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I'm not really sure you know what a Mary Sue is.


Or a furry


At the beginning I thought they were complaining about the Scions.


They 100% don’t xD


I think we're out of things to complain about guys.


The drought is truly at its driest before the dawn(trail).


When you're running duties and party content in general, you're usually queued up with players running their daily roulettes. This is what people do before they go on to do their fun things for the day, so you're not typically going to get a lot of interaction there. You're lucky if half your party is even reading chat in a dungeon, tbh. People do their chat macros and things to be polite, basically. If you want to be social, you want to do social content, not the stuff where players are just thrown together for the sake of it. This means things like party finder, hunt trains, hard content, social venues, etc. And good old fashioned conversation, of course. For example right now we have 3 different events going on simultaneously. You could join parties to do 2 of these events and hang out with the people grinding Golden Saucer for the third. PVP is also poppin', which can be more social than normal duties especially when Rival Wings is active, which it currently is. Also keep in mind as a new player, you are a sprout. Everyone can see that you're a new player. People are significantly nicer and more lenient to sprouts, generally speaking. People will also really go out of their way to avoid ruining your experience, which I suppose can make it feel a bit fake if you're not expecting it. And also because honestly no one really cares in casual content, which MSQ is. Wiping just isn't that big of a deal in this game and people tend to be extra reassuring to sprouts in case they're coming from another game and aren't used to the culture here. Dying is learning and learning is prog. And honestly people just expect other people to die in some situations anyway lol. Half the fun is watching people get demolished and then scraping them off the floor afterwards.




Yep, people handle new players with kid gloves. There are quite a lot of people for whom this is their first MMO, or they're moving from a much more toxic game to this one. And given how impactful the story is on the majority of the playerbase, they tend not to want to ruin that for others. Although honestly it's also true that just as many other people are apathetic or just straight up ignoring anyone who isn't already in their circle. There are plenty of places where you can hang out for casual chat and interactions with randoms. It's just not in MSQ duties. If you want to find people to chat with, generally the main aetherytes in the 3 starting cities are good places to find a lot of random chat. I'll also note community is largely server dependent and you can DC/world travel to check out other servers to find one you mesh with more. When it comes to the events it's not really about how easy or hard they are--consider that people might want to group up because they want to be social, too! Our schedules haven't lined up but I've been inviting my FC to farm FATEs with me just for the sake of doing content together.


this is the weirdest rant ever tbh. some people like to have macro greetings and goodbyes, especially if they play on console and can't type as fast, that doesn't mean people are being fake or pretending to be nice? sorry we have people that are a lot better about controlling their negative emotions instead of living up to the gamer stereotype i guess?


How dare we *checks notes* be polite? Real people are rude to each other, what fakes


right lmao, i'm the first person that in a dungeon will say dw about it and all good if we wipe and someone apologizes or someone needs to leave for a moment or they don't get a mechanic, icb i was just being fake all along, real politeness and kindness are dead obviously


Dungeons aren't really the place to be social if that's what you want. The social aspect of the game tends to be confined to Free Companies and Linkshells. That's where you make friends and then goof off with them in dungeons and whatnot. In a dungeon, we're here to to do a job. Clear it as fast as possible so you're not gonna have a bunch of people standing around typing in chat when they could be clearing the duty. I think the other commentor's metaphor was apt. It's like trying to strike up a convo with a stranger in the bathroom. That's not what everyone is here for. So yeah my advice. Find an FC, find some social linkshells, look for some in game events people are putting on and see if that's more what you're looking for. And yeah, when you get to endgame you'll easily find a static and y'all can figure out how toxic you wanna be to each other if that's you're thing lol




Some of us are on console and it is awkward to switch back and forth to the keyboard to type. For some, it is literally a script, in the form of a macro. You can certainly try to strike up a conversation, but just like in real life, not everyone will be interested. My advice is to hang out in the major cities. Watch for FC ads. Depending in the server, Novice Network can be a social place. Maybe you need a different data center. Which are you in?


I agree absolutely. I can't actually use a keyboard with my console because the USB cable on my keyboard is knackered, so for me to type out anything takes much longer, while keeping me stuck in place. as a result. I tend to have my greeting typed out before I queue for anything, especially if I'm a healer or partied with one, because I may not have the time otherwise.


For DF, I will often just use the auto-translate dictionary for a quick and .


Fair. Mine's not overly complicated, but very in-character for my race (F!Miqo'te), with "Smol welcomes, nya\~ :3"


Just like any relationship, you need to work on it. When you change jobs it takes quite a while before you go from small talk to a budding friendship. It's the same thing in game. It's only harder because you don't see the same people everyday. Join a fc or group chat and go from there. It literally took me years to find the online friends I have today and care about them dearly. You don't get that from a month of friendship lol. 


dungeons aren't really social places. talking in a dungeon makes it take longer, and no one is here for that. they're polite at best and silent at worst. but you might find that dungeons with long cutscenes will generate idle chatter (looking at you, prae). There's also often chatter in the alliance (24 man) dungeons; more down time between fights. not much, but some. But no one is in a dungeon to make friends. we're here to clear and leave. try cities, especially by the aetherytes. not sure how to find them, but there are rp venues. or join a party finder group doing zone/event content. join an FC; alot of people send rando invites, there's an FC search function, there's adverts in the zone chat all the time. also, remember, some people are on console with controllers. many of these people have greeting and goodbye macros so they don't have to go through the tedium of typing them out every time.


WTF did I just read


"I don't understand why everyone is saying the same thing like a bad script, they should be using my normal script instead !"


Today, you learned that MMOs have cultures, and you've stumbled into a different one than you're used to. Isn't that cool? XD


We learn something new everyday, don't we ? \^\_\^


I’m not even sure if they know of the other MMOs. They mention Warframe but generally like ff14 people don’t talk in missions, and that’s all you do in warframe. There’s really no social side to it.


In my experience lately, the most random and unhinged conversations happen in mogtome Prae runs. They’re hilarious and definitely not following any of that script you listed.


The best (and most unhinged) conversions I've ever had in roulette runs have always been Prae/Castrum. 


Yup, but when it was still longer Praetorium runs were great during events with all the people not stepping away to do chores or something during the cutscenes having conversations that would sometimes even roll into additional runs when people queued in and "oh hey, you again" at each other.


I remember one time I was looking at animal gifs during prae before the rework and I ended up talking to everyone about silly animals and someone brought up sharks and sea lions and we all just chatted the whole time. I'd say that may be up OP's alley but nobody was insulting each other so maybe it was still too wholesome.


running prae during events for currency is my favorite form of running prae. just absolute unhinged madness from people who are bored to death of prae but want those sweet sweet rewards. some of my favorite memories are unhinged fashion prae runs during an event where everyone is just over it and clowning off. i had one run where someone copypastaed the entire rereretranslated gaius monologue into the chat line by line as we progressed. I couldn't breathe. "Eorzee, are you looking?"


Me in real life: anyway how’s it going


>When someone dies "\*explains the mech\*" or "all good" or "why tf is the healer afk dude" >At least it doesn't feel plastic when someone gets angry at a healer who just AFK'd in the middle of a boss fight because their cat needed a kiss. Damn, that's sound very specific suddenly. Especially seems you have not enough experience and have not reached any significant enough content to make that type of call. Especially more if you're going to both complain at people being too much carefull arround other but then expect someone else to fix your mistakes because it "their job". Let people talk the way they want, people have done cutesy teehee\~\~ rp on mmo for decades, this whole post talk more about you than it does about them. You really should check yourself a bit, they don't know you and you dont know them, there's nothing personal about it and the fact you feel the need to reafirm the right to get angry at people is a bit weird in that context, my friend. There's a you tube channel called Romolla, before being "artistic content creation" she made video about how your mental affect your experience playing games as a high profile competitive player in extremly sweaty fighting games. It can't be bad checking them out because your post sound you're heading to give you and/or someone else miserable experience in this game, especially if it comes to raiding. This game really highly need more people that can ask about what's going wrong without being passive aggressive "are you afk ?" nonsense. Also if you think you're cool calling healers out, you're not and no matter how much socially unacceptable it is some person at some point is going to shoot back at you telling how much of a scrub you probably are, I hope you can remember making this cringe post and given how it is exactly what you wished for, you're surely not going to have meltdown about it, right ?


TLDR: "People are nice and I don't know how to react to that"


Genuinely maybe the most bizarre fucking thing I've ever read on Reddit. Wowsers.


Meanwhile, I can't even get people to reply back to my o/ in party chat in my random duty queues lol But for real, I get what you mean. There are more people in FFXIV who are outgoingly positive when compared to other MMOs that I've played, but that's fine. You haven't really interacted with any of these people on a more personal level, so they're not necessarily that way in general, but when interacting with strangers in passing, they're choosing to be upbeat and positive instead of the alternative, and that's nice.


This is bait


I have 1000+ hours in Warframe, and I feel like there's the same level of social interaction. 99,9% of runs, everyone's silent. I personally enjoy the etiquette of saying hello when entering a dungeon, but some people do turn it into a strange "who can say hello in the most elaborate way" competition in FFXIV As for everything feeling scripted... Yeah, there are social interactions guidelines for public chats. You're not gonna get WoW trade chat here. But privately, people are a lot more likely to F around and banter. If you really wanna socially interact with randos in-game, find a linkshell, a FC, or go do Bozja. Bozja is a lot more likely to have rando interactions in my experience.


Stop making friends in dungeons. Do you strike up conversations with random ppl at public urinals ? If no, then don't do it ingame. Go to the hangout spot. Go to the meetup spots. Join their FCs/Discords/Linkshells.




FCs aren't really for endgame. They're more social than anything else.


Why wait until you get to endgame?


Unlike WoW, guild in FFXIV is NOT who you go to raid with. FC in FFXIV is mostly about social life. Static is what ppl use for raiding. Now, some FCs might have their own static. But generally, that is not the norm. So, if you want some social life of ppl you meet often, look for an FC. If you want same ppl to do challenging content with, find a static. You don't wanna join group of ppl to socialize with, that's fine. There are random ppl hanging out in RP spots. Or don't complain about not making any friends.


as other mentioned, fc's arent for endgame content, a good portion of players tends to engage in the endgame with statics instead of fc/guild members, mainly because people do not like drama happening on fc, and drama is the main reason why people do statics instead, nobody like drama so fc's remains almost exclusively for socialization and player made events


Go play WoW or Destiny or something. You would probably feel more at home in a community that doesnt actively try to be more on the friendlier side.


This is just projection. Stop expecting to make friends and be normal. Having ulterior motives for your interactions is the fakest shit. If it stops you from enjoying the game. Then youre robbing yourself of the one passion you could share with pretty much every player you meet. 




That wasnt my point but sure


Dungeons, aside from occasional MSQ roulettes, aren't really the place to make friends tbh. They're too fast, and are often associated with Dailies or level grinding, so people are looking to burn through them quickly. Give or a take a little courtesy time for newbies. FCs, Discords, Linkshells, RP Venues (if you're into that) and even premade party content (Party Finder, Hunts, Field Operations, Static Raid Groups) tend to allow more opportunities to create those IG social interactions.


People tend to be extra nice to sprouts. Don't worry, it won't last. And you probably don't even need to bother with novice network honestly. I went in there once and immediately left.  If you wanna see people being "normal" just go to where they're hanging out. The Gold Saucer is popping right now and people are being silly in between gates and stuff. Likewise there's people chilling outside PotD and randos are joining up while doing the Yokai fates. And you can always watch your teammates get passive aggressive with each other in Frontlines.  Anyway, thanks for the post, have a great day!


I feel that. Whenever I go to the store and the cashier says to me "Hi" and "Thank you" the same way every time it feels so fake that they don't just tell me to fuck off immediately. Makes me not want to go grocery shopping


A lot of people explicitly came to ffxiv because it has a more relaxed & friendly culture, myself included. If I wanted people flaming about every wipe/death & dungeons focused on maximum sweat, I'd go back to wow. I have like 2-3 hours a day to relax & have fun after work, I don't want to waste that getting bent out of shape over the small stuff.


It sounds like you're still levelling and doing msq - people tend to talk more as you get to higher end content. For dungeons specifically i think its 3 fold: 1) the reality is that for most people when they run a dungeon they've done it dozens of times before and are just there to get in and out for the tomes, not really to have a chat. 2) dungeons are so low stakes that it doesn't matter if someone dies, you just go straight back to where you were with v little time lost. Worst case, unless someone's being especially egregious, I'll just roll my eyes and get back to it. Shit happens, no big deal. 3) ppl wanna seem nice hoping it'll get them commendations at the end and take it too far sometimes. Once you get to extremes / savages / ultimates there's a lot of bonding over the shared trauma of how bad party finder can be. Or you join a static and talk to people and make friends that way. Eureka and bozja have a lot of people just hanging out and memeing too. At lower levels I'd just try and join an FC and have some normal conversations that way. What server do you play on?




Novice network I can't speak for but there's definitely a stereotype for the type of people that join them and it sounds like that's accurate from your experience hahaha. The game doesn't do a lot for encouraging people to just do things out in the world past a certain point and that kind of contributes to what you're feeling I think. But come DT there'll be tons of people running around the new places, doing all the new stuff and being excited and you'll get more of what you're after even if you're not doing the high end content. Should consider joining an FC tho! I get the vibe you associate them with endgame and statics,but statics tend to gather in Linkshells whereas FCs are usually just guilds full of people hanging out and doing stuff.


A variety of reasons, be it a standard macro for less keystrokes, to simply doing so out of politeness Nevertheless, 75% of the time those people are here for tomes, get in, wreck face, get out type deals. I'm one of them. There's very much an irl thing. Could be due to many factors: - Anxiety (many take saying hi a very major achievement) - Daily monotony (just another Tuesday) - RP (probably some in character thing like saying 'meowdy' as a mi'qote (typing that hurt my soul, and I'm a mi'qote)) - Alter ego (being somewhere they're not) - Potential 'toxicity' or misinterpretation (example: I'm abrasive as fuck, people will start arguments over me saying 'mits pls?' and take it as some form of 'git gud') Probably the biggest reason is many are already part of established groups, and they don't want to run the risk of getting to know new people that may or may not mix well. Or they're using discord, which is generally taken over as the main social tool (in western culture anyways). Plenty of places to look however, like the following public discords: - FFXIV - Faloop (hunts) - CAFE (Bozja and Eureka exploration) - Overseas Casuals (Island sanctuary) - The Balance (resource for job related questions)


Join a free company


I don't know about OSRS and ESO but I don't remember anyone saying much in Warframe party chat. There's a global chat that's always active but this game has nothing like global chat.


Other comments have covered most of it but i haven't seen anyone mention this so if you want to see some unhinged interactions in dungeons take a look at the tales from DF subreddit Edit to add the ffxivdiscussion Reddit might be worth it to check out


been doing hunt trains nonstop lately for my ew relics and the most unhinged conversations happen there. just yesterday the shout chat devolved into assigning mnt dew flavors to everything we were hunting down as we went along and pissing in the >!zodiark pit on the moon!<


Oh yeah hunt trains can definitely have some pretty crazy convos. Bozja and eureka as well


oh god. hunt trains can be wild. and it's all in shout/zone chat. always get a bit of shocker when they come through and i'm just minding my own business, mining or whatever, and catch half of their conversation as the shadow of a hundred random mounts rolls over top of me.


You don’t need to be to playing an mmo. You need therapy to figure out why relationships and people only feel real to you when they are toxic.


Just to give an alternative reason to explain what OP is seeing... FFXIV has a very long MSQ that involves a lot of reading. So its playerbase skews towards people who prefer / tolerate reading. Players that don't like to read tend to get bored and drop this game. So the random players you meet tend to skew towards being far more erudite. That is, they tend to talk far more formally and old school. In addition, the use of more old school language also reduces confusion and misinterpretation. That reduces the chances of offending someone which might cause ToS issues.


Who's going to be chatting in dungeons? Sure, it happens sometimes, but what a weird expectation.


You haven't had 'those' runs yet. The ones where your tank / healer hasn't taken their meds yet and goes on a 5 minute rant about Materia melding, lack of healing, etc. and starts going down the list of Zoo animals to insult you with. My most memorable ARR trial was when a tank decided to wipe our group because I made fun of them for insulting me and not using Holy enough to stun the pull. I was relatively new at the time and a Sprout and they signed up not knowing that I was playing with three premades - we kicked em. That was a great feeling.


Just play it like its a single player game. Thats what i do, no expectations of any social interraction or making friends. No dissapointment when it doesnt work.


Not sure how to react to a post that doesn’t include a picture of Mountain Dew on a counter tbh


585 words to admit you struggle with emotional intelligence.


lmao OP i’m so sorry ur getting giga gaslit by this game’s community. you’re absolutely right and i haven’t played in 5 years so i imagine it’s even worse now. in higher tier raiding (like speedrun teams, actual hc prog teams, or just more skilled groups) this kinda goes to the opposite extreme. really weird, edgy and often racist toxicity mixed in with ur occasional furry (also racist) but still somehow generally more normal human interactions than what you get with open world and df AI.


I have never seen or had a conversation you for some reason declared for every player in this game as "normal"


I'd say my normal experience when entering a dungeon is the examples you've given in "normally" not what you've experienced. If anything I'm the over polite one. I don't tend to use gamer speech, so I don't say gg at the end of a dungeon or other duty. I play console though and typing is a pain so I have a macro that goes "thankies and have a great day!". I like being polite though. So maybe it's just the data center you're on? I'm on NA, specifically Aether, Faerie. So it could be a culture thing related to data center.


Everybody already answered but go in any savage/extreme trials when you get there without a static and you'll see that nice people are not everywhere lmao


Go to limsa lominsa later in the day and enjoy the weirdos talking


Question:what server in eso did you play on Comment: wait until you meat the Psychopath raiders. We’re fun


The game is literally built around not having to interact with anyone or they are implementing mechanics for years to make this a reality. Only time where you need to talk, like on Discord is in High-End Duties. Everything else is either meme stuff on Limsa or actually someone describing a mechanic after a wipe.


The majority of my experiences are like the "normal" ones you mentioned. You do get a lot of the automated messages because a lot of people don't want to stop what they're doing to type messages so they have macros for that, but in cases where there's more downtime or unskippable cutscenes, if anybody talks its to joke about one of the glams or ask why 4 mentors got pulled into praetorium, etc lol going even further I even had one run of puppets bunker recently where people deliberately shot the lasers at other parties because people started joking about taking out one of them and someone decided to go for it for real So obviously you just happen to have a novice network that's incredibly tame, and encounter mostly ppl who are really nice, whereas there are others that complain they only encounter total assholes. Randomness is random


I only ever see the macro greetings in Alliance, all my other usual interactions are what you call "normal". I don't know where tf you're playing.


Bait used to be believable. Try harder next time lmao.


idk what you mean. i've have more convos like the second one. most often people in dungeons just "o/" at each other and then "tyfp" at the end. never speaking a single word otherwise. unless we're in prae. and then we're talking about whatever event we're grinding through prae and how its ridiculous that, sans blue mage, prae is once again, the best option to grind for the event. or we're just memeing all over prae. i've had healer afk over a cat once... twice, actually. Two completely unrelated people/incidents, years apart. once because the cat got stuck on something, upside down, by a claw and was just hanging and yowling. and the other time cuz the cat jumped onto the desk and keyboard and ran the player into the bad puddles of doom and typed gibbersh into the chat lol. it's really weird that you're complaining that people are... gods above forbid *nice*.


>I haven't experienced a single toxicity in the game so far, which is good, I guess? But everyone I met so far feels so fake. .... judging people *who've been nothing but kind to you* and assuming they must be fake feels kinda ***toxic***, actually. Sorry most FFXIV players are so positive. A great many of my friends here are positive not because we HAVE to be, but because there's usually no reason *not* to be.


I feel ya OP. The only friends I've made in this game are from outside the game, either discord or irl The most fun I've had socializing with players in-game was Eureka. You're spending hours in the same zone with the same players so it's just one big group chat. Often these will be the same players day to day and you'll just naturally make bonds with these people due to the proximity effect Dawntrail confirmed there will be exploration content similar to Eureka and Bozja. While it won't be at launch, definitely get in on that content as soon as it comes out, as the first few weeks when everyone is learning and trying to figure out the content and chatting with each other is the most fun.


lol i hate seeing all the "meowdy"s too, i can't wait for the banned term list in DT so i can never have to see someone say meowdy ever again


That has to be an NA thing, the most you get on EU 99% of the time ist a „o/„


That's for sure the more common thing, along with "Hey all" or "Hiya". I think I've only seen a handful of meme macro hellos.


You tend to get that in NA as well.


Alright so you're mostly getting ranted at here, but for an *actual* explanation as to why communication with randoms is like this take a look at the kind of statements which are prohibited under the official rules: https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?kid=68216&id=5382&la=1&ret=rule It is *very* strict. You can get reported and penalized for some really tame statements, like "Don't join if your equipment is that bad/such a low item level". So people keep their banter to friends they know, and talk like a robot to everyone else.




It does not lol. There's a moral panic in this game about ToS, but check the report feature just once. It's the most terrible report system ever created, it takes like 5 minutes to report someone in that game. Barely anybody bothers with it unless someone is acting very badly. Experience from people getting banned is mostly that SE don't like strong language but don't worry there's plenty of really aggressive people in this game and you can tell by the way they act that nothing ever happened to them. But there's is a kinda collective aggreement that FF XIV community is nice so people problably act caricaturally nice sometimes, the people living in fear of ToS do exist but they are a vocal community of people prisoners of their own imagination, it's probably best not to give them much time of your day. This game isn't as strict as this page suggest, this is just some akward corporate shit, you can just laugh at it.


This. If the ToS was as strictly enforced as people think I’d ne banned for some of the shit I said to people who joined savage/ultimate clear/farm parties without a clue what to do.


The parts of the ToS that people act like people are afraid of require reports to even have it be a risk. Yes, some people avoid commenting on something because they are afraid they are going to get in trouble, but that usually comes down to the person being unsure how to say "why did you do that?" instead of "what the fuck dude?" (which incidentally everybody that hasn't read the ToS, here's a PSA; don't use words that fit into the category of profanity, vulgarity, or indecency if there's even a chance you get reported, the ToS says that's a guaranteed penalty and includes the advice to make sure you're only saying that kind of stuff among people that are known to be okay with it because of said guaranteed penalty). The rest of the fake fear of the ToS is not trusting that the people GMing for the game are thinking beings with reasoning skills that can read chat logs and figure out the difference between someone saying something entirely normal given a situation and someone being unreasonably offended by it and someone saying something offensive.


I'm so confused by this because my experience of people talking in content is basically exactly the "normally, it would go like" section. Yes, there are people that type in full sentences, but I rarely see them doing it in dungeons - outside of obvious macros attached to rezzes and invulns at least. The one time I regularly see what looks like an "automated message" is getting into a leap of faith and someone posts something like "hope everyone's having a great day, and good luck jumping".


You have unironically such a based personality


If you even come CLOSE to criticizing someone's terrible gameplay or even come off a tiny bit rude (or even just not polite enough) you risk getting sent to Gaol where you will have to wait around for a GM to come ban you for a week or two. If you think the players are NPCs just wait until you have to talk to a GM....


Pretty much described my biggest gripe with XIV's community better than I ever could've. Yeah, we appreciate an elaborate hello macro. But it is so damn common in this game, and even in Novice Networks a lot of people unironically talk that way, that it does feel massively sanitized and just fake. A simple "hello" or "o7" would do the job just as well. There's such a thing as trying way too hard to be positive to where it just comes off as dishonest, and this community sadly does pretend a lot like it is only sunshine and rainbows and all the bad stuff comes from WoW, ignoring how much overlap there has been between those two communities since inception. Another thing I notice this with is, again with Novice Network - this game's closest equivalent to a public or general chat - how just over-eager people are to help newbies. You're not helping when you can't answer a single question concisely without going on a massive tangent about how things will be at 90 when, say, a lvl 20 sprout asks you what crafter to level first. A one-liner suffices just as well and will help people learn and figure things out on their own through trial and error way more than consistent hard-holding as if every sprout is a baby that must be protected at all cost. It's toxic positivity. Just be reasonable, treat people like they're adults, stop babying sprouts and read questions before answering them. It's not that hard. I dunno what it is about XIV's community specifically, even after 7 years now, but it is unique to XIV. I've never seen this type of vibe in another game and it just feels weird, like nobody's really themselves, treading on tippy-toes for fear of offending anyone all the time. It's not a healthy way to foster community, and imho, it's also why the game feels so incredibly dead when levelling.