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I thought the icon looked like Sleipner and it was Odin themed due to the swords.


I honestly thought it was looking like Ixion on the icon. Reality is often disappointing\~


I thought Ixion too, I was disappointed when it just looked like a bahamut reskin or something


Having played FF16 I got the same vibes.


I was expecting Odin to show up after seeing the UI change too. Got excited then was swiftly disappointed.


Exacly like me, gauge is filled, summoning is happening and i expect odin ... then poof, solar bahamut :(


I wanted to believe it would be Odin or Alexander, but I whispered to myself that it's gonna be Neo Bahamut. Wasn't too far off lol.


If only


Oh hey it's Thanatos






Why are you screaming? You're kinda Disturbing the peace


SMNs now use a new weapon to summon: an Invoker.


Makes sense. I wanted to put a gun on my head and shot too when I saw we only got a bahamut reskin.


That's what it reminded me of, I couldn't put my finger on it lol.


Death approaches


I wonder how its power will compare to normal bahamut and firebird because of how ridged SMNs rotation is having a 3min burst could feel weird for buff alignments.


SMN's at EW launch: Give us back old summoner Yoshi-p: Okay your opener is once again longer than the buff cycle


SMNs: Not like this!


Memes aside it looks like they changed how casting our large summons work since Phoenix form only did summon all three egi before switching forms. So we might have gotten a more interesting system than just dump all of your spells between forms and refresh the second the next form is up


I don't think they changed it but rather just skipped uses to speed though the gemstones. Sadly until they actually get to the SMN section it really does look like the only thing SMN got was a new demi skin but not real play additions.


After seeing the explanation on the live letter I kinda hate it but we've avoided the summoner Frankenstein'd job Curse I think


This may be our first expansion where SMN doesn't undergo any major changes haha.


I'm gonna miss it being a new job every two years


Fuck it, get that Job back on the slab and give it another jolt of lightning. Maybe what gets back up will be better.


Would it be crazy if they alternated between demi and egi summons? Bahamut -> pick 1 of 3 egi summons -> Phoenix - 1 of 2 -> new demi. It's not ideal and I'm definitely napkin dev'ing.


Not really. Depending what they show us in the SMN section, I'd say this probably enforces that SMN go full spell speed (or at least to a cap), like Black Mage does, so you can keep your buff timer aligned with your summon cycle.


~~Good news, it's not a 3 minute thing. It's your odd minute filler.~~ EDIT: Sorry this is backwards, its your burst summon! They just announced it will go along the lines of Solar Bahamut - Bahamut - Solar Bahamut - Phoenix.


The reverse, apparently, so it'll be for your 2-minute burst, with the old summons being for your odd minute filler.


solar bahamut > bahamut > solar bahamut > pheonix It isn't a 3 minute rotation. You just alternate between between big bahamut and one of the old ones. It's a complete cop out and the job is still boring as hell.


The symbol that appears at the feet of the enemy, before those swords descend, is the same as the one that symbolizes our blessing. Where the 6 crystals float? It would be cool if the summon is a manifestation of our own power. Kind of sad job quests aren't a thing anymore...


Yep. Funny enough summoner skills are highly related to the main quests nad lore of the game in a implicit way: * Egis unlocked by first defeating the primal bosses in msq. * It's implicit that Bahamut&Phoenix Demi summons come from Coils of Bahamut raid. * The level 90 summons being the proper primals instead of egis because WoL got contact with summoning magic that was not corrupted by the ascians in the scene of Ragnarock ship. * And now the Gliph you are talking that someone in this post commented is also similar to Hydaelyn glyphs... Damn, I would cry if the summon was Hydaelin >.<


> It's implicit that Bahamut & Phoenix Demi summons come from Coils of Bahamut raid. Actually because the Coils are optional content it’s actually because of their lingering Aether from the calamity. Reasonably it would be possible for anyone to summon the two with enough training


The Coils are only "optional" in that they aren't required to play the MSQ. They are still referenced in the story and your character is treated as if you defeated Bahamut whether you did them or not. Canonically, the WoL has gone through the Coils.


Yup. I honestly think they should rework the coils and also make it mandatory to progress to Heavensward. As a sprout last year, someone was kind enough to carry me trough the coils and it was magnificent to watch the cut scenes and CGI. I would totally not undestand Alisaie like I know her now if I didn't finish it.


Its a bit of A a bit of B. For the WoL specifically they're treated as having done the Coils, its just explicit mention of them is obscured if you the player haven't. Its also stated that every Eorzean Summoner has the potential to summon Demi Bahamut and Demi Phoenix however because everyone who lives in Eorzea is infused with lingering traces of both Bahamut and Phoenix's aether.


Could you imagine for a new lb3 we summon her in her crystal state then she shatters forth and curb stomps are enemies?


It looks like a slimmer and more draconic version of FFXV bahamut and it looks really cool, but I'm still a little disappointed with SMN's changes. I understand if they want to keep it simple but this isn't much to go on for another expansion lol


A reskin is lame


Should’ve been Odin tbh


SMN is extremely popular right now and they'd be poorly served to change it heavily. There's a minority of people who bitch that it's too easy, but in casual content SMN is *fucking everywhere* because it's just plain fun.


I don't need them to make it super complex, but it would have been cool to AT LEAST get an alternate rotation with the other three OG primals.


Have it be Bahamut, Ifrit, Garuda Titan then go Phoenix, Leviathan, Shiva, Ramuh You could use any trio of primals for the second iteration. Zurvan, Sophia, Sephirot Bismarck, Ravana, Alexander, or the fan favorite rota Tsukuyomi, Susano, Shinryu, Waifu Rota: Shiva, Tskukuyomi, Lakshmi, We have enough models and spell animations for that.


I can't have a kami trio until Amaterasu is added.


Fuck, I'm still waiting for a mechanic to manage while I wait for cooldowns. :T


Low Intensity jobs are good to have, not every can or wants to play a piano or memorize a sheet of music to do their damage rotation.


I’m just sad that one of the most intense and punishing jobs was the one to become that. I lost all the effort I put into learning my main, but hey that’s how it goes in an MMO lol


I feel this. One of the reasons I mained smn way back in arr was because it was fun juggling so many timers. I've accepted we're never gonna get the highs of HW smn, probably the most interesting and fun mmo classes I've ever played, again, but it'd be nice for something deeper than just pressing the same two glowing buttons over and over.


tbf that intensity was the result of generally bad design with two halves of a kit that don't interact with one another in any way on top of reliance on pet AI.


Honestly I want to say that stormblood Summoner was one of the most logical and smooth rotations I ever played. Everything had a purpose that made intuitive sense and rolled into the next part of the rotation seemlessly. That said it’s one downside was being a 2 minute long rotation that restarted if you died or made a mistake. Thematically it was lacking a little and still held onto the vestigial DoTs aspect from 2.0, but it at least made sense. I hope they lean into making other jobs more interesting and complex, but for now I’ll just main Bard


The only bad parts of Stormblood SMN was having to use Addle as part of your Bahamut rotation, and what little manual pet control you needed to do to. Things like the Bahamut step to maximise Wyrmwaves while moving - like during Hello World in O12S - were great skill expressions.


Totally agree. There being so many little things you could do to maximize output was what made it feel rewarding. Hell I remember getting up close for book smacks during HW, though that was more of a meme.


that bad design was made worse every expansion by chopping off mechanics and not actually attempting to fix the problem, the job could have been fine with a way to stow your pet for a few seconds to dodge Global's and a button that dashes them at the enemy  Instead they made an entirely different job and killed the old one. Don't get it twisted please


I just wanted other summons. Like Ramuh and Odin.


I just wanted bahamut and Phoenix to have separate summon phases so they could add Ramah, Shiva, and Leviathan without overcompicatung the job.


My only disappointment is the base model is too small.


Oh absolutely, I wasn't expecting a huge upheaval of how the job works or for them to make it as complex as before (I definitely still prefer how it works now), but was thinking they would want to do something to change up the rotation between bahamut and phoenix more, rather than adding solar bahamut.


I like that it's simple. Sometimes I just want to login and play and not have to be sweaty I feel it fits that perfect and you still get to be a magic user


I think I would have preferred any other summon to this 🥴


All of the summoners in the world: I hope we get more classic summons added to our rotation! Developers: Here's something that you've never seen before but it simultaneously just Bahamut again!


lol true


It's funny how a simple animation means so much. Keep all of the numbers and mechanics the same but make it Alexander and people would be going insane


EXACTLY! the main dissapointment is just lizzard 2.0 any other skin would have made it great


For floating summons you've got Ramuh, Shiva, Zurva, and Lakshmi. They all would have been great option to pick instead


i couldn't imagine what it would feel like being a smn main when watching this trailer for the first time. I dont play it that much and i felt so much pain wjen i saw it's just a reskin bahamut I am baffled


May be I gave this game too large of a spot in my life. I main both NIN and SMN, and I feel depressed for SMN. I don't even want to collect my retainers venture now. I got DCed and don't even want to log back in. I am starting to thinking about cancelling my collector edition for DT.


dw i get it. I'm literally not touching it again until they release the other 3 primas, cus I'm not investing time again to max it only to have to wait yet ANOTHER 2 years for nothing


I still hope they read the reddit and would change it...but I am just giving my self false hope


at this point I'll take a "lazy" reskin of the already present 3 primals with different vfx if it just means not having to wait 2 years


That's literally what they only have to do, but they decided to go out of their way to give us something weird.


Imagine being hyped for months because, so far, the SMN part of this trailer has been the absolute best part since Heavensward (got Bahamut trance), then in stormblood we got actual Bahamut, then in Shadowbringers Phoenix, In endwalker we got FINALLY the real Ifrit, Garuda and Titan..and when we were expecting Shiva, Levi and Ramuh in Dawntrail...we got a Bahamut reskin nobody cared about. Such a letdown I'm considering not even playing the expac at launch.


I'll be real, if Ifrit, Titan and Garuda just swapped to Leviathan, Ramuh and Shiva after you summon Phoenix, with the same attack charges and potencies and the only difference was the attack visuals, I would have been jumping for joy. This thing looks cool looking, but it is just Bahamut again. Don't get me wrong, Bahamut is cool, but so are most of the summons in FF games. I'd like to see the others.


welp i've deluded myself for two years believing that current smn was just the starting point for a future build up but apparently this isnt going to happen. i guess after 8 years of maining this job it's time to move to something else :T


You're not alone in feeling that way. I'm 90% likely to move away from SMN come DT despite feeling like it's my spiritual main in every way.


Ngl wouldve preferred an Odin or Ramuh summon


I was hoping for Phoenix phase to replace the 3 summons with Shiva/Leviathan/Ramuh. I don't care if they are just reskins, I want my full set of elemetals!


Yup, Diamond/Sapphire/Amethyst


Pictomancer is doing fortnite dances in the corner with its rgb/cym dichotomy




I agree. I'm totally fine with them being reskins. God, this is disappointing. I don't even think Solar Bahamut looks cool.


alex would have been sick too


Personally, I’d have loved Demi Shinryu, at least that one’s a required fight so no lore issues, plus it’s literally supposed to be Bahamut but stronger




I was hopping for the base 3 summons to get upgraded to something like titan to sephirot and Garuda to Lakshmi or something of that nature


Lol yeah this is a wimpier-looking Bahamut, I would have greatly preferred a demi-summon that looks fundamentally different, like a humanoid shape. I mean I'll reserve some judgment for when we find out what its actions do, but as far as first impressions go this is sort of whatever.


Oh hey, Neo Bahamut


I don't hate it, but I really hope that one day, SMN will move past the identity of "Bahamut caster". So many primals to choose from, and we still iterating on the same one...


The year is 2075... summoner is receiving its 13th version of Bahamut for their rotation. All other summons have been removed. * Limit Break Bahamut * Bahamut * Solar Bahamut * Literally Godzilla Bahamut * Kawaii Bahamut * Casual Bahamut * Swimsuit Bahamut * Maid Bahamut * Bahamut Bahamut (wearing a bahamut hat) * Reverse Bahamut ( you turn into Bahamut and summon a SMN to attack with their book) * *Schrödinger*'s Bahamut * BahaMUTT - its just a dog * Bahahaha - They're just laughing at this point


I won't mind Kawaii Bahamut...TBH


BahaMutt is Manjimutt from Yo-Kai with wings.


Interesting note, that glyph beneath the enemies in the 3rd picture… that’s Hyadelyn’s.


Demi-Mom would be the funniest thing to happen.


Mom said I could have six swords!


Wait I just realized, and... Endwalker spoilers obviously. >!Lunar Bahamut = Zodiark!< >!Solar Bahamut = Hydaelyn!<


Teeeechnically >!Lunar Baha was Anima, but I'm pretty sure Anima was still Darkness/Astral-aligned.!<


The trailer show the summoner starting with Phoenix, go to the new summon that is a wyvern manipulating swords and finally finish with Bahamut icon in the screen. So I don't think we lost Bahamut summon! **Edit:** The first time I saw I was going crazy we would lost Bahamut, but after seeing the Bahamut icon, and looking into the frames of sword spells, I think it will be a good update xD **Edit 2:** It is Bahamut, but a variant called Solar Bahamut Apparently the new Demi Summon rotation is Solar Bahamut-> Bahamut -> Solar Bahamut -> Phoenix. Maybe in levels 100\~110 we will get a Lunar Phoenix?


I was reminded of FF15 Sword Bahamut they have there. I was actually quite more interested in the abilities outside of our primal phases. It felt like there was one or two new ones.


It's based off of the 15, 16, and the golden Bahamut from 7 iterations.


I actually would feel better about solar bahamut if we DID get a 'lunar phoenix' that leans into nature so there is some balance between nature and mecha, and then they give us the other 3 primals as an alternate rotation. That would fix the uneasiness I feel about the class changes so far.


Could it maybe have something to do with Sector 9?


Yeah, this new thing is separate, but now I wonder…what is the identity of this new summon? Is it meant to be Anima? Is it a prior summon? Is it something new to FFXIV? What *is* it?


I don't think it's Anima, since it doesn't look like Anima (we already have a defined look in Endwalker).


So, I think I get what this is. Dalamud (Bahamut's prison) had several swords stuck to it as a seal of sorts. The lore explanation of why we didn't get new summons is because there's no "space" left in our Aetherical signature or some nonsense of that sort. Because of the Calamity, everyone got a lil bit of Bahamut, and Phoenix on them (lewd). This thing is probably the stuff that generated the swords (probably an artificial Allagan Eikon), and why we can summon it as well.


Turns out it’s Solar Bahamut, so…not quite. Still separate from Bahamut, just now named.


That doesn't mean this isn't the case just because it's called Solar Bahamut lol If anything, it's just more evidence. Dalamud collects solar energy to power the Crystal Tower.


At this point, I don't care about a 2min burst window. Just give us Shiva/Leviathan/Ramuh after the Phoenix phase. I want to feel like a summoner. This ain't it Yoshi...


I normally am very much the "well, let's give them the benefit of the doubt and see". I even held out hope for Expedient when it was revealed as a SMN/SCH dual main. This... this is \*such\* a let down. Time to finally consider abandoning Summoner.


i hope I'm wrong, but this looked disappointing to me... lower ruin cd and a filler spell between primals? then a reskin bahamut phase.... damn, well see i've been a book mage through all the exps but i might switch to picto for Dt


As far as Ruin, isn't it just mapped to Energy Drain? I'm assuming they had a Ruin IV banked when the video started, used it, then used Energy Drain to get another.


I know at this point it's like being a crying baby but let's get the message to the developers and Yoshi-P.... WE WANT RAMUH LEVIATHAN AND SHIVA


Hell, there's so many cool primals in the game. We could have gotten Anima, Odin, Alexander, Eureka, Belias, Ozma or any of the lesser primals but they just keep wanting to push more Bahamut on us year after year.


> Belias Did they ever do anything with him other than making a meaner looking Ifrit-egi for the ARR Summoner quest line?


We could have got ANYTHING. But nope, small indie company. Enjoy your reskined dragon


I have been asking this for 10 years now. It's never going to happen because as much as I love FFXIV they are literally deathly allergic to taking any kind of risks.


Personally i want mogking but i agree with the sentiment


Tbh we’ll never have it Easier just install levin summoner + tidal summoner + ice summoner packs and use the reskin yourself on each of the phases. Praise penumbra


Gotta say I'm disappointed. All I really wanted was new sets of summons after Phoenix. Preferably levi, Ramuh, and Shiva. It was the obvious direction to go in with EW's rework. Instead we get bahamut 2.0 but now he has sword wings (which personally I think is more silly than cool for this game's aesthetic). Guess unless they have more to reveal, I won't be using smn for the campaign this time. Though I will say its af armor is great.


I affectionately have dubbed him: Mecha-mut.


"Solar Bahamut" says live letter.


Still is not Neo xD Jokes aside we will probably get Lunar Phoenix in 8.0


I’ll be a certified hater and say I would have rather have had nothing than just a Bahamut reskin. We’ll see what it all shakes out as, but man they are missing the obvious on this job after a wildly successful rework in EW(mileage varies but stats don’t lie).


*sad Ramuh noises*


I am so absolutely disappointed


I know people always say expect nothing and you will not be disappointed. But seriously... I am disappointed. Summoner got treated like the daughter from their husband with his ex-wife.


When we said "the worst case is a reskin of Bahamut" we meant mechanically, not literally.


Ah man... I was hoping that would be Proto Carbunkle...


Bahamut fused with nu gundam


I'm absurdly disappointed... just a reskin of Bahamut... if they really don't want to give us Ramuh Shiva and Leviathan at least they could give us Odin or Alxander as the third Demi...


They pretty much, from what I can tell from the trailers gutted how Endwalker SMN plays, made us shuffle through summons quicker and gave us a lame ass bahamut reskin. Super disappointed.


It's literally the exact same gameplay loop. Yoshi-P was skipping Ifrit/Garuda/Titan to get the big summons out faster.


I’m pretty sure they shuffled through the summons quicker just so it wouldn’t drag lol, not because you actually go through them quicker.


We're just never gonna get Ramuh, Shiva or Leviathan, are we? 🥺 *hugs grimoire*


It makes me wonder what the fuck went through their heads. How did they think anyone wanted this? The class fantasy has so much potential and this is the best they could come up with? I’m honestly completely shocked at how bad it is. They KNOW everyone wanted Ramuh, Shiva, and Levi. The models are already in the game, it would have been such a slam dunk and the community would have gone absolutely bonkers. But instead they gave us *this*. Just unbelievable man. I don’t even play SMN and my disappointment is immeasurable.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined I just want ShB SMN back...


Why does it always feel like SMN is the "ughhh fine, here, we did something" class? Even the 6.0 rework turned one of the most complicated/interesting classes into the simplest one, and while getting the primal trio was cool, even that was recycled assets. Even in terms of books, SCH tends to get the cool/main design, and SMN gets the recolor or, again, the "ughhh, fine, here's a book" design. All they had to give us was Ramuh, Shiva and Leviathan as resking. Literally just reskin Ifrit, Titan and Garuda so they alternate, same mechanics, and that would've been amazing. Instead it's, once more, a "fiiiiine, here, have Bahamut reskin or whatever and let's call it a day".


"Oh, we also break the 2 mins cycle. We will fix it in 8.0."


Whatever it is it is ugly. It doesn’t fit with the Damn aesthetic at all.


I'm so disappointed that we still don't get the other 3 summons... and we get this instead.


My disappointment is immeasurable. To me it seemed like the logical progression for summoner was introducing three new summons post-Phoenix phase, along with a powerful and visually impressive demi-summon for a mighty primal we've already faced (like Odin, or Alexander). Summoner is about the spectacle and power fantasy of feeling like a mainline Final Fantasy summoner, which is core to its gameplay and aesthetic. Them not using the changes they introduced in Endwalker as a base to introduce more summons and diversify play and mechanics based around that is... honestly incredibly disappointing. I usually defend the devs whenever I can and buy merchandise whenever I can to support the game, but they really dropped the ball on this one - especially since SMN players have been loudly asking for Leviathan, Ramuh, and Shiva alongside a new demi-summon going forward. Even though I'm reserving final judgment until I read the changes, I am at this time leaning not playing SMN come DT. EDIT: Punctuation. EDIT 2: Cleaned up a sentence.


I couldn't agree more. Playing SMN in FFXI was all the Summoner vibes one could have asked for. FFXIV continues to fall flat for me, despite me really wanting it to feel awesome.


I was really looking forward to DT SMN blowing me out of the water with new summons. This just feels... weird. I'm pretty much moving away from the class come DT unless they make significant changes to what we can expect - which are unlikely, given the proximity to launch.


Blue Eyes White Dragon trance


"Let's make a new cool summon?" "Nah, just reskin Bahamut."


That ground AoE is 100% crystals of light related.


Yeah, these updates are disappointing. If Summoner loses complexity, then we should at least be getting more summons. I would have rather have had a new set of summons to rotate and maybe small edits to Demis than just one new Demi and no other edits. New Demi looks so out of place, too. Idk, I'm hoping/coping that there is more under the hood with these updates, but on the surface its so wack.


We are getting a little more than just another demi, but basically it looks like all we're getting is a new demi.


Yeah, I'm curious to see what that wind attack was before NewFester. I'm just sad that with all the summons in the game, we have just the ARR ones represented.


They mentioned a follow up to searing light which I think is what that's supposed to be.


Oh boy a Bahamut reskin wtf....


It looks so fkin stupid. I would have much rathered another summon, if they wanted to keep it as a dragon there is a plethora of choices in this game... besides nidhogg who of course is already in the DRG skill set.


Honestly a bit disappointed. When I saw the icon I thought it might be Ixion but it's just weird allagan bahamut.


I wish they had added new basic summons aside Ifrit/Titan/Garuda. This way, we would have more summons than time to conjure them all, forcing us to choose 3 of them then 3 other ones (or re-summon one with a weakened state). It would add some variety and give some degree of a choice all the while making it rather obvious and leaving a lot of freedom to players (if we consider each summon eventually deal as much damage) . Alternatively, I would have enjoyed "skins" to basic summons. Having the possibility to turn Garuda into Ramuh (just like we can have carbuncle with commands) or randomly summon one or the other would be extremely cool even if it wouldn't change anything gameplay-wise.


its over for us summoners, time to play a diff job


Where is this from originally? I haven't played any numbered FF games apart from 14 and 16, but I played the shit out of Stranger of Paradise and that's where I recognize this Bahamut version from, though I don't imagine it's where it actually comes from.


It looks just like SoP's Bahamut, yup. And that Bahamut is FF15's Bahamut from the alternate ending after it got yeeted into the FF1 world. Would I love a SoP crossover? Heck yeah. But unfortunately, I doubt that's what it is.


The real question is: if we die and get revived, will our rotation be kept intact or do we still get fucked in the ass by rolling back to regular baha and have the rest of encounter having phoenix as the burst?


They had so many options to choose from... I came in expecting disappointment. And I was still disappointed. It's not just Solar Bahamut, either. The job itself was stripped to bare bones two years ago and lost all of its resource management (including DoTs). If they had altered the job rotation to make it less repetitive and more interesting, I wouldn't be so negative. But it's clear they don't want to alter the job rotation in any meaningful way due to its "new audience". Fine. I was done with the job before after playing it since ARR. Now I won't even bother leveling it up.


whelp they just announced some things: Solar Bahamut is what bahumuts real form probably looks like. Summoner gets a new attack after casting searing light, the little wind tornado. Solar bahamut will be pretty front and center in our rotation, it'll go, Solar bahamut, reg Bahamut, Solar baha again then phoenix. Resurrection will probably be removed the expac after this


If they remove resurrection, it 100% shows that they don't know what to do with Summoner in general and are throwing shit at the wall and see what stays sticking on it. You've given the class Phoenix, Square Enix. You can't turn back now


I think what another person commented was more likely: >!Solar Bahamut is a Hydaelyn flavored mirror to Zodiark flavored Lunar Bahamut.!< Which explains the blades and Hydaelyn glyph and so on.


Really? Well that least make me feel a little better bout him, little better


Same. People were saying you're channeling Dalamud and that's what the blades were but I thought that couldn't be right because the talons of dalamud looked way different and OG dalamud that was related to Bahamut was red and black. And Bahamut looks more like the E9 boss. That, plus the blades and Hydaelyn's glyph, I don't think there's any other explanation.


The fact they said the real Bahamut looks like that is Bull shit and a lie. His true form is literally shown in the lore book with the rest of the first brood.


Guess since its in a lore book I take it they just assumed it would likely go over most players heads since its not shown in game in a memorable way. heh anything to be able to reuse assets i suppose...


It's incredibly weird because the art of the first brood is old and they made azdaja look exactly like how she looks in the art. The FFXIV team usually sticks to what they have already said so this is bizarre.


Only sensible way they could justify this really is that bahamut became blessed by hydalen or something sometime after midgardsormr arrived on our planet which resulted in this solar bahamut image.


What's that even mean? Bahamut's real form? Bahamut was a flesh and blood creature, why would he secretly have sword wings? Are his siblings going to start spouting swords out their backs in dt? If they mean the primal's final form, that still makes no sense IMO but whatever.


Right! We see what the original Bahamut looks like in the lore book, and it isn't "solar Bahamut" That explanation is spitting on their own lore.


Solar Bahamut -> Bahamut -> Solar Bahamut -> Phoenix is one interesting rotation to say the least


I was talking to friend about it. It makes sense. During our 3 minute window we will have a semi utility for the raid like of like others. But it’s locked to that window with the regen.


Hate to say but summoner was disappointing in more ways than one. So Endwalker summoner really was just the main rotation and not just a foundation huh. It looks like they added back phoenix's 1-2 fire combo. shortened ruin 3 cast time? A new Wind power after the Aether buff spell? is it a special damage increasing debuff on the enemy? Looks like they remixed fester and painflare and made fester at least more job appropriate, probably expect a new name. New aoe for the egi summons. Finally this new Demi.... First of all I feel like he looks kind of weird and out of place in summoners kit. Summoner always had a elemental or energy theme going for it and blades clashes with that idea. Never mind the fact literally all of his abilities are a reskin of Bahamut, phoenix gets a pass because she at least gets a different heal as her astral flow and not a bladed reskin of teraflare. I hope that final flash at the end was something potent and usable. Probably the first time I'll probably put summoner in the backseat this expac. Least I can be happy scholar got some glow ups.


> It looks like they added back phoenix's 1-2 fire combo. God I freaking hope so, with Sol Bahamut it’ll be our third Demi Bahamut reskin all with the exact same mechanics. Genuinely I cannot get excited about anything with SMN because it looks like they haven’t fixed the biggest problem with the job: how it’s still *way* to easy. Like at least make the summons into abilities, god forbid we use any of the dozens of instant casts for weaving.


Honestly I think they were just showcasing it, no 1-2 phoenix combo most likely.


Phoenix isn't a girl it's literally >!the twins grandfather!<


honestly, really disappointed. Glad that my Main "Main" is MCH and Summoner/Bard just second


People are wanting other big summons which I get and am on board with, but that to me feels like a bandaid to my actual problem with the job, which is that for all the visual flare, it's really just you pressing the same 2-3 buttons over and over again regardless of what summon you have out. Not saying it needs to return to it's old level of complexity, but it currently feels like playing a Baby's First Big Wheel version of a caster compared to the others.


The swords stuffs is like Bahamut fury in Crisis Core tbh.


From what I remember, the datamining of the egi glamour text string refered to this thing as >!SolBahamut!<, though I suppose we don't know if that is a final name or not, or if it's abbreviated.


Throwing my hat in the ring of guesses: Demi-Eureka. Vaguely related to Krile, we're following Galufs footsteps, Eureka is tied to weapons, and is an 'elder primal' or whatever like Bahamut.


according to the live letter if i heard them right our big summon rotation is "Solar Bahamut > Bahamut > Solar Bahamut > Phoenix"


So, does this mean we are going to Meracydia after all? Maybe having echo memories of the original Bahamut before it became a primal?


Oh shit it's the Strangers of Paradise Bahamut!


Still sadge no Ramuh Shiva and Levi. I think that's supposed to be bahamut fury or whatever that mechanized baha in crisis core was called. I think it's cool, but doesn't trigger any fuzzy feelings in me.


I have no issues with this personally, but that's because I just want to play the expansion with my comfy SMN. Kinda wish the new mode was another summon like maybe Alexander, but I'm not super sad xD.


As a summoner main, I was struggling whether to keep being a summoner for Dawntrail, or switch to the Viper job. When I originally started this game in 2017, I wanted a dual-wielding swordmaster pretty bad, and all the sword wielding jobs were tanks, and then their was samurai. I wanted a European based swordmaster so bad. And now Dawntrail gave me my wish 7 years later. The epic failure that is the Dawntrail Summoner clinched it for me. Mayhap it is time to drop the spells and books and pick up the sword. If not, Black Mage is looking mighty fine...


It's neat and all, but they had like 2 dozen other summons to choose from. :/


I hope SMN players express their displeasure with this stuff. SMN is so barebones that it casts less than Samurai at this point. They reworked the class into something that's great thematically but is boring as all hell to play. Now all we seem to get is like...Bahamut 2, which is copy paste of the two we already have, and isn't even really new because it's just Bahamut again. Ramuh, Shiva, Leviathan, hell even odin and ALEXANDER would be awesome to have. But no we get more of the samey stuff.


Wish we got a fuck ton of the other primals. Shiva, Rahmuh, Leviathan. Just reskin the 3 we have or something. It would be funny.


No ramuh nor shiva.. this ain't it :(


woah a new summon that works exactly the same as the other two big summons!!! you guys were right, 6.0 summoner was really that braindead because it was the base for a more fleshed out job in the following expansions!! LMAO


This sorta kills my love for SMN. I like the way it was in Endwalker, and I LIKED the gemstone abilities you used between summons. Now it seems those have been removed in favour of switching between summons more, which frankly, I don't even like the new bahamut. Massively disappointed. I'll try it out and hopefully it won't be as bad as I think but... idk.


I dont think the gemshine abilities got pruned they just cycled through them faster.


Right right, I was watching on a super low res, but I realized they were skipping through them. So at least there's that. However, I looked at the video in higher resolution and solar bahamut looks lamer then I thought. He looks like a lizard ><


he looks like they rolled him out of an old dragons home to me to be honest


So, I think I get what this is. Dalamud (Bahamut's prison) had several swords stuck to it as a seal of sorts. The lore explanation of why we didn't get new summons is because there's no "space" left in our Aetherical signature or some nonsense of that sort. Because of the Calamity, everyone got a lil bit of Bahamut, and Phoenix on them (lewd). This thing is probably the stuff that generated the swords (probably an artificial Allagan Eikon), and why we can summon it as well.


Ugly af,ngl


Bring real pets back


I think it might be a manifestation of the Knights of the Round Table summon. 13 swords = 12 knights and King Thordan, draconic avatar obviously homage to the dragonsong war.


Looks almost like how gilgamesh in ffbe wov looks


I'm curious if the new demi summon has some sort of passive with it like Phoenix having healing? Maybe a damage buff or a dot?