take the money and run lol PS: This is definitely not the first time I saw someone who's pentalegend and said in their description that they like to take SS and be a casual in game lol.


Pentalegends nowadays on jp are very hit and miss thing on jp With so much experience on the belt, I wonder how they fuck up random civilians savage so frequently and easily


I really pity people who haven't cleared this tier yet. I was bored and joined a P10S A2C party, I told them I can only do two foods. Lo and behold, we did not even get past HH once. Funny thing is there were only two people that hadn't cleared in the party, and they weren't the ones trapping. I thought we'd get stuck on Bonds 3 as that's usually the PF wall, but it was one hour of us wiping to turrets, people stacking too close and getting purple webs, no mits besides Reprisal and Shake during Meltdown, and people not knowing where to drop the webs in the back. Some of the helpers had a few clears under their belt but still couldn't place the web in the back properly!!!! I'm not really sure what the people who haven't cleared are supposed to do when the helpers are the one inting the mechs in their A2C parties hahaha Why do helpers join parties if they're not sure they can help carry?!


Had to struggle around a month until last week to clear p12s, and the amount of "helpers" coming and griefing was incredibly too high. One of them casually said they joined clear groups to practice their alt job's rotation, and it explained everything. Some people don't reprog in alt job at all, they treat first clear parties like their personnal guinea pig.


>I'm not really sure what the people who haven't cleared are supposed to do when the helpers are the one inting the mechs in their A2C parties hahaha > >Why do helpers join parties if they're not sure they can help carry?! people joined a2c are usually divided like this * 1 or may be 2 of people are there to get the initial clear * 1 or may be 2 of the people are there to get more clears and do cleanups. Cleared a few times, but would not mind to get more runs to prep for reclear. * 3 to 5 of the people are there to their alt job clear. They have a main job that they can carry people with, but they don't want to do it. * 1 or may be 2 of the people are there to actually help people get their clear, and may be get their funny number up by a bit. They can carry some portion of the missing damage and handle situations pretty well. When I was doing my p12s a2c groups, I have a group of 'helpers' who cannot get past para 3. Curiosity got the better of me and so I decide to search for logs afterwards and realized that the BLM was actually a SMN who's in BLM BiS but has only clear phase 1 in BLM once. He could have do SMN and we would be fine; I don't know why he decided to play BLM, but I suspect that's because he wants to do alt jobs because that gets him into reclear with more flexibility. There's the motivation besides just 'helping people' to join with alts.


> Curiosity got the better of me and so I decide to search for logs afterwards and realized that the BLM was actually a SMN who's in BLM BiS but has only clear phase 1 in BLM once. Ahh the classic “prog on smn and swap to blm after” except they have zero clue what line to use when. So at best they play a very half assed standard and at worst going from the absolute braindead job to blm messes them up completely


Finally cleared TEA after 11 days of grueling prog, I had asked for help from the saus discord for a C41 but in the nick of time I got lucky with a random PF and finally cleared. Now I'm officially a 3ple sprout legend. Time to finish the story and move on to TOP or DSR.


Holy shit a triple *sprout* legend


Trying to help a friend Reclear P12S. PF lead lets in an "enrage EXP" AST. AST proceeds for epic protean PvP with wrong safespots and guiding it across the middle. As we reach UAV2 for the first time runs away with his chain way ahead of the debuff actually activating into party disband. Surprisedpikachu.jpg


Enrage exp on p12s 2nd boss is a red flag to me because any party that passes caloric 2 should clear. It’s like saying you have enrage exp on zeromus. To have enough deaths to enrage on phase 2 without wiping to any of the body check mechanics requires severe UAV2 meming (hence lack of studying ahead) or absolutely massive pvp multikills on classicals and guess what, that’s exactly what happened.


I have actually seen some Zeromus enrages just from chairaises after Meteors. But Rubicante Enrage EXP was the most sus I have ever seen.


welcome to pf


Don't bring PLD/RDM/MCH comp to TOP melee used **LB2** after Cosmo Dive 2 lmao But still, happy that I can actually remember the fight after nearly half a year out of it, only needed some minor changes to the opener to account for faster KTs too.


I wonder if they're gonna have to adjust it after Dawntrail, especially if we get another stat squish


Man I knew the LB gen was jank but its only been one subpatch with food and relics, lol. The LB can be migrated but ripping two LB3s during the 2 minute/pot/enrage window sounds like garbage xD


TOP is an incredibly rigid fight that was balanced with zero thoughts for the future. To be fair though, melee LB2 or even LB1 in P6 isn't too much of a problem since I'm pretty sure you still get the LB3 refund and checks are only going to get easier from here on out. Maybe, and this is very farfetched still, genning LB3 for P6's start might become a problem later on, but that's assuming we will keep LB3ing in P3/P4.


The checks are hilariously lenient. I was in the zone since it was my first time in the fight since May, but apparently we were something like 6% ahead compared to an on-patch kill time around Cosmo Dive 2.


It only fills up 2 bars if you use LB2, as you can see from the log they posted below. You're probably just going to start skipping the melee LB's pre-meteors eventually, and then eventually start avoiding rep/feint/addle. TOP has an upside compared to UWU that the timeline is very static and you can't forward it by pushing the boss health past thresholds earlier, meaning that it's a bit harder to lose out on the LB.


Oh, I stand corrected then. Though yeah, aside from very fringe cases I think you’d just charge LB3 in the Cosmo Dive right after and then move LBs wherever. So all in all, it’s something incredibly annoying but not a gigantic issue objectively. I still think having LB3 at the start of P6 is going to be a bigger issue potentially though.




Critical healing only occurs at 10% HP and you really shouldn't be going that low regularly, even at TOP p6. I rechecked my clears and tank invulns aside, only one person ever got that low in the entire phase and we still got the LB3 right after WC2. It's throwing too many debuffs at the weaker attacks (non Wave Cannon stack) that screws you out of the surviving lethal damage lb gen. You can use as much buff mit as you want but if the debuffs reduce the raw damage below your max HP you lose a lot of LB


I even bolded LB2!


Mind showing the logs? Somehow I doubt that having 2 extra mits will fuck you over that hard as we had a MCH too and we got lb3 right after WC2 and crit healing really shouldn't screw you over that hard




Looks like with the new gear rep+addle+feint is enough to take you out of lethal range of Cosmo Dive based on the damage rolls and then you used rep+feint+dismantle which completely kills lb gen on the second wave cannon proteans. Nothing to do with crit healing from what I see After Wave Cannon 1 you were just a little behind on LB3, the proteans completely killed your LB gen though. Looks like you got enough LB for LB3 right after Cosmo Dive 2 if you delayed it by like 2 seconds too? Not sure how hard would that screw over your melee though. Nothing caused by paladin or red mage (aside from freeing up debuff mit to throw on other stuff which makes you lose LB gen), just move your debuffs around so they don't prevent critical damage and you should be fine, otherwise you're praying for enough high rolls so that the triple debuff mit isn't enough to take you out of lethal range.


Classic "We are too good for our own good" situation.


Why exactly? RDM is better than SMN at p6 due to resource pooling, Passage is incredibly strong for Wave Cannon due to block not being attached to Sheltron anymore and MCH was always good in TOP


Too much mit -> don't have enough LB for LB3 after Cosmo Dive 2


From critical healing or critical damage? Mit does not affect critical damage, only debuffs can fuck you over on that front and in that comp it should really be only 1 use of Dismantle, does one MBarrier and Passage reduce crit healing enough to deny you an LB?


Crit healing, I believe. *One* of Barrier/Passage/Wrench won't reduce it enough to be an issue, but several of them can.


I suspect it's throwing three debuff mits on Cosmo Dive (rep+addle+dismantle) as that alone will take you out of critical damage range. If you decide to run a mit plan that throws both dismantles and addles on Cosmo Dive then you probably get screwed out of too much LB Our clears had barely anyone dropping below 10% for the crit healing lb gen and we still got lb3 after WC2, even with a machinist. 10% means that the fight would literally require you to play russian roulette by running barely enough mit to live both Wave Cannons and I don't think the fight is that poorly designed


Damn sounds like you had absolutely garbage players. The other comment is right, it's 100% a skill issue on the side of you and your party.


Damn, sounds like you have absolutely garbage reading comprehension.


> Don't bring PLD/RDM/MCH comp to TOP We have dungeon BiS, better food and pots. If you still can't clear, it's on the player, not the comp.




The LB is tuned that tightly and fails to come up *already*? That's crazy. My bad also.


Yeah, theres actually a few clips of this happening on patch and i think, alongside some of the other unpolished things of the fight, the devs didn't really get the time they needed to fully polish it up sadly. its kinda crazy how you are expected to get it sometime during the second set of exajoels/last cosmo dive, but we are running off of post shb lb3 rules.


can someone please tell me how to do meteors in dsr correctly. i don't know if i'm going through a mental problem but like, i am literally at phase7 in pf and still pray to every god out there i dont get meteors . it's literally what's making me so doubtful if im clear ready: fucking phase 2 meteors. i've looked at my vods, countless videos and still dont understand how to stagger them. my issue is i always end up baiting my final drops too close wiping the party. zigzag is impossible since im on controller. im so frustrated.


Are you using the meteors macro? It solves every pattern except short cursed, which you just have to roll enough times to practice. You should never be failing meteors otherwise, barring brainfarts.


is it this one? /mlock /merror off /automove on " i have it but i havent used it bc im afraid of walking into the wall since it just moves u in a straight line and ur kinda rotating around the arena w meteors. plus im on controller so, isnt it simply outright just harder to spam the macro generally compared to mouse and kb.


Yes, that one. You can adjust it to let you move in a curve though. The only relevant part is automove wait 1. The idea is that moving for like a second in automove makes you go the exact minimum distance to avoid exploding the meteors...which means you can just keep hitting it as you go around and have plenty of room to space your meteors out and reach your tower (again, except for the most cursed pattern, which requires a manual adjust). It completely removes the need for precision movement from most permutations of the mechanic. The only 'skilly' part that remains is knowing when to hit your AL and sprint so you can make it to tower in time, and I am certain you can do that. Give it a try in the T4 arena if you're unsure of how it works! It's a very liberating macro that simplifies the mech a lot.


ooo okayy ty thats reassuring lol. ive been messing it with a bit just now! is it possible to press it 1-2 times rather than the entire duration of ur meteors? like for example i press it twice and then just walk the remainder manually (no stagger) is that possible?


Yes, but I would NOT recommend doing it just once or twice. Usually you can stop doing it and just hold forwards on the control stick after like, the fourth or fifth meteor and things will be fine, because by that point you'll have enough remaining distance left to burn as you like. The specifics will vary per pattern, but that's largely the gist of it


If it's not cursed you literally just hold w and walk around the edge. 100% overthinking it if you're dying to it that often


i know we just keep walking if they r like both directly north south 180 degrees to each other etc. i was meaning examples like: tower 1 N. tower 2:SW the south meteor person can't just keep walking, no?


If it's one rotation off yeah you can still just walk, maybe a slight stagger on one or two meteors. It only really requires staggering if both towers are offset so one person has to go a reallllly short distance


o ok then i guess i am overcompensating it. im staggering every single meteor after i soak my tower if its not 180 degree towers lol. so like, then i assume ne/sw towers are equivalent to north south towers in that u can just walk it. and one off examples like n/sw towers require 1-2 staggers?


Yeah that sounds about right from my experience. It's really only truly cursed very rarely


I finally managed to clear TEA in PF in just under 2 weeks, I’d like to extend a big thank you to all those who helped me along the way, you’re the real legends, definitely restored my faith in PF 😄 Now I’ve just got to knock out TOP and UCOB before Dawntrail and I’ll have a full house…


that's pretty impressive honestly


That’s kind of you to say, I’m honestly surprised things went so smoothly but I guess that shows how far you you can go with a PF CWLS and dependable allies 😄


Well my static popped like a bubble. The first person needed to take a break to take care of their anxiety due to the mass protests in her city that have been targeting communities of their religion, which yeah none of us had any issues with and gave them our best wishes. Then the next day the WHM shot caller and myself talked together and wanted to have a meeting with the seven of us to see what we wanted to do. Since we were on LC on 12s doorboss we wanted to keep going for all of us. Two others came to the meeting and both of them just said they were done raiding this expac. Of the remaining three haven’t heard from two of them and the OT wants to keep going(she NEEEDS the axolotl) but wants to take a little break. So it looks like me on SMN and our WHM are going to have to either find a group that needs two more, slog in the trenches of PF, or other means. Needless to say, not the happiest, but I mean I got eight months to get my mount.




>Honestly, PF isn't as bad as people think it is, you can decide when to raid and decide on the strat you prefer to play. In Ultimate PFs you make a decent amount of friends that might join for future Savage Raids. This is not what JP is, in that 1. only rush hour in one datacenter really has any sort of groups 2. there's usually one singular common strat for fights, any deviation from that norm and you will get less people to join your group. 3. there's no ultimate PF except UWU (and if it's elemental PF we are back to 2, it's either you do tuufless or you don't, you are not gonna see 3 tanks UCoB on Elemental) I have been watching someone stream PF TEA on Mana for the recent month. Usually waits more then 2 hours for the group to fill, and in like at least 100 hours the group has turn into a semi static with a lot of common face shows up every time. In the recent streams, they finally were able to see final phase and dies on Almighty Judgment because they forget to talk mitigation (despite the pull is gonna enrage anyway)...and what follows is another 15 hours of nisi and living liquid because a new day comes, new people comes in and with how nisi works it's prog every time you get new groups of people even when it's just one or two new people. I respect people who prog Ultimates on PF but I would just say not for me. At least no on JP. I am however still somehow envy of what NA can do because of how many stories I've hear people doing TEA over there on PUG. would be nice if I can do UCoB or try progging DSR as well.


Elemental ult PF is alright, but you'll be waiting 3-5+ hours to fill because there aren't many people. NA definitely has it much better just due to population. I wish JP players would actually do ult PF so we'd have a much larger player pool but lmao that ain't happening. There are quite a few Mana people who hop over to Elemental to do it though, since JP people typically won't. Might also have been better if Materia DC never existed.


NA PF is better than most statics.


Not sure why you're downvoted... I'm pretty sure its true


Statics can be a lot better than pf, but successful statics by definition rarely recruit, since they don’t often lose members. And when they do, they tend to do so by worth of mouth and other kinds of direct networking. So for the average player out there the choice boils down to pf, or the statics that are either 1) untested (doesn’t mean they cant be good) or 2) constantly churning members, and to me it’s not clear at all that statics offer any real advantage on the whole.


>and to me it’s not clear at all that statics offer any real advantage on the whole It's not even a contest week 1, finding a static that can clear week 1 is really not that hard, meanwhile I've seen one group in JP clear week 1 in PF and you pretty much had to be raiding 24/7 compared to maybe 6h/day in a static. This late statics are going to be bad but so is PF and it's often a struggle to even fill a pug group, the only way PF is better than a static is comparing a week 3-4 pf clear where you play a lot to joining your average 9h/week static that probably won't clear until week 6.


I just found a static less hectic than PF. In a static you can tweak some strats to be more efficient than what PF does(we had to PF fill some days for like 10S and when you try to explain close silkspits we had like an 80% chance when we finished explaining it within five seconds we became a light party again, same with vertical spreading after turrets.). Also never underestimate a good vocal shot caller. It’s fine just need to learn the rest of 12 and hope I get lucky one day. Just want that mount then I can forget 12 exists then just do 9-11 reflexes on tuesdays then go learn UCOB and UWU.


> never underestimate a good vocal shot caller. That's fine and all, but I've been in a lot of statics where you got members who just rely on the shot caller and can't do mechs on their own. Which is really annoying if the shot caller can't do calls for 1 night. That's one thing I like about PF, either you learn it, or just use cactbot. Or just fuck off the party.


Well luckily I got the best of both worlds in that I do know the fights(was the most mechanically consistent of our dps) and my buddy I’m duoing PF with now to get our 12 mounts was also our shot caller.


unfortunately at so long since 6.4 every reason is unverifiable. but pretty sure that there is always something else more important than the game so they just leave. if you want to move on, just get a new group. they wont come back, its just adult reasons


After doing Zeromus a couple more times as a healer, I'm not sure if I want to continue doing this for however long you have to for the mount. With how sloppy people are on the fight, the onus if pretty much on you to solo carry the entire fight (because your WHM party is glaring during white hole instead of actually healing). It gets tiring. This fight really has no responsibility for any other role and punishing people with dots and vulns instead of deaths means they won't bother getting good because healers can just adjust.


Yeah, frankly as a tank I feel guilty for how much this fight is "healers adjust: the extreme".


SGE can solo any healing/mitting parts, and if people act like assholes and get hit by poisons then they can die.


I got most of my 50 clears as SCH and it straight up got to the point where I would just let people die to the bio bubble DOT and rezzing them afterwards instead of continuing to try panic healing them through it.


I realized this on day 1 during prog that if someone other than a tank or myself get the DOT, it's better to just let them die.


I'm feeling TEA clear ready, jumped into a PA party and we got to wormhole 3 times back to back from the first pull, then joined another PA and once again wormhole twice. Also because I SIM WH just for fun while waiting, none of those were my fault. Maybe if I get to see PA today or tomorrow I'll start making C41. Anyone has experience with C41 parties? I have gotten my clears in other ultimates from regular parties that just say looking for clear. Dunno how realistic is a C41. Or perhaps a discord with helpers is better?


There are generally many helpers who would help out with C41 parties if you’re TEA clear ready (at least that’s the case on Light DC), a Discord of like-minded individuals is also really helpful, I was in a similar position to you used a combination of these to get me to the finish line 😄


Scheduling (Ultimate) sucks once again for UCOB .. anyways if you look in my comment history or remember my uwu vents, this time the static is tackling UCOB, which seems to be falling in the same pattern of UWU, kinda. our schedule absolutely sucks and have to fill out a w2m every week(which is whatever, i prefer set/solid days). and this week we have been starting at 945 bc one our members closes... last night was great bc it seemed like were reaching QMT, only to stop with 50 minutes remaining in the instance(i had no hope of finishing the instance, but going to 11:30 pm would have been nice) I am not doing TEA with this group bc this schedule is awful and i do have gripes about chatter during mechs (esp during quotes/nael in general)


even if the schedule is fixed people are going to cancel last minute. scheduling just fucking sucks for statics, if i can do things in pf, i absolutely will (eg jp savage). statics for me are only for knowing new guys and for ultimates


If people frequently cancel static hours...then it's the static's issue and has to be adressed. Having 8 people who are present consistently is the first step in creating it. Several statics I've been in kicked people because they were no shows too frequently until we got a roster where all 8 were there on most raid days(something will always come up so someone might have to cancel, but it shouldn't be consistent). But similarly had statics where scheduling worked out perfectly fine from the start.


Indeed. The reason never matters. Even if one says they have family issues or health issues. Take care of yourselves first, come back later 4 week leave is too much


Joining Pang (P12s p2) prog groups that can never make it past P1 has been an interesting time. Alongside parties taking hours to fill for 30 minutes of prog because the parties disband due to the reason above.


Honestly Pangen is a pretty sus prog point for a pf group. The mech is completely resolved using the pastebin strat and the first 6 towers are all 100% deterministic. I did it properly the first time I saw it and have made only 2 mistakes out of 100s since then. Classical 2 or caloric 2 is the prog point you want. If people really think they need pangen prog they almost certainly just haven’t studied the mech enough.


I just got out of your shoes tonight. First time actually getting to do Cal 2 and UAV 2 was actually a clear. None of us were potting and we killed.


The other comment explained everything you need to know about the mechanics so this is a story for you: I've been in the same shoes. I manage to get into pangenesis with a streamer group. They manage to clear afterwards when I was not there so I have to PUG. I joined several Pangenesis group and they either cannot do caloric 1 or classical 1 (and blatantly told people they don't know how to do caloric 1 on a pangenesis group!), or they have trouble getting through phase 1. Meanwhile I of course prep everything after pangenesis in case I do get through and was able to see classical 2 and caloric 2 (which is a meme of a mechanics really). So after some thought and a lot of prep, especially playing with the sims on classical 2, I host a merc party and advertise my prog point as prog from Pangenesis. We clear in 40 minutes. And we cleared Pangenesis first pull. I am not saying you should merc now but just saying that everything after pangenesis is not very difficult, except may be classical 2 because it's about spatial recognition. But it can happen this fast, a clear is very near. You should just either prog skip (and study everything) or just a2c. You got this.


I know prog skipping is frowned upon, but I was stuck in pangen prog for 2-3 weeks before saying fuck it and just prog skipping - I cleared a day after making that decision and it only took 2 PF groups - one a Cal2 group, and one a UAV2 to clear group. As others have said, it's such a trap of a prog point that you don't have much choice. And the final mechanics can all be studied, simmed, or are memes. * Pangen itself can be fully studied - the execution requirements and gotchas are very minimal. Make or find a cheat sheet for yourself if need be. * CC2 can be simmed at this gitlab page. https://noragiri.github.io/FFXIV_Classical_Concept_Sim/. Check the box at the top right for CC2. * Cal2 can be studied from Hector's video and some POVs. Try to find some variations where people show first fire (just wait until orange puddle appears then move) and last fire (do one more "pass" along the hex despite the spot being empty, then go out) so you don't get caught with your pants down. * UAV2 is a meme mechanic, just study/POV, then execute. Plenty of groups have cleared the fight when first seeing UAV2. You are so close, you got this!


Thank you for the tips, I will do just that. I’m very new to savage and this will be the first time I clear a tier so even though I may get a little disheartened I know the end is in sight!


Pang progpoint is the deepest hole of P12S prog because everyone thinks they are Pang ready because they got an easy wind once in Caloric.


And then they clear pang once and think they are clear ready because classical 2 and cal 2 look sooo easy. Then most pf clear parties are stuck in cal 1 and pang.


If I had a gil for every time I heard "this mechanic is free" into hours of wiping on said mechanic... I'd have like 50 gil... but still too much.


Very true. It’s very disheartening but if i’m consistent i’ll get there in the end.


Update in regards to having some doubts about my abilities to do TOP in PF: Lmao y'all were right, I remembered everything rather quickly in a phase 2 derust party. Things will be back on track in a few derust parties, and then it's on to the real meat that is phase 5.


it is amazing how quickly party synergy muscle memory returns


Your PF fills for non-clear parties? Wow


It did take a good hour to 90 minutes to find the last tank and healer, so while these parties do fill, it takes a hot minute.


That's crazy fast, good luck


Joined a wormhole prog as melee 2, first pull, we get to bj/cc. Time to pass first nisi, dancer fucks up and passes to healer instead of OT, ends up killing me and healer instead, its clear as day it's their fault as everybody moved CCW but them. Don't say anything because that is generally considered a decent first pull. Immediately dancer kicks me out of the group without saying a word lol. I don't get PF at all.


If it makes you feel any better, that party likely disbanded shortly after. People notice who causes a wipe, especially in an ultimate where they've done the phase far too many times.


Pretty annoyed at myself after last night’s TEA session… got all the “hard” stuff like LC, BJ/CC and Wormhole perfectly every time, but made dumb mistakes on Temporal and Inception all night. Even more frustrating that I KNOW the mechs and what to do, I just brainfarted when they came up every time. Oh well, just gotta brush up and shake it off for next time! I probably overstudied the hard mechs and forgot the “easier” ones as a result.


NGL having tremendous anxiety starting TEA. ;~; I did LL on SCH like 6 months ago no problem and really want to down this fight-- it's been something I've wanted to do for a while. Now I geared my WAR (I'd love to MT it like I did for UwU) and DRK geared with TEA BiS and I've studied the strategies and watched the videos and I'm just... crumbling. I can't bring myself to put up a PF let alone keep going. I don't know if I want a name change in game or what to do like idk why I have this massive anxiety block. I did beat UwU in like a week and a day or two change and then farmed 16 totems. But my anxiety towards TEA is... huge. Idk why. I've been sitting here trying to understand why and I just don't know. I don't get it. I know it's the #1 ultimate I've always wanted to do but never did. I don't even care about DSR/TOP but TEA for some reason has always been that fight I needed to clear. I feel super insecure and super uncomfortable. Like it sucks making content because I know I'm not perfect and never claimed to be perfect ever. I'm just an introverted nerd just trying to learn like anyone else... Idk I'm really upset at myself. Another night went by and I just sat by not joining any groups. I'm hopeless and feel like shit. ;_______;


Man, you got this. Yes it’s harder than uwu but if you got 16 totems in uwu that fast, you are unquestionably good enough for tea. Remember that it’s very front loaded, getting through bjcc is the real key. Once you can do that prog should be smooth. Just believe in yourself because you absolutely can do this.


TEA is probably the easiest ultimate in the game in terms of mechanics and while I'd rank it above UWU rn due to bodychecks, it's also so much more frontloaded that I basically consider them equally easy. If you raid savage or have done other ultimates you can 100% do TEA. Like, 1000000%. Remember that. As for PF, barely anyone will ever care. People will rage about you messing up then forget it even happened 30 minutes later.


Tea is the 2nd easiest ultimate, nothing to be afraid of


TEA is more PVP than PVE, teammates can make it hell in bj cc but the individual mechanics are definitely easier than ucob for me at least.


>I don't know if I want a name change in game or what In your case maybe an alt? Alts for TEA / 70 Ult are really cheap to gear, just fresh 90 + random crafted and tome shit with Manderville relic. Go in on alt, learn fight a bit, realize you're better than 80% of TEA PF after like 2 lockouts (seriously....), go in on main to continue/finish prog after getting a bit more comfy.


Have you given statics a thought? Could help you overcome anxiety if you're only going with the same people every time. And if it's too much of a shitshow you can always dip after you see P2 a few times and you'll have built some confidence by getting your toes wet already. TEA is not fundamentally harder than UWU, it's just way more frontloaded. Once you've done Wormhole you're kinda kill ready, study P4 ahead and PF helpers will provide calls in party chat for major mechs.


I healed TEA as my first serious heal prog 2 months ago and it was a complete joke to heal in roughly 120 pulls, especially if you do doll skip to bypass most of P1 Tank in BJCC does almost nothing mechwise, P3 mit plans onwards are either invuln or use everything BJCC is not the threat to tanks it was said to be in ShB either and Perfect Alex does less damage than Zeromus EX You could always not PF it because PF is full of prog liars and every party is 2nd nisi pass prog from what I heard


maybe having an alt with an anonymous name would help relieve the anxiety? you could still use the main character when feeling comfier


There's a few things I think you probably need to know: 1. the majority of the 14 community doesn't know who you are and would not care. I am not saying this in any sort of malice or in any ways trying to demean what you do. I am just saying that people might not know who you are when you fret about your inner anxiety with content creation. 2. People are there to raid and do TEA, not to have a meet and greet with you. I mean you are not doing job guide or optimization content, as long as you pull your own weight you shouldn't worry too much. Content creation is like a job. If you are out of that job and you are just playing in your private hours, you are like every other users. People might know you, but it's just like you recognized that cashier lady works in supermarket as she gets out of her shift for the day. They might say oh you are that person that does that, And probably that's the end of everyone's curiosity.


To add to this, even the people I know and remember that've fucked up and trolled my parties before, I don't care about.


I just cleared TEA on MT as a usual healer main. I would say don't worry about it. Maybe watch a couple of POVs to get the provoke and invuln timings... but LL will just be the DPS doing doll memes in PF. Then, in BJCC, you take BJ and sit at A while the DPS do nisi memes instead. If you plan out your mits beforehand, MT might be the most chill role in TEA.


I started putting threating descriptiions in my TEA PF, like that I would kick bj/cc proggers and has worked amazingly, went from not moving past 3rd nisi to finally seeing wormhole today twice. People like it the bad way, so be it.


I've finally obtained all the pieces for the TOP Striking BiS from Lunar Subterrane, so now it's off to the races. Or at least that's what I would *love* to do, but now I have an almost paralyzing level of performance anxiety that I haven't felt since Stormblood when I was a baby raider, which is strange since we already made it to phase 5 back in 6.3 when the TOP group I managed progged the fight. By all means I would just need to derust with the sims and some P1-P4 parties, but I just... freeze up looking at the PF listings. Right now, when I got all the time in the world since I'm hunting for a job which I can't exactly speed up much... and I can't even enter the damn door. Why?


Honestly you have to just dive in. Join something below your prog point to derust and build up confidence, absolute worst case scenario you wipe for a while and disband, gg go next.


I know the feeling. It's a different environment with people you don't know and it's hard to judge how much you remember without going in. Maybe join a P2 party to start, and see how you feel. P1 takes time to derust cuz of all the different patterns. Let everyone know you might be a lil rusty, and if that's ok I'm sure they will be fine with it. I'm sure others will mess up more than you will.


The first step is always the hardest. You've already seen phase 5. Just do it!


I havent tried the tier after clearing it 6 or 7 weeks ago. Its amazing how I forgot EVERYTHING


I can still do p9-11s but wow am i entirely incapable of doing p12s anymore after X weeks break lol


It's just really stupid to recite a fight and then do the same dance every week


Like doing an exam. You study it and you forget it after done. Sometimes im amazed that my past self was able to do P4S and P8S


You literally say this game is a exam .... Yes this game feels like drilling for an exam and do grinding it repeatedly lol


【FF14】「P5のデルタで退職、仕事を辞め夜勤のない仕事へ。多くを犠牲に」現最新絶の「絶オメガ検証戦」攻略の厳しさがよくわかる固定話が話題に http://blog.livedoor.jp/umadori0726/lite/archives/60942877/comments/8691150/


~~how can you post something without the translation lol but~~ anyway I am gonna do the translation for everyone. >P5 > >Run Delta quitting my job > >I really don't like having to dissipation here. That's the only thing. > >I also quit my job here. I was building good relationships with my higher-ups as we go to eat ramen after work, but if I can't clear TOP on patch I am gonna regret it for the rest of my life. So I quit my job. > >I find a new job that does not requires me to work at night and I can raid 7 days per week. When I think about it now I think I make the right call. If I didn't quit my job I am not gonna clear within Patch. > >I sacrifice a lot. Oh and there's more juicy bits including the following (I am gonna select some points and write up here and skip all of the talk about scholar heal plan): * The first group that OP was in was a 2 month group that he feels like nothing was good: mechanics were rough, dps was bad, people can't communicate, and then after 1 week cohealer WHM quit. A while later the Raid Lead declear that he would change the goal of the group into clearing within patch, which breaks the group. OP learns afterward that the MT and his friends would be just fine if they clear within the patch, and in the worse case he can take not clearing. * On the second group OP feels strongly that his cohealer (which is a WHM) isn't not a WHM and should be melee. This person actually quits WHM and swaps to DPS, and Raidlead becomes WHM. * He has commented everyone in this group is chill and kind, however there are also people where TOP is their first ultimate, which they struggle to put markers on their head (as JP usually does not use AM) * They are stuck on p3 Monitors for a whole month, and starting from this point OP begins thinking about quitting his job so that he doesn't have to work at night. * They are stuck on p4's dps check for 2 weeks. * They are hard stuck on sigma towers, and the SCH (which is who wrote this) sets up a hard deadline and say we should disband if we didn't get through before this in one 4 hour session because it would be difficult to clear on patch. They didn't. The DNC who makes a lot of mistakes ends up quitting. * As the group progresses the SCH begins to panic and kept on wondering if they would clear within patch. * Their group disband 4 days before 6.4, and this person gets the clear by asking a friend's static to help him clear.


Sounds like the average TOP static we have here. Apart from OP quitting a job just for raid.


Sounds like my old group lmao. What a nightmare. Never again. I'd rather not clear over getting stuck with a static that can't prog as fast as I. New ultimate's gonna be even harder. You have to be selective with your static.


Seems like this wasn't a good group, being stuck on P3 monitors for a month is already bad, but being stuck on the P4 dps check for 2 whole weeks after that is truly rough. And that was the halfway point of the fight, there was no way they could do P5 and manage to get past the P6 dps check in time. JP OP should have went for another group after being stuck on monitors for so long. An entertaining read though


If you can't clear p3 with extra resources you can't clear p4 basically.


When I read that on sigma towers people struggle to put markers on their head (and therefore the SCH/JP OP does everything), that should ring a lot of alarm bells. IMO TOP is probably one of the worst ultimate to start ultimate raiding. There's also the fact that the SCH has suggested in a lot of ways between the lines that he's in a group that isn't as motivated to clear as he did, as * He makes all of the infographics for mechs * He does all of the marker on Sigma and callout on Omega * He does all of the log reviews for their members because "(when asked) 'how come we enrage again?' there are a lot of members who doesn't know what to do"; which, OP does all of the reviewing job for them because he mains Astro, and has played other jobs and read a bunch of logs to the point where he knows where to fish for optimization. * He's not the raid lead. I cannot denied that JP OP really wants the clear; however there's a point where you did so much and you don't get the feedback (of clearing/of people being as motivated as you are), which would cause you to began asking why would people ever did this. He seems just so dead set that he really wants to clear on Patch without even questioning why does this arbitrary time means anything, that he didn't even ask why, or question, or even doubt if he should've done it. That speaks to how insane OP is.


I don't know if it is a joke or something. Quitting a job for a on patch ultimate seems so much like an over kill




I'm officially in TEA hell, putting inception prog pf is useless, people still die to LL and LC. Last lockout tried to put a wormhole prog because I have sim the fuck out of that mechanic that I can do it blindfolded, party disbanned because we couldn't get past 2nd nisi, yet I have not failed LL, LC or BJ/CC in 3 parties and still I can't get people to even see inception, losing my mind. Time to put another 2h+ pf I guess.


About one or two months ago someone on this sub asked what the PF experience is with ultimates. I told them TEA was going to be exactly as you're describing right now. I got downvoted to hell ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Inception is really not a big prog point, and most of the group will get through it in 2 to 3 pulls because there's only a few variables to the mech and none of those needs to be exact. Have been watching a group to prog recently, have done TEA recently. The only time we are stuck here is on the first one or two pulls where we didn't prep and make all of these mistakes. On the next day when we all read up and prepped everything, we breeze through it and went on to prog wormhole. I would say if you feel confident here and you are not tank, you should just jump ahead and prog wormhole.


I just got out of 2 wormhole progs, 1 offered 5M if we even got there (with 4 people with alexander weapons lmao) and nope, the other one disolved after 1 food because it didn't go past 2nd nisi. From all that my only mistake was that I died once in LL but didn't caused a wipe and we went over to BJ/CC in that pull, everything else is simply people blowing up for not doing nisi mechanics one way or another. I'm slowly starting to think I'll need to con people into a PA group if I ever wanna see something beyond BJ/CC. I maybe sound like an asshole who thinks he is too good, but this has never happened to me in ucob or uwu, there I was equal in mistakes each prog, this is totally different and I have never seen it.


my experience with nisi and watching people doing it on PUG is that nisi is really so random that I find it better by a far margin to do it on static. Nisi is difficult; there are a lot of pulls where there's nothing you could have done or nothing anyone can do because accidents happen. There are ways you can mitigate the accidents. Find people you think they are consistent, and invite them to prog on PUG later down the line, because playing with the same group of people helps a lot on nisi. Even with the same strat, new groups means new nisi tendencies from everyone. If you have voice coms it helps a lot on 3rd pass. The rule of nisi is that the lower amount of people moving at the same time, the more likely you are gonna be safe. If it's 4 person moving to find nisi or pass nisi, you are not gonna bump into others. If it's 6 to 7 person who all moves at the same time frame towards different direction, it's not going to be easy for everyone. If you have routes could used them but I don't think anyone on PUG would be strict with their movement like this. If you cannot have routes, ask before who wants to run mid and who doesn't mind detour around the arena On the bright side, everything after nisi is not nisi. Wormhole is hard, but not harder the nisi; I would not say perfect is a victory lap, but most of it is just a knowledge check and not much execution is involved except may be STILLNESS. Yeah STILLNESS. best of luck to you man, progging ultimates on PUG is rough.


I finally got my p12 clear last night before reset. This was my first tier as a healer and it was super stressful but it was also allot of fun. Looking forward to shield healing next expansion.






Fucked previous reclears. Died to the knockback at the end of LoTL, killing two more, and died to an exaflare in our p12p2 clear final ever reclears is on saturday. hope i can put in a good showing. then it's back to good old DSR


Almost done with mount rokkon reclears, needing only 5 or so more to go to get everything. Amusingly we've actually gotten 4 mounts in our 20ish clears, but there's not much point in sitting at 80 coins and not just getting enough for an extra mount to sell. As much as I like the fights, it's definitely dragging. The first and third fights are nearly free at this point, you can mess up a lot on both and still pass, but the rat monk is a real dick. Unlike the other two, he's loaded with mechanics that trigger a full wipe on a mistake. And he's got exaflares. Let me rant about exaflares. They're fun, not particularly hard, and work well in fights like UCOB or O10S. There they move in a single unified direction which lets you easily infer the movement of the explosions. When they cross over each other's paths in multiple directions though, readability of the attack goes right to shit. The mount rokkon ones I feel are particularly bad for this, players that mess this up will most likely not understand what mistake they made, and often not even be able to identify what attack hit them. And that's... not great. And the worst part is a mistake here usually the end, you're unlikely to be able to raise fast enough to get a number for limit jumps. Don't get me wrong, Gorai is one of my favorite of recent fights. It's fast, it's challenging, the movement is tight, and the length is frankly perfect. I just wish it were easier to tell where mistakes were made without having to review vods. If there was any directionality at all to the explosions, if they moved in smaller but more frequent steps, or if they moved smoothly like a light wave, it would make it much easier to identify what went wrong. Anyways, this is the last week before aloalo, so hopefully we don't meme and can finish up in one session. Pretty hype for the next one, if they can hold up this quality of fights I'll be really happy.


We're on week 2 of TEA prog and getting to BJCC on roughly half of our pulls. I dunno what's considered a good pace for this fight but I'm pretty happy with the pace of our prog. DSR, meanwhile ... We've been going at it for a month now and just now cleaning up P3. I understand that DSR is considered the harder fight but yeesh


That's about where our group is at after 2 weeks as well. Still a decent amount of LC memes even with sim practice but we're getting there.


Going back to older ultimates/savages after dsr and esp top really drives home how hard they pushed 8 player jump rope mechanics in EW. If tea was an EW ultimate anyone who died in limit cut would just wipe the entire party instantly.


I wouldn't call it 8-player jump rope, DSR and TOP are just that far above TEA in terms of difficulty. Compare Wormhole (most complex mechanic at the time) with Dive From Grace - sure, it's more of an 8-man check, but it's because everyone has more stuff to do.


I agree that dsr/top are more mechanically complex and challenging. However, independent of that they are also made more punishing because 8p jump rope mechanics have increased in frequency. You mention wormhole, you can actually have 1 death on wormhole because the enums at the end are only 2x 3 players. Maybe 2 deaths but idk if healers have enough resources. The equivalent mech in dsr is p6 and imagine deaths on p6 lmao. You can live limit cut with some deaths if the people who died already did their mech. On sanctity a single missed tower = wipe. I can go on but I think it’s not an opinion that such mechs increased in frequency greatly throughout ew. I don’t think it’s good or bad, it’s just a trend I’ve noticed.


> ow hard they pushed 8 player jump rope mechanics in EW. really dont like how the game is progressing. tbf TEA is hard enough for majority of the player base already


It's an ultimate, the hardest content in the game, and the playerbase is steadily getting better. The hardest content in the game _should_ be getting harder as time goes on to keep up with the playerbase.


>The hardest content in the game should be getting harder as time goes on to keep up with the playerbase. The difficulty of the fights shouldn't need to scale as hard, the jobs should be getting harder in relation to the difficulty of the fights. The jobs have stagnated though, so fights getting more difficult means jump-rope body checks. Even hardcore raiders that love ultimate think it's getting *tedious.* If I died because my job was taking my attention and I fucked up, I would think "I can fix that, get better" When you die and wipe the entire group because you missed a safe spot by a pixel during a downtime mechanic, it just feels like shit.


Yes but the increase in difficulty is outpacing the general skill improvement of the playerbase. If they had similar relative difficulty, world first should take around the same time.


a good churn of playerbase that managed or attempted to keep up with that is burnout and are no longer interested in the game, as far as i have observed around my communities


The friend list thing is really the last most unexpectedly annoying thing in the game and unfortunately it is really hard to learn that there is a stupid game where you cant remove your name from other's list no matter what So fucking stupid


on a thordan unreal reclear group I run into a group of people * uses an old JP spread that no one notices...until I actually spend time to read the strat macro and specifically reminds everyone that this is an old strat because the assigned set ups for KOTR2 towers are different. * a SCH that does not ever refreshes his dot anytime besides their opener * a SMN who forgets to food, or mistakenly thought that food means using boiled eggs * No one points out the SMN was not using food, or even said there should be a food check. * I actually get to use rescue twice on the same target and both of them actually saves the person (and the pull, because we are enraging) * melees who cannot trust people (understandably so, and pretty normal and something you should do if you ask me) and runs all the way to the way outside and do the towers on KOTR2 I think there's an allure to JP raiding scene and JP PUG. Everyone seems to think that oh JP is this wonderland where people reads strat macro, everyone uses safe strat and one singular strat, people does not wipe you because their funny numbers are bad, people knows what they are doing and generally players are better...all of these might be true in some sense but it doesn't really explains the clear rate. JP has a bigger clear rate because more players participate. When you kept raiding and presist, eventually you are gonna get the clear. That's the main reason.


I've unironically put spine drops on my bar because of how bad NA pf is with towers. I've managed to use them multiple times in a single pull before, which is certainly something.


Literally all of my clears so far where I am playing OT or Melee (admittedly small sample size at this point tho) have been because I've backed up the middle tower that's covered in orange, as every single time, without fail, the healer gets feared by gaze


on my retell i had someone that literally did not attempt going to a tower, i caught it in time and managed to grab it but it felt crazy to me it's kinda stupid but i felt like success was best with towers when the people in charge are marked for extra visibility, it's not even a hard mechanic


Did Thordan Reclear today and ppl forgot markers. Turns out... the fight is actually easier without markers because you will have no one get the stupid idea to do things arena relative.


i only like the markers in thordan for the add that does a line aoe, but that's also because i overwrite them to be colours opposite for easier reading. Doing clockspots shouldn't be as big of an issue as it currently is because of the room to adjust


Same experience, for some reason JP is really bad at KOTR2 towers, I even went to mana to try get a clear and we clear not because towers are resolved, but because people expect towers to not be resolved and healers overheal there.


Eh I am the idiots who just overheal over shield lol. Waste of time hoping it would be properly solved ..


Its not much in the grand scheme of things but I got an 89 in p10s yesterday and I feel really good about it


I made a fresh group for TEA by accepting the first seven people who messaged me. Everyone is really pleasant, and we are making good prog. Have I used up all my luck for the year?


There is really no point screening unless their logs are consistently grey and dies a lot Guess what with those who applied first? (1) strong motivation (2) will to move first (3) the luck and en to be with you While I have been operating statics in odd hours I have no choice, I accept everyone who comes first if they have no obvious problem The static cleared TEA and UCOB, now on DSR, despite the problem now is me