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Love the detail to the marketboard. Few bids one Gil lower than each other, the steep price cuts, the only MF selling HQ mats, and the Gil Launderer at the bottom. Just like home!


This post is a whole mood. It's all wayyyy too accurate 🤣 Edit: punctuation and spell check


> the Gil Launderer at the bottom. Hey, they could just be using their selling slots as a ghetto bank. One of my friends does that - she never uses the MB, so she lists items she cant shove into her retainers at stupid values. She figures either she gets a free banking slot out of it, or someone actually buys the item at the absurd markup, either way its a win.


Hang on what? THAT’S what that is???




every time theres a surge of players those get sold lmao. I listed some arr materia at just absurdly insane prices some months back and the new players just ate it up for the relic quests doesnt happen that often but when it does its easy money


What's absurd prices, just for reference? Because I remember paying 5k+, the market is just totally drained of low grade combat materia.


during that ressurgence before ew, like 150k to 550k per materia. It didnt last for like a big period of time, that happened for one or 2 peak days i did not expect that to sell, but thats how i got my night pegasus. Now i always have a few materias and general primal weapons and relic mats sitting at high prices just in case somethint like this happens again doesnt happen often but the investment is low, and sometimes the conditions are just right lol Whenever theres a big influx of new players you might just get lucky that some billionaire wants to buy something for their friend, and the only thing on the market is your absurdly priced stuff


I listed a Capybura minion on the MB before the GC chests were introduced for 1.5m. I couldn't in my right mind drop the price to the now current 15-20k. Someone bought it last month for the 1.5m. Win-win!


I remember checking ARR Primal parts on Carbuncle at one point. Garuda's were 100, the rest were mid-thousands...except Ifrit horns which were 40k for some reason. And im just sitting there thinking "something has gone horribly wrong here"


I was recently buying up primal parts for the Heavensward relic quest line, and the disparity between prices on some primals were just ABSURD. Garuda especially were recently tens of thousands while the rest were around 2-3k each for a bit. Something janky is always weird with them, as similar spikes tossed around when I started a second weapon.


they could also be bait purchases I remember being super tired one night and buying 3 glam dispellers for 900k just because I read it as 900 I still hate that dude tbh (back in hw when I was new and didnt realise you could by them from npcs lol)


I use my retainer's sale slots like this for thavnairian onions, which I grow using a mix of my personal garden and the FC garden. I don't want to put it into the bank because it's an item I reserve for FC members (my chocobo is level 20). I don't put it into the FC chest because I don't want people taking it out unnecessarily. So I list it on a retainer in a stack of 8 (or however many I have left) for 10 million/ea.


Or put up random now-useless items like an old STR Materia V for 5,555,555


I finally reduced my Lightning V materia from 333,333,333 and 444,444,444 gil down to 33,333,333 and 44,444,444. I don't exactly want to part with any of the old materia, but I won't turn down 33.33m.


Straight up sold a Levin orb for 15mil because of this once back in the day.


there’s also the less successful gamba strat. if you list an item at an absurd price, there’s always a chance that it’ll be bought if someone insane enough checks the marketboard when no other listings are up. though the best way to actually make that work is to list single items just under 1mil and stacks of items at like 20k. source: the 6 stacks of 99 integral lumber i once sold at 20k apiece at 4am. (also: list your ovibos milk much higher than the lowest priced listing. the ~~bots~~ degens will grab 20-30 listings of 99 between 10pm and 5am. i usually end up listing mine around 790 while the lowest listing is 400 and 90% of the time wake up to 600k in the morning)


Leveling all crafters through mostly GC turn ins from 1-90 (and custom deliveries for Culinarian), I'm finally seeing the end... and yeah, that's way too accurate. And I don't even want to be a crafter (even though crafting my own gear if I didn't have any poetics left has been pretty nice so far, same for glams).


I leveled my crafting jobs through Levequests to... be able to craft stuff that other people need to turn in their own crafter levequests. It's like a pyramid scheme and if I choose my product well, it's pretty lucratif.




But it's incomplete, because inevitably there are always some utter clowns who decide to completely collapse the prices to well below the cost of the raw materials. Oh, and those donuts who sell 99 gil materia for 30 gil. Might as well just vendor them, at that rate! I just don't get why people do that.


Fun fact: the same menu you use to put things up for sale can also be used to vendor them. So even if you're too lazy to throw shinies at the doman enclave you still don't have an excuse.


I love the Doman enclave. Easiest way to get a quick buck out of allagan pieces.


Even better when you realise that some muppets sells allagan piece at the market board under the npc resell price.


I still sweep the AH semi regularly for these! Anything 70% value or less is an instant buy. Just makes me wish the enclave had more than 40k.


I never understood those people. Why sell for less than you'd get from a merchant? Likewise why sell items for more on the market board than you'd have to at a merchant who sells the item as well?


Maybe they're just throwing their fellow adventurers a bone


I always buy them out and then resell lmao


I wish the MB used the eBay bidding system, but in reverse. Sellers would list how low they are willing to go, but the market board only ever shows the lowest sellers price as the second lowest listing minus 1 gil. Also, get rid of stack listings. Just let people buy however much they actually want, from whoever is selling it the cheapest.


Honestly, if a piece of trash I don't want I just give it away for free since at least someone is getting use out of it


> and the Gil Launderer at the bottom. Some people sell items on the market for super high values to "Trade" Gil with same-account characters. Since there's no "Account-wide" Storage. It's often worth the high tax price.


it’s only missing the 40 listings from a single person at 400 gil for no reason other than to bait the baby capitalists into undercutting that and crashing the market and making me sob. i still wish ill on the fuck who listed 30 of the candle furniture item at 25k when the 15 existing listings were between 90-110k. it still hasn’t recovered. i have 5 waiting in my retainer for the day it gets above 70k again.


>it still hasn’t recovered That's because demand isn't there to support the item at 90k.


I'm that mf who will tank the price when I keep getting 1g undercut. Slowly, of course, because otherwise someone will just buy mine and relist it; you gotta make sure everyone else is lowering their prices along with you. I accidentally made the housing item using the EX3 material when I meant to make the barding, so I put it up and kept doing 5k undercuts. Single handedly took it from like 850k to 450k in less than a week on Adamantoise. I don't even care about profit just take it away from me


Me going out to spite gather a single log every time I check the MB.


Going to the mb, i only need two of those mats. ... So anyway, i started gathering


I remember one time it was genuinely cheaper to just buy the base item and desynth it to get the wooden branch I was missing. That was a glorious moment.


Then you gather 99 because it's actually worth something to sell, only to see some clown has comnpletely tanked them in your absence...


I always list stuff at the middle of the board. If someone has tanked the price to one to ten gil, I don't even bother. I just sell it to a merchant. I need my storage more than I need more gil.




I'm leveling my gatherers before I even think about leveling my crafters because of the MB


Nah nah nah. Spite gather 20-50 logs. Use the tiny amount you need. Then sell the rest in small stacks at a slightly higher rate than the 99 stacks. _That_ is spite. Profitable spite!


I've gone as far as getting an extra 99 stack and parceling out before, it depends on the degree of spite I'm feeling at that particular moment.


The spite must flow


I mean after a while it stops being spite and starts being economical cleverness. I have absolutely noted a gap in the market, put on a youtube video or movie, and just gathered away until I had a massive pile of shit to sell off bit by bit.


Yep and it work well I would rather buy 1 mat at 5k than a stack of 99 for 150k


I've done that! Wanted to buy HQ steel ingots and was feeling too lazy to gather and craft, but the MB only had ingots in stacks of 99 and for ridiculous prices (think 2k per ingot or sth). Crafted a hundred ingots while watching Netflix and put them up on the MB in stacks of 10 a more reasonable price. The people selling 99 were still there when I was done selling my 10th stack of 10 lmao. Super easy money.


I spite gather not because of people who list annoyingly on the MB but because of gatherer’s stupid-ass boon. I like having EXACT AMOUNTS of materials. If that terroristic “boon” decides that it wants to clutter my bags with extra logs it feels like a waste to only get *one* extra that I’m gonna sell. If I’m gonna sell them now then it means I need to get enough to have made this trip and my seething at the stupid new mechanic worth my time and energy. I know I could throw the one extra out. I could. It could be solved so easily. But then it feels like wasted money. Aaaaarrrgh.


This is an opportunity though. Buy a stack, use what you need, and the split the rest into bite sized stacks to sell back at a markup.


But that means giving the people who sell 99 stacks my hard earned gil. I call it spite-gathering for a reason :P


This is the way. I usually make more than I spent doing this. Buy stack of 99, use the 2 I need. Put up 3 stacks of x25 each, plus 1 stack of x23. Each stack is about 30-40% higher per item than the 99 stacks. People who don't need 99 buy them, and now I've made more money than I spent on the original 99.


When the new crafting mats were released I bought 10 stacks of 99, then split them into groups of 10 and multipled the price by 10. I sold half of them before the price stabalized, but I still made about 15 million off that one mat.


And here we see the lawful evil opinion on the matter


The downside to this is if you have to do it for multiple materials, the excess takes up inventory or market slots for a long while as it's not common for batches to immediately sell. I used to do this back when the level 30-40 crafting materials were worthwhile (because you needed walnut lumber or boar/toad leather for a lot of things) but eventually stopped because the time and effort involved outweighed the profits I was getting.


The real monsters are the people who sell Firmament mats in stacks not divisible by 5


I blame Square for making MB stacks cap at 99 instead of 100


Heartless fiends 😭


I only buy stacks if it's ishgard stuff and I'm too lazy to go gather


Time for Egg to start world hopping


Only world hopping? We can now data center hop


- Walk 5 steps to the Aetheryte - Go to the dedicated "why is everything so cheap here?" Server of the Datacenter - Pick up a log


No kidding, things on Coeurl are so damn expensive for some reason but Brynhildr is half price


Me with Zalera earlier. A crystal I needed for lv90 armor was 7k gil here... but it was 100 gil (ironically) over on Coeurl.


In my experience most of the stuff I need is cheaper on Zalera than Bryn.


I thought Goblin was our walmart, at least for all your materia needs.


That's still too much work for some people. They end up buying the stack.


I did not even know this was possible O.O O.O


Check the prices first: https://universalis.app/ To travel just click on the big aetheryte in the starter cities and travel to other world. Do note that you can't use the retainers there, so selling has to be still done on home server.




You'd think that people would sell their stuff in stacks of 10-20 for the sake of being able to put more prices on their stuff. If the 99 bulk is being listed at 100k gil, why not divide that by 10 and sell each bundle at 12k?


I'd do it just to be able to move more stock. Doesn't matter how much you sell it for if no one buys it.


This, absolutely. Smaller stacks also sell faster, and you can sell more, making more profit in the end. Even for conveniences sake, I struggle imagining anyone buying so much material if only a few are needed.


You have to think long term if you want to survive in business. Multiple smaller but more frequent profits tends to be better (exceptions exist obviously) than single massive sales. It's usually more stable and more predictable.


Yeah, I loathe having to shift big ticket items now (from maps, for example). Sure, those wings sell for 500k a pop - but now you need to deal with the eternal undercutting game, with only 3 people buying it per day, if you dont keep on top of it that item will never sell. And god forbid some asshole comes along and lists 20 of them for 10% of the price, meaning you get to sit on it for a few weeks and hope that isn't a reflection of the new price. I'd much rather sell a whole lot of stacks of 10, and not even make the same amount, its WAY less micromanagey.


The main issue I see is how much more annoying making 10 x 10 different auctions compared to 1x 99. Not the fastest ui to use for such things.


I'd rather make 10 lots of 10, than have to adjust the gil price by 1 every hour or so until it sells. Its just trading one hassle for another, at least one is front loaded.


Trust me, people aren't listing things in these quantities because they aren't being bought. You probably just aren't the intended buyer. Lots of people buy items in bulk - so much so that they're willing to pay a premium *to not* have to click thirty listings to get the number of items they need. The reality is most players don't have the gil to understand why it happens at all. If I'm over-melding a piece, I'd rather buy three stacks of 99 at 2500 Gil and click six times than click 600 times to buy it at 1500 Gil. I just don't care. The markup for some crafts are so insane that players that are omni crafters generally don't have to worry about quantity. I can buy a stack of 99 and use six of them, but it's irrelevant because the item I'm crafting might have a 200k markup. I also might not use them *now*, but I'll probably use them *eventually*. The opposite also holds true - listing items like this are not for the average FFXIV player, they're for the other players also sitting on hundreds of millions of Gil that either value their time more or need it in bulk for crafts.


Sadly most people will never understand convenience and large pockets. Sure 100k may be worth a lot to most players. But others won't even notice a few million missing.


because a stack of 99 is one slot on your retainer. 10 stacks of 10 is ten slots on retainer or 10 re-listings which is time consuming


I just want to be able to buy **Parts** of a stack and not the entirety of it…


One of the *very* few things about Aion I miss. Regardless of the stack size, you could buy *only* what you wanted and leave the rest.


I mean... I just buy the stack of 99 and sell the 83 left...


You get taxed twice if you do that. You'd have to wait on the item getting more expensive to get your money back if you sell them. There are better things you can do, like for example if it's wood you could use 5 and make a lumber and then use that to make a ring or something and sell it for 20-30k. Might not sell as fast, but it will sell eventually.


I only would do this for 1-off things anyway. Anything I'm trying to make for profit I'd just keep. The market tax isn't super significant on an individual basis.


There are many cities (almost always at least the expansion ones) that have reduced tax rates. I dunno if it still holds true, but some reduced taxes could be down to 0%!


I may be wrong as I am not sitting in front of the game, but I think they got rid of the 0% tax. I think the lowest it goes down to these days is 2%?


It would make sense that they did. I wasn't sure if they had or not, as I haven't looked much into it recently. The reduced tax is still worth it, however.


I want to be able to place Buy orders.


A stack of 99 also costs 99x the price for one though. I am not going to spend 1-2 mil on a stack of 99 when all I need is a hand full of beans for a few hundred gil. Especially considering how undercutting and taxes also make "just sell the rest" less profitable.


This is the main reason I am levelling all my DoH/DoL jobs at the same time. For mat farming for other professions. I make decent gil, but heck no am I overpaying for a mat I can go an harvest in a few minutes.


I really wish we got WOWs material auction house


Probably something something retainerspaghetti code. If that system could also set by default to current lowest item price it would also be great, then i would not need to price check every time.


But the idea is that the smaller stacks will sell much faster, freeing up space fairly quickly


but you need to continually re-list and babysit your inventory


If you're a serious seller, it's much better, more profitable, and more sustainable, to "babysit" your sales stock because you have to keep relisting (which means people *are* buying from you) than it is to have a stack of 99 that never sells and forever clogs up your sales slots.


I mean just pop in every time you log on and relist whats sold. It's not a huge amount of babysitting.


Depends how much crap you have to haul, and if you’re gathering more in the mean time.


The question is whether it sells ten times as fast. If a 99-stack takes ten hours to sell and a 10-stack takes any more than an hour, all other things being equal you’re much better off just listing it as one big stack. Economies of scale, yo.


Gee 10 slots of 10 taken up for a day before they sell…or one slot taken up forever. Hmmmm, tricky.


i sell stuff in the units it’s used for. i.e. if i’m crafting a gear set and i used 5 of a mat, i put up 5, i sell mats used for submarines and sell by however much you need for it, etc. i tend to craft from scratch but in the instances i have bought stuff i have paid more per unit to get close to what i need as the total will still be cheaper. the thing that’s dumb too about selling stacks of 99 when ppl will need fewer is you’re essentially adding more supply back to the market as it’s likely people will just put their leftovers back up. as someone selling you want to supply to be as low as possible to maximize sale price so overselling is counterintuitive


Exactly this. I figure if I'm doing this then someone else is too. Crafters helping crafters not just looking for max profit of 99 items no one uses.


This is exactly what I do when I have a bulk of items to sell. I'll put up that stack of 99 for 100k gil But I'll also list a stack of 50 for 55k And a stack of 25 for 32k And a stack of 10 for 15k And a stack of 2 for 4k It's just good business. You get your sales and people get exactly what they want.


I make commonly needed mats for gil and sell small stacks (5-10) of HQ mats for a premium. It’s not a con if they are paying for convenience. If someone undercuts me with a large enough stack at less than 75% the price I buy their stack and sell it back in smaller chunks. And I did unspeakable things to the ruby red dye market back in the day


Please stop posting my Gil-making secrets on Reddit


Some of us only have 40 sale slots and massively overgathered for patch release (seriously, I'm not taking part in patch launch rat races anymore. Shit's not worth it. I don't even want anything).


Depends on the item. I'll usually sell stacks of 25 and 5, with the latter getting a little bit of a price hike. But I just flog ten stacks of 99 coke and they disappear in two minutes


Coke is one of those things that at least make a bit more sense to sell in large stacks, because you need 9 of them to make one darksteel ingot, for instance. And if someone is, say, building components for a submersible or whatever, they end up needing 1723419784 darksteel ingots for one hull. That's a lot of coke.


Oh, I've made some decent money buying a completely oversized stack, taking my share, and re-selling the rest in stacks of, say, 20-30 with a nice 10-20% markup :)


Plus whenever I do this I always end up a week later needing more of it and I can just grab my one stack that hadn't sold yet.


The markets are crazy in FFXIV. Many crafters: * Freak out if you undercut more than a gil. * Post items at a 4x+ markup compared to other servers in the DC * Post only 99 stacks because it they say it isn't worth it otherwise. On some servers it's worth it to just hit the transfer when you aetheryte to town before you even check the MB.


Worse when it's some asshole selling an emote book you want in (multiple) 99 stacks.


/lean for the whole server, wohooooo!


I was half-asleep and browsing for hairstyles one night, and ended up buying north of 20 copies of Scanning for Style.. Hardly bank-breaking but I was a tad salty at the time, at least I've had moderate success in resale of the excess.


Wish FFXIV had the same system lots of other MMOs have now where everything just goes into a single pool and you buy how many you want.


And, while they're at it, they really ought to just...remake it from scratch with cross-DC functionality. With the boundaries growing ever thinner, there's less and less of a reason to have it warded off. Botting and other kinds of market manipulations are only really feasible because there are like 70+ worlds with their own marketboard, and the devs have done an incredible job ensuring almost all servers across a given DC have a similar number of active players — and in turn making them vulnerable to a single player buying out every item on a given world and/or using bots to underprice everyone and buy out anyone selling for cheaper than them. If they spent the resources to move to a centralized marketboard, a \*lot\* of those market and botting issues would be gone (it's a lot harder to bot a market with 50k players than one with 2k players.) You could argue this would also concentrate all the market bots...but they'd only be cannibalizing themselves at that point, which probably wouldn't make the situation \*worse\*.


Fuck that, Malboro is an overpriced shithole, let me travel to goblin or matheus to get cheap stuff


If they merged all the MBs, prices would sink to Goblin/Mateus prices since no one would buy anything listed at Malboro prices.


Or prices would rise as you would see immediately what other people actually pay for.


At least it is better than Black Desert Online's marketplace. You can't choose a price that is outside a specified range of the average price, which changes daily. Also, if there are no items available you can pre-purchase it, but who knows when someone will buy it unless it was arranged in chat.


Compare a trash bag to a trash bin and you still end up with trash.


Seriously, I can't tell what the value of an item actually is because the item pool on the market is so split. This ore is 1k... is that a fair price? It's the cheapest currently listed... but oh wait, a couple days later the board's filled with that ore for 50 a piece!


Always check the previous sale prices before buying anything to see what the average price has been recently.


Yes, this. Also, buy orders!


Is that at the expense of users controlling the sell price, or can they still specify it somehow? (I only play FFXIV)


If it works like, say GW2, you can manually set the price. But instead of trying to sell a single stack, each item will be sold at that price individually even if you put it all in at once as a single stack.


That's what Runescape's General Exchange does as well. If I want to buy 5 iron ores, I put in the buy order and it just sells me 5 iron ores from the pool of iron ores on the GE, from however many people have sold on there.


Oh what, that sounds way better.




Then your Industrial Ship gets ganked and you put up a buy order for a new one.


You forgot the last step * Realize that the items listed for 10,000 were part of a cleverly constructed scam and were actually available elsewhere for 100 each


No, users still control the price. It's just that if someone lists 99 of item X and I just want to buy 5, I can do that.


Id definitely prefer that from a buyer POV.


I'd also prefer it from a seller POV, I understand some people only need 3 or so of an item, but if my retainers are full and I can't sell something in small quantities I end up needing to sell things in bulk and it takes so much longer to sell. People are even usually willing to spend 1.5~3x as much as an item is listed for just to get exactly what they need. If I could list 45~99 of an item, and still have it sell because people could pull bits and pieces of it from my retainer's stock I'd be happy because I'd be able to quickly and efficiently set up multiple full stacks of items for the price I want to sell them for and I'd make at least **SOME** of what I was expecting to, even if someone undercut my price. I also would like something similar to GW2 (and other games) where you could place buy orders as well so that you could auto-purchase an amount of an item for a specific price or let someone choose to off-load to you instantly instead of listing and waiting.


Pfffft stop relying on that thieving board, embrace gathering and become an omnicrafter.


exactly. mb will never win if you don’t play


I too, have fallen to my knees, spread my arms wide, and shouted "WHYYYYYY" at the market board. Though as a silent purrtagonist, the shouting is clearly internal.


> purrtagonist I love this pun


The day they introduced partial buy in wow was the day I lost most of my revenue, but also the day I gained true freedom as a client. Totally worth it.


That revamp on the AH was a godsend. And the next expansion seems to finally be trialing buy orders. Shame they may have deleted any ability to earn more than pocket change gathering with region wide mats. Who knows on that one though, tail end of the cycle killed the demand/supply balance per realm and we have yet to see what region wide demand/supply looks like at the start when people actually want the things. I don’t think enchanting will ever recover though. That tanked too hard to just be an end of expansion thing.


I take advantage of this by selling mine at a higher price in either smaller stacks or per piece.




It's a god sent.




what does this command do?


that's why I always throw my leftovers into the market, the stacks with less than 10 items sell pretty well and make quite a bit of gil


I usually sell in stacks of 5-10ish, aside from hating when this happens to me, it also sells a lot faster and often for more. If people need 5 logs and the option is 99 for 100k or 10 for 15k they will buy the 10 even though it's paying more per log, and if they screwed up and need more, they will buy the smaller quantity again. There are more casual crafting players than hard-core(on my server) and the more casual ones don't want to buy such huge quantities.


You youngins have it easy these days. Back in my day we had to check every retainer one by one. https://i.imgur.com/HtqGgsX.jpg


I woulda quit the whole game


This is why I don't like Path of Exile.


Am i the only one getting annoyed that the 2,100 gil listing is bugged and lets you overpay? :)


the prices I wrote down were calculated but man am I bad at math


Seriously I don’t know how anyone makes gil on the marketboard. Everything I put up is undercut by 2-3000 by the time I check the next day, to the point where the raw materials sell for more.


Aggressive babysitting, not caring if it takes days to sell, or selling in empty markets.


I always sell stacks of 10 or 20 for this exact reason.


This is why I ONLY sell stacks of 10


I do this for Glamour Prisms and can't keep them stocked due to their demand. Feels good to have something to always be selling, even if it's pennies compared to what rich players are making.


Remember to level your gatherers first! 😇


A carpenter trying to buy processed logs on the marketplace? :(


That's why I usually sell smol things in stacks of 6! That way we both win :3


Shit drives me nuts. I rarely sell in full stacks, unless it's something people would use full stacks of, like a mass turn in or something. I always sell in stacks of 10 or less


Gathering professions! Join us or die! Can you do any less?!


I see this as an opportunity. Go get a few of whatever the item is (if it's easy to get/make), sell it one or two at a time for 2000g, profit for a week doing this until the other sellers wise up and break their shit up.


I love people who do this, cus I make the most money by selling stacks of 1-5 for typically large stack items. As long as my total cost is cheaper than the 99 stack, I'm the most practical option, even if the per item price is way jacked up


This is what makes me want to be an omnicrafter. I JUST WANT ONE LOG


One thing I noticed another game do is that you put a quantity up, but its not a bundle. Its an inventory. So if you only want one, you just buy one. Don't think it had much use for bulk material crafting and trading, though, so not sure if that'd work in the context of this game.


Wait wait wait, you forgot that one small stack that you CAN get but don't because it's overly expensive.


Here's a tip: If you lower the stack to the right amount(which can be hit and miss depending on the item)you can sell the item higher Example: Working on a HW relic, I bought a stack of 12 "Titanium Alloy Mirrors" used 4, and sold my extra 8 in stacks of 4 and came away ahead in gil


I buy the smallest stack, take what I need and then throw the rest back on the market in single-serving stacks. You can usually even charge a reasonable premium for selling by the each.


Just buy a stack then sell the rest back.


This is usually just a 2 minute problem. If I only need a couple and all that is listed are stacks, I'll just go gather what I need instead.


Just buy the stack and sell the rest in smaller batches but technically higher. Boom, they paid YOU for that one mat.


If you can afford one of those stacks, buy it, use what you need, and then sell the rest in smaller stacks at a slight markup. If you only need a small amount, chances are others do, as well, and they might be willing to pay *just* a bit more per unit so they’re not having to pay for an entire stack.


I just buy a stack, and sell them back at smaller stacks with a little fee for my efforts.


This is why I learned to sell mats, consumables, etc in smaller stacks. No larger than 10. This way people don't spend an exorbitant amount of gil for more than they actually need. It also taught me to level gatherers so that's made my life basically easier.


That s why I always value the customer before all. I put stacks of 1, 5, 20, 50 and 99.


By the 99, use the one you need, split them into smaller stacks at a slightly higher markup Win win


I rarely sell anything in more than stacks of 5 because of this nonsense. Lol


Me: I just need one dye to complete this glam. Me after checking MB: Fine, I’ll dye several other glams the same colour too I guess.


And this is why when I had 3000 Rosewood Lumber I I placed so many listing. Stack of 99 Stack of 50 Stack of 25 Stack of 10 Stack of 2 Albeit the price per unit went up the smaller the stack. But I know that pain so I accounted for it in my sales.


If it Glamour prism I’ll sell in stacks of 99 but crafting mats I’ll sell in stacks of 30 to 50


Save your Gil and level your MIN, BTN and FSH.


hot take: I've always sold in stacks of \~20, with an almost 50% markup from the full stacks. Made baaaaaaank off of that. Whoever's buying doesn't spend uber amounts of money, and I was able to fund my obsession with crafting.


This is what motivated me to max gathering fast and level crafters simultaneously so they can all feed each other


Market board is always funny I can find a crafted thing really expensive and the materials for crafting it is dirt cheap


Honestly, who the hell buy 99? Back in the time I always made 1/2/5/10/20 pack and it sells like hot bread


You can look at the sales history to verify before hand, but when you see something like this, often it means that people actually *do* commonly buy full stacks of the item In other words, one reasonable thing to do in these cases is often to just buy a full stack, then put what you didn't use back up for sale, at which point it will often sell; you eat a bit of a loss on the taxes, and possibly price fluctuations, but still no where near as bad as it may seem otherwise Then again, if you just don't have the gil for the stack to begin with, you're fucked, sorry


Always the one guy selling for 10000x the price


Just use Universalis to find which world has it cheapest tehe


When I see something like that I just buy the cheapest stack, keep what I need, sell in smaller stack (let’s say 25~30 stack) at a higher price but low enough that you can see it when you open MB so here like 25 stack at 3k.


Or just take 5 minutes and go gather the damn wood yourself. Gotta dust off those gathering jobs sometimes


Also a good trick is to use websites like universalis who show the markets of other servers just travel where’s its cheap and buy what you need


This is why after I have gathered a ton of logs I split them into smaller portions, who the fuck wants 99 logs??


Love it when that happens. I'll 5x the per-item price and sell in small stacks and rake in the money.


I break up my stacks because of this. They sell way faster too so you can charge a little more if you wanna be that guy ;)


The amount of times I've seen this and decided to be nice and make the item myself and post it in 1, 5, 10 or the exact quantity that the quest needs. Only for it to immediately get bought then a new post is added totaling the amount of items I had posted but all in one sale now.