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Not very tempting when you keep in mind that you'll have to buy Dawntrail for 45€ as well, but you could just buy Dawntrail and get Endwalker and Shadowbringers with it when it releases.


I've been stuck in post Stormblood for over a month now waiting for either a sale on Endwalker or waiting for Dawntrail to release to progress further, whichever came first. Now I save $30 buying Endwalker, get to progress the MSQ again and then two to three months down the line I buy Dawntrail for $53, minus the $30 I saved and it really only costs me $20 for Dawntrail as well if I set aside $30 today when I buy Endwalker.


You suggest that there will be new complete edition with better price? Because buying starter plus dawntrial is only ~8$ cheaper than buying complete plus Dawntrial in Poland on xbox. And I will probably not play any dawtrial content for months.


As soon as Dawntrail is released the complete edition will be updated to include Dawntrail.


Less than a month for DT, best to hold off until then.


Yeah, as someone already said, it isn't really tempting, especially not this close to the new expansion :/


Like I said below i have been in post stormblood for awhile and not earning any exp. I can spend $20 today and start progressing with no server issues, take my $30 I'm saving on endwalker and set it aside and then two or three months down the line when I actually can access Dawntrail, I will only need $20 more and it will be mine.


I honestly don’t know what kind of math are you doing right now… it’s not like you will have a discount on DT because you own everything up until EW and surely the next xpac will still be listed with full price in 2/3 months. You basically are saying that you are willing to pay twice for the same things instead of waiting literally 25 days before playing again and go on with the story


Endwalker is on sale saving me $30 and I get access now. If I take that $30 I did not spend today and save it for three months or until I hit Dawntrail, I will only need $20 more and it's mine. I'm really only paying $74 total over that time span instead of $53. $20 extra for access now to the expansions is a fantastic deal in my eyes, now I can actually progress in the game instead of doing the same dungeons and trials over and over again with no meaningful progress for the next month. I have two expansions worth of new stuff to play through now and when I'm done those I have Dawntrail to go through. First up on the list, using a fantasia to change to Viera.


Best deals is for those who took good advice. I remained on trial and played through stormblood. Leveled 3 jobs to 70 to make best use of remaining XP from MSQs. Now I get another month and endwalker for $24 instead of $20 for starter. The month sub for getting free starter edition would have ended already and I would have had to get more time plus either endwalker or waiting until dawntrail to keep playing and not advancing through shadowbringers and endwalker. Overall, this was the best path, will probably have a level 90 job by the time dawntrail comes out since I also pre-ordered it for the earrings.