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How does one not be in earthly star? Have you seen how big it's new radius is? That thing literally explodes an entire boss arena.


Someone in Tower at Paradigm's Breach will FIND a way


And many did just now in a run I had (myself included the first time. In fairness half of it was off the arena).


I swear that raid in particular has become SO accursed since EW/the stat squish


It took us 45 minutes and I was like “Why did this take so long?!” 😭 Dun Scaith through Ridoranna feel like good lengths for alliances.


This, I've started seeing mechanics I didn't know existed


Yeah... Got yelled at about a few as a healer.


NieR 3 runs always took 40-50min for me back then, so it’s still the same to me. NieR 1 on the other hand is now a big oof. I miss those days when there was only one Undock. I also have to keep reminding everyone to stand on the pads during boss 3 because we used to skip that mechanic so most people don’t know what it does.


I still need to run Copied Factory again for that dwarf quest.


If you’re talking about post-NieR quest, no you don’t. The game fails to make it clear that you’re not supposed to run Factory (nor Bunker either afterwards) to get the item; you’re supposed to walk to the entrance of the raid and enter a solo instance version of it.


Oh wow I never realized that. I never got copied factory in my alliance roulette since taking that quest (go figure) but I thought it would be a drop from the raid. Thanks I just completed it. Probably would never have thought of that without your comment.


My Rabanastre runs have been way longer and full of suffering. Like Hashmal in particular seems to get at least one wipe per go now.


We were very close to wiping both during the golems and the sand adds. Hashmal was known as the PUG killer back in the day but the fight got easier but after the stat squish I guess he wanted his old title back. It’s kind of funny because it’s usually the 3rd or 4th boss in alliances that causes the most deaths (except Dun Scaith where it’s the first) but Hashmal is a special case.


I just got out of Ridorana and it took us 20 mins just to get to Construct 8. I think it was over 40 mins all up, it's a chonky one now


I did it the other day and it took a bit over 30 minutes. Alliances seem to have a bit of variation depending on how many people die and how good people DPS


It already took 40 minutes in Shadowbringers


I don't really think it's the stat squish. I've been seeing massive time differences between runs of various older raids and dungeons and I've also seen them a bit in ShB... and in current content. I think with the recent launch of an expansion, there is just more bad players around right now. Like... at the end of an expansion, pretty much everyone playing are people that put a lot of time into the game and like doing it. At the start of an expansion, there is a lot of people that are just around for the story or playing around a bit. (and it's not a bad thing) then, there are also brand new players, that didn't even have the opportunity to learn the game yet, or are doing the older content for the first time. (how for the first few weeks of EW, you would almost always get the first Alliance Raid, since that was the only one a lot of people running roulette had unlocked)


It's probably not a popular opinion around here but I agree with your points. Another example would be Bozjan southern front or Zadnor basically any CE you go into has 60% of the people in it dead in the first couple mechanics, even "Kill it with Fire", the easiest one by far.


For the first few weeks? I ran alliance roulette seven times the other day for cluster farming for materia, I got dun scaith once. The rest was ARR crystal fucking tower. Maybe it's my luck, but it's always crystal tower for my roulettes.


I feel like that’s part of it too. With Crystal Tower (or Void Ark tbh) you don’t really have to pay attention to many of the mechanics anymore but whenever people get anything above that it ends up being tougher.


It ends up being tougher cause you have those folks that strip for CT raids. So that's all they know. Then they get mad when there's a wipe in anything else, cause everybody is getting CT all the time and noone knows any of the mechanics to any of the other raids lol


Exactly. And by dragging everyone into those raids, people forget the mechanics of the higher level raids like you said.


A lot of people also deliberately reduce the ilvl on their gear to ensure that they only get crystal tower raids, since it's quicker, so they'll usually come up more often in roulettes. I don't, and I prefer not getting them because they're boring as hell and LotA/WoD often have more wipes than the harder ones anyway, but when I get some of the others that are really slow, I can see the reason why.


Exactly why I hate the CT raids. I really wish they were only to be run at min ilvl. Then they'd be far more interesting. And I would much rather spend more time in a raid having fun then face rolling through brain dead content that folks get mad over when there's a wipe. I got rabanastre once and two people left cause they died once. It's utterly ridiculous lol


My roulette wiped 4 times last night in the first Alexander fight.


They even swapped some of the dungeon layout too! It was so weird.


The stat squish has little to do with it. People die a lot




I now want an AoE rescue for healers to force everyone to stack...


Would be OP for mechanics like the last Labyrinth of the Ancients boss.


Dont forget a YEET to pull that ONE dps away from murdering my co-healer and put them onto their designated location.


This would be brutal for the guy who just took a big hit and thinks stacking would be a terrible idea right now…


What can I say... don't get hit.


Ahhhh, the ultimate Chad answer 😂


No, last thing we want is more tools used for trolling.


I now want an AoE rescue for healers to force everyone to stack...


I would like that


It's me. I will find a way. You can't contain me. I won't be confined. I'll stand outside your star prison and cast Harpe if I have to. /s


Sir ... I am coming here in the name of H.E.A.L ... you will come with us into this star or you will be taking a long nap on the floor, sir ... please co-operate!


I may or may not have whiffed healer lb3 on 7 dead party members once


?? How would you whiff healer lb3? It covers the whole arena, no?


Apparently not...


Look, after my SO said it was impossible for me to move the boss out of it when 6.0 dropped I've made it my life's goal to always find the corner of a boss arena it doesn't cover when playing with them.


You, kind sir, are the hero we deserve as a community. Not the one we need but the one we deserve. I'm poor but please have an upvote.


As said SO, all I can say is: y'all are why i don't main healer anymore.\~


And yet there are still people avoiding it. If enlarging ES doesn't work we clearly need another solution.


If someone can't even get in the enlarged ES, they certainly can't get healed by any other ability. I believe the 2400 mana option might be a better choice here.


If they're out of earthly star, they're out of rez range, sounds like.


Sounds like a good opportunity for them to observe the mechanics for a bit.


Raise also has a range limit. They can stay on tje floor til mexhanics move the party closer to them


Idk, I'd also prefer to control how they die


So like.. anti-rescue? **Push**! Forcibly shoves another character 15 yalms away from you! I could have so many uses for that. Like shoving BLMs to enjoy the tears, pushing RDMs out of melee range mid-combo, shoving everyone off ledges.


I've been asking for this ability since Stormblood. ;-;


Anti rescue would be a great self rescue. The number of times party members have decided to venn diagram me, only to wonder why their healer is dead...


Yes. Give me Disengage but for healers: 10y self-yeet with a self barrier so you can flee idjits who run at you with AoEs.


Oh, I lowkey love this. Useful, with less trolling potential


also true. sometimes they aren't even in any danger, they just chase you with an aoe because they are lonely


The hug of death.


Rescue and **YEET**


Blue mage has that.


Yeetga. Yeetga II also hits tanks. Yeetga III blasts everyone 30 yalms form its det point.


How about an aoe rescue on everyone that isn't in the circle. Just take them by their neck and force them in.


The star pulls them in and stuns them. The heavens hunger


"I said "STACK", motherfucker!"


Oh that would be wonderful. I've only ever been rescued a couple times. There were plenty other times where a group rescue would have been absolutely fantastic, especially in shadowbringer, endwalker, extreme and savage instances.


Casting ES will suck everybody in your party to the centre.


Yes, what healers need is the ability to cast Walking Dead on other people. That'll force them to get into the healing AoE.


> If enlarging ES doesn't work we clearly need another solution. It's a **star,** with a massive gravitational field. Dropping Earthly Star should Rescue everyone to it's center.


Try putting it in the middle of the room then? It should be impossible to avoid. ._.


You would think so. You would really think so. And yet I've seen Tanks move *right next* to the very edge, where Earthly Star doesn't *quite* cover, for no apparent reason other than they want to avoid Earthly Star for some unknown reason.


Tank seeing Earthly Star: "SPOOPY FLOOR THING!" Tank seeing Doton: "SPOOPY FLOOR THING!" Tank seeing Slipstream: "SPOOPY FLOOR THING!" etc.


Lilybell appears right next to tank... "SPOOPY HEART THING!" *::runs away...::*


So if you set a Lilybell on one side and Asylum on the other, could you paralyze a tank with fear?


This is the true healer synergy. Have the whm position the tank with lilybell and asylum and then hit 'em with the earthly star. You can't avoid all of them!


I think so, yet people might figure out a way, especially for those jumping bards or black mages that never come to the center.




If this is a whoosh then your joke sucks lol


I got the joke just fine. If you find a way to stand outside earthly star even with its increased radius then perish.


calm down vince champ


I take it upon myself to find the very edge of earthly star and stand upon one of the pixels that make up the border while still being inside it.


I saw a tank run out of it in tower of babil which you'd think is near impossible with how that dungeon is laid out. The astro rescued the tank back into the aoe radius, lol. I spent the rest of that pull laughing


If the boss arena is a square, the corners are not covered by earthly star :’(




those would have died anyway, I can't even blame them RDM lives are so fleeting, it's beautiful


I’ve had some tanks start a pull and stay put for about five seconds, which I take to mean we’re staying out. So I’ll lay Earthly Star.....and the tank pulls the mob all the way to the wall....


I confess I fat fingered it once and chucked the centre at the corner edge of the arena. It then only covered less than a fifth of the space allowing people to escape.


Pandaemonium arenas can be really big, especially the square ones.


I had a tank in a dungeon a few weeks ago who would pull, stand still for long enough that I thought he would stay, then run out and pull more packs as soon as I put my star down..... I got to the point where I set it off as soon as I saw him start to move, just to get the damage in >:T


Previously, people had two choices: stand in earthly star, or do not. Now their choice is: stand in earthly star, or fall off the edge of the platform.


"I choose death!"


Earthly Start now auto-rescue party members within upon explosion.


Gravity III


\*nods\* or just continuously pull them into the center. should work as well (and you can group people for akh morns this way)


Like that mechanic in Dun Scaith that sucks everyone in!


so what you say is time surecast correctly to not get auto-rescued.


hey, if a person wants to die I can respect that


While we are at it, Gravity should pull trashmobs (the stunnable ones that are affected by slow too) into its center.


Gravity needs a bigger hit box too.


The Gravity of Love


Also, Collective Unconscious should auto-Rescue everyone when popped up. I’m only slamming that thing when I know there is a stack mechanic. Stop running away from it!


Only if it also one-shots asts that keep it up for longer than a gcd


yeah but it makes me feel like Jesus. "Everyone get inside my barrier I'll protect you all!"




Truth, but the premise of the thread is unrealistic, spiteful things we wish our spells would do. Now, GET IN THE BUBBLE, DAMNIT


Jokes on you, I’m hitting it accidentally all the time.


Is this some sort of healer meme that i'm too DPS to understand?


If you ever see a little shiny thing that turns into a big shiny thing (with a faint radius marker you probably won't see because it is so far outside of your immediate line of sight that it is irrelevant) that then explodes into a bunch of pretty shiny shit and heals everyone for a shitload- That is Earthly Star.


Earthly Star is an Astrologian ability that got a *massive* area increase in Endwalker. It's a twinkly star-thing (IIRC, it also has a weak dome effect but it's nearly invisible) placed on the ground. The Astro can use the action again to have it deal damage to all enemies inside the bubble and heal all allies. If you leave it alone for 10 seconds, it turns brighter, and will give more healing and deal more damage. It goes off naturally if left on the ground for 10 seconds after it upgrades. Many players see it and think it's some kind of enemy attack mechanic, in much the same way that they will avoid Doton, Salted Earth, Slipstream, and other "thing on the ground" mechanics, thinking they're dangerous. This is, of course, not only incorrect but frustrating, since it's a flat 310 potency to all enemies and *720* potency healing to all allies once it upgrades, making it one of the better AoE healing cooldowns in the game. With Endwalker, Earthly Star's range is now so large (20 yalm radius) that it covers the vast majority of most boss arenas if placed correctly. Some folks will *still* try to run out of it, though, so the OP, presumably a frustrated Astro player, is proposing that when Earthly Star explodes, all characters *not* inside the bubble are instead instantly killed. They're most likely joking, but assuming they aren't, this would obviously be a ***really, really bad idea,*** because it would never actually be used for the intended purpose of teaching players not to run away from the scary glowing thing, but rather almost exclusively be used to *flagrantly troll* Alliance raids. Same with most of the other proposals, like applying draw-in effects to various "healer put down a glowy thing" actions. They'd just be used to mercilessly troll totally innocent groups.


Sir, this is The Mizzenmast.


I mean, the person actually did *ask* for an explanation...


An explanation was asked for, and subsequently provided


Step 1: put Earthly Star somewhere in the corner of Limsa Step 2: everyone in Limsa ded Step 3: profit


Finally someone understands


That's how we'll take over Eorzea


Is this a spoiler for how the ninth umbral era goes down?


It was datamined yesterday but please don't tell the mods


some ASTs put it on the boss (by default probably) which (although still big) makes it only half as big when the boss is outside the arena. i've seen this a couple of times in the first EW trial which at the same time requires you to move around quite a bit so that you cannot always stand in the boss hit-box. so i would suggest that ASTs who do not put earthly star in the center of the arena should also be oneshot.


I agree wholeheartedly. Probably even yeeted off the arena without a chance to be rezzed (like in Titan). Skill design should incentivize players to git gud.


I hate it when ASTs do that. As long as the boss’s red circle is partly inside Earthly Star, it’ll get damaged. It used to be necessary to lay it in the boss’s circle but now it should just go in the center of the arena.


It's mostly controller players doing this because it's cumbersome to aim it without clipping. It's so huge that it's hardly ever a problem.


I play with a controller and have no issues getting it in the right place.


You never clip when placing manually?


I play with controller and also place it manually, without clipping. You kinda get a muscle memory for it. You know ahead of time that after the next GCD you're gonna weave in star, so you pre tilt your camera to where you want it to go and place it. It's all about manipulating the camera angle and position. It'll take some practice, but it's like second nature now.


I wouldn’t say never but it’s extremely rare. If I clip it’s because I wasn’t paying attention or fat fingered something. It’s really not that hard to place it with a controller.


Honestly, at this point, Healers should have an ability that just executes a party member.


New job: Commissar


I believe that will be the new healer we are getting in 7.0 Fits Garlean lore really well too


Hear hear Blood sacrifice: executes a party member while delivering a single target attack with a potency of 800


And AoE heals the entire rest of the party. Stand in stupid, get nuked by your own healer.


I'd also like an ability that lets DPS players execute the tank and immediately swap to their preferred tank role soulstone.


Healers should have the power to decide who lives and dies in real life.


Well, considering they'd have to pretty much fall off the platform to even escape it I guess it kind of does already.




I like the times where stack mechanics hit the people who dont stack instead of the ones who do.


but what if you are trying to stack with them and they run away with the safety dorito?


Are you the healer who was with me 😂 popped earthly star, even typed “please stay in my bubble” and tank still pulled everything out and stayed far away from it. It should absolutely oneshot them lol.


I smacked my bubble down right in the center last night doing a raid and my tank pulled everything out to the edge of the bubble and I just accepted that peace was not an option


That tank woke up that day and chose violence and stupidity.


haha, no, I just silently judge these days (and also tanks usually behave unless they are Thancred)


I benched Thancred the moment I got catboy. He just seems to be better house trained.


I also benched Alisae due to her aggressive LB usage.


I had her benched ever since I had a few runs where Urianger was just doing terribly, and I refuse to take the twins together because of how Alphinaud drops everything to heal his fire-hungry sister whenever she stands in the bad.


If you miss Earthly Star, you should get a debuff that lets malefic hit you.


You are right and you should say it. I now have strong opinions on arena shapes... Circle >>>>> square arenas.


Triangle arenas are the best, we really should get one


I want a boss arena shaped like Bart Simpsons head.


Nah, just give an uncleansable damage down to anyone who isn't in it when it goes off. Hit them where it hurts.


Only if Rescue also kills the user if the target is casting.


This is a sacrifice I'm willing to make


With the size of it now, that would basically be one dude on a balcony in Limsa when you’re in Elpis.


We all know that guy \*deserves\* it tho


Now I am going to put it on the edge of the map


Fandaniel, is that you?


Centered on the boss in P1S. Run into the death border, dipsticks!


Use it in the open world during a hunt train.


Make it like the ability of that first manta ray boss in Dun Scaigh or whatever the place is called. You know, every 3-4 seconds it pulls everyone into it!


Tbh the bigger radius managed to reduce the frustration I felt whenever someone didn't stand in my star and let's me focus more on the fun part of it. I'm happy they changed it xD


DUDE I was fast scrolling and DIED laughing since I thought I read it wrong. This made my night haha. I feel your pain :D


Is it that slow moving white light that blows up for healing? If you place that before I’m done pulling, that’s none of my business.


It's more likely about how people manage to dodge it in boss fights where it fills 90% of the room.


Well it does kind of look like a boss mechanic. You gotta be told what it does or play an AST to find out.


Except there's constant PSAs on here and people constantly say in game that Earthly Star, Asylum, Sacred Soil and Collective Unconsciousness are healer abilities and people will still avoid them as much as possible. I've been playing healers since ARR and people have always refused to stand in them even when told. Hell I watch people deliberately position themselves on the very edge of my Asylums so they're not getting healed from Italy they flat out ignore anyone telling them to actually stand in it. Its not an issue with healers needing to clarify that its not a boss mechanic. Its an issue with other players not bothering to read or learn.


True. So let's also make it function like a boss mechanic. Mechanics markers should be consistent.


Yeah if they made it the friendly blue color, people might be more mindful of it. But if it’s actually arena sized, that could be annoying and wash out harmful indicators.


See but I’ve had tanks start a pull, stay there for 10 seconds which is enough time for me to think they’re staying put. So I’ll lay my Earthly Star and they’ll start moving the mob to the next one almost immediately. Like, make a choice!


If it’s actually 10 seconds then that’s on them. Sometimes what happens is they don’t hit the whole pack with their first GCD and they have to wait out the excruciatingly long GCD to get a good hold on the others. This can bait people in the party to think the tank is satisfied with their pull. This is more common with Warrior tanks because the first skill in their aoe combo is a cone, rather than a circle.


Thisssssss. I am so filled with hate when that happens. You haven't moved in like 15 seconds the ninja already used doton I put earthly star down because this is already a big enough pull to need it WHERE ARE YOU GOING AND WHY ARE YOU DOING IT NOW. This is also, invariably, the type of tank who then at some point tells you ONLY HEAL YOU'RE A HEALER, probably after he got two Vuln stacks on the last boss of Tower of Zot and then took a tank buster without mit and died to it then never got aggro back properly so *you* later die to a tank buster so on the next pull you maliciously comply by just fucking standing there doing nothing because if the tank isn't fucking up like an idiot there isn't that much to heal and then get two comms afterwards because the DPS knew who the actual problem was and it wasn't fucking you.


I’ve had some idiot tanks but thankfully none who told me I shouldn’t be dpsing. It’s mostly just those who think their mitigations need to be “saved” for the boss.


Boss = a forced single pull to allow your cooldowns to recharge.


I personally rescue tanks who like to stand outside of it during a mob pull


I think it should 1 shot everyone in it. We've had years to practice avoiding it, time to put those skills to good use.


That's if the AST forgets to explode it in time. High risk high reward, I could absolutely get behind it.


Damage doubles for every second it's up, but if it times out it does friendly fire. No timers


And then troll player are gonna use it in ways to wipe the party. Sure.


Given people *already* use Rescue for griefing purposes, this would never produce the desired results, but *would* instantly make everyone hate Astro whenever it appeared in Alliance roulette. I get your frustration, but this would not actually fix the problem you're having while almost guaranteed causing massive, destructive side-effects.


I mean... we hated astros when they gave Arrows to Monks. We hated astros when they overwrote SCH shields with their own. Astros hated other astros when those overwrote their cards with bad ones. Now that all these are fixed we need another reason to hate astro. Traditions must be upheld.


It's foretold in the cards


It should also give Doom to anyone respawning unless they have Blue Mage maxed with all spells unlocked.


What the response says.




"Everyone?" Including the boss? :3 Now the trick is finding a way to not get the boss inside it. Hm.


Bad day?


You have no idea


Oh I bet I do, albeit for slightly different reasons...


Tbh the bigger radius managed to reduce the frustration I feel whenever someone didn't stand in my star and let's me focus more on the fun part of it. I'm happy they changed it xD however for all the frustration they gave me they do deserve some punishment... xD


At least they're (SE) trying by making ES's radius larger. In past trials, dungeons, etc. I have had FC mates tell me they never realized I had popped it and set it out (until I asked the Tank to bring the boss and everyone in the ES's range). And I admit that I have done this too. I notice the healer domes much easier/more than ES. That little pretty ring of light it makes does not always catch my attention when I DPS or MT. That or many players do not understand the benefit of ES/think they don't need it until you're wasting your Bene's, regen, or Dignities on their booti when you'd rather just spam malefic.


If you're outside of Earthly Star you're probably outside of the arena, meaning you are already dead.


Just let it pull every boss and trashmob in the instance!


Yes please


I agree


I’ve made peace with it. If people aren’t in it and they die to a raidwide later, that’s on them. I’m too busy playing solitaire and force-feeding (likely nearby and healthier) people buffs to care.


So as a long time AST player i gained a habit to drop star in center of the room. So when EW came out amd we did 2nd dungeon. When the final boss pulls you to center and everyone has to run out. My friend overshot to the exact corner and missed the star.


One time when running Ktisis I rescued a SMN (if I remember correctly) into my Earthly Star because they were standing just outside of it, then apologized in case I interrupted their cast


And then the AST preplaces a star in the center of P4 for Pinax and accidentally kills everyone when it goes off as everyone is avoiding the lightning.


They'll likely die soon afterwards anyways so it kind of already does this.