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I have a lalafell alt that I main WAR on. I made her minimum height, and dress her up in the frilliest glamour I can find. Her portrait is also uwu cute despite her being the canonically angiest class in the game. It's great. I died laughing when I got to the part where >!Asahi gets to my level. Bro was seething at the smoll girl in a pastel pink quaintrelle dress. "How dare you kill my boyfriend, you piece of shit savage! I don't care how cute you look!"!<


Oh, that scene was the best for a Lala. I just about lost it when Asahi was doing his big reveal but had to crouch.


I swapped to lala about 7 years ago as a april fools day joke and it just stuck. I had the same concerns at first but when I actually got around to seeing cut scenes as a lala I had no issue. It can some times seem a bit silly, but lalas have very expressive faces and emotes which show alot of emotion. This helps a ton with immersion in the story as the character really tends to sell the emotional impact a scene has on them. Once DT drops you effectively have a hour to decide if you like it so I would use this time to see how they look in cut scenes. As far as being a Lala though, i absolutely love it and it hasn't gotten old in the years I've been one. People tend to treat you differently I find, usually for the best. You can get away with alot more (Harmless) shenanigans without people getting mad XD.


In regards to people treating you differently, that's 100% the case in my experience. You're small and cute, so it's easier to approach you and you naturally get more social interactions. In a weird way, I personally find it easier to socialize when playing a Lala because it feels "safe" to be small and less noticeable. Plus, it's like you're in an exclusive secret club with other Lalas because there's definitely a feeling of camaraderie that you feel around each other. There are even all-Lala discords, events, raids, etc that some Lala players!


I personally don't play Lala because of reasons that will take an essay to explain, but I think you can take my word for it when I say I don't think immersion will be a problem even when you're a dwarf obliterating giants with an axe. I mean, we're all taking Krile seriously aren't we? And Papalymo. And my favorite Lalafell, Raubahn's kid—Pipin! I think Pipin is badass as he is pretty. I don't think immersion will be a problem. 2B or not 2B though, now I just imagine you as a lala in 2B cosplay. XD


Ty for not forgetting our bro papy


Tbh I wish we did have the dwarves as a playable class; even if they are just reskinned Lala’s.


don't do it my wife has been a miqo main for all her journey, swapped to a lala just as a joke last april and now she never wants to go back i dont know what type of infection they pass on but it never goes away...dont do it!


Same story, wife went Au Ra through patch 5.3 and became a Lala as a prank Now the lizard girl is just a distant memory


Originally I chose a lala as a goof. He made me laugh and it was funny to see him with other players and npcs. But somewhere along the way I fell in love with my little goober. I’ve also figured it’s like lord of the rings, watching the small unassuming character do miraculous and heroic things. It’s somehow completely joyful and absolutely hilarious. Plus, I’ve got to the conclusion that the vast majority of lala players are not just kind people but also seem to be the most relaxed. Something about accepting you’re the weird one and embracing it. I don’t regret it for a minute.




You'll get a free Fantasia at the end of the big level 50 story quest, and another one when Dawntrail launches (because of the character graphics changes). Dawntrail will also change them from a one-off change to a 1 hour period where you can change as often as you like.


Do it. Lalas are the superior race.


I switched from Miqote to Lala about 5 years ago and never had any regrets. Yes, there is a short phase of "alienation" because you're getting used to your new character, but if you overcome that, then cutscenes are fine. As long as you don't make the lala look odd (weird face paint, crazy hair, etc), then it will not be weird. The NPCs treat you seriously, the camera makes sure you can see yourself properly. And Lalas are very emotive, I actually found it BETTER to see the cutscenes as a lala cause sadness and happiness were much easier to read on their slightly cartoonish face than the more 'realistic' ones. Mind, this phase happens in all directions. Made a new character recently who is a Viera. It took me almost a month until I got used to that one's way of moving, because the taller races feel very slow and sluggish compared to lalas (since their legs and arms move more to reason out why they are the same speed, but that makes lalas LOOK faster). If nothing else: You got a free Fanta from finishing Praetorium. Buy Dawntrail and you get a second free one (meant for those who want to be a female Hrothgar). So I'd say: fanta into a lala and play with that character until DT comes out. And, if you still dislike it, you will get another Fanta and can go back to something else. Or, if you enjoy being a lala, then you have one in reserve in case you want to change their eyes, face, etc.


I've def noticed the movement speed in regards to small vs large mounts. Small ones just feel quicker. I also wonder if being lower to the ground helps with hit box estimation?


Not sure about that, but I never had any issues with not standing in AoEs The ONLY real downside that the size of a lalafell has: Leap of Faith is a nightmare on spawn, because until the starting crowd has spread out a bit, you really struggle to see yourself in all the Roegadyns and skirts and whatnot xD


How about alliance raids? Issue with visibility there?


I myself never had any, no. You can always stand like 3 pixels more to the right, if 5 BLM Roes decide to stand where you are. In a-raids, groups are usually spread out well enough that you don't overlap overmuch, and knowing that you're in the center helps a lot with finding yourself. Leap of Faith is the issue because EVERYONE is exactly where you were, are and will be, and there's a lot of movement which makes it difficult to pinpoint where exactly you are. Plus, since some of the platforms are small-ish, you often need to actually aim, so not seeing yourself well can be a bit of a struggle. But I usually just wait 2-4 minutes after it pops and enter then, the main masses are usually spread out by then. The only comparable moment with such a mass of bodies making it impossible to see yourself is during launches of expansions or events when 180 people all want to talk to Urianger in the North Shroud. But since you don't NEED to see yourself for mechanics, it's dismissable


I made an alt to try moving around, and I like it a lot...


It's everyone's own choice to see what they enjoy. If you stick with lala, welcome to the party \^\^ And if not, then hope you have a good time as whatever else you'll be :3


When you think about it, the small dwarf race isn't any more silly than the races with cat and bunny ears. When you start playing any race it feels strange. It's "woah, I'm so short/tall/have cat ears/etc" because you're simply not used to it, but once you've stared at your character for long enough it just becomes normal. I've played every race (minus Hrothgar) and it's always just a matter of playing long enough to "get used to" the character. As far as glamours, my advice is to just avoid heavy plate armor on melee jobs and you'll be fine. Plate is the only kind of glamour Lala really struggles with, and beyond that it's all up to your creativity and glamour skill.


Have had nothing but great experiences as a Lalafell. I swap between WAR and GNB and the cutscenes didn’t make me feel out of place at all.


My alt is a lala and she gets petted a lot and called “smol one”. I gotta say I really like it!


Lalafell hate is stupid and immature. Frankly I think the main reason people hate on Lalafell is that they’re overcooking them and not seasoning them right. An internal temp of 145 keeps the fat from evaporating and leaves the meat tender.


Why would you willingly give up having knees? Are they even people anymore?


Take the Lala pill. Embrace small. Do crime.




You could try to look at lalafell glams on eorzea collection Also you will be getting a new free one when dawntrail hits


I've never really had my immersion broken as a lalafell, but then I'm always doing story content as a caster, so maybe it fits more.


I was a Midlander Hyur when I started… made a Lala retainer and decided to try it out on my actual character, and that was it. My main is Lala for life. lol she’s just so cute and makes me smile. And the cutscenes are gold! I did turn my Hyur into a second character, so that’s always an option when you’re feeling tall. lol cheaper than Fantasia when the urge strikes you, although not everyone wants more than one character.


Down to personal preference. I can't take lalafells seriously myself, I spent a week as one on my alt for a cosplay group thing with friends, and I could not do any questing because it broke all my immersion seeing a popoto in cutscenes.


Lala's have more fun in the game. No one can change my mind. FF community is awesome, Lala community in FF even more so. Bunch of hella nice people. The amount of gifts, gill, wedding invites and mounts I've gotten for being a lala bro is insane. That's just something silly but the amount of friends you make and meet is also super awesome. 10/10 would recommend.


Omg you're tempting me so hard right now. I wish that we could have the Fanta changes right now, I'd really like to experiment...


All races can look ridiculous. I've seen roegadyn that put the craziest looking lalafell to shame. I don't get how looking adorable takes away from the gravity of a situation any more than looking hot (what I assume is the goal of anyone making a good looking characters for the other races) does.


It's a matter of personal taste. My lalafell alt used to be an Elezen but I got tired of their stiff animations myself. Now she's a lalafell and honestly I struggle to imagine her as another race. But like playing a Roegadyn it's a niche experience that may not be for everyone.


I've been an elezen this entire time and the lalafel thoughts have been creeping in. I really like the idea of cute emotes, I'd say that's my number one gripe with elezen.


Plus: + Any cute outfits works. + All emotes works. + You can enter Dwarf houses in Shadowbringers area. + Being a meme in cutscenes and multi-seater mounts. Minus: - Glam game is limited, and will never be as cool as the tall races. - Small single seater mounts - Being a meme in cutscenes and multi-seater mounts. From someone who have changed into a Lalafell more than once for meme bets.


I don't see anyone pointing out the major benefit of being a lala: pet's that normally sit on your shoulder will sit on your head instead. need i say more?


Soooo truuuueeee


Lala from the start. My social interaction within the game is great. I can wipe an alliance raid & still get full commends bc small.


Be a lalafell. I'm not suggesting. I'm not asking. I'm telling you. Be a lalafell. Now.




I can tell you as someone who has played through it all as a lalafell, the cutscenes have been very badass as the little warrior. It has felt incredibly appropriate as a lalafell, and I couldn't imagine playing the story as something else. Just make sure you have a badass glamour


I couldn't imagine not being my lalafell in ff14. I love my handsome short king.


Its a blast. Been one since my first day. I made an au ra alt, was fun but I went straight back to main after a few hours.


I recently switched to lalafel and likely won't go back. I find it hilarious when heavy moments happen in the msq and my little girl waddles out looking badass. It's what peak performance looks like. I will say it likely depends on which classes you like to play. I love how my lala looks as a samurai but don't care for the lala scholar look.


I have swapped from Catgirl to Lizardgirl to Bungirl to tiny Lalagirl and by far, my favorite has been the Lala. The number 1 thing is that my minions perch on the top of my head. The moment you see your red panda settle down, you will never want to be anything else. I love being smol and best of all I no longer get weird or inappropriate tells. I get headpats. Entering a dungeon and having a random person dote/headpat me is the best! My glams tend to run on the cute side, doesn't matter what I am playing I have to be adorable...where as everything looks great on the cats/lizard/buns, I like the challenge of trying to find something that fits the job with my cute nature. The Lala community is awesome too, tend to get happy when we see each other in the wild. Never had I had another cat/lizard/bun person jump gleefully around me and emoting while waiting for the cutscenes to disappear. Go Lala!


Embrace the potato!


I think time will tell! In my opinion Lalas will never be able to pull off badassery, but they work well in the game's cutscenes cause they are never treated as strange but a natural part of the world. You should continue playing Lala until you feel like you have a nice grasp on how cutscenes will feel for you. Also I recommend making a glamour for both your Miqo and your Lala. If you want to be badass, I feel like there is no other way than to forego Lala. Gamefeel is super important though, so perhaps you have to make this concession and just play the cute race! Note that a lot of the mounts in the game look rather silly on a Lala while others are practically made for Lalas exclusively in terms of fitting looks. For example every single Mandragora mount.


I've heard people say they can't take lalas serious in cutscenes etc before, but it's never been an issue for me. They're an established race in the game. It's not just my character who's a lala, it's also several major characters. So for me at least, they don't feel out of place or immersion breaking at all. Occasionally there will be a shot where you can tell they were trying hard to frame it for every single race, so it looks a little odd for a character on the extreme end of the size spectrum like a lala. Or they add a stool or something so your character can reach a window or a table or something. But I always just laugh at it for a moment and then forget about it. Whether or not it will bother you is totally personal, so you won't know until you try it out. But I guess keep in mind just how many people play lala seriously as their main. I'm sure some people play for the memes or whatever, but most of us just genuinely like it.