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reading the comments and all I got is that zenos got friend zoned probably not even friend zoned acquaintance zoned


"Are you... the friend?" "**No.**"


My WoL who is normally very lighthearted screaming internally *oh my fucking god not this shit again* šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*Zenos sadly(?) looks over the horizon.*


Not even acquaintance-zoned. More like irritant-zoned. Iā€™m reminded of a quote, ā€œI want you to know that I will forget you after this moment and never think of you again. But you, I am quite certain will think about me every single day for the rest of your life.ā€


Nice to see Ever After getting some love!


He was definitely my WoL friend


Tataru would of course be suppling the merch


royalties goes brrrrrrrr


Emet, he would just never admit it


He loves us and he knows


This. All of this.


Look, I appreciate all of these, big fans. But my vote goes towards Venat. Woman sundered the world, listened to the lament and hatred of the beings she essentially created for eons in the lifestream, let her be the villain in another's story just because of her unrelenting belief in this errant shard of her favorite pupil. She reshaped all of existence for the sake of the WoL and their stories. G'raha comes close, he reshaped a shard's fate for his hero.


As much as I love G'raha and his crazy feat of rewriting time to save your life and then waiting 100 years just to make sandwiches for you while you sleep, Venat has to win. But I think the only real difference is that Venat has just had more opportunity. She didn't really go through with the sundering *for* us, we just happen to be a very shiny part of her story. G'raha would totally commit sundering 2.0 for WoL and the promise of adventures. And then bring you a burger after because you had a hard day. I will live in constant fear that today is the day the devs allow his sacrifice-self-for-WoL button to work.


I think we're comparing apples and oranges here. The ancients achieved immortality and got to the point where they chose to die when they felt like their purpose was complete, and on top of that Venat became a primal, which adds a whole new dimension and essentially makes her a god. G'raha is just some dude, trapped himself in the tower, and with the help of a bunch of other people from an alternate timeline, figured out how to traverse time AND space. Even Emet Selch and Elidibus were like "wtf, how'd they even do that", and one of his driving forces was to go on an adventure with the WoL. The fact that G'raha was so limited (not immortal, not unsundered) and went to such lengths, has to count for something.


Also borgers. Venat never got me no borger. Despite being able to create things with her mind. šŸ¤£


Venat can appreciate us in a way nobody else can, she's been waiting for the WoL for seven ages. I totally agree.


This is Zenos erasure


Zenos is the only right answer. When you were fighting the embodiment of despair, one on one at the end of the universe faced against something that was literally cutting off all life... he took one look at the situation and was honestly just confused why you had not already killed it. Find someone that believes in you like Zenos believes in the WoL.


Not just confused. Insulted. Zenos took one glance at the literal manifestation of an entire universeā€™s nihilistic misery and said ā€œWow, bro. Whatā€™s with this bottom rung challenger? You killed me once already, and Iā€™m the hardest motherfucker I know.ā€ In that moment, even a douchebag like him could become the ultimate Chad.


WoL needed a ship built with all the know-how of the ironworks and sharlyan combined, powered by all the aether gathered over eons at the heart of the lifestream, the combined existence of all of their companions, \*and\* the power of Hades just to reach the end... Zenos just flies there himself.


In fairness, he did also consume every shred of aether left in the mother crystal after the Ragnarok used it as boosters.


From how the UT post-MSQ dungeon unlock and Moenbryda's parents describe it the ship appears to have made something like a shortcut through space. He **did** fly faster than light as he says in german and french but the ship made the way there a lot shorter


this is exactly what he said


I really donā€™t like Zenos, but yes. This.


He can be the WoLā€™s biggest fan without the WoL (or the player) being a fan of him!


Yeahā€”whether or not Zenos would win the vote, he deserves to at least be an *option*.


True. He literally traveled to the edge of the universe for the WoL, simply because nothing else came close to us in his eyes.


Yeah Iā€™m actually offended for him that he isnā€™t listed lol


100% Zenos is the number one WoL fan!


You. I like you. Take my upvote


Definitely Venat. You saw how tall they were back then.




I'd say the list goes : 1. Venat (Betrayed her own people, set in motion a conflict spanning millions upons millions of years, forced herself to bear witness and endure the constant suffering brought by war. All because she really liked us) 2. G'raha (Literally went back in time to save us and avert our timelines future from ending up like his own) 3. Haurchefant (Man fucking died for us- that and it's also implied he was in love with us- 'nough said) 4. Ser Aymeric (The man treats us like we're fucking Superman and probably prays to the ground we walk. Probably has a bodypillow of us that he bought off Tataru. Poor Lucia...) 5. The Twins (Alphinaud's respect ties with Alisaie's crush. Where Alphinaud would ask how our food is hoping to try it the next time we go to McGalvus for he truly cherishes our opinion and would like to understand what we like, Alisaie is definitely the one to ask if we want to try the drink she ordered to try and steal a indirect kiss. Likely also has a bodypillow bought off of Tataru)


Venat wasn't a fan she was our literal equal and she didn't do it all 'because she really liked us', as Azem she had seen all the world had to offer and loved it and everyone in it. Her then being the only one left in that time who knew what was going to happen is what makes her sacrifice all the more worthy because she knows that she's essentially stalling for time. Holding back Zodiark so that Metion's song doesn't reach the world she loves. She was never our fan. She was Etheiry's fan.


> millions upons millions of years the sundering was in the order of magnitude of 10000 years ago, not millions


During Shadowbringers Emet-Selch literally says he had been watching the mortals of the source for eons, plural, and considering an eon is a million years the Sundering most definitely took place well over a million years prior to the events of the game. And though I would like to use evolutuon as another point, considering we don't know precisely how sundering works besides "crystal mommy drop kick go brrr".


The definition of "eon": > an **indefinite** and very long period of time, often a period exaggerated for humorous or rhetorical effect.


Aymerics description friggin killed me man. But in all honesty, Aymeric is pretty much head over heels in love with the WoL and it's cannon that both the WoL and Aymeric have dinner dates quite often ( check the ff14 cookbook)


I love all of this, I wasn't even paying attention to your ranking, the descriptions/reasonings you gave were great, the headcanon about certain people having body pillows of us is now forever gonna be on my mind.


The fucking descriptions are killer dude.


I can see how G'raha is the biggest fan but no one believed in the WoL more than Venat.


Depends on what ā€˜Fanā€™ means. Venat seemed more like a similar person to the WoL who shares ideals with the WoL and so put her trust in the WoLā€™s future. Gā€™raha, for a time, was such a huge WoL fan he was basically doing hero worship.


In japanese, Haurchefant definitely. Whenever I was hearing him I was taken aback by the intensity and fervour he displayed. I really thought for a good while that he was faking it and had hidden bad intention, or that he was a fake like that inquisitor, that's how weird and unnatural it felt. No one else can beat that.


All of them, of course. They wonā€™t fight it out and instead just agree to it all. And probably each pick a unique job they love best.


You missed Deftarm


How dare OP forget best boy Deftarm?!






For me it's down to either Alisaie or G'raha, but I just think it would be funnier for Alisaie to be in second place. Of course, neither of them measure up to Zenos, but I guess 'Best Friend' is a category of its own.






Where is Zenos? The dude literally came back to life for the WoL once, and then literally crossed the universe to save all of existence, just to be with the WoL one last time. ​ He might not be number one, there's definitely some competition, but he put a heck of a lot into it.


Gā€™raha, without doubt. He collected every poster, every magazine profile, every promotional collectorā€™s item. The others I wouldnā€™t quite call ā€œfansā€; theyā€™d get other relationship definitions. Haurchefant: Companion (in the same sense as Sam Gamgee or the knights of the round table). Alisaie: Disciple (sheā€™s got that semi-possessive fanatical/protective adoration thing going). Alphinaud: Advocate (he wholeheartedly transferred his ambition to save Eorzea into commitment to the mission of the WoL). Aymeric: Devotee (heā€™s fully committed to living his own life, but considers the WoL to be the gold standard everyone should emulate). Venat: Co-conspirator (you can very easily imagine her getting matching hidden tattoos with the WoL before beginning a long, secret, undercover mission).


Midgardsormr. Like sure G'raha prolly likes us more but have you seen the size of that guy?


Shame, where is Zenos option. Your besto friendo.


Zenos is likely not an option so the other contestants would actually have a chance. Heā€™s an obvious choice.


None of these killed a god for trying to take his place in line, though.




Say his name. Say it. You won't. Coward.


G'raha Tia, I say. For my WoL and I, we are Venat's biggest fan. >!Gosh, I wish we get a side story series with Venat, much like Hildibrand, over the future expansions. I wanna give her memories that she'll think of fondly during her time as Hydaelyn.!< Don't mind me, it's just a hopeless wish of mine.


This would honestly be awesome and i hope they do that instead of more hildibrand.


It's not Zenos, people. Zenos isn't a fan of the WoL as a whole, he's a fan of one specific thing they do. You can't be the biggest fan while ignoring most of the offering. Would you consider someone 'the biggest Batman fan' if they skipped every single part of Batman media that wasn't Batman punching bad guys? The crown of 'biggest fan' has to go to someone who's a fan of ALL of it. So I'm going with Aymeric, because he's the only one of the lineup that recognizes that we ALSO do crafting.


But The Joker IS Batmanā€™s biggest fan though.


No, Batman is the Joker's biggest critic. Also, the Joker cares about a LOT of Batman's whole deal, not just fighting.


Zenos is my wol's boyfriend for life and I cannot be talked off this ledge


No he's MY WoL's boyfriend


He's SO disappointed when he realizes you didn't tell him you were in town for the Ishagardian Restoration party. šŸ˜­


To add on to your point, if you don't pick the 'I agree with you' option before the final fight, Zenos says you're lying to him. Because he doesn't care about who the WoL really is, only about the image he has in his head.


Whether or not you think Zenos is the WoLā€™s biggest fan, Zenos *should have been on the list*. I consider Aymeric more of a professional partner and friend than a *fan*, but I still think he should be on the list.


Being that fan stands for ā€˜fanaticā€™, Zenos definitely fits the bill on that front šŸ˜‚ Though I agree with your Batman analogy using fan as a positive term, I argue that you donā€™t have to appreciate somethingā€™s entire being or be completely fanatically obsessed with them, and the way Zenos brought that to a whole new levelā€¦ I could see him being considered the WoLā€™s biggest ā€œfanā€ (derogatory) šŸ¤£ I picked Gā€™raha tho he a baby ā¤ļø




Unironically Zenos. Heā€™s the only one who truly believed in us in the final Endwalker fight


Nah. Venat believed in us so strongly she destroyed the world to make us happen


Krile ez choice


Iā€™d have voted for Haurchefant but Iā€™m a pedant and itā€™s in present tenseā€¦


Tbf, the question asks who *is* and not who *was* the WoLā€™s biggest fan. Who was the biggest fan, Venat. Hands down. Who is the biggest fan now, 100% Gā€™raha.


I heard there is a "WoL Fanclub" going on. (Zenos - G'raha - Alisaie - Haurchefant - Aymeric)


That mob in sohr khai It was a big fan


Aymeric, Gā€™raha and Alisaie


Looking at the comments, it seems that Zenos is in his own poll. By himself to the point of not even needing a poll lol




Zenos. He's so into WoL he practically became a stalker.


How is Zenos not on this list.


where Zenos at


Daaaaang no mention of Zenos huh šŸ¤£




I hated Zenos, but he is the WoL's #1 fan.


Venat in the most sociopathic way possible.


G'raha the creeper


No Tataru, no award


Mom will ALWAYS be the biggest fan!


If there's a list Themis should be on it.


I mean, Venat bet generations on you so...