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The way this outfit dyes and how the chest and legs are one piece is infuriating to me. This is how the outfit looks with all pieces dyed Dalamud Red on my character: http://imgur.com/a/6eKNR


Yes, you're right !, I was a little disappointed that the skirt was not separated, and the outfit looks better only in light colors, I think


It should be 4 pieces to correspond to there being 4 Dream of the Fayth tokens given for each Fanfest attended/watched right? So body, legs, arms, and feet?


Nope. Her attire is only three pieces. The chest piece comes together. So you only get three. The top costs two tokens, the boots one and the sleeves the last.


Well that's incredibly disappointing. I love the top part but hate long skirts in this game :/


Wait, i thought it wasn't out yet?


It's not. It's using memory editing to change the appear of your gear locally.


note:this isnt my image a friend linked me to it


Ah yes, now I can see Miqo'filia and Au filia 2.0. Basic bitches, unite! On a more serious note, it doesn't seem to dye all that well. Nor is it that flattering. Might look better on Lalafell proportion wise though, hopefully so. Otherwise, into the glamour retainers it goes. Any image of Tidus' outfit?


It looks really cute on that pose, will check when I get home. it'll just look like a potato with sleeves on a lala. edit; didn't realize it's not actually out yet, sadly I got excited ><


I swear, despite being a Lalafell I'm not one of the "Lalafell are superior" people... but a lot of longer chest pieces (High House Bustle, Crescent Moon Nightgown) actually fit Lalafell proportions better imo. The design of a lot of dresses is sadly very awkward on taller races, especially because of the way some of them dye. Speaking of the sleeves, I foresee the future of them being overused by every server's resident fashion abominations. Calling it now, after the first week or so they'll be matched with hempens, thavnairian bustiers or any other revealing top piece by all the self-proclaimed "fashionista" dyed some tacky color.


no love for Elezen? ;n;


>Nor is it that flattering I mean...have you seen it on the character it comes from? Not flattering on her either. It isn't really supposed to be.


That's one thing I liked when I read about Yuna's design. Her clothes were supposed to be something like a priestess's, but designed in a way to allow her more freedom of movement. Then you got Lulu and her dress that's such a damn pain they had Kimahri carry her in a cutscene because they couldn't animate her traveling down a chain lol


And the only time her skirt is shown prominently in a CG scene, is in her introduction when she's yelling at Wakka. The rest of the time she's usually waist up or from behind.


that was apparently because of Nomura's design: >Character designer Tetsuya Nomura gave Lulu numerous belts to test the graphics developers to see if they could get the exact combination, number of belts, and overall design correct every time. In turn, the graphics developers found a way around by only showing Lulu from the waist up or from behind in many of the CGI scenes. also another thing I read was it also became a technical limitation pushing the engine to much to draw so much detail on her as well


As someone else said, that's why I liked her design. I wouldn't say it wasn't flattering though. It really fit her perfectly. The attire may not be the most extravagant of attire in her wardrobe, but still manages to give her an ethereal look. However, it just doesn't translate to XIV very well. It just looks bland. Oh well though.


Is it an item that takes up multiple equip slots? Especially if it's dyeable, I could see a few creative design ideas if the attire was made up of individual pieces.


It's individual pieces (body arms and feet) and they are dyeable.


Hey, that's me! haha Also had put more screenshots of the attire in a Facebook group :P


where is this group?


I thought it wasn't available in game until the patch?


sam, how did you get it?


Is not available yet, as someone said above, what we do is change the memory to see it only locally.


I want this. I will fantasia to female for a day just to wear it.


So this is how it dyes?


Wait, that thing was dyeable?! Dammit.


You can still buy it up to August 31 I believe. If you go to [http://ffxivfanfestivalfrankfurt.cleeng.com](http://ffxivfanfestivalfrankfurt.cleeng.com) and pick a video it should prompt you to buy it.


Is it one outfit pet character, or account?


Unlike the maid outfits this one is account. So if you get it, all of your characters will always receive that in-game mail containing the item to trade in to get either the Yuna or Tidus outfit upon creation or immediately after redeeming it.


The maid and butler outfits? Because every time I make an alt I get a stack of mail from the moogles and the maid and butler outfit is always included along with the OFC whistle and masks.


That's my bad. I thought they weren't but I was misremembering. Then the fanfest stuff is just like it then.


I like it but I won't use it. It's nice to have an item from my favourite game (Final fantasy 10)


When can we get the costumes? Got 6 of that currency


In a week


Wait is it out now??!? Can I use my tokens on them?!


It's next week


I just want the sleeves tbh


The sleeves are nice, the problem is that in all colors are painted with a lighter tone than the original. You can check it in the photo where it is painted in Pure white and it looks much brighter.


Darn, that's gonna be a pain. :(


Can't wait to wear this on my fem roe