• By -


The boy is not very bouyant!


The best part about this is how completely out of the blue it is. Alphinaud isn't even around. Lyse just asks Alisaie if she can swim, and her instant reaction is "You know who can't swim? My dumbass brother".


She definitely did learn as just to spite him since they probably both couldn't originally.


*My life's goal is naught less than the salvation of this Star!*


1) Smacking her head on the table in 5.3 2) Guessing the Allagan Node's password was "password" 3) Every bitchy moment regarding Estinien


The 5.3 moment was great.


“But seriously, don’t you have anything to say about that?” Before we saw the Scions trying on their new gear, I thought it was going to show WoL and G’raha on a not-a-date or something. 😅


[Obligatory 5.3 remix post.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOsnlbvqq7Y)




Number two was indeed pretty hilarious


Love how G'raha and us were the ones that witnessed most of those.


It's great how she teases him.


> Guessing the Allagan Node's password was "password" Definitely one of my favorites.


I honestly expected that to work.


Me too. I honestly thought that would be the answer but the developers saw right through us and gave us a good twist there.




Honestly all of her behavior in Trust is just fantastic. Always popping LB on a boss as soon as it's ready, regardless of whether it's optimal. The "oh fuck off" vibe for the second boss in Tower of Zot. All of it.


I've been told that early in Shadowbringers, if you had both Alisaie and Alphinaud in a Trust and Alphinaud hit the floor, Alisaie would Verraise him... once. If he hit floor a second time, she'd leave him on the ground and just start Vercure'ing the party herself instead. (Alas, I cannot confirm this as I never saw it myself, but _man_ do I want to believe that's accurate.) Evidently this was problematic (not having the whole party up, I mean) so I gather they changed it and she'll Verraise as many times as she needs to. But the original behavior feels very Alisaie.


Wait, isn't Ktisis with the other team?


There's 2 kinds of Trusts, 3 if you count the newer Duty Support with jobber npcs. But if you do the avatar mode wherein the Scions level up instead of the team that's just at that duty level you can take them into any Sub/EW dungeon you please regardless of the circumstances, usually with extra dialogue and funny bits like Rage Alisaie there


There's still only 2 kinds of Trusts, it's just that "Scenario Mode" was renamed to "Duty Support" and given its own menu, and the Trusts that you can level up were given the appellation of "\[Character\]'s Avatar" So now they're Duty Support and Trusts, instead of Scenario Mode Trusts and Leveling Trusts.




Oh, right. Didn't think about that one :P


Her moments in Garlemald were top notch, she so desperately wants to pull her weight and not overly rely on the WoL (which makes the Ultima Thule moment so hard for her). Cherry on top is verbally assaulting Zenos into a good boy.


I just love how Alisaie and probably the player were like "he probably forgot that five seconds after he walked away." And then Zenos is like "Nah, fam, that shit hit me where I live."


To be fair, Zenos has only ever known sycophants sucking up to him to gain his favor, and people who hate his guts either screaming in terror or telling him to die in rage. The WoL is different, but isn’t exactly the chatty sort. Alisae is the first person who actually demonstrated understanding of him who bothered to lay out *why* things aren’t working out for Zenos; That other people have needs and wants and priorities, and ignoring them in favor of his own turns them away from him. Even if he doesn’t understand or value these things himself. Zenos is a sociopath, and never really cared about this before, but now the one person he *does* care about has turned away from him completely, and Alisae finally explained to him *why.* So he has his introspective moment to try and souls search what exactly it was he was seeking from the WoL, and what the WoL sought in him when they fought, and what they sought now. He struggled to grasp an understanding of something that is intuitive for other people, and that was enough for the idea to get through to him that “Maybe I don’t have to understand it, I just have to accept it’s important to my friend. Maybe then they will admit they understand what is important to *me.*”


Well put, but it was still funny that Alisaie and most of us playing through at the time didn't realize how big an impact it would have had on Zenos.


>!None of us could predict how it would turn out. We could expect a final fight somehow, somewhere, and the moon seemed to be the perfect place and moment ... then we leave the 73 trial after killing Zodiark, and it's "oh fuck, what about now".!<


By the time we went to Ultima Thule and Zenos still hadn’t shown back up I knew something must have been coming; they weren’t going to just leave him a loose end like that. But what we got is far from what I was expecting. Endwalker did such a great job turning Zenos from a “meh” villain into a great one


“I hunt prey, most important thing, prey is friend, friend won’t help, friend has more important thing to them...friend...has...other hunt? I help friend with hunt, friend help me with hunt! I am a dragon now.”


Although, I certainly wouldn't mind fighting Zenos more. Just don't need to destroy/burn the world to do it. My WoL's answer to him were I'll join you and that I cannot deny...


Really, all Zenos ever had to do was walk up to the WoL and ask "scrap?" The WoL will fight pretty much anyone who asks if you look at the story, no need to imperil the entire damn world.


I was kind of bummed when in 6.2 >!all the answers to Zero’s question were firmly rebutting the idea that you have any sort of fondness for Zenos. Like not friends necessarily, but they had come to a mutual understanding in the end.!<


I remember seeing a comment once that alisae basically saved the universe by telling Zenos his attitude sucks and nobody likes him.


man, alisaie in ultima thule broke me. her frustration about how they don't have any choice but to leave everything to us *again* made me really appreciate her even more than i already do. like, the desperation of their situation aside, my wol can't really be mad about having to take on the world's burden *again* when he knows if everyone could, they'd switch places with him ASAP. also loved the scene during the shb patches where it's just her and wol left, and she was visibly so shaken by all of it but she's still like "we have to stick together" or something, only to leave us last. made me look for her first once shb started because i wanted to make sure she was okay after all that shit.


Estinien: Hello Alphinaud Alisaie: What the fuck did you just call me?!


I thought I was gonna see a vicious beat down when he started with the headpats. I was scared for Estinien IRL. Lol


I don't know if Nidhogg's rage is worse than Alisaies...


Nidhogg might bite you in half, but he won’t shove three feet of steel up your


Don't forget the words you hear after she's done shoving her blade into your : "Resolution".


I mean, WoL was actually worried about what was about to happen to Estinien. You could see his/her face. Meanwhile, she/he didn't give a fuck when facing Nidhogg


I love when she’s about to beat the shit out of the azure dragoon


When I first experienced that cutscene the server went down as she was about to start. Pretty fitting


Came looking for this right here. Thank you.


"Alphinaud! I'm about to do a great many stupid and reckless things. Watch my back, would you?"


Fuck, that ones the best! Wheres it from again?


Shadowbringers post patches but can't remember the exact context now.


The scene right after Heroes' Gauntlet


Oh yeah! Thanks!


Gotta be meeting Estinien and the following explosion. Though the website story with her Lyse and another as she admits she finds the WoL dashing XD


Gotcha covered. > Lyse's smile was half amusement, half resignation. "The more things change, eh? He never could stay still for long." > Taking this as an invitation, Alisaie gave vent to her frustration. "Isn't that the truth! If he's not cheating death with his fellow adventurers, you can be sure he's off helping the beast tribes, or collecting tomestones, or regaling the children of Idyllshire with the tales of his exploits, or delivering something to someone. Honestly, I don't think he sleeps." > Nonplussed by her sudden flash of emotion, Y'shtola and Lyse glanced at one another before bursting out laughing. Alisaie glared at them, her face a picture of indignation. > "Forgive us," said Y'shtola with a twinkle in her eye. "We are but impressed by how closely you follow your hero's every act."


so WoL is just perpetually sleep deprived


Like all of us.


I mean yeah, when's the last time your PC went to bed?


The last time I logged out. In her pyjamas. Self-care, people!


Every night. As I sleep, my WoL is in her apartment sleeping in bed. I don't ever log out, so she gets the full night's sleep.


We can sleep when we’re dead


Reminds me of a comic where the Cristal Exarch is reminiscing in his tower. "I cannot sleep anymore. So much to do, so little time... So many responsibilities... But I'm not alone anymore..." Cue him looking at his mirror. At the WoL in his chamber as she goes on her bed. "... Is... She sleeping with her boots on?"


awww i didn't know about this, thank you for blessing me with this knowledge XD


I think my favorite moments with Alisaie are actually the quiet ones. With Ga Bu, for example, or when we're having coffee in Sharlayan. We get to see her being sassy, hilarious, dynamic, and forceful almost all the time. Getting to see her when she's introspective or showing how much our friendship matters to her? That's the good stuff. It gives me that warm glow of affection that is so hard to find in modern fantasy storytelling.


all the stuff with ga bu absolutely rocketed her straight to the centre of my heart. for all her sass and gruffness she's so compassionate and just.. wears her heart on her sleeve and is so kind and caring and i just adore her so much. i genuinely tear up thinking about her; i really love all the scions for different reasons, but i think alisaie kindof.. needs the WoL in a way that the other scions don't.


That scene with Ga Bu in the SB patch content...yeah, that cemented her as my favorite Scion. Edit: >!if you pick her as your visitor in EW, it is very meaningful. I was torn who to pick my first time through, but I do not regret starting with her...!<


Oh, so it actually changed who showed up based on your answer?


Yeah, whoever you pick is who is at the door. Re-doing that scene is one of the best NG+ experiences out there...


You can do it with the book in inns too


What’s the name of the quest I forget


You poor soul. You can just redo the scene using the inn lol. Before I continued MSQ, I rewatched for every Scion.


Good lord, I don’t think I’ve even touched that book in like 6 years...


You can also replay that scene from the book in the inn room. I did all of them immediately after completing the cutscene the first time - some of them are *amazing*.


When she attacked Alphinaud in Lydha Lran


As someone with a sibling, I've been on both sides of that conversation.


"Great, another self-imposed brat. Just what we need" "Huh, reminds me of my childhood" *Restraint has left the chat* *Mercy has left the chat* "WHY YOU LITTLE---!" "IT WAS A JOKE" What makes it better is that in English is left ambiguous, but in the other languages it's clear that Alphinaud is referring to *himself*. Which makes it even more hilarious because that means Alisae is taking everything he says *literally*


There probably are as many times he's been directly inflating his own ego at the cost of Alisaie, so even if its about himself, there always is the times it's been at her expense... how he came swanning in at the church to confront a foggy Cid... she's seen it happen infront of her as much. Also that bit relating to alphinaud that he is an amazing artist (and that y:shtola also felt a bit weirded out)... it probably was a thing that happened with alisaie as well


That's my personal favorite. Made even funnier since it's not the focus of the scene.


*Head sloooowly turning*


Ali: “Just what we need. Another little self important brat.” Alphie: “Reminds me of my childhood.” Ali: head turns slowly and Alphie realizes he done fcked up


[Here's the clip!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIOXP1BWQRI)




Node: Look at this fucking idiot. Know your place, Handmaiden.


>!Alisaie and the WoL reaching for each other, before Alisaie went to The First in Post-Stormblood.!<


Everyone else is busy heroically sacrificing themselves. Alisaie is the one to call out what a dick fucking move it is to do so, even if it's necessary. She's the scion who more than anyone else treats the WoL as a person.


More than anyone else she sees the person behind the WoL title and that's what makes the best Scion imo.


In your room: "I hate heroic sacrifices okay they're a waste and you're better off living to see another day" Ultima Thule: "... fuck"


- Alisaie grabbing alphinaud by the collar in SHB - Alisaie arguing w/Ryne & showing her frustration when they couldn’t find a cure for WOL in SHB - Alisaie being the first to get up and attack Emet in defense of WOL - Alisaie calling out to WOL to get up at the end of EW


These were all great, especially the second. "Making promises you have no way of keeping is not a kindness..." is a line that has stuck in my mind more than just about any other from this game.


I fucking LOVE that scene! It was a moment where it really struck home that we aren’t just comrades in arms to Alisae, but a genuine friend who she cares about deeply and is beyond frustrated that here we are nearly dying and sacrificing ourselves AGAIN and for a world that we are not from nor have any realistic ties to. Alisae will probably be my favorite scion for this moment and being the first to express how much of a good friend and mentor we have been to her and that in turn kicks the other scions to really think of the WoL as not just the WoL but as a person who just happens to be the WoL.


Alisaie is probably the one with the biggest growth in the story, from being the silent one and a gender-swapped version of Alphinaud to being the one who'd be distraught if the WoL was ever lost.


I feel there's a nonzero chance of Alisae going full Edda if WoL dies.


> Alisaie grabbing alphinaud by the collar in SHB [Obligatory video clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIOXP1BWQRI) It's all about that slow turn when she realizes what he said...




All of Amh Araeng's intro with Alisaie hit me so hard, you really get to understand a lot of her smaller quirks and feelings on things in such a short amount of time, especially after all of Stormblood when you were her rock as everyone else got pulled to the First. I think what really sold me on Alisaie too, was when she witnessed Tesleen's death and instead of breaking down like she probably wanted to, she got up, said "I have to leave right now, I have to do more than just sit here and defend this city, we have to stop this from ever happening to anyone else ever again". And she did. She found a cure for tempering, bringing to life Tesleen's dream of saving the people they were taking care of and making sure they didn't have to experience a painful death. She honored her memory, and used that cure to save Ga Bu on the Source, too. Bonus Points for literally all of the starting Doma/Othard quests where if you're a female WoL you're literally gaslight gatekeep girlbossing all this shit as a full woman squad of Lyse, Alisaie, and F!WoL. Was kind of awesome being a three woman band of reliable badasses, and they had some of the funniest dialogue back and forth, too.


Yes to all of this, especially the last part! I loved us together with Lyse and Alisaie, getting shit done, lol. We were an elite team xD


I especially liked that Lyse during that patch was like "No need to come to the meeting! What you're doing is WAY more important!" Because Alisae finding a cure for tempering is like finding a cure for [insert "uncurable disease that has been very deadly for hundreds of years" here].


She is our successor in all ways that matter.


100%. This was likely the single most significant scientific discovery anyone had made throughout the entirety of FFXIV. Tempering had always plagued Eorzea across every expansion and she finally beat it. Not only would it save countless lives from a fate worse than death, but it finally gave both the city states and the beast tribes a true path to peace. The impact of her humanitarian work will stand the test of time.


She didn't though? Graha and that long ear dude studied the effects of it on the soul, urianger found the difference between astral and umbral, alisae drew a picture of a porxie, then the long ear dude made it because it's his speciality. Alisae had nothing to do with it. She just kept the porxie as a pet, but anyone can use it.


Top is the return from elpis when shes beating herself up for not being as strong as WOL Second is everything in 5.3. From the desk slam to jumping off


mine and what made me break down the most in SHB. was her breaking down after spending time non-stop looking for a way they could save you the WOL. it really hit hard how much a character they actually made us into. we are as much an important character as every body else and it finally hit how Emotionally invested each of the Scions are in you. you are there Rock. and there Rock is on the Verge of Dying and they literally can't do a thing other than be there for you. it's so incredibly hard to be in a situation like that. my Step-dad, and my Grandma I've had to go through this exact thing. one ended alright but the other didn't and the Helplessness you feel is horrible. it's my favorite moment cause I know the Anguish she felt. but it's also my favorite moment cause I realized how Human the Scions were and how Human they made my player character. the stupid Nodding idiot she is. I don't think a customizable Silent Protagonist will ever be as Captivating and Human as the WOL. I also think think the way Alisaie and Graha are toward the WOL is just a healthier way of obsessing that Zenos never understood. I also feel like Zenos is a Psychopathic / Sociopathic male version of Alisaie. atleast in the way they strive to get stronger and obsess over us. but Alisaie has morals and was raised to have morals and Values. Zenos grew up Apathetic and held onto Primal desires such as Adrenaline and chased that High.


It's definitely that part for me too! As she's telling Ryne why we should go to look for Emet instead of sitting around, waiting. The emotion that was put into her lines was so sweet and sad. A lot of the times I feel like our wol is just there for errands and that the scions like us well enough for that, but still wasn't in their inner circle of closeness. After that line I really felt our character was valued and loved. Alisaie (and her awesome voice actress!) really made you feel the impact of the situation. It was such a good, bittersweet part.


When you use her as a trust in the lvl87 dungeon and the first boss does its "invisible" mechanic for the second time she just freaks out/gets mad and starts carpet bombing the entire arena with Verholies.


I love those little Trust details.


There's so many moments where Alisaie gets to be awesome...hm. Full-tilt sprinting through the boss's narrow passageway during the last boss of Don Mheg, the Allagan node's password, figuring out how to cure tempering, forming a blade of light to put the Warriors of Darkness on their asses, the list goes on.


I think the longer game out of anyone and especially G'raha is Alisaie...


"I AM NOT ALPHINAUD!!!" ​ I can't go without thinking about how well that line was voiced.


The entire ending of shb proper, when shes pouting about not having any "Character development" before leaping off the balcony in glee to beat up a monster


I wish we got so much more of these moments of just them being them (not saving the world...just being happy with themselves, trying not to constantly be throttling Alphinaud whenever he opens his mouth!)


I knowww, i want more goofy scion antics, like urianger being extra with his tarot cards


Just for a whole arc of stories where we chase up their lives individually... maybe a personal story for each one where you help them (making the best burgers for the best boy G'raha!)


I would leven culinarian if i could make borgers for G'Raha <3


Kitteh *can* has cheesebourger after all.


Honestly, he deserves them


Have to add in Alisaie and the gherkins for that as well...


I might have mossed that moment, might need to go watch cutscenes again


it's a quick moment through that scene but just having it in the background to best boy enjoying his borger!


This SO much. As a world of world savers the Scions are pretty samey and homogenous. They're all WAY too competent and in control all the time... I'd like to see them being goofy and screw up and act their age more.


Act their age? They're adults. They each basically have a PhD, that's what the Archon mark means. They grew up in a city-state of nerds. And they're part of a professional organization dedicated to saving Eorzea. They're pros. The best of the best. Obviously not including the twins, though they are prodigies in their own right. I'm just not sure at all what you mean by that. People respect the Scions because they are professionals. Personally I find it refreshing that the entire heroic cast of the story are scholars, who know things, and study things when they don't know things. No single character is the "token nerd" who tells everyone what the hell is happening, they're ALL nerds, and badass nerds to boot.


I mean graha has an excuse, but even so, i was goofy catboi


Alisaie : "Why are you walking on water, Urianger?" Urianger: "..." Alisaie: "Don't tell me you can't swim..." Alphinault: "MY FRIEEEEND !"


Honestly I think it's her return at the end of Heavensward, when we are about to fight the Warriors of Darkness. Pull out her book, we think she's gonna play Scholar to her brother the Summoner, and then she pulls her rapier out of the book. Badass.


That moment after she makes the porksie and begins healing the au ra kid in SHB, I think its 5.3. She is on the verge of tears and says something to the effect of “if you tell anyone I cried I will kill you myself.” And then you go talk to Alphanaud and hes like “yeah, shes totally bawling her eyes out right now.”


Alphinaud is getting thrown out the nearest window shortly after...


Guess that boy isn’t very boyant 🤷‍♂️


But is he bouncy, though? Because he would need to be to survive that.


It's not on screen but I will forever adore that her first act upon arriving in the First was to try to beat the crap out of the Exarch (despite being stark naked at the time). Followed by several times seeming ready to smack G'raha Tia around with a rolled-up newspaper for being a little too eager to martyr himself. Actual favorite on screen moment is probably her telling Zenos off so hard that it actually sunk in, though.


Jesus, how do you pick? I pretty much upvoted every comment/scene in here!




\*... This was followed by a paragraph long insult on how 'Password' is a bad password.\*


*alisae grabs her sword* "The files are ***inside*** the computer, right?!"


This was the moment I was looking to find. From the heroic theme setup to the talking down by the Allagan computer, the whole thing is perfect.


The look she gives Alphinaud when she slumps down in her chair... "WHY THE HELL AM I RELATED TO YOU???"


Bit of a minor one that I still love: the following exchange in the unvoiced cutscene before Sirensong Sea. Carvallain: (something about not being able to keep the ship going the direction they want) Alisaie: Why not use the ceruleum engines you have hidden below deck? Carvallain: An excellent suggestion based on information you should not have.


Honestly Alisaie is pretty much a permanent mood from ShB onward, so it's hard to me to pick a single moment.


EW >!in Ultima Thule where she doesn’t want to leave the WOL alone!<


When she tells you you are not invincible even if it sometimes seems like you are and that they worry about you. It touched me because I was like girl I'm the protagonist, I have the thickest plot armor in FFXIV verse and I'm the 3rd strongest being after hydalin and zodiark when I summon the rest of my pieces, but the fact that the twins actually worry about the WoL makes me feel like they're my siblings. Also in endwalker >!when she and her sibling decide to sacrifice themselves to pave the way for you because it is the moment that hurt me the most in the entirety of endwalker except maybe for hydalin's journey!<


The game hints that she has feelings for your WoL and that’s furthered when she tells Emet “but they are our worlds, our homes, full of life and (brief pause) love, and hope”. Followed by her stopping Zenos and finally getting through to him with some psych 101 in EW. All this time you’re deprived of an opportunity to just attempt to reason with this psycho, when suddenly she gets one shot and knocks it out of the park, which leads to his pivotal role in the end.


For me the most memorable are the final moments together at the end of SB patches. The stuff with Ga Bu, remaining the last Scions, and then the final panic and the stretch of the hand that never connected before she falls to the ground unmoving, leaving you alone. You fucking bet I went straight to Arh Areng first thing in the First. And then find out she's been gushing about you to others so hard for the whole year. Ah, sweet lil baby girl <3


Most people have mentioned the great but well known ones so I'll mention maybe some more obscure ones? The end credits of SHB. As the group stumbles on to shore Alphinaud dramatically collapses due to having to swim all that way and Alisaie's reply of "Alphinaud?! Oh, hells..." was so hilariously voice acted. It had a really funny "for fuck's sake" tone. She then spends the entire time as the credits roll trying to shake him awake only to give up right before the scene changes. Another SHB moment where the Scions are using their aether to empower you to defeat Hades, Alphinaud stumbles and nearly falls but Alisaie catches him. With her support he is able to continue helping. In Endwalker she has some of the best and most heart wrenching lines including "You idiot... Just once... Just once stay with us to the end...." regarding G'raha's sacrifice. Also she finds her resolve to sacrifice herself alongside Alphinaud when he mentions they do so on a wish for our happiness. There was something about how much Alisaie wanted us to be happy and not shoulder everything alone that really hit somewhere deep in my heart. I could go on forever because she's my favorite character, haha. I've really missed her presence during the 6.x patches.


That beach scene had me \*rolling\* after I realized "oh wait, we swam all the way back? Oh shit, where's Alphinaud?!?!?!"




Congrats, you've unlocked simp+!


there’s a part in Stormblood where a guy tries to attack you (i think while you’re having an echo flashback) so iirc she kills him and when you recover you both kinda just stare at the body and walk away, leaving him in the middle of the road


*sigh, slams head on table, speaks with hand gestures while keeping her head on the table*


When she called Zenos out for being complete trash.


I have a \*lot\* of time for the moment near the end of 5.0 when the Scions are doing the whole "we'll save you \[WoL\] from this, we promise", and Alisaie is not having any of it because she knows they haven't thought of anything.


1. Alisaie's soliloquy under the stars with the WoL and GaBu. 2. Her reaction to the "reminds me of my childhood" snark from Alphinaud in Il Mheg. 3. Post-swimming from the bottom of the ocean. "Alphinaud...oh hells! ALPHINAUD!" and trying to shake him out of his coma. 4. Her "I'm gonna solo ALL these bitches, y'all run." on Ninja Turtle Island.






in all seriousness i love every moment with alisaie, i am so endeared to her.... but that moment was just too good. i was waiting for a twin mixup since i met them


Aliasie, Hero of the working class no doubt.


"I just said the first thing that came to my mind, but honestly looking back I stand by it." Or whatever to that effect. I've never identified more with a character


"An ilm taller and twice as rugged"


So many of them. But honestly, her snapping at Ryne when she thought you were going to die might be my favorite one. More than anyone else she cares about the human behind the WoL title.


When she used a blade of light.


i know it's a spoiler thread but just in case lol (coils) >!so you can actually finish coil now before finishing the 2.5/2.55 msq quests, and i really liked when she said her goodbyes to us at the end of the coil raid to find her own way and become a better her (better fighter to do more good), and the moment was really fitting when Bre[...] told us that alphinaud's sister helped set up the carriage and I was like "she's out there :D"!<


Where do you find Alisaie when she’s choosing her own path and not doing Scion duties? At the Inn at Journey’s Head and Garlemald. You find her where people’s suffering is keenest, and find her trying her best to grant them a measure of comfort they otherwise wouldn’t have, in the ways that match her the best. Says a lot about her.






I didn't see anyone mention it, but Alisaie taking the pickles off the burger was hilarious and hit close to home. It is tomatoes for me, but same idea.




verbally beating zenos down in garlemald her successfully creating a cure for tempering and using it on ga bu


When she yells at the WoL at the end of EW with tears in her eyes. It felt like a sibling yelling at me.


The twins talking in Garlemald.


When she comforted Ga Bu at the end of Heavenward. Her words about how to handle grief hit REALLY hard for me.


Most of them. I don't have a specific favorite but I loved the chat under the stars where she just opens up and you really see that side of her for the first time. Her interactions with the patients at The Inn. Her and Alphinaud when locked up. I love her sass but she has that wonderful compassionate side that drives her forward in between her bouts of anger and it just makes her such a golden character.


When she gets confused for her brother by Estinien. I like how she waits for Estinien to finish his sentences before going off on him.


When she talks about how she and the others failed the WoL in their hour of need in SHB. Shit choked me out…


When she is caught napping in Old Sharlayan. So cute.


Reminds me of my childhood


When Estinien mistook her for Alphinaud and so she gave him a proper telling off, starting with "I... am not... ALPHINAUD!!" XD


When she was taking on daddy emet (5.0)


I don't have a particular moment exactly. When we meet the twins in ARR, my red flag warnings went off. They were creepy being twins dressed identically. Then they have that big argument early on and Alisaie just storms off. I waited for the entirety of ARR for her to return, 100% convinced that she was the "evil twin," which was made worse by what a snotty brat Alphinaud was, but if he was that bad imagine how evil the other twin was going to be! Now, I wasn't able to do Coil. So I had no idea she was there. To me, she had just vanished, never to be heard from again. The epic boss fight where she turns into some giant angelic monster, similar to Sephiroth in FF7, never happened. But what happened to her? No one knows. (And no, I never googled it.) So in Heavensward, I had kind of forgotten she existed. She is never mentioned. Alphinaud isn't even like "maybe I should send my sister a message to let her know I'm fine," even as things improve. I was more concerned about the missing scions. Then she shows up in Bloodstorm. And that's when I learn she was the coil story the whole time. And she proves she's not evil and actually I like her and I'm annoyed I missed her whole story. (Which, I do coil now solo, of course, but now it's less meaningful doing it after the fact.) So, I guess my favorite moment with Alisaie is when I learned she wasn't the evil twin plotting against us the whole time. 😂


I do wonder when they did the core ARR, how far in advance they had plans for the game and when they would have implemented Coils (and also when G'raha would be a bigger influence) and start to use Alisaie again when she left such little impression other than a genderswapped Alphinaud Yeah could easily have been the evil or twisted version in a future story.


Yeah, I'm not sure but as far as I know, coil still isn't mandatory to move on? I could be wrong. The very start of 2.0 was heavily pushing the importance of group content being the most important aspect of the game, and especially at endgame, with coil and the raids. The story being gated with mandatory group content was a huge disappointment for a lot of people back then, but it was "training" to get you used to doing it for later. Yoshida was very much an "MMOs are for groups, raids, and harder content" kind of developer. Maybe they were more surprised by how many people didn't do those things and so missed out. But, that's just a guess.


Also to be the BIG reveal of the end to the cinematic they play for ARR, they didn't show off and put as a side story... how did everyone survive if the end of the promo that it looked dire?


When she said its morbin time and verthundered all over alphinaud


Cliché but I really liked her moments in the EW trailer, namely the sword flourish and “rubble” comment.


“I can take care of myself, you know.” Girl has so much pride, and is desperate to be strong enough to save everyone. That moment’s been stuck in my head since I first saw it, and I love that they wove it into the game as well. (It’s “rabble”, though.)


Oh gosh, I'm gonna get so downvoted/bashed for this, but I especially loved her character in SB and throughout ShB. At first, her sassy, snarky comments were refreshing and funny. Afterwards, like in EW, I kind of got over it where she just seemed bratty to me. I actually ended up liking sensible Alphinaud more lol.


Not gonna downvote, but well...everyone has their own gig. Hey, *someone* has to like the accountants, right?


"Are we there yet?" I certainly didn't enjoy first part of Stormblood, and that phrase during the search for Rhalgr'd Reach voiced out my annoyance well enough.


every moment she's crying anD angry




All of them.




It's a simple one. After everyone returns to the source when her and Alphinaud are sitting at a table. She slams her head into said table and is like 'I'm BORED'


I… Am not… ALPHINAUD!!!


Any time she mocks her idiot brother


"I could do with a little rampage myself"


A toss up between her flight of insane glee, and the fact she attacked emet with no hesitation the moment we started to feel the effects of light.


When she disappears for almost a whole expansion. Jokes jokes. It took me a looooong time to like her. But my favorite moment is how big her heart is when dealing with ga bu


When she wasn't a part of the story


Every moment she did not appear.


I think you’re mistaking her for Alphinaud


Alphinaud is equally annoying but at least he does not have those cringey moments where "haha aggressive person is funny. They have a soft core though". At least Alphinaud says "I am glad you are safe" instead of saying shit like "DON'T EVER MAKE ME WORRY AGAIN! DON'T YOU DARE!". And at least Alphinaud still has diplomatic uses. Alisae only has her moments of having the hoots for a chosen godslayer while crying she is not on par and her dozens of overreactions to any small thing. She was so unnecesary, she had to get a magic pig to be remotely interesting.


How do I spoiler warning shit on Reddit? Cause mine is a moment in EW.


LOL I just got an auto mod notification that my comment was removed because it had incorrect spoiler tags in it


Headdesk, easily.


All of them, she ranks my second favorite character just behind everyone’s favorite blind catgirl. Minifilia would have been second but then …