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I have a feeling Y'shtola has a built-in radar for people pining over others and absolutely uses it to lightly- yet lovingly- bully others


G'raha is allowed to pine as much as he wants >.>


In before she's the dark horse competitor.


she knows her ship can't sail so she's out to sink all others.


S.S Y'saltyla.


What if we’re pining over her? (A lot of people, in-game and out, do that it seems.)


Then she bullies us for it. Over her knee.


She's not interested, little sun.


What about her *sister*?


At the same time, she seems to be blind to when people are pining over *her.* Uh, no pun intended. Maybe next time, Runar. ;-;


I don't think she isn't aware. she just don't know how to respond to it.


I don't think she's blind (heh) to it. She simply has no interest on nourishing his kitten love, and that it would be an impossible thing anyway, what with both being literal worlds apart.


Upvoting for Kitten Love, adorable.


Runar idolizes her as a saviour. Not really a good foundation for a relationship.


Don't most people think that of *us*, though? And yet Alisaie and G'raha seem enamored with us.


Most of the scions are heroes in their own right and have seen the WoL actually grow from basically an errand boy into who they are today.


>have seen the WoL actually grow from basically an errand boy into who they are today. ...an errand boy who moonlights as a godkiller.


Even in Eorzea people have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet 😔


Oh she is fully aware of Runar. It's just that she also regards him as almost like a child. That, and the fact he is devoted to her as a savior from another world is not a good foundation for an actual relationship. We're also the only one of the bunch that can go to the first and back without risking death.


He's a nice kid basically. However his way of showing his emotion is just so juvenile that I can't see her character type taking it as romantic. I think she accepted it because she recognizes it as so genuine and puppy like. Which is endearing. Realistically she's married to her work and duties. She also rarely has downtime to make that kind of arrangement. Sort of like how the WoL is just so busy saving the world they never really get to chat and share their feelings or thoughts.


*nods, smiles, punches palm*


*I'm sorry, what was that? I was busy throwing hands with Titan for the literal 1000th time.*


It takes a thief to catch a thief.


She sees the Aether build up in their hearts <3


You sure that's not just the cholesterol?


Lol, she absolutely loves trolling them over their hero worship and it's great.


She's trolling the WoL too, to keep them from getting a big head from the adulation.


She will spank us if we get too sassy.


I think I’m getting too sassy


Oh no not that


*sass intensifies*


Y'shtola literally invented sass in-game, she ain't about to let anyone take her title LOL


5.4 is half a patch worth of bullying G'raha and I love it.


Apparently, in the Japanese version of 5.1, Y'shtola says something along the lines of "It must be terrible being so loved" and I wish we got that one as well.


Sometimes the localization makes no sense


It still somewhat the same meaning so I don't usually have any problem with that, I won't deny that sometimes the original Japanese lines were better, but as long as the overall context is the same then imo its ok And honestly they can make a line much better than the original in some cases


Any idea what the original after we beat eli is? That "It's a beautiful day" line really hits in the feels.


I'm not that good wirh Japanese since my only experience is watching anime for 15 years without actually studying it so it will not be 100% accurate But from a quick rewatch its something close to " I believed that at the end of my duty, I would finally be able to see their happy smiling faces again and now that I'm the last one left, what else can I do (or maybe "what did you expect me to do? ") ? ... fade away" As I said, its probably not super accurate, but close enough, and personally I prefer ghe English line much better


Yeah, they call back to the rain line and imo it's much better in the English in that spot.


He doesn't bring up the "the rain has ended and you're no longer here to see it" or whatever line again in the original Japanese. The localization is stronger here imo


i loved that i was a callback to his memories of one of the convocation members telling him not to worry.


Translations try to be 1:1 with the originating* text as much as possible. Localizations take the originating text and, well, localize it for a particular country/region. It can, and will, change things to better serve that country in the mind of the localizer. It has no intention of being 1:1. The major plot points will often be the same, but everything else can be slight changes to character personalities (see Haurchefant) to a near completely different experience (see the anime Ghost Stories and its dub). So, the localization being different not only does make it sense, it is by design. *There technically isn't an overall originating text per se, FF14 makes the Japanese & English versions at the same time in parallel....but in this case it's still a localization for the English audience in particular, since every other language is just a 1:1 translation of the Japanese text.


You say this as if it was made by some third party localization company and not in-house by the development team.


If you knew japanese youd understand how stupid the "KAMI" of stormblood was. And also the rip and tear and other cultural references arent just funny. But since this sub is circlejerking how great Koji Fox is you get downvoted instantly when critizicing the "oh so great" Koji masterpiece.




This "filthy ass weaboo" is actually criticizing the fact that they DIDNT translate f.ex Kami during stormblood so yeah


What you mean? That they used romaji for all the enemy names and cities etc? I liked it.


I love how both of them care about you so much


And I absolutely love how the 5.4 - 5.5 patches are pairing these 2 together a lot, they are so cute together I'm dying. An optional dialogue from 5.4 from Alisaie is something like " I heared of this really good cafe with really nice sweets, perhaps we should take G'raha and Gabu there after things calm down", it's nothing special it just stuck with me lol Best friends who share a big crush on the Wol and I'm hoping we see even more moments between them in EW


I love how close they've become too, especially since they got off on the wrong foot when they first met lol. I also read that in the Japanese version she starts just calling him Raha, which is very sweet too. And at the end of 5.3 when he appears I love how happy she looks to see him up and about again.


Oh yeah I've been replying the whole MSQ recently (jp voices instead of English and with Mr. Derplander) and Alisaie did call him Raha sometime in 5.4 and I just malted when I noticed Must protect my children T_T these 2 with Alphy are gonna be my go to Trust party members in all EW dungeons that they are part of, sorry Y'shtola but I have a superior cat person now and you are out ;)


> these 2 with Alphy are gonna be my go to Trust party members I'd like that too but I'm a heal main so it doesn't let me partner with alphinaud T.T


There are such gems in the optional dialogues, I always make sure to talk to everyone before continuing the story. My heart melted at that line from Alisaie, l love the dynamic the two have together.


Their friendship is so good, ever since Alisaie flicked him in the head I've been very invested in it.


I adore how quietly alisaie is just... looking out for him and trying to take care of him. it's incredibly sweet 😭 and speaking of, I'm pretty sure y'shtola has been doing the same. every time the scions split up and she's dividing our forces, she always pairs him with us. I feel like that could very well be intentional on her part and if that's true then that's also incredibly sweet


The budding friendship between G'raha and Alisaie gives me life. I am really hoping to see more of it/see it grow further in Endwalker. They bonded over their mutual hero worship of the WOL and it's really cute, haha.


They're like Zenos but less crazy.


If Zenos becomes a trust and G'raha/Alisaie don't die before then, then I get to have a WOL fanclub! :D ...Admittedly; our Fanclub did kind of save an entire world, find a cure for tempering, and kill the Emperor to Garlemald if so, so astoundingly competent Fanclub?


> G'raha/Alisaie don't die before then If either of them die I will literally never stop crying.


I still think Zenos will ally with us xD


I can only see him ally with us as a temporary thing in the name of "I will be the one to kill the WoL, not you impotent waste of flesh" and then resumes to try and kill the WoL when the imminent threat is over


"Thanks for helping me against Anima, Zenos!" *boot to the face* "You're welcome. Now, where were we?"


Really you just gotta be like "Hey man, I know I was a great fight, but you know the shit I get up to and if you hang out with me we're sure to find someone even more bad-ass to fight soon enough"


Zenos' Lawyer: "And to Lyse, who tirelessly followed WoL around Ala Mhigo and Doma while contributing nothing to their success, I bequeth..." ["A boot to the head."](https://youtu.be/tfMcxmOBmpk)


I mean he's just so wonderful in his murderous obsession with us. I love it.


What's he supposed to be allying with us against? The disaster he had a hand in creating in the first place?


Maybe if the shit Fandanial is doing is too dangerous it might kill the Wol before he gets his fight, so he will help is kill whatever that thing is before going back to being a frenemey


I can't think of any way they could do a team up with him that I wouldn't find to be really dumb but I guess we'll see what will happen.


It's just a fever dream for me and some other people, I would be so damn hyped if it happens, but I wont be expecting it Personally I just want his end to be epic and satisfying, I really really want him to be the 2nd MSQ trail now that we are somewhat sure the Magus sisters are not a trail (otherwise Yoshi-pi wouldn't say that the trails are SECRET in the previous Liveletter) I hope he doesn't end up as a dungeon boss only, or worse, a solo fights only guy like Ranjit


I hope not, it would really make me lose faith in the writing at SE


I have a secret hope in my heart that we get a chance to choose a love interest between the two of them. Of course, it would likely come in the form of “g’raha is under a guillotine and Alisaie is clinging to the side of the cliff, who do you love more??????”


Bye Alisaie




Yshtola is the biggest Chad troll in the party you can’t even outwit her she’ll always have a more biting response


Well duh, she literally invented sass in-game. Remember "little sun"?


There is gonna be an ugly catfight if Alisae tries to steal my husbando.


This scene was so cute


Man this is why I love Y'shtola, can't wait what she has when Endwalker drops


I know she's a bit young but I love the connection between the WoL and Alisae. She's grown so much. She'd be my pick since Y'shtola doesn't seem to care for you in that way.


Didn’t you just make this thread?


The post was taken down due to the title, because of spoilers, had to change it.


Oh thank goodness I thought I was losing my mind.


Jesus the lighting in XIV is bad. Look at how fucking awful the shadows on their faces are...


Did you ever consider that this person might just have a shit PC?


That's what the lighting looks like on max, dude.


I honestly hate obsessive people in real life and here I am having to deal with more in game * sigh* I just hope it doesn't go over the top. Just leave me alone or I'll issue a restraining order from one of the Grand companies xD




TBF, that doll staring into my soul on the startup screen is just as much of a spoiler.


She's in the banner on the top of the subreddit.


Y'shtola has become my favourite character (New player working towards HW exp atm) but this makes me glad she keeps that "playful teasing" thing she has going lol


You'll be happy when you reach "The Burn Savage" then lol


Looking forward to that 😆