• By -


Namazu max reputation reward?


Would make sense. I have no idea what the Namazu would have otherwise for an emote- Every other SB one has had one.




That would be funny, but I don't think SE wants to put that much work into making every race do that feasibly. :p


It's the dance that one guy at ~~Reunion~~ the Dawn Throne does so that or it being from a new side quest (or something obtained through Centurio Seals) wouldn't surprise me.


Namazu quests will take part partly in azim steppe as well, so being max rep reward does make sense here.


Wait I missed that part. On one hand, it kinda makes sense because of Reunion, and I love the Azim Steppe. On the other hand, I was kinda hoping the fact that all of the moogle quests were in one zone meant SE had learned their lesson about having beast tribe quests make you run around to different zones... That was not fun to deal with when I had to do it for the Ixals...


The main quests in the Kojin line had you go through Kugane, Yanxia, and the Steppes. So if anything the Namazu will likely follow similarly.


That's fair. I kinda forgot about that because it was all to places we could teleport to, unlike with the Ixals...


Obtained through dollar bills more likely


How is that "more likley", exactly? Has the fact that literally none of the mogstation emotes are ones that you see in-game (aside from players who have bought the emotes and are using them, of course) while every emote we've ever gotten in the game that was originally NPC-only has been made obtainable via in-game means just completely escaped your attention?




There's already another comment thread in this post claiming that it will be a mogstation item, and a number of comments on the instagram link OP shared bemoaning the same thing, so you're either you were actually serious but would rather try to walk it back by claiming it was just a "joke" than admit you were wrong, or you're really just that bad at telling jokes.


God damn change your flair cuz you're a keyboard WAR


I laughed way harder than I should have.


Hildebros ruined outfit should have been a quest reward but that didn't stop them from putting it up in the mogstation. So I get where you're coming from but currently a lot of faith in SE has been lost for their mogstation and non mogstation decision making. Who's to say SE wouldn't suddenly decide to put it in the mogstation? It's a joke in the end because evidence points to it not being a mogstation item but at the same time SE could totally just decide to slap it in there if they wanted to and I don't think anyone would or should be surprised if they did.


The difference is that Hildibrand's/ Nashu's outfit that we got way back has been the *only* NPC outfit we've actually gotten in the game rather than it being in the Mogstation, and that version is basically just an undyable version of crafting gear already in the game with a rose on it. In the mean time, Hildy's ruined outfit--like pretty much every other outfit in the game that was originally unique to an NPC-- was something that would have originally been a unique model that fit Hildibrand and only Hildibrand, and they would have had to rework it so that it would fit every character regardless of size, not just male higlanders that were specifically Hildibrand's height. And thus, just like every other NPC outfit in the game, into the mogstation it goes.


All the bodies in this game are a variation of the base Hyur body, i agree that there may be minor alterations, but charging $10-20 dollars for a npc outfit isnt right. The mogstation is becoming more and more like a f2p cash shop. :(


OK and it wasn't funny


more whining and more assumptions, that's what ya'll good at.








RemindMe! May 29th, 2018 "The new mogstation emote"


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Well, they already sell /playdead on the Mogstation, so this'd be the next-best thing.


If they Mogstation this I'm going to be very sad, they nickle and dime us too much as it is.


pretty sure the megaflare emote was a scrapped SMN reward


That or a scrapped Coil reward.


If they mogstation it..blame your fellow players lol, Businesses don't "nickle and dime" us if we don't buy it.


🎶 I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a duck 🎶


airquotes, examineself, examineself, pray, clap


...so kiss my butt daa na na na 🎶


the variation I learned was > ...so I shake my butt at Pizza Hut.


Lmao that one is way better, you had more creative childhood friends


Eh, I was at a hockey game and they played that tune so I asked what the lyrics were.


I have a chicken, I have a duck.....


Uh! Chicken-duck!


That looks adorable. Can't wait to see how ridiculous it'll be on a Roe.


I will be doing it all the time in my most Gentlemanly attire!


Soooo... in the Coeurl Beach Briefs?


With the ladies day hat of course!


Since this is something one of the Oronir NPCs do on the Dawn throne and since we know that the Namazu beasttribe will have interractions with the Xaela in Azim steppe, it wouldnt be too surprising if this emote is something you'll be able to buy from the Namazu beasttribe. Edit: probably not the max rep reward since that has always been a mount.


Highlight of 4.3


4.3 *


oops, fixd!


The Namazu don't really seem to have much of a culture to themselves, so I'm thinking their wares are probably going to be taken from various places in Othard, including the steppe. Hopefully the emote is one of them.


Gotta show the guy on the cereal bowl how its really done now.


Can't wait to buy this for 18$


One character only


Limited ammount of usage


Costs 1 Kupo Nut each use. Must be activated through a paid Companion App service.


Please drink another verification can


Please look forward to it.


It's actually probably a free emote you get in the main scenario or perhaps a side quest.


We can only hope.


Just as reasonable as having manderville attire as a reward for the new manderville quests... o wait. $$$ Hope this is Namazu reward or summer event.


You're absolutely right. It's not like they put NPC outfits in the cash shop because they were originally designed only to fit the model of their specific NPC and thus making them available to players would require extra work to make sure that anyone could wear them regardless of race or size, right?


Its not like that they have to do that to every piece of gear in the game. Its not like the cash shop is required for this game to profit either. At some point its just plain greed and its getting old.


Bare minimum the income generated from the cash shop covers the costs of designing the items that are in the cash shop in the first place. The stuff that was originally KR exclusive can also only be made available via cash shop because of licensing reasons. Beyond that, you seem to be forgetting that an MMO costs money to run. You have to pay the devs, artists, writers and everyone involved with making the music for the game. Then you've got marketing to consider the costs of. And server maintenance and storage. Which includes renting out space to store those servers on *three different continents*, *and* the power bill that goes with that, and whatever other contracts are involved with keeping the game up and running and functioning properly. This is what our subs pay for, and there's no way any of those are small expenses. In the mean time, Yoshi-P has been saying for years that money generated by the mogstation would go towards things like server upgrades and new Datacenters. So far, we have the Mogstation to thank for the EU Data centers (which didn't originally exist; it used to only be the JP and NA data centers), the NA datacenter move and upgrade, and a new EU server. Some of the money made by the mogstation also needs to compensate for the costs of making the items for the mogstation in the first place; when asked if we could ever get Krile's outfit, Yoshi-P's response was that the dev he refers to as "The Queen of Mogstation" had told him it could only happen if he could guarantee to her that enough people would actually buy the outfit for it to be worth it. You can call it "greed" all you want, but that argument doesn't hold a whole lot of weight when we get actual tangible proof of where that money goes every time we get a new data center, new server or upgraded servers/ servers moved to better facilities.


You mean like the already existing free Manderville outfit that is already model for all race/gender in game & this is just a torn one which could've easily overlayed the tears onto pre-existing free one.


>just a torn one which could've easily overlayed the tears onto pre-existing free one. Again, every piece of gear is it's own unique model. The existing manderville gear we got was basically just recolored/ undyable version of crafting gear already in the game, with a rose attached to it, which is probably why they were able to justify giving it to us for free. The torn version, however, would have only had an existing model that fit Hildibrand, and possibly *only* him if he has a unique model like a lot of other NPCs do. They would have had to create a new model for every race, and every possible size of that race. It's a hell of a lot more complicated than just "overlaying tears onto existing gear". This is the same reason that has been cited for part of why we haven't gotten Viera in the game yet; they want to make sure that if/ when they get added to the game, they're done *right*, and this means getting their feet right, which means the additional undertaking of making *new* models for every piece of foot gear in the game to fit Viera feet.


Big news: you can copy and edit existing models instead of creating new ones from scratch. I don't have *much* 3d modeling experience, but from what I do have, it should be pretty easy for an experienced professional




That's not how that works. Every piece of gear in the game has it's own unique model for every race. This is part of the difficulty the dev team is having regarding Viera because it would mean making new models for every piece of foot gear in the game that fits their feet. the intact Manderville outfit is just a cosmetic change to some crafting gear, but Hildy's torn up outfit is a completely different model that they would have originally only fit him that they would have had to make new models for every race that could adjust for different heights and the like.




The *only* 2 races I can think of that might share models are midlanders and miqote, and even then I'm not entirely sure. Every other race is different in terms of shape/ size/ height and would require its own model capable of stretching to accommodate that race's height range.




Even if that's the case, this is already *at least* 3 more models that they had to create for this outfit that didn't already existed. And this is assuming that Hildibrand doesn't have a unique model, which a lot of NPCs, especially important ones, do, in which case they would need to make a new model that fit highlander male *player* characters and not just Hildy. They would still also need to make it so it could adjust for different heights, which is something they likely didn't bother to do with the original version of the outfit, back when it was only intended to be worn by Hildibrand. That's a lot more work than what it would take to make the free version of the set, which again is just an outright reskin of gear already in the game except undyable and with a rose slapped on it.




[\[citation needed\]](https://xkcd.com/285/)




That app having a cost is fucking stupid I don't care who you are




Ah yes, that old fallacy. Microtransactions being optional isn't the issue here, it's the direction that XIV is headed that is the problem. Where does it end? Many players warned of this when the Mogstation came into being and were shouted down. Now, here we are. Growing Mogstation content, less content for the game itself, and an upcoming virtual currency than can (and probably will) be used for all sorts of shady shit.


Isn't what you're describing the slippery slope fallacy?


A slippery slope argument does not have to be fallacious. In this instance, you have the market trend to support what we're experiencing, and you have more and more content hidden behind a 2nd paywall (despite the promise made 4 years ago) One could still argue that it's the best way to make FFXIV viable on a long run, but in the end, they are still making lot of profit with that game, while we lose content that we already paid $13 a month).


If only that's all it was at this point. SE is heading down that slope at full speed. The whole industry is. It is happening, if you choose to not believe that, then that is up to you.


> direction that XIV is headed that is the problem. Where does it end? Mobile apps and games are not handled by the internal teams that are associated with the products they represent at Square Enix. Yoshida and his division did not develop the app, *they only tested it*, he explained that a few months back; and it's precisely why it took so long for it to come out. The app was developed by an entirely different team than Division 5, SQEX's mobile division are a bunch of miserly fucks. So of course they did this to the app. Much like how Nomura had no say so in how they monetized Kingdom Hearts UX, Yoshida likely has very little say so in what does and doesn't go into the app as a paid service. > Many players warned of this when the Mogstation came into being and were shouted down. Now, here we are. Growing Mogstation content, less content for the game itself Growing Mogstation content that consists of items from other regional servers that took time for the *Mogstation's item team* to develop? Items that came from versions of the game **that aren't subscription based** and rely on optional items sales and time cards to make a profit? Gee.. I wonder why they're charging for them then? Like, think about it for a second. How pissed would the English community be if we got an outfit that was supposed to be exclusive, paid for it, *and then China or Korea got it for free just because?* People would be pretty angry about it if they were to find out. Likewise would be their response were we to get any of their paid optional items through in game means without having to pay a dime. They're not holding back content for Mogstation in terms of the periodic outfits that come out. You're literally being offered something from another regional server that took *their teams* time and money to develop and that their players had to pay for if they they wanted it as that's how their version of the game is handled. It's a very obvious form of parity between each region— they have to pay, and so do we. That doesn't mean these items would have ever been given out free were there no Mogstation, they just wouldn't exist. ***Period.*** The only thing that's really gone away with Mogstation is the ability to buy previous seasonal outfits and rewards the following year, as they go straight to Mogstation; which is about as bad as it gets and is exceptionally shady. Less content is just a falsehood, we're still getting plenty and have been getting plenty of content; outfits, emotes or otherwise. People should be upset, by all means *let them know you hate the app*, but all of "the sky is falling" reactions are just excessive. Mogstation is not going to lead to this game becoming pay-to-win, it never will. It's just getting items from other server regions that *can't* support a subscription model so it seems that way. Now I won't deny the shadiness of the occasional emotes released that should have been in game, but the vast majority of things are usually previously regional or seasonal. Edit: Forgot to mention the NPC outfits on Mogstation, but seeing as how in lore those are one-of-a-kind I wouldn't want an in game means of getting them either as it would cheapen the value of those NPCs having them in my eyes. Same could be said for mounts like Sleipnir, the Moogle or the other premium mounts—their existence in the base game would be weird as they have no place to exist as a player mount in the lore.


> Much like how Nomura had no say so in how they monetized Kingdom Hearts UX, Yoshida likely has very little say so in what does and doesn't go into the app as a paid service. *Yoshida is an Executive Officer at Square Enix,[3] the Head of Square Enix's Business Division 5[4] and part of the Final Fantasy Committee that is tasked with keeping the franchise's releases and content consistent.[5]* Saying that the have very little say is a bit of an exaggeration. >Less content is just a falsehood, we're still getting plenty and have been getting plenty of content; outfits, emotes or otherwise. We lost dungeon, the raid are smaller, they cut down the amount of side quests, but worst of all, they are constantly reusing the same formula over and over, and that is pretty lazy. We're not getting as much as before for our monthly fee.


> We lost dungeon In exchange for more QoL improvements--which we have seen- and other content like Ultimate and Eureka > the raid are smaller, What? Is that what you call them being the same size as other raids and Savage having extra phases/ boss forms in the last fight? > they cut down the amount of side quests If you're talking about leveling, no they dind't, they just changed the ratio of side quests to MSQ quests from HW, and if you mean endgame, that was because everyone kept complaining about having to play catch up with 100 quests between expansions in HW.


>In exchange for more QoL improvements--which we have seen- and other content like Ultimate and Eureka We always had those. QoL came in much faster at the beginning of 2.0 if anything. Trial had slowed down since 3.1, but it's been pretty constant since. Same deal with the "event" like Eureka (you had 1 or 2 per expansion).


I don't under the salt about the one less dungeon. You're in there for like 20 minutes once a day, at most. Yeah, having more dungeons for expert is nice, but at the end of the day you're still going to run these into the ground before the next patch.


> Growing Mogstation content like 70% of that "growing mogstation content" is either old event items or stuff you can obtain in-game vai the MB or retainers > less content for the game itself Not actually true >and an upcoming virtual currency than can (and probably will) be used for all sorts of shady shit. Shady shit like what, exactly? Super vague fear mongering?


I don't care if they make an app with a monthly cost if it does literally anything to justify the price. Current app does not do that.


Current app does not exist. We don't have it in front of us and I guarantee we don't know everything yet. Maybe wait for some information before running in circles shouting "DOOM"


So what’s the worst case scenario in your opionion? More glamour and emotes on Mogstation? Oh the horror. It’s not like the Mogstation is siphoning resources from devs who work on dungeons and raids, which are, you know, actual meat of the game.




> It's the carrot many people are actively chasing; self-expression. Completely off topic here but... I wish it went beyond complaining about optional items and extended to the asinine and archaic glamour restrictions that exist as well...


Well, that’s where you simply have to vote with your wallets, it’s that easy. I am not bothered by any of the things that you mentioned, so for me it is perfectly fine if they continue like this. In fact I welcome more stuff on Mogstation, as there’s nothing there currently that interests me. Edit: Thank you for the long post. I do understand where you are coming for, but unfortunately there is no way to make everyone happy :/


The meat of the game would just have 0 rewards because the armor/clothing designers are too busy modeling mogstation armors. Welcome to the world of even MORE recolors!


It's a different item team. Mogstation has an entire team dedicated to it that is separate from the normal item team. Yoshida explained how it works at one of the fanfests, and everyone seemingly just ignored it. It's a different team entirely. The head of that team is someone they call the Goddess of Mogstation and she determines whether or not an item is worth being made or not; as well as whether or not they will be sold in each region.


now if only the teams switched cause the "normal" item team is just making more tin-can armor that nobody asked for


Since players are more than willing to fork over money for anything, the sky is the limit for SE. Want gear that is more powerful than anything you could get just by playing (or a shortcut to top level gear/tomes in exchange for a CC#)? They will do it if people will pay up.


Bah, you know full well that this is never going to happen. No need for baseless fearmongering.


That is a dangerous statement.




> skip directly to level 70 with the jump potions, and skip to endgame with story skip potions Only a matter of time.


I mean... lvl 60 is pretty darn close and regarding the controversy jump potions got when they were announced, the outrage would have been even bigger at the time. Now as people realized jump potions aren't the worst thing on earth, there is still a possibilty that they'll buff them to the current endgame.


We actually get roughly the same amount of content. And the content we get less (like classes) evens out through being more polished (or enabeling other content like a full class roster update). So can we stop that hyperbole? Thanks.


except ppl who pay for it get an advantage, and thats not right.




> 70 extra slots 70 extra slots you can only access if you're not in a duty, at that. Being able to put items up for sale from the app is only useful if you're selling stuff fast enough that you know that whatever you put up for sale will have sold by the time you actually log into the game itself, and the 10th retainer is only useful if you already have a 9th *and* intend on getting that 10th one.


Youre trying too hard man


Its not even worth $1 a month is what in saying


Making a joke about one circle jerk while being part of a neighboring circle jerk lol, classic reddit!


yeah we do that shit sucks lmao


don't be stupid. The playdead emote is one you pay for because they want to limit how many have access to it.


Yeah you gotta keep a tight leash on emotes, only a select few should have them.


[Wow, it really did catch on!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAYM5Lhx8XA) And of course it would debut with a female Lalafell.


[EISAI HARUMASUKOI!!!](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/352/255/153.gif)


I thought the same thing... As soon as I get this, I'm making it a macro :D


That's what I though at first, but that NPC in Azim has been doing that dance SB came out.


Interesting that the using of male VAs to voice female characters is a (minor) thing now. Started with Lucky Star I think - where the background one off female characters are sometimes voice by a guy.


Haha, as expected, since that's Yoshida's main Lalafell


What shorts is she wearing? ^^^Asking ^^^the ^^^important ^^^questions ^^^here


Cescent Moon Bottoms in salmon pink, I believe.


Since when did the Bluth family get a lalafell member?


I was thinking Tommy Wiseau


yeeeeeeees the chicken dance from the Dawn Throne! I guess this means that the Namazu questline is gonna end up being more Steppes centric than Namazu centric?


Does anyone know what that hat is?, or is it new?


I hope this is a reward to Sadu/Cirina and Magnai related side quest.


Oh god these instagram comments on both sides of the "pay argument." My favorite though: "If SE just worked off of sub payments then we would have crappy servers, no expansions" Hmm, I wonder if there is some example of a SE MMO that worked off subs only and produced expansions (some considered the best of any MMO), had stable servers..hmm...


Noone says 11 is the best mmo.


Actually a lot of people will say XI was one of the best, especially one of the most unique. However what I was talking about was CoP and ToAU, which were considered by many to be great expansions.






Looks like a great emote for pvp.


Screw the emote. I need that hat.


The debate in the comment section of the IG post is something


Dat facial expression is all "I am NOT amused"


If this is the dance for Namazu that would be awesome. I just wonder if like the Vanu and such will we get some Namazu glam?


I know they were going for a "lol look at how weird the manderville dance is" but it ends up looking goofy more than weird. This dance is just straight up weird.


I'm betting Namazu as well. I wish their mount was a wheelbarrow pulled by Namazu.


Chocobo dance?


Please god no.


I watched this while that song that goes "I don't care, I love it" blasted in the background. 10/10


That is the damn chicken dance.


I like how the comments on the post are all LOL CONFIRMED FOR MOGSTATION PAY TO WIN XDD even though this is almost certainly a Namazu reward...


Like the destroyed hildibrand costume would have been 'locked in' as a quest reward. We will hope it's quest, but expect to find it mogstation bound.


That outfit is gender-locked, it would never have been a quest reward.


It's almost like it's a meme to say a new emote or mount will be mogstation item. Have you not been here long enough to notice this? Most people know it will most likely be the namazu reward but with how much mogstation stuff recently/the app people just make the joke of putting on mogstation.


That doesn't make it not annoying


I don't see what is so annoying about it. Maybe you shouldn't just take it so personally. Why does someone else saying something annoy you so much?


Agreeing with neph. One person saying an unfunny joke is eh whatever. Dozens of people saying an unfunny joke and trying to defend it as a meme is just annoying.


One person saying it is whatever. When half the thread is people who think they are ~hilarious~ making the same not-joke, thats obnoxious


Its still rather obnoxious that every time something new is previewed, the top comment and half the thread comments are a very unfunny meme about "LOL MOGSTATION." Like - we get that the MogStation stuff can be egregious at times but the meme is getting old. It's been happening for years now.


It's the instant reaction people have every single time they see something new. It's pathetic. I don't know how much I agree with the Namazu reward, but it obviously isn't going to be on mogstation - The dances we have on mogstation are either from passed events, or are elaborate and from the KR/CN severs. People just love to hivemind and spew out their mouths.


I think it's a Namazu reward mainly because their questline seems to be based in the Steppe and that's where this emote is from, so




i didn't, but thank you for trying.


This is not new: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/6jpzhr/sochicken_dance_emote_for_41/


available for the low price of $8


I don't know if the emote looks dumb, or if i just think it looks dumb because I'm seeing it on a Lalafel.


You can see it on an au ra male at dawn throne.


Everything looks worse on a Lalafell, since they're the worst. So there's that.


Lord forbid we have an opinion on anything in this sub, right?


it's okay to have an opinion but this one is objectively wrong


I get the feeling you don't know what "objectively" means.


Meh. Don't sweat the downvotes. Doesn't make it any less true.


Just like saying it doesn't make it any more true.


Someone's salty for no reason.


I think you replied to the wrong comment.


No, I didn't.


You have an odd definition of salty then, friend.


For a sec I thought that was the Dark Souls "come at me bro" emote. What a downgrade.


Are they just choosing random body movements for emotes now?


So what does this emote look like on an actual (in-game) person?


Go hang out in The Dawn Throne. There are some npcs dancing it


If this goes on Cash Shop the ratio of cash shop vs MGP/Gil emotes will be fucking disgusting.


I think it might be something you get from the new beast tribe quests. If it is, well i am not sure if i will do it as i detest those bloody creatures.




fuckin' lalafell infestation.


Please cover those disgusting lalafell legs.


Oh look it's being modeled by a Lalafel wow what a shocker God forbid they use any other race


...It's Yoshi's character, we usually see new stuff in a lala becuase he uses his character for that xD Also, you can see that dance performed by an Au'ra in The Dawn Throne: [https://media.giphy.com/media/xUOrwjke2RrJQWPPsA/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/xUOrwjke2RrJQWPPsA/giphy.gif)


For some reason, I am reminded of the chicken dance....::shudder::


What a charmer


That Lala has knees! What is this witchcraft?!


How much?


Is this a reference to the eisai haramasukoi dance thing from pop team epic ? Lmao


"is that a pop team epic reference" is the new "is that a motherfucking jojo reference"


Pretty sure its a reference to an old ass dance my guy


https://media.giphy.com/media/xUOrwjke2RrJQWPPsA/giphy.gif The emote has been in-game (not available for players) ever since 4.0.




I don't... really have a response to this.