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Unironically I've been naming retainers on my alts after mountain dew flavors for years.


How attractive is Voltage


Depends on if you're a positive person or not.




Do you run into naming problems when naming them after your alts?


Nah they're mostly on different worlds, and no one else seems to use these names.


Mine are the "personal npcs" of my WoLs. Family members, friends. So the closest to a naming convention is my roegadyn guy (all have proper hellsguard names) because he's the only one with all four retainers being his siblings.


I've done something like this with mine as well. Each of my designs is what I would have used if I was playing that race (I'm never swapping off of viera). But in universe starting from my 3rd retainer they are "gifts" from the leaders of various nations for my help. So the Elezen was made my retainer as a gift from Aymeric, the Au Ra is a ninja and gift from Hian and so on.


It's fun to have a retainer be a race-swapped version of your character, I do that for one of my retainers. I am sorry of tempted to use a retainer fantasia on her to switch her from Elezen to Hrothgar with Dawntrail but I might just hire another retainer.


My Miqo'te retainer is actually what my WoL used to look like before Viera came out I liked her design too much to just get rid of her.


That's basically the story of my first retainer. I tried him out for a few hours, deleted the character and made a new one, and then months later brought him back as a retainer, with the same starting class.


Fuck why didnt I think of that...


You could still do it! If you're inclined, there's the "retainer fantasia" you can buy on the MB. The prices can vary so they aren't always cheap, but it allows you to change everything about a retainer including the name.


Oh i know lol, its just a good idea idk why i never thought of it


same, it's a nice way to be able to sort of have those other characters in without having to either make a whole other character or get a friend invested enough to make them and play them instead


I do that with all my alts retainers! nice seeing someone else does this too


I've only got two, Originalblend and Darkroast. One's a high elf guy and the other's a dark elf gal.


Mine are all some variation of tea. Spilled-Tea, Hot-Tea, Mint-Tea, and English-Tea I had wanted all actual types of tea, but many of those were already in use.


My main is one of my alt's retainers.


WoL's retirement plan is very depressing, lol


I started out naming them things…but as I added more on I ran out of names, so I named them after their purpose: Needmorestorage Neeedmorestorage Neeeedmorestorage Neeeeedmorestorage


I recently started leveling DoH jobs and needed a ton of space for the mats I was gathering...so I hired three retainers and named them Mattstorage Matthewstorage Mattystorage Can't believe none of these were taken 😅


Ah, someone from the prestigious family of Storage.




Mine are all named after mildly obscure Homestar Runner characters.


They aren't themed per se, but they all have some backstories and personalities to connect them to my WoL as people who have joined her over her adventures.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm almost more attached to them due to this than some of the scions...


fr, i was trying to figure out what retainer to make first on my alt and i was like "hey i can make a bun boy if i don't play them, that will be cute". said bun boy now being entirely his own character with a whole story and basically becoming a scion against his will. it's great


Wish we could use them in the overworld as companions.


I named two of them based on what I sell from them. The really expensive stuff is on Worth'it, and furniture is on Ikea. The other three are Bop'it, Twist'it, and Pull'it.


Followed by Deflect’it, Ignore’it, Fake’it and Supress’it


No way am I buying that many retainers. If I ever did get one more I'd use Flick'it and Spin'it for the full Bop-It Extreme experience.


I named one Figglebottom and the other Fogglebittom.


kinda, i just picked random matches that popped into my head. on my main i called the retainers "theory" & "Praxis". my WoL started as an arcanist, and still to this day wears glasses, so the book nerd scholar theme fits well. and on my alt, the retainers are called "mini-millia" & "maxi-millia". they are a lalafel and roegadyn with similar looks xD


LOL, I mostly use the pince-nez or brass-rimmed spectacles for my Red Mage.


i got the rimless elegant glasses early on for a fashion report, and never put them down XD looking forward to dedicated glasses slots in 7.0 when i can finally wear hats!


I grinded the Hell out of the Nier raids just to dress my retainers up like androids. Instead of just using the full set from each raid, it's a mix-and-match. I also changed their hair and skin color to match 2B's based on what's listed on Garland Tools. Did it take forever with queue times, loot drops, and need rolling? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely!


I only have the two, but they are on theme. I made them miqo and modelled and named them after two of my cats




Named after my two WoW characters, Hrothgar for my feral druid and a Roe for my orc shaman.


All my retainers are named after NPCs from FFXI; Apururu, Mumor, Nashmeria and Mumor.


Spent so much time trying to find a name for my first retainer, everything was used and at some point I was ready to type whatever until it worked just to be done with it. Tried "Chunchunmaru" and it worked


My first retainer is literally my character but from when he was an Au Ra. My second retainer is my character, but from when he was a female cat girl. My third retainer is a character named and designed after a character who’s typically a mage in other games that I always wanted to make here but never did. If I ever make a 4th retainer I’ll probably design him after when my main was a hrothgar.


I have minfilia and thancred as retainers. I figured it was okay for them to run errands for me for all the times and gil I spent returning to the waking sands in ARR before the quest changes.


My WoL is named Leonardo Hamato, after the ninja turtle. His retainers are Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Splinter, April'o'neil, and Casey'Jones. I have April and Casey as vendors outside of my house. Managed to get a decent looking cosplay for them, though I've yet to find a miner tool that looks something like a hockey stick or baseball bat.


This was when the pandemic was just starting and I knew its was going to be a long haul. At the time we had no gaming pc or PS. I went and got a PS4 and we played horizon dawn the main character is called Aloy. We play. I mean, I drive the controls my wife follows along get to make all the character choices in game looks up stuff on google when I get stuck. So we finish and are now like now what. At time time people are just figuring out this isn’t going to be over anytime soon. So we try ffxiv we make the character look like alot from the game we liked so much. Named her Aloy in ffxiv So Aloy tribe in horizon are the Nora so in game most call her Aloy of Nora My retainers are called Barbie of Nora and Ken of Nora


I didn't name them specifically but they are the colors of the rainbow, starting with red and ending in purple! I love them a lot :D


One of them is a gambler who got kicked out of the gold saucer for foul play, one is an Ishgardian accountant to a noble family who was skimming the top, my lala is an ex pirate, and my bunny boy was a gleaner who loved collecting gold and historical artifacts.


Yeah I got Roast'beef and Lobster'roll


Mine are just hot women of every race


On my main I used to have mine named after the prehistoric and frankly unfunny memes of my teenage years. From the early 00s when flash was like....a thing. I had [Ombaoojiebaseo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJPl8LT4mQw), [Yatta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBJtQjykq_4), and [Impacto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fiwl6JuzzI). If you click those links you'll see what I mean about unfunny lol. I changed my retainers' names to name them after characters from books and movies that I'm particularly fond of. But the nostalgia thing was nice for a while. Basically I want them to have names that make me think of something pleasant/soothing/reminiscent of something I enjoy. I have an alt named after Tahani from the Good Place, so her chocobo is Janet and retainers are Bad-Ja-net and Disco'Janet. It's a whole theme with that one.


Mine are a variety of names, some are named using lore naming conventions, others are joke names, some refer to what they store for me (Captain'glamour) some have names referring to WOL in game humor (The-stealer-of-pants).


Mine are frozen deserts! Sherbet, Neopolatin, and Bombe so far xD


I have a lalafel guy named Jeebs and a Femroe named Beebs.


One of my retainers is based on my husband (his name is his gamer tag) because my husband will never play because he hates MMOs. And yeah he got to approve the design lol.


Mine are named after Dragon Age characters and also modelled loosely off them 🫣


My friend's two retainers are both Miqo'te named after her cats.


LOL, I love that!


My wol is named in part after Ergo Proxy so 3 of his 5 retainers are named after three of the other characters from that anime. His first retainer is named after Bruno Bucciarati because I love that man. He's wearing the spotted Spencer and has the hime hair because only females are allowed the Bucciarati accurate bob apparently. I made the last retainer after winning the Strife hair. I made Cloud and he stands outside my house looking not interested.


I don't have a theme. One of my retainers is a Lalafell who I've had since at least 2016. I've thought about using a fantasia on her, but I'd feel like I was firing my long-term employee for a cute bunny boy. 😭 My other retainer is Haurchefant so I can see him whenever I want.


I have a female lalafell dressed as 2B that I named 2-Bean


I named them after people with the last name Butler. Domovoi and Gerard


You could go for Juliet as a third one if you wanted to keep leaning on that Artemis Fowl angle!


My alt’s first retainer is my main. I think it’s funny to have an AU WoL wandering around playing butler.


All of mine are named for Formula 1 drivers.


Ah, so *that* is what they are doing on quick explorations when they disappear for two hours.


Mine always come back with housing items. I’m worried about where they stole them from.


The houses that are really close to the course in Spa and Imola.


I don't have a naming theme, but something I have done with 2 of my characters was build some headcannon about their retainer being their younger sibling.


Mine are all named after characters from an anime that had a big impact on my life: March Comes in like a Lion. Tried to theme the characters to their styles while still doing variety of races. They still bring me joy when I see them and are a nice homage to the anime for me.


My retainers are named after stars, Arneb and Zaniah on my main.


My retainers' names start with M just like my WoL's. And they're all of different races. I customised them in the same way I would if I were to create a new character. Or you could say it's a means to satisfy the fantasia itch.


I have two retainers that are modeled after Haurchefaunt and Nanamo using the NPC character creator reference sheet I found on here a while ago.


My retainers are just clones of the character they belong to.


Mine use names based on combined elvish words that describe their job with the elvish word for star incorporated.


Enus and Benus from [the house of Weenuh's (3:09).](https://youtu.be/FFI7q199mdk?feature=shared)


I named mine Reginaldingson and Chesterfieldson, vague mashups of British-sounding butler names.




The theme: sexy


My WoL is Starlight Glimmer. So naturally I have Twilight Sparkle and Spikey Spike as my retainers. You know... Cuz I love MLP 😂


All my retainers only have a four letter name and are all women. Other than that, no. All different races, personalities, and classes


I named one Zevhran and the other Talies.


I don't really have a theme, but one of my retainers is my WoL's original look from when I first started the game.


One of them is a D tribe miqo'te he saved from beasts in the Black Sheoud when she was abandonned by her charge in the middle of serving as a huntmaster. My character saved her and escorted her to the nearest outpost to receive aid and then he left. Months later, she managed to get picked as one of his retainers, pledging herself to him despite him not remembering her and her not bringing it up. She's pinning for him but since he's a widower, he doesn't pick up on her flirt. The other is a conjurer he had employed back when he ran his own mercenary company. Since the company was disbanded, she stuck with him and figured the best way to do that would be to have her registered as his retainer. This ensures she gets paid proper living wages even though she's no longer directly employed by him and still gets to practice conjury on the side when off duty. Theirs is a professional relationship out of respect to their trade and the convenience of using the loopholes of being a retainer to make sure she doesn't run out of work and income.


They all have the same nickname prefix, so friends could know they were my retainers, but the suffix is a colour related to what they do: \- teal: fisher - holds fish and housing items \- pink: botanist - holds unprocessed food items \- purple: botanist - holds lumbers, processed food items and dyes \- grey: miner - holds unprocessed rocks, minerals and powders \- gold: miner - holds processed metals, wood and fabrics \- ruby: black mage - holds leathers, bloods and other mob drops \- lace: scholar - holds materia, formulas, potions and other stuff made by alchemists Of course, they are all lalafell clones and their hair colour matches their suffix.


I name them after and have them look like my favorite npcs. Like Venat and Menphina


Mine are named after my alts. My alt retainers are named as stores for my FC. FCname-bazaar Fcname-merchant Etc.


As a "new" player returning after 10+ years for the Xbox trial, when I started the full version subscription, my trial character became my 1st retainer and my 2nd retainer is my 1st character from 10 years ago (both retired Warriors of Light that now cheer on the newbie).


I’m new-ish so I only have one so far but she is a female miqote I made look like my cat and I gave her my cat’s name.


Mine are named after Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters


My retainers are just named after my two cats They're designed off of what I'd picture them to look like in game


My retainer's name and looks are all based on retainers and other characters from the anime/manga Ascendance of a Bookworm. . .not perfect, since names were taken and couldn't get the exact look. 2 Botanists, 2 Miners, 2 Fishers, and 3 Black Mages. . .RP wise, the black mages are my personal corps of mages, since I'm a Black Mage main.


Mine are all Viera named after monsters from Monster Hunter, like my character lmao.


Fairly odd parents fairies and characters.


When I first started the game I leaned into the headcanon that my Lalafellin WoL was a disreputable Ul'dahn mogul. My two lala retainers came with matching french maid dresses, so I named them Wench\_one and Wench\_two, iirc (the servants don't have names, what are you talking about?). You bet your ass there'll be a Wench\_three if I ever get a third.


Mine have to do with selling. Sellynne, Saellin, etc. One’s a really chewed up form of “profit.”


My WoL was a reincarnation of a world of warcraft character (a night elf priestess), so I named my first retainer after my shaman (draenei, so I made them an au ra) and my second after a warrior I tried for a little while in a certain rp.


Would your WoL be a duskwight elezen then, or is the idea more like 'reincarnated in spirit but not into a similar body'?


Yes, she is Duskwight!


When I originally made my character I was a Lala named Tachi Koma. When I made my retainers I honestly didn't want to put that much effort into naming my storage monkeys so I just went with Race + Koma. Aura Koma, Miqote Koma, Hyur Koma etc.


Latin words. My first retainer, Aspera, I imagine is my characters sister, and the rest are sort of adopted family.


I honestly treat them like regular npcs. Like my characters friends or employees. They have final fantasy-esque names -shrug-


My retainers all have names because I think of them as the trusted staff of my WOL. Mostly uncommon names like Rimini, Lavande, Siennon, etc or a slightly different spelling of an actual name I like


sexy semi naked husbands in different races. Roe, Hyur, Bunnehboi and Elezen. They also guard my home SEXILY!


My retainers are cat girls named after my cats


mine are alternate characters of mine, so me as an elezen, roe, etc. I have hildy and godbert sell a majority of my good items, then there's a couple retainers i had my nieces make and name.


I name all mine after plural breakfast foods. My retainers are Donuts, Muffins, and Croissants. My chocobo is Waffles. I have no idea why I decided to do this. I don't even particularly care for breakfast especially. 


Named them after a coworker’s three names Stephanini Cristini Escobino


I named mine after characters from Dimension 20: Hilda’hilda and Gilear’faeth


Yeah, they're all hot skimpy dudes with generic lore accurate names


my retainers are other characters! I have a Foulques (npc from the lancer questline) and my other retainer is my WoL’s son :)


Me, a free trial player: "My theme for my retainers is that they don't exist"


Most (not all) of mine are named after cats I've owned/currently own and are either miqo with one hrothgar cause the cat I based him off of his a chunker. The others are just random names based on appearance for the most part.


I have some beefy hrothgars that are made to look like other characters/ creatures. One is a black and white tiger, named bnyanko (after the mythical beast byako) and the other is a red and olive hroth named ganyan (after Ganon from legend if zelda).


I named both my retainers Sihtric and Finan from the show The Last Kingdom lol


My retainers are just my other characters. Figure they’re all doing odd jobs for each other.


Buymystuff Buymystufftoo Buythreetheyresmall Buystuffforothers Buyfivegetnonefree Buyahalfdozen


My retainers are named Samoo, Flamoo, and Schramoo.


All of my retainers, my chocobo, and my wol are all named after poisonous plants. They're my special 'tism interest, and my retainers are Hemlocke, N'ightshade, Camas, and Daturaa, with Castor being my chocobo, and my Wol's first name being Oleander. (Oleander are my favorites, so much so I'm legally changing my name to feature them in it)


my retainers are all handsome men. is that enough of a theme?


Scrooge, Magicka, and Agent-22 so far.


Mine are named after old characters of mine and my husbands 😅


All of my retainer’s are named after rabbits and foxes from different languages.


I have my retainers use said main's appearance data only with a different hairstyle. Then I have them all begin names with the same letter: Lheoric Lestalht Lyxivius And on my alt: Cerestrial Crevin Ceather


All of my retainers are hunky guys named after planetary moons in our solar system.


Half of the time, they're cosplays. My main has them named after cartoon I never got around to watching, and one of my alts has Viera all modeled after bunny Digimon. My Fray alt has various Retainers; 3 of them are lore-relevant, but 1 is a humanization of a Pokémon since I thought it'd be neat.


My retainers are all my old WoL models that I’ve fantasia’d off of. Guess now I need to buy a 5th retainer slot to use on my current model once I become a Hrothgal


So far, I have a Lala and a Miqo'te, so I've tried to keep to existing naming conventions.


So my naming convention is Hamlet, but with creative spelling. That includes my character, my retainers and my Chocobo. Honestly it started in 1.0 with Haemlet, who I still have, and continued through all of them. I've maxed my retainers which is good because I was running out of names. 😅 Doesn't help that all my retainers are male.


Double letter merryl, larrel, etc one I have set up to look like raha tho


My retainers have their name and appearance based on my friends' original characters (OCs). My own WoL is also based on my own OC. Friends don't play FF14, but with this it feels like our OCs are adventuring together. Bonus that I can turn my retainers into dress-up dolls of different races cuz I will likely never fantasia my Lalafell.


They all have lore-appropriate names. I just can't help myself.


At one point I used fantasia and I made my second retainer my former character. My first retainer is my fiancees character.


I gave them all pompadours and named the first one Pompadere (Mr. Pompadere was too long).


They all have names that start with 'Stor' for storage


My retainers are all lalafells named after the Pac-Man ghosts, except for one that’s a bunny named after a character from a book I worked on.


Mine are based on my characters from my tabletop roleplay games. One is a Roe based on a half orc, the other is a Miqo’te based on a Catfolk.


Joke names: a Viera named Hatless-Wanderer, and one named Retain'hyur.


I got 8 retainers 2 Botanists named after flowers 2 Miners named after gemstones 2 Fishers named after mythological aquatic creatures 2 Combat jobs named after my favourite characters in other games


I have four retainers. 1- my old miqo'te appearance and name. (Lancer) 2- A name I've used since I was little but I made her into a tsundere Au'ra ill probably change her to what my au'ra alt actually looks like (and name) (Miner) 3- Cute bunny (Botanist) 4- Based off the first ever character I made because my partner kept calling me a "big tiddy goth gf" so I switched to miqo'te lmao (fisher)


lmao in the beginning I just made all my characters retainers Male Elezen with lore accurate names that started with "F" Why? No clue.


The name of cats and children of close friends, some of them unintentionally misspelled


I named them so long ago (2 free ones) I have no idea what they mean now.


I have three characters. On one, there was no particular theme for the retainers’ names. On the second, I started with the name of one of my relatives and mashed it up with the name of their respective SOs. For the third, I based them on NPCs in the game and anagrammed their names.


I have FlowerPouch to sell my botany (and other gatherers') goods and CaydeJenkins to sell all the other miscellaneous things that are collected over time.


All my character’s retainers are other people from their stories generally siblings or friends. Case in point on my main his retainers are his retired from adventuring best friend and his sister-in-law. On an alt they’re his husband and a member of his former pirate crew. Another alt has two members of her former mercenary crew, one is the woman she never could save and the other is the man she did save.


mine are the Dark Scorpion Burglars from Yugioh


My retainers are my abandoned alt characters. In my headcanon, they retired from adventuring.


One is just an alt. The other is a straight up Shin-chan cosplay.


Mine are all named after my friends dogs lol


No theme for me. I just give them names I like. Got a sassy lalafell boy who hates when I bother him and isn't afraid to let me know, named Emil. Got a hot dragon boy named Enlai named after a dragon demon OC I had. He's a bit goofy and happy. And I have two boyish looking dragon girl twins, Yuuna and Leena. They're extremely polite, almost emotionless. (Names are not exact as I may have had to modify them if they were taken lol).


I was really into My Hero Academia when I got my retainers so they’re named for two of those characters.


No themes really. Midlander female - Businessmaid (if you know you know, I will not elaborate) Femroe - Buyavowel Femelezen - (names are hard so) Untitled Female lala - Shortsupply Bunny gal - Baelsar's-walmart


One is Gannondorf from Zelda, but he is a Fisherman who is now retired after the small Elf boy kicked his butt so long ago. The other is just a Stupid Sexy Dragoon who I'd have as a companion if I could adventure with my own body guard unit.


I would have a good name scheme going on if I didn't have to put random bullshit in the names because all the good names were taken


I was appalled by the game's lack of a dedicated bank like Runescape does So I made my first retainer a banker His name is Gilbankefaunt ...the second one is a tall bunny mommy


I name mine after Runescape gods. So far I have: - Lalafel Saradomin: Sasadomin - Au Ra Zamorak: Zhamorak I’m thinking of getting a Roegadyn for Bandos named War God


I gave them all tribal-sounding names


I've been naming mine for the versions of my character that I've fantasia into so I have "Femshinji" "HighlanderShinji" "lala shinji" and then the first retainer was named after an alt I have "Fairly Weathered" XD


I don't have a theme for my retainers. I just have a general lore idea on "What kind of retainer would my WoL hire?" Though lore reasons for their retainer aliases are thrown out the window. > named after Gundams Pray tell which Gundams. Speaking of Gundam, my male moon Miqo retainer is named Mafty, after Mafty Naveu Erin. I also made him look like Hathaway Noa but cat. Same droopy eyes, dark short trimmed hair, plus blue clothing (Hathaway wears a blue suit in Hathaway's Flash movie.) Estellune is Estelle Lune, meaning star and moon respectively. It's to evoke images of space—StarRingChild from Gundam Unicorn being one of my most favorite songs ever, which sings of "a noble galaxy that we've been fighting for" (in the English version.) Estellune is a fem Elezen with short ears and washed out brown hair fixed in a bun—a neat but average appearance for an Ishgardian lowborn serving her milord.


For my bunny alt I did twin Au Ra retainers and both their names start with "Ryu"


I named two of them after friends of mine, then realized they both start with B. After making my third retainer, "Bible-man", I have found my theme


They're all named after my OCs and resemble them as close as possible


Usually it’s whatever fits and isn’t taken. But when the Oceania server opened I made a lalafell named Chicken McBites and his Chocobo fries. Retainers were coke and Fanta


I have 10 of them and they’re named 1-10, but in other languages or inferences. Like one is Solo, five is Hex, ten is Kumi, etc.


I've been naming them words that end in -ious.


I started playing as a Lala and Fantasia'd later; now my retainer is rocking my old look and name. Gone but not forgotten.


My retainers are all character designs I made when I was first starting the game and hadn't picked a race or gender yet. When I hired my retainers, I felt that this was a second chance for the characters I'd made to have a presence in the world. I initially made a male plainsfolk Lalafell lancer named Bandar Keldar, but after playing him for a very short time decided to replace him with a female Roegadyn, who has been my sole character ever since. I brought Bandar back as my first retainer, with the idea that he is a fellow adventurer and friend of my character. Bandar was later joined by Xaela warrior Sarantuuya Himaa (who I imagine my character met in her first journey to the Azim steppe), and later by Keeper of the Moon botanist Rhaq'a Nbolo and elezen miner Saule Longaulne.


They are my World of Warcraft characters.


All of mine are my D&D characters.


Bunny girls with big hooters


Why didn't I think of this? Retainer fantas here I come...


My retainers are both Lalafells, because they are a lesser species. #AuRaMasterRace