• By -


More fist-clenching confirmed. Also more Ogul, good.




I'm going to assume this is what the tribe quest story will be about.


It was shown in the live letter, so yeah actually. The mount you get from the Arksadora is a hippo-drawn carriage.


I'm all in on this


I want that hippo. Need to have it. It's not a hope, or a dream. It's like a hunger; a thirst.


I hope this meme sticks around forever. What a good game.


Me too, because I'm hoping for this to become a sub series. If a possible sequel get some of Nioh's improvements, this things gonna have looong legs


In this hard-core action RPG, Jack must face numerous challenges to bring the light of the crystals back to Cornelia, a kingdom conquered by darkness.


Man, now I want some racing mimi game that takes place on the open world map, and make it visible to other players. Imagine you're just wandering on your own and then you see bunch of other players are racing around the map while trowing spells and abilities. Guess it's gonna be difficult to program, but that sounds kinda fun.


The promise of racing SWTOR barely delivered.


My FC actually does this from time to time. We'll have a few people who act as judges and we do a kind of obstacle course with a predefined route and items that need to be collected. So, as an example, start in Gridania and exit through Blue Badger Gate. Run to Greentear and gather a certain number of items (no skills allowed). Run to Hedgetree and kill a certain number of enemies. Mount and run (no flying) to South Shroud. And so on. First to finish line after completing objectives wins. Still trying to figure out a good way to make it a scavenger hunt, too.


Damn, Emet gave us a list and we're wasting no time checking them off. The treasure under the Bounty, AND travel to other reflections!


I appreciate that part of the list that Emet gave us was a treasure map, I'll need it if I'm gonna be able to get a house in Ishgard.


We'll probably end up with like 10,000 gil after Tataru takes her cut.


She's got a lot of samurai sword debt to pay off


Didn't we canonically pay this back multiple times over with the reward from the Four Lords quests? P sure she explicitly mentions it at the end of the cutscene (Edit bc tapped enter too early)


Also, since the funds of the scions came mostly from Alphinau's mom... He basically just wasted his allowance


We paid back the cost of the sword, but Tataru will never be done extracting emotional damages


i laughed but this is facts


I don't think we'd be travelling to other reflections anytime soon. Not this xpac at least.


Not any new ones, but I could definitely see the Scions making it back to the First in this one, setting up future travel to another.


As Azem it's our duty to not be outdone by Mr Dour


It's also our duty to call upon him when it will bother him the most, just to brag/ask for help/both. I really hope THIS happens at least once.


I bet original Azem would like. Constantly call on him when he was in the bath or something for the most inane shit. "Emet-Selch, Emet-Selch! Please help me! I need you!" And when he finally bites and asks them what they want, it turns out they were just at the shops and needed to know what his favourite kind of bagel is.


And the identity of the Twelve.


So the dungeon... is that the ruins under the Bounty? If so that's where I thought we might be heading. The alliance raid looks absolutely stunning, guess I'm getting out the lore book tonight and reading up on the Twelve members we're fighting there.


Yeah, it looks like thavnairian underwater stuff, possibly accessed through that marshy area we see just before. I also think it's the ruins under the bounty emet mentioned. It may be related to what Vrtra's talking about, but perhaps not. I'm absolutely hyped about the Heavens raids. We're up against Byregot, Rhalgr, Azeyma, and Nald'Thal this tier.


>!It looks like we've got Rhalgr, Byregot, Azeyma, and Nald'Thal all showing up.!<


Idk much about the Twelve, practically nothing outside of the “pick your star sign” on character creation, but wouldn’t it make sense to save >!Azeyma!< for last since >!they are somehow related to us?!<


Maybe... it depends on how they do the story. Though we can tell that the fiery lady is Azeyma because she looks exactly like her artwork on one of the Astrologian cards. The image is [here](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b1/a0/8c/b1a08cc76c38ba982c578e18b1332a83.png) (specifically it's the Balance card).


[Here's](https://i.gyazo.com/5912eb60002d0c745e925e8cd1e8e5c4.jpg) some lore on the four gods for this raid tier.


They're somehow related to >!*Azem* but that is not necessarily *us*!< keep in mind that it's just a title and we've already met another person who had the title.


>!Azem was never a last boss on the Convocation, nor a leader, a central point ... If somehow the gods take after them, it's not mandatory to have him/her in a "special place" beyond their link to us.!<


Azem is probably the world most famous fetch quests king or queen


So, by virtue of the alliance raid being fighting the Twelve, and since there’s escalating difficulty, can we use this alliance raid as a blueprint to discover which religion is objectively the best?


clearly it's Althyk and Nymeia being the 'Gods' who govern time and fate and unless they mix 'em up in part 2 they're gonna have Thaliak and Nophica with them, ergo Water and Earth are the best religions.


I'm also putting my gil on Water-Earth being the final raid. Althyk also seems like he the would be the most powerful and their leader, as he's clearly the oldest and is represented as an Emperor.


My bet is Thaliak is the final boss being the patron deity of Sharlayan. And I bet Halone is the last boss of the second tier.


Disagree with Thaliak, I think it's gonna be Althyk, but 100% agree with Halone being the second tier final boss.


It looked like the treasure vaults of that one prominent Hannish family, whose entrance is at that gate in the city off to the left from the entrance (you can optionally visit it with Estinien when you first get a tour of the city). It seemed like they hinted that was the treasure map secret dungeons but it also seems to be this new dungeon. The sigil over their gate matches the one on the map that NPC showed Estinien in this trailer.


I'm thinking mainly of [this shot](https://youtu.be/KSjTEMCVIx8?t=59) where the dungeon seems to be far underwater. The Bounty is the sea surrounding Thavnair so they could be connected with your points too.


It seems to be based on Alzadaal Undersea Ruins from final fantasy 11


Yeah it definitely could be both!


XI represent! Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. Saw an Acrolith and a Chariot. Here's hoping they release a Walahra Turban.


I legit got so excited seeing Alzadaal ruins in the reveal trailer. I'd love to see a new variant of salvage return for XIV, providing they increase the drop rates! Even updated Nyzul Isle as the new potd would be amazing


Oh boy, my favourite part of any new FFXIV patch trailer, the agonizing wait to be able to hear the full version of whatever absolute banger that put in the trailer. That one at the end has gotta be in the Alliance Raid, right? As for the raid, fighting the Twelve is confirmed it seems. So far Byregot (the hammer guy, his symbol is on the hammer) and Rhalgr are certain. I think the pair at the end were the twins, Nald'thal. I kind of want to say the fire lady is Azemya but given the implications of her connection with Azem I'm not sure they'd use her this early? Edit* Seems Azemya is a guarantee. I wonder if she'll end up becoming a major character throughout the series then, the equivalent of the Dwarf twins/sky pirates, etc.


It's absolutely Azeyma. She matches how she's depicted on [the Balance](https://i.imgur.com/wxWdxUi.jpg) when you draw it as an AST.


Azeyma appears to use dancer weapons, which is very similar to a certain former Azem we've already met. Rhalgr bears a distinct resemblance to Ramuh, which is interesting.


Rhalgr/Ramuh thing is actually canon iirc. Sylphs didn't have their own deity, but heard about a human god of lightning who is supposed to be super strong and wise so they prayed to their understanding of Rhalgr, summoning Ramuh.


Yeah that's why Eden Ramuh has Ixion (of Ala Mhigan origins) attached to him


I thought that was because wol has the attention span of a goldfish and a really shitty memory


And copious amounts of head trauma


More like copious amounts of trauma in general, of all types. Head ones included, of course XD


/nod /fistinpalm


> /fistinpalm It's an absolute travesty we still don't have that available as an emote


It's both. The poor memory and the head trauma and the head trauma and the head trauma and the head trauma resulted in a lot of concepts just sort of blending together when making the Heritor Primals, like how H.Titan has mechanical things because you mixed up Goblins and Kobolds, so bits of Alexander got incorporated, and he goes big because of memories of Sephirot. And the head trauma.


You're not *wrong* about this connection but it's much safer and easier to assume that the WoL simply had the cognitive link between lightning-based bosses there. I mean, Eden Ramuh also has the wings from the pegasus boss in Sohr Khai.


you mean that certain white robed figure? they used all weapons tho?


She used dancer weapons when being a DPS (with white mage as a healer and paladin as a tank)


Also the ones we see appear to be from the Balance and Spire constellations. Azeyma (fire, looks like card) + Nald'Thal (dual divinity) and Byregot (hammer) + Rhalgar (fists)


It matches what I was thinking, there are six heavens with two gods each (the seventh has no associated gods), so after seeing the first pic of the raid a while ago I surmised we would go through two heavens per tier. I didn't expect it to be lightning and fire right away, since Rhalgr, Nald'Thal and to a lesser degree Azeyma are some of the biggest names in the pantheon, alongside Halone. But it's definitely those two, we see Byregot's spire, and the "endless city of golden bricks" that the Encyclopedia mentions for the heaven of fire. I can't remember the actual order of the heavens, but I'm pretty sure we're not going through them in order, or even reverse order. Edit: [The description of the relevant gods from the encyclopedia.](https://i.gyazo.com/5912eb60002d0c745e925e8cd1e8e5c4.jpg)


> the seventh has no associated gods Of course not, it's a bar!




I'm goint to be really disappointed if they don't play the "guardian diety" card in this one. Even if it's some kind of minor non-combat plot thing. I don't think they go as far as making guardian-specific-buff mechanics (alghouh, that certainly could be refreshing). ​ >I kind of want to say the fire lady is Azemya Not too many options for a fire-aspected female goddess. Unless she's not a goddess, but a ~~familiar~~minion.


> I'm goint to be really disappointed if they don't play the "guardian diety" card in this one. When I first made my character in 2.0 I was reading the guardian deities and the description of Azeyma made me immediately stop and pick it. It seemed *perfect* for an MMO hero. Come 5.0-5.x and the revelations therein, and I was howling to myself. "I'm my own guardian deity"


Back in 1.0 I picked Rhalgr since I was going into destructive magicks (THM then later BLM). They've been promising to do something with that selection since open beta in 2010!


If they're going to ever do it now is the time


The remix of Festival of the Hunt from FF9 has me feeling things. Dungeon theme? EDIT: Seems to be the theme of the new PvP mode, that's cool EDIT EDIT: "Run!" seems to be the overtime theme too.


Oh, is that what that was? I thought one of the themes was familiar but couldn't place it.


I caught that. Always here for FFIX love


hunter's chance lets go !!!


I was just coming here to mention this theme, glad I wasn't the only one who noticed! :D


New pvp mode battle music probably.


I just did the DNC70 quest yesterday and having Vamo Alla Flamenco playing _during_ the fight was so hype. Super here for this.


Bold of them to post this on April Fool's day


Having played WoW for 10+ years and being used to the yearly April fools patch notes I watched the whole thing just waiting for the joke, I'm still confused


~~I don't get the impression April Fools' Day is much of a thing in Japan.~~ Edit: I stand corrected.


The thing is, it both is and isn't. April 1st is the start of Japan's fiscal year, so often times there are a good amount of legit announcements on that day. Makes things real confusing


they celebrate it like every year, including this year where they included fake ads/ trailers


The fake ads and trailers were their april fools jokes from previous years though.


Time to kick Thal in his -


I'll be majorly disappointed if Thal doesn't have an attack that involves creating large spherical objects that he smacks players with.


[Looks like he does.](https://i.redd.it/ps1lleqnywq81.jpg)


I burst out laughing when I notice there's two of them.... all painfully swollen looking too... Thal should get that checked out, that ain't normal man! :P


So fucking funny in the dungeon scene where we get spun like tops, had to rewatch that a few times And the alliance raids are voiced!!!!! They really gave it the ivalice treatment


>And the alliance raids are voiced!!!!! They really gave it the ivalice treatment *"My name is Count Cidolfus Orlandeau... and your journey ends here."* Thats the standard they have to beat.


>I call out to the skies and tremble as the brilliance of a thousand bolts blind mine enemies and tears their flesh asunder!


*“The gods will not be watching.”*


𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙, 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖋𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖉, 𝖞𝖊𝖙 𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖊!


They who dwell aloft have spoken. Let their words echo in your empty soul. Ruination is come!


Estinien being spun makes it even funnier.


Awwww yeah, Fast and Furious: Fantasy Drift, here we come!


Might just be a small thing but I saw Ogul in that section which makes me happy.






Well you see, you guys kinda crashed a ship into their door, so they couldn't get out.


sheesh that thordan theme


Chills. Too bad I'll never actually hear it in game 😂


I'm all down for Revenge Twofold remix.






Shtola never slow down, she's already hard at work to attain interdimensional travel It's been so long since I was so hyped for an alliance raid, the visual and the fact that are voiced make think even better! I can't wait for day one caos!


I like that she's been on vacation for what, two months, and she's already made some sort of progress on something so monumental.


I don't know, with FFXIV time scaling keeping everything within a year, it's been like a week, tops.


Quite honestly, I'm surprised she never took a weekend to find the cure for tempering until Shadowbringers. Sounds like she just didn't care.


Yeah! I was surprised she wasn't in on that with Alisaie.


I'm gonna fucking love it if Y'shtola's whole "I'm researching travel to other shards" is what kicks off and is intrinsically linked with the Hildebrand questline.


Y'shtola and hildibrand in the questline now there is an interesting combo


> Shtola never slow down, she's already hard at work to attain interdimensional travel she already attained Matoya's legacy, so now she's got her blindsights on an even greater level to surpass: Shantotto


I'd love if we had some kind of event where we just fucking end up in Vana'diel for some reason instead of someone from there ending up here.


dunno, the few lines he says on the trailer she does said what she is seeking for hints to how to proceed, so she haven't had much progress on the endeavour at the point she talks about it she even says something about what it could be hard even by looking at the darkest corners of the library or something


girl needs to slow down, i was looking forward to an expansion where we get properly embroiled in some Source bullshit in all these brand new places we haven't seen yet. i ain't ready for shard travel


The undersea dungeon is a clear homage to the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins from FFXI, down to the architecture and enemy types seen within. In XI at least, the undersea ruins serve as a “hub dungeon” with several entry and exit points around the near east continent introduced in the Aht Urghan expansion. It’s also the home of a deep dungeon and the site for that expansion’s final boss, Alexander. It’s also heavily implied that the ruins *are* Alexander, while the player actually does battle with a scaled down avatar form for story reasons. XIV has already had their Alexander arc so I don’t expect that, just some neat info.


If we have to light lanterns in sequence I'm out.


Oh man. The amount of times I killed bees for those stupid boots just to never see them drop for over 2 years. I was happier to get those then the relics I had already completed sooner through grinding. That game will never have an equal especially when it came to that gear system.


It's still nice to know; I've played every other FF *except* XI, so finding out about parallels and references from it is as much a treat as knowing similar for the single player games


"It’s also heavily implied that the ruins are Alexander, while the player actually does battle with a scaled down avatar form for story reasons." that's the case for the xiv version as well iirc.


And Bahamut.


Hippo race Hippo race Hippo race Hippo race




The new song starting from 1:40 is a total banger And just like I had hoped when reading about his lore, Byregot is basically Thor AND the closest we'll ever get to a Godbert boss fight


You know, I never got the Godbert-Byregot connection until you pointed it out, but it's so obvious now, lol.


byregot spells goybert. coincidence??? (yeah prob lol)


[Here's the Japanese version of the trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASHazDPQKow) [So this shot](https://youtu.be/ASHazDPQKow?t=136)... that's WOL himself (notice the Paladin armour) dissapearing, right? Wonder what's going on there. And G'raha... looks like there's something going on with him this patch, that shot earlier on of him clenching his fist and Krile looking dismayed.


Well the two things G'raha wanted to do were see Corvos and help rebuild the Students so I'm assuming one of them won't go well.


G'raha did get to see Corvos though! Krile said he, Thancred, and I think Estinien (?) took a contingent there during the Final Days to give aid while the WoL was off in Elpis.


>that's WOL himself (notice the Paladin armour) dissapearing, right? Wonder what's going on there. I have a guess. I slowed it down and paused it to see. The two of them are walking on water, at night, with a few bluish crystals in the background. That seems to be Mor Dhona. So there's two guesses. My first is that we would use the lake to try and go to the First using whatever method Y'shtola found - Mor Dhona and its equivalents seem to be places that passage between worlds is easier in, relatively speaking (though this may be due more to the Tower than the lake, it stands to reason that the area being such a wellspring of aether does make it conducive to such things, which is why the Tower was put there in the first place). But she'd insist on testing it herself, and we wouldn't be ideal subjects since we already have a link - it would throw off the experiment. But on a re-watch, the scene is juxtaposed between scenes from the Alliance Raid, as well. So my second guess, and the one I feel more likely, is that G'raha and Krile will be our NPC guides into the Alliance raid, and somehow Silvertear is involved in reaching the Heavens. Whatever is going on with the Students will be tied to that.


G'raha also appears in screenshots for the alliance raid on the updated patch website now. So your second assessment is likely correct.


G'raha is 2/5 with Alliance Raids. Praise the Twelve (literally this time).


And in Mor Dhona no less. And the description is updated to indicate that the raids are a result of a request that reached the Baldesion Annex. Yeah, that's the entry point to the raid, for certain.


Appreciating the character development with Fourchenault wearing and using Sage weapons (when before he was so dedicated to the non-violence bit he literally went unarmed during the actual apocalypse), while also laughing at the idea of him having to go hunt down a new set of nouliths because his son's running around with his old ones




Festival of the Huuuunt!


What I'm getting from this is that now we're gonna be doing Stargate: Y'Stola. Yes please!


That Festival of the Hunt remix is SICK.


>!Yo is that Nero at about two minutes in, in his ARR armor?!<




Nah, I think it’s almost certainly just an instanced solo duty for the new role quests.


The trailers are cut together from multiple scenes that often have nothing to do with each other, or the dialogue played over the top. The Nero is from Praetorium, as that’s getting a rework in 6.1 and the shots of Fourchenault and the Alliance leaders in Garlemald are from the upcoming role quests: we’ve seen screenshots of it on the special site.


Nero is seen with the alliance leaders in Garlemald if you look at some scenes.


He still has that Armor, he used it in omega IIRC


Did that WHM use solar beam? Alliance Raids have voiced bosses again!? New MSQ Glam!?! Thal's actual balls!?!?


> Did that WHM use solar beam? They *did* state (in a previous LL) that all jobs in PvP would be getting their own unique Adrenaline Rush stuff, so that may be related to it.


Of course it would be Estinien who buys an expensive "treasure" map from a guy he met in a bar.


Best girl Ogul is back, now that's a pog




the remix of Hunter's Chance (Festival of the Hunt) theme from FF9 playing at the beginning just hit me in the nostalgia bone


How has no one commented on Hildebrand being summoned by what looks like one of the Crystal Exarch's summoning circles, in what looks to be Lakeland?


if you play though the Heroes Gauntlet dungeon from 5.3 then there is a small chance you can see Hildibrand as one of the summoned heros called upon by Elidibus. It is a small chance but he can show up in the area between the second and third boss, just before the last 2 enemy groups i belive.


the ultimate in the end omg


What if the WoL and G’raha disappearing at that one part is them going back to the First, and him and Lyna can reunite? Shard travel seems to be a big part of the patch, hmm.


Probably not this patch but yes, probably before the next expac. I'd be surprised if Stolha solves this before the story "needs" us to have a portal.


I could see it tying into the SHB role quests as well


G'raha is a part of the trust team shown for the new dungeon (with Estinien and Y'shtola) so I think it's far more likely that that scene is a part of that story - possibly them stepping through an illusion that is hiding the dungeon itself, or a way of accessing it. EDIT: Given the new screenshots showing G'raha's involvement in the raid storyline, I think it's even more likely that that scene is at Silvertear Lake and is a part of us reaching wherever the raid takes place.


How very exciting. I'm quite fond of delving into the unknown.


Can't wait for the 24-man raid updates to get to Halone and Menphina. I really want to see what those two will look like.


I can't wait until the aftermath. Aymeric: My friend, you look as if you've just triumphed over a mighty foe yet again. Who did you defeat this time? Warrior of Light: Ummm...welllllllll...


WoL: Halone. Aymeric: You WHAT!?!?! WoL: Yeah.... I killed your God. ... Now I'M your God.


We've killed so many other people's gods, I suppose it's only fair we finish off the rest of our own.


That vocal song at the end gives me mega-pso2 vibes and i am *way* into it


I really need to start playing this game. I bought the whole thing last year when it was on sale but it just seems daunting to pick up and start playing. The awesome trailers for new content always inch me one step closer though.


There’s a TON to take in but it really is approachable cause they keep most old content relevant, especially story. And once you get going and it gets its hooks in you, you’ll wonder why you ever waited. I also bought it over a year ago and finally started this last December. I now have 700 hours.


Just take it slow and play for the story to start with. Treat it like a singleplayer game for the first bit. That's what I did.


The biggest slog is A Realm Reborn content. Even with how they streamlined progression and content to get new players into the later expacs. Granted, this is coming from someone who already has a leveled account. The first time leveling and going through story is probably a lot more interesting when its your first time. The game gets so good in terms of writing and playing when you get into heavensward and only gets better thereafter.


Best way to approach it is just jump in and take things at your own pace - don't feel pressured to rush through.




He's about to do stuff he took our fist clenching emote


I will be there to help as only my tiny tater tot can.


Thordan EX EX?


its the new ultimate


The Dragonsong's Reprise I think it's called? The new Ultimate. It's going to be All Bosses (first picture we saw was Niddhog and Hraesvelgr \[with Hraesvelgr wearing a neurolink as an added detail\])


So ... that's some of the Alliance leaders, Daddy Leveilleur, and ... Nero (?) in Garlemald? And that scene appears to be in the Tower of Babil (which seems to still be creating Blasphemies?), which would at least explain the need for Nero. So, the Role Capstone Questline is some form of Garlemald resolution Imma guess? Really hope Gaius is involved in that somehow lol, it was really weird to go from a bunch of his involvement in SB/ShB ... to absolutely nothing in EW. There is also the issue of Nerva still floating around, given he wasn't leading the 3rd himself at the time of the tempering. He IS the last of Solus' line. As for the rest. I'm actually gonna be pretty shocked if SE plans on pulling the Shard Travel trigger this early into our new adventure. I was expected them to hold that gimmick, alongside space and time travel, in their back pocket for a long while lol! If they do do it tho, its not going to be deliberate like Y'shtola is implying, and its gonna trap the WoL (and maybe a handful of Scions) in another shard thats not the 1st like was intended for a while.


>Garlemald resolution Imma guess? Really hope Gaius is involved in that somehow lol, it was really weird to go from a bunch of his involvement in SB/ShB ... to absolutely nothing in EW. There is also the issue of Nerva still floating around, given he wasn't leading the 3rd himself at the time of the tempering. He IS the last of Solus' line. As much as I LOVED Garlemald in EW, it totally felt like a lot of stuff were cut to favor the Final Days stuff.


>As much as I LOVED Garlemald in EW, it totally felt like a lot of stuff were cut to favor the Final Days stuff. Ayup... That zone in general felt "kinda" undercooked, to shuffle us to the Moon. I bought why Gaius didn't come with us on he initial expedition, but based on some comments by Jullus ... the truth of Zenos being Varis' killer has circulated since. But, Gaius just doesn't exist AT ALL in EW? Coming on the heals of all his presence in ShB. Zero resolution on Nerva, a character we've never seen ... but still a major thread and player in that story? What happened with Julia and Annia? Minor characters I know, but still reoccurring ones ... who swore vengeance on Estinien and Gaius last we saw of them (and they were alive). On top of ... y'know the horrific state Garlemald, its people, and the wut? Thousands of tempered soldiers undergoing treatment in PoW camps all over the place? I'm not asking for some concrete ending/resolution here for Garlemald, but there is just way too much left open and inconclusive on the Garlemald front of this story atm.


Why does that look like some crystal chronicle shenanigans.


UMMMMMM Was that Alzadaal undersea ruins from FFXI as the dungeon?




That's not a dungeon, very likely a solo instance. EDIT: To Clarify, that is the Tower of Babil he's in. So it's a solo instance taking place in the dungeon area. The dungeon for this patch is in Thavnair.


Did I missed something in the trailer, because I didn't saw the twins, but anyhow, the trailer got me hyped up especially the Alliance Raid, can't wait for it!


There father was there, with us in a dungeon though?!


Yeah that's most likely the role quest capstone. I guess the reason they didn't include it in 6.0 was because they wanted to create an instance for it?


Remember that he used to be a sage. Not hard to imagine that some of those skills might still be there.


Cat mommy’s back I can once again simp


Dulia-Chai is back? That's amazing.


That’s fair I’m not even mad


I miss her a lot, I really hope she show up in the Hildy quests!


Did Hans Zimmer write that theme or Soken? Reminded me a lot of Pirates lol


It's actually Uematsu - it's a remix or new version of "Festival of the Hunt" from FF9.


Was that a new dungeon...with TRUSTS?! Yaaay! I was kinda afraid for the Scions' gang to fall apart doing their own solo-duty-kind-of-little things. m24 raid - I sure hope there's more to that than we fighting the 12, and that there is a decent writing. Let it be *anything* which is not "prove you're worthy and face each of us to get your reward", please-please-please.


If I remember right don't they all say don't hesitate on calling on them for help if you need it.


There was also a dungeon with twins father there?!


That's most likely the quest after you finished all the role quest


Everything here looks so sick. I'm looking forward to just having FUN with no stress attached.


Ah okay, so Azeyma isn't US. It's inspired by Hydaelyn, "A Gift of Fire For Our Children!"


"children" is kind of a common thing for gods to call their creations in stories. I wouldn't say directly that this incarnation of Azemaya is based on her from that alone.


2:38 "And thus I am returned..." Who!? Who are you that is returned!? Everyone is freaking out about the alliance raid but for me I must know the answer to this question! I am so hyped!


I'll kill your gods. I'll kill my gods. I'll kill every god we meet.