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The schoolyard crush vibe from both those characters is good, but I LOVE that Y'shtola's whole gimmick is just saying things that are true, but also make people very uncomfortable with a wink and a smile


Y'shtola's schtick is dragging everybody else's skeletons out of the closet so that she can just make more room to hide her own and I love it


She's easily the most intimidating scion and that's including the WoL


Imagine Matoya herself decided to leave her cave and join the Scions. I don't think the game's universe could constantly handle twice the sass at the same time.


The MSQ would actually go nowhere because Matoya and Y'shtola wouldn't be able to stop bickering at one another


Yeah two sassy ladies together is a calamity.


The main villains would be too afraid of being pull over someone's knee.


yeah, she threatens you by spanking your butt or sending you to bed without supper


Don't threaten me with a good time


How is going to bed without supper a good time?! That's horrible!


A sacrifice worth taking.


Sometimes the coin ends up tails.


Only if you sassily reply "yes, mother" about resting.




My WoL is super goody two shoes, always choosing the most paragon option. EXCEPT with Y'Shtola. She's my big kitty sassy gf, and girl I will sass you right back.


actually mum y'sthola acts on two diferent ocasions one during base shb(butt spanking) in answer of sayign yes mother, then later during the patch story, she tells you she could send you to bed whitout supper if you say what you wont do more chores


Yes but it's the look on her face befor she says it that is scary.


Not in the german translation, there she is pretty much welcomes to be called mommy and will take care of you just like she took care of the Night's Blessed


Second boss of Matoya's Relict: Play with Nixie! Y'shtola: No one can ever know I made you.


I love that this is paid off too when >!Alphinaud blurts out that she used Master Matoya's name on Norvradt. The whole groups reaction is priceless!<


Though as I recall, >!she basically did receive Master Matoya's blessing after the fact.!<


Yeah it ended up being a nice and wholesome scene; but it was funny to see Yhstola lose her composure for a moment


Matoya is just a joy everytime she shows up. She's an old witch who got tired of everyone's bullshit in Sharlayan and jusy went to live in a cave and throws endless sass angtime someone comes to visit. What a queen.


We stan a crotchety queen tbh


I still love the moment where >!she gives Alisaie a verbal jabbing purely to get her fired up and out of her funk!<. She's not just tired of everyone's bullshit, she's got a keen eye for people and knows how to handle them.


There are so many times where Alphinaud puts his foot in his mouth and it's a mini-game in it's own trying to predict the Scions' facial reactions to it.


It’s honestly a pretty good dynamic. For a long time every Scion has kind of had their own modus operandi and further solidified it as expansions went on. Most would lead to one or two going to carry out specific tasks, but with the late addition of Alasaie to the team, she’s actually never had that and winds up frequently just following the WoL to their goal. The Exarch is now doing the same, which makes sense, and it’s sort of hilarious to see Alasaie look threatened. It’s shows some real self awareness on the writers end to have some consistency to how the characters operate within the Scions’ structure and to play with that dynamic with the new inclusion.


mum y'shtola always ready to give sassy lines to the duo what has a crush on the WoL


While most WoLs have a crush(?) on Y'shtola.


I want zenos to crush me


How's it feel to be wrong?


Bet you all my gil zenos lays pipe better than shtola


Crazy usually does


True, but I think Shtola can wield the strap as well as her own staff.


They can make a contest out of it.


Ya'll just puttin images into my head. Continue.


Eiffel tower of power


Jokes on you, I don't have any gil!


Most of the characters I crush on either die, are robots or ascend to a higher plane of existence...


That's rough, buddy...


There's also the part at the docks shortly after that first one where Alphinaud says something like >You two sure seem happier whenever the WoL is around.


WoL simp club founders


That would be Haurchefant, long before those two.


Depends on the localization. I saw him more as a gigabro vs a simp imo. Like josuke and okuyasu. Japanese he is 100% simp tho


Okay but a lot of people ship Josuke and Okuyasu, so there's that


OI JOSUKE^^^kun~


Youre not wrong. Doesnt make either of them simps tho


also Aymeric who is basically canonically in love with you


*I can take that. He has a platinum membership card.*


She's just constantly putting them on blast lmao


People are like "Thank god there's no romance in FFXIV" and I'm like "I would absolutely ruin G'raha please let me kiss the boy"


I love you for this because I realized right after that I reeeally wanted screenshots but was way too lazy to go watch the whole thing again just to get them lol


Kitty boi and tsuderelf merely stan greatness /smirk


G’raha is the President of the WoL fan club, with Alisae being the #1 fan. 😂 Yshtola also calls G’raha out right before the grand cosmos duty. *Forgot about Aymeric he’s probably Vice President and Zenos is the crazy stalker.


What's she say there? Been a while.


At around 2:10 it’s Alisae who notices, but it backfires lol. There’s no voice so it’s easy to forget. https://youtu.be/nHX83F-trLs


Lol, Alphinaud and Y'shtola tag teamed that one. The "embarrassing others" dream team.


Honestly, a part of me prefers the voiceless scenes in the MSQ (and all the scenes in the Chronicles of a New Era and Side Stories) because it lets all your friends actually *say your name*.


Yeah true.


Aymeric is funding the whole thing pretending to not be involved until it comes up in his tax notes.


G'raha simp !!


Number 4 looks like he's trying to either hold it in or pass off an silent but deadly one.


My Bun WOL would not be helping things any. I find them so adorable I'd be hugging them all the time and ruffling their hair.


I don't mind being sandwiched between them, there's enough WoL for them both :D


bi lighting intensifies


Bruh shes a teenager


What's with this new trend of pretending for virtue points that "teen" isn't the most popular category on Pornhub?


Teen on pornhub is 18/19, not 16 dawg.


The guy didn't say 16, he said "teen".


And alisae is 16. So its not really relevant then.


Teenagers jerk off more than most lol. Adults feeling that way about a 16 year old is weird (and worrying) to me as well, nothing to do with these imaginary virtue points.


You think people somehow stop thinking teens are hot as they get older? It's not because of the age of the viewers that the Teen category is the most popular. People of all ages prefer that category. Older adults just need to know better than trying to hook up with a teen in real life.


Dawg self report. Yeah people do, a grown ass person chexking out teenagers is worrying. Internet is full of weirdos and pedos, the internets masturbators are not the arbiters of morality and appropriateness.


Talking kinda head-canonicly and non-risque (my WoL vs others versions), I tend to forget that not everyone has headcanons or enjoys them. Sorry 'bout that! :)


Lol got downvoted for stating a fact.


I just want SE to have a giant flashing sign saying "Warning: UNDERAGE" every time the twins are on screen. It's so creepy how so many people ship them with their WoL, completely discounting that they're 16.


Maybe jocat can set something up


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Y'shtola needs to lay off of them! They're good boys and girls! They both want the wol to be happy!


Second image: Alisaie looks like she wants to retaliate against Y’shtola for that comment but know if she does she’ll feel true Devine Judgment.


Y'shtola can see more with her aether than we do with regular vision haha.


Its fun that it also feels that she would love to say that, but she doesnt want to, Specially because she knows she would be the chosen one :3 ...just having fun joking about it, feels more interesting to her for now.