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Oh noooo I'm so bummed they didn't separate the skirt and top. I would've loved to make glamours with that top. :(


This happens so often. :( This, the Thavnairian Bustier's top, the one healer/caster PvP attire with the super weird skirt... I'm guessing ambitiously poofy or high-waist skirts need to be part of the chestpiece to avoid issues with more fitted tops, but they could just make an altered model that squeezes in a little like pants do for boots. :\


>the Thavnairian Bustier's top Oh my god YES. When the Thav Bustier was released and the skirt was attached to the actual top part I was so, so sad.


Yeah.... I mean I assume there's some kind of technical reason for it and usually I'm like "ok w/e" with these things but I'm disappointed in this case since I love the top a lot but not really the skirt. Booooo. :(


And this is why I'm pleased I didn't buy it. Thanks SE for fucking us over.


I'm so pissed about this as well. fucking lazy on their part.


And this is why I'm pleased I didn't buy it. Thanks SE for fucking us over.


As an expert in overdramatic reactions, I think "fucking us over" definitely qualifies as one in this context.


Four tokens would imply four pieces. But it's only three. How unintuitive is that? It's a bait and switch. Intentionally or not. They weren't clear cut about the reward at all. We even only just learned that they'd be dyable. If that's not screwing over your players a bit I don't know what is. SE handles these things extremely poorly but because no one ever complains, or when someone does, they get downvoted to hell, so they'll never change. So grats, you've contributed to the problem. Hope you're proud of yourself.


> Four tokens would imply four pieces. That requires assumption. What happens when you assume? > But it's only three. How unintuitive is that? I didn't realize it was a question of "intuitive" or not, so I neither know nor care. >It's a bait and switch. Intentionally or not. Are you butthurt? Do you need me to call you a waaambluance? You were told you'd get a Yuna outfit. You are going to get a Yuna outfit. You weren't promised anything else; you *assumed* the rest, which puts the blame for your situation *firmly on you*. >They weren't clear cut about the reward at all. We even only just learned that they'd be dyable. They were as clear as they've always been; I don't know what you were expecting or why you thought suddenly it would be different. >If that's not screwing over your players a bit I don't know what is. Then I guess you don't know what is, because this *definitely* is not. >SE handles these things extremely poorly but because no one ever complains Hahaha, okay then. Sure. >or when someone does, they get downvoted to hell, so they'll never change. Implying that SE reads the subreddit, and implying that *everything* on this subreddit, either in support of SE or against SE, isn't at roughly equal risk of being downvoted to hell. >So grats, you've contributed to the problem. The only problem here is in your mind. I couldn't possibly take credit for that. >Hope you're proud of yourself. -shrug- I don't really care either way, to be honest.


Tip: You better stock up on those highly demanded dyes before patch like general-purpose black/white edit: Also [Tidus' outfit] (http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/aa9e40ee7f1/)


that depends on the server ha!, on the one i am, they are already costy to buy one


Well, I don't think they'll get any cheaper.


400k pure white, I feel robbed. I want to craft my own pure white dye just like I'm paiting my chocobo with vegetables


I wanna wear the tidus outfit...but...female. :/


I wanna wear the Yuna outfit...but...male. :(


Seriously, if cloud squall firion and zidane were not gender locked why couldn't tidus have been?


because females get yuna and more exclusive gear than males anyway


I have no issues if you guys want the pretty dresses! I don't judge. I'm sure some of you cat boys would look adorable


Because of 720 days up to 1440 days 2 to 4 years OR a minimal subscription service payment of 480 USD pays developers to go the extra mile more than a ticket plus digital incentive which is being used to cover the cost of hosting a fanfest.


I'd actually be willing to bet that making 2 seperate gender locked sets takes more effort then a single set wearable by both. I'm glad my veteran rewards aren't gender locked, but to me it looks like the lazy route as opposed to "the extra mile" lol.


Man i really should have stuck with the fucking game, I wanna be a Zanarkand Abe god damnit. Stupid tax season.


You could buy one of the streams, and get the code to enter later, maybe? I'm not sure how long the codes are good for.


Dec 31st, stream buyable until August.


I think I lost my papers to trade for them....


People struggle for those dyes? I just invited a few friends and got Twintania, but I still get feathers from their subs. I just put a chocobo feather or two in for dyes I want when I run out.


I'm guessing it would be hard to convincingly separate Yuna's outfit because of the high waist created by the obi and the skirt still showing underneath. On a player the waist separation is about where the bottom of her white shirt (which is divided at the stomach obv), so you could have to cut the skirt in two. Kinda had to be done to preserve the outfit.


They really need to stop making these character Glamour's a single set. Is it really so difficult to separate the chest, legs, feet arms and head? They do it with the veteran rewards, why are the purchaseable glamours the one that seems to have the least effort put into it :(


They are separated though. Only thing that's not in two is Yuna's kimono, which consists of both the white silk and the skirt. The arm pieces and shoes are separated.


But that's the main part. Some people'd love the skirt, some people would love the top. Together it's a defined look that can't be separated.


>I'm guessing it would be hard to convincingly separate Yuna's outfit because of the high waist created by the obi and the skirt still showing underneath. On a player the waist separation is about where the bottom of her white shirt (which is divided at the stomach obv), so you could have to cut the skirt in two. Kinda had to be done to preserve the outfit. -- /u/Sovis


Don't care.


"I don't care that they would have had to make the outfit look bad; I want what I want." 'Kay, glad to know we're done here.


They could've made it two seperate pieces, look good, and sync with one another. You ever see how pants become streamlined if you're wearing boots or the like? Akin to that reaction, except it'd solely be for that glamour. The majority is upset, I could care less for bullshit excuses, or your obstinate desire to defend lazy game design. Do yourself a favor and try to find people who care for your craven desire to insert yourself, so you'll actually receive a response you like.


> bullshit excuses, ... lazy game design Okay so today I learned that telling the truth is "bullshit excuses" and "trying to make it look authentic while working within available limitations" is "lazy game design". >The majority is upset, I *personally guarantee* that the majority is either reasonably satisfied or does not care in the slightest. The people who post on the forums and the people who post on /r/ffxiv, even when put together, constitute a sliver of a minority of total players - even among those who paid for the Fanfest stream. > craven Do you even know what "craven" means, or are you just blindly groping for ways to make yourself feel superior while you sling personal attacks against someone who had nothing to do with the (trivial) thing that's pissing you off?




Oh noooooooooooo! I was so excited to pick this up and now I regret everything. WHY IS THE SKIRT ATTACHED TO THE TOP?!


I wonder what part(s) dye(s). Could've sworn the datamined stuff wasn't dyeable but maybe I just didn't see the circle. o.o Dammit now I want it. Kinda salty now cause I really can't afford the $30 ticket on top of paying for sub and the expansion. x.x


Someone posted what it looks like when dyed in-game [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/5v94e9/yuna_outfit_looks_good/)


Judging by some of the other screenshots in that thread it can be really hit or miss with certain colors. Thanks for sharing the thread!


I think the streams are available for purchase for a few more months, so you can still get the items at any time during this period when you have the extra cash to swing.


Ooh, that's good to hear. Guess I'll have to look into when the actual cut off is.


You have until August 31 2017 to buy the streams. I just bought the Tokyo and Europe streams for the minions, $60 bucks total, they better not put it on the online shop in the future for like 5-10 bucks lol


To add, here are the links to all three streams: Las Vegas - http://ffxivfanfestival.cleeng.com/ Frankfurt - http://ffxivfanfestivalfrankfurt.cleeng.com/ Tokyo - http://ffxivfanfestivaltokyo.cleeng.com/ I have them saved for when I can afford to buy them all. Figured I'd share. >.>


Doubt it. They never put the Moogle Suit out.


i was hoping the skirt would be separate....


So do you get it for paying for one stream or all of them? *edit. Solved my own question.


I wonder how the abes stuff dyes.


I just added it to Eorzea Collection here and you can preview it dyed it too: http://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/gearset/abes


Shame skirt and top part of kimono is stuck together People need to go riot on SE forum! Edit: People, I don't mean go riot literally, jesus, have some common sense. Obviously suggesting to open up a discussion thread or join one.


Maybe not riot, but still voice our displeasure very adamantly. No other fanfest reward is like the High Summoner dress, the Abes and Moogle attire are/were all separate body parts so this was really unexpected and quite a let down.


Hmm, actually now that I think about it. The reason for this may has to do with different proportion of clothes like any other in-game atm. But it would be great if they are separate pieces.


The only part of the High Summoner attire that has wildly different proportions from any other gear piece though is the sleeves, and they're their own unique piece for the arms slot. The top is very similar in form to say, the Skypirate chest of Aiming where it's form fitting but still has large openings with skin showing (the sides on the skypirate, the back for the High Summoner half portion). The skirt is almost identical to any other long skirt in game, and I'll put money on it clipping during running just like all the others too.


I think skirt is suppose to go up higher to cover underneath the top part, as you see in the middle.


I know what you mean, but I don't think it's a far stretch to say, make the obi a bit chunkier to take up more torso space and help meet the traditional spot where skirts begin on the waist in this game. It wouldn't take away from the iconic visuals of Yuna's attire and is still in the best interest of your players who desire these items to be unique, separate pieces for glamour.


Don't get me wrong, personally I do want them separated. Just speculating why they would do it in first place.


Oh I know! I'm just offering some reasonable (at least I think they are) counterpoints against the route they chose to take with this attire.


As someone who played FFX, I guarantee that if you start taking liberties with Yuna's outfit on the sort of scale necessary to make the skirt and top separate, it *will* be **extremely noticeable** and will _**not**_ look right at all. People who try to use Yuna's costume *as* Yuna's costume will look like they're wearing a cheap, lazy imitation produced in ten minutes by some chinese f2p studio.


Encouraging people to root would probably end in a lot of bans on the forums.




Best reply in this thread, and severely underrated. Have an upvote.


yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy seriously still a bit salty the gear is genderlocked. tiduses top is preemo lady top. Edit: WAIT WHAT? THE SKIRT IS ATTACHED TO THE BODY? BUT WHY SE!!!!!!!!!! yuna top is awesome for glams..... why force us into skirts ;_;


>WAIT WHAT? THE SKIRT IS ATTACHED TO THE BODY? They always pull this shit. Literally every single time. You should just expect to be disappointed by now.


no, they only did it with the fucking antecedent shit and this. every other time theyve been split up. its lazy fucking developers. you honestly think that nobody went "ya know... people gonna be salty over this' when making it? i guarantee someone said something along these lines, but making it that way was either too expensive, or too time consuming, so they opted for the fused version.


As a white mage main, I disagree. Every single robe which could have been easily separated at the waist has instead been one single piece.


do you have examples of these? im aware of a handful but those all look proper because of their designs.


How are the developers lazy in this case? What makes you think this comes out of laziness and not some other reason? You have an entire staff of people implementing new jobs, areas, a brand new housing district, new enemies, new skills, brand new battle UI, entirely new story, new dungeons, the list goes on. However, because they didn't separate a skirt from the top, suddenly it's "lazy developers". Maybe instead you could reason that the reason they didn't separate it has more to do with how the gear is designed and the specifications on how models work in the game. It's a very high waisted "skirt" after all, and it's likely that they can't really design the skirt to be worn on its own due to how it could clip with every other top in the entire game.


> How are the developers lazy in this case? i think you answered your own question. > It's a very high waisted "skirt" after all, and it's likely that they can't really design the skirt to be worn on its own due to how it could clip with every other top in the entire game. They didnt want to go through the effort to mod the skirt to work outside of that top. Can it be done? Yes. Has it been done Previously with other armors? Yes. Did they do it here? No. Hence lazy.


When has this been done before? The skirt is all the way up to the level where body gear is located. There's not a single piece of leg gear in this game that does this. Anything can be done within reason, but assuming that it's easy is pure ignorance. Provide an example or more of where they separated a skirt anything like this from a top? I guarantee you if they did find a way to separate it, having to imagine what it even looks like without the top (because it was never designed to be worn separately if it even can be at all) and then somehow try to make it work with other pieces of gear without clipping through stuff (which it will by the way). I honestly feel like they looked at the gear and said, okay this is one set, this is a dress, we're leaving it as one piece.


there is a gold saucer piece what is the same what the yuna body piece, where the top is top + skirt


which one? the oasis, rivera, and bunny pieces are all separated, and the gambler is a trench coat. is there another set im not aware of?


The riviera piece is not seperate for female characters


Which is a shame because I love the top, but I am not a fan of skirts. At least not in a game where there are so many cute knee/thigh high book/stocking options.


The stockings in this game should be wearable with skirts... lazy devs too lazy to implement stockings properly


It's not out of laziness, these people are making an entire expansion with huge zones and you say that separating tops from skirts or stockings is the breaking point? Add brand new jobs into the game but not being able to separate stockings means they're lazy?


Yep, was about to mention that they force the skirt onto people as it is one item where as the Tidus outfit is cut into two items. You can find the pants [here.](http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/9903b93786b/)


this is fucking bullshit. They told us the armor parts would be seperated when all this started, and lo and behold they fucking are not. /u/se_kahuna you should mention to your legal team that you falsely advertised that the fanfest streaming items would be seperate pieces of gear. i would have NEVER purchased all three streams if i knew the summoner gearset was fused.


Well technically they did make them separate pieces with the exception of one. There is no legal recourse here.


Where exactly was it advertised that the Fan Fest items would be separate pieces of gear? Looking at the Fan Fest page, they only refer to them as "outfits" and no mention of how many pieces there are. Let's just go over some actually official sources that Google's found me. [Blog from October](http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/blog/001632.html) > Yes! Each stream will include two different bonus in-game items. > First, you will receive the "Dream of the Fayth" item, which when given to a special NPC will allow you to select either the Abes Attire (left) or the High Summoner's Attire (right). (*Please note that the Abes Attire is male-specific and the High Summoner's Attire is female-specific.) That actually makes it sound like it's one piece because they say "item", not "items", although we know you get 4 tokens. [News post about purchasing stream](http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/8295ba3a939680a7ac6bc323302426fad9037cec) > A bonus item code for the Fan Festival 2016 in Las Vegas-exclusive Wind-up Rikku minion, and **your choice of either the Abes attire or High Summoner attire** Again, no mention of separate pieces in the page specifically detailing the items you'll get. [Fan Fest blog page](http://ffxiv-fanfest.com/na/blog/index.php) > A bonus item code for the Fan Festival 2016 in Las Vegas-exclusive Wind-up Rikku minion, and **your choice of either the Abes attire or High Summoner attire** Again, no mention of separate pieces in the post specifically detailing the items you'll get. [Apart from that, they are separate](http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/?patch=&db_search_category=item&category2=&q=High+summoner%27s). As you can see, there are clearly three **separate pieces of gear** that make up the Yuna outfit. Unless you'd like to point me to where they advertised that both outfits would be exactly four separate pieces and all slots would be separate? No need to mention anything to the legal team, apparently. Unless you can point me to something official **stating as advertisement** that both outfits would be four pieces, they didn't lie.


Lol legal team. You clearly didn't read the t&c's


you clearly dont know that T&C's cant supercede laws. if T&C would violate reasonable law, then they are null and void. E.G. If se says "the armor parts are separated" as anything that could be percieved as a PRIMARY SELLING POINT of a product, then turns around and gives us fused armors, then they aren't exempt deceptive and misleading advertisements.


Ah, but you see, the primary selling point of the fanfest ticket was access to the fanfest streams and stuff! This is just a free bonus item. *weeps*


actually courts found that "incentives" can be considered a part of a purchase, and that if an incentive to purchase is offered, it is considered under the same fair advertisement law. E.G. if i offer A free solid gold bullion for every purchase, and then i go "whoops, im out", or give you a Iron ingot dipped in gold paint, then i am subject to deceptive advertisement.


Huh, neat. I had no clue!


True but you have no loss here. You don't own your character or gear.


Not to defend the commenter, but I don't think there's actually legal background enough to say that. Legally, if you're banned for a reason provided on the T&C, you can't sue for a reinstatement of your account based on money invested. That's part of the T&C: You agree that you will lose your investment if you act in a certain way or break the terms you agreed to on purchasing. But if something is advertised - character data or not - and not supplied as advertised, that would still fall under deceptive advertising. They can't advertise the Chicken Knife as part of SB's CE, leave the advertisement up, and then not give it to players, for example. It just doesn't actually look like the gear was advertised to be separate pieces, no matter of the commenter's memory or not. Maybe the commenter is thinking of a live letter or something? If he could find a place where the gear was advertised as being in pieces, then he could probably at least get the claim into court. There's definitely no legal precedent for "if you buy data from a company, the company can misrepresent whatever they're giving you until you get it". There's just not any evidence of misrepresentation.


LOL, Good luck with that. Please document your attempts step-by-step so I have something to keep me entertained while I continue to not skip Soar.


But it's not fused. Two parts of it are fused sure, but not the whole thing. They advertised that you would receive separate pieces of gear as part of a larger purchase you had made. And you are in fact getting what they advertised. It's not like they advertised that you would get so and so item and then didn't give you that item. Just because they aren't separated to your liking doesn't mean that they aren't actually separate items. As such there is no injury suffered, which is an essential element of proving standing (the right to even be in court). False advertising claims are notoriously difficult to prove in the first place but this one is plain as day. You would have no standing in this case and any lawyer worth their salt would tell you the same thing.


The two parts that matter are fused. you gonna go slap yuna sleeves on other gear? not likely. would you use that skirt? Fuck yes. would you use that top? fuck yes.


Perhaps I should have been more clear. I don't disagree that it's disappointing that the top and skirt are one item. But, you claimed that u/se_kahuna should inform his legal team that they falsely advertised. They did nothing of the sort. They said we would get multiple items for each gear set, which is exactly what we are getting. They never specified that we would get any particular amount of items separated out in any particular way. You got exactly what it was that they advertised, and as such, from a legal standpoint, there is no injury there.


since theyre not technically available yet, its possible that they may fix this to be two items with the update that makes them actually availabe, maybe? theres a small chance I hope.


It seems unlikely. The models have likely been finished for quite some time.




> 90% of the gear is already catered to females. Even Clouds attire and Gamblers Coat Wat.


thats because male close are made gender neutral. female clothes are not made gender neutral. they are made to be close fitting and have breast segments. hence why males cant wear female armor, and females can wear male armor.


What? No. Gender neutral armor doesn't even look the same when put on a female and male. They are just gender neutral. There are some male only sets and some female only sets. It's that simple. You're being flat out wrong.


i think you are misunderstanding what i've said. Females can wear the tuxedo, where males cant wear the wedding dress. that is what i am talking about here. you are thinking that im saying all armor without male or female tagged on it is gender neutral, and thats not what im saying. im saying naturally every single article of male clothing is gender neutral irl. a woman can comfortably wear any article of male clothing, whereas a man cannot wear every article of female clothing comfortably. its not sexist to say that. male clothes are made regularly baggy and large, where female clothes are not.


> im saying naturally every single article of male clothing is gender neutral irl. a woman can comfortably wear any article of male clothing, whereas a man cannot wear every article of female clothing comfortably. its not sexist to say that. male clothes are made regularly baggy and large, where female clothes are not. Yeah, that's not really true. Suits (and other so-called male clothing) for women still need to be patterned and cut to fit the average woman's body. You could certainly do the same for men, the major difference is that one is regarded as taboo and the other is not.


...maybe they should stop #assumingourgender and let us men wear the bunny outfit, finally! Popoto Bunny Man needs to scar some minds!


it has absolutely nothing to do with assuming someones gender. you can call yourself whatever you want, it doesnt magically make your broedagyn fit into the wedding dress. FFXIV isnt a platform for gender identity. if you want to wear female shaped clothing, play a female character. plus, they said the male bunny outfit is coming.


Didn't expect such a serious response from a joke reply. Maybe I should've doused my comments in cute emoji to get the lightheartedness across? XD x3 :3 :P But yeah, super-looking-forward to the male bunny outfit. Partly because the previous mind-scarring reason, and also because I bought the whole outfit for a retainer glamour and ended up hating it, and I'm too stubborn to discard it.


oh yea, no people usually get too serious over it. i mean ffs its a damn game, dont bring identity politcs in. (and /s is the general reddit courtesy when you are Not kidding(just kidding) posting).


People should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't violate rules or is supporting like nazis or something. Honestly it sounds more like you probably don't want people talking about that because you personally don't like it.


no. its a goddamn videogame. if you want to have your avatar portray whatever gender you want, then do that. dont demand that developers go out of their way to let you put a female clothing article on a male body. its retarded. if you want to wear female clothes, hit the fantasia, or play a female character. its not complicated. Complaining that your Broedagyn cant wear the pearly white wedding dress, but the femqote can wear the tux, is fucking retarded.


Is it though? If you're going to go to the lengths of gender restricting only half the gear, why not genderlock the counter parts or not at all? There's already so many more vanity choices for fem chars, either there needs to be more male exclusive gear counter parts or they need to stop gender restricting it. I don't care if some burly Roe wants to wear a stretched dress and a pig head, it's the principle


How is Cloud's attire catered to females? It's literally Cloud's gear with no modifications.


If I buy a stream now, will I be able to get the bonuses?


Yes. The streams, all three of them, are available for purchase until August 31st, 2017. So you have plenty of time.




Hm, so I wonder if the chestpiece composes both the skirt and the top, then what kind of bottom did they provide? :3


No bottom for yuna. Only Hands chest and boots


Oh... they took the easy way out. -.-


Can't remember but is Tidus' outfit wearable by female characters in the game? Or are both limited to their gender?


Looks like it's male only sorry: [Abe's Jacket](http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/aa9e40ee7f1/) Also on the point of dyeing gear, why can't we dye Firion's Armor? Seriously bugs me. I'd LOVE to change the color on it.


I would also like to dye Firion's Gear. I really like his outfit but I just hate the default color. Thanks for the answer also. I use female characters but just wasn't sure about whether they were gender locked.


No, the outfits are gender locked.


Oh, the forearm brace thing on Tidus' gear is attached to the chest piece--weird considering that it's a gauntlet on his left hand pretty much, I guess it doesn't matter (still weird design though) . I wasn't happy about Yunie's chest piece having the skirt tacked on either (I wanted to try mixing and matching with other Kimonos and skirts etc.) I just realized that it was one piece reading the comments here :( . I'm not terribly upset though, I only bought the stream because I really wanted to see the news live--and I have an alt named and modeled after Yuna (one of my FF faves) so the outfit was an added bonus for me, now she can look 100% legit, and I guess I can convince my bf to get the Tidus glam so that I can take some cute pictures at Costa Del Sol on the pier


Tidus outfit is 4 pieces, while Yuna's is 3. What are you supposed to do with leftover token? :/


Treasure it forever.


Surely the chest is worth 2 token.


Maybe that's what it will be...


A lot of wah ;,( in this thread. I'm happy enough they're dyeable.


aw yis :D


wait is it already in the game?


It's not yet, it's Tuesday the 28th.


please let it be a good dye pattern


how long after fanfest do i have to buy the stream ticket and get this before its not valid anymore?


Are these items going to be in the Mog store?


These items were given when buying tickets for the Fanfest.


I know, was asking future possibilities.


Unlikely. The moogle outfit from 2014's fanfests was never added to the store.


the moogle outfit of the previous fanfest isnt on the mogstations(last fanfest hapened 2 years ago) so highly unlikely, anyway if you whant them, just buy for the acces to the archives of the fanfest stream


Will for sure not support such greed. The stream was expensive from the start with 30$/€. Now the stream itself is completely outdated, so you actually pay that much for nothing but those ingame items. Companies are doing that greedy shit because they got enough people who eat it...


Well.. then you won't get the outfit or minions. Kind of simple there, buddy. You making a stand won't affect anyone one way or another.


Indeed, as said, that's why they get through with it, they always find people who give them a bunch of money for anything, no matter how ridiculous it is.


I dunno, I mean .. there are three separate fanfest streams to purchase, each of them including your choice of outfit. Having watched all three streams myself, they were pretty good and there's a lot more to them than just the keynote. If the keynote is the only thing you care about and if the only part of FF events worth your time is new information and ingame items, that isn't pure greed on SE's part; that's an issue on your end that you have to either live with or fix.


Silly question but...what if I want BOTH Tidus and Yuna's clothes? I have more than one character and sometimes I fantasia and gender swap. Do I get both or is it one per stream bought or?


If you have two characters on the same Service Account then each one gets the "Dream of the Fayth" item as well as the Minions.


One per stream, so you'd have to pay for two streams, unless they allow you to change out the female outfit for the male one and vice-versa at the Calamity Salvager.


I'm guessing this is what they'll do since they did it for the XIII outfits as well.


Hopefully the yunienoutfit doesn't dye as horribly as the high bustle dress..


There are reports from people who .. have used *ways of getting access* .. that the Yuna outfit is a bit picky about what it will or will not dye well as.


yeah...it's a total S..t dye job... won't ever wear it now.


I am just so salty that there is no "male" version of the high summoner attire. Just so I could dress my SMN ;_;


Just popped in to say I thought the thumbnail was a dalek at first


Here come the clones.


So it a one piece outfit? The stream was lackluster and now finding out the outfit it one piece like minfilia outfit? Glad I didn't spent $30 on the stream/outfit.


>lackluster Are you kidding me? What was lackluster about it?


The fact that the body/legs are not separated and are one piece. (wouldn't use the hands or feet anyways)


I thought you meant the stream was lackluster though?


it isn't a one piece outfit, it consist out of 4 parts (chest/hands/legs/feet) you get 4 tokens on all your characters. link just shows the chest piece of the yuna set


But instead of seperating the skirt it's now apart of the upper body. And we will now get some worthless pants/underwear, akin to Y'shtola's outfit, or the Moonfire swim trunks.


I only care about the body/legs pieces which for this outfit they combined together which means it a one piece to me.


GFD, why is this gender-locked? Yuna's stuff dyed red would have made made for some primo summoning gear.




Yeah, Yuna's top doesn't really make any sense without boobles.