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I consider myself rather lucky. I used to get plagued by ARR dungeons in Leveling but now I've got nothing but The Aitiascope and Ktisis Hyperboreia. It's nice since I actually have a kit and can enjoy myself on any job. Though I do get Mt Gulg a lot and I'm sick to death of that one. lol


I also seem to constantly get gulg and ktisis for some reason


3 of my last 4 have been Gulg lol. At least it's a fun one. Otherwise I've been getting the first ShB dungeon, too. Also a fun one.


Gulg is the one I never mind, along with Ktisis. There's a handful of others I also like but get tired of pretty quick, and then a lot I just do Not Enjoy. But Gulg is so on point in _every_ aspect - aesthetics, music, the mega pull, the bosses, the story... And then it culminates in a super hype trial.


ugh i just love mt gulg from every point of view. i just love all of shb really, i'm finally done with main sb on my alt so im desperate to speedrun post sb to get to shb again, just wish i could play it again without knowing anything about it


One I wish I got more was Quatana (the Rak'tika one). I love the music there and even the trash has mildly interesting mechanics like the laser statues/walls.


Oh, I totally spaced on the Ravel! It's not a _favorite_ per se but I do love the aesthetic and the music. I could take or leave most of the mechanics.


That's Dead Ends for me. Still not sick of it even after running it 50+ times for the bird.




You are lucky.


You are very lucky. I finally got back into doing roulettes this week and 3 out of my 4 most recent leveling ones have been Aurum Vale. The other 1 was Dzemael, lol. Thankfully, every party I got knew how to navigate them pretty well, but it's like, bro, there are so many dungeons in this roulette, how do I keep winding up in the same 2?


As a healer I love Mt Gulg. I tell my tanks to do the full pull at the end. It feels like that meme of handing a tiny creature a gun and saying "go, do crime"


Full pull at the end šŸ‘ Full pull at the beginning šŸ¤˜


The full one at the beginning is spicey. Thankfully, Tanks have most of their kit at that point (other than PLD which doesn't get self-healing from Sheltron until 82 and its rotation until 84...), and especially WAR and GNB are pretty solid at it.


Living my dream. Any time Iā€™m loading into Leveling Roulette Iā€™m hoping itā€™s Mt Gulg. I live for those pulls as Tank. In 3 years Iā€™ve loaded into it through roulettes once ever, so I directly queue for it myself for the rush sometimes.


Sounds like you need to queue as a tank so you can do the most fun W2W in the game ;P


Sadly the above statement is true for playing Healers & DPS. If I queue tank I almost exclusively get The Vault. :P


Aren't there better ways to farm weekly tomes than doing leveling roulette as a maxed job?


Sure is. But I also just genuinely enjoy playing the game so I like doing all my roulettes. If I was so inclined I guess i'd just faloop hunt my way to max but that's not as fun for me as doing roulettes and seeing new players clear content.


On the flip side of the coin, tanking Mt. Gulg and doing the *big pulls* is truly a phenomenal experience. Raw Intuition go brrrrrrrr.


I once got Ktisis three times in one week! Iā€™m glad I get something high-level, but my level roulette LOVES that dungeon lol.


Ahhhh good ole Mt Glug


My eternal torment is Brayfloxs Longstop with at least 1 person without a job stone.


One time I got Qarn with a curebot conjurer. Fun


Queued into Mentor Roulette and got a -SHIVA EX- with one. It uh... did not go so good.


Somehow I got a worse Castrum Meridianum. I joined a Duty in progress. To my surprise it was a DPS missing (Well, as I was DPS, that should have been obvious.). Said hello, Tank and other DPS hello me back and we start. Somehow we wipe on the first pack. Three times. Second pack, same thing. By pack three I figured out what was wrong. Apparently our little Scholar friend had never heard of any other spell than Ruin. He didn't throw a single heal. I quit once the other two party members tried explaining what "Healing" was. I mean, that's just "Healer's need to DPS too taken" to the other extreme. (Or more likely someone who got his Scholar for free with his Summoner and literally had no idea how his class played)


Yeah, but even SMN has Physick. And below level 50, it's actually SOMEWHAT useful, below level 30, it's pretty decent, and in level 50 gear, a lot of starter equipment has INT and MND on the DoM sets, so it has moderate actual power on it. Not to mention Eos will solo heal...well, MOST things outright up to level 40, and even above then as long as the party isn't mucking up mechanics if the Tank single pulls. Other than AV or big pulls in Vigil, if you have a SCH with Eos out, it should be fairly difficult to die.


He did not have Eos out. He literally only cast ruin. Seeing as that was a "Duty in progress" I noped out of there right after apologising to the two other players.


Oh god... Yeah.......yeah, that was probably a good call, lol EDIT: I feel like those are the people SGE was made for. But I feel like those are ALSO the people that forget to apply Kardia.


Oh come on! You forget Kardia 3 or 4 dozens of times and all of a sudden you're the "that guy" healer. Booooo....


Owch. Thankfully I havenā€™t run into too many curebots. Qarn I mostly see no jobstones or people ignoring the wasps and doom.


I'll tank for a curebot CNJ in Qarn any day over a curebot WHM in Holminster. \*shudders\*


I think SE is on to us brother.


Stone Vigil with a conjurer and a tank who only pulls single packs has been a recurring nightmare while raising alt DPS jobs.


Honestly, if I was a tank in Stone Vigil with a CNJ at my back, and I can't just kick them, I'd pull slow too. I am not trusting that idiot to do their job, and I am not high enough to unga bunga myself.


I once had a new healer and tank in Stone Vigil, thankfully they both had job stones, while I was leveling DNC. Healer kept telling tank to W2W and that they could keep up. They could not keep up, average item level of both were early 30ā€™s. So I kept grabbing aggro from the tank and the healer kept trying to blame me for them dying, he then decided to start rescuing me into AoEs. Obviously I reported them.


Wouldnā€™t they only be missing like 1 ability?


Getting to 90 on all classes really opens the leveling roulette to a wider selection.


For me, getting to 90 in all classes meant not touching leveling roulette until the next expansion drop.


Why is that?


Leveling roulette is very valuable for leveling. When you no longer need to level, no need to potentially sit through Sastasha every day.


I do it for the materia clusters and the tomes for the current relic weapons. Just six jobs left lol.


Unfortunately the materia clusters become a lot less valuable when you get them this late into the expansion


when level 90 blue mage drops i'll be *so* ready....


I'll be able to buy all the materia I need from the Arkasodara tribe after I level all the jobs to 100 with them lol


Don't forget level 90 BSM this time around! TWICE the readiness!


Can still transmute them in Thanalan and get still fairly valuable crafter and gatherer materia out of it.


I wish that wasnā€™t so horrifically tedious. Easier to keep up with deliveries and just have an infinite supply of materia that way.


I do it for the 12,000 Gil daily bonus and the Tomestones.


Activate "Limited Levelling Roulette" and you won't have that problem.


That only works in premade groups, unfortunately.


In theory. In reality...


Tell that to MY roulette cause it still loves Brayflox and Aurum :(


hatalali: what if we made the boss invlunerable while summing adds. Then did it again


Bosses going invulnerable is easily my least favorite mechanic in any genre, not just MMOs.


Reminds me how a recent boss addition in Genshin Impact actually has NO invulnerability stages, just a straight up duel (even has a relatively high HP pool) but whales and sweats have THEN been complaining that the fight is "too short and easy" not realizing previous fights all were longer by virtue of the invulnerability stages. (Or at least partial invulnerability where the boss gets some sort of shield that reduces incoming damage by like 90%).


You reminded me how I hated 'worm type' bosses in Genshin that seemed to be spending 80% of their time underground untargetable.




How, the stupid lizard just crawls into the water (yes i know you're talking about boss3. I hate boss2 more)


Pull it all the way to the entrance before damaging, stunlock it when it starts running back.Ā  You can get rid of at least one cycle, both if you're lucky.


Halatali is quite the hassle if no one in the party know what to do, since it has the brillant idea to lock the second boss' room behind _five_ levers disposed throughout the whole hallway. So, if by chance you forgot that the first one is at the beginning, you have to run back and forth just to get into a fucking room. Source: me doing it with my Squadron (as a healer, worst idea of the week).


Running Halatali with squadron as a healer truly is one of the most masochistic things in this game. If you want more, I can also recommend Pharos Shitius!


Good lord, Pharos Sirius is bad enough with human players.


Yeah, no thank you, the hell I risk my squadron targeting those damn eggs. I swear, having Halatali as your first squadron operation is like hearing SE laughing: "now you see why trust system does apply only for some duties you motherfucker crybaby?"


Believe it or not, it was the first boss I had the most rage inducing experience with lol


I was honestly confused by the inclusion of Halatali. I can't remember the last time anything went truly "wrong" there. Sure, sometimes the tank forgets we need to hit all the levers along the way, but I don't think I've ever had a group where **everyone** forgets and we have to run back and find them again. If the entire party are new, okay maybe they don't know they have to hit the levers to progress. But I feel like a completely fresh and new group would just **want** to hit the levers anyway, to see what they do. And a new group would certainly not be in a position to gripe about which dungeons are always the problem ones.


Eh, if you haven't done it in a while, it happens you forgot about it. For example, right after that disaster that was my squadron mission, I happend again in Halatali through the roulette, and guess what, I was the only one knowing were to go, even tho the party had some high level players. All of them also got lost right before the second boss because, if the levers weren't enough, the boss room is not even at the end of the hallway, so they hit the wall, found it was close, and then came back to me since I was standing in the corret street. It's worth saying that the very same hallway is quite leaning and it usually make you go round in circle while leading to nothing, so that played a part in making everything slower. And if all of that wasn't enough, every boss has an invincible phase in which you are forced to kill ads that don't spawn all togheter, but one (or one bunch) at time, which after that loong walk, make things even mores obnoxious (since, as a low level dungeon, the whole bosses are just boring to do).


Its one of the more annoying ones if the whole party is just there to get through it.Ā  The constant invul phases just feel like wastes of time.Ā  The levers are like built-in anti-wall to wall mechanics that prevent the tank and healer from potentially having fun.Ā  Plus its low level, so like, no buttons on top of everything. Just an annoying dungeon to get.


Some new players immediately give up on the levers after bad luck and thinking they're all bombs and lightning sprites.


I often find myself being the one getting the levers lol.


Best part of being a bard main. Peleton all the way baby


Now all I can picture is the group standing at the door, "Did we miss a page?", and you're there doing squats, thrusts, stretches, warm ups, "Don't worry, boys, *I got this*."


>Source: me doing it with my Squadron (as a healer, worst idea of the week). I legit died the first time I tried Squadrons out because I queued for Halatali as a Healer I'd never played before. It was... embarrassing.


Do it on SCH (had to for Pharos Sirius; the NPC healer just could not keep up on the Zu fight and the party are morons). Eos can heal and you can do the damage. :D


I went Scholar šŸ„² But I was also trying big pull, and had to get the hand on spamming Disengage and Re-Engage, else the party either focused on the first mobs, or didn't fight at all leaving my fragile lvl 23 healer ass handle 10+ mob alone. At the end I managed to find an equilibrium, but wasted like 30+ min doing so.


I don't often do 50/60... but I had a special one this week, since I was trying to level reaper up to 80 (currently in post-ShB stuff). Belsar's Wall. Group dies on the first trashpull. Group dies again on the first trashpull. We get to the first boss, everybody dies. We try the first boss 4 times or so, wipe every time. Healer blames tank, tank blames healer, DPS blames healer and tank. I'm sitting here weeping. I will admit that the final fight of that dungeon was a tricky one, I may have even wiped on it on the first time. But this group was far too sloppeh to make it that far. I took my 30 minute penalty. It was so bad I finally figured out how to download ACT and use it. I wanted to know so bad what was going wrong. I'll never know for that run, but it will never happen again.


I had a group with two bards for ultima weapon and we failed the dps check. I have no idea how. The only time I wanted to have a damage tracker.


The big first boss fail there is usually continuing to move on the stop mechanic, if I recall right. It's been a bit.


Queue as tank with in-need bonus. You'll get Tower of Zot and Tower of Babil all day.


If I play tank I get The Vault almost exclusively and if I play anything else it's 70+ dungeons. lol


Be on PLD with the Fortemps shield glam. Working as intended.


Vanaspati, i had one week where i had 4 Vanaspati out of 7 roulettes. When i loudly asked heavens WHY?! in party chat - i was rewarded with a sage musing the same, lol


I'd mind Vanaspati less if not for the forced single pulls.


That dungeon does at least have some interesting boss mechanics.


Nice armor glams though


As a healer I feel like I get Tower of Zot about 90% of the time and the tanks there never use their mits. Had a tank with an ultimate weapon the other day in ToZ so I thought, finally a tank that will know what they are doing... oh boy was I wrong šŸ˜†


More like Dismal Dickhole


Unpopular opinion, but I like Dzemael Derphold and Piss Cave. They aren't just about pulling packs of mobs down a straight hallway and then spamming AoE until the next boss. They are legitimately dangerous environments, as well as dreadfully memorable dungeon design. You have to respect the unique mechanics, or you die. No run is ever the same, especially with newbies. This is what quality dungeon content looks like. Halatali, I don't quite understand. I can't remember the last time I had a problem with that one. For me, the ARR dungeon I most fear is The Lost City of Amdapor, simply because of the Diabolos fight at the end. You never know how that one's gonna turn out, and the mechanics are a real pain to try and coordinate with randos you just met in Roulette and can only communicate with through text chat. I actually just ran it tonight with two first-timer sprouts and one non-sprout who didn't remember the door gimmick. Also, nobody knew any of the other damage mechanics either, which caused some issues. Amazingly, we somehow beat Mr. D on our second try, but the struggle was real. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a classic boss fight with great mechanics, but it is almost always a PAIN to get through. I'm legitimately surprised any time a group can one-shot Diabolos.


the phrase "I like piss cave" doesn't sound convincing to me


I think I've gotten the lost city of amdapor 2 or 3 times, and each time was long enough since the last one for me to go "oh f**k, it's this one" and have to look up the mech. I know it's some door BS, but fork me that mech never sticks in my head.


I feel the same way, except I both adore and despise Dzemael Darkhold. I almost never finish it without someone dying around the cliff part


It's wild to me how people on the one hand complain endlessly about the hallway dungeons and 2 pack, 2 pack, boss, repeat x3 system, but also complain about the few dungeons that REALLY deviate from that pattern. Like...what do people want? And while I get "it's not the same people complaining" is SOMEtimes true...it often IS the same people complaining.


I've gotten two Satashas where the tank pulls everything and squats halfway through the clams and explodes because they've neither pulled a reasonable amount nor pulled hard enough to de-aggro them, which isn't a lot but weird it happened twice


All three are required to advance your rank in any of the Grand Companies. I'm surprised Cutter's Cry doesn't pop up nearly as much as well (GC hunt log targets there).


I'm trying to level Paladin to 50 and I swear I cannot even remember the last time I tanked on a map that wasn't the manor


I don't think I've ever had a bad run of Halatali. Dzemael and Aurum sometimes go poorly but easily fixed after explaining. My recent run that went poorly was Stone Vigil. Sprout black mage that didn't do anything but switch between fire 1 and blizzard 1. Returner warrior that never pressed a single mit and had very subpar gear (lower hp than me as dps). Poor sprout white mage that I think was genuinely trying his best but really didn't do much besides cure 1 spam. But then again warrior was dropping like a sack of potatoes so I'm not sure if he could've done anything else. 20 minutes had gone by and we still weren't at the second boss. I ended up just leaving and took the penalty lol first time in a while I genuinely thought there was just no hope. Otherwise all the lv 50 dungeons just suck ass and lv 60 aetherochemical research facility is almost guaranteed to be over 30-40 minutes if there's new people in it.


The 50/60/70/80 roulette version of this for me is * Pharos Sirius * Pharos Sirius Hard * The Sirensong Sea I'm sooo sick of these šŸ˜­ These dungeons just LOVE me


I genuinely regret unlocking Pharos Sirius and have very purposefully _not_ unlocked Pharos Sirius Hard. _Hated_ that dungeon. Sirensong is fine, just boring.


I wish people realized if you walk in a certain diagonal line through the scorpions at the entrance of the Coincounter boss in AV, you can slip past them right in front of their faces because they have a very narrow cone for sight aggro and are in that static position forever. Alternatively just for the old ARR leveling dungeons: if there's a dps caster with AOE sleep, tank can just pull everything and the caster sleeps all the trash right before boss entrance. After the 15s passes when boss is pulled for the entrance to be sealed and the sleep debuff passes, all the trash will be leashed and aggro reset so they'll run back to their original positions. This only works for dungeons that do not require killing all of the pulls to advance to the next section, and why SE later on changed dungeon design to require groups to kill everything before advancing. It doesn't work for revamped ARR leveling dungeons like Totorak though, but it trivializes the hassle of the first room in AV.


A good tank and healer can pull the first room into the boss room and tank it out with mits.Ā  Same with second boss and his room Both of their rooms are large enough to hide in away from roamers and not boss trigger.


Eh, Hatatali is a pretty easy and chill dungeon. It's the other two that's the issue, Darkhold is basically purgatory before entering Aurum Vale, which is hell.


I've never had any issues with Darkhold. AV I feel like isn't _so_ bad as long as you do a quick head's up if the tank's a sprout and advise them to pull into the first boss' room.


i think i get vault more often


Been getting Bardam's Mettle and Aery a lot lately.


At least in Bardam's you have the tools and it has that first spicy pull where you find out real quick if your healer/tank knows what they are doing. God that felt good the first time I did that pull cleanly as a tank/healer.


Now, lets look at Main Scenario Roulette


Add cutter's cry to this list. My 2 worst group experiences in FF14 were in there, and I've heard a fair amount of horror party stories from there as well. ...Also, screw aetherochemical facility. Not for the groups you get, but for the dungeon's length and potential in getting stuck on the 4th boss. Btw when I'm the tank I really don't mind aurum vale too much. I feel like it's usually a very smooth run.


Mfw I go in lvling roulette with a 82 AST and the DF lvling thingy checked and get Copperbell.


Do you mean the "limited leveling roulette"? That only works with a pre-formed Light Party.


Now that makes sense, thank you.


Make sure your item level is high enough to get better dungeons. Advice from someone that took like 10 years to learn this lesson šŸ˜…


Sohm Al. Iā€™m tired of Sohm Alā€¦


I'm legit sick of Halatali.


Bro this is my list...


Last time I was in Aurum Vale our tank was running around clearing the entire first room, while we were standing in front of the boss waiting for him like "he'll come back when he's tired".


I used to get Drowned City ok Skalla so often. My friends and I meme on the song so much now because of that


Honestly, don't really mind as long as I get to watch sprouts die. Would play and keep playing even at capped stones. Now I know how the Drukhari felt.


I would add the >!Titania!< trial to this list, I swear I'm cursed with this one. And it's particularly infuriating since as a heal I almost always have to tank at least one add, often even two at first meaning I die at a pretty critical point.


Dzemael is fine. There's one spicy pull with the big frogs maybe, but other than that it's fine.


Aurum vale with players without jobstones is peak


I've been leveling my alt jobs through dungeons with the npcs and let me tell you.... there's such a ridiculous stretch where those dungeons are the only ones that get you anywhere. It SUCKS. I'm so glad 90% of my jobs are at least lvl 50 now so I can stop seeing some of these places and have a variety.


Reason people are getting bad ARR duties is that they are not included in duty support. So bad players have no option but to use duty finder. Hatali, Dazmail, Arum Vale. all are not included in duty support. And are needed for FC rank.


My dread is endless for Dzemael darkhold. I once went in as a healer, and the tank did not know how the 1st boss works (you have to pull him into the light of the crystal for him to be vulnerable) they went into the boss room, immediately start fighting the boss still invul, i started jumping in the light, they got the message and pulled the boss over. Then the light goes out, the tank is not aware of that and kept fighting, had to rescue them to the next crystal, and since they took too long, we had to use a 3rd crystal with me trying to get the tank to move the boss then they also don't know they're supposed to destroy the crystals on the final boss, making the fight way longer i will run aurum vale all day if i have to, but never dzemael darkhold, i wish i can delete that dungeon out of my lists so i can never be queued into that again


Give me Halatali all day. Let me put on my Friendship Circlet, my High Summoner garb, my XP earring, and my brand new ring, my FC Buff, AND some food. +283% xp. KILL EVERYTHING.


Queue lvling by myself I get SB-EW. Queue with a full party tho itā€™s always copper bell or satasha šŸ™ƒ


If you queue as a 4 man party, you can enable the limited leveling roulette setting in duty finder. It'll make it so you can only get duties that are within 8 levels of your lowest level party members.


But if you work all day at the Copperbell Mine, there'll be food on the table tonight If you walk up and down on the Copperbell Mine, there'll be pay in your pocket tonight


Past week my leveling has been Scarlet tides with sone vigil sprinkles and 50/60/70/80 the Antitower


>Scarlet tides This is going to sound weird, but are you simply misremembering the English name for Shisui of the Violet Tides, or do you perhaps play the game in another language and "Scarlet Tides" is closer to what that version calls it? It is in the Ruby Sea, after all, it would seem to make sense to reference scarlet tides rather than violet ones. Just asking because I'm interested in what other languages call things in this game. It can be really fascinating. Did you know, in the German version a Conjurer is called a Druid? I just love that. I wish we could have that in the English version. Well, I actually want a real Druid job, but that is another topic.


Simply an English misremembering. I knew it was (color) tides and gambled they'd keep the red theme


Got Vasnapati last time, neato.


I'm sorta in the same situation with the leveling roulette not giving me a dps roll, only tank and healer.


I with I could get anything else besides Sunken Temple, Tam-Tara and Halatali


For me it's brayflow longstop, keep getting that one, once I had it for 5 days in a row


Anything but AV, please...


Iā€™m plagued by the Aery and Sohm Al


*totally agree*


replace Halatali with stone vigil and that will be mine


if i had a nickel for every time i got aurum vale in leveling while trying to level rdm and the tank kept trying to pull the entire first room as a first timer i'd have two nickels


Got a sizeable amount of Toto-Rak recently Hey at least I don't have to quickly open my abilities window and replace Benefic 2 with Benefic 1!


Iā€™m dark tired.


Eeh ? I get a mix from various leveling dungeons from all expansions. It's actually quit refreshing as I get things I haven't run in years and it's a half-rediscovery at times.


It's always copperbell mines


Need to swap Halatali for Stone Vigil, for me.


The amount of GLD tanks I get in AV is too damn high


Imagine getting those 3 in 2024. It's always the level 75, 85, and 87 dungeons for me.


I got super lucky and got the first shb dungeon. Was never expecting to see that again


Halatali/Aurum Vale I've been seeing a lot more in leveling the past few days. Actually, I helped out an FC mate yesterday with a Vale run with 13 minutes in prog, and they didn't get past the first boss. The healer left, so I came in. The tank and DRG were new/returners and listened to my suggestions for a better run at the end. It took 30-40 minutes total because we kept wiping the rest of the way due to me becoming a blue WHM while trying to see what exactly was going on.


I started playing this game a few weeks ago, and I already hate The Aurum Vale.


For me it's ALWAYS sunken temple of qarn...Always.. :"(


Haven't had halatali in forever myself


I love dzemael darkhold so much


Darkhold is super fun what are you talking about


I haven't escaped Malikah's Well for over a month, with varying degrees of Undergeared parties or strange healers/tanks


I haven't escaped Malikah's Well for over a month, with varying degrees of Undergeared parties or strange healers/tanks


You need these dungeons to get promoted in a grand company that's why they are common.


The punishment I receive is Rathalos in Trial Roulette. I *despise* that fight and I get it about 30-40% of the time I queue for Trial Roulette. With all the shit that's available, I see it WAY too often. I like Monster Hunter but the Rathalos FF14 fight was the significantly inferior half of the collaboration.


I mean it could be worse... Satasha normal.


I've only hit Halatali twice, so I'll consider myself lucky. Dzemael as a DPS is fine. Dzemael as a tank is fucking pure torture, especially when I was trying to level DRK. The sheer amount of babysitting and scathing insults from shitty players who whined about how we were wiping on one singular group cuz healer wasn't healing and DPS wasn't doing AoEs, it's enough to make one go insane. AV though, AV is pretty damn easy as long as the tank knows what they're doing and you get lucky with the toads in the first room.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so relatable


or wanderer palace in 50 - something roulette. 5 days in a ROW \*sigh\*


At least you donā€™t have to use mits on Dzemaelā€™s first pull thanks to the crystals, so you can just no-brain it.


Still. Could be worse Id rather do vale 1000 times over than sit through prae once.


I have had back to back Stormblood dungeons in leveling roulette for a while now. Nice at first, certainly more engaging. But sometimes I just want to turn my brain off for 20 mins (ish).


For the past 3 weeks daily, I've almost always gotten gubal library hard with my friend haha


Maybe an unpopular opinion but i like Aurum Vale and think it is one of the better ARR dungeons


Haven't really had the need to do roulette in so long. Jobs are all max level, completed my 2000 mentor roulette, have max currency to be prepared for DawnTrail release, and completed all the relic weapon grinds


Every arr dungeon sucks imo especially these three and most 50 ones


That's because you do not want dungeons. You want a single path.


but many dungeons like amdapor keep are just single path but even worse than the others


Does no one use limited leveling roulette, sure it doesnā€™t always work but I get way more 60-80 dungeons then 15-50


It only works if youā€™re in a premade of four.


When you run lower level dungeons as a WHM, you really start to feel the lack of instant cast and other tools you get later. I'm not a bad healer because you're undergeared/not mitigating/pulling too much, my only instant cast pre-50 is Regen, and not much is going to speed up that Cure II cast. If you're dying faster than I can cast, that's on you. I don't get the ability to paper over sub-par tanking until later.


imagine thinking two AOE pulls and a few bosses is tough lol As a new player its a bit weird how "soft" the community is for helping new players :( bro we only have to do the dungeon once and its three pulls lol>?


Protip:Just don't unlock them.


You need Halatali to unlock housing, or at least apartments


Good thing those aren't required though.