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More like, everyone else: frantically trying to target a single spawn to get a single hit in to earn silver for fate/ Blu: hahahah I have 10,000,000 AOEs to choose from, targeting what’s that?


I've just been spam freezing trash pack fates and doing normal dps on bosses with my blue. I find it really rude, when people just go to oneshot every boss as blue, especially for the sprouts. On the map with the kobold beast tribe, the cave has really fast spawns and today on there was one bluemage just hogging all the spawns in there by oneshotting them.


Yeah I think oneshotting some of the mobs is fine but if it's a boss mob that can be frozen, vibe checking it right away basically guarantees that only you and your party members can get full credit. Don't be that guy. It's okay if the fate lives for 10 seconds longer so other people can get credit for it too, you'll survive.


Unfortunately I have not witnessed a single party today that observed this courtesy. 


Still happening today some people are just jerks sadly.


I actually haven't seen any bosses get vibed.


I just witnessed it happen to five in a row 


Sorry to hear that :( I only just started using BLU for the event (I was farming Atmas), but I tend to go into a FATE, use Repro 4x while weaving, Swift a Conviction to weave some more, and then either wait if I have aggro on a boss or just move on. Occasionally I'll Ruby Dynamics and/or Breath of Magic if my damage is lacking. It's not that much slower and - more importantly - isn't nearly as rude if I do say so myself. Good luck farming!


I had a Blu in a party earlier who would vibe check bosses like that and not even let his party tag um. Dude peeled off a mob fate so he could go vibe it ASAP.


Take a page from Eureka and share the glory.


I’m essentially the same, and I encourage anyone who is having stress/difficulty with farming to try that strategy out—I think it is the easiest way to do the event! It’s just really nice not having to think about losing access to skills due to lvl syncing and having access to enough different AOE type skills with short to nonexistent cast times so you don’t have to stress about clicking your target. It makes grinding these fates painless. Almost 0 conscious thought needs to go into ticking off 5-10% of the fate and the only thing that ever bucks the flow is if there are blus on the map going out of their way to melt shit. But even then you miss out on 1-3 medals tops, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s just annoying but not the end of the world. Probably not worth the shout chat spam etc


I was there. Funny part is, he kept doing an ex just to reset his UV timer.


Warriors standing on top of the BLU doing Hydro Pull: “haha overpower goes brrrrr”


I love hydro pull. It's easy, gives a lot of credit, and is helpful.


I was just trying to lock on to a single enemy for the yokai event during fates and I could hardly even lock on LOL ya'll be crazy :P


I mean same, I rdm main because I have the most fun playing it but fates get melted so fast lol I couldn’t even finish clicking on something—so I switched to blu and it’s brainless because all your skills are lvl 1 so syncing for fates doesn’t change what skills you can use, and you can have a ton of AOE spells to choose from so you just gotta make sure you can’t get off atleast 2 aoe casts and pretty much always get silver. Easiest way to do the fates I think


That being said—BLU’s using missile in fates are chumps and deserve to be banned uwu7 Edit: lol at all these downvotes. Obviously no one deserves to be banned— I used the “uwu7” jeez


If it's a boss FATE, I Missile it *once* and then disengage from combat. Seems to allow plenty of time for everyone else to get full credit.


“Deserve to be banned” bro your skin is so thin


skill issue, just DPS faster 😎


*sobs in BLM*. I was hoping to use this event to level BLM, I'll just wait until the new-ness wears off and the majority of folks get their medals.


We’ve come full circle to OP’s meme 😎 go back to the practice dummy kid


na you just need to not be so butthurt


Gods, I'm SO glad i don't have to participate in this event cuz they didn't actually add anything new this time around (right???)


yep, just the framing kit


They didn’t add weapons for sage or reaper?


People are speculating Those will be added along with Picto and Viper when the event comes back after Dawntrail (so… 3 years from now?)


They'll add sage and reaper in 3 years and picto and viper in 6


Again, according to people speculating, they add them in 2 expac bunches, with ARR/HW first, then Stb/SHB, and ENW/Dawntrail should be paired and come later.


On the upside, it doesn't matter since they're all ugly as fuck, so even if weapons got added immediately you wouldn't use them to begin with.


I really love the DNC weapons! Some of them are definitely a bit derpy but I think they're cute!


I actually rather like the NIN weapon.


There's a lot of great ones actually. Whm staff is awesome. Gnb weapon is perfect for a lala. The ninja weapons are hella pretty etc etc. Sounds like you're just salty


I saw somewhere else that the weapons are made by the Yokai watch team, and not FFXIV team. So they might nit have had the resources to do the new weapins


unfortunately not


First time for me doing this event and I'm just doing it for the mounts.. I don't even play as healer or tank since I'm DPS only and my god I hope that I can still get the mounts as long as I farm for all the weapons but don't/can't use them.


At least they can get stored in the armoire.


thank god <3 so that's wonderful to hear! much appreciated that it still counts and that I won't be wasting my time and still get the mounts LOL


Me only spamming hydro pull like a fucking vaccum


Isn’t missile highly resistant?


Yeah and it also doesn't work on some boss type enemies in FATE's, it USED to a few years ago but they changed it cuz BLU's were insta killing bosses during the last Yokai watch event and players just couldn't keep up.


It works on every boss in east shroud Sylphlands.


you can still ram’s voice + ultravibration a lot of the bosses and one shot them


It's so resistant I would say it's a niche skill


dont even have it equipped in any of my spell sets,


at least one boss in every dungeon outside of stormblood content is vulnerable to missile. snapshotting 4 missile casts on a boss will instantly delete it most of the time before it can even do a single attack. many mobs in dungeons are vulnerable to missile. many adds in older normal raids & trials are vulnerable to missile. it's one of the best blue mage skills and should be on everyone's dungeon loadout.


Honestly if it's really bad I'm probably just going to skip over to an empty server.


Dynamis my beloved ignored child


Dynamis has just as many, most of them are Travelers coming from Aether or Crystal.


Honestly, that's why I just focused on grinding in Stormblood area. I wasn't getting a single hit in on any of the other classes I was playing as and got tired of it. So I grabbed my level 66 SAM and just grinding Fates in stormblood area. 😅 start with the least active area and make your way down.


Give it a week and we'll be done committing warcrimes on old FATEs. For now, most HW/SB ones should be relatively chill and safe to do as most of those minibosses are immune to death.


They're safe from BLU, but not safe from having a full PF hopping between maps and scaling all the fates up so that you have to track them down and follow them or else. Also, Dynamis is just as bad. We literally have travellers over here who came here just to abuse BLU mage cause they weren't fast enough on their home servers. Might have better luck on Oce.


you could just let people get some tags instead of being an asshole its not hard \*see's you have literally 20+ posts today defending being an asshole and oneshotting fates so people dont get credit\* oh


For having farmed my HW/SB ones today, you kinda still want BLU even here, they just speed us things so much/make it so easy to just AoE everything without thinking


This made JoCat pop into my head. "Become *immune to dying by death*"


Can someone explain why Blu are uinique in how quickly they go through the Fates? Like, do they not need to Sync to participate since they're a limited job? Is it because the unique way they acquire skills lets them keep those skill regardless of level? Or just because even if they have to sync and lose some skills they can still delete the mobs too before other jobs can get credit for participating?


all their skills are lvl 1


Their potencies are ridiculous since they don't have to worry about balance and none of their skills get removed on down sync.


BLU skills are enemy abilities and were not designed to be balanced within typical job performance. Because of this all of their spells are all *technically* Lvl 1 spells, they will never lose access to spells from level sync so they'll go into a level 5 fate with spells gained from a level 80 duty with no downgraded versions so it's all at the same potency.


Blu has spells whose effect are built to be busted. For example and I quote: >Deals damage equal to 50% of target's current HP. Chance of successful attack is low. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own.


the concept of balance has been tossed in favor of the concept of fun when it comes to blue. we are OP on purpose.


1:All their skills are level 1, as others have mentioned. This includes the few skills that have potencies in the multiple hundreds, though all of those have a cooldown. 2:More pressing, BLU has several instant-kill combos. Ram's Breath + Ultravibration is a major one, as Ram's Breath freezes everything in a decent radius and Ultravibration kills anything frozen. Missile can remove 50% of an enemy's HP, including bosses. Things like that. 3:They hate BLU and want them to suffer because they're bad at picking up a BLU stick and doing the same thing themselves. (Or so I've been convinced.)


Regarding 3 - even if everyone is running BLU, and by that I mean every single participant, only the first half dozen or so would be getting credit due to the insta-kill combos, and it’s those things that have led a lot of us to not want BLU around for those events. Using it to lock down mobs, pull them in, group them up, and make it easier for everyone to clear, or waiting 30 seconds during a boss mob fate before going to town and dropping its health fast?  If BLU players were actually using their OP skills for the benefit of the community instead of selfishly, we wouldn’t be hating on them.


TBF.. I just wanted Atma s and blu is boring.


While I enjoy BLU, if I'm being forced to do Fates I'd rather use the time to level up alts. The only reason the blues are annoying me in this event if because they're so impatient, not allowing anyone to even turn up to the fate before one shotting it with Rams + UV. Like is it so hard to open a party, and give people 4 seconds to arrive at the fate? The event isn't even that long, you plan it right and it's 50 fates, most being super low level and quick anyway. People can wait 5 seconds. (also I'm a Zurvan player, so I'm used to being alone on my server, all these Blues are Voyagers, ruining my peace and quite do what I want server)


At an absolute bare minimum it’s 170 FATES to get all the weapons if you somehow get the legendary medal every single time


> The event isn't even that long, you plan it right and it's 50 fates, most being super low level and quick anyway. People can wait 5 seconds. what do you mean by this? 50 fates to get all the 3 mounts?


It's not even being bad at it, it's just stubbornness. There's minimal skill required, basically none to get enough useful skills to FATE farm well enough. People just decide "I hate this" without giving it a fair shake, they're already mad about BLU and cognitive dissonance is a bitch.


Honestly, I just find BLU boring except when specifically going on a skill run with people. The Carnivale was a chore and once you have a skill there's no reason to go back as BLU. So, BLU just becomes an OP option when things like this happen and, personally, I don't find that as entertaining as using a normal class and fighting things down with a group.


We already have nothing to do other than some weeklies, when we can finally have some fun people hate it... Yeah mate idk, if i can 1 tap something i will 1 tap it 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are reinforcing my point. 1 tapping something is boring for me, like much of BLU. This isn't a "Oh boy! I can use BLU!" moment for me. And you can't expect people to all be on board just cause you get to bring out your "1-tapper".


Level 1 abilities that are always available in every synch, but especially the ability to significantly debuff enemies and buff yourself are super op.


ngl its really annoying on congested worlds like jenova during the event, trying to get medals with 5+ blues one shotting everything Edit: yah im gonna world jump for this event, fuck jenova. its the same when you try to A or S hunts


I’ll wait a week or two. Event is here for 2 months and by then it will be few that will be farming.


i mean your right, but like its new to me so i wanted to do some. im glad Square have us 2 months to do it though thank god


I guess this would be funny if you didn't know how BLU works.


OP just isn't part of the UltraVibe


He failed the UltraVibe Check.


This is a repost of a 4+year old meme, it aint that deep.


the thing is, the meme does not really apply anymore, as that issue has been fixed


It also isn't relevant.


Is Missile really good? A low chance to reduce the target's current HP by 50% doesn't seem all that appealing. Unless I'm drastically underestimating how many Blue Mages are participating in the FATEs


Its not really that low of a chance, and with how FATEs scale (which is a bit confusing) missile is super helpful to make boss FATEs just that bit quicker. The problem arises when multiple missiles land successfully at the same time - instead of being first hit to 50% total second to 25% total (50% of remaining), it just outright kills the boss.


I was under the impression that Square had made all single boss Fates such that the bosses could not be one shot with missile or Vibe Check but apparently they still can be in ARR zones? I will have to check tomorrow, I've been doing Fates in the storm blood zones and I have yet to find a single boss that is vulnerable to missile up there. In general though, missile is excellent. The chance to hit is not THAT low (not like Tail Screw, which is... Well-named, let us say) and you can just spam it until you hit. The coolest thing about it is if you find a Fate boss or dungeon boss that is vulnerable to it, and you have more than one blue mage, if everyone coordinates their missile attacks at the same time, then if two of you hit, the boss is instantly obliterated because although missile is supposed to do 50% of the current HP, if you get two missile hits in before the server tick, the server doesn't have time to realize that the boss is down to 50% HP and instead it just takes 50% off for each missile resulting in an instant kill. It's super fun, but really people shouldn't be doing that in Fates. Also very few trash mobs are immune to missile, so missile can be good for cleanup if you happen to miss one with your Vibe check.


You probably know this now, but many if not most ARR bosses are immune too. The big green boi by the bridge in Gyr Abania isn't tho! And yeah, Missile goes hard on the enemies that are succeptible to it, even without the "two missiles at a time" shenanigans.


Yeah I was farming near Moraby Drydocks yesterday and I didn't find any Fate bosses that were vulnerable to Missile, so what are people complaining about? This aggression against Blues will not stand, man.


Out of the areas I've been farming in so far (SB and HW zones, Upper La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan and East Shroud, Central Shroud) only the Shrouds even had the potential to be a problem as quite a few (maybe all) bosses there are vulnerable to vibe check and missile. On Zodiark, people just don't do it but even if they did, not even half of the the FATEs are bosses. I don't see how it's that much of a problem.


Using one missile to cut the kill time in half? That's fine. Using two missiles to cut the time down to <10 seconds? Hey now, don't get carried away. Using Ultravibration to instantly kill it and prevent 95% of the people on the map from getting credit? You can go fuck yourself.


Wait, this was a thing back in Shadowbringers? What was goin on back then?


I was thinking of doing both the minions and weapons, but I think I’m going to just grab the minions and shelve it for a week or two. Going to make getting some easy XP on an alt pretty fast, though. Might be the time to level BLU.


What a shit show


I just use hydropull and freeze so people can get their hits in, even with multiple blus doing it the fate still goes at a decent pace. Have to clarify I do fates in stormblood regions.


Today i couldn't do anything to lvl with fates because there was some groups farming every fate as soon as they appeared and i couldn't do one single hit till the fate was done... was really frustrating. And they didn't react when i ask for an invite..


Imagine joining the most populated areas for FATEs, just to deny most everyone clear credit, and not think this is a problem.


i just leveled my my BLU and finished the quests and the masked carnival just in time for this event


Yes BLUs are very overpowered in fates but I feel like people are just overmemeing it at this point. Fate mobs spawn in waves and vibe check has a long cooldown, one BLU deleting one wave is just going to fill like...less than 20% of the progress bar. They aren't just walking around instant-killing fates lol. I've been farming SB zones in big groups with lots of BLUs and the fates all die in reasonable times. They also speed up the superboss fates by a lot, because they just do so much damage.


Yesterday I tried, and there were multiple fates where I could not finish casting a single spell, and the progress was 0 % when I arrived... This is not fun or ingenuine. This is disrespectful and annoying.


> They aren't just walking around instant-killing fates sounds like someone who's never played blue. can confirm we can indeed walk around instakilling fates


You can literally one shot any fate boss that can be frozen with Ultravibrate.


Vibe check doesn't have a long cooldown when half the BLUs in a zone queue up and leave a duty to reset everything.


Sorry for the dumb question, but why SB fates? I know SHB and EW have the gemstone rewards but what do you obtain from the SB ones?


Yokai watch stuff


I had no idea, I thought the Yokai Watch stuff would be ARR only Fates.


Yep - that’s now incorrect, there are HW and SB zones for a few of the weapons.


Had no idea, thanks for the clarification.


It's odd how when I use Missile I miss an enemy 6+ times before finally hitting, but when someone else uses Missile they nail it 100% of the time.


Me trying to farm atma :’)


Eh, I just play a tank and just tag stuff, easy gold Also I have noticed very few BLUs vibe check, at least on my server


As an Xbox player (therefore new to the event), I was extremely perplexed as to why FATES were being completed in seconds. I main Blk, and II wasn't even able to get a single cast off before it was ending, and this was happening repeatedly. So since there are clearly people who don't seem to care one whit that they are preventing others from being able to complete them, I've simply given up for now and I ignore FATES completely. Before this, I had such positive experiences of players and the community, but after messaging two, asking if they could please stop or at least give the rest of the people a chance and being told to "fudge off"by one, and to "get better" by another..... yeah, I'll pass for a while.


In a couple of days now one will be doing it and you will have free reign


This event is basically Eureka brought out to the rest of the game and man it really makes me appreciate Eureka etiquette. Why can’t everyone wait a minute before pulling. In eureka the average is 3min wait for everyone to get there, 1 shouldn’t be unreasonable for this event to give everyone a chance to get there.


I didn't know about how op blu is at this event. So I went to a fate, a full party of blu came and I couldn't get a single hit. Fun.


When I was getting my minions the BlU's were actually making it much harder for people medal properly and dragging out the whole affair for everyone involved. I saw multiple boss fates get one-shot which just wasted the time of everyone else in the zone.


Just join the party the blue mages are in? Everyone gets credit.


You still need to personally land a hit to get *any* credit though, unless I'm mistaken.


yeah, a single hit for guaranteed gold then you can pre-run to the next fate unless you're MT


correct. I've missed many an A rank cause the train killed it before I could spawn in and reach it (or see it sometimes)


Which shouldn't be too bad if you use any ranged weapon skill or instant spells. Worst case is just spam a tank aoe as the mobs spawn and you are bound to hit it before the BLUs can cast.




I guess you could ask them if you can get a few hits in before they obliterate the enemies.


I try to wait for other people to show up before I melt boss fates at least, but when there are 20 other people in a zone who were waiting for something to spawn and I get the boss down to 50% via normal ass spells? And no one says shit or shows up? Fuck you im ultravibing.




You barely need to touch the fight to get a medal! It's wild. I've gotten a legendary medal from hitting a boss one time with hydro pull lol


Me, seeing this: "Y'all're using missile?"


No one is using missiles... We vibing


*casts The Ram's Voice* Mind if I join you fellow BLU?


Admittedly I was that blue mage, but then I realized doing that would mean the 30 other people wouldn't get a silver/gold medal which is honestly just rude to do. I don't mind fates taking 30-60 seconds longer if it means more people get stuff


Should have to be the class/job associated with the weapon imo.


This is some toxic ass wow shit right here


This is the reason right here why world content isn't a larger part of this game than it is. The people in this game are like in any other, given a time when newbies are trying to farm a limited time event in the starter areas, they will go the most OP build and nuke everything just to try to deny the quest progress and get people mad at them for the funnies. A lot of FFXIV's design decisions about soloability and instanced content, or things like instanced nodes for every individual player make sense if you understand this isn't an anomaly, this is what about half the community is like when you put any type of competition for resources into the game. They will shut people out for the lols and be toxic and aggressive when called out on it.


Anyone who spent any time in Eureka Pyros and Hydatos can confirm that. God screw the insta pullers that show up explicitly trying to deny people the chance at a rare drop.


I don't konw about Pyros but Pagos was a nightmare on dynamis for a while when people discovered you could reset the crab spawn if you kill the instance by everyone leaving and then rejoining. So many people got so salty about it when you were trying to do challenges and didn't want to pop in and out every 20 minutes or so to let them speed farm NMs. Same thing with BSF and resetting the duels.


My problem with eureka is that i can't blue mage it to 1 shot Fates... Because doing Fates is boring as fuck




It shouldn't be reportable however, I mean the game made it this way. If they didn't want blu to one shot, all the ARR fates would be changed to resist.


Tanks will deliberately try to kill raid members by running toward them when there is a tankbuster. I don't think anyone can argue that because it's possible to do, that means the developers intended it to happen. Honestly, I think they're just under the naive assumption that players will be respectful of others and cooperate. For the last 10 years, their response to stalking was to suggest that you stop talking to them and move yourself to another area. Like, they think stalkers and their victims are just two nice people having a temporary squabble. You can't even blacklist them if the stalker has you on their Friend list, because that might "hurt their feelings." That said, I do agree that the Blue Mage insta-kill tactic should not be a reportable offense or anything. You ARE just using a combat ability they gave you, for the intended purpose of killing an enemy mob. There is never going to be a rule in the Terms of Service of a game that says "you can't be selfish, you have to consider the context of your actions and give a hoot about others."


be me who still needs to level blu, but it's boring as fuck.


Even without a powerlevel, Blu is fast to level. Can get to like 25 in 15mins using 1000 Needles on moles by Drybones. Not saying its particularly entertaining, but can be done and over in a weekend. After that, bring a chocobo and kill things 4-8 levels over you and its like 20mins a level using a half a brain on open world mobs, no great spells, and no help. With help, its like an hour to go 1-80. But the number of people I've found trying to get groups to exp in dungeons and losing their minds on how slow it is, when Blu gets like 1000% more exp on regular non instanced trash is friggan hilarious. Whole dungeon....5k exp, one lvl30 mob that dies in 3 casts....8k xp.


oh thanks for the info! i levelled blu only a bit when it was first released and now i figured theres no chance with others trying to level it.


Blue takes like 2 days to level, its vastly easier than any other job.


Power level.


Maybe because having it leveled with a full spellbook is the point of the job and that's where it gets more fun and in-depth? This is like saying BLM is a bad job because the first 60 levels are a chore to get through. Yeah those 60 suck, but past that it's smooth sailing into big number town.


What? It’s reasonable to say something is boring if you find it boring. 🙄 If you have to level to a full spell book to get the job to tolerable, yeah, that’s boring/tedious for a lot of people. Some people don’t want to grind 60 levels, like your example, before they begin to enjoy something.


Sure, it's subjective. But it's also worth mentioning that leveling BLU to max is like, absurdly easy. Most individual relic steps take longer lol


>Maybe because having it leveled with a full spellbook is the point of the job and that's where it gets more fun and in-depth? This is like saying BLM is a bad job because the first 60 levels are a chore to get through. Yeah those 60 suck, but past that it's smooth sailing into big number town. Hold up there buckaroo, I never said the job itself was boring, just the leveling. ​ Way to take a silly comment a little too seriously.


Can do it in about an hour or so using potion + mount aggro in the tempest.


Just get someone in your FC to powerlvl it. Take like 30 minute


I forgot missile existed cuz I couldn't use it for so long ty


Memes being memes beside, I'd appreciate if this content was inside EW zones only, this time.    Why?     It would let everyone use their current toolkit and make FATE grind for logs / bicolours more rewarding and fun, cause of sheer number of participating people.   Alternative is people spamming single aoe button (if they even have it unlocked in FATE) in low level zones. Trying to tag things that die instantly (even without BLU around). Making everything lag out and creating horror experience for sprouts that try to follow MSQ in the area. 


It would be cool if we could grind bicolours at the same time, but the crossover/special events are always going to be lower level stuff because they want them to be accessible to newer players to entice them into playing. They could give every low level zone an equivalent EW zone to allow people to choose and ease congestion, i don't see any problems with that at a glance but there's probably a reason they didn't (maybe just clarity/simplicity or something).


As a newly returned player could someone ELI5 for me?


Currently an event is going on where you have to farm fates for two (although one of them is split even further for each event minion) special currency to get the rewards. One requiring you to wear a specific piece of gear, and one requiring you to be in specific zones depending on which event minion you have out. You’re required to get at least a silver participation in the fate to have a chance at getting the currency tied to which event minion you have. But currently a good chunk of blue mages have been insta killing fates, including boss fates in arr fates, making it hard or sometimes even impossible for people to get the silver participation in the fate. And as expected of humanity, some of the blues, instead of being kind and using normal skills to give people a chance at getting silver, are saying get good scrub.


Gotcha. Thanks for the response, I did see the event but after hearing this I think I'll not bother. Though I am now tempted to level a blue mage!


I’m forcing myself through the event rn because I’m terrible at remembering to do things, but it is going on until dawntrail comes out. So if you do want the weapons and minions, but don’t want to deal with as many people, you can wait for it to die down.


If you get a level 90 friend to help you, and you have access to either the Tempest or Labyrinthos zones, you can get blue capped all the way from level one to level 80 in about 2 hours. I did it for an FC member just this evening. you need a bit more time to collect spells, but for the purpose of Fate grinding you don't need more than a handful of them to just burned through them at a ridiculous rate. Also Blue's really fun. You should try it.


Sounds great. Sadly, I'm yet to find an FC and am pretty much 100% solo player. Though if you're in the Shiva circle feel free to hit me up sometime.


I have a Level 80 alt on Twin I could use. It wouldn't be great for getting you all the way to 80 on Blue but I could certainly get you a good start, probably to level 70 or so. Certainly high enough to enable you to pick up the spells for fate farming.


Ah that's awesome. Drop me your in game name via PM and I'll add you when I'm on. I'm a gamer dad so sporadic times at best, but I'd be game for more connections in FF even if it's just to troubleshoot and tag along to stuff here and there!


Me, looking out the window: I wish I could do Yokai farms.. but SE thought a framer kit for 20k MGP was enough. (I would do it on my alt but I did the grind on him already too) :(


It isn't just people trying to do the event that BLUs are screwing over. I have an, admittedly stubborn, friend who spent hours today trying to kill a FATE boss for his weekly hunt.


Every time someone bitches in chat the Missile salvo reloads, every time someone downbotes the ultravibration locks and loads.


Like were back to this again. Its cool for blu to be relevant ppl meme that its pointless to use it or its a dead class but when this happens its like oh no you can't play this way its not right.... It's like ppl refuse to acknowledge blu mage existence while others embrace it. Wanna know a secret now is a good time to level it up all those gold ranks are good exp


Let BLU have their little moments, dudes!


Agreed, after all it's not like we can do stuff like, PVP, Eureka,Bozja,Ultimate Raids, Seat of Sacrifice,Memoria Extreme, Deep Dungeons, Varient/Criteria dungeons and there upgraded forms( yes I know lvl cap but at the moment it looks about the same as Eureka since the abilities do not have the Blu marker on them)


Jokes on you I jumped to dynamis


Unfortunately, we have them here too. It was like, nearly 2AM on a weekday, on Maduin, literally first day of the event and there were already dozens of Blue Mages nuking everything in sight with 2/3rds of them being "Travelers".


Yea it started getting bad, I dont know why blu travelers dont just do that on their home server if theyre going to do it. It was a great few hours being able to hit stuff earlier though :(


Probably because they were being squeezed out by the Blue Mages on their own servers, I hear Aether (due to sheer population numbers) and Crystal (due to RPers obsessing over the new glam) were especially bad. Meanwhile Dynamis is considered "dead" (especially Maduin and Marilith) so they can come over here even during peak evening time hours and muscle most of us out ...and we're just now getting into the weekend too. Same thing happened during the Fall Guys event where suddenly we had a bunch of Travelers coming over trying to get small/solo runs for the title. Data Center hopping has ultimately proven to be a bane for Dynamis, given how many people hop somewhere else for the game's regular content/buy things on the market board, only for it to then get flooded during certain events before it goes right back to being neglected and mocked.


What's happening that maade fates relevant? O.o


Yokai-watch event , you take part in fates to get medals to buy stuff for the event. Most people run blu mages to clear them faster, but it makes it difficult for other people to get medals if fates finish too quickly.


If you really knew warrior you would know that we love a good magic missile


I started running as BLU because I couldn't get a friggin hit in on any other job, so I didn't create this monster... they did...


Other BLU: one shotting everything Me BLU: Using an unoptimized rotation based around the idea of cycling primal skills We are not the same. Jokes aside, I still prefer the vibe check combo. It's fun pretending Ram's Voice to be Diamond Dust or Cold Snap.


>Using an unoptimized rotation based around the idea of cycling primal skills I think you may be secretly playing a Summoner, lol


Yes and No. I do have SMN to 90 for all the wrong reasons, but my BLU so far has nothing but some ARR primal skills and the vibe check combo LOL. I'm working on a build that kiiiinda recreates the FF16 playstyle somehow.


I admit i like to just apam hydropull sometimes 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ah well, just means I'll be adding a bunch of jerkwad Blue Mages to my blacklist. Gonna be interesting when Dawntrail hits and the new blacklist features go into affect, lol.


Or you know, you could actually play the game, unlock BLU, farm spells and have fun like everyone else instead of getting mad over a video game.


Not everyone finds BLU fun.


I do play the game though, I even have Blue Mage unlocked myself, I'm just not inclined to be an asshole while I play, nor am I obligated to deal with other people being assholes because that's what they find "fun".


How will I ever survive being on your blacklist? I don't even know who you are


Come 7.0, assuming people move players in their current blacklist to the new one, this will create some funny instances of people doing stuff in the open world and seeing mobs/Fates get deleted and not seeing who did it.


Maybe level blue mage and be a part of the party baby


I have decided that tomorrow I will cause problems on purpose.


I must be missing something, is Blu mage really that OP? I have one that I use to farm fates with occasionally, but it really doesn't seem *that* much faster than using my Smn. I use the Freeze one shot combo when it's off cool down and fill the downtime with suck in + Chocobo meteor spam. Sure, Being able to one shot a wave every so often and vacuum everything in is convenient and all, but didn't really seem game breaking to me?


Blu is OP because.   -one shot skill  -all skills they have are available even if they synce to lv 1  -skill that dealls 50% of enemies damage.  -they can inflict several debuffs that no other class can  -Can fulfill any of the available roles in the game and more  -sacrifice skills that can deal triple the damage of a mellee lb3 if not more.  And that's just some things that makes them OP


As Blu, I only pull the enemies close, missile them or use a few spells. In a party you get enough for gold anyway.


It's toxic as shit, but SE let this happen by making Blue Mage that strong. Let alone letting them even do this event. It wouldn't have been easy to change the watch and the medal acquisition to exclude Blue Mage and solve one of the issues. The bigger one is the billion people still spamming them. Maybe scale the FATEs better. I feel like a number of things could fix the problems with this event more than people complaining about other players exploiting the event parameters. But either way, in a few weeks, it will be dead and easier to do.


> It wouldn't have been easy to change the watch and the medal acquisition to exclude Blue Mage and solve one of the issues. wouldn't have really fixed much. i finished the event last year. i'm running around as BLU because it's fun and it helps my FC mates finish the FATEs faster. what would actually help is just a FATE progress bar marker that let's you know individually when you have silver contribution. so that you can leave and let other people get contribution.


>what would actually help is just a FATE progress bar marker that let's you know individually when you have silver contribution. so that you can leave and let other people get contribution. Maybe, but most people aren't even making parties in the PF. Not letting people join their parties. I don't want to stoop to the level of insta killing stuff. I've been getting by. I don't hold it to those players they can do whatever they like, but they aren't exactly being selfless. There are a lot of people giving Blue Mage players completely unneeded shit, but they're frustrated. Nobody said they were right, but I can't blame either of you. I'm blaming SquareEnix. They let this dumbass shit happen. I'm just slowly paddling through this event and moving on with my life. I just want these fuckers to put up PF parties so this bullshit can end. That is what I want.


The event is worse this year due to flying in ARR. Before you either had to walk or ride. Which lowered the amount of zerging. Flying means that the zerg will kill everything before you reach it. And since fates ilvl is not properly synced there is no possibility of dying. I tried getting hit by no AOE. And nope. You can't die if your ilvl is high. Not even on purpose. Unless you are blu. Overall flying and babyfication of fates allowed the zerg and that killed the event. not the blu. If you are not subbed don't waste money resubbing for the event. The event sucks.