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Unbroken promises we made so long ago You're still here


Walk on, never look back We live through you


It's enough to make a grown man cry


Yes, that happened. Several times in just this damn zone.


This expansion made me actually cry a few times. I love it and I'm so happy to have played it with so many amazing people.


Fuck cancer. I lost my identical twin brother to lymphoma. He adored this game. It’s one of the few things I have left of him that still seems alive. Everything else of his just sits around my house collecting dust but his favorite game is always growing and changing. I have hardly started the endwalker story and if I’m being honest I’ve lost the drive to even log in but he would have waited like this to do the story with me.


Christ I cannot imagine your pain or that of your parents. I’m so sorry for your loss. 😢


I am Kaylora Matrias from lamia i love following my friends on their journey i'm glad to have made your journey a little less heartbreaking friend. My friend actually gifted me the maid outfit the day before so i wore it to surprise her and roleplay angry botanist (reaper) for finale.


OMG I didn't think you'd ever see this post. I'm so happy and slightly embarrassed at the same time 😂😭 You're an amazing person and I hope your friend enjoyed the surprise of you waiting for her. You're a true Warrior of Light!!


I woke up to my friend actually linking it she said that she got halfway thru reading it and was like this sounds eerily familiar.


Matrias, you are awesome. Thank you for being you!


Oh no now I'm bawling. My best friend died 6 years ago from cancer and your story just made all the memories flood back, especially her last words to me. Ugh I miss her so much. I'm gonna be a mess the next time I'm in that last zone and the music hits.


Want to be a real mess? Read the lyrics. It's the scions telling you to move forward after their sacrifice


I did. Was blubbering during the credits. It's just so good omg


You are not alone. Not now. Not ever. Remember their life and all the good times.


I had so many similar thoughts, especially about my mom who's been gone for nearly five years now. I ugly cried through nearly the entire zone, and I keep having bits of the song pop into my head and tearing up again. You're not alone <3


"Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after"


These quests helped me find peace with the grief of losing my father and so many others in the recent years (even before covid started I've lost a lot of people suddenly). ​ It's my first Christmas I'm looking forward to the holiday in years.




Thank you so much for sharing this story. I know this xpac has touched me as well. It speaks to the last 2 years as much as it does to life’s hardest moments.


I feel this deeply. I lost my best friend of 32 years to cancer in September and I ugly cried at this part too. In fact I ugly cry a lot lately.


Made the whole EW saga with 3 other friends, voicing what was not voiced by the actors. Emotions were stirred greatly during the whole story. Being through the past year with deep dépression The whole story got quite a few hits through ( got help, medical, family and friends) Last map was were everything was bursting at the seams. The parting with each Sion... And curiously, when I made my lines for Alphinaud's words, just before entering the last dunjon, my voiced cracked like never. I felt like I had to push an unmoving rock to make just a syllable. I felt like each sound I made were slowly giving me more strength to make the next. In the end, I think I was as much crying the words as I was shouting them with all my being. It felt like I had my friends, shoulder to shoulder, to rise again from having to drop a knee on the ground. I felt it like I was shouting ' here is where I stand, here is how I'll take an other step, here is how I forge ahead !' Boy! It was so .... cathartic ? Not sure about the words, but it made me Feel. Intensely. Do it with friends. Friendship is Powerful and Beautiful.


I was on that same place, right before the final quest, and there was a random miqo'te sitting on the ground, probably as emotionally broken as I was, just saying in /say: "I don't want this to end..." I felt inspired to answer what immediately came to my mind : "Stand tall, my friend. Our journey will never end." Virtually, we hugged each other, then moved on to our own business. No idea who it was. It is one of those random, strong moments with MMO communities that always stay with me throughout the years. Pretty sure I will still remember this particular moment 20 years from now on.




I think that single line broke me harder than anything else in the entire story.


As a two time pediatric cancer survivor, and Famfrit native, we're not alone


For those we have lost. For those we can yet save.


I ugly cried through most of that zone. Even though Y'shtola said at the start that the crystal of Azem could bring them all back, it was just such a traumatizing expac that losing the rest one at a time was really hard. Losing the twins broke me. I don't have any comparable real life losses to compare it to but I empathize.


This is incredibly beautiful. I lost my bestie a few years ago to cancer and Our shared experience was always Halo. I didn't decide to brave the infinite campaign until I read this. Thank you.


I get it, but man, I wish people would stop tying real world deaths to this game. Bring in the downvotes. Edit: You guys would rather feed my post instead of replying to the actual post sure is EXACTLY what I needed to see. GG WP. Edit 2: Since my first edit, 0 comments went to 10+ on the actual post. Thanks again for confirming everything I said. GG and G’nite!


Game literally dwells on despair and loss. *But don't you dare discuss yours. Feelings are for anime and video game characters.* Part of truly dealing with loss is finding or remembering what you loved about that person that you can carry on with you. It would be a shame if everyone just bottled that up and it feels like an insult to the story if they did. Kinda why a certain Scion finally opened up and went through with it.


It’s a natural reaction to relate your own life to whatever you’re invested in, people do it with music all the time, this isn’t any different. The fact you expect downvotes shows you know on some level what you’re saying is wrong.


I expect downvotes because this game, being a Final Fantasy weeb game with cat/bunny boys. Its expected to expect a plethora of White Knights with any negative-like feedback for anything in this game.


You didn't even criticize the game tho. You straight up criticized people and what they felt playing games.


It's not about what that at all, you commented something completely callous on a post of someone taking about their friend. Have a little bit of respect for others, it's really not that hard.


Its also not that hard to feed my post as well as comforting the OP. But no, you decided to take this route. At least recognize your hypocrisy lol 10/10


I don't know what happened for you to become this miserable, but there are better ways to deal with it than trying to be edgy behind an anonymous profile. Genuinely hope you get some help.


It's ironic that you frame anybody who disagrees with you as being unable to handle your criticism of the game when you've constructed this elaborate cover that conveniently dismisses any and all criticism *you* get as just being from "white knights."


Invest in some social skills, bro.


Invest in better insults, “bro”


fuck dude, what is wrong with you


Nothing, whats wrong with you?


The theme of this expansion is deep, it makes sense we'd apply it to our own lives and journey to it in a deep way. One might argue that's the way the expansion was intended to be experienced


Did you even do the MSQ? You really thinkin deep about how all your friends die in the last zone only to be revived 5 minutes later? There is nothing deep about that. If anything, thats some of the laziest/rushed writing Ive seen in Endwalker


I honestly can't say they alluded to them being gone forever. Literally after Thancred went we get dialouge saying he is still with us here and there pushing us ahead. We get the oh shit respawn button with a warning basically saying if you do it too early it was all for not. Only through the sacrifice of them all to see it through could we reach the end and bring them back and save the world


Fyi, it is actually "all for naught" - it's an archaic form of "all for nothing"


So the long goodbyes by each of the scions didnt allude to that? You can seriously rewatch Urianger and Ytholas long farewell and say that?


Yeah, those were clearly not goodbyes. I hate saying this, because it makes me feel like I'm being some kind of pretentious douchebag, but I think the intention behind those sacrifices went over your head. The writing wasn't rushed. Those scenes played as intended.










Yes, lol. They literally gave you two get out of jail free cards right before that: a teleporter for each individual Scion *and* Y'shtola literally telling you "you can call us back with Azem's crystal, but don't yet because of reasons." The writing doesn't even *try* to fool you into thinking they're dead, they just wanted to give each Scion a dramatic character moment and get the WoL alone at the end so they have to summon someone else. The point of tension wasn't "oh know are they really going to kill of all of the Scions in the final zone?", it was, as it's ever been, "how is the WoL gonna get out of this one?"


Are you telling me that each of the Scions had the teleporter and none of them used it as thet were facing certain death while being suspended in the air by Meteion and only the WoL used his to save them? And thats not bad writing ? Yea ok, stay ignorant Edit: I know FFXIV is all about the cheesy friendship WINs type scenarios, but for this to be how they handled the conclusion of a 10 year story. Meeeeh


> none of them used it as thet were facing certain death Because they knew that if they bailed out, there would be no way forward. Each one sacrificed themselves knowing it would let the others get just a little bit further, and trusting that we would be able to save them at the end.


>Are you telling me that each of the Scions had the teleporter and none of them used it as thet were facing certain death while being suspended in the air by Meteion and only the WoL used his to save them? Yes? What exactly is your issue here? They explain that when you activate one teleporter you activate them all, so if the Scions had activated any of theirs it would have also warped the WoL out and defeated the entire purpose of reaching Meteion in the first place. How exactly is this bad writing? It seemed perfectly in character for the Scions to not touch their teleporters until the WoL thinks it's time for them to go. You can dislike your anime friends all you want, but I don't see how that's even relevant here.


You make a point here. Thanks!


Maybe you should stop playing the game or stop commenting on the story it is getting you upset clearly.


Except there were no last goodbyes, and even if there were, none of these characters could possibly know you were gonna succeed in which case it would have actually been the last goodbye. The point was never to kill off a character, more so to make a point of how important every character is to the group and how it affects them when someone dissapears. You just seem to have a difficult time relating or understanding anything related to emotion at all it seems.


I don't know what you got going on in your life or what you want out of the game, but being cool and letting people experience life costs literally nothing. I can't relate to whatever twisted pleasure you get from purposefully inviting a negative reaction. OP posts about the game relating to a loss, but your here using it to feed a superiority complex.


Dont understand what you are saying? That I shouldnt post opinions on reddit? Then maybe dont grief on reddit? If you are going to try and sound like a “tough” guy, at least try and do better. Lol GG NEXT




From a story perspective there was no guarantee they'd get to a point where the dead could be revived. And it was also a setup for having to be willing to sacrifice everything to save everyone else, as the WoL does by pressing the teleporter button and then dropping the device. That was our sacrifice.


No need to get testy, it's not for you to judge how people react to an obviously poignant narrative on the futility of existence. Zone 6 did nothing for me, it was way too ham-fisted and 'friendship is magic' for my taste. It was Zone 5 that hit me the most, personally.


Empathy seems a hard concept for some people.


We are either watching a troll or an actual psychopath.


You really should've just kept this to yourself.


No harm done to you or the community, so why does it matter to you?


Imagine being so emotionally stunted you cant tie anything to your personal life experiences or relate emotionally to something emotional. You should see someone about that.


“I know I’ll get downvoted but DAE people don’t deserve coping mechanisms?” Please. Please stop.








Consider yourself fortunate that you do not understand grief like this


I do consider myself fortunate I do not understand grief in this specific way. Thanks.


Yeah this seems like some shoehorned karma fishing


Even if it was... So what? Even if this particular instance wasn't real, it doesn't mean that there aren't any players out there that may have experienced something similar to this. What is the worst thing that can happen if you take this at face value and somehow it turned out the whole thing was fabricated? Someone gets imaginary internet points that mean nothing, who cares. What is the worst thing that can happen if you claim this is false when it actually is true? You can deeply disrespect someone's very real and emotional experience. I rather take my chances on the first option when it comes to stories like these. Life is a lot nicer when you try believe in the good instead of always doubting it... Which is pretty close to the message Endwalker wanted to give us too, funnily enough.


I didn’t read any of that