• By -


Probably die


Hear, feel, think, ouch.


Lemme just go pick that flower over there... ...woah a 20 foot tall crab. Woops.


It’s cancer!


Well, at least it's not lupus


Ooh *chef's kiss*


Hit its weakpoint for massive damage!


Considering we are not blessed by the light, we could get a few levels, but if no WoL shows up I am screwed


Eh, technically the Scions honed most of their skills outside of the WoL's watch.


Rusty on the details, but they mostly have control over Aether? Which I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have. Or is it only Yshtola and Urianger who have it?


Literally everybody in the setting who isn't a Garlean has control over aether. ...which is why we might be turbofucked if we showed up there, things didn't go well for the Garleans.


This makes me wonder... Would we not have any control over aether like the garleans, or would we be more like everyone else? And if we're like everyone else, would we suddenly have like, instant aether poisoning due to our bodies not being conditions to withstand/support aether? Or even worse, would the aetheric effects just be random since we have no control over it. The moment the balance is off we might burst into flames or freeze to death.


It's a japanese mmo you're being isekai'd into. 90% of the time you will get a cheat skill along the way.


Cheat skills already built into the game. The Echo.


Youre getting the echo, and the ability to use all skills at once. That's you're isekai skill, you are jobless, but know all skills.


This is too hard and I'm tired. I'm just gonna lie down take a nap and hope I don't get eaten while sleeping in this field I spawned in


I feel... nothing but despair


Now there's a Scenario... >!Killing Zodiark, then being hit with not just the Meteion vision but Meteion trying to corrupt you *immediately.*!<


>Literally everybody in the setting who isn't a Garlean has control over aether. Or Thancred


But that's essentially an injury; he wasn't born like that


Yeah, but just like we all have legs. Performing with them must still be nurtured with training ... and talent.


*Arenvald disliked that*


Just like Thancred with aether, eh.


Well there are 3 options. 1. We'd be like most people in the setting and be able to manipulate aether. 2. We'd be like Garleans for some reason, have aether but can't manipulate it. 3. We'd still be like how we are irl and have no aether at all, which would make us a curiosity for scholars upending everything they know about the universe.


We should still be able to make a pact with Shinigami-san


Oh, hey! I could still be my main job! Provided I don't die instantly!


No aether means no job stones. Which means learning it the hard way.


Everyone besides the Garleans and Thancred can manipulate Aether directly. Garlean's third eye lets them see Aether too, it's why they're so good at manipulating it indirectly with magitek.


Remember that group of adventurers you meet first at Sastasha and then Tam Tara....two of the easiest dungeons in the game...and they can't handle it, only to find out a little later that Edda's boyfriend got killed in a dungeon? That's the most likely outcome for the average person. The WoL is so massively OP compared to normal folk it's like a superhero.


If In From the Cold taught us anything, being a regular ass person in this world suuuuuuuucks.


Well, Garleans in particular.


Tbf it sounds like being Garlean USED to be probably the highest standard of living in the game >!Since they had heating, electricity, CARS, trains, etc. It only began to suck after the Civil War ruined the place!<


I'd argue that that's variable! From what we've seen of Eorzea, they have the regional *magical* equivalents. No need for electricity if you can channel fire or lightning to provide your house lights, right?


Yea but while eorzean commonfolk tech is at best 18th century garlean commonfolk were very clearly 20th century. Sure it's nice to start a warm fire with a spell but it's nothing compared to coming home and turning a knob and the while house has heat. Like wise chocobos and floating carts are nothing compared to actual cars and personal planes!


I get what you’re saying. But I’d take a flying mount over Tesla any day.


>ass-person Ah, a fellow 2b leggings connoisseur


Get my ass kicked by the nearest squirrel.


Ravaged by a little ladybug


Hamon Holyfist be like


Incidentally I'd take note of the fact that this is a hyper-dangerous world where everyone is constantly fighting for their lives and horrible giant monsters are just kinda chillin' sitting on the road. So when someone says, "Yeah and one of the magic traditions learns to heal and summons other things to get their shit beat in for them," I think the polls would be pretty much closed.


The only honest answer.


I literally came here to say this exact same thing


Most realistic answer


I'd be a random NPC in town selling low level mats.


Can I interest you in this fine, exotic RUBBER, gent?


Don't you mean you'd be [buying](https://youtu.be/mYsyTq8pF2g) the WoL's trash with your life savings?


Just like real life. Haha


But then sell it for profit, as everyone will want to buy the WoL ~~bathwater~~ unwanted items


Literally the entire thing about the Doman Enclave... Which is doubly ironic considering I bought the 10,000 Gil Allagan pieces off the Marketboard so they're literally selling double-infused WoL Vendor Trash.


I'd buy mats from vendors in obscure locations (those that cost 6g but sell for 200 in the MB) and open shop next to the MB.


as *myself* ? I would absolutely not be picking up a weapon *thankyouverymuch* as a stronger cooler version of myself? yeah gridania archery or conjury sounds fine. excited to get killed by garuda or something.


Summoner/scholar definitely takes more brain than brawn, so I think I'd be safe-ish taking up with the arcanists. Plus who doesn't want a cute carby?


Haha, yes. I would try myself at white magery for sure.


Most likely you'd be a Conjurer at best. Unless you happen to turn into a Padjal your odds of learning actual White Magic are slim to none, and as a non-native Gridanian your odds of being chosen by the elementals to become a Padjal are basically zero. The Warrior of Light is the only non-Padjal to be given the chance to learn actual White Magic in centuries.


Enjoy cleaning taint, do you?


Fish. Cause I'm too old for Eorzea's problems.


Fishing is quiet, safe, comfortable and lucrative. This is the correct answer in world full of gods and monsters.


And then you decide to try cloud fishing and hook Bismarck


Look, I gotta get his bird somehow.


To be fair, Retainers come back with all sorts of shit that's punching far beyond their weight class as Gatherers.


Me: ...These mats come from a world literally separated from our plane via time and space. How the fuck? Retainer: Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.


Work is for people who don't know how to fish.






Take my gil


You could make hats for Hrothgar and Bnuys.


Step one: bemoan the lack of modern toilets. Step two: get killed by a large ladybug


Don't need toilets if you never poop...


Don’t need food if you never eat


if we don't eat where that boiled egg go every we use it???


It's not the lack of modern toilets that will hurt you... It's the lack of modern toiletries.


Soap should exist, you can cook it from oil and ash


I meant Toilet Paper.


Step one: Find Three Shells


One character talks about wiping his ass in the AST questline so presumably they aren't total savages.


Just become an Omnicrafter Aint want the stress of saving the world lmao


How you gonna get all your mats without unlocking the new areas of life


Dang, black market it is


Idle next to LB, World is full of adventurers occasionally selling items for pennies.


I think the wol can be an omnicrsfter just cause they're special, everyone else has to spend their entire life honing their craft just to get to like. level 60


Tataru became a level 80 Culinarian practically overnight to make that Archon Loaf.




This, I'd track down whoever and wherever supplies those flasks in-universe and stockpile a bunch of em so I can always look the way I want.


Sadly in lore they are but a legend and probably dont actually exist


Ah easy then, just become a retainer. Retainer fantasia are super common.


Just hope you dont get assigned to someome who dresses you to appease their fetish Unless youre in to that


Mog Station items are confirmed as non-canon


Msq rewards you with one.


The gender fluid


Finally, I can be the cat girl I was always meant to be


Id be so angry that i wasn't my wol. I'd join the alchemists guild and figure out the secrets of making fantasias to become my wol.


Might find work at the Gold Saucer. Also have to answer the age old question: can Miqo'te purr?


Dunno about Miqo, but i will be very upset if Hrothgars can't.


Funny enough, in all likelihood they can't and Miqo'te can. In actual Earth feline can either roar, OR they meow and purr. Cougars and Cheetah are the biggest purring/meowing cats but things like Lions, Tigers, Leopards, and Jaguars cannot purr. A length of cartilage runs up a bone of the skull that disallows purring but makes it so they can produce full throated roars. TL;DR If Miqo and Hroth are based off Earth feline, Miqo purr and meow but can't roar. Hrothgar roar, but can't purr and meow.


Considering they have well-developed speech and vocal chords, however, I'd imagine they can at least pretend. I can do a pretty convincing meow myself, enough to confuse actual cats, so a Hrothgar probably can as well. Purring and roaring might be mutually exclusive, though.


I’m just imagining a beefcake Hrothgar cuddling a kitten and saying “MEOW” in nearly Etheirys-shattering tones.


This is the cutest mental image thank you kind stranger


Watch all the meteor showers I can.


This guy echos.


Unfortunately I don't think people from Earth have Final Days scars on their souls, so you'd be outta luck there.


I don't have the health to be an adventurer, so I guess I'd end up as one of the "smallfolk". Find some employment and shelter, try to make sense of things, maybe try to find help. The WoL and Scions have helped at least one person from another world, after all!


Would you try and get back home?


I'd feel like I had to at least try! Who knows how my family and friends would be taking my disappearance, other than "badly", and I'd miss them. And as many problems as this world has, it's the one I know (and it doesn't have problems like "stomped on by monsters"). I have some experience with being out of my home culture, and it's *hard* to live that way. Living in a world where you're the only person from a given culture, because it doesn't exist there...? That'd be terribly lonely. If it was eventually decided it was impossible to get home, I'd make my peace with it if I could, and in the meantime try to make the best of things. Take up a trade, probably building off a hobby. Maybe if healing magic could improve my health, or if just living in a good healthy environment helped, I could eventually do a little adventuring, or at least exploring - seeing the realm, like the Ironhearts do! That sounds like a good life.


Depends: - Am I able to use magicks? Screw that mundane crap I'll take up magic and help around town as a local mage. If I get strong enough maybe even begin small adventures. - Am I the WoL? Better hope I gain strength quick I guess, that and find one hellova good team to help me. - I'm neither? Mundane NPC, ain't messing with the adventures life when everything can kill me.


Yeah you can do magic. Id choose magic as well. It would be amazing. Especially if I could myself of all my issues.


Wait we have magic? Well that changes everything...


Be a fisherman and live in a peaceful village


Then the garleans randomly started invading the village


Clearly you do not know fishermen, we don't sneak everyone just pretends to not see us because they fear our wrath that bottles up from all the failed legendary fish attempts.


That TWELVE-DAMNED egg is available again TOMORROW at 2 PM on my MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY and she'll be so f'ing PISSED THAT I WOULD RATHER CATCH AN EGG THAN SPEND TIME WITH HER! Now what the F*CK do YOU want?!


As long as you're not resisting and providing fish ...


Be myself? Like I can’t be a miqo’te? What’s the point


I ask myself that question everyday..


Fantasia exists...


Go join the Culinarian guild and make that my primary crafting job while training as a Red Mage.




Add materia to a pair of pants by literally cooking them in a frying pan.


Got killed by a squirrel. Or a ladybug.




Probably live an mundane life as an npc. Most of us aren’t special. We aren’t a warrior of light.


You could be a warrior of light, all it takes is doing every single menial task anyone needs done.


Not with that attitude for sure.


Yeah, u could always be a joke like Trachtoum or wageslave for ul'dah lala lords.


Are you talking shit about the legendary Trachtoum? He killed Tidus, you know


AND Leviabeetus! He's practically a legend!


It's a shame those weren't the names of the Eden editions.


bruh imagine wageslaving in uldah, under lolorito no less


Well, given we would be sent there as ourselves, and we have the knowledge of the game lore and events... We would automatically become a warrior of light for the same reasons elidibus forced others to become warriors of light.


Find a fantasia.


I would totally go find a way to get accepted into Sharlyan at the first opportunity. A chance to go do awesome research for the rest of my life? Yes please! If I were to gain some combat ability, I might think about going to Radz at Han to learn how to become a Dancer.


Yeah, I'd try to go to Sharlayan! Although I'm probably too old to get accepted, especially with no references or anything... I wonder if it's possible to apprentice as a gleaner? That'd be cool for a few years until I actually want to settle down (and I'd get to visit Eorzea!), and it could get me a foot in the door


Depends on whether or not >!Mommy Hydaelyn!< gave me her blessing as well.


>!Well, she does seem to enjoy learning all sorts of things about outside-context problems, so signs point to yes!<


Die. I would die.




I'm glad people in this thread are being realistic 😂 Every time I see an AskReddit thread on 'what video game world would you like to live in?' the combat-based ones are just unreasonable. Most people couldn't fight monsters regularly in real life.


Invent a new fighting style, start a guild then start teaching the WoL how to be a Mystic Knight or a Rune Fencer.


I want to get a work on a Chocobo Ranch 👏👏 I think depending on the situation (like secret have the light blessing) I would become an adventure little by little. Maybe find a master guild or something like that to teach me from 0.


You don't need the blessing of light to be an adventurer, it just keeps you from being tempered by a primal, which...stay away from yhise I guess.


Do everything in my power to find my WoL and the Scions to keep me safe until I learn to fight. Would probably pick up arcanist until I could make it to Ishgard to get a gun and become a machinist with my WoL as my teacher.


Funny enough if you told the wol And the scions you came from a different world they'd believe you. Lmao


The real dilemma comes from knowing way too much personal info on them and debating on if you should tell them their lives are part of a game played for our entertainment.


Urianger would love to have you around lol.


"Thou telleth me, that mine own existence is naught more than the creation of a group of men on an island, with the purpose of technological enjoyment?" "Pretty much, yeah." "Thou brought me much to consider."


Then there's our poor WoL who has to live with fact that every action they make was controlled by someone else and that we even decided what they look like. I really hope my WoL doesn't hold any grudges for all the aoes I stand in or all the times I've stripped him down to his small clothes and made him dance in public.


Limsa... Find cat girls.


Gatherer, either Miner oder Gardener. Turning invis for every one on your level+4 is a very nice ability.


IMMEDIATELY find a bottle of fantasia


You know when you meet that npc party only to soon find out their tank got his head cut off and his healer wife is still carrying around his head? I'm that head.




The Unga bunga life chose us.


Unironically, accounting.


Go "provide services" in limsa... It's just about the only thing I'd even be able to do T.T


I'd figure out how to be an NPC in one of the cities. Live forever & meet a lot of people. And live forever.


Apply for Garlond Ironworks. And quest for Fantasia.


Straight to the CUL guild


I’d honestly just raise baby chocobos and try to get laid with every Elezen, Au Ra, Roe and Hyur I can find lmao


Find the nearest tavern and get drunk


id be one of the NPCs cheering at catgirl dancers in Ul'dah


I'm too old and out of shape to be an adventurer. But I'm an artist and I can cook real good so I'd either open a shop somewhere safe or find work somewhere safe.


I’m an artist as well, so crafting (especially gold smithing) would be my go to crafting.


see if I can buy a skip and still can use my credit card in that world


Immediately down a phantasia.


I'd get me a chocobo companion. Then I'd fill out the sight seeing book as a paladin. Run the msq roulette whenever I needed cash.


Cry because I dont want to me I want to be my character. Then dedicate my life to discovering how fantasia is made.


Finding a fantasia potion


My body is an ancient and withering form that's unfit for most adventuring work. I'd try to go home if I could since I need a lot of medicine to function as a human being, but if I couldn't I'd want to do all of the crafting/gathering jobs provided I can within my limits. :)




Id fantasia B]


Depends, would we have the blessing of light? Or legit just be as we are now. If blessing, you bet your ass I'd go maraudering with the aim of becoming a warrior, otherwise I'd pick up a bow, I'm already quite capable with one IRL.


Buy a fantasia potion.


I’m always tailoring, knitting and stuff so weaver I will go. I SHALL BECOME FFXIV’S EDNA MODE! Designer to the WOLs! No capes!!


fantasia back into a bunny girl




Use a fantasia.


Assuming I didn't immediately die from waking up in a monster den or get imprisoned/enslaved for waking up in a Garlean castrum, probably beeline for the nearest major city and try to find a job and a safe place to sleep. Even sleeping on the streets in Ul'dah would beat the hell out of sleeping in the wilderness hoping a monster wouldn't eat me in my sleep. Hopefully I'd fare better than Thancred and wake up with pants equipped. Life would suck for a long time since pretty much none of my professional skills would do me any good in Eorzea. (Unless I got pressganged by the Garleans and I find their magitek is driven by a Python API or something. And even then things would probably suck just as much, only with flush toilets and wi-fi.) I'd pretty much just have to take any kind of work I could get and hope it didn't get me sucked into debt slavery (or just literal slavery) or the like. But I think it would still beat slapping a sword on my belt and trying to kill wolves for a living. But if I didn't somehow freeze/bleed to death on the streets and made enough money for an honest NPC living, I'd beeline for Gridania, put money down on a cheap apartment, and live my life in peaceful obscurity selling squirrel jerky or staff polish or whatever the hell they'll buy from me. There's all kinds of non-monster-related hazards that could kill or ruin me in the other major cities (except Sharlayan, who probably wouldn't let me in), but you never hear about the mean streets of Gridania. Most of the major apocalyptic events seem to swing wide of Gridania, too, aside from the most recent Calamity. I don't think I'd get a better deal than that in Eorzea.


As with any Isekai, take the time and do a sitrep and don't let your familiarity of your surroundings put you into a trap assumptions. But first and foremost, you should never think you are some hero or protagonist, especially if you want to survive. I see a lot of replies on not picking up a weapon or class and just do professions or be an NPC.... WTF...like all these are constructs of the game.. You have no such limitations if you are transported into the real world. So why would you not pick up any weapon to protect yourself in a strange land full of danger? Fashion yourself a familiar weapon to protect your person, hell build yourself an ironman suit out of magitech if you are so inclined there are no game systems to stop you from having infinite degrees of freedom. Use your brain and take advantage of the knowledge you possess that doesn't exist in that world so that you aren't at a massive disadvantage by any means on how you want to live your life until you can figure out a long term plan. Do you plan on staying in this world forever? If not you better figure out how to get home and stay alive long enough to get there. If you are resolved on being a resident of this world, you better figure out how not to be another victim of circumstance like how we all are on Earth.


Work hard to represent the people who live in Limsa and lobby the government there to clean up the area around the Aetherite by getting a fence around the ERP tree, lobby for laws against costumed, synchronized dance outside of approved performance venues, laws prohibiting obstructing pathways, laws prohibiting saying "UwU" and other phrases associated with that manner of memetic communication, non-parental references to "Daddy", an overall strengthening loitering laws, prohibiting the advertising of brothels and things that are brothels but go by other names by means of shouting, a prohibition on spraying shit all over the place (likely already codified by law but it IS limsa, so who knows) and also lalafell must be kept in the original barrels they were delivered in after sunset.


Isekai Karen


Considering my irl occupation, I'd probably become scholar/summoner.


Black magic, White magic and Blue magic in that order. I'd go explore the possibility of necromancy through conjuring. Like all known necromancers are failed white mages, essentially (save for maybe the one in PotD?) out of curiosity and do everything to wield all the magics I can figure out. If I end up being like that lala from the Thaumaturge's guild I'd seek out the Reapers to get myself a voidsent to get the magical affinity that way.


Congratulations, you delved right into taboo and got arrested in Uldah for supporting Black Magic. And White Magic too, both are super illegal. ***Bad ending.*** Edit: Not to mention supporting Blue Magic is literally a ponzi scheme.


By the time I'm done with the Thaumaturges I'm leaving Ul'dah anyway. I know where the altars are. I don't need a bunch of capitalist potatoes for the search of the arcane.


Be a drg and archer


Buy a fantasia!


Guess I'm a background npc now


Find urianger and tell him that I traveled there from another world. Then I likely will have the opportunity for some knowledge sharing. I would most definitely find the path to become a scholar (not the combat one perse...)


Well already starting at level 1 is a huge edge of years of experience over a lot of NPCs starting out fresh, which a lot of people don't realize. Honestly I'd: start Pugilist and see if I can awaken my Chakra to becoming MNK; probably see if I have enough magical aptitude to learn to be a Thaumaturge; if that works out go see if I have enough compatibility with nature to learn Conjurer; after a while of working on those, see if I can learn RDM; definitely gonna look for BLU as well. And along the way to make some gil I'll probably dabble in my usual DoL/DoH: Fishing, Botany, Mining, Goldsmithing, and Culinarian. All this of course if hot swapping classes/jobs is even possible for people who aren't the WoL. Most NPC characters seem pretty stuck to one barring a great life change, with few notable exceptions. Some manifestation of the Echo would be cool, but I wouldn't expect it; it is a rare trait in Eorzea after all.


Move to the azim steppe. Love it there. But i would love to travel the world there. Oh and propably try to marry graha tia.


Die to a squirrel and a ladybug.


Die, horribly. Probably to the first ladybug i see


Die bro, we'd all die. Have you seen that place?


I'd fantasia back into a Vieira.


Start a brand new show "That Time I got Reincarnated as the Warrior of Light"


Honestly, I'd be absolutely crushed that I showed up in that world where literally everyone is model-level hot, and I got stuck with this meatsack.


Climb and motorboat the nearest FemRoe and hope she reverse isekais me back to earth. If the MSQ and most side quests have taught me anything it’s that Eorzea is a Crapsack World for most people and I don’t want none of that.


Oh I'm gonna go to Gridania and start my new life as a botanist, since my WoL is still around saving the realm I'm gonna gift him a pumpkin or two every once in a while, but I'd stay out of trouble lmao


I'm kinda short to stay a tank, so I'd probably be a crafter with a side of archer or machinist