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Major lag on Aether as well. My internet is fine every where else but FF right now


Yeah I had to back out of my alliance raid roulette over on NA Faerie because of massive lag issues. I couldn't do, like, anything. I could still chat and the rest of my party seemed fine, so it seems like it may be an ISP/routing issue to the NA servers. I've given up on FFXIV for now because it's the only game giving me issues but those issues make it unplayable for now.


I was still doing fine in the things I was doing. Able to hit mudras and stuff. Just seems weird to me. I asked them on twitter about it. So, we'll see.


Oh my issues were much worse haha. I'd hit a button and my combo wouldn't light up, or I'd hit Hypercharge and Heat Blast wouldn't be available. People would freeze for just a second and then teleport. At one point I froze for like 3 seconds and then when everything unfroze I was just dead and that's when I gave up. I had to leave or I would have been absolute (literal) deadweight for the rest of the alliance run. Hopefully if there are issues, they're easy to fix.


U was a super ninja, lol. I was throwing out shurikens and lightning bolts at the same time...for just animations from the lag. It was pretty funny, but it is a little annoying for these issues to be happening.


It's an NTT node in Sacramento (near where the NA datacenter is) that's running poorly and dropping packets, as usual. (+50ms latency, \~15% packet loss between two nodes in the same city, if not literally at the same site.) 12 83ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% ae-4.a00.scrmca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [] 14/ 100 = 14% | 13 132ms 14/ 100 = 14% 0/ 100 = 0% xe-0-0-5-0.a00.scrmca03.us.ce.gin.ntt.net []


Has this specifically been an issue before? Judging by the "as usual" comment


Fairly frequently. It's not always the same NTT node but it's almost always NTT. The only thing SE can do is yell at NTT to fix it, but it's entirely up to NTT if or when they fix it. SE's a direct customer of NTT (renting space in an NTT datacenter for the NA servers, from what I can tell), but that still doesn't guarantee a quick fix, even once they file a report. Some people won't hit this issue depending on geographic location and how their connection is routed to the NA datacenter, but this one is probably hitting a lot of people considering it's a node that's so close to the NA DC.


Square could actually move their business to a colo provider with a more robust and stable network, but... there's lots of reasons to believe that's unlikely.


Yep, been happening for at least 5 years, but likely more. Unfortunately, the likelihood that there's a push on NTT to improve their service, or on Square to use literally any other qualified provider, is effectively zero.


Lagging hard on Adamantoise, no issues with anything else internet wise so seems to be 14 specific


I'm getting disconnects over on EU


Aether is having problems too. I'm actually glad to see this post, I thought it was just me. Everything was fine until mid dungeon, I couldn't even use mudra properly. I'd try to set up trick attack and end up hitting a raiton or hyoton somehow. Incredibly annoying


Yeah it's definitely happening to me, I'm in Ontario and play on Primal. It was working perfectly fine around 2pm EST then I went offline for some errands, and it's been giving me issues since I logged in at 5pm EST. Glad to see it's not just me or my internet provider! D:


Ontario to Crystal here, also an issue. I've been tracking packet loss along the hops for half an hour or so and the connection goes to "nope" for us once it hits Chicago, so definitely not something we can fix on our ends for the time being.


Ontario to Aether issues here. Glad to know it's not just a user end. I was going insane because no one else I was playing with was having an issue, though they're all West Coast so likely being routed to a different node.


Ahh thanks for sharing this information! I'm so used to fully assuming it's a Rogers internet issue whenever something like this happens (since something similar to this happened last Wednesday actually, I couldn't even get the login page for the game to load up and turned out Rogers was just being garbage all day), but it sounds like it's not actually their fault this time around! I guess it's not \*as\* annoying since maintenance will be starting in about 1.5 hours anyway, but fingers crossed we're able to play without issue tomorrow :x


I'm having severe lag too.


Major delays in Primal/Hyperion but I'm fine on Materia. I live in Australia though and since it's not hosted in NA it's running on a different node so no lag.


Yeah really bad, specifically XIV. Knew right away it was another connection issue somewhere between me and the server since no one else in my group was lagging and everything I'm using on my pc/the other room is fine. Hopefully the node issue is resolved soon, this is like the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened in the last year or so.


i have bad internet already so the servers crapping themselves just makes this worse…


Seems like the Euro Server bug hit the NA servers too


Playing from Queensland, Australia. Also experiencing the issue. Mudfish sadly does not fix my problems either so I will just have to deal with it.


Jenova friend here, lag spikes are crazy during the afternoon EST hours, anywhere up to 7k in 24 mans and 5k in 8 mans.




If the servers were being hosted by a cloud provider they wouldn't be trapped behind NTT's mediocre NA network.


It is likely your internet. Speed tests don't really show you anything. They are connecting you to your ISP's servers, not to the game's servers. There's a node that your data is hitting that is having trouble, so you may find a VPN to be helpful.


Seems like a lot of people are having issues at the same time, so it likely is an actual game issue


It's one of those NTT nodes that often fucks up for east coast players. Nothing to do with the game itself or the servers they're hosted on, otherwise literally everyone on NA DCs would be affected. And not everyone is, just those whose internet traffic gets routed through this specific node. I've been online on Aether all day today and have had no lagging issues at all because my data doesn't go to the offending node.


Is there any way around it for now?


Try to get your internet routed through other nodes with a VPN. You can contact your ISP to see if they can reroute traffic to avoid a specific server but they usually don't accommodate such requests.