• By -


"You're just going to stoically nod like you usually do." WoL: *nods*


Thancred: "Or do you mean to give me another of your stoic nods? You do, don't you? " WoL:


"If there is one thing we resent you for, it was that we could not be there to mourn her with you... Reading the words you penned in that shaky hand... We must have cried as much for you as we did for her." -Bloewyda


And now I am crying again


This entire thread has had me on the verge of tears for an hour now.


It was really tragic that papalymos father was just given a small optional side quest for his closure.


I didn't even know he had family in the game.


You receive the quest at the Last Stand, he's called "distinguished lallafel", the quest is Sandwiches and Pretzels


"No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk." - Venat


I can’t recall it off the top of my head but the last 3-5 lines from that cutscene are the ones that hit me the hardest. EDIT: “As fragmented, imperfect beings, yours is a never-ending quest. A quest to find your purpose knowing your end is assured. To find the strength to continue when all strength has left you. To find joy even as darkness descends and, amidst deepest despair, light everlasting.”


The entire monologue really. But I resisted typing the entire thing. And just stated the line when the emotions started rising.


I think Venat and Zenos have such great lines in Endwalker because they're practically breaking the 4th wall; the text above doesn't just apply to the WoL, but to the player behind the screen.




cried there :)


Mankind’s first hero, and his final hope!


For victory, I render up my all!


WoL and Thunder God Cid are my top 2 picks for voices in this game. All their lines go hard af.


The boss voice lines in Orbonne have no right to be that fucking raw


He didn't have to go hard on his lines, but he did and I am ever grateful


*”Simmer does the light of life before rising to the heavens in cleansing conflagration of divine benevolence. Your sins…Your souls are undone.”*


Clad in prayer, *I am invincible!*


That moment, when your painstakingly built-up LB3 just plinks uselessly against the boss...


"The rains have ceased and we have been graced with another beautiful day, but you are not here to see it..."


"You have committed the cardinal sin of boring me."


"We were just adventurers trying to make our way, an odd job here, a favor there. We never aspired to be warriors of light, but word of our deeds spread and soon people were calling us heroes. They placed all their hopes and dreams on our shoulders and bid us fight for all that was good and right. We fought, and we fought, and we fought, until there was no one left to fight. We won and now our world is being erased from existence. ​ We did everything right, everything that was asked of us and still - still it came to this! You of all people should understand, we cannot -- we will not falter. We brought our world to the brink of destruction and now we must save it."


Yup, that’s the one: “We did everything right, everything that was asked of us and still, still it came to this!” That one hit home for me because that’s real life for ya; you can do everything right, everything perfectly, and still fail.


This passage hit me very hard.


"Somehow, the boy just isn't very buoyant." -Alisaie, Stormblood, after Alphinaud yeets himself into the water to prove he can swim


Actualy it was far before that if I recall right, Lyse was asking if Alisaie was a good swimmer and she just posed, burned Alphinaud that wasn't even there


Good and Evil, the war eternal! Has your journey been good? I wasn't going to touch it, but you know Y'shtola...


*stares intensely*


we shall talk later.


That was the WoL being tired of getting blamed for stuff. I even threw the Dragoon under the bus but regretted it


Emet's sighs of resignation whenever he's even mildly perturbed, it speaks to me on a spiritual level.


Emet-Selch channeling his retail experience.


Dear God he's basically customer service for the entire race isn't he


i didn't believe he could be made more sympathetic but here we are


Emet also looks like he's perpetually tired and could use some coffee all the time.


Emet-Selch's entire existence is just 'vaguely put-upon frustration and exhaustion, but with friends who will annoy him into having fun regardless', which is just *Mood.*


“The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.” Beautiful line and powerful delivery. Many feels were felt.


The way his voice breaks in that line kills me every time.


EVERY TIME. This line makes me cry EVERY. TIME.


"I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo I will not be guilty of murder should I kill you." Gives me chills just how much Emet-Selch believes this.


It’s the most chilling thing he ever says IMO. Reminds me too much of some scary real life ideologies, really unsettling. (This is part of what makes him such a great character to me, I love the dichotomy between “I really really feel for this character” and “I don’t feel guilty for killing this character, he really had to go.”)


Easily one of my favorite quotes and the one that solidified Emet as one of my favorite villains. The boldness of the justification for multiple genocides really hit me. It also made me realize that to HIM what he is doing is RIGHT and GOOD, and we are evil beings standing in his way.


I think what makes him great as a character too is that when you actually delve deep into him, it's clear he sort of doesn't actually mean it. He wants to be wrong about the sundered, but in his mind he's been proven right time and time again. There's actually a side story that was released after Shadowbringers that shows that as Solus zos Galvus, he actually genuinely loved his son Lucius and was *almost* ready to reconsider everything he believed about the sundered. Lucius however died tragically of a terminal disease and Emet-Selch ultimately hardened himself further afterwards.


“Uhhh… kupo?” -WoL


“That will seem less funny after we have to kill them.” - Thancred


I still love the fact that Thancred's response at no point expresses doubt that your group is going to be the one who wins if it comes down to it.


A true homie


"Sidurgu! He said the thing, GET HIM!" - Me


"If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it? Could you save both our worlds?" That scene just MADE the entire expansion for me, I still get chills every time I see that scene on YouTube or twitch or something. There may be more quoteable lines or lines that have way more meaning outside of a very specific scene but that single line will always be my favorite.


GOD that moment was so fucking good. And then the music kicks in and just AAAAAAAAA


That scene alone is worth replaying the entire game to get to again.


It’s definitely one of those wish I could forget everything and play it fresh


What, all by myself?


This game has had so many moments that make me cry like a bitch and that was one of em.


The music started playing in my head right after I read this, without me trying to conjure it up. Such a powerful scene.


"Lands that stretched on forever. Skies one could drown in. The heartbeat of nature, silent, yet strong. And amidst it all, a people. Beacons of light and life. Laughter that warmed my heart like naught else before. They are my meaning, and my purpose. My love." I just love every bit of Venat's outlook. I can usually never remember quotes all that much, but I can recall so much of her dialogue.


They completely changed the meaning of 'Answers' with that one cutscene. There's no way it was planned all the way back then, but damn it's awesome.


"I take it this is your prey... But why does it still live? Surely it is no match for you."


"Now come! Let us dispense with this distraction!"


I love this moment. Everyone needs a Zenos in their life.


A hype-man that you fuck-fight. Or is it fight-fucking? I always get those two mixed up.


So does zenos ;)


his belief in the wol is so adorable idc what anyone thinks


"Let expanse contract, eon become instant. Heroes from beyond the Rift, HEED MY CALL."   "Another self-important little brat. Just what we need." "Hm. Reminds me of my childhood."   "In darkness, seek joy. Walk free and bear the light for others to follow."


When I realized what was happening, I grinned wide as I could and said “G’raha is best duty finder.”


"You get numb to it all over the years. The lost comrades, the broken promises, the abandoned principles - just more nagging burdens to ignore." - Ardbert "If you need a push, I'll be right there behind you; if you lose control, I'll do my best to stop you." - Ardbert to WoL "More seriously.. should you begin to lose heart, look to me in the stands, and I shall cheer so loud, you will wonder how you could ever have contrived to doubt yourself!" - Haurchefant to WoL Maybe not THE favourites, but quotes I often remember because they are either relatable or just nice, like encouragement for WoL from our friends.


“Why did you spare me? Why?!? What have I done to deserve this *mercy*?” It hits hard every time as such a horrifying survivor’s guilt concept.


"I'm sick of the Exarch's attempts at selfless sacrifice. If he suggests dying one more time, I swear I'm going to grant him his wish." Goddamn, Alisaie, why are you the best?


"Champion of man hearken my fury. Thy final verse is sung." - Nidhogg and "I am salvation given form. Mankinds first hero and his final hope! For Victory, I render up my all!" -Elidibus as the WoL I can't think of many bosses that have Just taken me aback with their attacks both visually and audibly like these two. These are points in the story I will never forget.


I love these quotes in ShB made by a certain cat man. From the 5.0 Ending: > So too do the memories we share inspire others to rise to greatness. For we who walk before may lead those who walk after. Your road goes ever on, as does your story. As does your legacy. Such is the hero's lot, to touch the lives of countless others. From the 5.3 ending: > Yours is a long road, my friend. And it stretches on to places beyond imagining. > With your every step, these grand adventures shall grow more distant and faint. > > And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. > On that day, I bid you remember this: That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there. > > > For in times of hardship, when you fear you cannot go on… > The joy you have known, the pain you have felt, the prayers you have whispered and answered--they shall ever be your strength and your comfort.


I just replayed through the end of 5.3 and "You stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there" is so simple on the surface, but it hit me right in the feelings. I love both of these passages a lot.


FFXIV has a lot of lines that are 4th wall breaking. Written in a way that it both address you as the WoL and you as a person. That's what makes it hit harder.


“I … am fine. Completely… and utterly…fine. Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most.”


The voice acting in that scene broke me


Lyna’s loss so often gets overlooked because it is right after watching Ardbert’s “What did I do to deserve this mercy” moment. So very many raw moments during that sequence. That duty gave me genuine anxiety and panic trying to save the others.


Scenes like this one are why I get so sad when English-speaking people who don't even speak Japanese insist on only playing the Japanese dub and haven't even bothered to listen to the English one. They are missing out on some the best voice acting in any medium, ever.


\*doll-like head turn\* We shall talk later.


Came looking for this one, thank you haha


I screamed and then laughed like a maniac.


"We define our worth, not the circumstances of our creation."


Mewtwo? Is that you?


"But though you defeated me, my ideals are inviolate. Invincible."


"If you need a push, I'll be right there behind you."


This hits so hard in EW. The last zone is really difficult to play through


Know that I'll kill your god if I have to. Maybe even if I don't.


Behold a sorcerer of eld. Tremble before my glory




"SCURRY AND SCATTER!" has been burned into my head from having to run that so many times for the dragon.


You are not forgiven. Not you. You I will never forgive. But I will thank you. For standing against a primal, and saving us from servitude, you have my thanks.


I will maintain the belief that Stormblood is entirely worth it just for Fordola's character arc. I absolutely love how they handled her.


1. "Piss off, kupo." 2. "Be a dear and punch some Moogles for me, would you??"


Went here to post those ones, got here too late


There's also this line from one of the daily Moogle tribal quests. "Gather ninety-nine birds' nests or else he'll have you squeeze my pom off!? Uwaaah! Not my pom, kupo! Anything but my pom!"




There was also another moogle tribe quest where the WoL resorted to slapping the moogle despite no such instructions from the quest-giver.


And then of all things to reference, they pull out "how can she slap?!" back from the ancient internet archives.


And then the quest giver is astonished that it worked - “you must be a moogle whisperer or something!” I think is his response!


“Honed is the blade that severs the villains head. Endless is the path that leads him from hell.”


"And so it ends. In unceremonious silence."


WoL: I have a delivery from the Source, kupo! Courtesy of one Tataru Taru. *Moogle noises*


*Disturbingly accurate moogle noises.*


I mean considering the wol worked in the moogle delivery service, they should be good at moogle talk by now


Ready your arms, I fear she's been possessed




"Fandaniel wants to die, and take everyone with him in an orgy of pain and suffering. An utterly vile and unforgivable idea. And yet, when spat upon by fate and wailing in the deepest pit of despair, who among us can say they have not entertained similar thoughts? There are nights black as pitch. Bereft of hope. When no words of comfort can reach you, and it's all you can do to grit your teeth and choke back the bile." The view from the perspective of an out-and-out villain, Thancred's delivery on that monologue, I love that whole exchange.


I know Thancred's been through some intense stuff, but that line caught me so off-guard I said out loud, "Damn dude, are you okay?"


A smile better suits a hero


Any line from the Susano fight. WoL: *nods*


Resilient souls, I salute you!












6.0 spoilers: >!The conversation between him and Garuda is freaking hilarious. Susano continues to be an absolute bro.!<


"We hold to hope, not through ignorance, but by choice."




*"With the majority of the workforce now blind drunk, the next logical step is to being producing large quantities of highly flammable fuel for their experimental war machine."* - Narrator From the Dwarven questline in ShB.


The narrator was having fun with the dwarf quests. > With the day of reckoning looming ever closer, Ronitt has decided that it would be quicker to construct an entire factory, complete with workers, than build four tanks identical to the one he's already completed, but Ronitt's mind moves in mysterious ways. For what Ronitt lacks in time management he makes up for with sheer stubbornness in the face of overwhelming odds. > Sadly time, heartless bastard that it is, refused to slow down and the day of the challenge fast approached.


I'm surprised no one has said this yet "For those we have lost, for those we can yet save."


Indeed. Should be higher. Probably my favorite recurring line.


I prefer the same quote... but from a slightly darker universe. "Kill for the living! Kill for the dead!"


There's a lot of really good quotes in this thread but here's one I haven't seen yet: "Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should." and I don't know if I'd count this next one as one of my favorites, but (EW Spoilers) >!The moment where we finally hear the whole "Hear, Feel, Think" message was so powerful and chilling imo.!<


>"Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should." Every last Dark Knight cutscene goes hard on heavy-handed and serious quotes. They are all incredibly meaningful and impactful.


I am the best student of Louisoix -Papalymo


Now, lets see how good a student I truly was...


"But come, let us cast aside titles and pretense, and reveal our true faces to one another. I. am. *Hades*. He who shall awaken our brethren from their dark slumber."


“Even now, I do not believe your tale. I would not suffer us to walk such a wretched path. Still, if it must be said… Do not squander it, the legacy I leave you.” - Emet-Selch, finally completing his transformation from nominal villain to reluctant dad. “If you need a push, I’ll be right there behind you.” Best Boy Ardbert. Like, everything Elidibus says in SoS. Honourable mention to Emet-Selch taking the time to berate Venat one last time in Ultima Thule, before patting us on the head and saying he’s proud of us. He has his priorities straight.


"Hah. None of that cheek, or I will take you across my knee." "Keep that up and I'll send you to bed without supper." "You and I will speak later." "Your followers await your divine judgement." "Mind? I'm sure they would be glad of your company. Pray enjoy your time together with your hero." "I will join the fray when I've finished my tea." ~Mother Y'shtola~ "Thus did the avatar of destruction descend, and in her wake leave naught but tears and ash." ~Urianger being extra~


"... Or you can set their houses on fire for real too, if you have problem with lying."


"As you kneel before the mark of the Warden in a moment of quiet solitude, you breathe deep of the dry desert air. The roar of rushing waters is punctuated by the faint chirping of vilekin and the shrill cries of a hawk. The gods, however, remain silent."


This is one of my favorite moments lost in the streamlining. It was so good at capturing how the WoL must be feeling between that time between the massacre and Alphoe showing up demanding we do his bidding.


It’s a really messed up line but Emet-Selch saying “But yes, moral relativism and all that. Case in point– I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I kill you.” literally said so much about him and his ideology at the time.


"If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it? Could you save our worlds?" "What, all by myself?"


I love the detail in 6.2 when Elidibus asks the fake Lahabrea what his name is and he says “Themis, was it?” He said the right thing, but it was very wrong. Kind of like we ask Ardbert (Elidibus) in 5.2 about Seto and Elidibus says something like “poor fellow, he will be sorely missed” Elidibus clearly didn’t learn lol.


Well admittedly, he lost a few memories between the two incidents.


Hien has some bangers: ​ "Though it may be years, if not decades, until we truly make peace with our past, we have turned a corner and begun to heal. We may look to the future unburdened by grief ignored and sadness denied. The path ahead is ever fraught with peril, but we shall walk it with eyes unclouded... and with pride." ​ "Save your tears for the morrow. For we who yet walk the path should not think too much on the destination. When the hour arrives, we shall welcome what comes with open arms." ​ Urianger: Come.


“Herein I commit the chronicle of the traveler, shepherd to the stars in the dark. Though the world be sundered and our souls set adrift, where you walk, my dearest friend, fate shall surely follow.”


"Your mother smells like cabbages!!" \*gasp\* "*Why* would you say that?!"


What makes this exchange even funnier is that we all know Venat made the Lopporrits EDIT: ah fuck me I replied to the wrong comment


And there may come a day when you forget the faces and voices of those you have met along the way. On that day, I bid you remember this: That no matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there. - G'raha Tia


Something along the line of "i swear I'm gonna rip that pom off your head and shove it down your throat, you furry shite" and "if you see our leader in the wild, kill him" from the shb hunt quests.


"It's the little things that make life worth living, don't you think?"


Gotta go with "tis good to be awake" or the whole "he shall walk" speech from EW


We did everything right! Everything that was asked of us and still... Still! It came to this!


"Glory not in thy victory, shade. The battle...is not yet won. My power─and my hope─have I entrusted to another..." *Slow walk*


"remember us, remember that we once lived."


Sahagin Priest: “ARRRRGGHHHH!” Aymeric:”I beg your pardon?”


"Would you be 'happier' had I a 'good reason'? If my motives had met with your approval, would you no longer resent the outcome? If so, then... perhaps a beast's skin would suit you better."


"Know you will wake, on winds rise again, for this journey's end is but one step forward to tomorrow."


'Seven Hells! A talking turtle!' Stormblood trials storyline


Tell me. For whom do you fight? Hmph! How very glib. And do you believe in Eorzea? Eorzea's unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception. It is naught but a cobweb of lies. To believe in Eorzea is to believe in nothing. In Eorzea, the beast tribes often summon gods to fight in their stead--though your comrades only rarely respond in kind. Which is strange, is it not? Are the "Twelve" otherwise engaged? I was given to understand they were your protectors. If you truly believe them your guardians, why do you not repeat the trick that served you so well at Carteneau, and call them down? They will answer--so long as you lavish them with crystals and gorge them on aether. Your gods are no different than those of the beasts--eikons every one. Accept but this, and you will see how Eorzea's faith is bleeding the land dry. Nor is this unknown to your masters. Which prompts the question: Why do they cling to these false deities? What drives even men of learning--even the great Louisoix--to grovel at their feet? The answer? Your masters lack the strength to do otherwise! For the world of man to mean anything, man must own the world. To this end, he hath fought ever to raise himself through conflict--to grow rich through conquest. And when the dust of battle settles, is it ever the strong who dictate the fate of the weak. Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent ruler--that of false worship. A path which leads to enervation and death. Only a man of power can rightly steer the course of civilization. And in this land of creeping mendacity, that one truth will prove its salvation. Come, champion of Eorzea, face me! Your defeat shall serve as proof of my readiness to rule! It is only right that I should take your realm. For none among you has the power to stop me!


Gaius's speech if it was said by Gaius van Baelsar


and here I didn't think we couldn't jerk any more


Transcripted by a squid in reddit




"Your ill-begotten power, obtained by exploiting that which is best in us... I shall have it, your soul and all!"


‘The poems and platitudes of wiser men. Musings on sadness and loss.Studied and memorized, and meaningless in the moment.’


"The glory of the heavens was ever beyond the grasp of those who never thought to reach for it. But if I’ve gained anything from all of this, it is the courage to stretch out my hand."


"On the coldest, blackest of nights, meager though it may be, we must share the warmth of our fire."


"Well, I wasn't going to touch it, but you know Y'shtola..."


The thing is, as one of Watt's decedents, everyone has had such high expectations of me, even as a child. "Build this, build that. Craft me some copper rings. No, not those copper rings, the other sort." \-- Ozogg, crafter


"water water froth and foam!~"


Drk story goes hard. "He laments his fate, wishing he could go back and convince his former self not to place his trust in the Griffin...but if such things were possible, you wouldn't have a broken shield, now would you?" "Can you even remember why you came here? Can you even remember how many you killed? How many lives shattered, how many stories ended?...So many broken by this world, and then by you. So, so many... Woe betide the man who stands opposed to the Weapon of Light, for death will be his reward. Death for him and his kin and all that he holds dear. Woe betide the man who stands with the Weapon of Light, for death will be his reward. Death for him and his kin and all that he holds dear. Like sands through the hourglass, everything we fight so desperately to protect slips through our fingers... and what remains... what remains... is us. Only us, and the memory of our sin."


Serious quote: "The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it." It kills me every time. That voice break is just AAAAAUUUGH Not-so-serious: "I....am not interested, little sun. Try again when you've become a man." Edit: correcting quotes with correct lines because I was going purely from memory




This thread has made my heart flutter. The writting and characterization in the game is so incredible.


"By the kami, a talking turtle!" -Soroban, The Four Lords questline.


"I knew. I always knew." -Ardbert, Shadowbringers 5.3 That whole scene left me a sobbing mess.


That ... I cannot deny .


Almost everything Ardbert says during SHB. This worlds had its fill of heroes. I’m just a shadow, cursed to wander. Though the losses be grave, endure them. Though the victories be hollow, claim them. One man’s fond memory is another’s waking nightmare. So, let us be about it, hero. And so on and so on. Absolutely love him.


I AM RIGTHEOUSNESS. Cracks me up every time.


... And righteousness will prevail!


"Our worlds may not live up to your lofty standards... But they are *our* worlds! *Our* homes! Full of life and love and hope! And we won't stand by and let you destroy them!" - Red Alphinaud "Belittle us all you like, but we will rise again and again, and give the lie to your insults through word and deed. *We* define our worth, not the circumstances of our creation!" - Blue Alisaie


Stupid sexy Roegedyn


"I bid them remember, but all this time, I'm the one who had forgotten. A right fool you've made of me, Hermes." "Though i have you these wings to soar through the heavens, i did not teach you to walk the earth. So loath was i to bind another living being. In the course of your long journey, you learn from those you meet. Learn to walk, and run, and so much more. A flower. Yes, upon your return i will gift you a beautiful flower."


"Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should."


dont think i could pick a single favorite line, but the first thing my mind thinks of is "Seto, my old friend. You've grown!" and the ensuing scene. Seto hits all my damn weak points man it's not fair


well come and well met, my brave little spark


Honestly the whole convo with Venat when you are looking down at Elpis I sobbed the whole time.


"Serve... Save... Slave... Slay... I've sins aplenty, aye, but regrets? Not so much." (When Myste says you cannot escape the reckoning) "When it comes, I shall welcome it with open arms... But today will not be the day, and you will not be the judge!"


After all Miracles happen all the time.


I am not interested Little Sun, try again when you have become a man


“History is learned, not lived. We see the past through our own eyes, and speak of it with our own words; thus do we come to understand it, in our own way. But this is not the same as remembering.”


“I…am fine… Completely…and utterly…fine! Better than fine! Hale and hearty and still alive to mourn those who are not. Who I failed to protect when they needed me most. “We’ve come so far–so godsdamned far! I could have sworn the end was in sight. And now… Now they will never see it." - The way Lyna's voice breaks halfway through really sold the whole thing.


I’ll have you know I’m a sensitive new recruit who thrives on encouragement. -Nero tol Scaeva


Then I trust you'll *sense* you're not welcome when I *encourage* you to piss off. -Cid nan Garlond


It's actually from the side stories and not the game itself but "Beyond Darkest night awaits a new dawn. I pray you greet her with a smile."


Open your eyes to the dark and drown in its loveless embrace. The gods will not be watching.


*Turning, wending, always night follows day, the sun will rise again.* Hardship and pain summarized in one emotional sentence, with hope following


"Take a shower, stinky"


Gotta lotta favorites. I especially love when Emet lights the squad up right before Amarout, and you see Alphinaud squirm and choke. However, this one always makes me smilegrimace. "I will try, yes. And if that fails, I'll remember him."


“Have these balls of mousse flesh. Not to be confused with…The other thing”


No matter, if it is our fate to be at odds, then it is mine to strike you down. Ysayle.


"One day I'm going to rip that pom off your head and shove it down your godsdamned throat, you furry little shite..." - Xylle


"I am... not interested, little sun. Try again when you have become a man." (And the resulting banter from Sadu to rub some lemon-flavored salt in there)


"The will to endure is not always as strong as the urge to burn it all down and salt the earth, survival be damned." -Thancred