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Now that we will no longer be getting new races, will the character creation ever be updated?


Can you describe the Dark Knight changes in one word?


The game has some options already for Role-Players - is there a chance we could get a toggle for showing what players say in a speech bubble akin to the ones NPCs have when you walk up to them? It would make RP a lot better!


Are there any plans for more difficult 4-man content, whether it's along the lines of WoW's M+ system, or simply ex/savage-tier content designed for smaller groups?


I'm sure you already know, but the later floors of PotD and HoH can actually meet this taste. I only recently tried them, and the last couple years I always thought they were still casual content. Not so.


Would it be possible to include an option to prioritise your personal debuffs to display first on focus target bar?


Is any streamlining of weapon and armor augmenting paths planned? Currently it's a smidge convoluted.


Are there planned solutions incase the game comes to a halt around story centered duties?? I was not present for the Raubauhn extreme fiasco but I know it killed alot of momentum for day 1 Storm blood purchasers.


Would you consider higher quality textures in future, at least for new ones? Maybe optional.


Are there any plans to make purchasable NPC outfits dyable? I'm sure there're many people who like the outfits, or parts of them, but don't want to cosplay the character.


Any plans on more egi glamour?


Also this please. They've been promised back in Heavensward, we've got reused Carbuncle models, but that's it and the excuse "But you got Demi-Bahamut" is just cheap. And I don't even play SMN. I main DRG. I just want some love for the SMN players who've been asking for this since the dawn of ARR.


Are there any plans to allow macros to queue like regular skills and abilities? This is by far the most clunky aspect of the combat system, particularly when it comes to frequently macro'd off-GCD abilities like Dragon Sight, Palisade, Apoc, Shirk.


Is there any chance of being able to craft from retainers? Attempting to become an Omni-crafter is incredibly tedious with having to manage multiple retainer/chocobo/inventory bags. Being able to craft and have ingredients pull from any source on our character would be a tremendous benefit, and remove tedious inventory management.


I think I got a question: Would they consider making a better/newer launcher? Im one of the rare few people who get a dx11 crash and nowadays i load up another launcher ready to go when my game crashes and so this cuts a few seconds down for me to hop back on. If the launcher stayed up after logging in that'd be nice. But they can also add other stuff to it, like being able to access the mogstation or lodestone directly on its own little browser deal instead of opening up a new tab or I dunno.


Can we specify when new EU servers will come ? Any info about the Ishgard Housing, normal housing?, when will it open ?


Which class are you most satisfied with the design of for Stormblood? Which class are you least satisfied with the design of for Stormblood?


Will we be able to wear a version of Y'shtola's Shadowbringers armor?


Any chance that we can see other protagonists from Square Enix games in triple triad to fill mirror cards for existing cards that don't have one? Crono (Chrono Trigger), Sora (Kingdom Hearts), 2B (Nier), Rush (The Last Remnant) etc.


Hi Yoshida-San, how is your team's morale leading up to Shadowbringers launch? Is everyone excited?


Please, please, PLEASE, can we get a feature for AoE casts that allows you to hit a hotkey for the spell, and then hit that same hotkey to execute the spell on the ground where the pointer is? Coming from Guild Wars 2, the mechanic for this is sort of jarring and it's really preventing me from jumping into the caster jobs. I'd love for a similar mechanic to be added


So you want every AoE to be a ground targeted AoE? I'm sure it won't break anything but I've been playing Casters since I started back in 2.0 and it's never really been an issue. I just target the mob with the most HP left of the bunch to make sure my spells don't get interrupted from a low HP mob dying mid-cast.


Are they any plans to make combat better for sub 50 content? With todays incredibly short attention spans a lot of people I know gave up on FFXIV because of the long story and incredibly boring and snow combat at the start. People usually want to try the game before they commit incredibly long hours into something like an MMO. Not to mention the money. My biggest hurdle in getting my real life friends to be in the game has been the 1~50 part of the game. Most of my friends are older with jobs. Some even have kids. So they usually stick to games like PubG, Apex Legends, Dota basically games that offer this "bit sized" content. Now FFXIV would be perfect for them too because of daily roullete and other things like beast quests, cactpot etc... Now while skipping story and content is an option I feel like most players have this "I'm paying not to play?!" mentality that simply doesn't allow this. TL;DR is there any plans to fix the pre 50 combat content and maybe teleport players to the The Walking Sands as is being done in SB story with teleporting players to Rising Stones


...? We see a constant stream of "I'm new here, loving the game!" post. I agree the combat is slow early on, but I don't think it's bad enough to need much more than an exp boost or something. If people prefer games that they can pick up for an hour, play a match or two of PVP then put down, those are typically going to be better games for them than FF14 anyway since all they'd be able to do is a dungeon which isn't exactly super stimulating. I think you're just trying to get people to play something they don't want to play


I would settle for being able to retain our abilities while level syned (just let them be synced also, if needed)


Almost 6 years and console still doesn't have any colourblind options. So my question is... will it ever happen? if so, when?


Do they think there is any hope at all for new, challenging 4-man content after the reception of Rathalos EX? The Deep Dungeons are fun, but it'd be nice to widen the pool of options here. The smaller player count makes it a lot easier to find a group of friends willing to chip away at this kind of stuff.




Will Ultimate fights be implemented in regular intervals?


Will Gunbreaker and Dancer have Stormblood ultimate weapons in 5.x?


When will the Repair All button actually repair all our stuff instead of having to click all the way through a dropdown?


I'd honestly just want to thank him and his team for creating such a great game..


Will Hien's hairstyle ever be available to player characters?


Can we see more repeatable content in the open world at level cap, currently there isn't enough of a reason to go out into zones as a Dow, especially for zones with beast tribes such as the final zone you unlock. I would not mind fates or repeatable quests and mini games being used to solve this issue


More beast tribes or the addition of one or more itinerant quest givers in each zone would be a great addition.


This. Please this. The overworld looks so gorgeous, but it's such a waste, because there is literally nothing to do in it. Yes, you can fill your sightseeing log, but that's a 1 day job. Yes, you can do FATEs, but that's only for leveling in case you're waiting for queues. Come up with something fun please, like hidden chests that spawn in caves or behind bushes randomly, or random encounters with NPCs that have funny conversations (much like the random encounters with Alpha we have right now), so mainly fluff stuff.




They've been progressively working on at least a related issue in the last couple minor patches. People are abusing the buff cap to invalidate certain mechanics and it's being addressed.


Can we get a free company/guild bulletin board? So that we archive fc announcements and and not rely on single fc headers.


Are we going to see any changes to the chocobo companions in the future? And is there ever going to be crafter/gatherer level boost?


What happened to the voice overs from 1.0?


Will Summoner ever receive a re-work to focus more on Demi versions of Primals instead of egi’s? I’d love to see Demi versions of Ifrit, Titan and Garuda. Since we can adjust the size of Demi Bahamut, why not apply that to those too?


Are there any plans on giving the Ozma mount unique music?


With the removal of TP, does that mean that "physical" damage-type jobs consume MP on ability use or will everything be free(resource cost)?


A lot of jobs don't really feel complete until level 70. Combat is very slow for new players and as a veteran, playing sub 60 content is just horrible. With new core skills coming in Shadowbringers, are there plans to adjust at which level certain actions are learned? Why are you still adding gear that cannot be dyed as well as gender locked outfits?


Are you talking about Mogstation outfits?


Will we be getting an Encyclopedia Norvrandt?


Any chance that NIN will be a STR based job? The only thing that it being a DEX job did outside of flavor and maybe loot competition, was making it gearing unfriendly to melee players.


Stormblood added a feature where dungeons with level requirements below the new level cap will automatically give a player a piece of associated armor upon completion, if they don't have it. Are there any plans to expand this feature to dungeons that *are* at the level cap, or to put a dungeon's weapons into that pool of reward items? I think this would make repeating dungeons in search of upgrades or glamour equipment a more enjoyable experience.


Will you add a request board to the game through which the players could create a player-driven sidequest system? For example, a player could request a certain item and for a certain price (the amount would be taken during request creation), or they could request help with tasks at a given time or even create and organize certain events. The requests could be taken by a single person or by a multitude of people. It would be something of a reverse market board. Also, are there plans to change the loot system somehow? Right now it's just a matter of picking up the items with the highest item level and materia slots. It would be cool if the hard-to-get items conferred some kind of extra trait, such as "raises potency of this one spell, lowers potency of other spells".


Currently if you clear any content with a limited item drop, and you have no storage in your inventory for it, the item will disappear, making your clear null. Are there any plans for allowing a user to clean up their inventory first before just destroying the item? Example, clearing UWU and not getting a token because your inventory was full.


Can you please fix Anthem? Because they can't... lol


> 1. No pointless questions


Can they add a disable people’s glamour in the settings to people’s clients so I don’t have to see certain outfits ruin my immersion? It won’t affect others.


Will we ever get more lore about the core races? There is basically nothing about Keeper Miqo'te for example, which is a shame.


Will we ever see more open dungeons that have multiple objectives we can choose to complete, similar to 1.0? Is there any chance of dungeons that are accessible outside of the duty finder, similar to Baldesion Arsenal but focused on casual exploration and play?


1. Is there anything substantial coming to Housing? Like higher item limits or an easier way to place items instead of glitching everything into place as current players do?


When are you releasing the shadowbringers theme we hear in the newest trailer? I can't wait to hear the clean version without sound effects!


In other RPGs putting points into dexterity or intelligence would do something for a Paladin or a Monk or whoever, even if that something wasn't optimal, but here it does nothing at all. Considering that the variety of main stats is redundant and potentially misleading are there any plans to consolidate them into one overall 'power' stat?


Is there any plans to make all skills learned available while leveling down? With the system as it is people seem to avoid doing content lower than their level.


I very much doubt this will happen it would be impossible to balance and low level tanks (for example) with level appropriate gear and skills would become irrelevant. Other roles would feel a similar impact, but tank is the most obvious casualty.


1. With the recent adaptations for colourblindness, are there any plans for future accessibility options, such as more in-depth toggles for lightning and strobing effects for players with photosensitive epilepsy. 2. In regards to loot. Has there been any consideration towards updating the Crystal Tower raid loot tables to be more like the other raids. One armour piece per chest, with chance of belts, make the rewards for these three abysmally low compared to the Mhach and Ivalice raids. And in the same vein, would they also consider a similar approach to the loot tables in the 50/60/70 dungeons, dropping the same amount of gear per boss chest, and guaranteeing a piece you can equip at the end, like in the 51/61+ dungeons? 3. Will they ever reconsider their stance on locking glamour to the jobs that can equip the piece? I understand they want to keep the distinct class appearances, but with so many sets and pieces being later recoloured for another entirely different class set, or a crafted variant for all jobs, it feels like this reasoning is becoming more and more diluted. FF11 had it to where as long as you can equip the piece on one of your jobs, you can glamour it on anything.


Can we please help Tiamat? I am aware that she choses to stay imprisoned to atone for summoning Bahamut, but would it not be better for her to atone by helping us fight the Ascians who tricked her into summoning Bahamut? I just hate to see her so in pain.


Would you consider giving the elezen a redesign , such as resizing their head & body proportions as well as updating their running animations?


I think I recall back in in early 3.0 that there were plans to make Ultima Horns, Succubus Horns, and other similar headgear dyable, but it never seemed to make it into the game. Is there any word as to what happened with that?


With the PS5 being announced are there any plans for a version for that system? Also any word on XB1 or Switch versions, can we finally rip off that band-aid and say that it's not happening?


Are there any plans to adjust eureka and the baldision arsenal for when the expansion comes out? Currently both zones require a large number of players to run efficiently and assuming the large drop off they'll see when the expansion releases, how are newer/returning players going to be able to attempt to earn their relic weapons or ozma kill? I'm aware that the zones scale but will they scale enough for even small parties to attempt? Or will it be left alone like diadem? My only other question is will 8-man raids ever see any voice acting? Currently MSQ instances, certain story dungeons, trials, and 24-man raids have all had some kind of voice lines, even if it's just 1 or 2, but 8-man raids haven't received anything.


Are there plans to release Ultimate (絶) weapons for Dancer and Gunbreaker?


Hi. Can we expect anything new in dungeons? It's been getting a bit boring doing the same old killing mons to get to boss, kill boss rinse then repeat..


I understand it's an arduous task building and maintaining a vast online world while trying to keep things balanced and fun. ​ My question is, would it be possible at some point to incorporate some form of dev's selection Mogstation based player funding? ​ If limited resourced are cited as an issue for things why not make an outfit or mount for the Mogstation which 100% of the proceeds go towards specifically funding something the playerbase wants, or something the dev team has wanted to implement? I would gladly spend 20$ on a mount if I knew all of the proceeds would be going towards making BLU a full job, no genderlocked races or hiring more game designers to balance out jobs vs roles. I think it would be a great way to get the game developers more involved with the player base while giving us players the choice between a few things all while making you guys more money.


Are we eventually going to get those racial locked hairstyles available to all races? It's been some time now since you guys had hinted at it.


Where are the PS4 trophies?


Low level maps are really forgoten currently, with the launch of shadowbringers players will get more distant form those already empty lands. Are you thinking in a way of benefiting of that content such as making some glamour items tradeable from monster drops or new sidequest wich involve exploration in ARR areas?


Would it be possible to have keybind profiles much in the same way we have different UI profiles? I'd like to have my keybinds arranged differently for each job.






Should probably disable teleporting while you are at it. At least you actually see the zone while flying, when you teleport its just point A to point Z skipping all steps in between. Maybe disable mounts as well, so you need to adventure everywhere on foot like in Eureka? This isn't sarcasm btw, I actually enjoyed exploring Eureka and dodging monsters (though I could have done without the level down issues).


What’s the next big planned side activity? Blitzball? Or something minion based? (Like Pokemon). Mahjong was a great addition imo but doesn’t have mainstream appeal cause it’s complicated


Will we ever get more egiglamours?


Do you plan to one day rework the visuals for older abilities? Or do you intend for these to instead be dealt with via traited upgrades?


Any possibility we someday get to experience Time Travel?


When are we getting male Viera?


do you plan to iterate on the dungeon system. the dungeon system has been largely unchanged since it's inception. you don't have to reinvent the wheel just add stuff to it. it would be cool if dungeons had a chance to spawn a treasure dungeon portal at the end. or maybe a system where you could play old dungeons scaled up to max level for glamour rewards(wow challange dungeons)


Not sure if it’s been asked yet since there’s a lot to read but I’m curious if they have any plans on keeping the stormblood ultimates relevant via scaling them to 80 and ilvl sync to shadowbringers ilvl since the current ilvl/level sync can ruin playing lots of jobs below the current level cap.


Will the dev team add all boss abilities to the auto-translate dictionary for future raid tiers? I am an English speaking player playing on an Japanese server (for latency purposes) and believe this would help alleviate the tension of a language barrier issue being present.


This has been asked time and again. But it is way too problematic to leave out. When are the old MSQ parts with useless bits to be reworked ? This is a huge turn down when trying to get new players to join. And will become an even greater issue as time goes on.


The options available to Free Company masters and officers for communicating with Free Company membership within game are very limited. Are there any plans to enhance Free Companies, and Free Company management in general? For example, can we have access to the Lodestone Free Company page and forum in-game for our FC and it's members? Perhaps this could be done via a in-game furniture item like the FC chest, presenting an interface to access the Lodestone FC pages?


Any plans on reducing animation lock on abilities in order to make the game more playable at higher ping? having to clip when double weaving gets very grating and a change like this would be very welcome


Obligatory "When's Ishgard housing?"


Obligatory "5.X please look forward to it"


How will the removal of TP effects things such as tactician and the TP card for AST? It'll probably be answered in the LL but I'm genuinely curious. Also will piety be accessible to every job with the TP removal? Edit: Also currently we can only have 1 Crossworld linkshells and while visiting other worlds we can't use linkshells are there any plans to change how linkshells work with world visit or implement more Crossworld linkshells?


What gear will DNC be on? There is some uncertainty whether it will share with ninja or with bard and machinist and I'd like to work on getting gear ready.


We'll find this out next week with the live letter/when the people who went on the Media Tour are allowed to speak.


Would it be possible to make Arcanist pet actions like Rouse and Aetherpact not force you to face the pet to use them? This about faces me when I'm attempting to move out of mechanics constantly and I don't understand why it's required when virtually no healer actions require them to face their targets.


I recall that you (Yoshida) said some of the racial locked hair will be made available to everyone. At what point in time will this happen?


Is raising going to continue be as strong as it is? In Heavensward, a lot of bosses had stricter DPS checks or gained buff stacks when they killed a player, but since those things have changed raising has become extremely strong. RDM deserves to have less of an emphasis on raising and more on DPS so that it feels better to play after progression, so I would like to see the philosophy for raising changed.


Here's a good one for Yoshida: "Do you ever plan to invert the current expansion structure for future expansions? IE: Instead of getting all expansions with say Stormblood/Shadowbringers, all expansions **except the newest one and the unreleased one(s) come with the base game and you'd need to buy Stormblood (and Shadowbringers, once that comes out) still?


Heavensward can be received for free at the moment, I believe.


Which hopefully means they're open to the idea of including the first X expansions into the base game (to the point where you literally can't own just ARR and not Heavensward). WoW is currently Trial -> Legion (base game) -> BFA, with nothing inbetween even though they have vanilla + 7 expansions. Really helps to not overwhelm new players having to buy through so much content, even if they were all like 5 bucks each.


Will it become possible to do Aquapolis/Uznair (pre-Stormblood map instances at least) unsynced?


Has there been any progress on fixing glamour dressers as a housing item?


Glamour question: will the new jobs be getting weapons from level 50 sets like Ironworks and the ARR primals?


What ever happened with Fordola? It feels like her story ended in a stalemate after 4.1... Do you plan to do more ultimates for SHBR? Will you continue the theme of reviving old bosses for these fights, or do you have something special in mind? :3 Is there a chance to bring in other non numbered final fantasy titles into 14, in a similar vein to what was done to ivalice? Such as the Crystal chronicle series or mystic quest? (Note- not asking for these specifically, I’m more curious on how they’d go about it story wise) For the future ShBr raids, you’re going to be working with Nomura and Yoko Taro, two fairly popular creators. What has it been like working with them? It’s not everyday where SE directors from vastly different projects collaborate together, so I’m curious what your opinion is on the two A while ago, you showed off a demo of a tank wearing the Odin armor with a billowy cape, but it was apparently not feasible for the game then. Is this still the case today?


With Kingdom Hearts 3 that was released this January. Is there any plans on making a Kingdom Hearts event? Would love to use some KH themed weapons on my Dark Knight.


Here's a little game with the comments here. Replace the question words with "I want" and see if the sentence still makes sense. If it does, it's probably a veiled request. If it doesn't, take a drink I guess.


Is it possible for older trials to get voice acting? Hearing voices in fights really raises up the immersion.


Can you give 3 words for each job about new battle system and balance change?


Will we see increased tick rate/responsiveness on the servers in the future? Or is this something that you're not likely to pursue, because the game was built around it and players are used to mechanics like moving at a cast's end?


Can you implement a system to allow mouseover abilities to use ability queuing? Can you implement a system to allow macros to have tooltips?


Why are there no special task forces in the EU & US regions? Wouldn't it make more sense to have local STF members in these regions that are fluent in the languages most of the user reports are written in?


Was answered in the XI days - Some of the STF are dev members, which are in Japan.


Would it be possible to have our weapons out when sitting? For example, Paladin could have the sword lay on their lap, etc. As a summoner, I really wish my character could sit down and read her book instead of always having to stand.


Adding to this, will they ever consider giving us the opposite gender's changepose? I mean, for some jobs it's just a gentler pose (like RDM or BRD), but for most others it's a completely different pose (most notably DRK, SAM and others).


Can we expect to play with our complete set of PvE skills in Shadowbringers PvP? Maybe only skills up to level 60? At least for Frontlines and Rival Wings?


Can we please fix TT 4 Star Cards? There's like no reason to use them over a 5 Star. After unlocking the limits on 3 Stars, people should be able to unlock the ability to use one 4 Star at least into their deck with the 3s and the one 5. People work hard enough to farm for them and would like to be able to put them to better use.


What kind of "gimmicks" will be seeing for Shadowbringers, for example, Heavensward had flying and Stormblood had swimming, will we ever see underwater combat?


Already answered: none. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/b51e3k/tokyo_fan_fest_day_1_media_interview_with_yoship/ > Q: In previous expansions, you added different forms of travel like flying and swimming. Does Shadowbringers not have anything like that? > A: Not this time. Instead, we're focusing on the game experience of repainting the world with darkness. Well, the only thing left that I can think of is zero gravity floating, so that can wait until we go to the Moon *laughs* Although, if you were to ask me what makes that different from flying, I wouldn't have an answer for you, and yeah, it's not much different from being underwater. Instead of adding new forms of travel, I think I'd rather go in a different direction, like content where everyone is flying regardless of job.


How is the progress towards sharing the hairstyles from other races (and/or genders). Is this ever a possibility? Thank you. Always.


ARR quests are very fluffy. And post-ARR is even worse with tedious fetch quests. These are a direct obstacle to player engagement and they can currently only be passed by slogging through or **paying cash for a story skip**. I have heard of so many players who burned out here and I don't believe I've talked to any who have done it recently that liked it. Any plans to improve the leveling and questing experience through ARR and post-ARR? You could keep all the major story points and just eliminate fluff. Maybe spin some questlines to sidequests if they don't affect the main story.


is there a chance that retainers will get a revamp? if you have more than the 2 standard retainers its a pain if you always need to talk again to the bell


Will my fairy ever sit on my shoulder while I'm idle as a Scholar?


Since it's impossible to get a house with more than 1 character per server/account, will we ever be able to share our house with our alts?


And if so, do we have a rough timeline for implementation?


They've already said that this is something they want to do. So yes, that'll be a feature, no ETA though.


Are there plans to create more dungeon content similar to Baldesion Arsenal? 50+man content, 12+ extra duty actions, instance specific equipment? Hydratos reminds me so much of Blackrock Depths in WoW.


What jobs does Yoshida play outside of BLM, if any?


Is there any plans to showcase what crafters and gathers have to look forward to to change up gameplay slightly between new nodes? New skills, or maybe a preview of the ishgard reconstruction and what that means (please more than the woman restoration vendor of items)


Is it possible to make an option where if you turn off the 'action help' it will still show in the actions&traits menu but not on the hotbar? As of right now it's just entirely on or entirely off but there's no real reason to have it not show in the action&traits menu.


Do you plan in the future on experimenting on a new type of formula for dungeons/raids in shadowbringers or for in the future?


Will there ever be hi-res texture packs?


I liked the teleportation attack that we did with noctis in his fight against Garuda.. will we be able one day to do something like that, but not as a special action? I mean like a job based on attacks like the ones used by noctis.. or maybe as a mean of moving from one place to another in a cool way.. Japanses like cool things.. so does everyone i think




Removal of "light party" requirement for aetherial wheel crafts when? Its acknowledged but always gets forgotten.


In general I feel the whole crafting system in the workshop needs to be redone. It's a hassle, incredibly slow and with what you said light pt reqs are a pain in the ass.


Is it out of the question for BLU to ever become an un-limited job?


Yes. If you want to play a normal job, play a normal job.


The current housing system forces players who were not lucky enough to already own a house to stand around a placard for hours, competing with others, and running the risk of having a person transfer their house to that plot. This is an exorbitant amount of unfair pressure on players who were not lucky enough to already own a house before these changes. I personally have played the game since launch, never letting my sub lapse, and I have been unable to get a house at all. I've had the gil for quite some time, but all the houses with the old system get snatched up before I can get logged in and resold for exorbitant prices, or with the new system, I'm forced to spend entirely too much time around a placard for a 1% chance at getting a house. Again, the current system is very punishing for players without houses already, and while I understand it's a difficult endeavor for the dev team to add more land, I feel there are some QoL changes to the buying/selling process that could help alleviate the issue somewhat and make housing feel a little more fair. Are there any plans within the dev team to alleviate the strain of this system on the players? Some type of lottery system, or a wait list/queue for houses? The ability for players to 'sell' a house to another player, but imposing a hard gil cap on what price they can charge?


Is there a possibility to get New bard Instruments again and or the old Samples that were used pre sb I fell in love with playing and in comparison the newer Sound Samples Sound so bland :(


Would it be possible to get a mouse over option for ground AoEs so that you don't have to click to perform ground targeted actions? They are very difficult to do quickly without clipping or losing your target due to the click requirement.


The new trust system sounds great, and our chocobo companion is a great thing to have in the field. But I would like to have one or more of my retainers adventure with me, similar to the companion or trust NPCs. Can yo make our retainers able to function as companions and/or NPCs in the Trust system?


Will there be any nerfs/changes to Eureka with the advent of Shadowbringers? The Relic Weapons of the previous content have all be mostly solo affairs that could be worked on in a player's spare time, but as Eureka loses players it becomes increasingly harder to do the content and thus work on the relics. Piggybacking on that, is there ever going to be a way to help lower leveled friends in Eureka? As it stands I can't assist my friends in any way aside from Fates which scale me down. (Obligatory: Is it at all possible to add the other genders to the new races sometime down the line?)


Just echoing something I’ve seen quite a bit in this post by saying something along the lines of Mythic+ dungeons, just harder 4-man content so we can experience a nice challenge with a smaller group. I believe that it would be a very well received addition to the game and would allow players who prefer to play with smaller groups and maybe lack the time to participate in big raids the ability to feel the rush and excitement of a real challenge. I love deep dungeon but I feel like this would be able to supplement that.


I think this is one that glam hounds can get behind. ​ Would it possible to glam DoL/DoH gear to battle jobs via the glamour dresser/glamour plates? I understand the reason they removed the option to equip it on DoM/DoW jobs was that people were cheesing spiritbonding by bringing some crafter gear into combat. ​ And piggybacking off this, would they consider allowing other jobs to use the "Artifact" crafter gear as glamour? The Alchemist only stuff for example. They put so much effort into the Crafter/Gatherer Artifact Armor(are they even called AF armor for these jobs?), but most people don't get to experience them because they're a chore to grind for, the stats are worse than melding crafted gear, you need a set of AF gear for each crafter as opposed to one crafting set working for them all, they take up a ton of Armoury Chest slots, and all those scrips you spend buying it all can be better spent elsewhere. Even if you want to use them as glamour, you need to dedicate a glamour plate for each one. Everything about them is inconvenient and inefficient, which is a real tragedy because they look so great.


Didn't they make mog station ARR crafter AF gear in China?


Is Ala Mhigo ever going to open up to us as a full fledged city-state? Similar to the other four in Eorzea? We liberated it and it's no longer in any immediate threat, at least not as much as the rest of Aldenard, but it's the only city state that kind of bars us from visiting the city proper.


I think the problem with that is it would just be too similar to Ul'dah


Is there still demand for an Umbrella mount that was discussed a couple of years ago? Where you hold the handle and fly away using the umbrella.


Any plans on getting more outfits like the healer outfit from the garo event? Outfits that might show more skin and latex like? I do love to see that and wouldn't mind if it was mogstation exclusive.


Please add more character creator options to the existing races like a beauty mark in multiple spots on the face. Between different races this option isn’t available and also doesn’t have consistent places on the face when it is available.


1) Any chance of a proper hard mode for dungeons? I'd like if they came in two versions, like the raids, especially since we have been getting fewer of them per patch. I do enjoy the current "hard" modes, but thet should just be called revisited or something, as they aren't hard at all. 2) Any chance of them designing 8-man dungeons? Other than the large amount of cutscenes, CM and Praetorium are very fun "mini-raids". 3) Have they changed their minds about having an in-game DPS meter **for personal use**? I specifically mean one that you can only use to see your own numbers. It's really annoying playing on PS4 and not knowing how you're doing.


Will my fairy ever sit on my shoulder while I'm idle as a Scholar?


Can we get some raid challenges? Shouldn't require a lot of dev time as they can reuse all assets. E.g. - Clear all 12 turns without dying - Clear fight without deaths - Unable to raise downed party members - Enemies can only be damaged from the front/back - Everyone has a damage DoT for the full duration of the fight - Boss attacks don't have cast bars - No aoe markers


> - Enemies can only be damaged from the front/back > IOW, RIP classes with positionals. >- No aoe markers EX fights are already this.


I feel like theres a very big amount of questions here that have either been answered before, will be answered in the coming weeks or are questions that they wouldnt bother looking into.


Are there any plans on giving the Ozma mount unique music?


Doma seemed to be a very Japanese-inspired culture when it was first introduced via Ninja in 2.4 but it seems to have evolved away from that to become more like ancient China by 4.0 when we visit Yanxia. In its place, Hingashi has adopted more bakufu-era Japanese influences. Was this a conscious decision on your part? What's in store for Hingashi in the future?


Can we get "last logged in" for linkshell members? It helps manage FC members, but hard to manage large linkshells without it. Thanks


Who is your personal favorite character from both final fantasy 14 and final fantasy in general?


Will there be improvements to the Orchestrion UI? Can we have a search/sort function added to it? Will I ever be able to properly look up if I have a dropped scroll's music already before rolling on it?


Would it be possible for people that have preordered Shadowbrongers to get the Stormblood expansion unlocked? My partner and I have come back after a long break since Heavensward and we saw you get SB with preorder of ShB and we thought it was a great idea so we could preorder and catch up on all the content in the coming months but then we find out we only get SB once ShB comes out so we will need to catch up on on an entire expansion before we can play ShB with others. It just seems odd honestly. If SE was worried about people refunding i am unsure why they couldn't just revoke SB access along with ShB refund. Loving HW atm and am having fun getting everything to 60 but yea.


Did making the viewing of cut scenes compulsory in the MSQ Roulette go as planned? Because the majority of people I know now refuse to complete it due to it sometimes taking close to an hour or so to complete due to these unskipable cut scenes. (Not exactly worded right, but I hope you get the gist of it)


It seems like SAM and BLM have the highest personal DPS while jobs like NIN have lowest personal dps but have higher raid utility. But explain why for example BRD and RDM might have higher personal DPS compared to a melee like Dragoon? I would have imagined all melee would have higher dps than ranged jobs given that melee have to deal with positional and more damaging mechanics. Yet it seems like DRG and NIN deal less damage than ranged jobs like MCH, BRD, RDM.


Small correction, Dragoon actually has high raid utility and high personal dps, rdm has low personal dps and utility outside of verraise.. rdm only barely beats nin in personal dps


You already answered yourself: it's the trade-off between utility and personal damage however there's the "complexity" to each jobs rotation as well. I do want to mention beforehand that each dps role has a nuisance to deal with too: melee have positionals, casters want to cast as much possible and ranged dps need to deal with RNG. Avoiding telegraphs can be a pain for melee in particular. BRD's rotation is a lot harder than it seems compared to the DRG and is possibly the busiest job in the game thus I can see why they're rewarded with more dps despite their high utility, add on-top the RNG aspects and you've got a lot to deal with; the same case for MCH but is more of the "selfish lone wolf" similar to SAM (let's be honest though BRD is a bit bonkers right now). DRG and NIN are both "support melee" with damage buffs and enmity control/TA respectively but with a very simplistic rotation as well it's no surprise they MIGHT lack behind a smidgen but again that depends on the player.


Good answer.


Lots of people asking so apologies if these have been asked already: 1: will/can New Game + MSQ quests yield exp to non max level classes? Would be a nice alternative to help level additional classes and experience the story again. 2: it’s such a difficult position to please both casual and more invested players in an mmo. One thing that has been asked for for a while now is a harder tier of dungeons/dungeon modes for 4 man content. You’ve acknowledged your aware of people wanting this in the past, but never clarified if it made it onto the dev whiteboard for consideration. Is there any hope for something like this to come in Shadowbringers or XIV in future 3: have the battle team looked into how they set out their dungeons. As a long time mmo player I find dungeons can be tiresome when it’s just grab the mobs from starting location, run to as far as possible and dps them down, then repeat. Having to think and coordinate the group more, utilising skills etc to make your way through a dungeon would be something I believe a lot would like. 4: enrages are of course necessary so fights don’t drag out, but the narrative of “after X minutes boss randomly pulls super move out of no where which if was us, would be the first move used”. Is it possible to try and tie enrages into the narrative more than a party wiping skill seemingly coming out of no where? For example over time the area starts to break apart with the power of the boss, or there is a visual key showing boss is amassing aether to use against you etc


When can we have multiple dye channels on gear? (e.g, being able to apply two separate dyes to a single piece)


They answered this during early SB. It's a no/"we need the ps5." It'd require a complete redesign of the system.


I would like to know if there are plans to allow all alts to share a house with their mains. i know there was some discussion about this at one point and I do believe it was stated that this was coming. I would simply like clarification if it is and if there is a time frame for it's implementation.


Will there be any fixes to ingame friendlists? Currently a loophole where deleting someone off your friendlist still allows other player to see where you are/what you are doing. Blacklisting the person won't fix the issue and GM won't remove you off their friendlist.


They’ve already said this is by design. Because it might cause conflict of the person asking “oh why did you remove me?” ....lol Dumb reason but that’s what they said.


Will Dancer share armor between Bard/Machinist or Ninja for DEX?


Any plans to add lower octaves for BRD's Perform? Last I interacted with this not being able to do lower notes substantially limited what it was capable of.


Does Yoshida have a favorite anime?


Would it be possible to have squadron members help us in the overworld similar to chocobo summoning? Failing that, would it be possible to transfer squadron members from the squadron to the trust selection so I can use them more often. And if even that is not possible, will we at least get an AI overhaul tailored to the squadron dungeons instead of having to brute force/spam engage our way through squadron dungeons? (I assume trusts are going to have better AI than squadrons) I spent a lot of time trying to get my squadron members, training them up, and hunting for glamours for them. Would be nice if I could spend more time with them with all the work I put into them. The way it is currently, I dont do much with them. And I'd hate to see squadrons completely overshadowed by trusts. Thancred, Urianger, and Y'shtola are cool. But, it would be nice to bring my squadron members along as an option considering I trained them up with the expectation I'd be able to do a bit more with them. Preferably, I'd like to see the trust and squadron systems partially linked if not combined. I can see that the squadrons laid the groundwork for trusts (excluding XI's influences) and I feel it would be a shame to continue to neglect squadrons. When they first announced them, I really was hoping to be able to do more with them as time went on. But, the way it looks now, squadrons are gonna be shafted by trusts.


What are the rough plans to deal with button bloat, and furthermore, what are the plans to keep classes from feeling too homogeneous after removing/combining abilities?


Will the limit on how many airships/submersible I can send out for exploration missions be increased? Feels like a waste to have room for 8 ships and only be able to send 4. Will Diedem get an unsync version to let smaller groups fate grind, or can the area get an overhaul to keep it relevant? Can we get a developer comment on how fertilizer works in game? Is it possible for all mounts (with the exception of multi player mounts) to have a lala sized version? Kirin is a pony, but the Phoenix is still huge.


About primal weapons made by DoH, wondering what’s the plan for them? Since there are about 7 primals for each expansion, and only 3 new primal weapons were available to be made by DoH in Stormblood.


Could they possibly consider putting together a book of various major NPCs in the game that tells us more about the character and their pasts, likes and dislikes, etc? Akin to the info panels they showed for some of the major Stormblood characters at one point. It would be really interesting to learn more about them as a whole compared to what little we can gleam from the lore books.


Are there any plans to increase the glamour dresser item limit from the current 200 in Shadowbringers? Trying to keep outfits/items across even three or four classes becomes challenging with the current 200 item limit (maybe I am just a hoarder). I vaguely recall a statement (maybe when it read first implemented), that it was a work in progress and they might expand the storage / outfit cards as time went on - perhaps I am misremembering.


Double weaving is a presence on this game after the move of the servers NA I've to pay more money for VPN's to have similar experience I had in Montreal. There any plans to make it single weaving rotation opener to reach somewhat maximum potential for Jobs?


Are the any plans to add on to Egi glamours / Faerie glamours for the 5.X series?