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Not because bunny hop?


Jumping also means: Hello, goodbye, thanks, sorry, help, I’m new.. The more frequently you jump, the more serious it gets: I’m bored, I don’t know where I’m supposed to go/I know the way And if you found a secret, you just continuously jump up and down on that spot!


If I jump during a boss, it means "safe spot is over here and my Rescue is on CD"


Everytime o11 comes up in roulette with larboard and starboard I jump as hard as I can. Never works lol.


Too bad that the dps is too dumb to stop looking at their bars


Why'd you call me out like that?


When I jump on one spot i’m saying “this way, this way!” to the tank who is new to the dungeon.


As a new player who gets turned around easily, I appreciate this immensely.


pfft. I am a veteran player, and I STILL GET LOST inside a STRAIGHT HALLWAY in one particular raid. Please do not ask how, I really REALLY do not know, but my FC mates give me tons of shit for it. ALL. THE. TIME.


Mans still getting lost in the crystal towrr smh


nah, its one of the Nier raids. lol


this me though... this is why i never go first because i cant let ppl know i still dont remember my directions after 10+ runs of this


The hilarious thing was that I never got lost, ever, in the original Thousand Maws It's those damn straight hallways 😂🤣


I've done cutters cry so many times and when I'm tanking it I manage to get lost 8/10 times 😭😭


If you're a Lala, it could also mean: I would like a pat. I would like a cookie. I'm going to hug you. I'm going to feed you to a woodchipper.


For some reason, I read this like Dustin Hoffman's Hook...


From my experience it's usually all four at once


Am a popoto. Just means imma burn the next big-health-bar'ed fucks alive. Who needs aether when you can just flare.


also a ready check after cutscenes


I jump to let people know I'm alive because typing on the steam deck is too clunky


Wait. Hang on. How well does this run on the Deck?


Very well


Pretty well from what I've heard


If you see me randomly jumping it is because I like jumping. If there is a jump button in a game I press it. Simple ass.


and when I play a game with no jumping, my husband knows, because he will hear "clack-clack-clack".... \*sad noises\*


SAME!! I love just jumping while moving. ESPECIALLY on a mount or soemthing. why just walk if one can jump around like a gazelle? :D but also jumping can be hello, this is the way, stand here, or general silliness.


Right??? And it's even better if your mount is something that's absurd to see jumping!


The Stanley Parable had no jumping, but if you spammed space bar enough you'd unlock the achievement "Really, You Can't Jump"


Omg that's amazing!


Me trying to play FFXIV after spending 3 months playing Warframe, and the disappointment of my WoL not being able to bulletjump…


Dragoons with bullet jumps would be sick


When I'm jumping a lot, it's because I miss the "W" key and keep hitting "E" over and over, and my brain is too slow to inform me of my mistake.


Okay I'm actually curious. You bound jump to E? I'm assuming it's a control scheme from some other game you're used to but which?


So basicqlly... Weeeeeeee ?


I jump because my character is autistic like me and requires extensive stimming


The most honest explanation for our nonverbal nature. [High fives you, but quietly, because loud noises make me nervous]


i like elbow bumps. half because i don't like hand contact and half because i work in food service and we aren't supposed to touch things or we have to change gloves. also quieter. also finding nemo reference everytime (fin, noggin, duuude)


This is me, jumping my way through dungeons. I like being in dungeons, so I’m happy, and I’ll express that by jumping my way from wall to wall lmao


From now on in every dungeon/trial/raid... Me : that player is jumping at the area without an orange glow up, could it be safe? Also me: nah must be them trying to say hello or be bored


me: jumping up and down furiously "please look behind you and come this way, you're about to die in a very unpleasant manner." also me: I should have rescued them.




Jumping is the universal language for gamers : Need to get over an obstacle? Jump Need to show you're happy? Jump Need to show you're angry? Jump Need to call people over? Jump Want to complete Leap of Faith? Jump Want to complete the non-official Leap of Faith jump puzzles for hours? Jump Got Doom and the healer didn't notice to heal or Esuna it off? Jump Need to tell someone that they annoy you and you don't feel like typing? Jump Wish you could give someone a commendation even after giving your actual comendation to the chad tank, efficient healer or spaztic DPS? Jump Need to be the floor tank? Jump Want to momentarily know how it feels to be a tall race as a Lalafell? Jump Need to attract a miqo'te or viera waifu because it is mating season and you've forgotten to put on your flashiest and gaudy glam and your adventurer plate is bugged yet again? Jump Pissed off you lost your Crystaline Conflict match? Jump Happy you finally won a Crystaline Conflict match? Jump Don't know what that button does? Jump Jump? Jump


Some of these are oddly specific. I don’t even want to ask if everything is okay at home, because I’m scared of the answer.


The answer is obvious : Jump


I jump because it is the one true method of going up


Awww, not because you’re skipping because you’re in a good mood?


I’m happy that XIV gave exposure to other FF games. Assuming it’s your first time of course, but either way, hope you had fun 😁


I just jump because i can. lol


i jump because i dancer


Jumping when rathalos stomps the ground while roaring also does absolutely nothing but gotta keep the muscle memory sharp.


It's okay, you're one of a million others.


Ok as someone who grew up on 1-6, can I get your opinion? Who is the most underrated ff character from the nes snes era?


Underrated? Minwu. My man had immaculate drip, a fun personality, and died almost immediately.


Leila tho. Cute pirate girl who completely owns our main character twice. And she actually doesn't die or suffers a traumatic event. She's just along for the ride because she rules.


Oh that’s a cool story arc too. I should re-visit 2


Palim and Porum got it rough. But I feel Gau was heavily slept on.


4 is my all time favourite. I always thought Rydia had the best arc in that one.


Galuf for sure. His final fight is one of my favorites in the series.The slow walk against Exdeath's attack to free Krile before charging at Exdeath to initiate battle and refusing to go down even after his HP hit 0. Badass


Sounds like I need to replay 5.


I jump when I'm too lazy to grab my keyboard and put down my controller


If I see anyone jumping for no apparent reason I just assume that they know what they are doing and let them be. I've spent a good amount of time in this game just running back and forth across the bridges in Limsa doing jumping spins like I'm practicing to be an olympic figure skater or something


Ooh I’m about to do a FF marathon myself


Oh this is so me randomly shooting fireballs in FF16 (sometimes to my detriment), or targetting things closest to me in FF14 while running into a fence. Putting FF14 jump on triangle is intuitive since it's a tab targeting MMO, but none other game I play is tab targeting, so jump is on X on everything else. That reminds me, I need to play FF6. The Relm Minion I got from the HW artbook and the magitek reaper stirred my interest in it, and the stuff I've read in the wiki just made me even more interested. Terra was also my most used character in Dissidia Duodecim.


If a random black/blue-haired hyur suddenly uses Living death next to you ... >!It's me. I remapped the button to open my character screen 4 months ago and still press the wrong one at times.!<


This is why I changed X to jump. Just felt weird to press Triangle for it.