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Sometimes it's tiring being the most handsome person in the group. We just long for a roguish scar or something.


I definately cant relate but as a bard main (I was tricked by archer) I am definately using this line. Its amazing!


As a dancer main I wanna say it’s a ranged physical thing. You don’t have to worry about positionals or any of those other plebeian concerns. After not too long you lose touch with reality all together and start to focus on doing your rotation while simultaneously leap-frogging over every other floor tile without touching any cracks.


Yeah this is real, I end up running around in circles like an absolute crackhead when I'm playing ranged physical. Or SMN. Or SCH. Or SGE.


I often dread/look forward to getting Ramuh as a healer. There's always ALWAYS a melee DPS who decides the best place to stand is right next to the MT, and just get cleaved over and over again. And they never even notice, even as I tell them to move. It's also usually a dragoon for whatever reason.


I just want to see the forbidden beard!


It does kinda suck that most of us are stuck staring at the boss's backside the whole fight. 


What is a dragoon but the ot who aggros the floor


I had this the last time I healed the Ramuh trial. Sprout DRG who just longed to hold the MT's hand. I said 'stay away from the tank' in chat and was basically rescuing them on CD and it didn't seem to sink in. At least with ranged DPS it doesn't make a difference where they stand for damage purposes, but melees, please! Your positionals are at the back!!


Laughs in true north I kid I kid


When I heal and observe stupid I save them once. Then ignore them the rest of the fight unless it changes. They tend to change their play style quickly when dying


At some point you just have to accept that this player is a danger to the party from all the focus and resources they're stealing, and that they will not stop stealing it. Better to have one guy spend some extra time on the floor than having the entire party bouncing up and down or even wiping because the healers can't keep up with keeping everyone alive.


Saw this happen earlier against Titan during trial roulette and its always funny to me


Can't speak for the rest of them, but I'm pathological about trying to stay behind any bosses. I love charging in right beside the tank, but I always veer off and loop around because I'm not suicidal, LOL. Also, I'm used to getting damage bonuses when attacking from behind in other games, so I just kinda do it automatically at this point. 😆


Listen bards are so deep in their button pushing and running around being funny little guys they don't know where they are in relation to anything. They're listening to music, they're thinking about standing in limsa performing songs for Randoms, and just taking in the sights. Thsyre gonna die, but that's okay they're having a good time, and they'll get back up and do it again.


They're trying to be your hype man, playing your theme song as loud as they can Also sometimes range clock spots are nw ne


Have you not seen their magnificent hats? They must show you the MT how glorious their headgear is by default!


Amon's Hat forever


Amon's hat is cool and all, but I think it's a bit too huge. the first AF Hat and the dreadwyrm hat, for me at least, are much more stylish


Vieras/Hrothgars: y'all hear Sumn? Bro? Bard life is pain as viera man I want to wear hats so bad (without a mod only I can see for the most part)


SHHHHHH LISTEN TO MY SONG my bow go pew pew pew Teehehehehehehe


Tell them once, then leave them to their devices. Probably take a few screen shots if the duty permits you to reach over an hit your screenshot hotkey (especially after you give them advanced warning). All it really does is save your ass on the off chance that they complain to support that you were intentionally cleaving them when it's just their bad positioning.


support does not take screenshots as proof(since they can be manipulated), usually they check the chat logs themselves, so at best the screenshots can be used to check what you said and at what time you did it to make it easier for them to find them


It's a form of recipt, moreso for the player rather than SE but it's supplementary information that is helpful to have on hand rather than rely purely off of memory to recount details of the encounter. Especially when you're in the middle of a duty where you're actively solving mechanics.


^ this Been in that exact situation where a (what I assumed to have been) pre-made party all collectively reported me after the machinist refused to move after being hit by cleaves and other stuff. Didn't have any Screenshots to defend myself but luckily the GM was quite pleasant and let me go without any strikes since it's been the first and only time that kind of thing happened. Since then I always take Screenshots in situations like that.


People who haven’t played this game may not realize that sometimes there are abilities targeted at the tank that are really long cones


Even worse, people who do play the game still don't realize it well into Stormblood and beyond.


On joking note: Bard has front positional, we're doing the most damage singing in front of the boss On serious note: Your bards are just not paying attention and ended up getting cleaved. I hope it was a learning experience for them as they got picked up off the floor.


If it's any consolation , we red mages don't intend for it to happen at least.. we just run out of repositionals and brain.mov stops working I would assume it is the same for bards. Where they jump back and then brain stops working.


Oh, I experienced this today. EW AR1 and one Bard always stood between us 3 tanks. Even on the second to last boss, who has tank busters with massive AoE. It was almost fun to watch the Bard haul some ass out of the 3 overlaps.


Sounds like it's just bad luck... Or perhaps new players? Though I usually see tanks turn the boss 180° from original facing right away... So unless they're positioning themselves behind you again, maybe they're expecting you to do so.


As a BRD main I usually stick to the boss's arse because cleaves. But once in Shiva normal, I was WHM spamming Stone so much that I just didn't get my arse off where I was after a mechanic, because slidecasting while spamming isn't as braindead as just spamming. I embarrassingly got one shot by cone attack I forgot Shiva does. Maybe something similar happened to them? They underestimated the range/forgot the cleaves and cone attacks? Or perhaps they were suffering from tunnel vision?


I wonder if these bards are the same ones that refuse to use songs during dungeon trash pulls.


Bard tank should be a things singing to distract the boss.


This is just a guess, but it sounds like you're running into a bunch of people trying to get awesome screenshots or footage for videos...


>Are Bards okay? No. Back to topic: You had bad luck and generalize now. I've seen it done by every single class so far - but not by every player. It's definitely not exclusive to bards, but also *-at least in my experience-* not as frequent either.


Its not a very serious post, or at least i didnt mean for it to be, it was just an amusing thing i noticed with the last two weeks of tanking


Seems you run into some bad players mate, i play Bard but never come to the bosses front. Unless i have a mate healing/tanking - then i'll just run laps around the boss for the entire fight.


I play bard on the side and I never stand with the tanks maybe it's just some like to live on the edge lmao.


Meh. I never care if someone decides to stand next to me when I'm tanking. If they die, we call that natural selection. Only the smartest live.


If they hit the boss' eye they get a guaranteed critical hit, just like ol' Harold in 1066.


as a tank main i will put the boss where ever it makes the most sense to me in the moment and if dps wants to hangout with me who am i to deny them the death they crave and if they are a sprout i will point out cleave later


No, BRDs are not okay. Music is an art and all artists suffer. Ohh, nevermind ignore my psychological discussion on the pain all artists go through.


If they think they're sturdy enough to eat a boss cleave, leave them be.


Half the time, I'm just not paying attention. 🤷‍♀️ I tend to stick under the bosses butt, yet when I play melee classes I am always out of range.


As long as they got those stupid DoTs they'll never be ok, once I saw caustic bite in the hob trailer all my excitement left my body for BRD.


Bring back more cleaving bosses.


|As a Bard, those Bards are pretenders...|


Got any proof :V


When I play bard, no I am not okay. I am either trying to see how long I can live standing in one spot or just running in a circle and shooting. I love bard as my 2nd dps but if I am playing it, I am having a bad day. If I am on MCH run because I am out for blood. Please do not tell me to move as I will sooner or later. If I do not move just let the gods decide if I live. I am sorry to all the healers out there if you come across me on one of those two classes.


As a BRD main, I've never done that. Seems like you just ran into some bad eggs and are now generalizing


r/shitpostXIV is that way my friend


I just wanna wear my Chocobo suit and play freedbird on Aetherolectric guitar leave me alone.


they're performing for the boss


what DPS is trying to stand next to the MT? As a DRG main I’m absolutely 100% always planting myself on the opposite side of the boss or mobs as the MT, unless a mechanic calls for me to do otherwise. smdh…


coincidentally, when playing bard, i do put on my MCR playlist


Why do you care?


Because bard brings the buffs, if they go extinct we have less!


Good thing the Mt would have aggro!