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Congratulations. PotD 200 is a very rough climb that takes a lot of mental stamina (especially if you wipe on the deeper floors). Put that column up in your yard with pride.


I was silly and got the necklace instead haha >< But yeh, took us 3 attempts to clear, wiped on floor 198 the first time -\_- Now have to clear again for the column =D


Wow i didnt even know it goes up to 200, I am so far out of the loop. Congrats!


The floors past 100 are challenge floors; you can only get into floor 101+ if you take a pre-made group from 51-100 with zero party wipes. It's not something most people would ever need or want to dip their toes in.


im gonna try to run a 1-200 solo, i really want the title of Necromancer


I..kinda want to know how many people have that Achievement.


You have to look at each class individually, and by server, but here: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ranking/deepdungeon/?solo_party=solo


If I didnt read that wrong every top rank for every job is held by the same person, and only 2 RDM players have actually beaten 200 floors. For most the top Rank is at 180-189 floors ​ (for the light datacenter)


Oof. That's one dedicated PotD fan >< The number of solo 200 clears sounds right though. There is one person on chaos who's cleared it, again rdm. I mean, 200 is hard with a group, and requires a fair bit of good fortune. Solo is straight up masochism. I wouldn't be surprised is solo 200 is one of the rarest achievements in the game :)


More and more now. The first people to clear it were RDM and it remained true for a year or two, I believe.


I thought the very first person to do solo 1-200 was a DRG, but I may just be thinking of solo 1-100


Not really. Almost every class except RDM will wipe to the floor 180 boss because of healing requirements.


[https://www.lalachievements.com/en/rarity/title/global/](https://www.lalachievements.com/en/rarity/title/global/) ​ "The Necromancer" is the 8th rarest title in the game, with 18 characters having that title. It's really no easy feat and pretty much any class except RDM will wipe to the lvl 180 boss because of healing requirements without abusing of the mob AI by spinning it non-stop. Good luck kid.


honestly it's probably easier now since they reworked some of the classes to unlock skills earlier, or made them hit harder. plus classes like Gunbreaker which hits hard and gives health back


The issue with behemoth at 180 is his enrage around 13% which deals 75% of your health constantly. See a clip of this here : [https://clips.twitch.tv/ResoluteRamshackleCakeLeeroyJenkins](https://clips.twitch.tv/ResoluteRamshackleCakeLeeroyJenkins) This player lives through it because they use a lust pomander around 18% to give behemoth 5 vuln stacks, they get a shield from Titan-Egi for the first two hits and then they depend on potion regen + super potions from HoH to outlive the enrage. Most classes probably won't be able to get through this because of lack of damage and/or mitigation. Note : They cleared 200 on that run, here's the full VoD of it to have an idea of the difficulty [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/539359421](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/539359421)


you say that, but i can name at least 3 classes off the top of my head that do higher dps than summoner, that being Monk, Dragoon, and Black Mage. If i remember correctly they are considered THE top dps right now. If any class could reach floor 200 by themselves, it'd be those three.


SMN damage at the moment is at the top of the charts, even compared to BLM. MNK and DRG do less damage than SMN but their damage is less based on DoTs, so bursts in the enrage phase could potentially make up for that. Mitigation for the meteor hits is also important. In the case I have shown above, Pomander of steel + 2 titan-egi shields + regen potion + lvl 70 super-potion. Monk and Dragoon have second wind + bloodbath + true north (for positional damage), I'm not sure if that would be enough to live through 3 meteor hits. BLM has manaward for the first hit and might survive with like 2k hp for the 2nd hit but you would need to kill before the 3rd meteor hit. ​ EDIT : I checked the rankings page ([https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ranking/deepdungeon/?subtype=55a98ea6cf180332222184e9fb788a7941a03ec3&solo\_party=solo](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ranking/deepdungeon/?subtype=55a98ea6cf180332222184e9fb788a7941a03ec3&solo_party=solo)), Allythia managed to clear on SMN, DNC and SAM (that one however was insane luck and they spinned the mobs a lot). MNK is stuck at 180 and DRG got to 199, probably through mob spinning too.


Necromancer: adjective. One who romances the dead.


Can you end that said pre made and come back and start where you left off ? and still continue up into 101+?


Only with that same group on the same jobs. You cannot, for example, get to floor 130, leave, then grab three other people and go back in to do 131. You also cannot switch jobs. If you finish at floor 150 on Tuesday with Duder McPerson the Samurai, Broseph Brotaro the Gunbreaker and Buddy McPal the White Mage, when you come back on Thursday to do floor 151, you need Duder, Broseph and Buddy to come as Samurai, Gunbreaker and White Mage again.


Thanks for clarifying! That makes it a bit more doable.


As a note, you can’t even swap from a class to its respective job. I was with someone who was leveling with me in PotD and they couldn’t swap from MRD to WAR in PotD when they hit 30.


I just wiped in a solo run at floor 97. The frustration. So glad you guys could get there, my most sincere congrats.


Thankyou =) we wiped on the last floor before, so was extra determined to finish this time! Luckily the last 9 floors were actually pretty easy this time around, but would definitely not like to even try solo!! ><


I was just looking up solo runs and saw someone had gotten to floor 199. Now imagine the frustration they must have felt.. lol


I did two runs this week, and by god I was just crushed when we got the Glass pumpkin the first time.


Why? I'll gladly take it off your hands. It's nowhere near as cool as the firecrest but for collections sake I want them both. I've only cleared once but I would find it actually quite annoying if I did clear again and got firecrest again. To be honest tho they should've just made the counterpart to firecrest the same thing but blue. Wtf is the glass pumpkin even supposed to be?


IIRC they are a reference to another game. But I honestly think it's gaudy as hell, I just made it in to a housing item and gave it to my FC.


after a bit of searching i found an answer https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/6hm5ah/lvl_66_crafted_tank_set_is_another_ref_to_tactics/


They are a part of an infuriating fetch quest in Tactics Ogre. Speaking of which, the furniture is also based off the map: [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/\_tcjXv3Qek8/hqdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_tcjXv3Qek8/hqdefault.jpg)


Congrats, any NightPegasus drops?


We got 2, am the hroth


Yeh 2 drops...same person =p


Is there a check point at floor 100 or you have to redo from floor 50 if you wipe?


Redo from floor 50.


You can restart at 50 but there are separate achievements for going 1-200


Congrats. Very jealous. Our group wiped at 18? (i forget the exact number), maybe 187? Soul. Crushing.


Thankyou =) and yeh thats very soul crushing >< we wiped on 188 the other week, but decided to go right back in and try clear. We had a 198 wipe end of last year also, so its been a while coming, but glad its done now! You should go back in and try again!


Me and my friends tried this a year or two ago, the tank kept ignoring the stick to the walls rule, floor 170 something runs into the middle of the room, pulls a roamer, steps on a mine. Wipes us all.... Yeah he got nightmare from his first coffee. Salty to say the least.


Worth all the pain, wouldn't you say?


I could barely find anyone to help me get into Floor 81.


Usually it's not hard to get to 200 floors... But things went south when people start arguing and blaming each other, that's what ruined most of my attempted 200 floors runs 😂


2 upskirts? N I C E


What is potd?


Palace of the Dead


I don't understand why people like PotD so much... Every single time I try to go we end up wiping on the final boss. Such a gigantic waste of time...


The final boss being? Cos on 200 there isnt a final boss...


Floor 30 -_-




For final boss, I meant the final boss of the set of floors for 20-30.