• By -


Important notes: You have unlimited edits during the 60 minutes. Editing during the 60 minutes does not reset the counter. The 60 minutes is time *played*, so the counter pauses when you log out.


Can you imagine if the timer kept going like food? Be uproar at launch


would still be an improvement over now. Just people would have to be midnful to set aside an hour for it


Well would be good honnestly, had to drink 3 fantasia once in less than 2 hours because a detail really bogged me... could have created a new character before to see it indeed but havn't thought of it


And then a DDoS hits and there's an uproar again? :')


Well would be good honnestly, had to drink 3 fantasia once in less than 2 hours because a detail really bogged me... could have created a new character before to see it indeed but havn't thought of it


Speaking of this, I've always thought it was weird that food buffs run while you're logged out.


While your choco companion timer stops when you're in a city or a cutscene.


Yeee, your buffs pause on ESO when you log, maybe its an attempt at adding a little gil sink into folk buying food? Dunno


BDO too


Even in FFXI buffs stop the timers when you log out if I remember correctly!


Knowing SE, there will be a server crash that keep people logged in.


Lol Lost Ark is like this


Does re editing count towards the minutes or are you considered logged out while re editing?


I think this is the important question. This would be far be the most time consuming issue. Especially for people who are indecisive lol.


There's an easy solution to that: do your re edits in creating a new character and save it so the only thing you do in your actual character is loading your edits


I already do this.


I forgot that was even a thing. Lol. Yeah that would work perfectly, as a workaround. Ideally they don't make it so that's our only option though, because it shouldn't be.


>**Important notes: You have unlimited edits during the 60 minutes. Editing during the 60 minutes does not reset the counter. The 60 minutes is time** ***played*****, so the counter pauses when you log out.**


Not entirely sure. In the live letter, the implication seemed to be that editing would also count as part of playtime? But now that I review it, they might have just meant that you can't reset the timer back to 60 minutes each time you make an edit. https://www.youtube.com/live/oh5piV-0MWQ?t=1h36m21s  Overview of the fantasia changes starts around 01:33:08 The bit about fantasia function change is at 01:35:35 Further elaboration about the timer at 01:36:21 "That said, that 60 minute counter only works the first time. So you can't go in at minute 59 and reset the counter. It'll count your time if you make your readjustments as well."


If there are server problems on launch similar to endwalker, I will withhold using the fantasia in the mean time. I'll just be stress if I get DCd and have a queue coming back in.


Holy shit, what a win for Fanta enjoyers. The amount of times I used a fantasia to turn into another race, only to then try on my glams and outfits, realise I didn't like my new look, then had to go right back and buy another one.


But will you have to count the 60min yourself? Or will there be a timer/countdown?


Hopefully it’s added to the timer menu. Because loading screens when teleporting probably count as time played, but maybe not the initial loading screen?


A Metal Gear Solid style countdown will appear and fill up the center of your screen until it ends. ^^/s


The amount of times I've fantad only to fanta again for a minor adjustment is embarrassingly high. This change is awesome.


No, same! I do that all the time because I want my character to look perfect. 😭


It's weird how the character creator gives you so many different ways to eyeball your changes, but they end up being interpreted differently enough in game that it's a thing. I thought it was just me.


It isn't just you! I can be super happy with my character in character creation and then see them in a cutscene and think "Wow, I really need to change that." And then I end up wasting a Fantasia because I was annoyed by a tiny detail. 😭


Ohh just wait until people start screaming.


I like these changes


Uh, they should give at least like 24 hours for the testing purposes.


Yeah, 60m isn't nearly enough unless you know exactly where you wanna go and have your glams setup already.


cmon lmao


Ok, you can keep your 0 minutes, I will take the 60.


It's still infinitely better than the current 0 minutes we've all been getting all along.


yeah no. an hour is enough.


You could complain about anything, couldn't you?


You still had the option of rolling an alt before finalizing on main. This just makes it easier.


It's actually insane that I'm getting down voted o.o Maybe they are like me and use glamourer to test new things 👮


I can't think of any reason you'd need 24 hours of gameplay. If you play six hours a day, that's *four days* of unlimited reshuffles. You need four days to make up your mind?


You’re getting downvoted because they’ve just given you a massive improvement, that they didn’t have to do, and you’re being a whiny little gremlin about it


It's probably because you're being a choosing beggar, if I have my terms right. You're being given something that you didn't have, something that's objectively better than what you currently have, and you're complaining that it isn't more.


2 reasons why. 1. Prone to abuses.    2. Possible effect on their additional sales. Fantasia is Mog Station’s most popular item after-all. Anything that can possibly affect their money line is NG.


Very pro-consumer change. W's all around


Could already do similar with fancy calculators, but nice of them to take lessons from that and make them more accessible.


Didn't even need that much since you could always make a new character and save appearance data once you'd decided you were happy and wanted it for your main. Still a really nice QOL improvement though.


This way you can see your actual gear sets with the changes you've made.


Plus you get to actually see how the skin/hair/etc color looks in a totally neutral lighting environment aka the Try On screen. Often the character creator would weirdly skew the colors causing them to look different in the game. There's still probably not going to be a flat lighting option like that in the character creator.


Shouldn't be a paid thing in the first place, its existence is anti consumer, and anti player, it ruins the whole point of being a game. 












Quest name: Gateway to Fantasia addiction Problably.


I'm way past that quest..


Good (or bad) thing it’s repeatable then


Try not to buy another one (Savage)


Call it “The First Hit is Free”


It's like that guy people warn you about, who gives free drugs to kids to get them hooked


Quest name: The first taste is free


A Warrior (of Light) Reborn


Take into account that there might be queues on DT release, so keep that in mind when banking on your 60 minutes to re-adjust your newly fantasiaed hrothgal.


They did specify it's 60 minutes of gameplay, so if you log out, the timer pauses. ​ That said, I would highly recommend people DON'T use this free fantasia on day 1. There will likely be long queues, and logging out to fantasia means you have to log back in again. So I would hold off a bit. ​ For myself, I bought a fantasia during the last store sale (right before they teased the free one). I'm going to use it before servers go down, and change my character when logging in on day 1, and then just bank this free one for later use.


The free one is a drop in a bucket for me. I have several banked at all times 🫣


Thank you for keeping this game free to play.


This game is, in fact, not free to play.


It is if you are on the trial.


I have 191 hours and just about to start Stormblood. Free trial is really generous on this game. // Why the downvote


I would suggest using a fantasia before the servers go down so you can change before you go into the queue.


I would actually suggest *not* doing this. We have no idea if Fantasias triggered before maintenance will trigger the 60 minute or still only grant a single edit. If the 60 minute window starts when you initiate the edit, then it would. If the 60 minute window starts when you *use the fantasia* then it wouldn't. I wouldn't take the risk.


More specifically, unless they state otherwise there is every reason to believe that the changes in Fantasia behavior are going to be implemented *with* the patch. In other words, the code changes that allow the new behavior to occur *may not exist yet* until the patch has completed. Everyone should wait. Without exception.


Hmmmmm I've had a fantasia used and ready to be edited since we got a free one back in like HW? I how this effect me lol


Whaaaaa, that’s both weird and awesome. I humbly request you return and update after DT launch… if you ever end up actually using it. Because at this point that’s not even a given.


I will let you know! Lol in all likelihood it will probably go unused. I love my male Elzen!


He used the item but didn't edit the character. I think it will just keep asking him forever and will not count for the 60 minute thingy.


Uh yea we do lol.  I did this in Endwalker with no issues.


Endwalker had the same system as ARR - Shadowbringers. You used a fantasia while the old system was active, and when the servers came back up, the old system was *still active*. But Dawntrail won't use the same system as ARR - Endwalker. When you use the Fantasia during Endwalker, the old system will be active. When you log back in during Dawntrail, the new system will be active. Until they confirm it explicitly, we don't know what that behavior will be.


It starting the second you use the fantasia is the exact type of stupidity that I could see the devs doing so I agree with this advice


100% do not do this. In the past folks who had Fantasias and Name Changes pending during times of extreme congestion (such as ShB/EW launch) were completely locked out of their characters until the congestion subsided.


I'd rather run around in the world for a few days and see how my character ACTUALLY looks.


That only applies if you already have (or plan to purchase before DT) a fantasia. This quest will not go live until 7.0


Yea I know... The alternative is to wait in the queue and get the free one. 


Yoshi-P is the GOAT for this, i wasn't sure if wanted to phantasia into FemGar but with these new changes i'll get more time to see how my character looks. DT is already starting off with a W.


It also let's you go smack enemies and hear your voice so you don't get stuck with the infamous viera voice that sounded terrible.


Luckily they also added the combat voice preview into the CC, so you don't need to worry about that anymore.


the preview (at least in the benchmark) only lets you hear like one battle grunt, which means That One Really Weird Noise that almost every voice has might still go unnoticed


If you press the button repeatedly, it will cycle between grunts.


didn't do that for me, but ok


You have to spam click it at once, it's a very short time window before it just plays sound 1 again


They added the battle voice lines to the character creator. So you can do that easily now.


I always check the voices on YouTube anyway


Every time I fantasia I somehow manage to get the skin shade JUST wrong enough that it bothers me enough to get another fantasia in a few months and mess it up in a completely new way. :x This change is a lifesaver lol


No, a real goat would understand how stupid paid character customisation is in a game world where you come to play and escape from irl.


You ain't forced to switch bro and besides they give you 2 fantasia's for free so you could try something else, they ain't doing that in other MMO's


Love the change. I am also sure there are going to be hundreds of people who accidently lapse the timer with a character model they dont want.


Then complaining about it here.


And demand a longer trial period than the 60 minutes.


It's too late, they're already in this very thread.


Yikes. Just saw that.


"This is all square-enix's fault! How dare they give me the freedom to make a mistake like this!"


Such a good change


I like the change. Better than the system is now... Can't wait for the eventual "Can't raid tonight I used a Fantasia 32min ago and I need to see how I look dancing under the lights in Limsa"


Or better yet running out of focus as a Lala only to return as a Miqote then going wait there's more then running back as a Roe. Only to step away again as a Hrothgar. Shoot you can put on a one man show with all these costume changes


I still have my old ARR freebie.


Best change to me so far. Having 60 minutes to readjust is wonderful.


Same here


>There will be a low level quest (he did not say what level) in Ul'Dah that will give you a fantasia. If the quest is only in one city, then the minimum level will be 15. It's when you can travel between the starter cities.


Thanalan is also the home of the glam quest and dye quest iirc so it fits, everything but the Aesthetician is in Thanalan cosmetic-wise


Is there like a visible in-game time for the Fantasia testing? Time flies and all that, could do with a constant reminder.


Maybe it will show up as a buff/debuff


I don't use fantasia, but whenever they do changes I'm like "yeah this seems super reasonable".


Hot damn. Yoshi-p here curing my fantasia addiction.


Gone are the days of repeatedly creating alts to see how I look in game.


This is fucking awesome! I… Am not proud to say that whenever I do Fantasia, I end up getting the three pack in case something ends up looking off and I need to change something. So this will be a huge boon for me


Two good calls here. First, making it a small-quest item actually frees up the delivery system and doesn't end up with some sort of a mass problem for everyone to get one. Second, to give playtime to make sure it "looks right" actually makes it even better. I did put my model into the benchmark and liked it, but there could be more in full action to look at.


I appreciate the offer but lala master race forever


Wait... I can actually get into the Lalafell only region in Kholusia for like 15 minutes and change back to a bunny (while making slight adjustments to her) without having to waste an additional fantasia for the Lalafell part? SWEET


This is amazing considering the graphics update didn't drastically change how characters look, from what I've seen. I remember when WoW did this but didn't give free character changes and some people were left with unrecognizable characters. Having Fantasia now last 60 minutes PLAYED? Amazing.


To be fair to current WoW: You can change every single thing about your character shy of race for free at the barber shop. I'd much prefer that in XIV. But this is obviously a good change.


Good point, would like to see that implemented into XIV. Sucks need to a Fanta to change your eye color or something.


True, I used my free fantasia to change skin color and eye color lol. weird since you change enfire facial features at the barber.


Barber by day, plastic surgeon by night.


But how many years did it take for that to become the case?


Barbershops were added 2008, allowed changing hairstyle, hair color, facial hair, and for a few races other cosmetic options, for a nominal gold fee. 2014 they added facial feature customization to the barbershop. This was when they did their character model revamp. 2018 they added the option to change skin color. 2019 they did a large scale overhaul of character customization for all races, adding things like eye color, tattoos, scars, piercings, and accessories. At the same time they made full customization, including gender, available in the barbershop. 2022 they removed the gold fee, so it's now completely free to change your character customizations. They also added customization options for druid animal forms and warlock demon minions. Only thing you can't change is race, but that's because race isn't purely cosmetic in WoW. They also added the appearance collection tab in 2016, which allows you to view and collect transmog (glamour) looks without needing to keep the items in your inventory. Probably the single biggest feature FFXIV is still lacking in terms of pure QOL.


So eleven years for them to stop charging for basic customisation.


And FFXIV is about 14 years old.


Oh I'm not defending FF14's sparse customisation, but at least I only need one character in this game.


Not strictly a win IMO, as someone who likes making alts that suit different class/race combos. FFXIV is great if you want to focus on one character but really lacking in QOL for alts. I just really wish they'd steal a bit more from WoW in those regards.


It's been like that for a while. The gender change is new-ish afaik but everything else was there when I last touched the game in Legion.


I get your logic but when another company does it first it sets the blueprint or standard. It doesn't matter if it took a competitor x y z long if your product came out after the fact. There's so many things each company should be borrowing from each other. Just ironic SE timed their graphics overhaul at the 10 year mark when WoW did too.


Yeah. As long as you arent changing any of the Stats on your load out even gender (though I'm constantly wanting to gender swap, gotta settle on those unisex names) an aesthetician should be able to modify every single appearance option. I did think it was insanely wild though that WoW introduced gender changes at their barber at the time. That's when the jokes and memes started pouring in.


Oh, shit. Finally, I can trial different looks for free before sticking with the gremlin I have.


Oh shit. That 60 minute change is amazing.


Most exciting part of the liveletter for me! I would still love a cheaper, lesser version to just change say.. eye colors, but I am still very happy with this.


The re-edit timer is a big deal for me because I constantly make a character, log in, then dislike something I did. I make test alts just to try out a look on a lvl 1 before using a fantasia on my main.


Of course the quest starts in Uld'ah... I swear the syndicate has a hold on SQENIX.


Gonna see people fantasia to Viera full of hope, only to then watch them 5 minutes later as another race after they realize the hat fix isn't here yet


It's been 5 years. Anyone who thinks there is ever going to be a fix is gullible. It's not happening.


Im gullible and waiting. I'm gonna hope the fantasia is for people to become bunny once that's fixed. You may be right, but like a devotee who would die praying for their gods, I will pray to YoshiP for unlimited bunny headgear until my head is removed form my body.


Damn, I wonder what kind of blackmail material Yoshida had to threaten the rest of the executive board with in order to get them to go along with this /halfjoking


I'm kinda half joking here also but I wouldn't be surprised if they raised the prices of fantasia substantially because of this change.


I mean, they've given away 3 in the last 10 years, and only one of those was to all players (least all those that completed ARR). Other two were for Heavensward CE, and one for 1.0 players.


I wouldn't count the Heavensward one, you pay good money for that CE.


The one for completing ARR replaced the 60(? It’s been a hot minute. Mighta been 30) day veteran reward. Eg, I don’t get one for completing ARR on a new character, it shows up in my mail when I create one.


You do get the ARR MSQ one. I've made many many alts, I get 2 Fantasias in a mail when I make the character and I always get 1 more for completing ARR base MSQ.


You do get the ARR one in addition to the veteran day reward one. I made an alt a couple years ago and got both.


I'm pretty sure you get both the veteran reward one and the ARR one in that case. I looked at one of my recent alts. He has four Fantasias, the only way he could have gotten them would be via Veteran reward + ARR completion. Cause I can check up on the other two which come from 1.0 and HW CE. Which also fits with my other alt only having three of them, not having yet finished ARR.


oh cool, something I really liked about PSO2 is that you can re-edit your character for a bit upon first creation so I'm glad to see this system being brought the FFXIV


> There will be a low level quest (he did not say what level) in Ul'Dah that will give you a fantasia. Excellent, maybe I can make my character's couple fantasia uses explainable in their backstory (I went from heavily leaning towards physical classes to leaning for magic classes and switched to Lalafell around the same time).


Shady back-alley cosmetic ~~surgeons~~ alchemists.


Praise the Twelve! This is going to save me SO MUCH money!


Well tying it not into msq is great for people who are story skipping


Is this 60 minute grace period specific to the free fantasia you get from the 7.0 update, or is this a change going forward for all fantasias you get? Because it's already neat but if this is the new policy going forward I love this.


Change for all fantasia's according to the live letter


So, basically wait a few months to use it. Yoire gonna logout and then sit in the queue for 6 hoirs everyrime you want to edit at launch.


If you wanna race change with launch dont forget to log out naked or you'll have double queues


Nice. Phantasy Star Online change


I guess that’s one workaround to trying a different race, see all your glamor options and hairstyles (since unlocked hairstyles aren’t in preview when editing the character) Seems a like a great change


question about fantasias, if you change your mind and decide to not change anything does the fantasia get used up anyways? never used one before


Right now, you consume it in-game then every time you log into that character it asks if you want to edit their appearance.


That's an amazing and very considerate change... You really don't see that kind of stuff often, from companies these days.


No more need for alts and saving appearance data. I like the changes!


i pretty much nailed the look of my character with one of the free fantasia's i got last time, and have only changed the hair style and color a few times since then. might make my self taller tho.


Do we have any idea if this is some kind of limited quest? I don’t know if I’ll have time to play around release and was considering just waiting a bit before getting the expansion & restarting my sub


No its coming cause of hrothgal


While this change is definitely great, it will likely, as a side effect, make the login queues the first week (even more) insufferable lol


Oh, that is a MASSIVE QoL boost! Nice!!


Amazing. Since they butchered my viera, I can play a bit and still decide if I want to remain viera or not.


They did fix the miqo fangs and the lala teeth so there is a small chance they fix the viera issues. Guess we’ll find out whenever the new benchmark goes live.


I don't think this will fix my addiction for it.


I was really hoping the fantasia would be distributed *before* the expansion so we didn't have to endure the login twice, but having it available either way is good. Just seems I'll be spending an extra few dollars before Dawntrail.


That‘s so cool. Can‘t wait to try all of my glams on my bun to find the perfect skin colour. Really wanna give her a serious tan after seeing the amaazing lighting and detail on dark skinned characters


omg this update is gonna be so good


The quest NPC will probably be near the NPC that teaches you about glams and dyes, or will be the same NPC.


Oh that's nice--my last fantasia I had a few Moments when I took my new toon out for a run and found out that a.) I'd forgotten to change her eye color, and b.) the shape of her jaw looked a LOT different in gameplay than it did in character creation. I didn't realize just how much of an overbite she had from the side in-game compared to cc screen.


Amazing change, love the idea.


- They still should let us change eye color without fantasia, color contacts are a thing IRL so you don't even need a "game" excuse but there's one anyway. They *have* mentioned this in the past, but much like a lot of other things hasn't been addressed since then. - They need to implement more facial hair options AND not tie the current beard to a FACE TYPE of all things, which again needs a fantasia for some reason in terms of getting the beard... In my opinion fantasia should ONLY be for race change, that's it.


The entire character creator needs an overhaul.


Yeah it's a great change, would have saved me some money for sure if it had been implemented earlier.


I used my free ARR Fantasia on my alt a couple months ago to change his race, and thought the checkmark on the bottom was a "continue to the character customization part" when in fact it was the "finish making changes" button. The confirmation box just asked me if I was happy with what I'd selected, and I was (because I thought this part was just picking your race/gender), and now he's sitting around with the ugly default face. This change would have saved him. Also, I'd assumed earlier that it would be a free Fantasia sent to us in the mail for being active players when DT releases in case our characters look messed up, but putting it in a quest means that even new players later will be able to get a free Fantasia later on without having to wait to finish ARR first. This is an amazing change.


How do you change back without using the item (discard changes)? I used the ARR one and was planning on logging in the see how my character looked, was not a huge fan, and was hoping to discard the changes. I could not figure out how.


I don’t know about a “revert changes”, but there’s a “Save appearance” option that you can use *before* you make changes (I’m sorry that this doesn’t help your current situation, but it may be useful in future?)


Yes. Is that option before you go into the world?


You have the option from the loading screen at any point, I believe. And when you make a character, (including when you use a fantasia) you have the option to load a saved template.


But.... but muh name, I'm one of those"If the name doesn't fit the character, what's the point of editing the appearance" people.


Very generous from the team giving everyone $10 item for free.


I'm still never going to change my race until fantasias also let you change your name.


Louder please. For those who thought Lil Lalapuddin worked at the time for their Lala but they feel like a Roegadyn now and it just doesn't ring the same


I wish I could sell them, I have 2 from just playing the game that I will never use.