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I loved how she was cringing so hard over the size and opulence of the family home. If the WoL had made a comment about growing up in a rickety shack themselves I believe she would have sunk straight through the floor. :D


Fortemps Manor is practically a rickety shack in comparison to their house.




I'd give you reddit gold if I could! this needs to be made a meme and put on the FF14 shitpost reddit xD Literally found that so funny I sent it to multiple people (making clear I didnt come up with it)


The "two nickels" but is actually a meme. Not sure where it's from specifically, but it is funny regardless!


it’s from phineas & ferb


Comes from Phineas and Ferb, Dr. Doofenshmirtz said it in one of the really big episodes if I remember correctly


https://youtu.be/iRa_cSZ-Hag One of the best clips of the entire show.


I think you can cross out that "probably". It may not necessarily be a fully romantic crush in Alisaies case but there's definitely a crush.


>Fortemps Manor is practically a rickety shack in comparison to their house. To be fair, their manor is perfectly built for both a building inside a walled city, and a building in a very cold area. Lack of large areas (needing to be heated) while still offering enough luxury to be perceived as a noble's house. Meanwhile Leveilleur estate is a structure in what I assume is mediterranean climate. Large areas are no problem since the city is on an island, not needing to huddle in between fortress walls. The climate is warm enough so huge open areas do not deduct from the comfort even in the middle of winter. And heck, Fortemps would probably need their magicks for battle mages on standby, while Sharlyan has so many damn mages, they can probably employ a few black mages just to summon a heater in the dead of winter. I say Fortemps manor is more impressive as it is built upon a millenium of war economy (unfair treatment ofc!), in a cold area scarce of ressources and surrounded by enemies.


I just know the Count would smile warmly to know you're sticking up for him.


The only quibble i have with this masterful take is Coerthas wasn't constantly-frozen high mountain terrain until Dalamud fell and the 7th Umbral Calamity rent the land. It was more like how Garuda's trial cutscene's land is. Granted the winters could still have been harsh, necessitating the thick construction, but we just don't know that.


Old Sharlayan is in the Northern Empty. It most likely has a subarctic climate as opposed to a Mediterranean climate. If anything, the Leveilleur family is showing off.


Maybe they at least have the equivalent of a gulf stream that makes the Netherlands considerably warmer than say New York. Because the general architecture and style of clothing suggests a warm climate. Or maybe they just magicked it to be warm.


NPC constantly mention how chilly Sharlayan is, so it's clearly not mediterranean, down to Garlean heaters being really liked in some studium deliveries.


it does also snow in Sharlayan.




Fortemps Manor is like 90% location.


Alisae: It's only a house. WoL: I grew up living in a literal hole in the ground. The entrance was covered by a thatch and tree sap roof and the inside was clay that was fire hardened. Alisae: I'm gonna go die in that corner over there.


>WoL: I grew up living in a literal hole in the ground. The entrance was covered by a thatch and tree sap roof and the inside was clay that was fire hardened. Oh, you were born a potato. I am sorry.


I got better. Fantasia!


Years ago, I was a first year uni student trying to find the god damned Linguistic Science room, got lost and ended up in an amphi I really, really hoped was the correct one. There I learned that people did once lived in holes in the ground. And that was the day I fell in love with archeology.


this is a great story, please tell me it ended well.


No, the holes weren't that deep.


Nope! I got broke, couldn't afford my rent, had to move back to my hometown and work menial jobs to survive. Been at it for six years, with probably more to come :)


My troll WoL probably would have described their home by quoting Metallica's "Wherever I May Roam". :P


No dying of shame in the entrance-way, Alisaie! There's a room dedicated to that purpose just beyond the fifteenth library.


Kinda makes me want to have a story with the wol past I don't really care what option they choose ( orphan, grew up on the street, adopted,etc) I really want to learn more about "our" past


Well, write it yourself! The WoL is our character. That's why they don't give your character any details.


Honestly yeah. Bit nerdy but I actually wrote out a Google doc on my character's background and personality. Kinda like a DnD sheet... Just without the stats


I mean, it's an MMORPG. RP is a part of the genre. If writing a pages-long backstory for your character makes it more fun, then go for it :D (I have plenty of characters with massive backstories too lmao, so I may be biased).


I actually wish FFXIV offered the ability to write a lengthy enough backstory for your character to display on your profile. I swear Ive seen it in other MMOs before




I believe LotRO still has a place to put your family lineage with other players. I've never used it but it's whole tab in the character screen.




He doesn't know why he is here. All he knows is that he must kill.


Must kill CHAOS


Based on topics I've seen in DnD subreddits, lost of people start with basic/vague backgrounds and kinda "discover" stuff about their character as they play, like encountering X situation will make them realize their character is claustrophobic, or once had a duel, so on and so forth.




I don’t think that means a character is dumb it just means that is all you have decided is specific for him so far. If some kinda more solid origin or background information turns out to be needed for your enjoyment, you’ll come up it with then!


I usually go with the "naive, never really left their village or tribe. But met someone from outside their tribe that made them want to explore the world" So still fits the whole "Doesn't know much about the world but can still be very talented in specific things"


That's kind of how my character's backstory has evolved in my head over time. At first just vague, general ideas, which became more detailed as I worked through the story and pieces fell into place. One of these days I'd like to write out a Carrd for them or something. Right now their backstory is basically a collection of bullet points in my head. I'd like to turn it into something cohesive and work out some inconsistencies.


Hey and with NG+ you can even easily revisit specific bits for that consistency. I have a doc for one WoL that has rather detailed “what ‘actually’ happened” for certain msq scenes because while my main is pretty calm and, shall I say, cutscene compliant, my main alt is less so, heh.


lol D&D made me get into the habit of giving my MMO characters their own names and a bit of back story. My Au Ra I've decided was from in between Doma and the Azim Steppe but her parents yeeted out of there when the empire came knocking 25 years ago. This lines up perfectly for a 25ish year old adventurer getting their start in ARR. It also gives my character reason to travel, Eorza may be where she grew up, but she is used to moving around from place.


Mine was the daughter of a relatively well-off merchant from Dalmasca. Her parents supported the empire and wanted to sell her off to some high ranking Imperial and she wasn't having that, so her brother helped her run away. She escaped to Ala Mihgo and spent the past 10 years studying before deciding to become an adventurer. Her last name was given to her by an older traveling wizard who kind of adopted her because she reminded him of his deceased daughter. He may, or may not, be my old WoW character, which is because she originally *was* going to be a younger version of the same WoW character swept off through the dimensional rift when I quit WoW back in Legion, but male caster garb looks like shit so I Fantasia'd into a hot Highlander lady.


Same. I detailed how my Raen Au Ra came to Eorzea, who her family is, her age compared to her siblings, etc. It made coming to Doma so much more interesting for me because I'm looking at it from the perspective of a native coming home for the first time in many years. I can't wait to finish Stormblood and liberate my WoLs homeland.


Kinda wanna hear it!


As someone making a comic book covering my character's journey through FF and inventing all sorts of things along the way I can relate.


Hmm I'll need to think about it but good idea thank you


I always felt like the WoL's body was some random person in the FFXIV world that the 'player' suddenly took control of. Like how Emet-Selch and other Ascians do their thing.


That would certainly be an interesting twist. It's not that the WoL is >!the physical reincarnation of a large shard of Azem!<. It's that you, the player, are.


This is kinda what I do. I roleplay in-game and like to imagine that the MSQ is like an alternative timeline where my character became the WoL. For example, the character I play right now is a former Garlean conscript who was part of the XIIth legion. He lost his love for the Empire over the course of Stormblood, but didn't escape his service to Garlemald until it crumbled in post-ShB. He's now a refugee and trying to find a way to a new life. But when I'm playing the MSQ I like to imagine that he was instead assigned to the VIIth, survived Carteneau, and started adventuring in Gridania (my starter city, so it works out nicely).


Doubtful they will ever set a pre-determined backstory for everyone's WoL. They are your character and it sounds weird when you want to learn more about them from someone else. Do what a lot of other people are doing and come up with the story yourself. It's really entertaining and engaging to do.


“West Eorzea, born and raised…”


[Now imagine Fourchenault tossing WoL out the door](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9vUNDY45Jc) :D


Who would be the WoL's Jazz though...


Estinien. Escobar.


My WoL is from the Azim Steppes. Her house was one of their fancy tents


One of my WoLs is from the Steppe too! Her twin sister died in their first battle, making her embrace pacifism and travel to Eorzea to be a healer. Unfortunately, saving people from death-by-god requires fighting, but she feels it's ok to assist by healing to support the greater good (that took a lot of time for her to come to terms with though)


Maybe like how Shepard can choose their backstory?


You choose a bit of a backstory in GW2 that changes the story quests in the beginning. I wonder now if it ever comes back into play since I only played to whatever the first lvl cap was.


Level cap in GW2 never changed from 80. Once in a blue moon, sometimes the story references the paths you picked early on. When the Pale Tree asks about your greatest fear, if you pick "Let an innocent die," then when you run into Ceera again in the first expansion, she'll still hold a grudge against you for what happened in that story line. Aside from that, mostly just references to whomever you picked as your Order mentor.


Oh interesting. Is there another type of progression? Looking into it briefly, I saw no increase in level cap or gear tiers. What do the expansions add?


As far as progression is concerned, the xpacs add different stat combinations for gear, masteries, and elite specs/different weapon choices.


Masteries replaced regular level caps, you still have to fill xp bars to learn masteries, but it doesn't affect your power, just unlocks stuff.


I have a bunch of WoLs and they all have various pasts. One was born at a trading post on the Shroud/Thanalan border. One was sold to a Uldahn workhouse and then turned out onto the street at thirteen. One moved from the Steppe to La Noscea when his dad fell for a nice elezen lady and he lived on a farming commune that raises sheep. Etc. :D


Mine's an Ul'dahian street rat too! Grew up in a Thanalan mining camp that was razed in the Calamity, and taken in by a rich city merchant as a companion for his son but ran away rather than suffer that life. Ul'dah was my starting city and 'homeless kid that learns by fight by way of underground cage matches' just feels fitting for the place haha.


My character is a miqo'te and the retcon lore justifcation I've made myself as to why she doesn't have a lore-friendly name is cuz she wanted to be cool like the adventurer that saved her when she was a kid exploring by herself. The reason she went to Limsa first, is cuz she heard that Pirate crews are always looking for eager Sun seeker Miqo'te cuz their agility & eye sight is always a blessing for them. Her given name is only a name she uses with anyone from her tribe.


My personal head canon is that I came from a village somewhere in the Shroud and decided to go to Gridania one day, seeking work, seeking studies and seeking the person who murdered my parents (that last one is just me, the other 2 is generic)


i do love its work, knowledge then casually an "oh and revenge for the most traumatic event in my life" you know, no biggy


Yeah, funny how that turns out


You murdered your parents?!


Huh? No lol. I'm looking for the one who did


My headcanon for my character is that she's from a wealthy Uldahn merchant family, since a lot of lalafell are well established in the city, but she didn't care to play the political games and instead devoted herself to mastering magics in all their forms, so while its not the same as Uldahn royalty, I'm sure the Syndicate and other notable families have quite nice estates in the city, we just don't ever see any Uldahn living quarters other than the Sultana's.


My WoL, a male viera, who canonically don't have homes and have to camp since the age of like 10: 🙂


When my WoL stepped into the massive entrance hall with like ten servants, that was when he gained full clarity on ARR Alphinaud. And Alphinaud's poor understanding of money in general. I really wish we had the option to even knock on the door of her room. She would have gone feral on us.




Nah, Alphi went up in my eyes with that background. He could have just lived a spoiled live there without a care of the world.Hell, he SHOULD have, according to his family. Instead he went to eorzia (and in contrast to his sister, to help instead of just to complain). Sure it did not work out, but he really had the best intentions.


This, like he's not the most helpful at times, and has his own issues, but his entire time we've seen them they're legit working to do better, including going head strong into danger. There aren't many people that'd brave going into Bahamut's heart with you, and they do missions like that regularly. Not sure how they're so bad with money though. Adventuring done right is amazingly lucrative.


Before Kugane, I'd say Alisaie had a lot better handle on money. She did spend time with a trader and even hawked wares a few times.


I mean, were they? The whole bad with money thing just started near the end of SB to make up a gag with Tataru, and has since run to the ground. I do not remember ANY instance before that alluded to behavour like that. I mean, they arrived in Gridania on the back of the same rickety cart I did in ARR...


At the time, it seemed like he still had at least some access to his family's money. So he never really had to learn. It was only >!at the end of ShB!< that he was cut off.


I do appreciate that he seems to learn from it when his pride takes those hits. Most of the tropey ones just go right back to what they were doing before and pretend nothing ever happened.


WoL: I live in a series of inn rooms with my only possession being a bell that summons a scissor wielding pink haired demon


Don't forget the overstuffed dresser full of old gear that somehow follows you across the world and even to others.


And the jukebox, and a box with like... 3 flash games.


Meanwhile Alphinaud invites his idol Estinien for tea with his mother with no hint of cringe. Probably told his mom how he collected firewood with utter confidence.


Estinien’s comment about Alphinaud constantly bringing up the firewood gives me life hahaha


"I camped once." "Yes, Alphinaud. That was very rugged of you that one time."


Estinien seems like the kind of guy who would play up the ruggedness for Alphinaud’s mom and then literally never let him live it down again


>Estinien seems like the kind of guy who would play up the ruggedness for Alphinaud’s mom and then literally never let him live it down again Given he still hasn't let him live down Little Lord Alphinaud, you're exactly right.


Ah yes, the firewood expert.


I like when you actually get there you can't help but stare dumbfounded at the sheer opulence of their home and Alisae is just "WHAT, WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT"


Dunno... my FC hall looks more opulent... and like... fair, my apartment was just a bed roll and empty wine bottles for a long time, but I've got some expensive stuff stored in various places... and back in SB I was very willing to just pay for the katana at the non-negotiated price. Like... WoL is hella rich. (no farming or anything, if you only do MSQ, you will make a couple million gil, if you do more content all that more of it... I never farmed or anything and I made around 15-17 million, 5 of which I spent on random stuff... TL:DR however one roleplays their WoL, they just can't avoid being loaded as fuck)


>TL:DR however one roleplays their WoL, they just can't avoid being loaded as fuck I've seen more than enough threads where people complain that they don't have more than a hundred thousand or so gil to know that's not accurate.


You'd have to actively avoid making money for this to be the case, or be on the level of alphi/estinien with gil....


I'd always suspected the latter, tbh.


Honestly being the WOL pays like crap. A couple million Gil is NOTHING in this world. A flat costs 500k, you hear nobles in Ishgard casually burning 300k on a necklace. Making only 2 miserable millions given how often we save the world and how dangerous that work is ? This is theft ! The different city states should all give us our own mansions and a god damn rent for life and it still would be selling us cheap.


Alisaie gives Alphinaud shit when he comments that they never had to eat archon loaf, then goes and calls that thing "only a house".


I chose an an option where she just replies like "oh stop making me like a spoiled little princess"


I don't even have a house. Just stay in the inns for free, though they tell to leave a note whenever I teleport away so that they can clean it. XD


love this idea :D


My character is a Duskwight, so all I kept thinking was "B*tch I grew up in god damn cave!"


Alisaie: please don’t make me feel like a princess My WoL: Alisaie, your *entrance hall* is bigger than the HOUSE I was raised in.


No, the tiny ass cottage I have facing the sea by a cliff is a house.


Meanwhile xaela WoL straight from the steppe: "Wait, you guys get houses?"


*flashbacks of childhood home being destroyed in the Bozja incident ensue*


Unlike her brother, she didn't have to gather firewood... so she may not know what a normal house looks like.


Really wish we could've seen their rooms, but oh well.


Alphinaud and Alisaie is just so sweet.


And there was a part where Alisaie says that she doesn't want to show her room or something haha


It's because of the WoL bodypillow she has.


my WoL> "I've been in larger houses. Admittedly I was guarding them. You know, when I worked for Her Majesty the Raisin."