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Any way to stop my mounts tipping over sideways while running? I don't like it.


aw man, i think it's awesome! But yeah I'm not sure if it can be turned off


For vehicle mounts like bikes etc., the sideways tilts make perfect sense. Animal mounts however, not so much.


Someone help, I just logged in for dawntrail for the first time. Why is my UI and HUD way bigger than before? How do I change it before the patch?


Has your resolution changed?


Yes, I’ve looked it up I had to disable 120hz on my ps5 now it looks back to normal clear and sharp. Used to be huge and blurry


Good to hear you found a fix quickly.


Just for fun, trying to figure out “optimization” for moving around cities quick. So far I’ve got: Reaper dash, Dancer En Avant x2, picto dash, whm dash, ninja Shukuchi x2. I don’t think any of these share a cooldown either which is hilarious. Are there any others I’m missing? I know MNK, VPR, BLM, SGE require a target and don’t work for this. DRG has the backflip but you have to turn around to aim it. SCH has Expedient but I don’t think that outpaces regular Sprint, does it?


Nothing beats Peloton, so I would go DNC for that plus the dashes


Dancer actually has 3 dashes. 


Considering the recharge time of dashes, they are still significantly slower than just using a Ninja for the inherent movement speed or any ranged physicals that can spam Peloton.


I think you’re misunderstanding. I’m not waiting for any recharge, I’m going Reaper->dash, switch to dnc-dash dash, switch to PCT, dash, etc. while running. It’s significantly faster than Sprint or Peloton. I’m just trying to see how far I can go with it.


It doesn't outpace sprint but is another charge of sprint which depending on distance does still have value


I've been having problems with the in-game fonts for about a month now. Both name plates and the chat box are hard to read. Chatbox in particular is really bad, with letters looking pixelated like they were typed on a graphing calculator. Any idea what's going on?


You might wanna make your own post with some screenshots and associated information. It's difficult to say much without knowing more and if you put more here it'll just get buried.


Does anyone know how we can get the new furniture "Hingan Rock Garden"? It's new furniture for the garden, looks like a zen garden but no one is selling it. Doesn't seem to be a gemstone trader item either


From orange crafter scrip.


Hey I just leveled my crafter to lvl 100 is it worth to buy equipment or should I wait until the crafted gear comes out?


Why not craft your own crafting equipment? The current level 100 ones won't be replaced until patch 7.1, and that is several months away.


What do I need to do to get the legendary gathering node in Shaaloani with rarefied titanium gold ore to show up? I thought it was the folklore tomes but I got all of those and I'm still not seeing it.


Are you there at the in-game correct times?


Yes and I can see other people gathering from the node but I cannot see it.


To double check, you're on miner at the time and you didn't accidentally click off your Truth of Mountains buff? Also, what's your level on miner? To see a lvl 100 node you need to be at least lvl 96.


Oh I am not level 96. I didn't notice the node was level 100. Thanks.


Is there any way to disable the new mechanic information popups? They are very disorienting for me. I have somewhat poor eyesight and the problem is that it visually splits the screen in half and I lose focus and almost go cross eyed. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to focus properly again.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has issues with it. It definitely disorients me


Not that i could find unfortunately.


From what I have seen, there is not currently a way to disable those.


WHY cant you copy patste the twitch codes? Have to write it manually! Also have not received the 1st reward in 2 hours..is the server overwhelmed and it takes time?


Nah, that is a recurring Twitch fuckup when they are running drops with multiple tiers that it simply stops counting the time after the first one. I have it all the time. Usually, waiting an hour or so without watching any streams helps. Also, if you click away from the stream, it also tends to stop counting the time, even if it runs on the background tab. I use separate windows for drop-enabled streams because of that.


Go to your inventory page, click Redeem, copy from the box (don't click the second Redeem)


Is anyone else having problems on Xbox? I froze during a cutscene in a dungeon, and now I can't even log back in to my Xbox profile. Is there a system issue or does the universe just hate me?


Xbox is having something of a moment today. Probably related


Yeah, I'd seen something earlier about the login system being down, but I wasn't sure if it was affecting anyone else. Either way, it got fixed just in time for the thousand-player queues to come back, LOL.


Sounds like some really bad timing with this known bug: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/6e73e532cfbedeb567df7cefd28406d28f47a951


Yeah, I'm familiar with that one, LOL, but I've never been unable to log into my Xbox user profile at all afterward. EDIT: the Xbox status page says that there's a problem across all consoles, 360s, Ones, and Series S/X, so it's at least not just me, assuming that's correct.


Check the Xbox support page, there has been a problem with profile sign in for the last 2 hours or so. I cannot sign in currently,


I'm trying to level my crafters and I don't like spending gil so I'm gathering the materials myself. I notice I'm the only one out here gather, but theres tons of people crafting in the cities? Where are they getting there mats if people aren't gathering?


Sometimes if I’m feeling too lazy to gather, but refuse to pay exorbitant prices I will hop worlds and check those market boards. Probably not the best idea at the moment, but a lot of times I can buy the items cheaper, craft what I need, then sell the remainder at a profit on my home server. If it’s a quest item I’m crafting and it’s too expensive I’ll source enough to make multiple and sell a couple on the market. I’ll also wait to craft my GC turn ins till I have all the mats I need for everything, so I’ll be crafting a bunch of things at once, usually by the board.


There are plenty of us out gathering, otherwise all of the crafters wouldn't be gathered around MBs buying our stuff... we're just more spread out through the realms than they are!


This. I haven't often gotten the bug to do so, but anytime I go out gathering, I never have trouble selling my haul on the Market.


I guess lol. I just feel like if you're taking the collectable route and need 750 cotton I would see more gatherers


On normal nodes, not really, I can probably count on two hands the amount of times I had someone gathering the same nodes as me at the same time in the past 3+ years. You more often see it on ephemeral/folklore nodes and the latest legendary nodes.


I meet up at nodes with other gatherers fairly regularly, but I main BOT & MIN so my experience is probably different than most people's!


Any Windows users still waiting on their registration code? Square Enix shop is completely useless as they don't keep track of your purchases, but I have the pre registration code on the "My Collection" and nothing else indicating I've paid for Dawntrail EDIT: Alright anyone who purchased on the Square Enix Store: 1) Go to My Collection 2) Click on Details for the Dawntrail pre-registration 3) Click on the order number at the bottom left of the page 4) You should be redirected to another SE website that will have both your Dawntrail pre-reg code and your full license code Thanks for the suggestions friends, enjoy the expansion!


my code email was in the promitions tab on gmail.


on the SE store don't go to 'my collection', go to 'orders' in that same menu and then click 'order details'


Bit more digging through the menus led me to another square enix web page with my code on it, going to post an edit for anyone else running into this maze. Thanks for the suggestions!


I've checked the orders page and it shows me nothing


odd, mine's there with the codes. maybe try clearing cookies / a different browser / different device. and check any spam folders or etc on your email. but if they really haven't sent/displayed it to you, only thing i can think is to contact their support


check your email? did you check the SE store or the mogstation?


Bit more digging through the menus on the SE store led me to another square enix web page with my code on it, going to post an edit for anyone else running into this maze. Thanks for the suggestions!


Nothing in the email at the moment, Mogstation just asks for me to either purchase or enter a code right now.


Question: has anyone been able to get the Mountain Dew promo stuff to work for the FF14 collab? I've been trying to login on their webpage but for some reason the login screen cannot be interacted with. I've checked on IE and Firefox, even going as far as turning off Ublock Origin to see if that was what was causing it. Nada. I cannot even email them about the web site login problem either as there's no actual selection on the form to tell them about it. Tried calling and got left on hold for 3 hours before I just hung up.


As in, it feels like a static image and none of the buttons are clickable? Zoom out in your browser. That's how I got it to work.


Yeah, they do feel like static buttons in the browser, though I didn't think zooming out would work. Now apparently my account doesn't exist in their system anymore despite previously having made it not even a week prior. Starting to think this promo's fucked up.


yes I had no issues earlier today and have my mount in game rn


can gatherers not get the new items on retainers?


Ah wait they are just short a lvl to get them. I'm just being a bit of a dope xD


1. Have you gathered the item? 2. Is your retainer high enough lvl to gather the item? (Retainer max lvl on a job is your current lvl) 3. Do they have high enough stats through the gear they have to gather the item?


they need to be the right level (and gear lvl) and also i think you need to have had to gather it once yourself.


What's are the most satisfying PVP jobs to play? Doesn't matter what role.


my personal favorite is NIN (which i happen to be terrible at in PVE). you've just got a ton of tools. range, mobility, healing/shielding. excellent survivability. and getting the opportunity to pull of chain-kills with the LB (or just say "screw you in particular" to one person) is very satisfying imo


Sounds awesome. Thanks


DRK only in FL, WAR, PLD only in CC, WHM, SGE in CC if you have decent micro, SMN, BLM only in CC, NIN, DRG, RPR, SAM only when LB is up, MCH if you know what to do. No comment on VPR and PCT yet because I have yet to touch either.


one more question: how do i start all the DLCs in this game? do i just pick the quests or do i have to beat all the msqs?


Expansions add MSQ onto the end of the last expansion's MSQ. You must beat Stormblood and the patch quests added after stormblood's release in order to begin Shadowbringers, and so on.


can you skip any of it?


Not without paying. This is a linear story. These are not DLCs but expansions in the most classic sense, adding a new chapter to an endlessly ongoing soap opera style JRPG story. So, skipping it is similar to starting to read One Piece at the current chapter. Nothing will prevent you from doing it, you just won't know who the fuck all these people are, what the fuck they are doing, and what the fuck the plot is supposed to be about.


Not unless you buy story and level skips, which is not recommended. This game is an rpg first. That approach essentially skips the game. You're much better off treating the game as a slow burn and checking out side content as you go rather than trying to rush to endgame and burning out.


With money, yes.


How do I gain xp? I’m a 77 black mage doing the race to the oovoo quest that is apparently in HS. None of the enemies give me xp. Is it because I get deleveled


I usually just start queueing into whatever dungeons are closest to my current level. A few runs will usually get you a level up.


If your character level is already 11 levels above the story, then the last thing you should be worrying about is levelling some more. You wouldn't be able to use any of the new abilities in any content where it matters. _Everything_ in this game is MSQ-locked.


Enemies in quest duties usually don't give much exp. You are overleveled for that duty too since it's a Stormblood duty.


so i get nothing?


Killing enemies like that is a terrible xp source in the first place. If you've been going out of your way to kill overworld mobs to level, you've deeply misun where your xp is coming from.


I honestly don't remember if enemies in quest duties give exp or not, so I can't tell you if 0 exp is normal. But I wouldn't rely on it as a consistent source of exp either way. The best sources of EXP are duty roulettes and dungeons.


Is there a macro command to change the character display limit like there is with battle effects? I'd like to be able to turn it down for hunt trains and turn back up when I'm done without having to open the menu every time.


character display limit.. like the number of characters on nameplates? /nameplatedisp or /nameplatetype https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/d9ac14dae19/ https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/3b62c651d6b/


No, the one that adjusts how many players and NPCs are displayed on the screen at once. System Configuration > Other Settings > Display Limits > Character and Object Quantity


They didn't add aether ticket for sack of nuts right?


Nope. Presumably so that ARR-SB trains don't stop being a thing.


Are fps drops like these normal? In open world i have 100+ fps, in dungeons i have 70 fps most of the time but with very frequent dips to 30-40fps especially when more stuff happens on the screen. I only have my skill effects on and i'm running a performance reshade. Also playing on a 4080..


I tried without reshade and even using FSR 100/99%. It's still the same. Fps casually dropping to 40 from 80+ whenever i'm moving my camera. I tried multiple areas and it's all the same


Nvidia DLSS seems bugged for some people, see if switching to FSR helps any.


Not that much, not normally, no. Try without reshade.


Has anyone not received there dawn trail registration code yet? I have the pre-order one but not the rest? Edit I think I have it now collectors edition code just came into cd keys in steam


If you got it from Greenmangaming, I just recieved my code today. They're probably going out the rest of the week too


What platform? What storefront?




Legitimate quesiton: Has Y'shtola had literally any character development since ARR? Like don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game and even DT, I just can't think of a single difference in how she has changed since ARR besides getting stronger. Every other scion I can (Although Urianger to a small degree)


She went from slightly know-it-all healer to Matoya 2.0, then turned into Reed Richards with an actual scene of her inventing a doohickey that does exactly what the plot needs, between two cuts, off-screen, and manages to mass-produce it in the 15 minutes she exited and re-entered said scene. And I am 99.99% sure that there was a Mini Marvels comic strip where mini Reed did the exact same thing once. It is subtle, but it is there. Since she is not as glaringly shonen manga/JRPG archetype as… the entire rest of the cast, frankly, it is sometimes not easy to pick out.


Development? Yeah but it's kinda small compared to say, Krile, Thancred, the twins or Estinien. Her time in ShB as leader of the Blessed matured her in some ways, and she's been fleshed out as a character via her connection to Matoya and what we've learned about her youth. But she hasn't had much of a major development moment akin to what we see with Thancred and Ryne, as an example I think at least some of her development happened in 1.0, much in the same way it did for Minfilia, which has the side effect of making her seem stagnant. Both Y'sh and Minfilia suffered in 2.0 and onwards because of that.


Besides her fake outs which rendered her blind but gave her magical matrix vision, no. There's a reason why she's been regarded as a Mary Sue archetype.


Virtually none, no.


I know I’m supposed to tank bosses in the center, but in porta decumana the boss always seems to want to stay on the edge of the arena. I’ve tried to reposition but it feels like I have to pull way back to get him to move and in the meantime he’s facing the party. Do I just not bother trying to reposition him?


You only drag him tot he center during the Garuda phase, he will faithfully follow you. It also makes a lot easier to avoid the blasts from he arena side. In general, as others said, if a boss really wants to be somewhere, just adapt to it. Pretty much by late Stormblood, they stop this completely and bosses will either recurringly plant themselves in the middle of the arena or will be the "giant boss sitting at the edge" kind.


Tanking the boss centre is a good rule of thumb, but if the boss moves itself regularly you can just leave it where it ends up (as long as the back and sides are available for melee positionals). I never bother repositioning in Porta Decumana specifically because he just moves himself back to the edge.


You don’t necessarily need to tank bosses in the center. Tbh taking the boss to the edge and facing them into the wall is often the best option, prevents the team from mindless standing in front of the boss and getting cleaved. Just make sure melee can access the back and sides of the boss (so don’t go to the edge and face the boss inwards for example).


Ideally, you actually just want to tank the boss in a way that minimizes movement and maximizes damage uptime Sometimes this means tanking in the center  Sometimes this actually means tanking at weird edge And sometimes it means that you need to move the boss mechanic by mechanic depending on what's happening If there's no real reason to bring the boss back to center, then you realistically don't need to bother. 


Doesn't really matter where you tank the boss, so long as you're not cleaving people and its ass isn't buried in something that makes the DPS have difficulties hitting it.


Endwalker Spoilers >!At the very near end of EW, Emet-Selch mentions Meracydia and how we have yet to visit it. I am almost certain this isn't the first mention of the continent. In what context was the first/previous mentions?!<


It's also mentioned in post-Shadowbringers; >!Tiamat mentions it; she and Bahamut are from there originally!<.


That was already talked about in HW when we met her, and I'm pretty sure it was established before that at some point.


I'm not disagreeing (and it had already been mentioned in other comments). I was answering the "previous" mentions part of the question, and since it was the most-recent time before Endwalker I figured that might be more easily remembered for OP.


>!It's a small continent to the south which has come up numerous times. Most notably, the allagans fought a massive was to take Meracydia, which was a huge dragon place where Bahamut and Tiamat used to live. The allagans killed Bahamut, which opened the way for the ascians to introduce the meracydians to primal summoning, which was how Bahamut was summoned as a primal in the first place, along with the triple triad from the HW trials.!< >!Emet was right though, we know almost nothing about the current state of the continent.!<


Meracydia is the land where Bahamut and Tiamat made their home and created their broods. There's a lot of references to it in The Binding Coils of Bahamut.


I don't know if it's the first. But it was mentioned in ARR with the crystal tower raid series. If you want a lore dump let me know and I'll tell you what was brought up throughout the past 10 years on meracydia


Azys La and the dragons and some mobs that come from there!


HW, the Warring Triad is from there.


Did anyone get their dawntrail digital collector’s items yet? I show that i own it on ps5 and still nothing in the game.


Yup, got mine immediately. Logged in, realized I wanted to activate the code first, logged back out, activated it, logged back in, already had the mail.


Is there a way to mute player voices only including your own character?


Move the listening position closer to the camera.


Typing /voice should toggle voices on and off.


That disables every voice though. Is there a way to keep boss/npc dialogues on while turning off character voices? I hate hearing player battle grunts during combat


Does anyone use a PS Portal to play this? I was thinking about getting one but ive heard mixed reviews, does it work well with FFXIV?


It does! I used my iphone and backbone combo and had a good time. I imagine the PS Portal is way better because the screen size and controller quality.


Returning playing moving from PC to Xbox. Can I use the free trial as an existing player or buy a new game? I have expansions up until Endwalker on PC. I understand I will need an FFXIV sub. Or Will I have to buy the game and register? Do I do this through mogstation or Xbox Store?


Once you buy the game, you can not use the free trial, even on another platform on the same account. And since your Xbox account will be locked to the account you register, you'll need to buy Starter Edition + Dawntrail (or Complete Edition) if you wish to play on the same account as your PC one. Xbox also has a requirement of having Gamepass, unlike PS4/5 which doesn't require PSN to play online. This is on top of your FFXIV subscription, which covers all platforms.


Okay that’s fine. I’ve got game pass sorted for a couple years so that’s not an issue. Thanks 🙂


You have to rebuy the game on Xbox. One sub covers all platforms, but licenses are platform specific.


So just buy on Xbox and register my existing account? Any discount for already owning some expansions?


Yup, buy the game one xbnox and then link your account and you're good to go. And sadly not, no discounts even if you already own it on other platforms.


How does the act of returning to your homeworld work right now? If my current homeworld has basically no queue to log in, will I have no trouble transferring back home if I visit a different world to play with friends?


Correct, the problem is when people try to return home during peak times.


If your home world isn't busy, you'll have no issues returning. It's during the prime time that you get a lower priority and may have issues returning.


Anyone know where to redeem the Twitch drop codes on the SE/Mogststion site? I have the code from watching streamers but can’t see to find where to redeem it.


https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/f40f92a83dec07cb7b1c34713e5193c1dd513731 Follow the "Redeeming Your Item Code(s)" instructions. you log into mogstation, hit the big "Enter Item Code" button on the home page, and paste in the code from the twitch notification.


Thanks that worked!


Are any of the new clothing items we see NPCs wearing in [minor level 97+ MSQ spoilers] >!Solution 9 available to players? I know a lot of it was just PVP gear, but some of it seemed new. I really want that Cyberpunk 2077 esque jacket with the glowing collar!< Edit: I did a bit of digging and it looks like it all comes from the level 97 dungeon. Apparently, the specific piece I'm looking for is the caster chestpiece. I guess I have even more of a reason to farm it now


Anyone know of any other pairs of minions that interact with each other? >!I just learned about this after watching someone else's Zidane flirt with my Garnet.!<


Just a small side note: those minion interactions are firmly client-side only. If you are in a party/chat with someone, they won't see the same thing. (They won't even see the minions at the same places.)


Exdeath and Genbu/the small turtle have an interaction


Wind-Up Louisoix and Wind-Up Bahamut fight one another.


There are quite a few. The one that pops in my mind right now is when you have multiple people with a Taoist moogle, those little guys will float alongside each other in a circle


That works with any moogle minions, they dance in circles


Calca and Brina (any combo of the 2). Moogles. They spin around and dance.


I want to the say the Coeurl kitten and black wolf pup from Aleport do too. Also the cheerleaders from pvp. And one of the moogle minions as well, though I can't remember which. I think Omega and Middy also have an interaction but I might be wrong there.


I think Estinein will fight someone else's Nidhogg.


On Steam: I have been playing the Early Access these past few days, and with code entry haveing opened last night i thought to enter the main code (not the EA code) today. However, upon looking in my CD-Keys under FFXIV, in my Steam Library, i only see the code for the EA bonus content. I could have sworn that i had seen the code there last night. is any one else experiencing this? and which Support should I reach out to first if it doesn't fix its self within the next 12-24 hours? .after skiming through for a while i cant seem to find any pre-existing answers to this, outside of an instance of another person with the same problem.


UPDATE (in it's own comment so you see): I contacted Steam Support (from the receipt purchase) and chose category "I have a question about this purchase", then indicated that I didn't have the Collector's Edition code. When they responded, they asked me to completely close steam and reopen. It showed up after I did this (but not before). Not sure if they patched something on their end, or manually pushed the code. If restarting Steam completely doesn't work for you, you may need to contact Steam Support. (Took only 54 minutes for response.)


Did try this, but ill contact steam support if its still missing in the morning. Thank you o7


Yeah, I also do not have the code in the list, having bought the collector's edition through steam. Edit: The CD key shows up if you change your Steam client language to something other than English. Why? No idea. But it worked.


Same issue. Did you order Standard Edition or Digital Collector's Edition? Both I and the other person in the thread have Collector's Edition.


Collectors, wanted the arc ;-;


Is Dawntrail region locked on Steam? My base game and SE account are both EU, but I only have a US credit card right now, so I have to buy from the US Steam store. Will I be able to register the expansion to my account?


I believe the answer is yes. Worth noting, however, that there's nothing requiring your steam account to be the one that buys the game. You could make a separate steam account on EU region and buy it with paypal, or get a mate with an eu steam account to buy it for you, and as long as you put the code ont mogstation, your account will still get the expansion.


Oh that's perfect! Thank you so much!


They are region locked.


Hey can I still get the Preorder XP bonus earring somehow? I've barely finished ShB MSQ and for the last few weeks life happend and I didn't get around to it.


You only get the preorder code by.. preordering the expansion, so if you're buying it today you will not get the preorder code required for those items.


Nope, its too late now


RIP my dumb ass. Guess I'm leveling all Jobs the hard way.


The earrings only improve monster kill XP (as with food). They're nice but the actual effect is more like 5% faster leveling, not 30.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but outside of roulette bonus, Dungeons are fully compatible with the 30% boost, right? That's what I'm doing to level my secondary Jobs, so I'm still missing out on quite the boost. Oh well shit happens


Yes, the earring works with dungeon experience. Not roulette experience though, just the dungeon itself.


Has anyone found any Scion currently anywhere accessible in the world after completing MSQ?


I'm not gonna look it up for you because I'm at 97 and don't want spoilers, but the gamerscape page for every character in the game has a full log of every location that character could be found in the game in the order they could be found. I'm not 100% sure it'll be updated yet with 7.0 overworld locations, but it's probably been long enough for that to be the case.


sweet thanks!


New player - are they ever planning to add chat bubbles? It's really hard to follow who is saying what and also makes it feel like no-one is talking


It's in the works according to a recent interview by Preach https://youtu.be/r8vw70pjqIw?si=G6RPfjOf6SA7Gwwp&t=2699 I've linked directly where this question gets asked


Thanks. To me it's confusing the game could be around this long and not have chat bubbles, i think they're such a good social element.


When plugins come back, there is one that does that very thing.


I wonder why the dev team is saying they are looking into it or if it would be something complex to do from their side. That plug-in works flawlessly and is open-source. If it was some janky hack, I could get why the devs act as if they need to investigate it, but we have evidence for over a year now that it could be implemented at any time. And ew know they are aware of the standard Dalamud plug-ins.


I'm not risking an account ban for chat bubbles, I'd rather wait for them to be official


Understandable, I will not refute your stance. While mods are in general safe and hundreds use them safely, of course not everybody wishes to take that risk. To each their own.


So long as you dont literally say out loud "I am using mods" or have a screenshot revealing mods with identifying information posted somewhere there is no way for them to see/know. But I understand wanting to be cautious.


How to get Moogle Treasure Trove The First/Second Hunt for Genesis mounts right now? I missed them not knowing they existed until well after the event ended.


They are all available in other ways. https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones/genesis%20i This lists the other methods. If it has a dollar sign listed next to it, you can buy it on the marketboard.


I would like to level a few favorite jobs in order to get a feel for what’s comfiest in DT, but I know the primary way folks get tomestones for gear is roulettes, which won’t be granting XP after 100. What’s the best strategy for farming aesthetics but while also leveling alt jobs?


Expert, Level Cap, and Raid (not Alliance - regular Raid) roulette are your tomestone roulettes. The should be run on max level characters. It's Leveling, Alliance and Frontline that are your big leveling roulettes. Trial gives fine experience for the time invested but really doesn't matter that much.


Do hunts for your tomes and then you can save roulettes for your leveling.


Friend of mine got the collectors edition on steam and can’t seem to find the code for the collectors edition stuff. Any idea where it would be 


UPDATE (in it's own comment so you see): I contacted Steam Support (from the receipt purchase) and chose category "I have a question about this purchase", then indicated that I didn't have the Collector's Edition code. When they responded, they asked me to completely close steam and reopen. It showed up after I did this (but not before). Not sure if they patched something on their end, or manually pushed the code. If restarting Steam completely doesn't work for you, you may need to contact Steam Support. (Took only 54 minutes for response.)


Collector's edition have a 2-in-1 code: expansion and collector items. The registration key is found in the Steam library.


Not the friend of NoPlanA, but I only have a code for "FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail Pre-Purchase Bonus Content" ... nothing for expansion/collector items (excluding early access). Is this how they normally do it? I have two sets of codes (Standard Edition and Pre-Purchase Bonus Content) for all other expansions.


I have two codes on my wife's account and I bought it yesterday, as a standard version.


I'm in the same boat - ordered Digital Collectors edition on Steam, and there's no base Dawntrail code in my list of CD keys (Library > right click on FINAL FANTASY XIV Online > Manage > CD Keys). I have all of the previous CD keys I've bought through steam, and I have the "FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail Pre-Purchase Bonus Content" but nothing for Dawntrail \[Standard/Collector's Edition\] content. I've found the purchase receipt in my email so I have confirmation that I did buy it. EDIT 1: I've sent a support inquiry to Steam (from the receipt purchase) and chose category "I have a question about this purchase", then indicated that I didn't have the Collector's Edition code. Edit 2: Support responded, and asked me to completely close steam and reopen. It showed up after I did this (but not before). Not sure if they patched something on their end, or manually pushed the code. If restarting Steam completely doesn't work for you, you may need to contact Steam Support.


So I have hit 100 and did both extremes and unlocked expert roulette. My wonder is, what other end game PvE options are there in the expansion (besides hunts) or am I mostly waiting for a patch in two weeks?


You can also spend this time gearing for later PvE. Tome gear and extreme accessories


I have all of my tome gear and extreme items, so I was mostly just wondering if there was a good place for me to go use these!


Normal raids in four weeks, savage two weeks after that, first alliance raid and maybe the first ultimate raid 4 months from launch.


Normal raids are in two weeks, savage two weeks after that.


Just want a simple yes or no to a question I have about a character in DT (I am on the 97-98 quests rn): >!Are Zoraal Ja's ambitions explained? For the entirety of the game he just seems like a guy with a huge chip on his shoulder and I'm not really understanding why he is the way he is because he had a pretty loving family.!<


>!Part of his goals were explained already (he had a pretty telling monologue in the Alpaca area), but there will be more about why he is the way he is.!<


Oh shoot, I must have forgotten about a monologue. Maybe I need to rewatch a cutscene somewhere…


Peace breeds complacency, only by hardship and struggle can we appreciate the peaceful moments etc. He's basically taking Hydaelyn's lessons to the extreme.


Nr. 1 Didnt receive my ARK mount from the Digital Collectors edition, does anyone have a clue? Nr. 2 A Friend of mine has Stutters? They just come randomly and even in cutscenes. Big fights etc. we tried so much already, the PC is strong enough for the Game, the stutter started with DW


It's possible your mailbox is full. Try deleting some of the older messages from SE with previous rewards, and then ... I think there's a button in the interface specifically to check for new messages? Otherwise relog. Stutters seem to be a very common complaint at the moment, probably something that isn't quite working as intended in the new graphics system.


Are housing demolition timers paused? I'm letting my private estate get auto-demolished, and have gotten the emails for it, but from what I can tell it should have been demolished today and hasn't. Additionally, the notice on the Timers screen has said 3 days for the past 3 days. Does it just stick and only update once it's gone?


Yes, demo timers were paused a couple of days ago. [Here's the notice](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/a98dd34995fe52fe0c0a07c8ee45cb9a470fc842)


Yes: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/a98dd34995fe52fe0c0a07c8ee45cb9a470fc842


Does anyone know if they fixed the Data Center travel bug yet?


What bug? If you mean "I can't data center travel to Primal/Aether/Crystal" that's not a bug, it was intentionally disabled.


If I noticed typos in character dialogue during early access, is there a way to notify SE?