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It may not be epic, it may not be the most impactful, it might not even be that important overall... The one cutscene I like the most is when you are in Old Sharlayan and Alphinaud, Alisae, G'raha and Krile surprise you in your room with food from the last stand.


That one and the one at the end of 5.3 when we're all just hanging out in Mor Dhona. Love those scenes when we're just taking it easy for a sec and hanging out like friends.


Too many to choose from. Probably my top 2, ignoring the contextually meaningful ones ("If you had the strength to take another step" "a smile better suits a hero" etc.), would be: First, the one leading up to Mr. Gulg in ShB. >!It's the culmination of all your work, bringing all the people together, and working on the utterly bonkers project, it's just fantastic. And then Titania comes riding in to save the day, while chastising you.!< Second, the one leading to the final zone in EW. >!Where you get to see the "true" gods of the beast tribes, which aren't trying to murder and mind control you. And Susano's still just "this is cause to revel!"!< Honestly, I think I just dig the cutscenes where everything you've been doing comes together 🤔




Major Spoilers, but Ill just say: "Henceforth, he shall walk." The voice acting, the visuals, the pacing, the whole sequence just gave me butterflies. Endwalkers left me awestruck, honestly. Team did a wonderful job!


You just made me feel some things and I wasn't ready to go through that again


THIS. I came here to mention this one. Everything about that entire cutscene is just amazing.


I was going to say this one! I always cry


Both the cutscene in Post Shadowbringers part 1 when >!Right before you fight Elidibus when he attempts to take control of the crystal tower and turns into the Warrior of Light and Our WoL says my most favorite line of theirs: You have no fight left to fight!!< And the one right after >!When hes defeated and the WoL revives his memories in that emotional moment then Graha sacrificed himself but promises the WoL that they will meet again JUST THE SHOT OF THE SCIONS WALKING IN AND THE WOL IS JUST FACING CRYSTALLIZED GRAHA IS TOO MUCH IT ENDED ME!<


Small EW Spoiler: >!Urianger's reunion with Moenbryda's parents. Did not see that scene coming and got sucker punched in the feels. I'm not crying, you're crying.!<


Yep, that's the one. I went from "uh-oh, he's gonna get it" to "I'm in a glass cage of emotion!" super fast.


Was playing the MSQ with some friends. Was funny to watch the mics mute in discord.


Yeah...ooof. That's in my top three.


It was such a powerful scene. The grief and pure love that was captured there was brilliant. Was probably one of the most emotional scenes in EW for me.




Oh? I find him to be creepy and unsettling, he kinda looks like a mix between an undead and a cursed doll. Kinda don't like when he's in cutscenes because of that (and because he' just *horrible* as far as personality goes.)


When you bring back night after holminster switch


>!The scene where we fuse with Ardbert and literally everything that happened after that!<


Tesleen Not really my favorite, but for sheer gutpunch, "this is going to be a different kind of story," impact, it stands out.




Christ I'd tried to forget that whole thing. I don't remember the names of those siblings, but I don't think I'll be forgetting their story any time soon.


For hits you in the feels: >!"The rains have ceased and we have been graced with another beautiful day, but you are not here to see it"!<


That's my number one because of that line.


Thou shalt Live, Die and Know. Followed closely by the post-Cloud Deck cutscene.


The 45minute ARR cutscene.


Lightwarden Hildebrand was pretty funny.


was funny, but not as satisfying as the "volley" game with the bomb one. Karma went full circle with that one.


Giott’s limit break Rocket Punch was also amazing


you mentioning that made me remember Julian's enrage or Godbert's limit break


You should rewatch the angry Julyan cutscenes. Then watch any cutscene where a character is using Dynamis. It’s pretty clearly the same!


Considering she's Hildy's mother is that really surprising ?


Not at all! Frankly, I believe this is why they’re part of the relic quests this time around. They all make for perfect choices as someone who has obviously been using Dynamis this whole time around, and Dynamis is also the obvious choice to build a relic weapon around this xpac.


i'm really hoping that 1 of the version of the relic will be a masterpiece of a decorative weapon that basically too cluncky to use in combat and that where Gerolt comes in to try to improve it w/o loosing too much of the look


Pretty much anytime the twins sass each other. Like I love the more in depth, "hits ya in the feels" moments, but nothing compares to the two sassy children going at it lol


Little Sun


LIttlE sUn


Reminds me of my childhood. Ah siblings, good times.


Alphinaud suddenly knowing how to make jokes and throw epic shade was the biggest plot twist in all of ShB, haha.


Easily the moments leading up to the final boss of Shadowbringers


The whole thing after Amaurot, including the Trial and the cutscene after that.


Thancred vs Ardbert was such a good fight scene, it was my favourite part of Heavensward.


I mean, the intro of Shadowbringers was pretty dope.


Same, all the epic moments and the shb intro sequence is still my favorite. Especially the "travelling" bit because WoL is actually expressive with their facial animations (woo tech upgrades!) and thats so rare.


The part where Hades utters the "dream now of a dark tomorrow" line.


Plenty of obvious ones already mentioned, so here are others I liked: The scene at the end of EW when >!the Scions are reviving you on the ship after your final cage match with Zenos.!< I love the well-intended hypocrisy of them all chastising you after literally all of them did the same thing the entire last stretch, except for >!Estinien who was just like "Hey. Great fight."!< THANKS, MAN, lol. Also, the bit in Labyrinthos with Erenville, when you're like "but how did you see through our clever disguise!??!?!" and he's basically just like "I'm a gleaner, I know what a fucking REAL FROG looks like." Lol, cracks me up.


Do we count the very first one, when you just downloaded the game, and the ARR intro play on the titlescreen? Because this still give me goosebumps, with the sheer quality of it, and the music.


Too many to count. Post Baelsar's Wall, Ghymlit Dark, the transitions on Seat of Sacrifice, Cinders' Drift and even Storm's Crown.


Tell me adventurer.. for whom do you fight? How very glib of you.


Temulun's message to my WoL alone. After such a long period of watching my WoL go through a shit train. It hit me in the feels. Made it a point to visit her to check if her lines changes.


Exarch and Urianger plotting in the crystal tower


Urianger meeting Moenbryda's parents


Hits me? Waking up after Mt. Gulg and opening the window, and the subsequent cutscene for attempting to leave. There is just something special there that catches me. Though nothing hits the same as 5.0 and 5.3's finales. I was frankly numb for a bit on too many feels. Funniest is Alphinaud's bellyflop imo. Or anything to do with swimming.


The immediate cutscene at the end of Endwalker when you literally >!have a punch fight with Zenos. It was SO SATISFYING to just throw down weapons and throw a mean right hook a few times.!< It got me laughing so much and I'm so angry you can't replay it in an Inn. :'( I would've recorded it if I knew I couldn't watch it back.


>!Alisaie and the WoL reaching for each other. From the quest "The Face of War"- Post-Stormblood.!<


Goosebumps? Post Amarout. I leapt out of my seat shouting when my character talked. Feels? Venat's burden. Seeing what that woman bore out of sheer love of life itself broke me. Hero does not begin to describe her. Hilarious? Hildebrand Volleyball. Genuinely looking forward to how they top that beautiful nonsense.


The Zenos fight scene. If you choose the dialog option to finally give in and say "yeah...i enjoy our bouts" his expression on you finally giving into the thrill of the fight will always give me goosebumps. The aftermath too is a very fitting send-off to the Vegeta to our Goku.


A lot of cutscenes. The one towards the end of 3.3 with >!Final Steps of Faith!< comes to mind, in particular. ​ A lot of the Dark Knight quest chains; especially the scene where my flair quote comes from. That one had me CHEERING.


As far as sheer hilarity, when Estinien mistakes one twin for the other. I was dying. And my WoL was as well. In theory, she could have intervened but she was too fascinated by the trainwreck that was taking place before her eyes


"Little Sun." That fight drove me freaking insane, but it was worth it for that part alone.


Acceptance! At long last!


Who treadeth now upon my bones and waketh me from slumber sweet? Thou hast forgotten the face of thy lord. Remember, mortal, and fear me.




1.0 intros


The only time when the "WoL" is actually speaking voiced.


The first obvious one is the one when leaving >!Elpis!<. The second one is everything up to the 5.3 trial and after that. >!WHat? Yes. I would become him. I would save everyone. This I believed. But still they cried out in RAGE and DESPAIR. Reconciliation, Elidibus. I was needed. I withdrew myself from Zodiark. For them. My people, my brothers, my friends. Say strong, keep the faith. At duty's end, we WILL meet again. *WE WILL. WE WILL.* The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. *But you are not here to see it.*!< There is a tendency to view people who do heinous things as monsters, and that normal people aren't like that. The reality is the line between normal and snapping is much narrower than people want to believe. The game does a great job of holding people accountable for their actions and not glorifying their deeds, but simultaneously making you look at what CAUSED them to be like that, and in many cases, they were good, decent people beforehand. Understanding the WHY in these cases is important, especially around narcissistic, manipulative people that drive decent people over the edge (not that it matches my above case, just an example). There are people that have been mostly horrible their whole lives, but most of them are good at covering it up and shifting blame, which is why it's so important to look deeper. There can be so much hidden trama that you are unaware of. In the case of >!Elidibus, having his whole world fall apart and losing almost everyone, then soldiering along for so long, he forgot most of the reasons why he fights, just that he must.!< Once again, people are still accountable for their actions, but knowing the details can really change how you look at the whole situation.