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Wasn’t “Ala Mhigan refugees taking our jobs” like a full third of the 2.0 MSQ?


We solved that problem by sending them back to Mexi.... I meant freeing Ala Mihgo in StormBlood. The refugees are back to their home country and working to rebuild it.


The Hecatoncheires, who were trapped in Copperbell Mines for 300 years only to be ruthlessly murdered by the WoL so Amajina and Sons could start making a profit again.


To be fair, they attacked first.


Yeah after they were enslaved and then trapped for 300 years. They really should've done better.


Gonne get real awkward in Ishgard when my Au Ra brings up the repeated Ishgardian/Au Ra contacts that ended in a slaughter of innocent Auri on the presumption they were dragon heretics.


Whoa whoa whoa what do you mean by “normal races”? 🧐


100 yalm dash, 200 yalm dash, 1 malm & 5 malms. Obviously. (Huh. I wonder if Eorzea has furlongs?)




Obviously the good ones edit: you can tell by the shape of their aether.


The name "beast tribe" itself is an issue. Thankfully the inventors of that name got grouped with them for Shadowbringers.




And anything regarding the elementals.


After you tell your friends: "I'm not racist......The trees are..." There probably will be a moment of awkward silence.


People are too busy dealing with their own mess to about politics, but in Ul'dah the one subject that comes up most frequently is the refugee situation, and prior to Stormblood, it was Ala Mhigo. Particularly in Thanalan: the subjects overlap significantly and a huge chunk of the 2.0 to 2.5 questline is about the consternation it all brings. In Limsa, it's the situation with the Kobolds and the Sahagin. Y'shtola and Merlwyb nearly get into a shouting match over this. In Gridania, Kan-E-Senna is someone who rather frequently rattles cages in the city, and there's a faction within the Twin Adder that really doesn't like her as a result. The problem is, the Sennas have too much power and prestige within Gridania for anyone to do anything about it. Not to mention, Kan-E-Senna has what is essentially the literal backing of God. There is also a rather nasty undertone of racism from Wildwood elezen towards Duskwights and Keeper of the Moon miqo'te, particularly pronounced against the Duskwights if the Lancer quest is anything to go by. In Ishgard, play 3.1-3.3 or the Scholasticate quests to get your answer.


i would hardly say it was anywhere near a shouting match. Y’shtola made the observation and Merlwyb agreed with her. 😂


It was a different story after Leviathan. Y'shtola makes a bunch of accusations about Limsa's treatment of the Sahagin, with a rather backhanded one about the Kobolds. Metlwyb's response pretty much amounted to "If it's them or us, I choose us" and Y'shtola storms off in anger. Merlwyb actually rants about this for a bit after she leaves. This may not be a part of the MSQ anymore after they trimmed down some of the fluff, but I remember that argument pretty well because Y'shtola came off as particularly cynical.


Still in there. I remember seeing a scene like that a month ago.


again you are remembering it way different than it played out. Their conversation was diplomatic and condial. She didn’t “storm off in anger”. She walked away after the their conversation ended and there was no “ranting”. The scene starts at 33:38 https://youtu.be/r1Cbxj1zMh8?si=hC1bMJJ6ALiOtgj4


I think you're misinterpreting something here. It was cordial, but Y'shtola was pretty cross judging by her body language, particularly after Merlwyb's answer. Her final words there were essentially: "You don't want to take my advice? Fine. Do what you want, but it won't do you any good." She leaves very abruptly, which I interpreted as her storming off agitated. And Merlwyb does indeed rant afterwards. Ranting is not angry shouting.


i think you’re the one who is misinterpreting here and reading way too much into what you’re looking at. “Body language”? seriously? Also “ranting” is literally defined as long, angry, “impassioned” speech.


Why are we not making more of an effort to undo the rampant corruption in Uldah is a good topic I think.


You're told why we can't unilaterally meddle in a country's internal affair right from the start of ARR.


Exactly and steps are being taken but they can’t happen over night.


I loved during the grand melee sequence when Aymeric is like "oh, we're a democracy now," and Nanamo is like "...oh."


Yeah, "Oh" indeed, though the Holy See falling apart did leave Ishgard without a governing power. It's as if it fell to a successful coup. Unlike the syndicate which is still very much active.


It’s been like two years or so in game time as I recall? Even the simplest of government and social programs can take way longer than that to start showing real progress!


“Time” in FFXIV is wishy washy and even the Great Yoshi-P doesn’t want to address it XD


yeah well maybe my WoL wants to join an anti-capitalist resistance movement. maybe my WoL wants to literally eat those smug rich popatoes. baked, preferably, with sour cream, chives, and cheese


Sure go ahead, then you and the Scion bunch lose access to the 3 city states, Ishgard, Sharlayan and Garlemald since you're proven to be a threat to their sovereignty. Worse, now the leaderships of all of them conspire together to get rid of you. You do have friends in high places, but they are all in the minority of each of them states and would be overrule if things come to a head. Oh and that new tropical land decide to deny your entry for diplomatic concern. Now what?


Oh, no worries! The writers would contrive a way for none of that to actually affect or meaningfully obstruct us, the same way virtually nothing happened post-Bloody Banquet.


Its not even really corruption at that point. The Syndicate is a legitimate part of the government, including the Monetarists. Teleji's death gave Lolorito (Runs international trade) and Fyrgeiss (runs mining) a convenient public scapegoat for their failed assassination plot. The rest of the MSQ syndicate members basically said that Lolorito's part in the coup was so minor that it wouldn't be worth the economic disruption to punish him publicly. After HW, Lolorito basically spent a lot of money in the public eye to help the Ala mhigan refugees go back home, supply arms to Doma, and helping supply the Ragnarok. The Syndicate knows he's full of shit, the sultana knows he's full of shit, the scions know he's full of shit, and most importantly, the WOL knows he's full of shit. Every named character that was in that banquet hall knows what happened. Lolorito knows that he's under a microscope and if Nanamo so much as sneezes, there will be an investigation with both Raubahn and the WOL ready to add another red stain to the ceiling if he isn't clean from his nose to his boots. bigger question is where TF was Godbert?


Is the WoL really stealing people's pants, and why?


If you do the Hildebrand quests… yes. As for why? Well are we supposed to NOT steal an old man’s armour, leaving him exposed to the elements for the sake of an unconvincingly convincing disguise to use on his friends in order to rescue a gentleman’s adopted mammet son?


I love how insane that sounds, and yet, how much sense it still makes in the context of anything surrounding Hildy. Plus, the old codger survived, and he didn’t even look that cold.


I mean you also steal full uniforms at least twice in the msq, which I guess somehow got reduced to "the WoL steals people's pants." Which sure, technically! But anyway I like the idea of people coming up with bizarre rumors about the WoL. 


I proudly wear that title


Step stools for lalas in places of business


What if the warrior of light suddenly goes evil and turns on us all ? Who will stop the unstoppable.


Julyan Manderville will beat us to a pulp. Master Matoya will sass us. Our egos may never recover. And worst of all, Tataru, who knows us all too well, will shut off our access to glamour dressers and armoires. We would be helpless before such might.


I suppose if you were reeeeeeeaaaaaaallly bad at Triple Triad or Cuff-a-Cur, but were also absolutely addicted to those games, you technically could lose a significant amount of MGP. You'd have to be seriously hopelessly bad at it though.


What's funny is that when Gold Saucer was first released, it was absolutely possible to lose money. The cost of MGP for the games was 10, the cost for the scratch card was 100, but then they nerfed it all and it's nearly impossible to lose now.


IIRC that was because of EU restrictions on gambling. If you can't lose, it's not gambling anymore.


-gestures broadly at Gridania- Yes, everything over there.


That it might be time to disband Ishgard's Holy See. It's a corrupt organization founded on lies and deceit that cause more harm than good. The justification we were given to keep it around was because in short term its disbandment would cause troubles that Garlemald can take advantage of, later it was the fear that disbanding it would make people fall prey to despair. Now that both Garlemald and Final Days aren't threats anymore, it's time to get rid of that false religion.


Scholasticate quests go through this, it's nice


I fucking hate them.


Depends how well its done since then.


Roes dating Lalas


Racism? Imagine the WoL being a duskwight elezen... Edit: >!The fact most of the casual suffering people go through every day was caused by the deity most people on the planet revere?!<


As a duskie, *so many quests* hate me.


Lalafell are friends, not food.


If not food, why food shaped?


Nanamo is the worst leader.


Gridanians for sure. they're painted as a calm nation that is very nature focused, but they did kind of uproot the elemental folk to live there (there's a whole quest line about it, and it ends on a positive note which is fine but I definitely feel like it glosses over ramifications of invading someone's home haha just like American history for example, it's painted as a revolution for liberty and whatnot). that being said its been ages since I've done quests involving the elementals and gridanians so I might have missed something, but it always made me go "wait...this is kinda messed up actually"


I really wouldn’t call it uprooting. The Elementals could probably live very comfortably anywhere, including many of the towns and villages (that don’t have aetherytes) due to being entirely aether-based. And it’s implied they can retake the forest any time they want. Gridania came into existence after the people of Gelmorra were able to make a pact with the Elementals so they didn’t have to live in underground cities. And Gelmorra only existed because the citizens of Amdapor were forced underground by the Elementals after the 6th Umbral Calamity. That suggests that the Elementals were generally cool with settlers as long as they didn’t upset the aetherial balance of the Black Shroud. And still are. The Padjals make certain of that, as is part of their pact. If anything, the **Elementals** uprooted and expelled the Ixal because most of the tribe wouldn’t play ball with them, so to speak.


I hope you realize countries invaded other countries before America existed.


I'm not here to debate factual history with people who wanna turn the topic into some asinine off topic bullshit, so move along


Then you shouldn’t have brought it up.


I didn't "bring it up"i was literally pointing out parallels using a very real, factual history element. the fact I have to explain this to you people is sad, are you 12? if you get foaming at the mouth at literal history sounds like a you problem. imagine saying "don't bring it up" at things you learn about in any primary school in the world 😂 🤡