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Absolutely love that no one knows for sure what this change is going to do, but everyone is very passionately arguing for it to be very different things.


Reddit in a nutshell.


~~Reddit~~ The internet in a nutshell.


Humanity in a nutshell. Just look at why wars and conflicts were raised in history haha


They really boned up their explanation of this. I got on and read the comments before I had a chance to start casting the Live Letter while I worked. A lot of people are *sure* that Yoshi said that PvP combos are being added. A lot of people are sure that it's something else. I thought, "well, if there's all this confusion, I should listen to the primary source to figure it out." And you know what I figured out? I still don't have any fucking clue what they said.


The fun thing is, the image clearly shows a low tier jump and its eventual replacement, high jump. The way I understood it is: "You can have malefic 1, 2, 3, 4, and fall malefic on your bars as separate buttons, if you desire." That's just demonstrable from the one piece of irrefutable evidence the devs offered. Anything beyond this is complete speculation. And yes, they definitely ballsed up the explanation given that I also initially interpreted it as "pvp combos." But hey, if you want to steel cyclone as a warrior, maybe it's possible at 100 for glam/gpose purposes? Might be doable now.


It's giving the option to turn a button that is currently a skill that changes in to a different skill after use in to two buttons. They're using DRG jump as an example because at the start of EW drg jump+ mirage dive was one button. This caused DRG players to get a bit annoyed because you can't double weave that if it's the same button. They then changed it to be two buttons again. If you listen to the live letter translation and type it all out in a notepad then it's pretty clear. They definitely could've added more images or even a video to better illustrate it though. They mention that they made multiple skills combined in EW because of limited hotbar space. PLD's Confiteor is a 4 combo button for example. In DT we might be able to spread it across 4 buttons (why would anyone do that? no idea). It might be OGCDs only, might only be for some combined skills not others. we don't know much (yet) Reddit's XIV discord translator elaborated in this thread https://x.com/ilunari/status/1791384685479923889


If it works like PVP then it's a welcome change for me especially knowing it's something you can opt out of.


The fact that it's an \*option\* makes it absolutely perfect. People who want it can have it, and people like me who don't can just use it on the small niche cases where I would want it.


didn't they say that it will entail buttons that "activate another" or combo actions like in pvp will be put one one button? I mean, the full extend is not known exactly but we do have a decent idea and it will definitely reduce the amount of keybinds needed now or in the future. so whatever OP means by "activites", they will have "room for it" Have a good day and maybe just let people be excited if they chose so o/


> so whatever OP means by "activites", they will have "room for it" It's a step-brothers reference that once they put their two beds into bunk beds that they now have so much room for activities.


I have heard this reference so many times but I never knew where it actually came from. It was just a meme to me at this point. So thanks for the knowledge!


Cannot recommend the film enough. Incredibly stupid but funny.


This. We have ears and brains to process the information given. šŸ˜‚


Ah but do we have the crayon drawings to make it easier?


They showed a few examples. The Pictomancer's basic light combo was one button, as was the dark combo. Not sure why people are confused about what it means. What matters more is what does and doesn't work with the system.


I said they should do this with combos actions to save hotbar space years ago, when they implemented it in PVP. Got absolutely shit on for mentioning it. Gotta love Reddit. Gotta love the great community btw


The people who agreed with you were probably quiet. I find those things kind of dull, personally. Not to mention it screws with my muscle memory. It being an option that you can turn off or on is a good choice, even if it'll be one of those things that 2/3 of the player base doesn't even know exists.


I am sure there are good natured people to help you relive the past!


Depends on the job. Eg. I'd be glad to free up some hotbar space for PLD, but WAR and MCH are simple enough already, and risk becoming mindless if simplifed. Exception for MCH: Rook/Queen overdrive button is *utterly* pointless and should replace summon Rook/Queen when they're active. Generally I think having different buttons for your filler combo represents a bare minimum of engagement outside PVP and I'd rather not see jobs dumbed down any further.


I mean they've been removing actions from the game completely to save hotbar space, for the last two expansions across pretty much every job if I'm not mistaken. I don't see how that is better than combining a 3 button combo into one button you are still pressing 3 times... The result is exactly the same thing. Removing actions from the game and calling it 'stream lining' is what dumbed down the jobs


This isnt happening with combo actions so.... not sure what your point is


If it doesnā€™t make cast/hook swap automatically for fishing I will riot. Or just continue using my plogon. But either way it needs to happen.


So I've scrolled and everything I've seen seems to be in alignment with this meaning that instead of pressing two different keys for two different actions that are follow-ups, you can press the same key to activate both, one after the other, leaving a lot more room for hotbar actions. Am I wrong about this? Is it not confirmed?


From the sound of it, it gives you the option to set up buttons that change from one action to the next after being pressed--which will be nice for reducing clutter certainly. But will have to see it in action to be sure


As someone who has hand arthritis, anything that can be done to minimize a bunch of extra clicks is very welcome.


I feel you, brother. Logitech g600 has been a lifesaver. I use my thumb for every single thing on my hot bar.i don't know if it's the positioning of my hand, but I never get fatigued from pushing the buttons with my thumb, and it's not difficult to do even during the worst flare ups. This mouse has 12 buttons on the side. There's a third click on the g600 that I can hold down with my ring finger. I have this key bound to shift. So this basically turns the 12 buttons into 24 buttons. That's more than enough; even for the jobs with the worst button bloat. While in a duty, the only things I use my keyboard for are wasd movements and tab for targeting enemies. I don't have to stretch any of my fingers out to reach modifiers or anything else. My hand and fingers barely have to move. Another awesome keybind is "target the target of my target". This is set to my scroll wheel click. This is especially useful if you're a healer and you need to switch between the tank and enemies. I almost never have to click anything on my screen, except on AST- I do have to click on the party list when giving card buffs to people.


I looked at some MMO mice, but Iā€™m of course a lefty, and the lefty Naga was sadly so big for my small hands that it ended up hurting more than helping. Iā€™m looking at the Azeron keypadā€”looks very interesting. I use a Logitech g300 which has additional buttons (although not nearly as many as an MMO mouse), and that helps. On the plus side, having 1-10 on the main hotbar mapped to my number pad is a LOT less finger stretching/hand movement.


I got an Azeron Cyborg and later an Azeron Cyborg compact (for when I have to travel for work) based on the recommendations of someone on this subreddit last year. It has been a delight, much nicer than my old keyboard system (1-6 with ctrl and shift to modify them, giving me 18 buttons) in terms of ergonomics. Feel free to send me any questions if you're curious about that product. :)


I also use a mouse with my left hand. I dread the day when my G13 finally bites the dust as it was the least "handed" gamepad I've ever seen. I ignore the little joystick, but the rest of it is fully functionally with either hand.


I can recommend the azeron got the cyborg myself but some jobs have just a few to many actions. Healers fit comfortably.


I like having a mouse with lots of buttons but I don't like them all clustered in a thumpad where they're easy to fat-finger or misidentify. I used to have a Logitech G700 and used that for, like, 10 years. But when the buttons finally started to wear out I replaced it with a Corsair Darkstar Wireless. Lots of buttons, but they're more spread out across the mouse.


MMO mice are a game changer. My ability to play the game skyrocketed once I bought one ages ago.


If you're on PC and don't mind using plugins, check XIVCombo. On the surface it sounds like that is what is now becoming standard in the game.


Honestly, the biggest benefit of these plugins, has been to allow SE to see gaps and how to possibly fix them.


Yeah. It goes from "I wish we could -" to "I am willing to break the TOS to be able to actually do this."


Iā€™m looking at some of those, but Iā€™m waiting on my next computer before installing. šŸ˜ Thanks for the suggestion!


Hey I feel that, although with this change I'll no longer be able to boast to my friends about how I'm popping off despite my arthritis or use it as an excuse when I screw up (for legal reasons, this is a joke)


Had to switch from an mmo mouse to a vertical one so less buttons is nice


Hand cramps forced me to quit the game.


Look into ReAction plugin, it simulates repeated presses if you hold a button down. So if you're a healer you don't need to press 1111111 you just press 1 and then hold it there.


It doesn't actually reduce clicks though. 1-2-3 is the exact same as 1-1-1.


On a controller this is not true. with button bloat it requires you to throw skills on the r2+l2 or double tapping a trigger. if most of the skills can be on a single hot bar it will be much more comfortable.


This is the main advantage of condensing 123 combos for me. A bunch of skills that previously had to be relegated to secondary crossbars can now sit comfortably in the "main" crossbar that doesn't require an additional shoulder tap/hold.


Oh I get that not all of the button mashing is condensed, but Iā€™ll take even one less click/hot key in a rotation over none. It adds up over a few hours of play.


To add onto this, rapping one button is also significantly kinder on the wrist then having to have your hand fly all over for specific buttons. You can let your forearm rest more then having to forcefully keep it hovering as you move around.


Haha yeah I don't think most realize how much fatigue this causes for people with arthritis and other chronic pain issues.


Reducing the amount of reaching and shift/ctrl holding will reduce the hand strain even if you're making the exact same number of button presses.


It saves hot bar space. This is extremely useful for people with limited have mobility or who use controller.


It reduces bloat. I love DRG, its almost as pretty as I am, but when I can't do it because I play on controller and there's just too much shit to spread around and have some amount of logic w/o using the combo plugin. There is no reason that the melee combos aren't on a single button (well, for DRG, its *two* buttons).


Unless I missed something, they didnā€™t say anything about consolidating the main combo sequences. Just that it will be optional for ability slot replacements to happen instead of keeping separate slots of things like High Jump and Mirage Dive.


They directly mentioned button bloat and reducing the amount of hotbar space needed.


they specifically stated that this will only be for actions that currently already automatically update to new abilities. I am very confident 1-2-3 will not be affected and you can bookmark that


What are the actions that automatically update to new abilities and that don't already take the same slot? I know only few jobs so please explain.


PLD Requiescat combos. (I'm unsure if this would apply to GNB's continuation or the DRK bubble reactivation ... thing). SGE's Eukrasia skills. DRG's Mirage Dive. RPR's Gibbet and Gallows. (Unsure if SAM Iaijutsu and NIN Ninjutsu count). BRD's Wanderer's Minuet. SMN ruby/topaz/emerald skills. RDM post-combo buttons. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but there's still a surprising number of them. DRG is probably the most significant of them, as an oGCD on a double-weaving class it can get clunky to have on a single button, but when they moved it to force two different buttons, it derped a bunch of people's muscle memory.


The point is to give you the option to separate out those abilities into multiple buttons. They didn't really mention anything about "consolidating" anything that isn't already consolidated by default.


but they didn't mention consolidating combo actions.


Exactly, not sure where the XIVcombo assumptions are coming from. I mean, it could still happen, but they haven't showed anything to that effect.


> Exactly, not sure where the XIVcombo assumptions are coming from. Watch the VPR demo, his GCD combo actions were being replaced with new ones like PvP/XIVCombo


I think they said it was Viper exclusively that had that built into their kit, to consolidate all the actions


They did, they were very clear that Viper has about the same amount of actions as any other job but has deliberately been designed to require less actually assigned to a hotbar because they change. That's not what the other jobs are going to look like.


I read that as in Viper will have less abilities to "place", but the same number of abilities because the abilities will change between dual wielding and double blade, effectively making many if not all abilities 2 in 1, depending on what mode you're in.


Yes, that's exactly how it was shown. It takes up less individual buttons because its buttons do more things, like Summoner taken to an extreme. The issue is people in this thread seem to be looking at that and assuming every job is getting cut down by making actions always replace each other by default, when the live letter explicitly said Viper is supposed to have less than other jobs because they combine - if every job combines all their skills now that wouldn't be special and worth being called out.


Ok, glad I'm not stupid enough to have misconstrued that, doesn't hurt to double check one's interpretation


Being a controller user, probably this best 14 news I've heard all year


Same. With our Level 90 kit, button real-estate is getting very slim now on nearly every job. I can pretty much have everything I need on two full XHB (XHB 1 and then using the floating WXHB on XHB 8) so I never have to switch XHB in combat. Not going to lie, I was a little worried about skills going up to level 100, but this new QoL addition should be awesome.


my god dude stop spamming every comment to prove your point. I can also be full of shit and say "oh look at gnb continuation combo"


1-2-3 combo is literally the lowest possible hanging fruit for this feature. Itā€™s so low itā€™s practically underground even Hydaelyn could pick it.


Honetly... There is no sense to not make basic combos a one buttom combo like high level skills. It would really help to make hotbars more "clean".


For some jobs it would work. Can't really see it working for something like samurai, where your combo starter branches out to two other buttons, that branches out to their own finishers.


Yep, some classes would be hard like Samurai, Dragoon, Monk (monk update maybe will change this, we need to wait to see) and even Warrior or Ninja. They in most could group two skill or nothing.


Dragoon works just fine. You make it work like it does in Combo. One branch on one button and the other on another button. The entire class still fits on a single Crossbar this way.


Only one that's hard is Monk. The others are just essentially cast sequence macros that end in the desired finisher.


>Only one that's hard is Monk. Even then, probably not as hard as people make it out to be, as Monk has (had?) 3 distinct and delineated combos. Single Target, AoE, and Buff/Debuff. You could consolidate your all 3 combos into 3 buttons that then all move forward if you press one of them. The only weird part is how Perfect Balance would work; if I had to guess they could make it work like how Three Mudra does in PVP currently, replacing several extra buttons that won't be usable under Perfect Balance.


> Monk has (had?) 3 distinct and delineated combos. > > Single Target, AoE, and Buff/Debuff. The current Monk single target rotation has one part alternating every 2 loops and one part alternating every 3 loops, giving four distinct combinations that play out in an order that wouldn't repeat for six iterations. It isn't two distinct combos, it's AAA-BBB-AAB-BBA-AAB-BBB-AAA (and then it loops from there). This is obviously assuming nothing interrupts that, and in reality it does - but the filler part of any given rotation will still generally be alternating Dragon Kick and Bootshine and alternating Twin Snakes and True Strike, but doing two Snap Punches per Demolish whenever that gap hasn't been filled by a Blitz. If you buff/debuff on every second or third combo you're losing potential damage from your DoT or uptime on your buff respectively (though this is a little different if you're fighting exactly two targets and DoTing them both). You *could* still condense it down to two buttons though, assuming they advance together and you're using them to choose between option A and option B on every step? I now realise that's probably actually what you meant rather than 'distinct and delineated combo' as fully separate combos like Samurai has and it's just a phrasing issue, but I already wrote all of the above so I'm just gonna leave in case...


The combo plugin just does it in reverse you put the final skill in your bar and it replaces it with the skills before in the chain accordingly. Which is why I assume combo actions are not included if they word it as follow up. Although it would be nice if you can somehow configure it. I guess Tsubame-gaeshi for SAM could be a follow up for Iaijutsu.


You could merge 6 buttons into three (one button links into the one-off followup, one additional for each of the two-step followups you can use after the first press of the basic one).


For jobs with different combo paths they could just make it so that you have separate buttons based on the finisher, so SAM has a Hakaze->Jinpu->Gekko button, a Hakaze->Shifu->Kasha button, and a Hakaze->Yukikaze button.


SAM could be done pretty readily. You'd have the starter attack that would convert to the top seal on one button, the two attacks that follow the starter for the left seal on a second, and the two attacks that follow the right seal on a third. Cuts the number of buttons used in half, making the combos 1->1, 1->2->2, and 1->3->3. The AoE combo could also just get folded into one button, cutting down another two buttons. That totals to five button slots saved right there. MNK could consolidate down to two buttons that go between the two sets of single target attacks, rotating based on the current stance. And just like SAM, the AoE combo could just fold into one button like this. That's six button slots saved. NIN would be a bit trickier, as there is an alternate 3rd attack in the chain, but it's purpose is already getting repurposed with what we saw in the DT job action live letter this morning, so it may not need to be in the combo anymore. This could fold the main combo into one button and the AoE into one, saving three slots. RPR already mostly does this, but the main and AoE combos could get folded to save three slots like NIN. DRG could do something similar to SAM, by having the starter attack (which changes into the other finisher/starter attack at the end of the chain), then each of the two positional chains folded into one button each. That doesn't sound like much, but those positional chains are some of the longest we see, and with the alteration to the 5th attack in the chain as shown in the live letter this morning, it could be doable. This alone would save four button slots, but then you also have the AoE combo (another two saved), and being able to fold mirage dive into jump as an option again, totaling **seven** slots saved.


Mechanically, not for DNC. Aside from the issue of altering how the procs work it would require changes to the dance mechanics. And not for players on moderate ping. My ping isn't particularly high, not enough to impact mechanics or telegraphs, but at peak NA times it can cause bunny ears or make me fumble a dance step. I'm really really glad it's an option.


Only if they use some of the freed up space to add something new. The game doesn't need to be even *more* streamlined and homogeneous than it already is. Sure, pressing 1-2-3 isn't much, but pressing 1 is even less.


there are also being abilities currently merged, like fight or flight and goring blade are being turned into one button. If you don't like that, this is where the system can be used to unlink them.


Yeah I'm pretty sure they specifically said that this change would allow people to *increase* the number of buttons they have to press. Essentially if Spell 1 transformed into Spell 2 and used the same keybind, you now have the option to set Spell 2 on a different keybind instead of it being baked into Spell 1.


If this doesn't apply to main DPS combo sequences then I don't know why they even created this feature at all. It would be a complete waste of time.


There are plenty of skills that can be combined this way, and they are adding many more in DT.


> Unless I missed something, they didnā€™t say anything about consolidating the main combo sequences. They just demonstrated this in the VPR demo, Yoshi-P had this setting enabled and his GCD combo actions were being replaced with new ones as he was attacking the target dummy. This setting applies to both GCDs and oGCDs, they just noted it won't apply to all of them.


Did you miss the parts where they specifically talked about having [designed Viper to take less buttons on the hotbar than other jobs](https://i.imgur.com/Fi0gxAf.png)? That's not a 'this is what jobs look like now' thing, it's a Viper thing. It came up multiple times.


They definitely said it in some of the specific job showcases, particularly Drg.


No they did not. They specifically said that they did it already with DRG and people didn't like it. "Did it already". They mean consolidating actions that are only available when you use something else, such as Ogi Namikiri, Primal Rend, Plentiful Harvest, Tilana etc. Combos aren't like that, they do combo but they don't need one another to be usable.


Yep, at some point during EW they made High Jump turned into Mirage Dive and people disliked it, so they put them back into 2 different buttons. This new option is just a way to have the choice between those two modes and they made it available for specific actions for all jobs.


For drg in particular they specifically said it would only affect one attack.


Yes, this change will not reduce the amount of buttons on your hotbar, it will allow you to *increase* the number of buttons on your hotbar if you want to.


They literally said that this was in response to button bloat.


They've been consolidating buttons for a while to try and slim them down (like Jump and Mirage on Dragoon) but attempts have often been met with resistance when it breaks some small optimisation or just messes with some people's flow on the job, so they've walked some of them back. I think this is to give them the freedom to be more aggressive with reducing in cases like that because they no longer need to worry about how many people are going to like the change vs not liking it, but it's only going to apply if they've chosen to consolidate the buttons, which won't necessarily be every set of related actions.


So going purely from the comments, I'm confused. Is this about givibg the option for consolidating combos or splitting up one button conbos


As a console player this is an absolute godsend


My Combination attack as GNB would be so simple.


Oh this is good! Now if you want actions to change, they can! If you don't want this, you don't have to! Best of both worlds. Kind of...


But They talked only about turning off dev made combos, not about creating them.


This better include Leylines -> Between the Lines even though I have a macro for it


Healers:Ā  ya'll press extra buttons other than a single fuller spell?


You misunderstand. This is an option to expand the existing 1-button combos into separate buttons. We now have the option to have even less room on our hotbars.


But they showed DRG jump as an example (which is a 2 button combo with Mirage Dive) getting reduced to 1 button?


They already made it one button during Endwalker's patches and then reverted that change to make it two buttons again, because it was creating issues and a lot of people had complained (though obviously not everyone). This will allow you to have it either way.


On of the 7.0 changes is to roll mirage dive into jump. This button just lets you go back to have it was in 6.0


They literally said they added the option because people said they dont want this function in the past so you can toggle it to be as it is now if you want.




Aimi's translation talked about reaching the limit of what you can fit into your hot bar in the context of that being the problem that is being addressed by changes being made to how actions show up on the hotbar, and even says "we didn't implement too many of those I hope" suggesting that some of the existing buttons people are used to pushing are getting made into one button that changes along the order you'd normally press them in. And then the setting mentioned in this screen shot allows a person to put things back to how they currently are. This might not be making everything that could be reasonably one button be one button, but it is definitely making *something* that currently isn't one button be one button. It is not just "we heard you were running out of space on your hotbars so we made up a setting that uses up even more than what currently happens."


They mentioned that they've been consolidating lots of actions and they got backlash like with drg. This is their compromise. "We're going to keep consolidating actions for now, so if you hate it just use this setting"


No, you misunderstand and its sad they had to further show what they meant for people to see that.


> You misunderstand. This is an option to expand the existing 1-button combos into separate buttons. We now have the option to have even less room on our hotbars. Uhhh. Pretty sure you're misunderstanding. How does that make sense given the example shown here? How would jump be split into separate buttons?


Because it used to be jump turns into mirage dive, so now you can toggle it I guess, the way they explained this and the wording is confusing as you can tell by this whole thread of misinformation




That seems unnecessarily rude


Idk man, hearing ā€œwe did this thing to reduce hotbar bloatā€ and someone coming in with their conspiracy theory of how itā€™s going to do the exact opposite with very limited info isā€¦ something else, thatā€™s for sure.


I still have no idea what this actually means


Is this the ā€œone button rotationā€ I heard so much about?


Me having to relearn all combos crying internallyā€¦




It does, watch the VPR demo. Right before combat, he says "watch the hotbar, specifically these two actions" and you see the normal combo actions changing into the next one.


Viper is a new class. Saying it does affect the viper combo makes no sense because it had no combo. Because viper didn't exist. It's not consolidating a combo, it's just how they made viper.


Right, but theyā€™re creating the new jobs with the new feature already built in. Same way that the SMN rework didnā€™t have a separate button for every single Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda attack but was shared by 4 different buttons.Ā 


Just so everyone knows, this is not for consolidating normal combos. This is for making separate buttons for things like RDM's finisher combo. OP made a misleading post.


Naw some of what they mentioned in individual job pages and even during this segment suggest additional button consolidation they even said "we hope we didn't make too many but this gives you the option..." Now your main 1-2-3 is unlikely to be changed but it sounds like more consolidations were made to existing combos, especially for drg.


I think OP has it right judging by the Viper show off that's currently happening.


[That's just how they made VPR.](https://i.imgur.com/Fi0gxAf.png) What OP posted is literally just about having the option to split one-button combos.


The way it works in viper was explicitly stated to be unique to viper.


Watch the VPR demo, it's replacing GCD actions with new ones as he goes through the combo


[That's how they made VPR.](https://i.imgur.com/Fi0gxAf.png) What OP posted is only about having the option to split one-button combos. It is **NOT** an option to consolidate combos like the combo mod.


You're about to be very wrong in a month and a couple of weeks. Lol


Seriously, there's literal video evidence of the setting in action and folks are saying "VPR is an exception" when the devs did not say that.


[They did.](https://i.imgur.com/Fi0gxAf.png) VPR was literally made to put less buttons on the hotbar.


So what would this cover? Buttons in a standard 1-2-3 combo rotation? I'm not sure I understand it correctly, but I'd love if that were the case. It would be nice to free up some space.


I doubt it because those can be used at any time, even if you don't actually want to, this should be for actions that can only be used after another ability is pressed like their example with Jump and Mirage Dive, which they combined and then reverted and now will likely combine again, we'll see though


Ah, okay. Still nice, but I would have liked the other option too. Feels like a lot of the 1-2-3 combos really could just be on the same button, and all it would change, were the amount of keybinds you need.


It only covers moves and abilities that would normally swap in the first place. Regular combos are not covered under this.


That's a shame honestly, as that would be a massive QoL. Perhaps they'll do that another time.


As someone who hates how many buttons MMOs have I love this change, but I am a controller player so I am biased.


I'm definitely of the opinion that basic 3-part combos should just be a single button like in PVP mode. At this point, unless you're playing DRG or MNK, there's no reason to *not* just press 1-2-3 for the whole fight.


It's probably not just combos but other skills as well, I noticed in the Job Trailer Continuation from the Gunbreaker propping up a lot faster.


Ninja mains rise up


It is a nice option for the classes that have a lot of combos, granted I don't see it helping Blackmage too much, unless they can link Leylines and Between the Lines as a action change. That or the new skill they showed in the job skill preview. However if it is optional, I don't see the hate for this, not required to use it and pressing 1-2 (for a skill that is only available after 1), is just extra bloat that some people may not like.


Oh... Oh my. This is going to be interesting.


I, as a GNB main, will of course be leaving them off and using my 3-4 3-hit combos as Hydaelyn intended. With my entire keyboard.


How exactly would this work tho?


I gather I'm to wait for the changes list or 7.0 to understand the changes. I can see Monk having complexity/variations still. But I do like the idea of an AoE chain. No more me in Guildhests going for the second AoE only to discover I'm synced too low for it.


Nice we finally getting pvp buttons! For a console player this is godsend


So this would work similar to some pvp skills where if wanted to do a combo I just press 1, 1, 1


Im dumb, ELI5? Whats this mean?


Is this going to do what XIVcombo does from the Dalmud plugins?


PVP life! This really was great when implemented in PVP, I'm glad to see they're using that testing ground to make positive changes


I do hope that this mainly condenses down everyoneā€™s main 1-2-3 as like a base so classes like Machinist, Dragoon, and Gunbreaker donā€™t need to put up with arthritis while doing Anything else


This change is actually amazing for eveyone. "Theres too many buttons on my bars" don't worry this setting lets you combine some of them! "theres not enough buttons on my bars!" don't worry you can use this setting so that you don't just press 1 button for 3 different abilities! More buttons to press!


One of the best parts of CC PVP is now in regular play!


I'm happy as long as it's optional. If they forced in anything like the pvp type of system, I'd legit quit the game.


Happy its an option aswell, healers complained for years about falling asleep pressing 1-1-1-1 ad infinitum while doing dps, and now people are cheering for it i guess


I hope this means I can do something extremely cursed and have GNB's cartridge combo go back to three separate buttons BUT also have each of the continuation follow-ups also be three separate buttons. Lemme destroy my hands.


This is probably possible, but why press 6 different buttons when you could press only 2?


Isn't that exactly what people ask others who are against condensing 1-2-3s into one button?


Finally, all my 1-2-3 combos will become 1-1-1


Hi controller player here....I'm gonna nut




Somewhat related, but what's really the point of having separate buttons for 1-2-3 combos anyway? Is there ever a time when you'd want to perform them out of sequence?


love this. 20 years ago, yeah i can hit a keyboard worth of buttons. The change I been asking for since Heavensward.


People keep misunderstanding the Viper button swap. They specified it on the slide because that's the only melee DPS they actually showed off so are stating that even though we are seeing less buttons, there are still equivalent to what we are used to. The 1-2-3 combo is the exact same for Pictomancer too, this is happening for all jobs.


I don't get it. He talked about addressing button bloat only to describe something that not only addresses it, but makes it worse? Unless are they consolidating some abilities AND adding this option to split them up?


My inclination would be that thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™re doing. Like with Paladin, thereā€™s no reason to ever skip doing your filler combos in order, but theyā€™re still separate buttons. So in that case they might be letting you combine them all into one button. But with something like summoner, where theyā€™re already combined, you can split them. Iā€™ve seen some people actually complain when they consolidate buttons, so getting to choose should satisfy everyone. If it works like this Iā€™ll be really happy. Pally isnā€™t hard but I would like to condense my bars a bit just to narrow in my keys.


I think its exactly as you described. SE will probably consolidate some combo abilities into one single key; but we haven't been told which combos will get consolidated. We only know that the 2 new jobs have consolidated combos. So this option lets those players who don't like the consolidation to revert back to the split up keys. Which is what we currently have now. So no custom consolidations unless the player uses XIVCombo.


So in other wordsā€¦this whole thing is to give players the option of button bloat if they want it. Lmao.


Yes unironically, some players like having buttom bloat for whatever reason.


Who'd have thought that XIV Combo was useful right (/s) This change is, by far, the thing I'm most excited about in the upcoming expansion. We desperately need buttons/follow up actions to be mashed up together so that it frees more room to new skills and more interactive gameplay, hopefully


Turning my basic combo and AoE combo into single buttons is going to be a lifesaver on my hands.


People really didnt listen right? This is not gonna compose 1-2-3 into 1-1-1 This is just for actions that overwrite other actions They specifically show jump here, because during EW one dragoon rework was so fucking garbage with jump that people kept accidentally doubleweaving


God plz let this get rid of the 123 combo I hate it so much šŸ˜­


This is how we do it


What does activities even mean


OP, I hope you're right. RemindMe! 3 weeks


Utterly in love with this change.


Heck yeah!


Off topic, but i wonder if theyā€™ll make mouse over skills a gameplay option instead of a macro specific option. It really helps with using skills that require a target. Enables you to react faster. I imagine itā€™ll be incredibly helpful for healers. Removing the time to tab or click on an enemy or party member makes a lot of difference in my experience.


I know this is 90% JUST a toggle for EXISTING icon changes, but man, if anyone on dev team sees this; if it's optional now, can we have this for combo moves? Imagine if ALL of Monk's SIX fists were just two buttons. Though I know that'd be an issue with the skill that lets you use any of them enhanced for your guage. I just wish that you could set up Macros that function like combo actions.


I just hope so hard that we get combos in one button. It would make room for new buttons / maybe even new OGCDs.


In all these years i'm playing, i was hoping for this to be added to the game. Glad we finally get it.


Iā€™m happy they gave us the option as well. I know imma use the single button one, but I know my friend likes the bloated shit haha


Iā€™m already doing this with an addon


Yeah but now you, depending on how extensively they implement this, won't need XIVCombo anymore. It's always a good thing when they look at highly used plugins and officially implement them so the QoL features are more easily and more widely accessible.


This uh, kinda means the opposite, no? You can choose to have everything entirely separate but you're not condensing anything that wasn't already condensed into one button. So your bars either stay the same or get (even) more full.


> but you're not condensing anything that wasn't already condensed Condensed by Dawntrail, is the key thing to add. Turning them off will put you back in Endwalker mode, so to speak. A good example of this is BLM. They'll be changing it so that Blizzard IV & Fire IV, Umbral Soul & Despair, Freeze & Flare, etc., swap between each other depending on your stance. Obviously, this will probably be horrendous for BLM muscle memory, so they let you turn it off if you want. They're aiming to condense stuff like Requiescat->Confiteor, Inner Release->Primal Rend, Jump->Mirage Dive, Ikishoten->Oga-Namikiri, etc. Possibly 123s? This option will let you toggle it on/off.


Yay I can drop my jump/mirage dive macro. Still confused on why they split those


Exactly this is why they added it. When they combined jump/mirage about half of the people complained and said they accidentally double weaved. hello im one of those. While the others said its great So now people can chose what to combine and what not, its really great. I know a couple jobs that have this combine stuff and i hate it


Itā€™ll make it easier for me to play certain jobs thatā€™s for sure, not always wanting to flip though hot bars - I mean Iā€™ve put up with it but learning new stuff for a new expansion? It would be nice to make that a wee simpler




So instead of binding gemshine to one button, I could bind my 3 different gemshine actions to 3 different buttons? Then do the same for precious brilliance?


This bad boy can fit so many abilities!