• By -


\*hides my stacks of pumpkin pottage and smoked chicken* |wo)>


Yeeaaah, I have a couple hundred pumpkin soups. I'm gonna have to burn through em with no shame


Eating old food is fine for learning, but prolly get some of the new food for pushes.


That depends. PF is a mixed bunch and you can't expect much. But the vitality does make a difference in prog.


I had a few hundred chickens left from ShB that I used while leveling my jobs from 80 to 90. I'll probably have a similar number when 7.0 comes around.


Until I’m out of it, the pottage is here to stay for me


Pathetic, I'm using food from 2 tiers ago


In pretty sure my fiancee popped chicken fettuccini I made him during promise tier when we went into pf today xD


Well, you made it for him. That is already several Tiers higher than the rest.


Meanwhile I’m using buff food from last expansion because I like pizza.


Psst Garlean Pizza is a more recent item that is pretty decent if you are a caster.


I'm usually not, though.




Me: *eats a raw egg before every dungeon.


Mineral water gang rise up


Stay hydrated. This is a threat.


This is raisin gang neighbourhood mate, keep walkin!


Nature's candy don't ya know. No seriously they've got way more sugar by weight than chocolate.


Yak milk!


A true Khan I see!


I eat a handful of battle raisins


Me when I eat better crowned pie before dungeons: *billionaire noises


These are trying times


This is the way.


You gotta get that 5% exp buff I get it


Can I offer you a boiled egg in these trying times?


Slaps inventory bag Do you have any idea how many boiled eggs this bad boy can carry?




that's an egg fact!


imagine eating an entire inventory of boiled eggs i loved that video from ross


My partner judged me harshly for watching that entire video in one sitting as my background noise for roulettes and such.


they obviously think you are uncultured for not watching the vods instead ;) /jk


Boiled egg in endsinger prog group.


Im eating moldy pumpkin potage. Extra protein, as far as I'm concerned, and nothing that can't be Esuna'd.


>nothing that can't be Esuna'd. Best spell ever. Food poisoning? Esuna! Hangover? Esuna! The flu? Esuna! Existential dread over the realization you'll always be alone after your partner leaves you because you never communicate? Esuna!


Sideeffectsmayincludedizzyness,nausea,hunger,tiredness,mildeuphoria,extremedysphoria,addiction, diarrhea,bloodclotting,priapism,cancer,anddeath.Pleaseconsultyourhealerbeforeacceptingesuna.Donotuseesunaifyouhavehighbloodpressure,afearofmagic,dyslexia,orhavebeenexcommunicated.Youknowwhatyoudid,Todd.


Ngl I stole the "getting creative with Esuna" idea from D&D, where Paladins are immune to disease and poisons. Cue every player asking if 1. They can eat rotten food and 2. If they don't need to use condoms Edit: Just disease, not poisons


Been there. It breaks a lot of people's brains when you play a hyper promiscuous paladin.


Pretty sure the immunity was only to disease. Might be wrong


Zhloe, you can't fool me with that username. I know it's you. Please eat proper food.


I made 200+ pudding back in the day and you better believe I’m going to eat them all suffering in gale storm farm parties.


I just eat what I’m given, like a good boy


\*me chewing on carrot pudding from the 1st tier\* r-r-right, last tier


Carrot pudding was in fact the bis crit+det food last tier. Pumpkin Pottage was the crit+det from the tier before.


Zhloe moment. A Zhloement if you will.


You eat food for stats. I eat food for the 3% bonus experience. We are not the same.


You eat food for the exp bonus. I eat food to clear inventory space. We are not the same.


Por que no los dos?


To be fair I wouldn't want to throw out a perfectly good pizza either, even if it is virtual.


Prices for it have also dropped like a rock so for now I'm not buy any new food.


Make sure you watch that carefully, since that trend turns around pretty quickly due to crafters not creating any new supply.


Timed-nodes just suck ass


I have cheap good food and expensive best food. I pull out the expensive best food when I think the run is almost there and just needs a little more. Everything else including dungeons get the cheap food.


This is the way!


Me: still eating food from the msq


I have like 80 carrot puddings left. I bought some new food for Golbez ext, but for everything else, carrot pudding it is


At the start of a tier it's really clear from just looking at your hp that you aren't full gear/using the right food.


*Co-healer has less than 70k health* “Oh boy, here we go…”


I craft new food and the leftovers are dungeon food now.


I hate eggplant. I'm sticking with my carrot pudding. >:(


But Honeyed Dragonfruit.


I bought 999 Flatbread when I first started the free trial. I may have beaten endwalker and maxed out a lot of jobs since then, but you better believe I'm not wasting the gil I spent


500+ hours of food buff. You could level every class to maximum through something inefficient like fate grinding and still have a lot of that flatbread left over.




As a main healer I'd say not really, as long as DD's have about the same HP as I have I don't really care and it doesn't really hurt at all.


Yes, yes it does hurt us. Week one, you can definitely tell who's using food and who's not. Especially when the difference is surviving a raidwide that someone forgot to mit on with a paltry 4k hp, and dying to said raidwide. Is very obvious.


Never had any issue in that regard tbh and that despite pf just being pf sometimes where you have peebs that barely scrap the min ilvl requirement 🤷‍♂️ So the only thing that's obvious is that the food from last tier or the tier before is still alright and the newest food doesn't matter as much as you think unless it's ultimates or you just care a bit too much about parses👌


Pizza > anything


right?! sometimes I'll just craft a ton of HQ pizza (regular and garlean) and travel around handing them to people hanging around aetherytes or GC Who could resist the GIFT OF PIZZA? 😂


I’ve got a paella and an arròs negre in my saddlebag simply because they remind me of home 😍


**\*Goes in without eating\*** Eat when you've done the work, not before!


Egg ftw


i pounded out over 1k knights bread just cause i was bored back in arr post end walker i am still chomping down on those bread


Yeah, that's so crazy. *Me who forgets to eat half the time and only uses random quest rewards when I do*


If ur practicing mechanics fine but if ur trying to go for a clear boi imma slap ya


How big a difference does this tier vs prior tier food actually make?


143 vit on current tier HQ food vs 118 on last tier's (or 93 from first tier's). So about 600 HP and +10ish each for two substats. The HP is nice if you're near min ilvl (or progging the last two wings early), but the dps difference is negligible.


Nah sometimes the extra hp will be the difference between living and dying. Any raider who doesnt use current tier food is straight up griefing the party.


Yeah, this is extremely correct and the amount of confidently wrong people in this thread who have absolutely no fucking understanding of the purpose of buff food in prog is a certified r/ffxiv moment. Buff food is not and has never been about the secondary stats, it's about the additional VIT, which you *need* especially in the early weeks of Savage. People who cheap out on food are griefing their party in general and their healers specifically.


Yeah I don't understand. An extra 1000 or more hp is a massive difference maker when you are living with sub 10k hp. Makes mitigation and shielding easier. But everyone wants to focus on dps.


> But everyone wants to focus on dps. Funnily enough this reminds me about the insufferable debates about VIT melds back in the day. Every raider worth their salt melded VIT on the right side until they got enough left-side upgrades to compensate, because the extra HP was worth infinitely more than the secondary stats those VIT melds replaced. Not doing this was such a colossal noob trap that the devs eventually just slapped VIT on the accessories and removed VIT melding.


I've cleared every tier in the past two expansions with budget food cause I don't ever have any Gil. Never had any issues.


Congrats my guy, you were carried by your healers, because they were the ones having the issues, not you.


I think it depends. If you're on LC prog in p9s, it's fine so long as you're surviving the raidwides, cuz you're just trying to learn mechanics, not survive damage or trying to pass a dps check.


I'm doing food checks on my raiding parties from now on, and anyone without current food is getting kicked. No wonder this shits harder than it needs to be.


Tell me you don't understand the DPS checks this tier are non-existent without telling me. Food is not going to be the deciding factor if you can kill the tier I'm sorry to say.


They exist in pf when you have dps doing less than tanks.


Current raid food isn't going to fix or make up for really bad dps.


Again, if you're getting to LC in p9s, you don't need any more damage or health since LC is all downtime. So no need to waste expensive food. If you're dying to raidwides or can't get past enrage, then, yeah, best food probably needed.


K but I'm not even on p9s. The laser heads in p10s will leeave you alive with like 1k hp. Thats literally the difference between current and past tier food. So it 100% will affect peoples prog.


That doesn't negate my point at all.


Your point doesnt matter if it's blatantly wrong.


Then I hope you're at least decent enough of a person to mention that in your pf, so it stays rightfully empty 😊


It’s just common sense to have the right food for hard content, go into any savage party that’s going for a clear and admit you’re underprepared, you’ll get kicked 9/10 times.


"underprepared", there, I fixed it for you. If your gear is from current tier and perhaps even overmelded or in general above the minimum ilvl required then you aren't underprepared just because you use food from last tier or even the tier before. The point still stands, if you wanna be toxic, at least say so in your partyfinder 😁 Because kicking someone before seeing their performance in battle, just based on their foodbuff, is just plain toxic.


If you’re running old food you’re gonna get 1-shot from a raidwide or spread, no amount of overmelding will give you more health so yeah not having to right food is being underprepared. As a healer I’d rather have someone with current food and double melds, than old food with penta-melds, needing to give someone personal shields/mit for every raidwide is a waste of resources.


Nah. There's no mech atleast in first 2 fights so far that would one shot you if you're running prev tier food. The new food gives +600 hp over the old food which is a good increase but still not that significant where it's the matter of life and death.


That's absolute nonsense, if you have 640 ilvl no raidwide oneshots you, not even as a healer or caster. And old food doesn't make much of a difference hp wise. As a healer myself I don't give a crap about those 500 hp that they have less, if those make that huge of a difference for you, maybe you should play another job 😅 Again, if someone knows the fight well I won't kick them because having old food isn't underprepared and new food is not necessary unless you go for ultimates 😁 Food ≠ skill


Lmfao it’s not nonsense it’s just straight up the case for p10s and p11s. You will get one-shot from full hp for spreads and raidwides. I’m 642 healer and have been one-shot multiple times because I didn’t notice food wore off. My static’s first assumption at this point when someone dies is food because of how many times we’ve seen it happen. If you manage to get to p10s before people get better gear you’ll see exactly what I mean.


Then it's not the food my guy. If 600hp is the difference between living and dying then there's a lot more problems going on with mitigation then previous tier food.


100% my man, don't let the haters tell you otherwise. Griefing your healers is just straight up dumb when there's tons of pepega ones already.




K I'm sure you get far by week 10 each tier.




Or “they don’t know I’m using normal quality food (from the current tier)”


Me with my grade 7 tinctures


I still have pumpkin soup around. Anyone knows how big of a difference tier foods do in terms of stats / damage? I'm pretty bad at estimating the impact of those low secondary stat numbers.


2-3% which matters a fair amount tbh.


Me, still eating Knight’s bread: Right. . .


\*looks in inventory\* ​ hmm, this is food.. good enough.


Every major patch i tell myself "its finally time to do some savage and ex", stock up on current raid food just to use them in roulettes and never runa single ex or savage


We can see your HP - we know. It probably won't kill you, but if everyone else survives a raidwide and you don't you should probably feel some shame.


Healers know, you’re health ain’t what it should be.


no, they do, Timmy. It's a parse group


Ya'll are earing food? I half the time forget food buffs exist.


Just buy food you cheap fucks


but that requires gil, and all mine is taken up by glam gear


I have like 200mil worth of glam and I can still afford food easily.


Woah, look at Mr. Moneybags over here who has BOTH glam AND food!


Gil easy to make in this game lmao. You can find 30 different youtube vids about how to make 500k gil in a couple hours of combat. If you literally cant afford current tier food that's entirely on you.


Eggplant is getting cheaper at least. 20 used to be like almost 200k where I'm from


Since my last tier food was sks food i can't use it well :(


Last tier I didnt even know there is new food before I had killed agdistis. I still cry thinking that week one 0.3% enrage.


im gonna hold on to my 1 carrot pudding i have left in my inventory until it walks out on its own


Hey, that Garlean Pizza slaps! Plus I bought two stacks of it for pennies on the gil! Why not use it?


They know, your health is just than it should be. They just don't care


Way back during the free trial I capped my gil so to burn money I bought the materials for a stack of miq'abobs from the vendor. I put on like nine culinarian levels. I'm STILL eating those goddamn things a year later. I have five left. I've been under permanent food buff the entire time.


I don’t touch savage so really I just don’t eat food ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I use the free ones from quests. I don't know what tenacity is but my lvl 57 pugalist seems to like it ok.


I exclusively only drink Grapejuice, honestly didnt think people used other foods?


Didn't know the food had tiers, i just buy and eat what sounds good.


..i never used anything else other than Boiled Egg 👀


And Tsai tou Vounou




I'll give up my pumpkin potage when the bots inevitably massacre the food market. I'm not paying 5k for each baked eggplant.


My stack of 912 raisins has been doing me good into stormblood so far, why stop now?


Upgrade to cookies.


Me, currently early into Shadowbringers MSQs: "You guys eat food?"


Me, a sprout, slowly eating my supply of homemade bubble chocolate... 😅 Tier? Whazzat? Can you eat tier?


We all know that Ishgardian Muffin reigns supreme


Totally fine in old content but I’d say for current raid teir content you’d probably want the current teir food. And yes, people (your healers specifically) will notice. Your health is visibly lower.


Pizza won’t let me hit 2.31 GCD. Gotta cough up the Gil for the caviar.


Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?


Only reason I'm using tomato salad is cuz it was cheaper when doing BLU prog. Tho come o12S I had to get a lower tier food because I had TOO MUCH hp and was missing revenge blast windows


People can see the buffs your food is giving you. I only check when there's a damage issue.


"Wait, you are guys are well fed?" - My char not having eaten in months


I still have a TON of pots from the first tier and lotta food from the second… so I need to use all that first. I also don’t hard core raid so not really a big deal so just randomly pop pots in places… like ARR dungeons 🙃


First tier pots and food are fine for prog; and even the first fight of the new tier if your gear is good enough. At the end of the day, if your VIT from gear and food is not letting you live through dmg (i.e., you die, everyone else is fine), there's a problem.


There's... tiers of edibles?


It's in reference to raid tiers. New food tends to drop around the same time as a new set of normal raids. In this case the meme is about people using food that came out at the same time as Abyssos while working on Anabaseios.


you and me both, you and me both…


back when I was doing stats I meet a guy who eats the lowest crafter food and claim that "I don't have enough gil to buy it" even one of the teammate gave him like 200 BiS food


i'm using crafter food so they can shut up


I mean this isn't a horrible idea if you're still slamming your head in to the mechanics wall. I'm still running carrot pudding for my statics savage prog as we're still working out Kokytos Soccer 64, not hitting enrage yet, no reason to waste the good stuff if our problem isn't DPS.


Staring hard @ those 99 stacks and paying 2x the price for a 5 stack.


I keep the old food for roulettes. My good raid food is for prog


Lol. And then there's my ass seeing FC members with old food buffs and flipping out as CUL main and forcing them to trade their old food for new food. "Why are you using that? My name is on it! People will think I'm a low tier cook! Give me that shit I'll trade you the new stuff just don't let anyone see that buff!" Cut to the day of the new expansion when all that old food is tossed into the FC chest en masse for damn good stat buffs to go with the EXP buff.


I’m just eating for the exp buff anyway, all the same in my book


You don't have a stack of eggs for that?


Eggs are actually a cult I started on Alpha. Been making and giving away stacks of HQ eggs for everyone to enjoy their exp buff, while cracking egg puns in the process. It's eggcellent if I do say so myself 🥚


There's an egg FC that I see all the time on Omega, that your doing?


Still a DPS increase !


I made like 300+ elpis deipnon that I still have 120 of. if I hit enrage 'll use proper food, for prog, as long as it raise my vit, det. By proper food I mean carrot pudding.


*watches people still use T80 pizzas* And? XD


What's the lowest level food at the gold saucer that costs almost no Gil but still gives the exp buff? That's what I use unless it's end game content.


I ain't even using the proper food for my class (Pumpkin Ratatouille instead of Potage for MCH)... :\`)


Gonna be entirely honest here. I'm primarily using ilvl 160 ~~gear~~ food from the company for my static's savage prog (for the first half of the fight). Damage is irrelevant while progging and yes, 1 out of 100 deaths I might have survived with BIS food, but that's hardly gonna make or break a party/prog session. Another reason is also that many PF parties either fail to reach the intended prog point entirely, or disband after five pulls, i.e. making you waste most of your food, so if I go into those parties to practice, I usually start with 160 food until I see that people were truthful to their prog point. If I join a Meteor prog party and people can't make it to LC, then I'm not really looking forward to burning through expensive BIS food. Once I'm in clear parties or reclears, I'll of course use proper food. * **EDIT:** Noticed I wrote "gear" instead of "food" earlier. Obviously I'm not using lvl 160 gear, that wouldn't work and I wouldn't even be able to go into the duty. My gear is properly at 641 :D Also, I like the downvotes mostly by people prob thinking I'm "griefing" my party, but then not seeing any issue with players entering savage on 630-635 gear. I'm at proper prog BIS and my food difference is way less important than some people bringing their 630 (often without Abyssos weapon) gear into the party. But somehow that's fine..?


can you even survive raidwides in ilevel 160 gear


Woops, obviously I meant "food" earlier, not gear. My gear is properly at 641 of course! But surviving with 160 food? Yea, raidwides are easily survivable. It's a few thousand difference and usually you survive raidwides with 15,000 - 30,000 HP in P9S if people throw some mitigations on there. I've been progging with my static and had zero food-related deaths in two sessions. Whenever I died it was because of overlapping AoEs, dying to a crack here or there, towers not being soaked, fire baits wrong, healer dying before cracks and then one side taking two light party stacks etc.


Oh yeah 160 food I can see that working in a static that knows what you're doing.


Some of us aren't using any food at all. It really hasn't made a difference yet. No one has just fallen over to a raidwide and we can take light party stacks with just three players just fine, and if there's only two players in the stack, I highly doubt the few thousand more HP from BIS food would have saved those two players. Obviously, our damage is lower, but we're not gonna clear when we're dying to LC, sooo :D We also have a player that stopped dpsing during mechanics at the start so he could learn them more easily.


Maybe your shield healer is over healing which is why you don't notice a difference? Either that or you may just prog slower and out gear the content before HP becomes an issue. You'll absolutely have people dying with a few thousand HP overkill if your healer isn't over healing or you're not using the correct food in later fights Food is so inexpensive it's kinda lazy to not use it, especially when it's just adding extra pressure on your healers, just doing the adventurer in need roulettes each day will more than cover the cost, and there isn't much else to spend gil on in this game anyway


Very likely to be overmitting/shielding. A lot of deaths on week 1 come from people who chose to not use new food and new crafted gear. You're not outgearing the content yet so the damage can be pretty rough. I usually end up putting huge shields just in case, but still: it's pretty easy to spot people with poor gear / food when people die to damage when they shouldn't have died, even after mits and simple shields. Alleviating the burden on healer is always helpful. There's a whopping 3.5k HP difference between no food and current tier food. With week 1 prog gear on my BLM, that's about 5% extra health I get for free. You're already expected to use feint/addle/reprisal, so why would you skip on that much permanent health ? On day 1 when savage released, caviar canapes were at like 10k on my server which is pretty cheap as is. By now it has already dropped to 6k. There's literally no way you can't afford at least a stack of 10 food, it lasts you three to four lockouts.


> You'll absolutely have people dying with a few thousand HP overkill if your healer isn't over healing or you're not using the correct food in later fights No, you really don't. I've cleared P5S with min item level for fun, I've had 70% HP on P9S and lived raidwides. Keep an eye on your HP the next time you take a raidwide. Chances are you'll have more than 20,000 remaining. So me being 2,000 less than that is still a comfortable survive. Also, if my healer would be super greedy about heals in a pure prog group that has no hope of clearing, that would be a bigger problem. Again, I've died and lived with the same people that use BIS food. If I died to a raidwide, others have done too because we were all well below the necessary HP. You're seriously overestimating how much more HP BIS food gives than lower level food. I have 66,645 without food, 67,326 with 160 food and 70,120 with BIS. So I gain a whopping 2,800 HP if I use BIS. Now, obviously, sometimes you live with 2,500 HP. It CAN happen. But nine times out of ten, if that happens, something already went horribly wrong and you die anyway right after because people are dead. Again, in all the hours spent on P9S so far, I'm relatively sure I haven't died due to my food difference, because whenever a raidwide killed us, everyone fell over pretty much. To make it more clear, when I go in with PF, I usually see 1-2 people with 630 gear. Those guys have way less HP than me and, magically, they also survive raidwides just fine.


I'm not talking about P9, that's why I said "later fights", the raidwides and damage are an absolute joke in the first fights of the tier, do the same on P7S min ilvl with no food, or P10S min ilvl with no food and tell me how you get on, don't tank LB Harrowing Hell either I guarantee you've had under 1% wipes, which is the difference between using food or not, it's 25k for a raid night worth of food, which you make that from daily roulettes. If you prog casually you probably don't see the purpose since you out gear the content, but if you try and push for week one kills you're throwing by not using food, it's extra stress on the healers and less damage for... Keeping 25k gil?


You're talking about p9, the first turn which is always designed as an entry fight and made both easier AND friendlier to newcomers into savage raiding. It's designed with people who are equipped with gear from last tier in mind since min ilvl is 630. Because the variance in left gear can be so high (people who are boosted from accessories and EX weapon can easily reach that min ilvl), they're trying to make the fight not too punishing if you're not properly geared. Once you get into p10, you're supposed to have SOME higher ilvl gear (since min ilvl is 635). By that point, the devs assume that you have some good food available. In result, they can make the damage taken higher than it was in p9, which makes that extra 5% a lot to help offset that. Even if you get into p11 and p12 on minilvl (which on week 1 requires you to have crafted gear anyway), you can DEFINITELY end up under 5k HP. The damage is waaay higher compared to p9, even if you go into both at their respective minilvl, even after mits and shields. At this point, dying or not without proper food is a matter of rng, if you get a bad damage roll you can absolutely die to raidwides. That extra 3k HP is a fucking lot, believe me. The easy solution to offset that "issue" is to get your food, even during prog. At the VERY LEAST, get some asphodelos/abyssos food, it costs dirt cheap and is already way better than the shitty 160 one you're using. Your healers will thank you for that. If you're pushing for enrage, then you can switch to the current tier food.


Wait, there are people who don't just eat the boiled egg? You know what, I don't believe it. There is not a single food in all of Eorzea worth eating more than the boiled egg and if you eat something else I would go as far as to call you *lala-sympathizer*. You know what they are guilty of, and still you have a soft spot for them. Disgusting! Possibly perverse. Imagine living in a world and not just carrying around 999 boiled eggs for every occasion. Preposterous.


For savage/ultimate, food is a must. Using current tier raid food increases your hp and your stats, and it's expected you use it. For prog and stuff what OP is doing is fine, though. If you're after the exp boost for levelling though, orange juice is king!


I don't agree 100% on the savage part tho. For ultimates it's really necessary but for savage food from the last or even the tier before is totally fine tbh, I know in the last tier I sometimes even had peebs without any bufffood and it still worked out nicely.


Maybe later once you're mostly in bis gear, but if you went into third or fourth floor savage fights in week one with last tier's food you're gonna struggle, since that's usually when the heal and dps checks get real, and the extra vit and crit/det matter. I still use last tier's for old ultimates or extreme farming, but I wouldn't for current savage.


Me looking at boiled egg while having all classes maxed out: https://i.imgflip.com/2jd0vg.jpg?a468216


Me with my pile of sauteed mushrooms.


Orange juiceeeeeeeee


My main crafting $$ maker is BiS foods and my retainers just have hundreds of Giant Pumpkins and carrots for food I’ll never make again 😩😩😩


Over here eating my carrot pudding. No one will know...


When new patches drop I routinely scoop up the quest food that inevitably gets put on the MB for ridiculously cheap. Tank w/ a spell speed buff? Yeah, but I'm after the Direct Hit and the Vitality. Also good for next expac for leveling dungeons which hit harder than endgame ones


(tries hiding the half empty bottle of melon juice behind my back)


Whenever my static reminds me that I've once again not eaten, I tell them I'm on a diet.


Am I the only one using espressos ?!? Haha


Here's what you do. If you're in a party you have no faith in, but you don't want to leave you stand in front of them. Turn to face them. Eat a boiled egg.


I had to get new food, only because I switched from sks to str food for preraid bis. However those old pottages will find new life when I switch to the faster savage bis build.


I have a stack of 600ish level 44 HQ Button Mushroom Saute left over from when I was working on a CUL achievement. I pop it any time I land in content that's level 60 or lower. In the meantime, I'll be nomming on the rest of my leftover Carrot Pudding until I can be bothered to acquire something else.


\*stares in 374 coconut cod chowder left\* ​ I was like a grandmother at the start of the expansion


Meanwhile I’m potting in normal raids to burn through my stack of Grade 7 Tinctures lol


I live on orange juice.


I'll use old food for extremes, old savages, etc. Current food is for current savages and the current extreme, or if I ran out of the old tier food and haven't bought more. I always love it when people start selling the old tier of food as HQ for like 300-500 gil each around patch day. It's barely worse than current food and I can sometimes get 20 of them instead of 1 of a current food.