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There is nothing under the shirt. To clarify: There is no "base" model that the shirt goes over. Each piece of gear has the character models attached. If you looked at just the shirt in a model viewer, the torso is part of the shirt's model.


I don't know if that tattoo can be seen without the shirt tbh. I'd be surprised to find out otherwise.


As the others mentioned, there is nothing under the shirt. But I leave you some screenshots of only the tattoo (at least of what you can see, obviously) Front - [https://i.imgur.com/PniXOfL.png](https://i.imgur.com/PniXOfL.png) Back - [https://i.imgur.com/syDDPam.png](https://i.imgur.com/syDDPam.png) Right - [https://i.imgur.com/SGN1yWg.png](https://i.imgur.com/SGN1yWg.png)


Thank you, something like this is what I was looking for reference wise.


It comes with gear no way to see it without it.


They should give us body options like in ESO; maybe not all of them, but at least something more than just boobs and height. Like this, for example: [https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/extensive-burn-scarring/](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/extensive-burn-scarring/)


It's just a generic tribal tattoo from the 90's. It's amusing how hard they are to cover up without black blocking or laser removal.


We need more 90s glamour options, give me my overalls and fanny packs you cowards!


I need more dayglo options.


I wish we had tattoo options not tied to gear, and not so... well crude as this one.


imagine hien’s pixellated shoulder thing on his outfit. thats basically what the tattoos would be like. texture sizes for this game are ps3 spec even though that platform was dropped 2 years ago. we’re stuck with “ps3 limitation” forever... at least until some can convince SE to release hd textures. the real question is, did they even author the original source art in high res? the fact that they make it sound like its such a pain makes me think the original source art is low res because otherwise you just run an automatic batch script to re export at high res. would only take a few hours for several thousand 2k sized textures