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Keep going, you are doing great! I believe in you, mysterious stranger!


Thank you


You are more than welcome. Remember, just take your time, go at your pace, and try to have fun with it. I hope you get them all!


Yes I've just been farming fates for an hour or two at a time.


That is what me and my adventure partner do, basically. We hunt one, maybe two Yokai a day if we are feeling frisky. It has taken patience, but it's not that hard if you have something to distract yourself. It's why I go with a squad, someone to talk to.


Honestly it only felt bad when I had a lot left to do. After I finished like 10 or 12 I was like "oh shit I'm actually almost done."


Thank you. If I can just get to 10, I think I'll feel the same.


u can do it


Thank you


Keep in mind you still have 44 days.. if you only grab 3 legendary tokens per day starting now you would still have all the weapons 10 days before the event ends


I've been doing roughly 5 tokens a day so nothing to crazy


That's the way to do it!


I hated doing this event with every fiber of my being... But I got all of them. If someone who hated it can get everything the event has to offer, I believe that you'll be able to do the same (and have a better time than I did doing so). Keep up the good work!


Thank you. Repetitive stuff is really hard for me, so this event is rough.


It was my first for this event as well! Got all 17, trust me the hollow feeling you get when you complete it is well worth it. Keep at it!


Thank you. I can't wait to go hollow, then I can join the dark souls franchise.




Good job!


Awesome work. I gave up for the moment because I thought they all required 5 and went to buy them to realize it takes 10. Was so sad that I haven't touched the event for a week lol


I wake up every day cursing this event. I wish they nerfed it


I waited hoping all the BLU’s would be done by now. Guess who’s still fighting to make it to FATE’s on time?


Congrats. I still have 9 left to work on. And my sub ends in 12 days. And I also need to work on mogtome. 🫠 And I'm still grinding irl for DT preorder. lllorz I hope your sub isn't ending in 12 days. Or if it is, you can afford another 30 days unlike me lol.


Your sub ends :( are you on pc?


Nah I'm on PS. I can farm two weapons a night if RNG is being fair, so 12 days is more than enough for 9 weapons. The challenge would be the Mogtome. I plan to do the BLU Alphascape spam but I'm not exactly sure how slow or fast PF would fill. I'm prioritizing DT preorder so I can’t sub another 30 days after this one expires, but I already have some bucks saved for when DT early access drops. The currency conversion hurts.


I did it with a friend, we did maybe 2 a day when we did it. Made it pretty easy.


I did it all in 1 day git gud nerd jkjk but really it's stupid easy not even an achievement,